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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Thomas Massie
Representative (R-KY)
CSPAN 06/19/2014
Massie: American people are sick of being spied on. Our founding fathers wrote an important provision into the Bill of Rights for the fourth amendment. And that requires probable cause and a warrant before the government and government agents can snoop on any American. During the debate on the U.S.A. Freedom Act we knew that more work was needed to ensure Americans’ privacy rights were protected. That’s why our bi-partisan group has joined together to shut surveillance back doors that do not meet the expectations of our constituents or the standards required set by the Constitution.
Thomas Massie
Representative (R-KY)
CSPAN 06/19/2014
Massie: allow us to do, to keep American people safe while protecting their civil liberties. There are two provisions here and they both close back doors. One backdoor allows -- currently allows without probable cause or a warrant for the N.S.A. to query a database of American persons' information. This is wrong. They should have a warrant. The other part of this amendment would prevent money from being spent to fund companies to put back doors into products. When we -- when the government causes these companies to intentionally make defects in their products, they make Americans less safe. They make Americans' data less safe. And they compromise the quality of American goods overseas. But ultimately this is about the constitution. If you believe in the constitution.
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