105 and 107 Union Street, J^EW^'^BEDFORD.

^^T" Oeneral sub=cri;>tion agent for all Americiiii and Foreign Periodicals, delivered to any part of tlie city free of oiiarge, or mailed to any part ot tlie world.

IMarine, Fire, and Life








Particular attention Rivrn to \Vnr4.nVG RI:'4K;3. INSURA.:VCJE: SCISII^ bought and ho X.




l«iW ilOFtiiy*





Capital Ilei>rosen.tedL, over ., . . ^75,000,000.

TUs Companies aro among tlie strongest an;l best in tots country aad England. Business iN'TELLKiENtxY AVD E-AiTHFCLLY coNDUcrBD. Kat> > as low and terms as as can 6;! obtainei'i el-iewher.i. Sccurifi/ as good us the beti. ALL LOSSES JfBOMI'TJ.iY ADJUSTED AND I'AID.

Office No. 17 JSorth Water Street, NEW BEOFOKO, MASS.


Steal and fia; Fitters,

Alto, Dealers :ii

GAS FJXTUBC.<i!. KLiCni?.**,

!!ilIAi>l!:!!^, Arc,

Hell Manyina, Safe Repair in ff, &c.

32 William Street, . . NEW BEDFORD.




9, «-<^aaBiBaBaBS;pM»»MlV'/,« ,f>






And a general assortment of (irst-clasa



Union, cor. Water Street, . . NEW BEDFORD, MASS.


Manufacturers of


Upholstery, Gimp, Brush, Uace, and Pall Tacks, Leathered,

Tiimed, and Iron Carpet Tacks, Finishing-, Black,

and Tinned Trunk Nails, Hungarian and Cigar

Box Nails, Zinc, Copper, Steel, and Iron

Shoe Nails, 2d and 3d Fine Nails,

Slating- and Koofing- Nails,

Roofing- Tacks, Brads,

Patent Brads,

&c., &c.

Orders sent to Factori/ tvill receive jtronipt attention.


CITAS. 13. BBIOHAM, President. J. A. ItEAUVAIS, Treasurer.

C. J), HUNT, Agent.

Store 117 Chambers Stieet, . . NEW YORK.

w@®i, eiiiii^TMiiii & ©©.,

Manufacturers of




And Dealers in

Hot Air Furnaces, Stoves,

Kang-es, and Gas Fixtures,

of the latest improved



Centennial Wrou£tit Iron Fnrnace

Is taking tlie lead, having improvements which puts it far ahead of anything now in the market. Tliese furnaces are made of the best jtlate iron, xi\iteA together like a steam boiler, which makes the escape of gas and dust an impossibility, and insures a mild, healthful atmosphere. They are easily managed, and vei-y economical in the consumption of fuel. All in want of a heating apparatus are invited to an exami- nation of their merits.

No. 45 North Water SL


iBlWfill If lil,


STUMCKE & GOODWIN, Proprietors,




In direct com- munication b y elevator, is kept open until ^mid- nig-ht.

Dining fiooms,

9, 11, & 13



At all hours.

JOINING OR SUPI"EIt HOOMS, for the accommodation of ties, upon apjilication at Hotel Office.





Manufacturer and Dealer in every description of


H 1




A Large Pattern and Machine Shop connected with the Foundry.

Estimates given on application for the cost of Wrought and Cast Iron Work, for Fronts, Bridges, &c., &c.


eOPPEi eoiipaif,

Manufacttirers of

Yellow and Patent Bronze Metal Sheathing, Copper ditto,



Yellow Metal, Bolts, Spikes, Composition Rails, <SiC.


BENMT F. THOMAS, President. WM. H. MATHEWS. Treasurer.

HENRY FIELD, Jr., Stwerinteudent.

All orders addressed to WM. H. MATHEWS, Treasurer, will receive prompt attention.

Office, cor. Front k Rodman Sts., New Bedford.


Carriage, Sign, and Ornamental,

No. 51 Elm Street,


Best work at lowest prices. A share of pub- lic patronage respectfully solicited.

IS mm MiT m s? fii



If not it can be iiiatle no by calling at

122'. Union St.. NEW BEDFORD.

Particular attention j^ivcn to Jobbing.






Jip aiiil $heet-lrw


House Furnishing Goods,


:^rJE^\^ BEDFORD, Mi^SS.

Importers, Jobbers, and Retailers. FRENCH and AMERICAN

Offer the Ricbent CoodN luiporled and tbe Choicettt and

Cheapest of American manufacture at Ijo^reht Coiiit





9 *■-. -— ?

And Vegetables.

ICE at V/holesale and Retail.





Goods delivered to any part of the city

free of charge. Particular attention

paid to furnishing vessels.



No. 103 North Water Street, NEW BEDFORD.

(Formerly occupied by A. D. Richmond)

He would inform Ship Owners that he supplies all kinds of


Brass and Lead Work,

Necessary for the fastening and furnish- ing of ships. Also,


Hotise Plumbing in all its varieties.

Sathing JEstablishnients ,

Water Closets,

Wash Hasins, etc.,

all arranged with special reference to the introduction of water to the city. He will give his personal attention to each department, and respectfully so- licits a share of public patronage.


49 No. Water Street, .... NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

M«w sser0s»


83 Middle Street, NEW BEDFORD.

Tlie Proprietors of this Factory, having associated themselves together for the purpose of carryittg on the CAHItlACiE business in all its branches, are nojj; prepared to build ALL KINDS AND STYLES. IVe tliiiih the names attached to this advertisetnoit a sufficient guarantee of good U'o}-k,

All kinds of REPAIRING done with neatness and dispatch.












Prompt Attention given to Orders by MAIIi or TJEEiBCiRAPII.





Boston Business Directory (annually) $2.b0

Cambridge City Directory (annually) 2.50

Somerville " " " 2.00

New Haven " " ** 2.50

New Bedford " '* " 2.00

Haverhill " " " 2.00

Bangor " " " 1.50

Nashua " " " 1.50

Portsmouth " " " 1.50

Maiden, Medford, Melrose, and Everett Directory 2.00

Waltham and Watertown Directory 1.50

Milford Directory 1.50

Brockton, Bridgewaters, and Abington Directory 2.00

Saco and Biddeford Directory 2.00

Augusta, Hallowell, and Gardiner Directory 2.00

Lewiston and Auburn Directory 2.00

Bath, Brunswick, and Richmond Directory 2.00

Massachusetts Cities Business Directory 2.50

American Railway Manual and Supply Directory 4,00

United States Iron, Hardware, and Metal Trades Directory 6.00

Merrimack River Directory 2.00

Boston and Maine Railroad Business Directory 2. 50

Eastern and Maine Central Railroads Business Directory 2.50

Boston and Providence Railroad Directory 2.50

Publication Office, 242 Washington Street, BOSTON,

GREENOUGH& CO. .Editors M Publishers.

Directories of all the Principal Cities of the United States kept on hand, for the accommodation of patrons and friends, free.



No. 23 North Water Street, New Bedford,

Is prepared to issue or furnish Policies from the folloiviny-nanied and other reliable Insurance Companies :


Total Assets of the Company, $26,700,000 in Gold.

Assets invested in the United States, $4,000,000.


Total Assets of the Company, $15,000,000 InGold. \

Assets invested in the United States, $2,136,000.


Total Assets of the Compunij, $l,ii'il,000.


Assets, $58,550,059.


Office and Residence, No. 95 Elm Street,

OFFICE HOURS, 3 and r I>. 31.





Watches, Music Boxes, French

Clocks, and Jewelry neatly





Manufacturers of

Blown and Rich Cut




We hold the Patent Might for




R. G. TOBEY, Treas.

141 M.i\\L street, .... BOSTOIST. 30 College Place, . . . NEW YOKK.




Corner North Front Street and Hazard's Wharf, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.,

Have on hand or made to order at short notice, all descriptions of Composition and Brass Castings ; Cop- per and Lead Ware, for Sliip and Housause.

Also, a {food nssoftinent of Sheet Lead and

I'ipe, iinth Tubs, Watev Closets, Snsius,

Cocks, I'unips, Copfter lioilers, and

Pliimhinf/ Materials.

Particular attention paid to the arranging of Pipes, I Bathing Apparatus, "Water Closets, Bowls, etc., pre- I paratory to the introduction of water.

RepairInK in all Its branches attended to as usual.

ieo. G. Gifford, Edward II. a:




S* r* <OMAX^0


No. 66 Purchase Street, NEW BEDFORD.


Every variety and of the choicest qualities, including

Chocolates, Gum Drops, Lozenges, and Fancy Mixtures,



Furnished for Parties or Faniilies at the shortest notice.

N. B.— Particular attention paid to the preparation of SUPPERS for Balls, Social As- semblies, and Private Parties.



I M m




II am m


ICE cre^m:.

Also, Wholesale and Retail Healers in all kinds of



PCiW ®i©F@a©,

ej o »


Horace Tilden.

Andkew Tilden.

{late of the firm of BROWJJEll & WHEATON,) Manufacturer of

Mineral and Soda Water,



* Nos. 51 anl 53 Soutl Water Street, HEW BEDFORD, MASS.





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BO ST03Sr.



JE»Ft.TC:ES, z : s $2.00.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by W. A. Greenough, jr., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.



DEALER IN ALL THE Choice Varieties or

For Family Use and Manufacturing Purposes. GOAL UlSTDER COVER.

Office, Hillman Street, near North Water, NEW BEDFORD.




Cou/\lTE/ts n/ifD Sffow Cjises


Stores Finished in any Style,

In either Hard or Soft Wood, in a neat and superior manner.

Doors, Sashes, and Blinds always on ^hand.

Darius Boswortii. Robert W. Bakbr.


The usual time has elapsed since the last Directory OP New Bedforb was published, and the many changes in business and residence of the citizens make a new edi- tion very much needed.

We have endeavored to present a trustworthy record of the inhabitants, business firms, public officers, institu- tions and societies of New Bedford, and we trust we have succeeded in so doing, to the satisfaction of our patrons and the public generally.

We have been engaged in compiling and publishing Directories for nearly twenty years, and our experience during that time has enabled us to so systematize and ex- tend our business, that, from a comparatively small begin- ning we now publish more Directories than any firm in this country, and probably in the world. We keep constantly employed, a large corps of canvassers, compilers, proof- readers, printers, and binders, and the utmost care is taken in each department to avoid errors, and present our works in an acceptable manner to our patrons.

Many thanks are due to those live business-men who have so willingly aided us in our eflE'orts this year, and hoping we may merit a continuance of the same in the future, we remain,

Very respectfully,




5 Ricketson Block, New Bedford.

Forward Daily, in charge of Reliable Messengrers, all descrip- tions of Goods an<l Valuables to Boston, Providence, Taunton, and through connecting' Expresses,


Also, Agents for the sale of Tickets West and Southwest, via

Pennsylvania Central, New York and Erie, New York

Central, and Baltimore and Ohio Railroads.




E ix: IP I^ E S S ,


New York, California, South, and West.

Ag'ents for the sale of Tickets for the various Steamship Lines to San Francisco and Europe.

Bills of Exchange and Sight Drafts on the Principal Euro- pean Cities, ill sums to suit.




To our Patrons, the Merchants, Manufacturers, and Mechanics, of New Bedford:

We most respectfully dedicate this, the fifteenth num- ber of the New Bedford City Directory, as a slight token of appreciation, for the liberal and public spirited manner in which you have patronized the work.



Wholesale and Retail Uealers in every variety of


And Steam. Purposes,


Also, all kiiidts of Wood Kindlings and Charcoal.


/ftCfCilf^itl© aJ^* South Wftter Street, 9 North Water Street,

WW Ir J vM |E,l9> m\ lard foot of Coffin Street.


And dealers in Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, and Naval Stores, wholesale and retail.


f\W\rVZ (5S South Water St., UrriLLj.)9 North Mater St.,

Samubu C. Hart,

Francis T. Akik.



Ab6reviations 33

Advertising Department follows 332

Banks 324

Benevolent and other Societies - 311

Business Directory 245

Calendar 15

Churches 299

City Government 280

Clergymen 251

County Officers 280

Custom House 330

Dedication 5

Distances from cor. Union and Purchase Streets 30

Educational 296

Fire Alarm Telegraph 289

Fire Department 287

Halls, Buildings, &c 30

Hydrants 290

Reservoirs 295

Incorporated Companies, etc 319

Insurance Companies 323

Justices of the Peace 332

Light-house Keepers 330

Localities of Interest in and about the City 27

Map opp. title

Masonic 306

Military Organizations » 323

Notaries Public 332

Odd Fellows 307

Offices 31

Police Department 285

Post Office Department 327

Private Schools 298

Probate Courts 331

Public Cemeteries 29

Public Library , 318

Public Schools 297

Quarantine * 29

Schools 297

Steamship Companies 321

Streets, Courts, and Avenues 17

Temperance Societies 309

United States Officers, etc •. 330

Wabd Bound AitiES 26

Wharves and Slips 25




Picture Frames & Fancy Walnut Goods made to order.


144 and 146 Union Street, NEW BEDFORD.

Chromos, Photographs, Lithographs, Engravings, and Artists' Materials,










Nautical Stationery, Nautical Books, &c.

Warranted Sextants, Quadrants, Octants, Spy-Glasses, Opera Glasses, Barometers, Ther- mometers, Hyilrometers, Microscopes, Microscopic Objects, Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views, Magnifying Glasses of all descriptions, &c., &c.


lyavigation Store^


All kinds of Nautical Instruments carefully repaired and practically adjusted.




Acushnet Coffee and Spice Mills 3

Acushnet Co-operative Association, S.

Bennett, agent, gro'cries, &c 28

Allen Joseph, jr., & Co., marble works

front cover

Almy & Hitch, awnings 23

Anthony E. & Sons, pub's Standard 33

Ashley & Smith, grocers 2

Barrows, Lawton & Co., painters 34

Bartlett A , fishmarket 30

Baylies & (Jannon, com. merchants. ... 29

Beetle James, boatbuilder 23

Bennett Sylvanus. agent Acushnet Co- operative Association 28

Boardman Thomas, groceries, &c 26

Bosworth William & Son, refrigeratoi-a,

front part 32

Bosworth & Baker, carpenters and

builders opp preface

Bourne Geo. A., auctioneer and com- mission merchant 25

Bradford James C, agent Union Boiler

Co 28

Braywood Madame, ladies' hairworker,

front 32

Briggs & Look, joiners 11

Briggs & Sherman, civil engineers 17

Bristol County Mutual Fire Ins. Co. . .. 5

Brownell B. F., treasurer 30

Brovraell George L., carriage manufac- turer back cover

Brownell Wm. O., paper stock, &c 27

Brownell & Lapham, provisious 22

Burt S. P. & Co., bankers and brokers.

front cover

Caswell Bros., horseshoers 12

Central Union Association, groceries,

&c 30

Chapman John H., sailmaker 38

Chase E. B., sewing machines, &c 16

Church Chas. H., apothecary 6

Church James I., boots and shoes, .opp. 180

Citizens National Bank 325

City Laundry top line on front cover

Coffin Frederick, pr box mnfr 12

Coggeshall & Co., funeral undertakers

back cover


Cole H. G. O., carriage manufacturer

opp. index to advertisements Comey C. M., fancy goods

inside back cover Commercial House, A. "W. Hann, prop. 12 Cook Samuel H., insurance agent

front cover

Cook Wm. H. & Co., paper stock 38

Craigie Andrew, brass founder, plumb- er, &c front colored page

Daily Mercury, Fessenden & Baker,

publishers 33

Davenport, Mason & Co.'s Express

opp. dedication 4

Davis & Hatch, coffees and spices 3

Delano George & Co., sperm and whale


Denison Bros., props. Eureka Flour

Mills 10

DeWolf Charles, carpenter 11

Dews Edwin, stationer, &c front cover

Dexter Thomas D., carriage painter

front colored page Dexter & Haskins, watches and jeweliy 20

Doran, Shea & Co., stonecutters 22

Dunham Frank H., prop. City Laundry

front cover

Dunham Wm. L., painter. 26

Dyer John E., provisions 25

Edwards L., shipwright 14

Eggers S., guns and sporting apparatus. 36

Ellis W. H. , carpetings , 19

Ellis & Collins, millwrights 16

Eureka Flour Mills 10

Evans Isaac, carriage trimmer 23

Evening Standard, E. Anthony & Sons,

publishers 33

Excelsior Dye House 31

Fessenden & Baker, pubs. New Bedford

Mercury 33

First National Bank 325

Fisher Henry H., baker insert opp. 206

Fisher James & Co. , dry goods 23

Flanders C. H., fish 32

Forbes a', li.. agciii New Bedlora ana

New York Steamship Co 37



Oihbs L. H., grocer 31

Gittoni John A , machinist 14

ftifford Oliver E, painter 34

GilTord Thos. J. & Co., plumbers and

gas fitters front cover

Gifford & Allen, brass founders, plumb- ers, &c front colored page

Giffonl & Barker, provisions 38

Gray J. F., confectionury and ice cream

front colored page

Greene & Wood, lumber 38

Griniii'U Kdniund, prop. New Bedford

Iron Foundry front colored page

Griunell Lawrence, insurance agent

front colored page Hann A. W., prop. Commcreiiil House. 12 Harding Chas. 1'., Kxcelsior dye house, 31 Hart & Akin, painters and coal dealers

opp. contents

Haskell Chas. M., hats and caps 23

Hastings & Co., sperm and whale oil. . . 9 Hatch Aloses E., treas. N. B. Ice Co .. . 10 Hitch & Go's Express. .. opp. dedication 4 Hathaway S., agent Union Boot and

Shoe Co 36

Hathaway & Soule, boot and shoe

manufacturers 12

Hayden Wm. G. & Co., stoves & ranges 20 Hazzard & Weaver, carriage manufac- turers front colored page

Hitch Edward E., furniture 19

Holcomb Roland, grocer., .front col'd page

Holmes Josiah, jr.. coal 7

Hough Geo. T., physician, .front col'd page

Howland John W., shipbuilder 37

James Thomas M., insurauce agent

front colored page, opp map

Jenkins Benj. S., painter 36

Jordan Frederick J., watchmaker

front colored page

Kempton Eben J., painter 35

King Isaac & Son, blacksmiths 18

Kirby H. S., ship chandlery 27

Lamb James H., agent N. B. Tool Co. . 15

Lawrence Ephraim, 2d, painter 35

Learning P. S., physician 3

Leonard Samuel & Co., sperm and whale

oil 9

Lewis Obed B., provisions 39

Libby J. & Co. , bakers and confectioners

front cover

Luther H. R., gi-ocer 29

Macomber Bros., flour, &c 40

Macomber Thomas AV., flour and grain. 17

Macomber George B., grocer 2

Manchester Otis, granite worker

front part 32

Mann H. E., dentist 3

Mann Mary E., medicines 11

Maxfield Caleb, furniture 27

Maxtield Wm., painter 34

McAfee John, horticulturist 33

Mechanics National Bank 324

Merchants National Bank 324

Morrill L. H., locksmith 7

Morse F. & Co., grocers 36

Mt. Washington Glass Works

front colored page Munroe Joseph P. G., granite worker. . 7

National Bank of Commerce 324

New Bedford Carriage Manufactory

front colored page New Bedford Copper Co. . .front col'd page

New Bedford Cordage Co 21

New Bedford Five Cents Savings Bank 325

New Bedford Flour Co 13

New Bedford Ice Co 10

New Bedford Institution for Savings. . 326 New Bedford Iron Foundry front col. page New Bedford Machine Shop, John A.

Gifford, proprietor 14

New Bedford Kailroad Co.

inside back cover

New Bedford Tool C.n 15

New Bedford and New York Steamship

Co., F. FI. Forh.-s, :meiit 37

Nye S. G., commission merchant 32

Oesting Chas. A. W., cigar ninfr 28

Parker Frederick, fruits and confec- tionery 37

Parker & Sherman, furnaces and tin- ware inside front cover

Pease James H., furniture front 32

Peirce George, tuner and repairer 16

Peirce John W., cooper 11

Peirce William, florist 6

Peirce & Taber, picture dealers and

frames opp. index to advts. 8

Perry Ellis, coal opp. preface

Pollock D. F., fruit and confectionery 18

Pond E. D., dining rooms on map

Potter Wm. F. & Co., grocers 21

Potter & Parker, apothecaries

insert opp. 181 Raymond Eben P., pub. Whalemen's

.Shijiping List 31

Russell E. N. & Co., painters 26

Ryder Linus, boxes 40

Sawin A li. P., teamster 25

Sawyer Stephen P., stoves, furnaces, &c.

front colored page

Shaw Franklin, carriage mnfr 25

Sherman C. H., mathematical, optical,

and nautical instruments

opp. index to advts. 8

Sherman W. H., livery stable 17

Sisson J. E., wines and liquors 24

Slosson H. C., dining rooms 17

Smith Andrew J., horseshoer 18

Sowle Frederick A., woodenware, &c.

opp. 207

Spencer A. E. hatter front colored page

Spencer C. L., oculist and anrist 3

Stanton A. G. & Co., groceries and pro- visions 30

Sturtevant & Sherman, carpenters and

builders 37

Sailings, Kingman & Co., hardware and

stoves 15

Swift & Allen, commission merchants.. 7

Taylor J. P., apothecary 24

Thayer & Judd, parafline wax and

candles 6

Tilden Niles, cigars and tobacco 30

Tilden & Co., confectionery. front col. page Tillinghast Joseph S., insui-ance agent. . i

Topham Robert C, lumber 8

Tripp L). K.. lumber. 35

Tripp & Hathaway, boot and shoe

manufacturei"s 12

Union Bakery, H. H. Fisher, prop.

insert opp. 206 Union Boot and Shoe Co., S. Hathaway,

agent 36

Union Boiler Co., J. C. Bradford, agent 28 Van Campen H., insurance agent

front cover

Vincent Ambrose, ship chandlery 39

Wade Job, leather manufacturer 39

Weaver Thomas H., carpenter 24

Webb Hiram, accountant and notary

public 17

Weekes Reuben & Son, calkers 21

Wlialemen's Shipping List, Eben P.

Raymond, prop 31

Wheaton Hiram, soda water manufac- turer front colored

White P , jr., plumber back cover

Whittemore M. F., soap manufacturer.. 20

WiU)or A. G., watchmaker 29

AVilde J. P., dry goods 24

Wilson B. G., undertaker 36

VTood, Brightman & Co., plumbers, gas titters, stoves, furnaces, &c.

opp. inside front coyer Wood J. A. & Co., com. merchants 38





American Tack Company . .inside front cover

Anstiu C. F. & Co., cracker bakers 47

Bancroft & Boyden, furniture opp. 245

Barnes T. P. & Sons, hardware 46

Beeching R. & Co., corks opp. 206

Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. .opp. 244

Boston and Fairhaven Iron Works 1

Carter J. F., Gloucester (Cape Ann),

oil clothes 41

Chilsou Gardner, stoves, furnaces, and

ranges front colored pages

Codman & Shurtleff, surgical instru- ments 42

Crawford House, Stumcke & Goodwin,

proprietors front colored page

Dennison & Co., shipping tags

back title of book and page 45 Eager P. B. Tower & Co., oiled clothing

back cover Fearing, Rodman & Swift, chains,

anchors, &c 44

French James & Son, real estate

back cover

Greenleaf G. & Co., wire workers 48

Greenough & Co front colored page

Grigg Joseph W., slate mantels. . opp. streets

Grimmer Charles P., florist

front colored page Howard Watch and Clock Co., watches,

clocks, &c back cover

Knowles Steam Pump Works 43

Lombard & Co., grindstones

back colored page Lord H. & G. W., seines, nets, and

twine back colored page


Lovejoy Wm. S., dining rooms opp. 206

Manufacturers' Fire and Marine Insur- ance Co back colored page

Margot Bros., watch case manufactur- ers back colored page

Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Co ... 48

Mayer Julius & Co., lithographers 48

Mt. Washington Glass Works

front colored page Neptune Fire and Marine Insurance

Co back colored page

New England Mutual Insurance Co. . . .

back colored page

North Chas. H. & Co., provisions 48

Page & Bailey, confectionery manufac- turers back colored page

Parker House, H. D. Parker & Co., pro- prietors back cover

Portland Stone Ware Co. . .back col'd page Robinson J. H. & Co., paper hangings

front colored page Sargent, Wild & Co., ship cambooses

back colored page

Spear E. D., Indian doctor front 14

Squire John P. & Co., pork, lard, hams 46

Stearns A. T. & Sons, lumber 44

Stickney & Poor, spices over calendar

Stumcke & Goodwin, props. Crawford

House front colored page

Warren S. D. & Co., printing papers . . 16 Washington Fire and Marine Insurance

Co back colored page

Wilkinson A. J. & Co., hardware 44

Woodward & Brown, pianos 40



WHAT THEY Know About


And they will tell you that

Forty Years Ap

it was the great cure for Neural- g-ia, Kheumatism, Sprain.s, Sore Throat, and PAINS of every description. It is as g^ood now as it was then. Every family should have a bottle handy, in. case of accident. Send orders to

W. A. GREENOUGH, Sole Proprietor, 242 Washington St., Boston, Mass.


AiirhorH, Chain CnblcH, SlC.

