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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
What if anything is accurate in the New York Times article? Alexander: the accuracy is that Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General did approve the supplemental procedures governing communications metadata analysis in 2009. What that allows us to do is use metadata that we have acquired under executive order 12333, and chain, whether it's phone records or e-mails, through U.S selectors to figure out social networks abroad.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
Is what you're doing being reviewed by the FISA court? Alexander: Not in all cases. Some of these cases that deal with executive order 12333 are not reviewed by the FISA Court. Those that fall under business records 215, 702, 3 and 4 would be. So these would not be reviewed, but they are reviewed by the administration and audited by our people.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
There has to be limits on the surveillance powers we give to the government. Just because something is technologically possible and just because something may be deemed technically legal does not mean it is the right thing to do.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
This summer many Americans learned for the first time section 215 of the U.S. Patriot Act that for years has been secretly interpreted to authorize the collection of Americans’ phone numbers on an unprecedented scale. The American public also learned more about the government's collection of internet content data through the use of section 702 of FISA. Since the committee’s last hearing on these revelations in late July we have learned a great deal more.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
We have learned the NSA has engaged in repeated, substantial, legal violations in its implementations of both Section 215 and section 702 of FISA. For example the NSA collected, without a warrant, the content of tens of thousands of –emails of wholly innocent Americans.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
NSA violated a FISA Court order by regularly searching Section 215 phone records database without meeting the standards imposed by the Court. These repeated violations led to several reprimands by the FISA Court for what the FISA Court called a systemic noncompliance by the government. The Court has also admonished the government for making series of substantial misrepresentations to the Court.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
The government has not made its case in bulk collection of domestic phone records is an effective counterterrorism tool especially in light of the intrusion on American privacy. In addition I actually find the legal justification for this bulk collection to be strained, at best. Looked at the classified list of cases involving section 215 and I found to be unconvincing.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
The Deputy Director of the NSA himself acknowledge that, at our last hearing a couple of weeks ago, there is no evidence Section 215 phone records collection have thwarted dozens, or even several, terrorist plots.
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
We all agree we have to ensure our nation's security. We also have to restore the trust of the American people in our intelligence community. Fundamentally we have to protect the liberties that have kept us great in a diversified democracy and the envy of countries around the world because of our democracy
Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator (D- Vermont), Judiciary Committee Chairman
CSPAN2 10/02/2013
Leahy: Is what you're doing being reviewed by the FISA court? Alexander: Not in all cases. Some of these cases that deal with Executive order 12333 that fall under the business records 215, 3 &4 would be. These would not be reviewed but they are reviewed by the administration and audited by our people. Leahy: My time is up. You have raised well – Other Senator: one of the problems we have is this -- with this program is there is not enough transparency. Leahy: Thank you. I worry. You say it's executive authority not FISA court authority. Does anybody have oversight of other than the executive branch? congress too.>> Has this been reported to the congress either the Intelligence (committee's? )
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