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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
ALJAZAM 10/16/2013
Chen: At a Senate judiciary hearing earlier this month, NSA Chief General Keith Alexander dismissed charges of massive infringement on personal privacy. Alexander: The press claimed evidence of thousands of privacy violation. This is false and misleading. Chen: The agency claims it is not legally required or technically able to restrict it’s intake to contact lists belonging to specified foreign investment targets.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 10/29/2013
Alexander: everyone at this table is also an American citizen, have agreed that we would take our personal data and put it into a pile, a lock box that would only be looked at when we had reasonable and articulable suspicion that we had connection to a foreign al Qaeda or related terrorist group and look into that box. In 2012 we had 288 such selectors that we could look into that. That's it. Of the billions of records only 288. With that we had tremendous oversight.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 10/29/2013
Alexander: everything we do on this program is audited 100% on the business record FISA, 100%. The data is kept separate from all the other data that we have. And I think it's important to understand that the leaker did not have access to this data, period.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 10/29/2013
Alexander: The technical safeguards that we have there insure that no one else gets access to it and that no one can get a query unless it goes to one of those 288 numbers and the numbers that are currently on the list. Only 22 people at NSA are authorized to provide numbers, to approve numbers and about 30 are authorized to look into that database and that's it.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 10/29/2013
Alexander: We’ve asked industries’ help. Ask, OK, more accurately we have compelled industry to help us in this manner by court order. And what they’re doing is saving lives and they are being penalized because they’re helping to save lives and our way of life so that people sitting behind me can express their feelings. That's something that we all stand up for so that they can say what they believe.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 10/29/2013
Alexander: Nothing that has been released has shown that we are trying to do something illegal or unprofessional. When we find a mistake, a compliance issue, we report it to this committee, to all our overseers and we correct it. In the business record fisa and the 7002 there have been no willful violations. under executive order there have been 12 over a decade.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 10/29/2013
Alexander: If we do something that does not fall within an intelligence requirement it is wrong. We report it, we hold our people accountable. If they did that willfully and disobeyed orders, then they are held accountable. And most all of those people are gone. Three of them were military. Two of those were given a court martial and reduced in rank half a month's pay for two months and 45 days extra duty. So we hold our people accountable and we (report to this committee everything that we are doing.)
Mike Rogers
Representative (R-Mich.), Chair, House Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 10/29/2013
Rogers: Have the allies of the United States ever during the course of that time engaged in anything that you would qualify as an espionage act targeted at the United States of America? Alexander: Yes, they have, Chairman. Rogers: And that would be consistent with most of our allies. Let's just pick a place, the European Union. Alexander: yes it would, Chairman. Rogers: And this is ongoing today. This didn't stop two years ago or last year or last week. To the best of your knowledge? Alexander: To the best of my knowledge, yes.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 10/29/2013
Alexander: The assertions by reporters in France. Le Monde, Spain El Mundo and Italy L’Expresso, that NSA collected tens of millions of phone calls are completely false. They cite as evidence screen shots of the result of a web tool used for data management purposes but both they and the person that stole the classified data did not understand what they were looking at. the web tool counts metadata records from around the world and displays the totals in several different formats.
Keith Alexander
General, Director of the National Security Agency, Chief of the Central Security Service and Commander of the United States Cyber Command.
CSPAN2 10/29/2013
Alexander: The sources of the meta-data include data legally collected by the NSA under it’s various authorities as well as data provided to NSA by foreign partners. To be perfectly clear this is not information that we collected on european citizens. It represents information that we and our
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