Feariii};, Rodman & Swift. 23 and 2') Com- mercial, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 44) Aloinixrrn. Codiuan & Shiirtleff, 13 an<l 15 Tremont, Boston (see adv. dei)t., p. 42) ('emriit. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page) Chiiniii'y FiiieM. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page) Chimney Tops. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored pageO ClocUm. Howard Watch at d Clock Co., 114 Tremont, Boston (see advt. on back cover) CoffVe and Spice ITIillii. Stickney & Poor, 19 India, Boston (see advt. over calendar)

Confecliouepy ITIauiifaeturers.

Page & Bailey, 45 West, Boston (see advt. back colored page)

Cortlage and l>nck.

Fearing. Rodman & Swift, 23 and 25 Com- mercial, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 44) CorkN.

Beaching R. & Co., 67 Blackstone, Boston (see advt. opp. p. 206)

Cracker and Mhip Bread Baker*.

Austin C. F. & Co., 116 Commercial, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 47)


Hazard's Patent Swing Crib, 180 Tremont, Boston (see advt. opp. p. 245) Cutlery.

Barnes T. P. & Sons, 180 Washington, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 46)

Dental and .Snrp'ical Intitrnnienti^.

Codman & Shurtlerf, 13 and 15 Tremont, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 42)

Dinins; Rooms.

Lovejoy Wm. S., 2r Couit, Boston (see in- sert opp. p. 208) Stumcke & (Soodwin, 9, 11 and 13 Brattle, Boston (see advt. front colored page) Drain Tile. Poi tland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page)

Drain and Server Pipe. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page) Elastic Hose. Codman & Shurtleff, 13 and 15 Tremont, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 42) Engraver. Mayer Julius, 4 State, cor. Wash., Boston (see adv. dept., p. 41)

Fertilizers. North Ch,as. H. & Co., 27 and 29 F. H. Mar- ket, store No3. 33 and 34 North Market, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 48)

Fire Brick, Clay and Tile. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page) Fisliing Tackle. Barnes T. P. & Sons, 180 Washington, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 46) Florist. Grimmer Charles P., 147 Tremont, Boston (see advt. front colored page)

Floor Tile.

Gripg Josej h W., 59 Bromlield, Boston (see

aa\t. o|ip. streets, &c.)

Flo-wer Pots. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston

(see advt. back colored page)

Foundry Nupplics.

Portland Stone Ware Co., 60 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page)


Lombard & Co., Atlantic av., cor. Lewis' wharf, Boston (see advt. back col'd page)


Bancroft & Boy den, 181J Tremont, Boston (see insert opp. p. 245)

Class Ware irianufacturers.

Mt. Washington Glass Works, 141 Milk, Boston (see advt. front colored page)

Oold and Nilver Plating.

Margiit Bros., 23 Water, Boston (see advt. back colored i)age)


Lombard & Co., Lewis' wh.arf, cor. Atlantic av., Boston (see advt. back colored page)

Outters and Conductors.

Stearns A. T. & Sons, 35 Congrass, Boston

(see adv. dept., p. 44)

Hardware and Cutlery. Barnes T. P. & Sons, 180 Washington, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 46) Wilkinson A. J. & Co., 184 and 188 Wash- ington, Boston (see aiv. dept., p. 44) Hogs, Ijive and Dressed. North Chas. H. & Co., 27 and 29 F. H.

Market, store Nos. ?3 and 31 No. Market,

Boston (see adv. dept., p. 48) Squire John P. & Co., 'A, 23, and 25 F. H.

Market, and No. 39 North Market, Boston

(see adv. dept., p. 46)

Hotels. Crawford House, Stumcke & Goodwin, pro- prietors. Court cor. Brattle, Boston (see

advt. front colored page) Parker House, H. D. Parker & Co., props.,

School, Boston (see advi;. on back cover)

Insurance Companies.

Manufacturers Fire and Marine Insurance

Co., 59 State, Boston (see advt. on back

colored page) Massachusetts Mutual Insurance Co., 39

Court, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 48) Neptune Fire and Marine Insurance Co., 64

State, Boston (see advt. back col'd page) New England Mutual Insurance Co., (32

State, Boston (see advt. back col'd page) Washington Fire and Marine Insurance Co.,

38 State, Boston (see advt. back col. page) Iron Founders. Boston and Fairhaven Iron Works, Job C.

Tripp, treas., Fairhaven (see adv. dept.,

p. 1)

Iron Works, Boston and Fairhaven Iron Works, Job C.

Tripp, treas., Fairhaven (see adv. dept.,

p. 1)

Kaolin. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston

(see advt. back colored page) Land Tile. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston

(see advt. back colored page) ^

Liard Oil. North Chas. H. & Co., 27 and 29 F. H. Mar- ket, store Nos. 3.3 and 34 North Market,

Boston (see adv. dept., p. 48) Squire John P. & Co., 21, 23, and 25 F. H.

Market, and 39 North Market, Boston (see

adv. dept., p. 46)

liife Preservers. Beeching R. & Co., 67 Blackstone, Boston

(see advt. opp. p. 206)

liithographers. Mayer Julius & Co., 4 State, Boston (aee

adv. dept., p. 48)



liuniber Dealers.

Stearns A. T. & Sous, 35 Congress, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 44)

IUantel«i> Grigg Joseph W., 69 Bromfield, Boston (see advt. opp. streets, &c.) ITIauufactnriug Couipaiiie»i. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Ivilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page) lTlachiiiit!tlM> Boston and Fairhaven Iron Works, Job C. Tripp, treas., Fairhaven (see adv. dept., p. 1)

ITIasous Supplies. Portland Stone Ware Co., 60 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page) ITlerchautlise Tags au<l Isabels. Denuisou & Co., 19 Mdk, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 45, and under back title) ITluslard i.Tlauufactnreri§. Stickuey & Poor, 19 India, Boston (see advt. over calendar)

IVailM (Copper and Iron Boat.) American Tack Co., Fairhaven, Mass. (see advt. inside front cover)

IVetei, SieiueH and Twine.

Lord H. & a. W., Ill ( oiumercial, Boston

(see advt. back colored page)

Oil Clothiug.

Carter J. F., Gloucester (Cape Ann) (see

adv. dept., p. 41) Eager f. B. Tower & Co., 102 and 104 Ful- ton, Boston (see advt. on back cover) l*aper, l:*rinling. Warren S. D. & Co., 220 Devonshire, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 4G)

faper Hangings.

Robinson J. H. & Co., 4UG Washington,

Boston (see advt. front colored page)

Parlor Orates.

Grigg Joseph W., 59 Bromfield, Boston (see

advt. opp. streets, &c.)

Phj-sician. Spear E. D. (Indian doctor), 897 Washing- ton, Boston (see advt. front p. 14] Pianos. Woodward & Brown, GOO Washington, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 40)

I*ork, Liard, and Hams. North Chas. H. & Co., 27 and 29 F. H Mar- ket, store JNos. 33 and 34 North Market, Boston (.see adv. dept., p. 48) Squire John P. & Co., 21, 23, and 25 F. H. ivlarket, and 39 North Market, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 46)

Povrder (Dnpont's.) Barnes T. P. & Sons, 180 Washington, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 46)

Provisions, Wholesale. North Chas. H. & Co., 27 and 29 F. H. Mar- ket, store Nos. 33 and 34 JN orth Market, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 48) Squire John f. & Co., 21, 23, and 25 F. H. Market, and 39 North Market, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 46)

Publishers. Greenough & Co., 242 Washington, Boston (see advt. front colored page)

Real Estate Agents. French James & Son, 226, old No. 80 Wash- ington, Boston (see advt. on back cover) Roofing Slate. Grigg Joseph W., 59 Bromlield, Boston (see advt. opp. streets, &c )

Safe D<>posit Vaults. Bostin Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Post Office »q., cor. Milk and Congress, Bos n tsee advt. opp. p. 244)

Ship Bread and Crackers.

Austin C. F. & Co., 110 Commercial, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 47)

Ship Canibooses.

Sargent, Wild & Co., 42 and 44 Clintoa Boston (see advt. back colored page)

Ship Chandlers.

Fearing, Rodman & Swift, 23 and 25 Com- mercial, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 44) Ship Fenders. Beeching R. & Co., 67 Blackstone, Boston (see advt. opp. p. 206)

Ship's Furnishing Ooods. Sargent, Wild & Co., 42 and 44 Clinton, Boston (see advt. back colored page) Skates. Barnes T. P. & Sous, 180 Washington, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 46)

Slate Mantels. Grigg Joseph W., 59 Bromlield, Boston (see advt. opp. streets, &c.)

Spice ITlills. Stickney & Poor, 19 India, Boston (see advt. over calendar)


Stickney & Poor, 19 India, Boston (see advt. over calendar)

Sporting floods. Barnes T. P. & Sons, 180 Washington, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 46)

Steam Pumps.

Knowles Steam Pump Works, 14 and 16

Federal, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 43)

Stone Ware Drain Pipe.

Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston

(see advt. back colored page)

Stone Ware Ooods. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page) Stoves, Furnaces, and Ranges. Chilson GartUier, 99 and 101 Blackstone, Boston (see advt. front colored pages) Tacks. American Tack Co., Fairhaven, Mass. (see advt. inside front cover)

Tags, Shipping. Dennison & Co., 19 Milk, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 45 and under back title) Tiles. Portland Stone Ware Co., 50 Kilby, Boston (see advt. back colored page) Tools. Barnes T. P. & Sons, 180 Washington, Bos- ton (see adv. dept., p. 46)


Codman & Shurtleff, 13 and 15 Tremont, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 42) Trust Company.

Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Post Office square, corner Milk and Congress, Boston (see advt. opp. p. 244)


Bancroft & Boydeu, 180 Tremont, Boston (see insert opp. p. 245)

Upholstery floods.

Bancroft & Boyden, 180 Tremont, Boston

(see insert opp. p. 245)

Watch Case ITIanufacturers.

Margot Bros, 23 Water, Boston (see advt.

back colored page;

Watch manufacturers. Howard Watch and Clock Co., 114 Tremont, Boston (see advt. on back cover)

W^ire Workers.

Greenleaf G. & Co., 90 Union, Boston (see adv. dept., p. 48)


DR, E, X). SPEAR, so much celebrated for his remarkable cures (office and residence 897 Washington Street, Boston, Mass,), tnay be consulted on all diseases, free of charge, or by letter, with stamp, References: the many in New England and elsewhere, who have been treated by him, at different timesg during the past 25 years. Medical Hand Book free. Sent by mail on receipt of 10 cts.

Maiiitfacturers and Dealers in

3ME TGF SI "3E" .^fit ^«. X3> ,

Which has obtained a TForld-^v ide celebrity for its superior strength and flue flavor.

Pepper Sauce, Yeast Powder, Choice Java and other Coffees,

Spices, Crerint Tartar, Extra quality Split I'eas, Saleratus, <&c.

All of our articles are manufactured from Selected Stock, and under strict personal observation, and are carefully and neatly packed, ready for any market. We would es- pecially call the attention of fvholesale dealers to bur stock, before purchasing else- where.

19 and SO India Street, BOSTOBf.

B. Stickney, J. R. Poor, D. R. Beckford, C. A. Dole.














Su Mo





















































8 91













































































































































































24 25



























29 30













Sa 1






Pr Sa|


































































































24 31

25 26






























































































































































^0$^¥»I3 w* ^ntt^^



Enameled Slate Mantels



Slate BUHard Beds, Blnch- honrds for Schools, Sinks, (irave Covers, and Slate Slabs of all sizes.

Also, Roofing Slate and Pa- lter, Parlor Grates, Pratnes, '^unitner Pieces, Jter/isters, ■tc. Slating and Repairing.

39 Bromfield Street,


English Floor Tile.



Nos. 4,4= and 4(5 Third Street, NEW BEDFORD.


Carrjalls, Biiiies, aii Wapis,

Of all deMcriplionit, of the bent mnterial

aud tvorkiiiniiMhip, at low pric«H

for good «vork.

An Assortment on hand for sale.

Those in want of good Carriages will do well to call , ^^^ / and examine or leave their orders. 'y / \

Repairing Promptly Attended to.


The streets of New Bedford, with a very few excep- tions, are laid out north and south, and east and west. Those running north and south are numbered commencing at Union street, and increasing each way, with the even numbers on the east, and the odd numbers on the west side. Those running east and west are numbered com- raencing at the river, and increasing westerly, with the even numbers on the south, and the odd numbers on the north side.

The letters enclosed by parenthesis, which follow the name of any street, signify the general bearing of such street from the City Hall. Thus, School street (S.), is south from the City Hall.

Acushnet avenue (N.), from the railroad crossing at B. Rodman's f:irm north to Acushnet village

Adams, from County to Mt. Pleasant

Allen (S. W.), from County, west to Dartmouth line, and nearly in line with vVing and Howland. Numbers commence at County

Allen's Mill road (N. W.), leading from Perry's corner to Allen's Mill, in Dartmouth

Anthony (S. W.), second west of County, extending south from Grove to 86 Bedford

Arch (S. W.), from Arnold to Union, west of Lincoln

Ark lane (E.), from North Second to river east

Arnold (S. W.), from County west between School and Walnut. Numbers commence at County

Ash (N. W.), from Bedford to Parker, open from Kemp- ton to Bedford, being the sixth west of County

Ashland (N. W.), from Robeson to Durfee

Ashley, west from County to east side of Ashland

Atlantic (N.W.), from Arnold south next west to Emerson

Austin court, from Austin to Hazard. Numbers com- mence at Austin

Austin, from Purchase west to County, and in line with Ashley

Beach (W.), from Kempton northerly

Bedford (S.), frota Third west across County to Ash. Numbers commence at Third

Bellville road (N. E.), leading from McPherson's wharf at Bellville to the stone bridge at Acushnet village 2


Bethel (E.), continuation of First from Union to William Blnckmore (S.), from County to South Front Bonney (S. W.), extends from 29 Allen south to Wash- ington, and next east of Orchard Bowditch (N.), from Cedar Grove to Sawyer liorden ( S. W.). from Allen north Braleyville road (N.), from Old County road to Bralcy's

station Bui'f^ess lane, west from Cedar Bush (S.), from South Water near Gas Works west to 9

South Orchard Campbell (N.), from No. Third west to County Cannon (S. E.), from South Water west to Third, nearly

in a line with Russell Cedar Grove (N.), from Rock to County and beyond Cedar (W.), fifth west of County, and extends from Court

to Durfee Centre (E.), from North Water east to Central wharf Chancery (W.), from Court north. This is the seventh

west of County Cheapside, changed to Pleasant Cherry (S. W.), from Sixth west to County, open from

Seventh to County Chestnut (N. W.), second west of County, and extends

from Kempton to Parker Clark's Point road (S. E. , from Cove at Orphan's Home

around Clark's point Clark (N.), from north end of Purchase westerly Clay (S. W.), from 21 Grape northerly to Hickory Clinton (S. W.), west from County, and extending from

County to Emerson Coffin (S. E.), from Eddy's wharf west to South Second Coggeshall (N.), from Acushnet avenue to Mt. Pleasant Commercial (S. E.), from Front westerly to South Water Cook (W.),/rom Kempton north between Chancery and

]jiberty County avenue (N. W.), from County east, beginning at

Smith County (W.), extends from Clark's Cove northerly across

Union, over Acushnet Heights to Linden. The

numbers commence at the south end, increasing

through its whole length to the north Court (W.), from County west, passing the Court House,

jail, etc., on the north. Numbers commencing at

County Cove (S.), from the southerly extremity of County, in

the vicinity of Clark's Cove, easterly to the water.

The numbers commence at County and increase



Crapo (S. W.), from 171 Grinnell to Rockland

Crapo place (SO^fi'om Dunbar's lane east from Dartmouth

Cross (S. E.), from Pine south to Leonard

Cypress (N". W.), third west of County, fjnd extends from Kempton to Smith

Cypress avenue (N. W.), from 29 Cypress

Dartmouth (S. W.), from 30 Allen south-westerly post the Rural Cemetery. Numbers commence at Allen

Delano (S. W.), from South Water west to County, a short distance south of the Grove schoolhouse

Division (S,), from County to South Water, next south of Delano

Dunbar's lane (S. W.), from Dartmouth easterly near the Dartmouth line

Durfee (N. W.), west from Ashland to New County road

Edwards court, rear of 98 North Second

Eighth (W.), from Spring north to 105 Elm

Elm (N.), from North Water west across County to Ash

Emerson (S. W.), from Kempton south to Court, and from Arnold south

Fair (S. W.), from Dartmouth opj^osite schoolhouse east- erly to 13 County

Fifth (S.),frora Union south to Grinnell

First (S. E.), from Union south to Coffin

Forest (S. W.), next south of Allen, extending west from 49 County to 11 Bonney. The numbers are calcu- lated to commence at Tliird, with which it will here- after most probably cominunicite

Foster (N.),from Middle north to Maxfield. Numbers commence at Middle

Fourth (S.), from Union south, now open from Union nearly to Wing

Franklin (N.), third north of Willis, and extends from Purchase west to County. Numbers commence at Purchase

Fruit (S. W.), from Dartmouth, opp. Rural Cemetery

Grand (N. W.), from New County road westerly

Granite (S. W.), from Orchard west south of Arnold

Grape (S. W.), this street extends westerly from Oak, and is situated a little north of the Rural Cemetery

Greene (S. W.), fi-om 66 Bedford to 18 Allen, between County and Orchard

Griffin (S. E.), from Third easterly

Grinnell (S.), from the river west across County to Dart- mouth

Grove (S. W.), between Bedford and Hawthorn, extend- ing from South Orchard westerly

Hall's court (E.), between North Second and Purchase, opens on William


Hamilton (E.), from North Water east to Rotch's wharf,

on the south side of the Merchants National Bank Harrison (S. W.), next west of Dartmouth, and extends

from Hickory southerly to Oak Hathaway road (N. W.), west from Mt. Pleasant to

Smith's mills Hawthorn (S. W,), from 104 County west. Numbers

commence at County Hazard court, from Austin to Hazard, first east of County.

Numbers commence at Austin Hazard, from Purchase to County, next north of Merri- mack Hickory (8. W.), from 63 Dartmouth west to Allen, opp.

Ward and nearly in line with Fail- High (N. E.), from North Water west to County Highland (N. W.), from Mt. Vernon to Mt. Pleasant Hill (N.), from Kempton to Hillman. Numbers are cal- culated to commence somewhere south of Middle, whenever the street shall be extended in that direc- tion Hillman (N.), from North Water near N. B. Flour Mill,

west across County to Cedar , Howland (S. E.), from Third east across South Water to Prospect, and nearly in line with Wing. Numbers commence at Third and increase easterly Hunter (W.), from Kempton to Hillman Irving court (S. W.), from Hawthorn north, between

South Orchard and Cottage James (S. W.), from Court to Arnold Jenney (W.), south from Kempton to Court Jenny Lind (W.), from Kempton north, first west of Rock- dale avenue Jones lane (N. W.), from Rockdale avenue, westerly Kempton (N.), from North Second west across County,

running into the Smith Mills road Leonard (S. E.), from South Water east to Cross, and

nearly in line with Bedford Lewis (S. W.), from Grape south to Rural cemetery ^ Liberty (W.), south from Kempton,. west of Park Lincoln (W.), from Union to Arnold, first west of Cot- tage Linden (N.), from Purchase -westerly past the schoolhouse to Ashland. Numbers are calculated to commence somewhere to the east of Purchase Lindsay (N. W.), south from Kempton, west of Liberty Logan (N. E.), east from Purchase to North Front. It is

the next north of Linden Maple (W.), from South Cottage to x\sh, betvv^een Clinton and Hawthorn


Market (S.), from Pleasant west to North Sixth, on the

south side of City Hall. Numbers commence at

Pleasant Maxfield (N.), from the river west, crossing County to

Cedar Mechanics lane (N.), from Purchase west to H2 Eighth Merrimac (N.), first north of Franklin, running from No.

Third to County. Numbers commence at No. Third Middle Point road (S.), from Cove to Clark's Point Middle (N.), from the river, near the entrance to the

bridge, west to Ash Mill (N.), from No. Third west, crossing County to Cedar,

and from Beach to Rockdale avenue Morgan (W.), from 149 County west, a little north of the

range of William to Ash Morgan's lane (S. E.), from South Second east to the

river, and on the north side of the common burying

ground. The numbers commence at present at South Water Mount Pleasant (N. W.), from Durfee north to North rd. Mount Vernon (N. W.), from Mount Pleasant westerly

to Highland Nash road (N.), from Acushnet avenue at the Nash farm,

west to Mount Pleasant New County road (N. W.), from the intersection of

Parker and North Chancery northerly to Perry's

Neck road Noel Taber road, changed to Rockdale avenue North (N.), from the river west across County, open from

the river to Cedar North road (N. W.), called also Hathaway, from Smith

mills in Dartmouth, past Rockdale to Mt. Pleasant North Chancery (N. W.), from Smith northerly to Parker North Cottage (W.), from Union, north to Elm North Front (E.), from Union north to Middle, and from

Wamsutta northerly North Oak (N.), from Pope nearly to Franklin North Orchard (W.), from Court south to Union North Second (E.), from Union north to Maxfield North Sixth (W.), from Union north to Middle North Third (N. E.), fronl Kerapton to Acushnet av. North Water (E.), from Union north to Hillnian Oak (S. W.), from Dartmouth westerly, being the first

north of the Rural cemetery Old County road (N.), from Acushnet to Freetown line. Page (S. W.), south from Hawthorn to Allen Park (W.), south from Kerapton, west of Emersoa Parker (N. W.), from County west to Rockdale avenue


Pearl (N,), first north of Willis, cxteiulinfjfrom No. Third west to County, jiMSsing in front of the raih'oad station Peckliam (N.), from County to Mt. Pleasant Penninian (N.), from north end of Purchase westerly Philip's road (N.), a road in the northwesterly part of the city, running in a northwesterly direction from the Old County road. It takes its name from King Philip. Now called Skiff's avenue Pine (S. E.), from South Water east to the river Plainville road (N. W.), from Hathaway road to Perry's

Neck Pleasant (N.), from Union to Elm, and from Kempton

north, crossing the common, etc., to Linden Pond (N. E.), from No. Third near Warasutta mills Pope CN.), second north of Willis, extending from Pur- chase west to County, on the north side of the com- mon Potomska (E.), from South First to the water Potter (N. W.), from New County road, opposite Grand

easterly Prospect (S. E.), from Rowland south to Patomska mills.

