DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY Hibbcn—Jarvis tltt* K thing Tl»\ KIBBEN, PAXTON PATTiSON (Dec, 5, . ;, lo.'tfi, dijtliwuf, ^iWiiT, jmtrnalfct, in lu»li;i*ujH*!K tt»J,» the eldest child t»f Thimuo i-'ufirkrn ;iiti| Jtsumie Merrill *Ki*t* duw I Hthbrii. I If was graduatci! from I'rince- tMjj in I*J*M, tn«4 htn master's deRiir at Harvard iit |tx».|, ;iti'I l**x-w flu* Mwly t»f law, In njoj f'rrsjtlt'itt Jki*MM'\rh i'.iihr»| hint to In4 appointed third m'rH.try *>f the* rtnha^y :it Si. iVtmhurg. Thrrr hr* {ulliwrtl thr ilus^m Krvtthition of itj»5 with Hit* .ibstiihnl iftirrt*f»t «rf a mirol upon which was iinitrrsst**!, fur th«* first tinw, the **x* *»f M«'M! injiMuv, !U* Hiix^l with tin* ; ht* siw Ihritt hlu»l dmviihy aifwrirnrr* i««rr thnn any- ! tlu* tlimlitw of his nu*n- it M»wr*J th*y HT«| «( his wiih thr rrVMlutitmary rausr in h^ n1«Jif »»« ui thr thr taitrr jwri i»f tht* \Vi»r hr h.i*I rlurei* ui the intrrc^t^ of IiriutncrH in Kti^f.i, On July iH, ifiofi, lu* to M?x!ni ;i»» HrtrtJiitJ »*t-crH;*ry, In thi?* year he* wn?i atlnttiirtt tu )*r;U'ticr nt the tor of the su* prrnr court **f liuli»in^ In Junr J«H* he was ujipuimrti H*crrfary «{ the L'uitrd Slaten Irga- tbn at Hi^titl Ki^htrrn munthn liter he was matlr ^crrt^ry wf the IrKatitm to the Nctiicrland* ami LtiKrmiiimrtf, While at The HaKUi*. he acted on lirhaK of the I'nited Staler as $eerrtary of the international tribunal in the Yenrzurlan arbitra- titm. Sept, alUOct, 25, IQID, In Srptemlier 1911 h«* wa« hunurary ilrlrf;air to the adjourned meet- inK of the tntrrnational CuiiRrw* for thr purpose of proniolini; uniform Irgi^lation concerning H» ter» of exchange. On Feb. I, tqi& he was ap- pointed Mcvrrtary of the legation in Chile, In the lame year be reiiprd his diplomatic post in or* dor to return to America and aid in Theodore Kcxisfvdfs campaign for the presidency. Two years later, at the suggestion of Albert ]L Hcveridge ji/.tr; 1, who was himself running for .senator,, Hihben ran for CunKress