This is the second east of South Water Purchase (N. E.), from Union north to the engine-house

of water-woi-ks Ray, changed to No. Third Ricketson court (S. W.), entrance 9 North Sixth street,

between William and Union Rivet (S.), from County to South Water, near the Grove

schoolhouse Robeson (N. W.), from County at Robeson's corner west

to Ashland street, thence westerly to Cedar Rock (N.E.), from Cedar Grove to Sawyer Rockdale avenue (formerly Noel Taber road), (N. W.), the road running northerly from the Smith mills road at the Cannonville meetinghouse, to the North road at Rockdale Rockland (S. W.), from County to Bonney, nearly in a

line with Timothy Rodman (E.), from North Water east to Front Rose Alley (E.), from North Water east to Front Rotch's square, Front (E.), foot of Hamilton and Rodman Rural (S. W.), leads from Allen to Rural cemetery Russell (S.), from Third west to County. The numbers

are in continuation of the numbers on Cannon Sawyer (N.), from Rock to County School (S.), from P'ront west to County Sears (S. W. ), from 134 Washington south to Fair Seai-s court (E.), between Union and William, opens No. 25 Purchase


Seneca (N. E.), from No. Third, easterly- Seventh (S. W.), from Union south to Cherry Shepherd's Lane, from 28 South Water to Front, next

south of Commercial Sherman (S. W.), next north of Grinnell, extending from 40 County west to 19 Bonney. Numbers commence at County Skiff's avenue (N.), from Old County road to Freetown

line Smith (N. W.), from County west to the Oak Grove Cem-

eteiy Smith street court (N. W.), opening from Smith to the

north between Nos. 63 and 65 Smith's Mills road (W.), the road leading from Kerapton

to the village of Smith's Mills, in Dartmouth South (S.), from the river west to County, and next south

of Grinnell. Numbers commence at river South Cottage (S. W.), from Union south to 71 Allen South First (S.), from Howland, open nearly to Rivet South Front (S. E.), from Union south to Walnut, and again from the Easterly range of Howland south to South, Numbers commence on Union South Orchard (S. W.), from Arnold south to 80 Bedford

and from Dartmouth south to Rockland South Second (S. E.), from Union to Blackmore. Num- bers commence on Union South Sixth (S.), from Union south to County South Water (S. E.), from Union South, leading to Clark's

Point Spring (S.), from South Second west to County. Num- bers commence at South Second Spruce (N. W.), from opp. 164 North to Smith State (N.), from Maxfield north. The numbers are cal- culated to commence somewhere south of Kempton street Sullivan (N, W.), a court opening from Middle nearly

opposite No. 228 Summer (N. W.), first west of County, extending north from Elm, and passing on the east side ot the High schoolhouse to Parkei*. The numbers are calculated to commence at Union Summit (N. W.), from Kempton northerly west of Beach Swamp (N. W.), a court opening from 10 Cedar and ex- tending to Sullivan street Sycamore (N.), west from Pleasant to Cedar Tarkiln Hill road (N.), road leading from Acushnet over

Tarkiln Hill Third (S. E.), from Union south to Blackmore


Thomas (N. W.), from Ilillman north. The numbers are

calculated to commence south of Hillman Thompson's hme (S.), from County westerly Timothy (S.), changed to Rockland Timothy (S. W.)> fi'om Dartmouth east to Bonney Topham (N. W.), from New County road above Durfee

to Highland Tremont (S, W.), from Court to Hawthorn Turner's court, east from No, Third between Wall and

Merriiiiac Union (S.), from Front west across County to Ash Vine (N. W.), north from Durfee west of Mt. Pleasant Walden (N. W.)? froi" 72 Hillman north to Sycamore. The numbers are calculated to commence some dis- tance south of Hillman Wall (N. E.), second north of Pearl, extending from the

river to No. Third Walnut (S.), from Front west to County nearly in a line

with Clinton Wamsutta (N. E.), east from Purchase to Railroad whf.

South of Wamsutta Mills Ward (S. W.), from Allen opp. Hickory Washburn (N. E.), from Acushnet avenue east to the riv- er north of Wamsutta Mills Washington (S. W.), from Fourth west to Dartmouth. The numbers are calculated to commence at Third, . with which Washington may hereafter communicate Weaver (S. W ), from Dartmouth west West Campbell (N. W.), from Cedar to Emerson West Middle ( W.), from Emerson to Chancery West Wall (W.), from Court north near Jenney William (N.), from North Water west to County, passing on the north side of the Custom House and City Hall, and on the south side of Liberty Hall and Pub- lic Library Willis (N.), from No. Third west crossing County to

Emerson Wing (S.), from Third west to County, and nearly inline

with Howland at the east and Allen at the west Winter, from Dartmouth road westerly to Dartmouth



Atlantic -wharf" toot of Pine street, between Eddy's and

Leonard's wharves Baltimore slip, foot of Union street and between Taber's

and Merchants' wharves Bedford whai-f, next south of Eddy's wharf Bellville wharf, Bellville Central wharf, foot of Centre street City wharf and railway, opens opp. 67 South Water next

north of the Gas Works Commercial wharf, foot of Commercial street and next

south of Merchants wharf Durfee's wharf, foot of Maxfield street Eddy's wharf, foot of Coffin street

Fairhaven Ferry slip. South Front street, foot of School Fish Island, directly east of the foot of Middle street, to

which it is connected by the bridge. The island is

nearly surrounded with extensive wharf privileges Gas Company's wharf, at Gas Wbrks George Rowland's wharf, foot of North street, on the

north side, next south of Samuel Rodman's wharf Gosnold wharf, from Ray street north of Maxfield Hastings & Co.'s wharf, foot of Grinnell street Hazard's wharf, opens opp. 77 North Water street J. & J. Rowland's wharf, foot of Middle street and next

south of Parker's wharf Leonard's wharf, foot of Leonard street McPherson's wharf, Bellville Merchants wharf, foot of High street Merchants wharf, foot of Union street and next south of

Taber's wharf Merrill's wharf, between Walnut and School streets,

opens nearly opposite 45 South Water street Packet slip, foot of Centre street, between Central and

Rotch's wharves Parker's wharf, foot of Middle street, north of T. & J.

Rowland's wharf and next south of the bridge Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co.'s wharf, foot

of Walnut Pope's Island lies east of Fish Island, and crossed by N.

B. and Fairhaven bridge Railroad wharf, north of Samuel Rodman's wharf and

near the Wamsutta Mills Rotch's wharf, near the foot of Hamilton and Rodman

streets Samuel Rodman's wharf, foot of Hillman street


Steamboat wliavf, foot of School street

Taber's wliarf, next north of Union street, between Central

and Merchants' wliarves VVarehain slip, between Taber's and Central wharves Whaleman's slip, north of Rotch's square, and near the

foot of Rodman street Wilcox & Richmond's wharf, foot of North street, on the

soutli side, and next south of George [lowland's whf.


WARD 1. All that portion of the city lying north of a line drawn from the river through the centre of Pearl street to County street, thence through the centre of County street to Smith street, and thence through the centre of Smith street to the Dartmouth line

WARD 2. All that portion of the city lying between a line drawn through the centre of Pearl street to County, thence through the centre of County street to Smith street, and thence through the centre of Smith street to the Dartmouth line, and a line drawn from the river through the centre of Hillman street to Cypress street, thence through the centre of Cypress street to Kempton street, thence through the centre of Kempton street to the Dartmouth line.

WARD 3. All that portion of the city lying between a line drawn from the river through the centre of Hill- man street to Cypress street, thence through the centre ot Cypress street to Kempton street, thence through the centre of Kempton street to the Dartmouth line, and a line drawn from tlie river through the centre of Ark lane to North Second street, thence through the centre of North Second street to Middle street, and thence through the centre of Middle street to the Dartmouth line

WARD 4. All that portion of the city lying between a line drawn from the river through the centre of Ark lane to North Second street, thence through the centre of North Second street to Middle street, and thence through the centre of Middle street to the Dartmouth Kne, and a line drawn from the river through the centre of School street to Fourth street, thence through the centre of Fourth street to Spring street, thence through the centre of Spring street to County street, thence through the


centre of County street to Arnold street, and thence through the centre of Arnold street to the Dartmouth line, also including Pope's and Fish Islands.

WARD 5. All that portion of the city lying between a line drawn from the river through the centre of School to Fourth street, thence through the centre of Fourth street to Spring street, tiience through the centre of Spring to County street, thence through the centre of County street to Arnold street, and thence through the centre of Arnold street to the Dartmouth line, and a line drawn from the river through the Centre of Griffin street to Third street, thence through the centre of Third street to Bedford street, thence through tlie centre of Bedford street to Greene street, thence through the centre of Greene street to Allen street, and thence through the centre of Allen street to the Dartmouth line.

WARD 6. All that portion of the city lying south of a line drawn from the river through the centre of Griffin street to Third street, thence through the centre of Third street to Bedford street, thence through the centre of Bed- ford street to Greene, thence through the centre of Greene street to Allen street, thence through tlie centre of Allen street to the Dartmouth line, including Palmer's Island.



AcusHNET. That is a village usually known as the Head of the River, about three and a half miles in a northerly direction from the City Hall. The westerly part is in New Bedford, and the easterly part in Fairha- ven, divided by the Acushnet river. The parts are united by a stone bridge. Pine Grove Cemetery is near the village.

Acushnet Heights. That portion of our territory known by this name is in the northwest part of the city, commencing at the head of WilUs street. Here are some of the most beautiful private residences of our city ; and the view which includes the river, the harbor, the bay, and adjoining shores, villages and islands, is one of the finest in the country.


Belleville. This name was, many years ago, given to a spot on tlie bank of the Acushnet river, about one mile south of Acushnet village,

Cannonville. a portion of the westerly part of the city, in the neighborhood of the meetinghouse on the Smith Mills road, is known by this name, thus called in honor of one of our citizens Avhose labors in behalf of the people there will long be remembered.

City Common. This beautiful spot is in the north part of the city, and is bounded by County, Purchase, Pope, and Pearl streets. A very handsome monument to the soldiers and sailors who lost their lives during the war has been erected by the city, at a cost of about $13,000.

Clark's Point. This point forms the southerly part of the city. It has the waters of the river on the east and of Clark's Cove on the west. Its length is about two miles. At its southern extremity is a large tract of land belonging to the United States, on the river side ; at the extremity of the point is a lighthouse, west of which the Government is erecting an extensive fortification. Around this point, a distance of about four and a half miles, is a road not surpassed, if equalled, by any public drive in this country. It commences at Cove street, near the Or- phan's Home, and follows the shore from thence along the western, southern, and eastern boundaries of the point, until it terminates in the street where it has its beginning. It is eighty feet wide, smooth and level, and in its course commands a series of views of surpassing loveliness and beauty. The cove, the bay, the river, the shores, the islands and ledges, the lighthouses, steamers, and sailing craft of every description, the city on the one side, its sister town of Fairhaven on the other, the noble bridge between, and the forest-like show made by the shipping of both, constitute a series of pictures, which renders a ride or a walk over this road most delightful and attractive. The City Farm and Almshouse is located on the Point.

Fish Island. The bridge from the city to Fairhaven passes over this island. Several wharves, an extensive coal-yard, an oil factory, a marine railway, and a boat manufactory, are connected with it.

Four Corners. The space formed by the intersection of Water and Union streets. This has been a somewhat noted spot in our local history. Near this was erected the first village house, and it may still be regarded as a business centre. The banks, insurance offices, lawyers' offices, etc., are nearly all in this vicinity.


Rockdale is about one mile north of Cannonville, on Rockdale avenue.

Pope's Islaxd. This island derives its name from a family long known and respected among us. The bridge between the city and Fairhaven passes over it. It lies nearly in the centre of the river.

Palmer's Island, upon which the United States Gov- ernment has a lighthouse, is at the mouth of the inner harbor. The main channel lies. east of it. It affords a good protection from the high southerly winds. A house of entertainment is kept upon it.


There are three public cemeteries in the city.

The Rural Cemetery is in the south part of the city, on the west side of Dartmouth street, about one mile from the City Hall. Also an entrance on Rural street from, Allen street.

The Oak Grove Cemetery is in the west part of the city, on the north side of Smith and Parker streets, about one mile northwest of the City Hall,

The Pine Grove Cemetery is situated on the road lead- ing to Tarkiln Hill near Acushnet village.


Port Physician. Charles L. Swasey, Office 93)^ Mid- dle street.

The quarantine ground is bounded as follows : But- ler's flats on the south, the east shore of Clark's point on the west, the Eleven Foot Bank on the north, and the Egg Islands on the east.




M. R.

To guide-board at the Head of Acushnet, 3 125

To the Sampson House, at Middleborough Ponds, 16 4 To Taunton Court House, via Sampson's, 26 156

To Jonathan Tobey's, 7 113

To Stone Bridge, near Freetown Furnace, 10 84

To the Sampson House, on the Bristol County

road, ' 12 294

To Taunton Court House, via Bristol County road, 22 88 To Smith's Mills, in Dartmouth, 3 13

To Hick's Meeting House, via Smith's Mills, 7 20

To Assonet village, via Smith's Mills and Hick's

Meeting House, 16 2

To Taunton Court House via Smith's Mills and

Hick's Meeting House, To the head of Westport, To Stone Bridge Hotel, at Howland's Ferry, To Newport Post-office,

To Resolved Howland's Corner, in Dartmouth, To Padanaram bridge.

To K. Snow's Corner, via Padanaram bridge. To Holder Slocum's Corner, To Russell's Mills, To K. Snow's Corner, via Holder Slocum's Corner, 8






















Alms-house, Clark's point Barker's Hall, 113 Union

Central Police Station, No. 1, South Second, n. Union China Hall building, 39 Purchase City Hall building. New Market sq. City Hall, in City Hall building, New Market sq. City Marshal's office, Soutli Second n. Union Concert Hall, 19}^ Purchase

County Court House, County street, betweem William and Union


Cunimings building, Purchase, cor William

Custom House, William, corner North Second

Elm street Hall, 50 Elm

Free Masons Hall (colored), 139 Union

Hick's building, Purchase corner Mechanics lane

House of Correction and Jail, Court street west of County

Liberty Hall building, Purchase cor. William

Liberty Hall, in Liberty Hall building

Library building William, corner Pleasant

Masonic building, 147)^ Union, between Purchase and Pleasant

Masonic Hall, in Masonic building, Union between Pur- chase and Pleasant

Mechanics HalJ, 73 William

Merchants block. Union corner Front

Music Hall, 70 William

New Bedford Cordage Co.'s building, Rotch's wharf

New Bedford R. R. depot. Pearl n. Purchase

Odd Fellows Hall, 9 Fourth

Odd Fellows Hall, Hick's building, Purchase

Old Town Hall, South Second, near Union

Parker's block, foot of Middle, corner North Front

Pierian Hall, 6 Ricketson block. Union

Police Court, South Second, near Union

Rodman's building, Rotch's wharf

Ricketson block. Union, cor. Fourth

Sears Hall, 13'^ Pleasant

Taber's block, head of Taber's wharf

Telegraph office, 26 North Water

Thornton Hall, 73 Union


City Assessors' office. Public Library building

City Clerk's office. Public Library building

City Collector's office. Public Library building

City Marshal's office. South Second, near Union

City Treasurer's office, Public Library building

Health office, at City Marshal's, off South Second

Mayor's office. Public Library building

Overseers of the Poor's office. City Flail building

Police office. South Second, near Union

Post-office, William, cor. North Second

Register of Deeds' office, County Court House, County

street, corner Court Superintendent of Public Schools' office. City Hall build- ing Superintendent of Streets' office, 64 High Water Commissioner's office, City Hall building


NEW bp:dford advertisements.


Agents for

^^OLAf^ V~ 'fJBS£t

For Bristol and Dukes Co. and vicinity.

An assortment of Domestic Refriger- ators constantly on hand. Old Refrig- erators alten <t into Lyman's Patent, and warranted not to sweat, AL^o, Lumber Dealers, and Carjienters and builders.

It is indispensable to Butchers, Pro- vision Dealers, Hotel Keepers, Grocers, and Restaurants. It will save more than it costs every summer.

92 & 93 Front St., 125 Hazard's wbarf and S3 No. Water (^t.,


Agents wanted in any part of the New England States.

Combings made into Braids and Curls.

OLD WOEK ALTERED to the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLES. No. 191 Purchase St., New Bedford, Mass.




Yard, 40 Chestnut St„ NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

All Orders by tnnil or express promptly attended to.


I Sell all Grades of




214 Purchase Street, -






Ab., above; agt., agent; asst., assistant; av., avenue; b. or bds., boards; bet. between; bldg., building; blk., block; (Cal.) California; com. mer., commis- sion merchant; c. or cor., corner; c. r., counting room; ct., court; h., house; lab., laborer; mkr., maker; mnfr., manufacturer; N. B. K. R., New Bedford Railroad; M. T. D. & M. Co., Morse Twist Drill and Machine Co.; n., near; opp., opposite; pi., place: P. O., Post Office; pres , president; r., rear; rd., road; Rev., reverend; st., street; sec, secretary; sq., square; supt., superin- tendent; treas., treasurer; (U. S. N.), United State* Navy ; (U. S. A.), United States Army; whol., wholesale; wid., widow; whf., wharf; wks., works.

ABBE EDWARD P., physician and surgeon, room 1, 6

Ricketson block, h, 119 County Abrains James, at glass works, h. 27 Flovvland Abrams John, ghass works, house 128 South Second Abrains William, grocer, South Water, cor. Griffin, h. 56

South Second ACUSHXET CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, gro- ceries and provisions, 85 Third, c. Russell, Sylvanus Bennett, agent, George P. Wood, asst. ACUSHNET COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, 59 High Adams Charles H., shipmaster, house 41 Sycamore Adams Charles W., clerk, bds. 104 Sycamore Adams Eben C, shoemaker, 215 County, h. 104 Sycamore Adams Fortiscue, flaxdresser, house 19 Hazard court Adams John, weaver, house 19 Hazard court Adams Lemuel D., watchman, h. 21 Bedford Adams Nathaniel, cooper, Front, cor. Middle, house 117

Maxfield Adams Peter, house 3 Brick block, Orange , Adams Samuel, house 3 Brick block, Orange


Adams Stephen F., photographer, 39 Purcliase, bds. 117

Maxfield Adams William, weaver, house 19 Hazard court Addy William, weaver, house 2 Hazard court Adkiiis Amau(la Mrs., h. 157 Elm Agnew John, in glass works, h. 208 South Water Aiken A. Horace, at N. B. Water Works, h. S. E. corner

Ash and Morgan Aiken Benjamin, mariner, house 16 Fifth Aiken James, coachman, house 3 Spruce Aiken Nancy C, musicteacher, h. 140 Third Aiken William A., ropemaker, h. 7 Liberty Aiken William H., bookkeeper W. C. N. Swift and E.

Ferry, h. Soutli Daitmouth Aikin Abraham, laborer, house Morgan, corner Ash Aikin Abraham H., plumber, h. Morgan, c. Ash Aikin Annie L. Mrs., dressmaker, 53.2 Pleasant, n. Union,

house do, Aikin John, master mariner, house 67 Third Aikin Lemuel S., 6 North Water, h. G5 High Aikin Orrin M. S., clerk, 58 South Water, bds. 65 High Akin Francis T. (Hart & Akin), painter and painters'

supplies, 9 North Water, and 58 South Water, and

coal dealer, fo(jt of Coffin, house 95 Third Akin John F., rigger, liouse 101 North Water Akin Mary, wi<iow of Alexander, house 88 High Akin Seth K., surveyor of lumber, house 26 Griffin Akin Thomas, laiuplightei-, house 197 Elm Albert Elizabeth, widow of John, house 245 Middle Albert Thomas, oil manufacturer, h. 152 South First Albert Thomas, jr., pattern maker, h. 154 South First Albiston Roger W., merchant tailor, 25 Purchase, house

119 Pleasant Albro Alfred G., farmer, boards Maxfield, near Cedar Albro Andrew, farmer, house head of Maxfield Albro Ivory A., shoemaker, bds. W. J. Albro's, New

County road Albro Maria J., widow of George E., h. Mt. Pleasant, n.

Mt. Vernon Albro Sarah A., widow of James, house 13 Chancery Albro William J., h. New County road, cor. Durfee Alden George N., clerk, 44 North Water, bds. 63 State Alden J. C, jr., music teacher, 45 Purchase, boards 165

Union Alden Silas, city assessor, 4 Ijbrary building, h. 63 State Alger Charles 13., foreman Hastings Oil Works, house 124

South Front Allan Robert (Allan & Whitney), cooper, 17 Hamilton,"

house 64 Thomas


Allan & Whitney (Robert Allan and Alonzo Whitney),

coopers, 17 Hamilton Allen Abner W., carpenter, rear 125 North Water, house

172 Pleasant Allen Abrani, watchman "N". B. Flour Co., h. 59 Thomas Allen Abram A., country store, Allen's Corner, Plainville,

house do. Allen Abram L., clerk, 55 Purchase, bds. 59 Thomas Allen Alfred, mariner, house 39 Fourth Allen Andrew H., laborer, h. Allen's Corner, Plainville Allen Asa, cook almshouse, h. Bordens lane, Clark's Point Allen Asa L. H., framemaker L. B. Ellis, l:>ds. Clark's Point Allen Bartlett, boatbuilder. City wharf, h. 126 Purchase Allen Charles, stonecutter, house 175 Grinnell Allen Charles, mariner, h. 88 North Third Allen Charles E., teamster, h. 183 South Water Allen Charles F., entry clerk Tucker & Cummings, house

73 First Allen Charles G., clerk Tucker & Cummings, h, 73 First Allen Charles J., cutter, house 150 North Allen Charles J., bootmaker, bds. 148 INIill [etson ct.

Allen Charles N., foncy goods, 153 Union, house 6 Rick- Allen Charles W., teamster, bds. 81 North Second Allen Clark, mariner, h. Hathaway road, west of Rockland

avenue Allen Clement, lab. W. A. Robinson & Co., h. 49 County Allen Daniel B. (Allen & Hunt), merchant tailor, 96 Un- ion, h. 71 North Allen Daniel H., carpenter, h. Plainville Allen David E., master mariner, h. 173 Grinnell Allen Edward F., cutter Allen & Hunt, bds. 71 North Allen Edward H. (Gilford & Allen), brass founder and

plumber, North Front, c. Hazard's whf, h. 197 Union Allen Elishab P., carpenter, h. 12 Cypress Allen Eliza M. Miss, dressmaker, h. 49 County Allen Eliza W., widow of Gilbert, h. 39 South Sixth Allen Emily Miss, musicteacher, h. 25 Bush Allen Faxon, house 316 Purchase Allen Francis, cutter, house 150 Middle Allen Francis, master mariner, h. 148 Mill [County road Allen Frank C, farmer, house Hathaway road, near New Allen Frederick (Joseph Allen, jr. & Co.), marbleworkei',

20 North Second, h. 23 Maxfield Allen Frederick S. (Allen & Wing), coiFee and spices, 23

Union, h. 35 School Allen Frederick L. (Swift & Allen), merchant, Taber's

whf., h. 34 South Sixth Allen Frederick S., foreman Thayer & Judd, h. 23 Bonney Allen George C, tinman, 45 North Water, bds. 25 South



Allen George II., master mariner, bds. 49 Fifth

Allen Geo. P., carpenter, li. Allen's Corner, Plainville

Allen George S., in shoe fnctorv, bds. 81 North Second

Allen George T., N. B. Flour Mill, h. 58 Ilillnian

Allen George W., tinman, bds. 25 South Second

Allen Gideon (Gideon Allen & Sou), com. mer., 74 North

Water, h. 2.3 South Sixth Allen Gideon, jr., clerk Morse Twist Drill and Machine

Co., h. 23 South Sixth Allen Gideon «fe Son (Gideon Allen and Gilbert Allen),

com. merchants, 74 North Water Allen Gilbert (Gideon Allen & Son), com. mer., 74 North

Water, h. 70 Spring Allen Green B., blacksmith, h. 22 Bedford Allen Henry M., carpenter and builder, Leonard's wharf,

h. 49 County Allen Hezekiah, master mariner, h. 66 State Allen Isaac R., iu shoe factory, bds. 81 North Second Allen Jacob B., clerk, bds. 73 Mill Allen James, shipkeeper, h. 2 Emerson Allen James, weaver, h. Acushnet av., east side Allen James D., marbleworker, 20 North Second, house

43 High Allen James H., confectioner, 16 Pleasant, bds. 2 Emerson Allen James P. (Collins & Allen), blank book mnfr. and

stationer, 73 Union, h. 11 Morgan Allen Jesse, harnessmaker, 7 Purchase, h. 9 Chestnut Allen Jesse K., wheelwright, h. Plainville Allen John A. P., U. S. collector, h. 1 Lincoln, c. Union Allen John C, books, etc., 47 Purchase, h. 207 do. Allen John S. (Smith & Allen),, sparmaker, foot of Wal- nut, h. 102 State Allen Joseph, jr. (Joseph Allen, jr., & Co.), marblework- er, 20 North Second, h. 25 Bush ALLEN JOSEPH, JR., & CO. (Joseph, jr., and Freder- ick Allen), marbleworkers, 20 North Second Allen Josei>h Mrs., teacher private school, h. 25 Bush Allen J. G. Miss, dress and cloak making, 30 Purchase, bds. at Fairhaven [Maxfield

Allen Katie C, schoolteacher (Northampton), bds. 23 Allen Lewis G., driver Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co. No.

1, house 51 Mill Allen Luke, carpenter, h. 10 Spruce Allen Lydia D. Mrs., nurse, house 35 So. Second Allen Mary E., widow of George J., h. 73 Mill Allen Mary E. iMiss, teacher Fifth street grammar school,

house 2") Bush ALLEN MYRA Mrs., millinery, 126 Purchase, house do. Allen Nathan II., musicteacher, 117 Elm, bds. do. Allen Nelson, house 5 Sycamore


Allen Peleg H., machinist, h. 35 Pleasant

Allen Phcebe H., widow of Thomas, 2d, h. 49 Fifth

Allen Rebecca Miss, tailoress, h. 223 Purchase

Allen Robert, cooper, house 64 Thomas

Allen Robert F., mariner, bds. 171 North Third

Allen Robert N., painter, 9 North Water, h. 62 Grinnell

Allen Sarah H., widow of Joseph H., h. 89 Elm

Allen Sarah H., widow of Philip, house Allen's Corner,

Plainville Allen Slocum, house 39 Fourth Allen Sylvanus W., blacksmith, h. 15 First Allen Sylvanus, 2d, house 146 Middle Allen Thomas L., eatinghouse, 26 So. Water, h. do. Allen Thomas N., boatbuilder, North Water, near North,

house at Fairhaven Allen Thomas T., city express, and sexton North Christian

church, house 59 Mechanics lane Allen William, compositor Standard office, boards Man- sion House Allen William B., boatbuilder, house 60 Hillman Allen William H., clerk N. B. & Fairhaven street Rail- way, Purchase, cor. Pearl, bds. 25 Willis Allen William H., house 184 Union Allen William H. H., salesman Geo. M. Eddy & Co.,

house 57 Hill Allen William W., farmer, h. 4 Brick block, Logan Allen Wm. W., candleraaker Thayer & Judd, house at

Fairhaven Allen & Hunt (Daniel B. Allen and Leander W. Hunt),

tailors, 96 Union Allen & Wing (F. B. Allen and T. G. Wing), New Bed- ford Coffee and Spice Mills, 23 Union Alley Alfred G., jr. (Pratt & Alley), Boston branch store,

97 Purchase, bds. Mrs. E. H. Smith's, North Third Almeader Theophilus, mariner, house 123 South First Alray Andrew A., groceries and provisions, Hillman, cor.

Cedar, house 125 Maxfield Almy Annie, widow of Leonard, house head of Front,

near the bridge Almy Benjamin, farmer, house 32 Eighth Almy Charles, insurance agent and broker, 20 North Wa- ter, house 50 Walnut Almy Charles, jr., law student at Cambridge, boards 50

Walnut Almy Clarence, at N. Y., house 50 Walnut Almy Emily M., widow of Benj. R., house 50 Walnut Almy Francis, student, at Cambridge, bds. 50 Walnut Almy Frank O., jeweler, 156 Union, boards J. T. Almy's, Hathaway road


Almy Fred., student, boards 50 Walnut

Almy Georire, house 90 Bedford

Almy George B., passepartout maker Chas, Taber & Co.,

"house 90 Mill Almy George L., carpenter, h. rear 154 North Third Almy Heni-y B, (Almy & Hitch), awning manufacturers,

bd>}4 Purchase, house 5 Chestnut Almy James K., cardriver, house 12 West Campbell Almy James T., jeweler and engraver, 156 Union, house

Hathaway road Almy Job, sailmaker, 11 Parker's blk., Middle, h. 110 High Almy Lydia G., widow of Cranston, house 120 Middle Almy Nancy Miss, house 66 Mechanics lane Almy Robert, laborer, boards 74 Walden Almy Ruth, widow of James, house 7 Fifth Almy Sarah W. Miss, teacher (Connecticut), boards J. T.

Almy's Almy Thos. R., clerk, 90 South Water, h. 16 Allen Almy Welcome A., pilot, house 56 North Third Almy William, messenger Hatch & Co. Express, house 19

Morgan Almy William P., gardener, house 129 Kerapton Almy William T., shoemaker, house 59 Sunnner ALMY & HITCH (Henry B. Almy and Otis L. Hitch),

awnings, etc., 58>o Purchase Alvis Francis, laborer, house Kempton, cor. Ash Alwis Joseph, weaver, house 13 Hazard court American Bible Society Depository, 47 Purchase Ames Loring, in city yard, bds. 144 North Second Ames Orick W., laborer, house 188 Kempton Ames Thomas L., clerk, 64 North Second, bds 35 Third Anderson Caroline, widow of Gabriel, h. 93 Fourth Andei'son James, boardinghouse, Prospect, c. Grinnell Anderson James, painter, house 8 Griffin Anderson Mary, widow, house 28 Cedar Anderson Mary, widow, house rear 208 Kempton Anderson Richard, hostler, house 18 Seventh Anderson Thomas H., watchman steamer New Bedford,

house 104 South Second Andrews Albert S., shoemaker, house New County road,

near Durfee Andrews Chas. O., former, h. Howland farm. City Point Andrews Christopher, fruit and groceries, 2 South Second,

house 45 Third Andrews Christopher S., photographer, bds. 45 Third Andrews Frederic W., photographer, 60)^ Purchase, bds.

45 Third Andrews George, saloon, 5 Soutli Water, house do. Andrews Henry, weaver, house 290 County


Andrews James, weaver, house 5 Austin Andrews Nancy, widow of Gideon, house 102 Fourth Andrews Nathaniel, jr., cooper, house 104 High Andrews Susan A. Mrs., dressmaker, house 29 Mill Andrews AVanton D. (Andrews A Roberts), photograph- er, 52 Purchase, house 76 Bedford Andrews William F., carpenter, house 6 Crapo Andrews Wilson P., carriageraaker George L. Brownell,

boards 109 Third Andrews Wilson T., clerk, 137 Third, house 6 Crapo Andrews & Roberts ( W. D. Andrews and J. D. Roberts),

photographers, 52 Purchase Andricks Joseph, mariner, h. 257 South Water Andros Mary R, Mrs., house 10 Morgan Angell Mary H., widow of David O., h. 78 Linden Angluin Matthew, laborer, house rear 158 Pleasant Anthony Arthur S,, clerk Standard office, and (A. S. An- thony & Co.), publisher Seaside Gazette, house 73 Third ANTHONY A. S. & CO. (Arthur S. Anthony and Ste- phen H. Shepherd), publishers Seaside (gazette, 67 Union Anthony Benjamin (E. Anthony & Sons), printer and

publisher, 67 Union, house 108 William Anthony Charles, sailmaker Simpson Hart, h. 26 Chancery Anthony Charles M., Lieut. U. S. N., h. 60 Thomas ANTHONY EDMUND, postmaster, and (E. Anthony & Sons) printer and publisher, 67 Union, h. 61 Walnut Anthony Edmund, jr. (E. Anthony & Sons), printer and

publisher, 67 Union, house 3 Maple ANTHONY E. & SONS (Edmund, Edmund, jr. and Benj. Anthony), printers and publishers Evening Standard and Republican Standard, 67 Union Anthony George S., mariner, inquire 64 School Anthony Joseph, shipkeeper, house 14 Oak Anthony Martha T., widow of Welcome L., h. 71 So. Sixth Anthony Moses H., engineer T. M. Denham& Bro., house

246 Middle Anthony Phebe T., widow of Humphrey, h. 211 So. Water Anthony Sarah H. Mrs., house 53 Walnut Anthony Wm. B., pressman Standard office, h. 88 So. Sixth Anthony William S., machinist, house 139 First Antoine John B., house 96 High Antoine Sarah, widow of Joseph, house 96 High Antone Joseph, mariner, h. So. Water, n. Eddy's wharf Antone Joseph, laborer, house 2123^ South Water Antone Manuel, laborer, house 254 South Water Antone Manuel, laborer, house 118 South Front Antone Manuel, mariner, house 157 Elm


Apes William, weaver, liouse 158 State

Apsey George W., hairdresser, 32 South, bfls. 2 So. County

Aqua Jolin, laborer, house 185 Soutli Second

Arcy Allen C, gasfitter, 45 No. Water, h. 63 Chestnut

Arey Elbridge G., driver H. Whcaton, house 53 Parker

Arey Hannah C, teaclier Middle street graihinar school,

boards 69 Elm Arigan Richard, in copper works, h. Hazard, n. County Arigan William I., laborer VVamsutta mills, house 309

Purchase Armstead Charles D., calker, house 9 Ash Armstrong John, laborer, house Clark Arnett James W., machinist, house 157 No. Third Arnett Robert, watchman, house 5 Willis Arnold Benj. H., manufacturer of leaves for picture

frames, 49 Parker, boards do. Arnold Henry, carpenter, h. Pearl, cor. North Third Arnold William W., overseer slasher room Wamsutta

Mills, house 49 Parker Ash William, car])enter, h. Acushnet av., n. Cedar Grove Ashley Abiel D. (Ashley & Smith), grocer, 347 Purchase,

boards do. Ashley Abiel S., car]»enter, house Old County road Ashley Abram Mrs., house Ashland, corner Ashley Ashley Abram, 3d, farmer, h. Lindsay, near Court Ashley Andrew J., icedriver, house Old road, east side of

Clark's Point [Linden

Ashley Daniel C, hairdresser, 92 Purchase, h. rear 69 Ashley Eliza J., widow of Simeon, h. 60 Mechanics lane Ashley Emma J. Miss, teacher Fifth street school, house

Old road, east side Clark's Point Ashley Franklin M., foreman Water Works, h. 89 Fifth Ashley Freeman H., farmer, house Old road, east side

Clark's Point Ashley Hannah S., widow, house 92 North Third Ashley Henry T,, farmer, house Acushnet avenue Ashley Joshua B. (Brownell, Ashlev & Co.), carriage

mnfr., 16, 20, and 22 Fourth, h. 137 Purchase Ashley Mary P., widow of John S., h. Old County road Ashley Lucretia Mrs., house Acushnet avenue Ashley Millard C, mason, house Old County road Ashley Phebe, widow "of Rowland, h. 73 Foster Ashley Robert E., carriagetrimraer, bds. 137 Purchase Ashlev Rodolphus E., carpenter, house Old road, east side

Clark's Point [4 Beach

Ashley Roland R., sparmaker Rodolphus Beetle, house Ashley Rufus M., maciiinist Morse Twist Drill Works,

house 144 Third Ashley Ruth, widow of Rodolphus, house Middle road,

east side Clark's Point


Ashley Sherman, carpenter, house Old County road Ashley Simeon P., carpenter, h. 83 South Second Ashley Wallace, mariner, bds. 60 Mechanics lane [lane Ashley William G., clerk, 10 Purchase, bds. 60 Mechanics ASHLEY & SMITH (Abiel D. Ashley and Llewellyn T.

Smith), dry goods and groceries, 347 Purchase Ashton Richard, weaver, house Delano, n. So. Water Athorne James, weaver, house 201 Pleasant Atkins Eliza Mrs., house rear 154 Kempton Atkins Jesse, house rear 154 Kejnpton Atkins Jesse, jr., laborer, house rear 154 Kempton Atwood Herbert M., carpenter, house 296 So. Water Atwood William H., carpenter, house 296 So. Water Atwood Wm. W., bootstitcher Hathaway & Soule, house

100 Pleasant Auld Robert H., shiprigger, house (56 Cypress AulifFe Dennis, weaver, bds. 345 Purcliase Austin Andrew, mariner, house 119 South First Austin Benjamin F., at Acushnet Mills, 59 High, house

178 Pleasant Austin Elizabeth, widow of Benjamiit, h. r. 59 Summer Austin James, butcher, house 214 Kempton Austin John, sectionhand, house 6 Austin court Austin John H. C, steward, house rear 59 Summer Austin Paul, cigarmaker, 48 Purchase, bds. 202 Kempton Aveler Lauriat, at Twist Drill shop, h. 246 So. Water Ayers Sylvia, widow of John, confectionery, 206 Middle,

house do. Ayler James E., oysterman Bartlett & Gilford, h. 157 Elm Ayler William, laborer, house 157 Elm Ayler William H., hairdresser, 109 So. Water, house Mill,

near Ash

BABBITT ALBERT G., shipcarpenter, h. 39 N. Sixth

Babbitt Celia Mrs., house 221 Purchase

Babbitt James G., shipcarpenter, house Dartmouth, near

Weaver Babbitt Roxanna Mrs., house 42 Parker Babcock Daniel A., homoeopathic physician, 181 Union Babcock Spooner, painter, 38 School, h. 33 So. Second Bach George, merchant tailor, 106 South Water, house

19 Cannon Backus Francis, teamster, house 13 Cannon Backus Mary E., widow of Ansel C, h. Allen, cor. County Bacon Calvin E., house 4 Lincoln Bacon David B., carriagemaker, boards r. 8 Campbell Bacon Geo. W., cutter Hathaway & Soule, bds. 106 High Bagvvell John B., clergyman, bds. 107 Middle Bailey Abby I., widow of Joseph, house 150 Middle


Bailey A. J., ciirriagepaiiiter G. L. Brownell, h. 66 Forest Bailey Cornelius, l)ouse 04 South Bailey Edward, hostler, liouse Swamp, cor. Cedar Bailey Edward, hostler, li. Sullivan's court, near Middle Bailey Ellen J. Mrs., h. 3 Court

Bailey George F., baker S. Watson & Son, house 79 Sul- livan Bailey Hannah M., widow of Frank, h. 48 Hillrnan Bailey James, laborer E. Perry, h. 196 Kempton Bailey .Jane, widow of William, h. 159 Elm Bailey Libbeus, hatter, 1273.2 Union, bds. Mansion House Bailey Louisa, widow, h. Middle, n. Ash Bailey Susanna, widow of Horatio, h. 31 Austin Bailey Thomas, weaver, h. 17 Austin court Bailey Thomas, bds. 69 Elm Bailey William, weaver, h. 92 Linden Baine James B., laborer, h. 263 Kempton Baine Sarah S., widow of William, h. 38 Bedford Baker Addie G. Miss, musicteacher, h. 273 County Baker Amos C , lightkeeper, h. Clark's Point Baker Ansel G., machinist Morse Twist Drill and Machine

Co., h. 135 Washington Baker Anstress A. Miss, h. 167 North Baker Anthony, watchman Wamsutta Mills, h. 82 Franklin Baker Benjamin, jr., cooper, 18 South Front, house 132

Summer Baker Charles H., shoemaker, h. 31 Cypress Baker Charles S., clerk D. A. Snell, bds. 64 State Baker Edward, painter A. B. Manchester, h. 91 Prospect Baker EJward L., stockbroker, 40 North Water, house 46

South Sixth Baker Ephraim D., lab. Wamsutta Mills, h. 2203^ County Baker George M., painter, 72 North Water, bds. School Baker Hersey, carpenter, h. 106 High Baker Julia A., widow of Joseph, h. 155 State Baker Lorenzo, carpenter, City wharf, h. 14 Atlantic Baker Louisa C. Miss, teacher private school, boards 165

Union Baker Love, widow of Charles, h. 36 Maxfield Baker Lydia D., widow of Amos C, h. 68 Spruce Baker Michael, in rolling mill, bds. 198 North Third Baker Obed, shoemaker, h. 31 Cypress Baker Robert \V. (Bosworth & Baker), carpenter, 24

Spring, house 28 Third Baker Russell D., carpenter, h. 72 Foster Baker Taraar C. Mrs., widow, h. 56 Mill Baker Wm. G. (Fessenden & Baker), pub. Daily] and

Weekly Mercury, 92 Union, h. 105 Elm Baker William O., calker, h. Clark's Point


Balderson Robert, laborer, h. Clark

Baldwin Caroline H., widow of Jeremiah, h. 154 Pleasant

Baldwin Henry W"., fruit store, 75 Parchase, boards 154

Pleasant Baldwin James C, hostler S. F. Perry & Son, boards 17

Maxfield Baldwin James W., driver Hose 2, bds. 63 Mill Baldwin William, h. Clark

Ballard James, painter, h. 10 Cedar [cor. Ashley

Bannister Andrew, overseer Wamsutta Mill, h. Ashland Bannister David, loomfixer, h. 259 South Water Bannon Patrick, stonemason, h. 269 South Water Barber Edward E., nurse, h. 180 Kempton Barber William, carpenter, h. 207 South Water Barker Alexander R. (Samuel Leonard & Co.), oil and

candle manfr., Leonard, h. 26 South Sixth Barker Charles W. jr., master mariner, h. 112 Grinnell Barker Frank A., bds. Parker House

Barker Giles C, supt. George L. Brownell's carriage man- ufactory. Third, cor. Cannon, h. 20 Bush Barker Henry P., master mariner, h. 31 County Barker John W. (Gifford & Barker), 8 Market square, h.

at Dartmouth Barker Lydia W., widow of John S., h. 105 Maxfield Barker Mary, widow, h. 10 Spruce Barker Robert T., h. 98 State Barlow David, weaver, h, Clark, n. Purchase Barnaby Ambrose, laborer, h. 133 Kempton Barnard George, mariner, h. 55 South Water Barnard George F., marble worker, h. 55 South Wf^ter Barnard John, mariner, h. 7 Griffin Barnard Lydia T. Mrs., h. 51 Fourth Barnes David, hostler, bds. 206 Middle Barnes George J., machinist, h. 158 Grinnell Barnes Isaac, salesman C. Maxfield, and Sexton Stone

Church, house 92 Third Barnes Isaac A., com. traveler, house 92 Third Barnes Wra. F., mariner, h. 14 Cannon Barnes Wm. H., potter N. B. Glass Works, house 158

Grinnell Barney Charles, civil engineer, h. 107 Elm Barney Edwin L., counsellor-at-law, office 17^^ North

Water, house 96 State Barney George, h. 61 Fourth

Barney Julius, fireman in Wamsutta Mill, h. 187 State Barnum Stephen G., currier, h. 6|- Liberty Barr James, weaver, house 335 Purchase Barrett Bartholomew, laborer, h. 75 South Water Barrett Catherine Mrs., house 5 Chancery


Barrett Henry, works Wainsutta Mills, h. Washburn, n.

AcushiK't avenue Barrett James, laborer, h. 105 South Front Barrett Jeremiah, porter Macomber & Bro., house 18

Sears' court Barrett John, painter, 25 Centre, house 14 County Barrett John, liouse rear 322 Purchase Barrett John (Barrett & Carroll), tea dealers, 299 Pur- chase, house 320 do. Barrett Richard, laborer, house 55 Mechanics lane Barrett & Carroll (Jolin Barrett and John Carroll), tea

dealers, 299 Purchase Barrick Amelia Mrs., house 12S Kempton Barrows Frank C, clerk Wm. Sanders, bds. 16-4 County Barrows George (Barrows, Lawton & Co.), painter, Haz- ard's wharf, house 149 Elm Barrows Isaac N., cooper, house 86 Washington Barrows John N., produce, 30 Union, house 164 County Barrows Joseph L., painter Barrows, Lawton & Co.,

boards 11 North Second BARROWS, LAWTON" & CO. (Geo. Barrows, Joseph M. Lawton, and Thomas T. Manley), painters, Hazard's wharf Barrows Mary, widow of Domingo, h. 91 South Water Barrows Samuel, painter Barrows, Lawton & Co., house

8 Bethel Barry Wm. W., assistant paymaster (U. S. N.), boards 78

Sixth Barstow Charlotte L., widow of Ebenezer T., h. Orchard,

near Washington Barstow James E., boilermaker, bds. 6 South Second Barstow Solomon, laborer, house rear Acushnet avenue,

east side Bartel Charles, machinist, house 20 School Bartel Leopold, prop'r German Hotel, 4 Hall's court, h. do. Bartester Manuel, laborer, house 214 South Water BARTLETT ABNER, fishmarket, 9 North Sixth, h. do. Bartlett Bourne S. (Bartlett & Gilford), South Front, h.

22 South Sixth Bartlett Cornelia A., widow of Fayette, h. 97 Kempton Bartlett P^mily C, widow, house 98 Pleasant Bartlett Frank, candler Thayer & Judd, bds. 132 Union Bartlett Fred C. S., law student, 35 North Water, house-

124 William Bartlett Freeman P., house 36 Spring Bartlett Geo. F. (I. H. Bartlett & Sons), commission mer- chant, Taber's wharf, house 124 William Bartlett Gideon M., clerk I. H. Bartlett & Sons, bds. 124 WilUam


Bartlett Harvey (W. A. B.issett & Co.), fishdealer, foot of

Midille, and 125 Purchase, house Front, near Middle Bartlett Ivory H., jr. (I. H. Bartlett & Sons), conmiission

merchant, Taber's wharf, house east side North Or-

cliard, between Union and Court Bartlett I. H. & Sons (Ivory H. Bartlett, jr., and Geo. F.

Bartlett), commission merchants, Taber's wharf Bartlett Robert W., clerk I. H. Bartlett & Sons, house 74

Sycamore Bartlett Seth S. (Clark & Bartlett), fishmarket, 8 and 10

South Water, and 9 Market, house at Plymouth Bartlett Wm. H., clerk I. II. Bartlett & Sons, h. 11 Eighth Barton James, shipsmith. City wharf, h. 84 Fourth Bassett Ellery R., machinist Morse Twist Drill and Ma- chine Co., house 60 Summer Bassett Geo, W., mariner, house 90 Maxfield Bassett Wm. A. (W. A. Bassett & Co.), fishdealer, foot

of Middle, and 125 Purchase, house 160)^ Mill Bassett W. A. & Co. (W. A. Bassett and Harvey Bart- lett), fishdealers, foot of Middle, and 125 Purchase Bassett Wm. C, clerk, house IGO^o Mill Batchelder Ward C, machinist, house 175 Union Batchelor Benj. S. Rev., pastor Middle Street Cliristian

Chnrch, house 167 North Batchelor Geo. H., clerk N. B. Institution for Savings,

boards 167 North Batchelor Matthew Rev., house North, corner Cypress Bates Ann E. Mrs., toys and fmcy goods, 14 and 16

Pleasant, house 178 Union Bates Frank M., carpenter, bds. P. F. Drew's, Tophara Bates James W., carpenter, boards 22 North Bates John A., secretary Gosnold Mills, house 84 State Bates Lot B., grocer, Ashland corner Linden, house do. Bates Myra L. Miss, milliner, .31 Elm Bates Orrin, confectioner, 16 Pleasant, h. 73 Middle Bates Sarah A., widow of James, jr., house 22 Noith Bates Sarah C, widow of Merritt, house 31 Elm Bates Thomas G., soapmaker M. F. Whittemore, house

63 North Third Bates William, master mariner, boards 124 Summer Bates William, 2d, carpenter, 23 North, house 16 do. Bates William M., confectioner, 15|- and 16 Pleasant, h.

178 Union Baxendale Wm., weaver, house 188 State Baxter Cynthia A., widow of James P., dressmaker, bds.

130 Kempton [Third

Baxter Joshua D., pressman E. S. Perry, house 92 North Baylies George, house 90 South Cottage Baylies John B., auctioneer and commission merchant, 99

and 101 Union, house 74 Bedford


Baylies Mary S., widow of Jolin, h. 52 South Cottage Baylies William (Baylies & Cannon ), provision dealer, 3

and 4 Union, h. Bedford, near County BAYLIES & CANNON (William Baylies and Nathaniel

S. Cannon), provision dealers, 3 and 4 Union Beach Elah, foreman Potomska Mills, boards 130 Third Beacher Harriet, widow, house 23 Ash Jieard William A., mastermariner, house 165 Union Bearse Clarence A., carbuilder, house 176 Pleasant Bearse James I., compositor Standard office, boards 38

Kempton BEAUVAIS J. ARTHUR (Beauvais & Co.), stock

broker, president Citizen's National Bank, 36 North

Water, and Fall River R. R. Co., h. 62 Fifth Beauvais & Co. (J.Arthur Beauvais and Thos. B. Fuller),

stock brokers, 36 North Water Beden Benjamin, etonecutter, boards 11 Emerson Beecher Esther, widow, house 38 Fourth Beekman George W., rigger, house 46 Maxfield Beetle Charles 'H., boards 29 P^ranklin BEETLE JAMES, boatbuilder, Eddy's wharf, foot of

Coffin, house Clark's Point road Beetle James C, boatbuilder, bds. James Beetle Beetle John H., boatbuilder, bds. James Beetle Beetle Rodolphus, sparmaker, 130 North Water, house

County, cor. Camjibell Befuhs William, cabinetmaker, 147^^ Union, h. 29 School Bell James A., brakeman, house 5 Willis Bell Richard A., laborer, house 14 Cedar Bell William S., lecturer, house 55 Foster Beninger Francis A., house 5 Cedar Benjamin Isaac, calker, house 78 North Benjamin Isaac W., bookkeeper New Bedford Cordage

Co._, house 59 Hill Benjamin Samuel S., carpenter Cordage Factory, house

72 Chestnut Bennett Ada O. Miss, musicteacher, h. 178 Grinnell Bennett Charles A,, machinist, boards 96 Cedar Bennett David A., clerk Wm. T. Luce, bds. 96 Cedar Bennett George W., blacksmith, head of the River, house

Mill [Nortli Third

Bennett Henry W., works Wamsutta Mills, h. Wall, near Bennett Isaac D., laborer, house 80 Prospect [Third

Bennett Jeremiah H., officer House of Correction, bds. 39 Bennett John, slasher Potomska Mills, h. 40 Rivet Bennett Lorenzo D., stones|)litter, h. 60 Linden, Jesseville Bennett Mary V. Mrs., variety store, 156 Mill, house do. Bennett Nelson, carjtenter, house 42 Smith Bennett Pamelia S., widow of Isaac, house 96 Cedar


Bennett Pliilip, laborer, house 92 Cedar Bennett Robert, fiirmer, h. Acushnet avenue, east side Bennett Robert G., salesman, 46 Purchase, h. 15 Morgan Bennett Samuel, crockery, china, and glassware, and

house furnishing goods, 44 William, house 18 Parker Bennett Samuel R., clerk Samuel Bennett, h. 16 Chestnut BENNETT SYLVANUS, agent Acushnet Co-operative

Association, 85 Third, house 178 Grinnell Bennett Thomas, gardener, 20 Hawthorn, h. 121 Allen Bennett Thomas, jr., agent Wamsutta Mills, house 260

County Bennington Francis, loomfixer, house 294 County Benson John H., mason, house rear 397 Purchase Benson Samuel, mastermariner, house 57 Cottage Benson Samuel L., mariner, house 28 Allen Benson Wm. T., mariner, house 5 Green Bentley Edwin R., carpenter, house 5 Chestnut Berry Gordon G., mastermariner, house 146 Middle Berry William Mrs., house 23 Seventh Berry William, butcher, h. Rockdale av., cor. Mill Bertram John A., laborer, house 1 Ward, cor. Allen Berube John, carpenter, house 8 Brick Block, Orange Besse William H., mastermariner, house 54 Third Besselleu Jolin, mariner, house 42 Bedford Besselleu Louisa Mrs., tailoress, house 42 Bedford Bessey Daniel, shipcarpenter, h. 156 North Second Best Christopher G., molder, house 83 South Second Best William R., laborer, 90 So. Water, h. 79 Prospect Betts Harriet, widow of Levin R., house 201 Kempton Betz Thaddeus, boardinghouse, 44 Middle, and saloon, 84

Union Bingham Rebecca, widow of Boyden, house 109 Third Binks Frank, laborer, house 68 Kempton Birchenough Henry, weaver, house 7 Mt. Pleasant Bird Ann Mrs., house 212 Middle Bisbee Alice A., widow of Lucien, house 116 Third Bisbee Charles H., clerk F. S. Gilford, house 8 Wing Black James, blacksmith, h. between Second and \Tater Black Robert, house 26 Cedar

Blackburn Elizabeth, widow of John, h. 19 Sears court Blackie Charles F., shoemaker, h. Grape, c. Lewis Blackler Wm. G., ship agent and contractor, office 7 Rick-

etson blk., h. County, opp. Walnut Blackly Matthew, variety store, 210 North Third, h. do. Blackmer Herbert, clerk, 74 Purchase, bds. r. 40 Parker Blackmer John, laborer, h. Chestnut, n. Pai-ker Blackwell Scipio, engineer, h. 90 South Sixth Blain James Mrs., widow, h. 172 North Third Blain John A., house 171 Purchase


Blniii Snniuel, liouse 171 Purchase

Blain Wm. II., engineer N. B. R. R., h. 29 Mill

Blair Agnes, widow of William, h. 212 Middle

Blair jNIary, widow of Jefferson, h. 247 INIiddle

Blake Angeline, widow of Kbenezer, h, 7G Linden

Blake James E. (James E. Blake & Co.), druggist and

apothecary, 64 North Second, h. 7o Kem))ton Blake James E, & Co. (James E. Blake and Frank R.

Iladley), apothecaries, 64 North Second, c. Middle Blake William P., boarding, 1 Turner's court Blanchard Charles C, clerk, 44 William, bds. 216 Purchase Blanchard Herbert W., clerk New Bedford Copper Co.,

Rodman, bds. 216 Purchase Blanchard Martin, carpenter, h. 216 Purcliase Blaycliard Martin, jr., engineer, h. 107 Hillman Blanding John, works at City Farm, Clark's Point, h. do. Blanding J. Frank, farmer at City Farm, h. Clark's Point Bliem Ferdinand, tailor, 113 Union, h. Purchase, c. Willis Bliss Charles, gardener, house 34 Arnold Bliss Chas. M., with Samuel S. Bliss, bds. 169Grinnell Bliss David S. (Bliss & Nye), crockery, 121 Union, house

111 Third Bliss Frank C, groceries and provisions, cor. South Sixth

and Grinnell, house do. [Allen

Bliss Frederic P., shoemaker Hathaway & Soule, h. 101 Bliss George, mariner, house 27 Allen Bliss George C, florist, boards 34 Arnold Bliss George H., carpenter, h. 89 Third Bliss Henry, carpenter, house 56 Arnold Bliss Henry H., grocer, h. 63 Forest Bliss Henry L., woodworker G. L. Brownell, boards 169

Grinnell Bliss John, with Samuel S. Bliss, bds. 169 Grinnell Bliss Joseph N., house Beach, Cannonville Bliss Levi A., laborer, boards 169 Grinnell Bliss Moses H., carpenter, 38 Russell, house 40 do. Bliss Samuel S., hack and livery stable, 28 Bedford, house

169 Grinnell Bliss Samuel W., with Samuel S. Bliss, bds. 169 Grinnell Bliss Thomas, Central Union Association, 5 North Sixth,

house 90 County Bliss William, clerk Henry J.Taylor, h. 91 Walden Bliss William H., fort keeper, Clark's Point Bliss Williams H., bookkeeper Eureka Flour Mill, house

111 Third Bliss & Nye (Samuel S. Bliss and Obed C. Nye), crock- ery, etc., 121 Union Blossom Simpson J., carpenter, h. 78 South Sixth Bly Adeline, widow of James C., h. 75 North Water


Bly Charles M., merchant, h, 89 North Second

Bly Ezra K., overseer in Chemical Works, h. 14 Morgan

Bly Horatio N., calker B. Gage, h. 76 Mill

Bly Leslie, machinist, 84 Third

Bly Orlando F., pictureframe maker, bds. 36 Chestnut

Bly Susan S., widow, bds. 61 Kempton

Boardman James, weaver, di. 18 A-ustin ct.

BOARDMAN THOMAS, grocer, 238 North Third, house

Austin court Boden Edward, jr., music and musical instruments, 45

Purchase (uji-stairs), h. 167 Middle Bodfish Amanda L. Miss, li. 160 Mill Bohan Thomas, teamster, h. Purchase, n. Clark Bolles George H., mariner, bds. 44 Arnold BoUes Henry C, telegraph operator Freight office, Com- mercial wliarf, bds. 8 Grape Bolles John, carpenter, bds. 63 Mill Bolles John N., shipcarpenter, house 44 Arnold Bolles Walter B., clerk, bds. 44 Arnold Bond Nettie A., widow of Charles W., h. 91 High Bonneau Francis, laborer, h. 120 South Front Bonney Charles A. (C. A. Bonney & Co.), grocer. 111

Purchase, h. 78 Kempton Bonney Charles T., lawyer, 42)^ North Water, house 95

South Orchard Bonney C. A. & Co. (C. A. Bonney and Nathaniel Bon- ney), grocers. 111 Purchase Bonney Elizabeth A., wid. of Henry M., h 76 County Bonney James T., shoemaker, h. Oichard, n. Washington Bonney Josiah S., h. Orchard, n. Washington Bonney Mary L. Miss, teacher North school, house 78

Kempton Bonney Nathaniel (C. A. Bonney & Co.), grocer, IIL

Purchase, h. 154 Kempton Bonney William H., painter, boards 76 County Bonney William M., mariner, house 73 Hillman Bonney William L., electroplater, 133 North Water, h.

52 Mill Bonney William W., shoemaker, h. 15 Bonney Boomer Edwin A., salesman, 4 Purchase, h. 13 Bush Boone Alexander Mrs., hairdresser, 68 Union, h. do. Boone Eliza C. Miss, dressmaker, bds. 114 Fourth Boone Mary E., widow of Wm. H., house 114 Fourth Booth Albert, stoneworker, house Durfee, corner Vine Booth Benjamin T., shoemaker, h. Maxfield, cor. Purchase Booth Christopher R., carpenter, house 44 School Booth Delia Mrs., house 208 South Second Booth Edward H., shoemaker, h. Durfee, opp. Vine Booth Frank W., at Giffi.rd & Allen, bds. 11 No. Second 4


Booth Hannah, widow of Elijah, house 93 Smith Booth Tlenry !>., fanner, house Old County road Booth Henry M., laboi-er, house 222 South Water Booth Is:iac C, clockrepairer, house 140 North Second Booth Joshua, weaver Potoniska Mills, h, 260 So. Second Booth Mary B., widow of Chas. W,, house 84 Third Bcioth Natlianiel G., foreman gas pipe laying, h. 102 Third Booth Seth, farmer, house Kempton, near Watson Booth Steplien W., clerk Mercury office, bds, 44 School Booth Thomas, carpenter, liouse 292 Purchase Booth Wm. li. H., painter E. J. Kempton, h. No. Third Booth William N., bootcrimper, house 19 Spruce Booth William P., mariner, inquire 4-t School Booth Zachariah, house rear 322 Purchase Boothman John, weaver Wamsutta Mills, house 224

North 'I bird Borden Alanson, counselor-at-law and judge of 3d District

Court of Bristol, 42 North Water, h. Acushnet av. Borden Alice B. Mrs., house 74 South Second Borden Anna B., widow of Abraham E., h. 4 Ward Borden Annie E. L. Miss, clerk New Bedford Five Cents

Savings Bank, bds. 39 Fourth Borden Charles F., patternmaker, h. 24 Bedford Borden Charles M., farmer, h. Bordens lane, Clark's Point Borden Charles W., hostler, h. 30 Bedford Borden Isaac, house Ashland, corner Ashley Borden Mai-y B., widow of Daniel, h. 39 Fourth Borden Phillip H,, former, house Plainville Borden Rebecca, widows of Charles A., h. 115 North Third Borden Thomas E., stevedore, h. 47 Chestnut Borden Thomas J., machinist Morse Twist Drill Works,

bds. 207 South Second Borden William A., farmei-, h. Acushnet av. .Bornau Caroline, widow, house County, near Linden Boss Charles L., mason, boards 84 Linden Boston Branch Store, 97 Purchase Bosworth Alonzo, clerk, 158 South Water, h. 10 Griffin Bosworth Charles W., carpenter, house 40 Smith Bosworth Darius (BoswT^rth & Baker), carpenter, 24

Spring, h. 103 South Sixth Bosworth George W., carpenter, house 20 Sherman Bosworth Henry N., teamster, house rear 39 Smith Bosworth Kuby, widow of Darius, house 3 Willis ]5osworth Ruby M. JNIiss, schoolteacher, bds. 3 Willis Bosworth Willard E. (W. Bosworth & Son), dealer in re- frigerators, and house carpenter, 92 and 93 Front, 125 Hazard's whf, and 83 North Water, h. Cedar, north of Parker


Bosworth William (W. Bosworth & Son), dealer in le- fiigerators, and carpenter, 92 and 93 Front, 12o Haz- ard's whf., and 83 North Water, h. 3 West Willis BOSWORTH WILLIAM & SON (William and Wil-

laixl E. Bosworth), refrigerators, and carpenters and

builders, 92 and 93 Front, 125 Hazard's wharf, and

83 North Water BOSWORTH & BAKER (Darius Bosworth and Robert

W. Baker), carpenters and builders, 24 Spring Boucher Joseph, tanner, house 10 Austin court Boulah Timothy, laborer, h, 42 Brick Block, Orange Bourne Abner, clerk, 27 North Water, bds. 266 County- Bourne Alvin E., carpenter, house 53 Cypress Bourne Ellen M. Miss, indelible ink marker, 19 Pleasant,

boards 86 do. Bourne George A., auction and commission merchant, 13

and 27 North Water, h. 266 County Bourne George A., shoemaker, house 110 Fifth Bourne Henry D., carpenter N. B. Copper W'orks, house

96 Pleasant Bourne Jonathan, jr., mercliant, 3 Merrill's wharf, house

South Orchard, n. Clinton Bourne Nelson, shoemaker, house 112 Kempton Bourne Sally H., widow of Lurin, house Division Boutell Lewis, proprietor Mansion House, 87 Union, cor.

North Second Bowen Frank S., carpenter, boards 210 South Third Bowen George S. (G. S. Bowen & Co.), painter and

broom mnfr., 104 Third, h. 38 Bedford Bowen Horatio N., machinist Potomska Mills, house 210

South Third Bowen John A., spinner, h. Acushnet av., n. Cedar Grove Bowen Manuel A., framepolisher, 72 North Water, bds.

129 South Water Bowen William, cooper, house at Fairhaven Bowen Win. C, shipcarpenter, house 6 Bethel Bowen Wm. J., carpenter Atlantic wharf, h. Clark's Point Bowerman Nathan, candymaker, house 58 Parker Bowes John, boots and shoes, 194 South Water, house

86 Grinnell Bowes Thomas, in glassworks, house 147 South First Bowie Edwin R., patternmaker, house 66 Dartmouth Bowie Elkanah H., etcher Mount Washington Etching

Works, house 66 Dartmouth Bowie Samuel R. (Samuel R. Bowie & Co.), Mt. Wash- ington Etching Works, 90 South Water, h. 71 Third Bowie Samuel R. & Co. (Samuel R. Bowie, Nathan B.

Ellis, Nelson Collins, and Charles D. Wrightington),

proprietors Mt. Washington Etching Works, 90 So.



Bowler Jeremiah, currier, boards rear 8 Campbell

Bowles John W., carpenter, hoards 03 Mill

Bowman Asa, car])enter, house 108 South Front

Bowman Clarence R., glasseutter, bds. 108 South Front

Bowman Esther B. Mrs., house 1 12 Kempton

Bowman George L., house 12 Emerson

Bowman Henry T. (Hathaway & Bowman), house and

ship joiner, 20 Elm, h. 184 Purchase Bowman Joseph B., carpenter, house 142 Kempton Bowman Joshua B., housecarpenter, h. Parker, cor. Cedar Bowman Mary A., boards 142 Kempton Bowman Richard, in glasswoiks Bowman Seth G., carpenter, house 61 Cypress Bowman Wm., sectionhand Wamsutta Mills, h. 7 Austin Bowser Ann Mrs., house IGG Kem])ton Bowser John, laborer, house 11 Ash Boyer Peter, laborer, house 153 North Third Boyer Peter, jr., in rolling mills, bds. 153 North Third Boyie Daniel, laborer, house Penniman Boyle Hugh, laborer, house Penniman Boyle Neil, laborer, house Campbell, n. Emerson Boyle Patrick P., laborer, house 18 Oak Boyle Thomas, watchman Mt. Washington Glass "Works,

house 109 South Front Bradburn William, sectionhand, house 255 First Bradford Alvin F., laborer, house 237 Sonth Water Bradford Caroline C. Mrs., dressmaker, 139 Union, house

62 No. Third Bradford Charles F. Mrs., widow, house 68 State Bradford Charles R., gilder, house 68 State Bradford Fred. A., machinist, boards 218 Union Bradford Geo. S. P., ordnance sergeant at fort, h. Clark's

Point [Front, h. 68 Elm

BRADFORD JAMES C, agent Union Boiler Co., 27 Bradford J. B., clerk, 103 South Third, boards do. Bradford M. O. Mrs., house 62 North Third Bradford, William L., clerk, 85 Third, lionse Dartmouth,

cor. Grinnell [h. 9 Walnut

Bradley Geo. E., pictureframemaker Pierce & Bushnell, Bradley Gilbert L., machinist, house 13 Bush Bradley Horace D., carriagepainter G. L, Brownell, house

91 Third Bradshaw Robert, saloon, 160 South Water, h. r. 300 do. Bradshaw Robert, weaver, h. South Front, n. Delano Brady John E., mariner, boards 3 Maxfield Brady Philip, laborer N. B. Cordage Co., h. 24 Ash Brady Thomas, teamster E. P. Haskell, Fish Island, house

38 Foster Braley Adra C. Miss, teacher, house 225 County


Braley Alden, caqienter Sturtevant & Sherman, house 75

Hilhnan Braley Bradford, blacksmith, h. Head of the River Braley Charles G,, watchman N. B. R. R. depot, house 74

North Second Braley Charles IL, painter, house 39 Elm Braley Elizabeth Mrs., house 4 Ash Braley Elizabeth, widow of Amos, h. Head of the River Braley George B\, mariner, h. 1 Braleyville road Braley Henry H., clerk, boards 225 County Braley Jasper W., grocer, 214 County, h. 225 County Braley Jerome B., shipcarpenter, h. 3 Braleyville road Braley John S., carpenter Sturtevant & Sherman, house

108 High Braley Loring, masterraariner, boards 64 Bedford Braley Wm., painter, 9 North Water, bds. 4 AsU Braman Alonzo, baker, house 100 South Second Braman George H., cooper, house 100 South Second Branan Richard H., fruit and confectionery, 76 Purchase,

house 103 North Second Brann Thomas, gardener, boards 110 County Brannan George, gardener, house 75 Smith Brannan Michael, weaver, boards 2 Logan Brannan Patrick L., laborer, house 197 Pleasant Brannan William, in copper works, house Clark Brawley Eliza, widow, house 128 South Second Brawley James, jr., carpetweaver, bds. 128 So. Second Brawley Levi W., farmer, house foot of Washburn Brawley William H., painter G. L. Brownell, boards 128

South Second Brawley Wm. J., teamster at flour mill, house 33 Willis Brayton Shubael F., mastermariner, house 124 Middle BRAY WOOD A. M. MRS., dressmaker and hairworker,

191 Purchase, house do. Braywood George H., mariner, house 191 Purchase Breakall Thomas, cardgrinder, house 5 Seneca Brennan Gerald, painter E. J, Kempton Brennau John, servant Parker House, boards do. Brennan Mary, widow of James, house 229 South Second Brennan Michael L., policeman, house West Willis Brenning John P., gardener at Charles L. Wood's, house

4 Chestnut [road, corner Cove

Brett Celia Miss, matron Orphan's Home, Clark's Point Brett Sarah Miss, assistant matron Orphan's Home, Clark's

Point road, corner Cove Brierley Samuel, clerk, house Hazard, near State Briggs Andrew C, mariner, house 60 Dartmouth, cor. Fair Briggs Caleb C, farmer, house Plainville Briggs Charles F., teamster, house 92 Fourth


Biiggs Cliarles F., farmer, house Tobey Farm, Old County

Road Briggs Clmrles TI., 147 .V Union, liouse 59 Tliird Briggs Chiirlcs M., foreman City Planing JNIills, house 105

Third Briggs Daniel D., engineer S. F. E. No. 4, bds. 50 Bedford Briggs David C, engineer City Planing Mills, li. 8 Grape Briggs Earl C, Suj)t. City Almshouse, Clark's Point road,

house do. Briggs Elihu, carpenter, house 133 Third Briggs Elizabeth, widow of Abel, h.Kempton, Cannonville Briggs Evalena Mrs., hoxise 4 Bush Briggs Freeman L., mariner, house 103 North Second Briggs Geo. A., civil engineer, 45 Purchase, h.248 County Briggs George E., carjjenter, boards 133 Third Briggs George L., news agent N. B, R. R., bds. 42 Foster Bi'iggs Ilenry P., shoemaker; house 42 Foster Briggs Henry W. (Briggs & Look), 129>2 North Water,

house 151 Purchase Briggs James C, sailmaker, house 9 Bedford Briggs James M., bookkeeper 33 Commercial, h. 9 Bedford Briggs Julia, widow of Daniel, house 7 Ricketson court Briggs Louisa F. Mrs., house 86 Bedford Briggs Nathan C, mastermariner, h. Acushnet avenue Briggs Roswell E. (Briggs & Sherman), civil and hydraulic

engineer 45 Purchase, house 14 Hillman Briggs Roswell K., mariner, house 100 Kempton Briggs Sarah B., widow of Benjamin W., liouse 18 Griffin Briggs Stephen IL, machinist Morse Twist Drill and Ma- chine Co., liouse 77 County BRIGGS & LOOK (Ilenry W. Briggs and John W.

Look), house and ship joiners, 129^< North Water BRIGGS & SHERMAN (Roswell E. Briggs and Wm. B.

Sherman), civil and hydraulic engineers, 45 Purchase Brightman Albert, tinsmith, house 77 Allen Brightman Charles F., night watchman, house rear 216

Purchase Brightman Daniel W., cooper, house 231 South Water Brightman Edward P., tinman, 45 North Water, boards

County, corner Maxfield Brightman Ellery R., mason, boards 19 North Cedar Brightman, Fred. li. (Leander Brightman & Co.), dry

goods, 15 South Water, boards 24 Walnut Brightman Frederick, house carpenter, house 8 Bonney Brightman George C, laborer, house 6 Walnut Briglitman Hannah Miss, house G5 Spruce Brightman Holder A., boarding house, 155 Purchase Brightman Jacob, carpenter, 133 North Water, house 101

North Third


Brightraan J. Frank, gas fitter, 45 North Water Brightinan Leander (Leander Brightman & Co.), dry

goods, 15 South Water, house 24 Wahiut Brightman Leander & Co, (Leander and Frederick R.

Brightman), dry doods, 15 South Water Brightman Mary, widow of Samuel, h. Park, n. Kempton Brightman Natiian P. (Wood, Brightman & Co.), tin ])late

and sheet iron worker, 45 North Water, h. 107 Ehn. Brightman Oliver P., (Wood, Brightman & Co.), tin plate

and sheet iron worker, 45 North Water, h. County,

corner Maxfield Brightman Robert, butcher, house 3 Division Brightman William, carpenter, liouse 64 Spruce Brightman William A., shoemaker Hathaway & Soule,

boards 10 Bedford BRISTOL COUNTY MUT. FIRE INS. CO., J. S.

Tillinghast, agent, 44 North Water Brock George B., boatbuilder, boards 80 Fifth Brock Herbert N., clerk 6 Water, boards do. Brock Jethro C, 8 and 10 William, house 7 Allen Brock John R., house 37 Slierman Brock Samuel R. Mrs., house 107 South Front Brock Shubael F., laborer, house 37 Sherman Brogan James, servant Parker House, boards do. Bromley Joseph, weaver, house near Austin Brook Charles H., confectionery and fruit, 54 Purchase,

house 54>2 do. Brooks Arthur E. IL, farmer, house Bellville Brooks Charles, polisher Pierce & Bushnell's, boards 2

Walnut Brooks George, bootmaker Hathaway & Soule, h. 2 Walnut Brooks Hannah B., widow, house 42 North Second Brooks John, Indian physician, 45 Purchase, house at

South Foxboro' Brooks Joseph F., mariner, house 63 South Second Brooks Nathan B., hack driver John S. Cook, house 105

Fourth Brotherson Thomas, gardener, house 124 Third Browley Jane Miss, house 170 South Second Brown Andrew J., jobbing wagon. First, corner Union, h.

45 Wing Brown Benjamin C, ship joiner, head of Geo. Howland's

wharf, house Campbell, between State and County Brown David, Tanner, house 19 Rockdale avenue Brown David H., painter, 93 Middle, house 97 Smith Brown Edward S., teller Citizens National Bank, 36 North

Water, boards W. H. Taylor's, Dartmouth, corner

Washington Brown Edward W., trimmer Hathaway & Soule, boards

rear 128 South Orchard


Brown Elizabeth, widow of G. H., house 250 South Water Brown Elizabeth A., widow, house 143 Purchase Brown Eliza II., widow of William C, house 82 Mill Brown Eugene F. (GifFord & Co.), merchant tailor, 113

Union, house 86 Mill Brown George F., clerk, 159 Purchase, boards 143 do. Brown George H., lawyer, 17}^' North Water, boards 131

South Orchard Brown Geo. W., currier Job Wade, bds. Cedar, n. Locust Brown Henry G., horsetrainer, house 4 Lincoln Brown Herbert A., shipjoiner, boards B. C. Brown's,

Campbell Brown Jacob, shoemaker, 21 Centre, house do. Brown James, cooper in glass works, h. 19 Austin court Brown James, weaver, boards 191 Pleasant Brown James, farmer, h. rear Acushnet avenue, east side Brown James R., jr., framepolisher, h. Jenney, near Court Brown Jane Miss, house 3 Walnut Brown Jeremiah (Foster & Brown), carpenter, 152 North

Third, house 136 Summer Brown John, laborer, house 126 Kempton Brown John, laborer, house Washburn, n. Acushnet av. Brown John, laborer, house 6 High Brown John E., cooper, house 80 Mill Brown John H. D., calker, h. West Wall, from Court Brown John Q, A., livery and hack stable, 14 South

Second, house 6 South Second Brown Kennedy, weaver, house 11 Austin court Brown Lloyd B., grocer, 175 Kempton, house do. Brown Lydia, widow of John, h. 95 South Second Brown Manuel J., house 15 Ilowland Brown Martha Mrs., house 210 Middle Brown Mary A., widow of Ellery, house 60 Summer Brown Mary A. Miss, millinery and fancy goods, 118

Kempton, boards 60 Summer Brown Mary E. Miss, assistant librarian, h. 55 Cypress Brown Matilda A., widow of William, h. 131 Orchard Brown Meriam Mrs., house 182 Kempton Brown Oliver F. (Purrington & Brown), china and glass

ware, 65 Purchase, house 163 County Brown Oliver H. P., merchant, house 228 Purchase Brown Patrick, teamster, house Purchase, cor. Clark Brown Phobe R., wid. of Thomas D., h. 130 Washington Brown Philip C, harnessmaker, 7 Purchase, li. 98 do. Brown Philip E., harnessmaker, bds. 98 Purchase Brown' Philip M., engineer, house 30 Elm Brown Richard, weaver, boards 332 Purchase Brown Salisbury, house Park, near Kempton Brown Samuel, saloon, South Front, near Rowland


Brown Stephen H., hostler, boards 206 Middle

Brown Uriah, waiter, house West Middle, n. Chancery

Brown William, house Washburn, n. Acushnet avenue

Brown Wm. Felix, shipcarpenter, house 55 Cypress

Brown William L. G., machinist, house 75 Cedar

Brown William S., rigger, house 75 Cedar

Brownell Adelbert F., grocer, New County road, corner

Durfee, house do. Brownell Albion T., clerk, 50 South Water, bds. 58 Hill Brownell Alfred M., carpenter, house 81 County Brownell Andrew P., watches and jewelry, 94 Union, h.

108 Third Brownell, Ashley & Co, (J. Augustus Brownell and

Joshua B. Ashley), carriage manufacturers and horse-

shoers, 16, 20, and 22 Fourth BROWNELL BENJAMIN F., treasurer Central Union

Association, 5 North Sixth, house 58 Hill Brownell Benjamin S., mason, house New County road,

near Durfee Brownell Charles F., house 136 Kempton [mouth

Brownell Charles H., carpenter, 23 North, house 24 Dart- Brownell Chas. T., clerk, 51 Purchase, boards Mount

Pleasant, Acushnet Heights Brownell Charles W., house 77 South Second Brownell Daniel Hicks, mason, house 185 North Brownell Edgar F. A,, gent's furnishing goods, hats, caps,

etc., 19 Purchase, house S07}4 do. Brownell Ephraim, at Chemical Works, h. 7 Cedar, c. Mill Brownell E, C. (Brownell & Lapham), provisions. Sixth,

cor. Market sq., boards 69 Elm Brownell Fally B., widow of Wilber, h. 93 Fourth Brownell Francis, teamster, house 204 South Second Brownell Frank, clerk, 106 Union, bds. 33 School Brownell Frederick, gardener, house 15 North Cottage Brownell Frederick, boards 147 Middle [137 Third

Brownell Frederick A., woodworker G. L. Brownell, h. Brownell Frederick A., house 15 Cottage Brownell Frederick W., passepartout maker, 72 North

Water, bds. 137 Third [Maxfield

Brownell George, carpenter Cordage Factory, house 65 Brownell George A., carpenter, house Ash, cor. Mill Brownell George A., teamster, house 97 South Second Brownell George F., clerk, house New County road, cor.

Durfee Brownell George H., icedriver, house 35 Chestnut BROWNELL GEORGE L., manufacturer and dealer in

carriages, Third, corner Cannon, h. North Orchard,

corner Court Brownell George R., teamster, house foot of Prospect


Browncll Gilbert K., shoeheeler, boards 7 Cedar Browiiell Herbert J., traveling ngeiit T. W. Cook & Co.,

boards 85 Elm [cor. Middle

Brownell Holder M., proprietor Parker House, Purchase, Brownell Isaac M., farmer, house Plainville Brownell Isabel H., dressmaker, house 7 Cedar Brownell James D., laborer, h. So. Second, n. Division Browncll John A., jobwagon. First, corner Union, bouse

1(V2 North Brownell John F., boards 79 North Third Brownell Joseph, house 39 Spring Brownell J. Augustus (Brownell, Ashley &Co.), carriage

mnfr., 16, 20 and 22 Fourth, and (Western Lumber

Co.), Fourth, h. 147 Middle Brownell J. Walter, clerk G. L. Brownell, h. 109 High Brownell Leander (Mosher & Brownell), sash and blind

mnfr., Atlantic whf., h. 104 Maxfield Brownell Lucy J. Miss, seamstress, h. 28 Bedford Brownell Lucy S., widow of Thomas, h. 28 Bedford Brownell Luther, harnessmaker, 29 J?urchase, bds. Mrs.

E. Smith's, North Third Brownell Mary W., widow of Jeremiah, h. 60 No. Third Brownell Milton A., carpenter, boards 29 Chestnut Brownell Oliver G., dry goods, gents' furnishing goods,

etc., 51 Purchase, h. Mt. Pleasant, Acushnet Heights Brownell Oliver M., carpenter, house 87 Third Brownell Perry, livery, hack and boarding stable, 24 So.

Second, h. 79 North Third Brownell Samuel R., blindmaker, h. Ill Summer, corner

Sycamore Brownell Thomas at (Providence), h. 152 South Water Brownell William H. P., purser str. City of New Bedford,

h. 39 North Sixth BROWNELL WILLIAM O., merchant, shipchandler

and ])aperstock dealer. North Front, corner Central

wharf, h. 200 County Brownell William O., jr. (D. B. Folger & Co.), 116 Un- ion, and bookkeeper William O. Brownell, house

36 Eighth Brownell Wright, house 38 Fourth

BROWNELL & LAPHAM (E. C. Brownell & R. Lap- ham^, provisions. Sixth, cor. Market sq. Browning Clark, machinist Gosnold Mills, h.306 Purchase Brownson Leonard B., master mariner, h. Acushnet av. Bryant Aaron C, mariner, h. 61 Walden Bryant Emery, roadraaster N. B. R. R., h. State, c. Pearl Bryant Israel T. (Bryant & Pierce), provision dealer, 174

County, h. 11 North Cottage Bryant James L., hostler, house 4 Franklin


Bryant John, accountant, house 69 Walden

Bryant L. A. Mrs., dressmaker, 8.^2 Purchase, house Mt.

Pleasant, cor, Nash road Bryant Seth, stonecutter, h. Mill, cor. Beach, Cannonville Bryant Seth E., carpenter, house 1 Mount Pleasant Bryant & Pierce (Israel T. Bryant and Ellery Pierce),

provision dealers, 174 County Buchanan Alice S., widow of Thomas, h. 19 Chestnut Buchter Franz, draughtsman Twist Drill Co., h.92 Bedford Buckley Cornelius, at Rolling Mill, h. 145 North Third Buckley Ellen, widow of Maurice, h. 145 North Third Buckley Esau, weaver, bds. Leach's, Cedar Grove Buckley John, Aveaver, house 236 North Third Buckley Lucy S., widow of Dennis, house 52 County Buckley Patrick, laborer, house 123 Smith Buckley Thomas, rigger, house 225 Middle Buckminster Joseph, house 213 Purchase Budlong Ambrose P., machinist, house 147 State Budlong John A., blacksmith, h. 115 North Third Budlong William R., overseer machine shop, Wamsutta

Mills, house 147 State Buffington Stephen L., cutter, house 185 Kempton Bulke .Julius A. A., saloon, 3 Cedar, boards 25 Willis Bullard Amasa, periodicals and fancy goods, 9 Pleasant,

house 82 Kempton [Hillman

BULLARD JOHN N., supt. N. B. Flour Co., hoiase 81 Bullard Joseph A., clerk Hart & Akin, h. 82 Kempton Bulloch Andrew, agent N. B. Lubricating Oil Co., house

1 County Bullock David F., molder, house 12 Durfee Bullock Preserved, laborer, house 12 Durfee Buraphrey Caroline T., widow of James M., matron of

Temporary Home, 11 Merrimac Bumpus Henry W., assistant city marshal, h. 5 North Bumpus Morris, watchman, h. Jenney, near Kempton Bunker Elihu, apothecary and druggist, 56 Purchase, h.

45 North Bunker William P., heeler, h. Robeson, head of Cedar Burbank Charles, breaddriver, house 70 County Burbank Isaac, shoelaster, boards 30 Maxfield Burbank Jerome F,, marbleworker, 20 North Second Burbank John T., clei-k, 125 North Water, h. 205 Purchase Burbank Mary M., tailoress, bds. 30 Maxfield Burbank Thos., shoemakex-, 127 Purchase, h. 30 Maxfield Burden John, laborer, house Plainville Burdett Samuel, machinist, house 170 Purchase Burdick Benjamin F., painter, h. Middle, n. Emerson Burdick Christopher, cooper, house 133 North Second Burdick Stephen, cutter Doane & Co., h. 79 Third


Burding Calvin, shipcarpenter, h. 347 So. Water Burdiiig Mary E., widow of Hiram, house South Front,

Pierce's Block Burgess Charles T., shoemaker, boards 55 Maxfield Burgess David, sash and blind maker, house Division, n.

Water Burgess Frank, boards 91 W^illiam Burgess Gilbert, teamster, house 342 South Water Burgess John M., boards 39 Foster Burgess J. II., meatinarket, 70 William, h. 91 William Burgess Mary B. Mrs., house 160 Mill Burgess Nathan, boot and shoemaker, h. 39 Foster Burgess Stephen, carjDenter, house New County road, cor.

Durfee [Front

Burgess William II., carver Fierce & Bushnell, h. 98 So. Burgess William H., mnfr. of tomato ketchup, factory

Burgess farm, (Fairhaven), boards 91 William Bui'ke Ann, widow, house 188 State Burke Caroline Mrs., house 210 Middle Burke James, laborer, house 5 Pearl Burke James, teamster James Duddy, h. 3 Jenney Burke John, ropemaker, house 22 Ash Burke John, laborer, house Jenney, near Court Burke John Mrs., house 233 County

Burke Mathew, laborer, house 2 Jenney [Emerson

Burke Mathew, jr., in rolUng mill, house Campbell, near Burke Michael, weaver, boards 19 Hazard court Burke Michael, stonecutter, house rear 285 Purchase Burke Patrick, weaver, boards 18 Hazard court Burke Tobias, laborer, house 18 Hazard Court Burleigh Charles F. Rev., house 63 Cypress Burns Daniel H., boilermaker, house 8 Sears court Burns James, furnaceman N. B, Copper Works, house 86

Emerson Burns Martin, stonemason, house 186 Pleasant Burns William, in Gosnold Mills, h. 146 North Second Burr Dolly, widow of Joseph, house 90 Arnold Burroughs George W., mason, house 176 Kempton Burroughs John L., sailmaker, house 103 Maxfield Burroughs Sarah F,, bookkeeper, 142 Union, boards 60

North Third Burroughs Susan C, widow of Samuel, h. 60 No. Third Burroughs William A., mariner, house 103 Maxfield Burt Charles A., machinist Cordage Factory, bds. Charles

D. Burt's, Court Burt Charles D., keeper House of Correction, Court Burt Daniel C, broker, 19 North Water, house Morgan,

cor. Cottnge Burt Samuel P. (S. P. Burt & Co.), banker and broker,

19 and 43 North Water, house 5 Morgan


BURT S. p. & CO. (Samuel P. Burt, G. T. Sanford, and Chas. S. Kelley), bankers and brokers, 19 and 43 North Water Burton Frances E., widow of Andrew J., h. 207 Middle Bushee Lewis, cardgrinder, h. 28 Brick Block, Orange Bushee Rozella, wid. of Lewis, h. 24 Brick Block, Orange Bushnell I. S., engineer Peirce & Bushnell, house 43 No.

Second Bushnell I. S. Mrs., dressmaker, house 43 North Second Bushnell Leonard (Peirce & Bushnell), picturefrarae manufacturer, store 58 North Water, and factory 72, 74, and 76 North Water, house 41 High Bussell Rufus K., house 199 Kempton Butler Daniel A., carpenter, house 57 Maxfield Butler James D. Rev., Chaplain Port Society, house 94

South Third Butler Katie Miss, hairdresser, house 46 Bedford Butler Thomas A., fishraarket, 91 Third, h. over 106 do. Butler Wm. F., boatbuilder Willis Point, house High, n.

Purchase Butman John H., clerk, Front, cor. Centre, h. 169 Purchase Butterworth John, weaver, house 6 Hazard Butterworth Manuel, weaver, house 101 State Butts Albert N., boards 18 Allen [County road

Butts Calvin S., carpenter, house Mt. Vernon, cor. New Butts David, shipcarpenter, house New County road,

north of Durfee Butts Eben A., shipcarpenter, house 56 North Butts Francis A., jr., N. B. Flour Mill, h. 70 Sycamore Butts George W., house 277 County Butts Henry R., carpenter, house 18 Allen Butts James, mariner, boards 4 Rockdale avenue Butts James D., laborer, house Willis, cor. Emerson Butts Lucy A., widow, house 54 South Second Butts Lydia A., widow of Peleg, house 41 Mill Butts Priscilla, widow of Albert, house 65 Third Butts Samuel A., shipwright, house 67 Hillman [First Butts Squire W., clerk J. & W. R. Wing & Co., house 71 Butts Thomas L., laborer, house 38 Foster [Second

Butts William E., gilder Peirce & Bushnell, bds. 11 No. Byron Joseph, Wamsutta Mills, h. County, n. Linden Byron Joseph, mariner, house 19 Howland Byron Nelson, machinist, h. 52 Brick Block, Orange

CABLE HARVEY, at glassworks, house 63 Grinnell Cadozo Domingo, house South Front, near Howland Cadwell William P. S., druggist and chemist, and dealer

in trusses, etc., 49 Purchase, house 13 South Sixth Cady Elizabeth B., widow of Daniel, house 108 Fifth


Cahoon iMaxainclia INfrs., nurse, house 81 Ray

Cairns Micliael, bootmaker, 48 William, house North

Thini, near William Caldwell Eliza, widow, house 35 Middle Caldwell Reliance, widow of John J., h. r. 142 Kempton Caldwell Seth C, teamster, house 185 Pleasant Caldwell Zachariali, mariner, house Swamp, corner Cedar Calhoun Charles, baker, boards Sampson House Callahan Catharine Mrs., house 163 State Callahan Mary, widow, house 208 South Water Callahan William, laborer, house 184 State Calnan Timothy, mason, house 80 Cedar Calnan Timothy, laborer, house Washburn Cambridge Margaret, widow of Daniel, house 27 Union Cameron Alexander, laborer, house rear 317 Purchase Campbell James, pressman, 106 South Water, h, 5 Bonney Campbell John C., house 161 North Third Campbell William, Wanisutta Mill, house 6 Merrimac Canavan John, laborer, bds. 170 Pleasant Canavan Michael, laborei-, house 170 Pleasant Canavan Patrick H., refiner N. B. Copper Works, house

170 Pleasant Canavan William, shoemaker, h. North Third opp. Pearl Cannavan John, laborer, house 15 Austin court Cannavan Joseph, weaver, house rear 1 Purchase Cannavan Joseph, weaver, boards 195 State Cannavan Patrick, assistant city marshal, h. 158 Kempton Cannon Albert, clerk, house 34 Willis Cannon Edward (Cannon & Curtis), rigger. Commercial

wharf' house 108 Pleasant Cannon Edward S. (E. S. Cannon & Co.), hats and caps,

43 Purchase, house 218 Union Cannon Edwin H., laborer, house Plainville Cannon Elizabeth T., widow of William E., h. Plainville Cannon E. S. & Co. (Edward S. Cannon and Henry H.

Tillson), hats, caps and furs, 43 Purchase Cannon Frederick Mrs., house West Middle, u. Emerson Cannon George, calker, 14 South Front, house 34 Willis Cannon James, cooper VV. J. Norton, house at Fairhaven Cannon Nathaniel S. (Baylies & Cannon), provision deal- er, 3 and 4 Union, house 108 Pleasant Cannon Thomas, peddler, house 10 Hazard court Cannon Thomas 1)., farmer, house Plainville Cannon William, slioemaker, 48 William, house Third,

near Pearl Cannon William B., currier, boards 13 Cedar Cannon Wm. C, calker, house 13 Cedar Cannon & Curtis (Edward Cannon and Richard Curtis),

riggers, Commercial wharf


Canny David, tailor, house 24 School Canny Edward, laborei*, house Purchase, cor. Penniman Canty James F., in cotton factory, bds. r. 86 North Second Canty Mary, widow of William, bouse r. 82 North Second Canty Timothy J., etcher 90 South Water, boards 215

South Water Card Benjamin F., janitor Liberty Hall, house 102 Fourth Card Charles H., painter, 9 North Water, boards 100

Washington Carey William S., carriage painter Geo. L. Brownell,

house 106 Fourth Carlaw David, weaver, boards 255 First Carlin Bridget Miss, house 61 Fifth Carlin John, laborer, house Delano, near South Water Carndedo Joseph, mariner, house 182 South Water Carney Daniel, house 134 South Water Carney Frances Mrs., house Elm, corner Cedar Carney Patrick, glassfiuisher, house 277 South Water Carney Wm. H., lettercarrier, house 146 Mill Carpenter Albert H. W., merchant tailor, 141 Union, h.

115 Hillman Carpenter Lewis G., house 98 Kempton Carpenter Samuel, private watchman Gosnold Mills, house

1 Grape Carr Abby S. widow of Caleb A., house 36 Spring Carr Anna B., widow of John G., house 46 Smith Carr Charlotte C, teacher, Head of the River, house 36

Spring Carr David, laborer, house Robeson, near Ashland Carr Frank B., jewelry mnfr. (F. River), house Acushnet

avenue. Head of the River Carr Henry J,, mariner, house 107 Cedar Carr James E., shiprigger, house Sycamore, cor. Cypress Carr Owen, weaver, boards 19 Hazard court Carroll Henry, carpenter, house Sullivan, near Middle Carroll James, cai'riage trimmer, boards John Carroll's

Fourth Carroll James, tailor Taber, Read & Co., house Tremont,

near Arnold Carroll James, house head of Arnold Carroll John, laborer, house 117 South Water Carroll John, junk dealer, 27 South Water, house Fourth

near Rockland Carroll John (Barrett & Carroll), tea dealer, 299 Purchase,

house 320 do. Carroll John, labo7-er, house 100 Emerson Carroll John Jr., boards foot of Fourth Carroll Malachi, weaver, boards Grinnell, corner Prospect Carroll Michael, mulespinner, house Clark


Carroll Patrick, ropemaker, house head of Arnold Carroll Kichard, cijijarinnker, house 3 Maxfield Carroll 'J'lioinas, i\t chemical works, house 4 Ash Carroll Thomas J., currier, boards 100 Emerson Carter Domingo, boardiiighouse, 57 South Water Carter Edward P., confectioner, 16 Pleasant, h. 7 Cedar Cart''r Elizabeth, widow of Isaac, house 238 North Third Carter John, hairdresser, boards 107 Middle Carter John, farmer, house Court, corner Jenney Carter John F., hairdresser, 47 William, bds. 107 Middle Carter Lucinda, widow of Charles II., house 40 Cedar Carter Martha Miss, confectionery and fruit, 244 Purchase,

house do. Carter Michael, laborer, house 76 North Third Carter Miles, calker, house 169 Ehn Carter ilobert II., house 66 Purchase Carter Robert H. Mrs., hairworker, 66 Purchase Carter Sarah, widow of F'rank, house 5 Willis Carter William, mariner, house 102 Fourth Carter William F., laborer, house Cedar Grove Carver Thomas C, shipcarpenter, house 81 Thomas Case Alexander H., mason, house 227 County Case Allen, house 215 Purchase Case Charles A., house 215 Purchase Case Charles C, messenger Davenport, Mason & Co., h.

93 North Third Case Edmund T., janitor Central Police Station, house

31 Chestnut Case Elvira C. Miss, dress trimmings and worsteds, 40

Purchase, house 85 Kempton Case Frederick S., carpenter, house Acushnet avenue Case George, section hand F. R. R. R., h. Mt. Pleasant,

near R. R. Casic George F., engineer N. B. R. R., house 98 Pleasant Case Hannah, widow, house 215 Purchose Case Isaac R., clerk J. W. Braley, bds. 227 County Case John R., farmer, house Sixth, near Middle Case Restcome, flirmer, house Acushnet avenue Case Sarah M. Miss, house 215 Purchase Case William, currier, house 398 Purchase Casey Edward H., farmer, house Hathaway road Casey James, laborer, house 127 Smith Casey Lawrence L., laborer, house 204 South Water Casey Sarah Miss, house 180 Kempton Casey Susan, widow of Edward W., h. Hathaway road Cassidy Patrick, bricklayer, house Washburn Cassidy Samuel, weaver, house 194 State Castale iWilliam, policeman and boardinghouse, 5 Old

Market square


Castle Julia Mrs., dressmaker, 2 South Pleasant, h. do. Castle Thomas, loomfixer, Wamsutta Mills, house 222

North Third Castle William, boarding house. Old Market square Castles Alice, widow of Michael, house 68 Kempton Caswell AbraTu U., boot and shoemaker, h. New County

road, near Danforth Caswell Amos K. (Casw^ell Bros.), blacksmith, 6 Pine, h.

152 Mill Caswell Benjamin F., teimster E. Perry, house MaxfieM,

near North Second CASWELL BPtOTMERS (Amos R., Nathaniel H., and

Oscar F. Caswell), blacksmiths and horse shoers, 8

Pine Caswell Daniel, at Chemical Works, Court, boards 13

West Middle Caswell David P., at D. K. Tripp's, house 178 North Caswell George, painter, house H ithaway road Caswell Get)rge F., carriag-'painter, house 172 Purchase Caswell Isaac C, cigars and tobacco, 85^2 Purc'iase, h.

70 Spruce Caswell John P., tinplate and sheetiron worker, 84 Pur- chase, boards 185 xMiddle Caswell Nathaniel H. (Caswell Bros.), blacksmith, 8 Pine,

house 16 South Second Caswell Oscar F. (Caswell Bros.), blacksmith, 8 Pine, h.

17 South Sec )nd Caswell Rhoda, widow of Thomas, house 91 Walden Caswell Wni. H., painter, 21 Union, cor. Front, house 50

North Third, corner Kempton Cathaway Sarah, widow, house 32 Union Cathcart Edward B., laboi-er, house 18 Emerson Caton Joseph, in Glass Works, house 10 Howland Caton Manuel, in Glass Works, house 8 Howland Cavanaugh Ann, widow of Francis, house 243 Middle Cavanaugh, see also Kavanaugh Cave James, laborer, house Campbell, cor. Emerson Cavenaugh Jeremiah L., blacksmith Geo. L. Brownell, h.

50 South Second Caverly Francis H., shipcarpenter, bds. 129 No. Second Center Charlotte M., nurse, house 88 North Third CENTRAL UNION ASSOCIATION, B. F. Brownell,

treas., groceries and patent medicines, 5 North Si.^th Chace Albert A., firmer at city farm, Clark's point Chace Ariel, mariner, house 41 Fourth Chace Ezra B., carpenter, house 177 Grinned Chace Frederic A., carpenter and sparmaker, h. 64 Forest Chace George W., hoopskirt manufacturer and corsets, 16 Purchase, house Hathaway road 5


Chace Ira M, clerk Hart & Akin, 58 South Water, liouse

211 Soutli Water Cliace Josei»li, 'id, carpenter, h. County, cor. Maxfield Chace Mary Mrs., house 2()9 Soutli Second Chace Nathan F., carj)enter, boards 177 Grinnell Chace Robert B., master mariner, house 102 Fifth Chace Thomas W., tinplateworker, 16 North Water,

boards 58 Fifth Chaccf see also Chase

Chaddock E. N., house 1 Lincoln, corner UnioTi Chad wick Celinda Mrs., widow of Charles, h. 87 No. Third Chad wick David G., laborer, house 98 Kenipton Chadwick George II., painter Franklin Shaw, house 163

Kempton [Suminer

Chadwick Geo. FT., clerk Tucker & Cummings, boards 106 Chadwick John P., carpenter, house 3 Wills Chadwick Luke, weaver, house Hazard, near Purchase Chadwick Mary, widow of George, house 154 Kenipton ("hadwick Solomon, cai'penter, Leonard's wharf, house 79

County Chadwick Thomas A., cooper, house 58 North Chadwick Thomas S., slioemakei', house 87 No. Third Chadwick William J., house 100 Summer Chaftee Amos, mason, house Old County road Chaffee John, weaver, bds. Greenwood's, Durfee Chaloner Luther W., harnessmaker, boards 85 Third Chamberlain Ebenezer T., engineer JMt. Washington Glass

Works, house 1 Hickory Chamberlain Sabin P., joiner, house 231 County Chan<Uer Charles, house 24 J3ush Chandler William G., boot and shoe store, 2 Kicketson

block. Union, house 4 Pleasant Chancy Emma E., Miss, dressmaker, house 81 Thomas Chaney Ephi'aim. shipcarpenter, h. Mt. Pleasant, beyond

Water Works Chanley Thomas, teamster J. Holmes, jr., h. 95 So. Water Channing Ann S., widow of John W., house 40 Third Channing Rhoda A., doctress, 40 Third, house do. Clianning Walter, shipcarpenter, h. toot South Second Channing Wm. H., dentist, 139 Union, house 40 Third Channing Wm. R., dentist (New Haven), h. 44 Kem])ton Chapman Alfred M. (Chapman & Shurtleff), sailmaker.

Union, c. Front, h. 53 Elm Chai)man Benjamin, refreshments, head of North Front,

next the bridge, and variety, 5 Elm, h. do. Chajiman Bessie T. Miss, teacher Bush St. school, house

56 School Chapman Cyrus W., house 56 School Chapman Edward T. (E. T. Chapman & Co.), cigars and

tobacco, 64 Purchase, li. 62 South Second


Chapman E. T. & Co. (Edward T. Chapman ), 64 Purcliase CHAPIMAN' JOPIN H., saihnaker, 122 North Second,

house 2'23 Purchase Chapman John H., jr., Mrs., dressmaker, 26 Pleasant, h. do. Chapman Thomas, weaver, house 189 State Chapman & ShurtlefF (Alfred M. Chapman and John R,

Shurtleff), sailmakers. Union, cor. Front Chapped Melville G., clerk, 229 Purchase, h. 21 Willis Chapped S. Elizabeth, widow, house 49 South Second Chappell William PI., grocer, 229 Purchase, h. 21 Willis Charles Thomas, printer, house 17 Mill Chase Abisha H., grocer and flagman Braley station, h. do. Chase Abraham, shipcarpenter, house 213 Kempton Chase Adeline, widow, h. North, corner J^Torth Third Chase Alexander H., mason, house 48 South Chase Allen, blacksmith, h. Mill, n. Summit, Cannonville Chase Alonzo B., teamster Macotnber Bros., house Second Chase Andrew B., mariner, house 86 Fourth Chase Benjatnin F., ropemaker, house Rockdale av., near

Kempton [146 Third

Chase Celia L. Miss, teacher in Friends Academy, house Chase Collins, carriagemaker, h. Chestnut, n. Parker Chase Daniel K., variety store, and mnfr. of quilts, &c.,

89 Middle, house do. Chase David D., shipcarpenter, house 68 Purchase Chase Ebenezer, blacksmith, li. rear 94 North Second CHASE EDWARD B., Remington sewing machines, 5

Pleasant, n. Union, h. 124 Middle Chase Edwin A., farmer, house Old. County road Chase F'rederick P., foundryman Gosnold Mills, h. Wall Chase Frederick W., mason, house Rockdale av., near

Kempton Chase George, boardinghouse, 5 School, house do. Chase George, mariner, house 106 South Water Chase George II., shipjoiner, boards 6 North Chase George S., master mariner, house 31 County Chase George W., laborer, house 102 Fourth Chase Gideon R., farmer, house Kempton, near Jenney Chase Helen P., clerk, house 8 North Chase Henry S., painter, 21 Union, house 6 North Chase Henry T., carpenter, house 124 Kempton Chase Isaac L., watchman, house 162 Mill Chase Jacob W., sparmaker, h. 260 Kempton, n. Lindsey Chase James F., teamster, house 220 County Chase James R., at D. K. Tripp's, h. Rockdale av., near

Kempton Chase John B., laborer, house 52 Parker Chase Joseph H., carpenter, house 10 Emerson Chase Lovice P., widow of Nathan, house 119 Pleasant


Chase Luther S. (N. Y.), house 146 Third Chnse Lyman ]>., Inborei-, house 5 Ash Chase Mary, widow of Turner, liouse 44 TTillman Cha>e Mary A. Miss, dressmaker, h. 42 Keiiiptou Chase Mary A., widow of Neri A., house 41 Wing Chase Mary C, widow of Henry, house 6 North Chase OUve K., widow of Jonatlian. house 162 Mill Cha:-e Rufus B., salesman, 5 Pleasant, n. Union, boards

124 Middle Chase Sarah F., widow of Horace, house 6 Cypress Chase Sidney, painter, house 6 North Cha<e Susan Miss, dressmaker, bds. 86 South Third Chase Walter F., shipcarpenter, lioiise 213 Kempton Chase Warren E., reporter Standard office, h. 1 Bedford Chase Wibor A., shipbuilder, house 73 Cedar Chase Wm, F., farmer, li. Mt. Pleasant, beyond Water

Works Chase Wilson, master mariner, house 18 Wing Chase Zebina H., master mariner, house 86 Fourth Chnse, see also Chace

Chaves Paul Joseph, laborer, house 14 Oak ChiMs Augustine F., tishdealer, house 25 Cannon CliiMs Cyrel M., ropemaker N. B. Cordage Co., house

Jenny Und ChiMs Edward W. M., house rear 142 Kempton ChiMs H. A. Mrs., dressmaker, h, 97 South Second ChiMs Josiah G., fish, 31 South Second, h. 25 Cannon Childs Sylvester, watches and jewelry, 33 Purchase, h.

41 High Chipman James F., overseer belt room Wamsutta Mills,

house 69 Sycamore Chi^holm Sarah A., widow of Elijah, h. 55 North Sixth Christian Ann Mrs., h. Clinton, n. South Cottage Christian Stephen C, master mariner, h. 68 Pleasant Chuier George, shoemaker, boards 98 Purchase Chuler Jacob, shoemaker, boards 98 Purchase Church Bradford L., conductor N. B. R. R., h. 151 State CHURCH CHAS. H., druggist, 74 Purchase, house 262

^ County Church Charles L., pianos, cabinet organs, and music, 7

Pleasant, near Union, house 44 Chestnut Chui-ch Charles M., clerk, 74 Purchase, bds. 262 County Church Christopher A., liouse Acushnet avenue Church Ephraim E., foreman, 33 Commercial wharf, house

170 Mill Church Freeman T., sail maker, liouse 39 North Church Horatio L., sailmaker Simpson Hart, h. 55 Hill CHURCH JAMES I., boots and shoes, 87 Purchase, li.

at Fairhaven


Church Lucinda Mrs., liouse 17 Cannon

Church Lucy A. Miss, millinery, 6 Pleasant, near Union,

house 39 North [h. 39 Xorth

Church Lydia C. Mrs., millinery, 6 Pleasant, near Union, Church Mary, widow of James F., house Mt. Pleasant,, u.

Mt. Vernon Church Mary A, Miss, house Acushnet avenue Church Wm. A., assistant cashier First National Bank, h.

15 Lincoln [Union, h. 29 Bush

Church Wm. N. (Driscol, Church & Hall), grocer, 60 Churchill Benjamin J., gasfitter, 45 North Water, house

Swamp, near J.'edar Churchill Hiram, house 54 Summer Cliurcliill Robert G., cooper, lioiise 78 Fifth Churchill Silvanus, cooper, 9 Cannon, house 78 Fifth CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, 3G North Water, cor.

Centre [Second

CITY LAUNDRY, F. H. Dunham, )M-opr., 107 North CITY PLANING MILLS, Greene & Wood, agents,

Leonard's wharf [Fairhaven

Claflin James E., tinplatcworker, 16 North Water, h. at Clapp Abbie, widow of John S., dressmaker, boards 25

South Second [house 300 do.

Clare John, grocer and provision dealer, 221 So. Water, Clare Wni. H., clerk. 221 South Water, house 300 do. Clark A. Frank, clerk, 60 Union, bds. 57 Foster Clark Benjamin H., laborer, house 54 Middle Clark Charles A., pictureframe manufacturer, h. 109 High Clark Charles A., jr., copyist State House (Boston), house

109 High Clark Chas. S., clerk, 59 and 61 No. Second, h. 9 Park Clark Cyrus E., clerk and treasurer First Cong, church,

house at Acushnet Clark Eliza W. Mrs., dressmaker, h. r. 148 Kempton Clark Etneline E., wid. (^f -Thomas, h. Pleasant, n. Austin Clark Ezra, carpenter, North Second, corner Hillman, h.

57 Foster Clark Frederick P., carpenter, house 122 Maxfield Clark George C, pictureframe dealer, h. 112 High Clark George H., mastermariner, house Campbell, near

Chestnut Clark Hannah M. Miss, tailoress, h. Pleasant, n. Austin Clark Hosea B., clerk, house 52 Walnut Clark James, weaver, boards 5 Austin [Blackmore

Clark James A., sectionhand Potomska Mills, house 53 Clark James B., carpenter, house 138 Purchase Clark John, waiter Parker House, h. West Wall, r. Court Clark Josiah R., cabinetmaker Caleb Maxfield, house 73



Clark Julia A., widow of Elisha, house 175 County Clark Lothroj), provisions, Purchase, coi-. Willis, house

Walnut, cor. Fifth Clark Mary A., widow of Daniel L., h. 138 Purchase Clark JMary S. Miss, house 47 Seventh Clark IMichael, welldiijjger and stonelayer, house Parker,

near Oak Grove cemetery Clark l^eter, gardener, house Clay, near Oak Clark Robert, weaver Potoniska Mills, h.'S91 So. Second Clark Thomas C, laborer, house 3 Walnut Clark Thomas E. (Clark & Bartlett), fishmarket, 8 and 10

South Water and 9 Market, h. 52 Walnut Clark Walter F., horsedealer, house 27 Elm C'lark William, laborer, house Ash, near Union Clark William G., cai-penter, house 138 Purchase Clark William J., carpenter, house Parker, n. Oak Grove

cemetery [Middle

Clark Williani S., foreman for W. A. Robinson, house 125 Clark & Bartlett (Thomas E. Clark and Seth S. Bartlett),

fishmarket, 8 and 10 South Water, and 9 Market (Clarke Albert E., lawyer, 42^ No. Water, h. 80 Arnold Clarke Henry B., homoeopathic physician, 181 Union, h. do, Clarke AVilliam E., foremanspinner Potomska Mills, house

68 Prospect Clarkson Nicholas J., plasterer and whitewasher, house

rear of the Third church, Middle Clary Daniel, laborer, house Highland, corner Topham Clary Lawrence, Gosnold Mill, house 20 School Clary William, laborer, house Penniman Clay Allen C, rigger, house 1 Durfee Clay Henry, mastermariner, house 166 Grinnell Clayton Susan, widow, house 83 South Water Cleary Anthony, hostler S. F. Perry, bds. 68 Mechanics

lane [lane

Cleary Edward J., clerk B. H. Waite, l)ds. 68 Mechanics Cleary Heniy, molder, house 83 North Water Cleary James, hostler S. F. Perry, h. 68 Mechanics lane Cleaveland Abram L., shipbroker and commissionraer-

chant, 23 Centre, house 8 Pleasant, near Union Cleaveland Andrew M., baker, house Ash, cor. Mill Cleaveland Caroline, widow of Charles G., h. 112 South

Front Cleaveland Charles E., carpenter, bds. 112 South Front Cleaveland Sarah L., ])roprietress Mount Pleasant House,

8 Pleasant, near Union Cleaveland George B., laborer, house 69 Forest (Jleaveland George H. V. D., baker, 173 Union, house 69

Forest Clifford Caroline A. Miss, house 66 Bedford


Clifford Charles W. (Marston & Crapo), lawyer, 35 North

Water, boards 198 Union, corner County Clifford Julm H., lawyer, and pres. Boston & Providence

Railroad, 35 North Water, house 87 South Orchard Clifford Walter, lawyer, 35 North Water, boards 87 South

Orchard Clifton Jireh W., stoves, tinware &c., "206 Purchase, h. do. Clines Catharine, widow of John, hotise 182 North Third Clynionts William, blacksmith E. B. & F. Macy, house,

991. Purchase Coade Lucy, widow, house 159}^ Mill Coats John M., saihnaker, house 33 Pleasant Cobb George A., stoves and tinware, Head of the River,

house do Cobb John Q. A., branch pilot, house 16 Chancery Cobb Solon, pastor Pacific Church, boards 65 Ehn Cobb Susan C., widow of Nathaniel W. P., h. 70 Sycamore Cobb Thomas J., deputy sheriff, 23 North Water, house

71 Forest Cobb Wendell H, (Marston & Crapo), lawyer 35 North

Water, house Maple, near Hawthorn Cobb William S., sheriff, and dept. U. S. Marshal, 23 North

Water, house 115 Washington Coburn Geo. N., machinist, house 77 North Third Codd Thomas A. (T. A. Codd & Co.), shipbrokers, 18

South Water, house 11 Third Codd Thomas A. & Co. (Thomas A. Codd and H. S.

West), shipbrokers 18 South Water Codding Herbert N., carriagemaker, boards 36 Chestnut Codding Mary A. Miss, teacher Fifth st. grammar school,

boards 36 Chestnut Codding Seth, grocer, 180 County, house 36 Chestnut Codding Seth E., framemaker, house 8 Spruce Coe Isaac H. Rev., pastor South Cliristian Baptist Church,

house 112 Washington Coe William F., shoelaster, house 22 Crapo Coffin Alexander B., cooper, house 41 Smith Coffin Chas. H., paperboxraaker, 110 Union, bds. 57 Third Coffin Edwin R., salesman, 125 North Water, boards 98

Purchase COFFIN FREDERICK, paperboxmnfr., 110 Union, h.

57 Third Coffin George C, baker, house 42 Foster Coffin George T., machinist, boards 67 South Second Coffin James H., mariner, house 31 William Coffin John C, laborer, house foot of Eddy's wharf Coffin John C, engineer, house 124 Middle Coffin Phoebe C, widow of William, house 57 Third Coffin Prince H., clerk, 23 Centre, boards 31 Williaai


Coffin Simeon K., laborer Hastincj & Co., boards 28 Allen

Coffin Stei)lien P., cooper, house 28 Allen

Coffin Walter II., paperboxniaker, 110 Union, boards 57

Third Coffin William D., house 67 South Second Coffin Wm. F., mariner, Ijoards 28 Allen Coffin Wm. H., boar(linii;stable, Fir^t, corner School, and

hack stand, 128 Union, house 17 South Second Cogan Thomas, laborer, house 04 North Cocrgeshall Ann IMi-s., Iiouse 169 County Coggeshall l^radford II. (Howland & Coggeshall), cooi)er,

"""rear 147 North Water, house 58 North Third Coggeshall Chas. W. (Coggeshall & Co.), i)uinp and block

maker, Front, n. P^airhaxen dei)Ot, h. at Fairhaven Coggeshall Chas. W. (Tobey & Coggeshall), stoves and

tinware, 18 William, house 11 Chestnut Cofjgeshall Edward, mastermariner, house 163 County COGGESHALL HENRY W. (Coggeshall & Co.), un- dertaker, 20 William, house 22 do. Coggeshall James, house 26 Campbell Coggeshall James F., carriagemaker Brownell & Ashley,

house Hathaway road Coggeshall John, mariner, house 7 Jenney Coggeshall John A., teamster, boards 20 North Cedar Coggeshall Nelson, teamster, house Ash, corner Mill Coggeshall Priscilla S., widow of Josiah, h. 20 No. Cedar Coggeshall Robert C. P., assistant engineer water works,

office basement City Hall building, house .81 Bush Coggeshall Samuel B., master mariner, h. 110 South Sixth Coggeshall Sarah M., widow of James, h. 79 South Second Coggeshall Sylvia A., wadow of Edward L., h. 169 County Coggeshall Thomas, assistant postmaster, house 31 Bush Coggeshall Wm. P., teamster, house Mt. Pleasant, n. Mt.

Vernon COGGESHALL & CO. (Henry W. Coggeshall), under- takers and coffin warerooms, 20 and 22 William Coggeshall & Co. (Charles W. Coogeshall and Charles

Johnson), pump, block and sparmakers. Front, near

Fairhaven Dejtot Cogy Benjamin, laborer, house 30 Bedford Cogy Tarleton, laborer, house 89 South Sixth Colby Philiji E., clerk Acushnet Coffije and Spice Mills,

house Hill, corner Mill. Cole Benjamin, machinist, house 88 Washington Cole Emily, widow, house Old County Road Cole George F., clerk and bookkeei)er H. G. O. Cole, bds.

84 Fourth COLE HARRISON G. O., carriage manufacturer, 44

Third, house 84 Fourth


Cole Henry O., niailagent, house Pleasant, near Linden Cole Theodore W., niarbleworker, William, corner Bethel,

house 56 Hillman Cole Wni. H., laborer, house 27 Chancery Coleman Betsey R., dressmaker, house 167 Union Coleman George, fisherman, house rear 251 North Third Coleman Robert, laborer, house 7 Cliancery Colgan Ann, widow, house 168 Kempton Collamore Edwin J., engineer, house 147 State Collins Abagail C, widow, house 13 ]\Iill Collins Albert B., law student, 36;^ North Water, boards

at Fairhaven Collins Asa, machinist, house 299 Purchase Collins Barnabas, farmer, house Ashland, near Linden Collins Esther Mrs., house 203 Pleasant Collins Eugene E., hostler, house 180 North Collins George A., secondhand. Wamsutta Mills, house

324 Purchase Collins Hugh, laborer, house 6 Griffin Collins James H. Mrs., house 173 Middle Collins Jeremiah, laborer Gosnold. Mills, house Wall Collins Joseph, weaver, house Leach's Cedar Grove Collins Michael, laborer, house 16 Franklin Collins Nelson (Ellis & Collins), patternmaker, 90 South

Water, boards 96 Fourth Collins Otis K., wheelwright, rear 125 North Third, house

201 Purchase Collins Quimtorn F. (Collins & Allen), blank book manu- facturer and stationer, 73 Union, h. at Fairhaven Collins William, mariner, boards, 108 South Front Collins & Allen (Q. F. Collins and J. P. Allen), blank

book manufacturers and stationers, 73 Union Colomb Ambrose, laborer, house 200 Pleasant Colovan Margaret JMiss, house 106 Maxfield Colovan Susan Miss, house 106 Maxfield Colson Fred, W., painter, 9 North Water,^house Thomas,

rear of Sycamore Colson Lysander, laborer, house 188 South Second Colson William, painter, 25 Centre Cohvell Albert F., carpenter, house 166 North Colwell John J,, carriagesmith, h, Jenny, n, Kempton Colyar Henry, clerk, 34 North Second, boards Dartmouth

road, near Dartmouth line Colyar Rhoda, widow of Henry, house Dartmouth, near

Dartmouth line Colyar Sylvester A., roperaaker, house 169 Pleasant Colyar Henry B., painter, house Dartmouth road, near

Dartmouth line [37 Foster

COMEY CHARLES M,, dry goods, 103 Purchase, house


COMMERCIAL HOUSE, A. W. Hann, proprietor, 9


CO., 37 North Water Commerford Anna R, Miss, teaolicr INIiildle street school,

boards 232 County Commerford Catlierine Miss, teacher Parker street gram- mar school, boards 282 County Commerford Eleanor Miss, teacher Keinpton st. school,

house 232 County Commerford Mary Miss, musicteacher, bds, 232 County Commerford Patrick, house 232 County Compton Horatio H., carriagemaker, bds. 8G No, Second Compton Mathew, cooper, house 86 North Second Comstock Thomas W., carpenter, h. 130 Th.inl Conant A., physician, 85 Purchase, house at Fall River Conant Geo. M., cutter J. & W. R. Wing & Co., boards

42 North Sixth CONGDON JAMES B., city treasurer and collector, and treasurer N. B. Gas Light Co., office Library build- ing, house 118 County Congdon Lydia C, widow of Arnold, house 76 Walnut Congdon Sarah Miss, house 29 Seventh Congdon Wm., sailmaker Simpson ILart, h. 135 Kempton Conklin Abram, laborer, house 208 Middle Conn David, laborer, house 236 North Third Connell Maria Mrs., house Austin court Connelly Ann, widow of Patrick, h. Hazard, cor. State Connelly John W., cignrmaker, boards 117 North Water Connelly .Joseph A., laborer, house 117 North Water Connelly Patrick, house 221 Middle Connelly Patrick, grinder, liouse 228 North Third Connelly Richard, ropemaker N. B. Cordage Factory,

house 165 Kempton Conners Peter, laborer, house 5 Morgan's lane Conniif John A., harnessmaker W. H, Willis, bds. 69 Elm Connolly Ellen Mrs., house 2 Hall's court Conroy Michael, laborer, house 49 Middle Considine Ann, widow of Michael, house Purchase, cor.

Pen ni man Considine Michael, laborer, h. rear Acushnet av., east side Conway Ellen, widow, house 4 Bush Conway James S., teamster at glass works, h. 11 Bush Conway Michael, teamster, house 115 South Water Conway Michael, weaver, liouse 7 Hazard court Cook Alexander G., mason, house 10 Liberty Cook Ann Mrs., house rear 59 Summer Cook Ann, widow of George, house 89 Sixtli Cook Ciias. A., currier, boards 82 Thomas


Cook Chas. E., provisions, 1 New Market square, house

at South Dartmouth Cook Clarence A., clerk N. B. Copper Co., bds. 33 Bush Cook David, groceries and dry goods, 240 Purchase, h. do. Cook Emma L. Mrs., house 10 Morgan Cook Evie M. Miss, house rear 105 Allen Cook Huratio B., carpenter, N. B. K. R., house 8 Green Cook James, laborer, house 18 Cedar [Russell

Cook James B., machinist Morse Twist Drill Co., h. 50 Cook Jolm F., clerk, 14 Fourth, boards 133 Washington Cook John H., beltmaker Wamsutta Mills, li. 218 County Cook Jolin S., livery and boarding stable, 8, 10, 12, and 14

Fourth, house 133 Wasliington Cook Joseph, gardener, house rear 105 Allen Cook .Lydia W., widow of Jabez, house 82 Thomas Cook Margaret Mrs,, house 166 Kempton Cook Pliilip B., mason, house 5 Rockdale avenue Cook Richard H., pressman Thayer & Judd, h. 8 Cedar Cook Robert, baker, house 73 Dartmouth COOK SAMUEL H., secretary Ocean Mutual Insurance

Co., and insurance agent, 37 North Water, house

Bush, between County and Orchard Cook Silas, cooper, house 232 Purchase Cook Theodore, hostler, 14 Fourth, boards 12 Walnut Cook Thomas, house 1 Morgan

Cook Thomas W. (Tliomas W. Cook & Co.), paint man- ufacturer. School, cor. Front, house 101 \Villiam Cook Thomas W. & Co. (Thomas W. Cook), paint, color,

and varnish manufrs.. School, cor. Front Cook Timothy D., builder and real estate agent, 19 North

Water, house 22 Bush Cook Wesley, glassmaker, house 163 First Cook William, general agent Equitable Life Assurance

Society, office First National Bank building, house

33 Bush Cook Wm. H. (Wm. H. Cook & Co.), junk dealer, 9 North

Front, house 28 Third COOK WM. H. & CO. (Wm. H. Cook & James Mackie),

junk dealers, 9 North Front Coombs Asa, shipwright, house 42 Smith Coombs Benjamin D., farmer, house Plainville COOMBS BENJAMIN F., cashier National Bank of

Commerce, 35 North Water, h. 75 Fourth Coombs Elnathan, house 42 Smith Coon George H,, oil presser, h. 114 South Sixth Coon William S., frameniaker, 72 North Water, h. 108

North Third Cooper Frances, widow of Thomas, h. 157 Elm Cooper George, needle ranfr., 90 So. Water, h. 144 Third


Cooper Lucy A. Mrs., house rear 163 Kempton Cooper Luveny, widow of Thomas, h. 76 First Cooper I\-itrick, hostler W. 11. ColHn, h. 73 Forest Coo])er Watson, cook, 26 South Water, boards do. Cooper William II., clerk, 32 School, bds. 73 Forest Coreia F'rank, laborer, house 184 South Second Coreia John, laborer, house 186 South Second Corey Ada F. Miss, dressmaker, house 59 Cypress Corey Adaline H., widow of Charles W., h. 59 Cypress Corey Charles S., house 59 Cypress Corey Charlotte A., widow of John, house 20 Crapo Corey John, assistant city marshal, house 20 Crajio Corey Michael, laborer C. M. Peirce, house 56 Mill Corey Orlando, clerk, 46 Purchase, house 20 Crapo Corey Philip H., clerk. Union, c. Water, h. 31 Pleasant Corey, see also Cory

Corish Bridget, widow of Thomas, h. Chancery, n. Court Corish J:nnes, currier, house 225 Middle Corish John, currier, house 99 Smith Cornell Abbie, widow of Uandall, h. 28 County avenue Cornell Betsey, widow, house 100 Emerson Cornell Charles, teamster Eureka Flour Mill, h. So. Sixth Cornell Charles F., sexton Oak Grove Cemeteries, h. do. Cornell Daniel H. (D. H. Cornell & Co.), butcher, Wat- son, Cannonville, house do. Cornell D. H. & Co. (Daniel 11. Cornell and Pardon Cor- nell), butchers, Watson, Cannonville Cornell Eliza A., widow of William, house 231 So. Second Cornell Eugene H., passepartoutmaker, house 69 Spruce Cornell Geo, A., master mechanic N. B. R. R., house 282

Purchase Cornell George T., butcher, house 49 Cove Cornell Griffin T., carpenter, boards 1 Potter Cornell John M., laborer, h. Potter, n. New County rd. Cornell John W., seacaptain, house 82 Kemjitou Cornell Joseph H., president Gosnold Iron Works, house

Acushnet av., Grove place Cornell Joseph W., house 1 Ashland

Cornell Pardon, treas. New Bedford Tool Co., 14 Wil- liam, and butcher, h. Watson, n. Smith Mills road Cornell Phebe A., widow of Jacob, house 156 State Cornell Robert S., livery and boarding stable, Grinnell,

h. Sixth, n. Washington sq. Cornell Solomon C, driver S. P. Richmond & Co., house

21 Seventh Cornell Squire H., mariner, house 112 South Front Cornell Stephen, cooper, 60 Union, house 69 Spruce Corner William H., saloon, house Plainville Cornish Aarou, physician and surgeon, 64 Russell, corner Sixth, house do.


Cornish Fred. W., clerk H. J. Taylor, 41 Purchase, bds.

81 Maxfield [land, near County

Cornish Israel C, civil engineer and contractor, h. Kock-

CORNISH IVORY S., agent ^tna Life Insurance Co.

of Hartford, 27 Nortl^^Yater, h. 81 Maxfield Corson Charles M., teamster T. S. Corson, h. 23 School Corson Temple S., truckman, house 18 Bethel Cory Abby, widow of Lawton H., house Mount Pleasant,

near Nash road Cory Charles, hairdresser, 133 So. Water, h. 128 First Cory Clarissa G., widow of Alonzo L., house. 78 So. Sixth Cory Daniel, shipcarpenter, h. 85 "North Second Cory Daniel W., clerk M. T. D. & M. Co., boards 85 No.

Second Cory Drucilla Miss, dressmaker, house 64 School Cory Everett N., painter, house 12 Rockdale avenue Cory Frederick A., farmer, h. Mt. Pleasant, n. Nash road Cory George A., carpenter, house 12 Rockdale av. Cory George G., mariner, house 6 Rockdale avenue Cory Isaac C, farmer and carriagemaker, house 12 Rock- dale avenue Cory John A., baker, boards 56 Mill Cory Julia A., widow, house 70 Kempton Cory Nathaniel, house 5 Cottage Cory Philip H., clerk, 51 Union, house 17 Walnut Cory Seabury, jr., clerk Swift & Allen, bds. 28 High Cory Sylvester R., boards 116 Kempton Cory William T., waiter, 5lUnion, bds. 56 Mill Cory, see also Corey Costello Marcellus, hairdresser, 7 Liberty Hall building,

house 12 Spruce Cota Charles (Cota & Smith), grocer, Cedar, cor. Middle,

house 19 Morgan Cota & Smith (Charles Cota and Joseph C. Smith),

grocers, Cedar, corner Middle Cotes John, sailmaker, house 33 Pleasant Cotner Lewis, weaver, house 255 South Water Cotter John, works Gosnold Mills, house 319 Purchase Cotter William, stevedore, house 6 High Cotter William F., watchman, house Cedar Grove Cottle Edwin B., farmer, house Plain ville Cottle Harriet B. Miss, trimmings and worsteds, 11 Pur- chase, house 86 Kempton Cotton Louisa Mrs., house 23 South Seventh Couch George, laborer, house 14 Crapo Couch W^illiam H., overseer Potoraska Mills, bds. 14 Crapo Coughlin Jeremiah, laborer, house 95 First Couling Isham, grocer, 184 Kempton, house 7 Ash Courtney Eugene, tailor, house 49 Sycamore


Covcll Alexander H., clerk, rooms 167 County

Covell Almy B. Mrs., house 114 Pleasant

Covell Amy, widow of ITalsey, house 169 Pleasant

Covell Benjamin B., fruitgrower, house Acushnet avenue

Covell Benj. B., jr., clerk N. Waterman, bds. 65 Elm

Covell Edward T., house 3 South Cottage

Covell Frederick P., clerk E. O. Spooner, bds. 13 Mill

Covell George A., mastermariuer, house 14 Pope

Covell George A., jr., clerk U. A. Snell, h. 60 Sycamore

Covell Grace B., widov/ of Charles, h. 112 Purchase

Covell Herbert E., cariiagetrimmer C. II. Forbes, boards

104 Fifth Covell Jonathan, house 109 Third Covell Joseph L. Mrs., hat manufacturer and repairer,

l-27>.i Union, house 5 Fifth Covell Mary C. Mrs., house 3 Cottage Covin Alonzo E., foreman W. Tallman, h. 48 High Covin David, glassmaker, house 104 Fifth Covin David F., machinist Morse Twist Drill, h. 21 Wing Covin Herbert E., carriagemaker C. H. Forbes, boards 104

Fifth Covin Robert IT., machinist, boards 104 Fifth Cowan Mary Mrs., house 64 Foster Cowen Charles D., gasfitter T. J, GifFord & Co., boards

Smith's Mills Cowen Fldward F. A., hack driver, house 316 Purchase Cowie George, light keeper Palmer's Island, house do. Cowin Zenas, farmer, house Hathaway road, west of

Rockland avenue Cowing Thomas B., currier, house 64 North Cowing Wm. H., stonecutter, h, Jenney, n. Kempton Cowing William M., conductor, house 103 Summer Cox Delia A. Miss, house 39 Kempton Cox James V., inspector Custondiouse, h. at Fairhaven Cox Sarah C, widow of Wm. H., h. 39 Kempton Coxen Charles H., clerk, 32 Purcliase, boards 113 Elm Coxen Clarissa, widow of George E., house 113 Elm Crabtree George, weaver Wamsutta Mills, h. Purchase,

corner Hazard Craft James, rigger, house 216 Middle Crafts Frank G., carriagetrimmei', bds. 63 So. Second Crafts Reuben, planemaker, house 56 South Second Crafts Sarah F. Mrs., dressmaker, 56 So. Second, h. do. Crafts Wilbur F*., pastor County street M. E. church, h.

98 Elm Cragen Charles H., rigger, house 57 Hill Craig Andrew, carpenter, house 71 Middle Craig Thomas, roapmaker, h. West Middle, cor. Chancery CRAIGIE ANDREW, brassfounder, 103 North Water, house 51 Fourth


Crnigie Andrew T., clerk Atlantic wharf, bds. 51 Fourtli Craigie Lizzie W., music teaclier, liouse 51 Fourth Cramer Ellen, widow of Michael, house 35 Middle Crane Charles, tinsmith, house Acushnet avenue Crane George J., watchmaker, 98 Union, house lOU

. North third Crane John Q. A., farmer O. G. Brownell, Mt. Pleasant Cranston James, mariner, boards 155 Pleasant Cranston James M., boat builder. Fish Island, house 155

Pleasant Cranston John, boatbuilder, Fish Island, h. 157 Pleasant Ci'anston John H., mariner, boards 157 Pleasant Cranston Ly<lia J. Miss, teacher High School Cranston Orville W. (Soule & Cranston), carpet uphol- sterer, 9}4 Purchase, house 59 Summer Cranston Sarah H. Miss., teacher Bush street school Crapo Abbie I. Mrs., house 64 Dartmouth Crapo Charles, carpenter, boards 31 Third Crapo Chas. VV., firmer, house rear Dartmouth road, near

Dartmouth line Crapo Emma, widow of Henry D., house 10 Bethel Crapo George M., carver L. B. Ellis, house at Fairhaven Crapo George H., master mariner, house 93 Smith Crapo Henry E., bootmaker, h. New County rd., n.Durfee Crapo Jeremiali, rigger, house 105 Cedar Crapo Lucy A. Mrs., house 63 Forest Crapo Peter, house 206 South Second Carpo Peter, teamster James Dnddy Crapo Rebecca G., seamstress, house 1 Bedforl Crap > Robert C, telegraph operator, house Bellville Crapo Sally, widow of Charles, house 63 Summer Crapo Square G., firmer, h. Prospect, opp, (^lass Works Crapo Thomas, fishmarket, 69 South Water, house do. CRAPO WILLIAM W., President Mechanics National Bank, and (Marston & Crapo j, lawyer, 35 North Water, house 7 South Orchard Craw Flenry T., mastermiriner, house 130 Third Creech William, miller N. B. Flour Co., house 30 Hill Crins Clara Mrs., house 16 Mill Croacher Daniel B., cooper, house 27 Sherman Croacher Elizabeth, widow of Thomas, house 25 Sherman Croacher Rodolphus J., cooper, house 23 Sherman Croacher Thomas W., doors, sashes, and blinds, Leonard's

wharf, house 121 Fifth Crocker Desire Miss, house 33 High Crocker George O. (O. & G. O. Crocker), merchant, 7

Commercial wharf, house 96 William Crocker Oliver (O. & G. O. Crocker), merchant, 7 Com- mercial wharf, house 96 William "


Crocker O. & G. O. (Oliver aud George O. Crocker)

inorcliants, 7 Coiiimercial wharf Croiii|)toii Jolin, weaver, house 20 Hazard court Cromwell Samuel, master mariner, Ijds. Sampson House Croiian Daniel, pressman E. S. ISerry, liouse 199 Elm Cronin Cornelius, watchman, house 1 Harrison Cronin Mary, widow, house 136 South Water Cronin William, harnessmaker, 54 Elm, house 64 Foster Crook Wm. H., shipcarpenter, house 22 Griffin Crosby Thomas S., carpenter, house 1U7 Smith Cross David, spare hand in mill, h. 28 Brick Block, Orange Cross Hannah R., wiilow of John, h. 231 South Second Cross John, laborer, house 191 South Water Cross Julia, widow of Thomas, house rear 59 Summer Cross Peter, oiler, house 39 Biick Block, Orange Grossman Robert H., clerk Wm. G. Hayden, boards 10

Bedford Crother Samuel, painter, house Washburn Crow George, spinner, house rear 316 Purchase Crowell Aliby T., widow of Allen H., h. 21 South Sixth Crowell Charles F., mariner, boards 209 South Water Crowell Eunice, widow of Peleg, h. 209 South Water Crowell Isaac S., cooper, house 209 South Water Crowell James A., master mariner, h. 138 Summer Crowell Leonard, mariner, house 178,^2 County Crowell Lizzie N., musicteacher, bds. 21 South Sixth Crowell Reuben N., artist, boards 21 South Sixth Crowell Samuel, shipcarpenter, house 63 Foster Crowell Stephen, bookkeeper, h. 21 South Sixth Crowell Theodore P., sailmaker, house 38 Foster Crowley Daniel, laborer, house 15 Cedar Crowley Dennis, laborer, house 32 No. Water Crowley Elizabeth, widow, house 113 No. Third Crowley .Julia Miss, servant, 161 County Crowley Peter, laborer, house 244 South Water Crowley Peter, jr., printer W. F. Wheaton, boards 244

South Water Crniz Joseph, mariner, house 16 Wing Cuddi-y Thomas, laborer, house 32 Wing Cuddy Frank, laborer, bds. 238 So. Second Cudwt)rth Shadrach N., machinist, house 98 So. Third Cuff Levi, mariner, house 186 Kempton Cuftee Samuel, h. Rockland, near County Cumming Aithui', artist, boards 38 Eighth Cummings Benjamin, clerk Tucker & Cummings, boards

121 County Cummings Benjamin T., merchant, Taber's wharf, boards

21 South Sixth Cummings Charles S. (Tucker & Cummings), grocer, 66

and"68 William, house 88 Fourth


Cummings Cynthia S., widow of Benj., h. 121 County Cumtniiigs E. C, widow of John, h. 21 South Sixth Cainiuiiigs John F., farmer, housp rear Tarkiln hill road

near Acushnet station Cummings Martin, laborer, house Hazard, near Pleasant Cummings Solomon, farmer, house 14 Rockdale avenue Cummings Thomas, laborer, house 326 Purchase CUNHA JOSEPH, cigars and tobacco, 95 Union, h. do. Cunha Joseph A., shoemaker, 1721^2 So. Water, h. do. Cunuiff John, laborer, boards 129 North Third Cunningham Ann B., widow of John, h. 69 Hillman Cunningham Daniel P., overseer, house 91 Washington Cunningham John, pawnbroker, 76 Union, h. 10 Bethel Cunningham Ruth, widow of Robert, h. 4 Chestnut Cunningham Wni. H., fruit and vegetables, 30 and 32

Union, house 67 Hillman Cunningham Wm. .J., laborer, h. Chestnut, near South Currau Mary Mrs., house 259 South Water Curran Michael, weaver, house 259 So. Water Curtis Daniel, weaver, house Clark Curtis ^Manuel E., farmer, house Plainville road Curtis Richard (Cannon & Curtis), rigger, Commercial

wharf, house 77 Pleasant Gushing Abbie G., widow, house 63 Hillman Cushing Charles F., harnessmaker Jesse Allen, boards 80

Hillman Cushing John I)., cooper N. B. Flour Co., bds. 68 Mill Cushing John K., carpenter, Maxfield, near Foster, house

63 Hillman Cushing Joseph B., cooper, boards 39 Elm Cushinan Abbie A., widow of Zenas, house 11 Elm Cushman Andrew, laborer, boards 6 Bethel Cushman Benjamin, master mariner, house 50 Fifth Cushman D. P. Mrs., millinery, 143 Purchase, house at

Rociiester Cushman Frederick, house 55 Foster Cushman Roxa, widow of Jacob, h. 60 Dartmouth Cutler Charles H., engineer Potoraska Mills, house 68

Prospect Cypress Robert W., hairdresser, 166 Purchase, house rear

35 Smith Cyre Alexis, card stripper, h. 48 Brick block. Orange

DABNEY ADELINE, widow, house 322 Purchase Dacey Patrick, glassmaker, house 222 So. Water Dafney Antone, cook, 26 'o William, house 180 North Dagesse Joseph, laborer, house Orange Daggett Charles N., blacksmith Cordage Factory, house 22 Emerson 6


Daggett Eliphnlet, laborer, N. B. Flour Mills, h. 164 North D.ihill Peter, laborer, house Pleasant, near Linden DAILY EVENING STANDARD, E. Anthony & Sons,

])r(>]irietors, 67 Union Daily JNlicliael, laborer, house 334 Purchase Daily l*atrick, Wanisutta Mills, h. Cedar Grove Daily P;itriok, shipcarpenter, house 114 Grinnell Daley George, weaver, house Washburn Daley John, clerk II. Ilolconib, boards 6 Spring Dallnian Charles E., clerk C. W. Ilurll, 23 Purchase, bds,

52 Bedford Dallnian Selina V., widow of Thomas, h. 52 Bedford Daly Joseph F., house 114 Grinnell Dame Daniel D., farmer, house Rockland avenue Damraon Frederick A., grocer, boards 83 Smith Dammon George K., shipcarpenter, h. 13 Emerson Dammon Harry F., fancy card i)rinter, 139 Purchase, h. do. Dammon Samuel, shipcarpenter, North Water, cor. North,

house 31 Hillman Dammon Silas D,, shipcarpenter, house 83 Smith Damon Chandler, shipcai-penter, h. 156 No. Second Damon Doane W., shipjoiner Shepherd lane, house 3U

Cyfiress Damon Frank M., passepartout maker, 72 North Water,

boards 83 Smith Damon Henry D., shipjoiner, house 30 Cypress Damon Samuel H., carpenter, house 27 Sycamore Damon Thomas H., shipcarpenter, h. Cedar, c. Campbell Damsell Alonzo, laborer, 13 North Second Damzel James, laborer, house Plainville road Dana Charles, house 10 South Second Dana Chas. E., eating house (Fall River), boards 10 So.

Second Dana William A. Mrs., house 86 Bedford Dandridge Rosena, widow of Andrew, h. 126 Kempton Dane Thomas, shoemaker, h. 6 Hazard court Daniels Helen, boarding house, rear South Front Daniels W., bootmaker, house 397 Purchase Dant Richard, shoemaker 183 Purchase, house Third Dantsizen (christian, furniture and upholstery, 191 Elm,

house do. Dantsizen Frank M., upholsterer, boards 191 Elm Dantsizen John G., upholsterer, house 191 Elm Dantsizen William C, mariner boards 191 Elm Danzell Alonzo F,, laborer, boards 7 Cedar Danzell Christopher S., shoemaker, 165 Purchase, h. do. Danzell Deborah Mrs., house 7 Cedar Darling William, cooper, house 2 Rockdale avenue Daud Thuritio, boardinghouse, 12 Griffin


Davenport Abby D., widow of John, house Jenney, near

Kempton Davenport Alfred C, painter O. E. Gifltord, h. 148 Mill Davenport Alonzo, carpenter, house 80 First Davenport Augustus M., painter, house 148 Mill Davenport Charles, farmer at Paul Ilathaway's, Hatha- way road Davenport Clarence D., mariner, h. Jenney, n. Kempton Davenport John, laborer, house Willis, corner Emerson Davenport Lydia G. Miss, house 41 Fourth DAVENPORT, MASON & CO. (John S. Bassett and William Walker, Taunton, and Geo. C. Hatch, New Bedford), N. Y. Southern and Westiern Express, 5 Ricketson block * [Fourth

Davenport Patience M., widow of Charles D., house 97 Davilla Frank, laborer, house 179 South Second Davis Aaron, shipcarpenter, house 35 Maxfield Davis Abner T., gardener, house 41 Mill Davis Achsah, widow of Philip T., h. Tarkiln Hill road Davis Anna, widow of Joseph, house 67 Third Davis Benjamin, boot and siioe maker, 27 Cannon, house

74 Kempton Davis Bethuel P., brakeman N. B. R. R., bds. 2 Logan Davis Betsey, widow of Abner, house Cemetery Lodge Davis Charles C, shoemaker Hathaway & Soule, boards

Mansion House Davis Charles F., clerk W. T. Soule, bds, 49 Bedford Davis Charles G., dentist, Pleasant, corner Union, house

49 Hillman Davis Daniel W., currier, boards 1 Ash Davis Darius, blacksmith, h. Pleasant, near Linden Davis David, farmer, house Hathaway road Davis Eliza, widow of James, house 43 Sycamore Davis Frank L., in D. K. Tripp's planing mill, bds. 61 No.

Sixth, cor. Middle Davis Frederick A., night watchman House of Correc- tion, h. 49 Bedford Davis Frederick B., mason, house 165 Grinnell Davis George D., carpenter, h, 61 North Sixth Davis George H., machinist Morse Twist Drill Works, bds. 105 Fourth [Rockland

Davis George W., carder Potoraska Mills, h. Fourth, cor. Davis Hannah H. Nye Mrs., house 223 County Davis Henry T., carpenter, house 98 Third Davis Henry V., manufacturing chemist. Court, office 40

No. Water, h. 11 Morgan Davis Henry V., jr., clerk H. V. Davis, h. 80 Arnold Davis Humphrey Mrs., house 20 Seventh Davis Jacob J., bootmaker, h. Cove, near County


Davis James, 2il, grocer, Acushnet nv., n. No. Third, h. do.

Davis James, fanner, house 18 Rockdale avenue

Davis James A., iiiLcht watc^hmaii, Ii. SO No. Second

Davis James F., hslierman, liouse 76 Middle

Davis Jefferson, clerk, 131 Union, liouse 4 Foster

Davis Jethro C, carjienter, house 4 Borden

Davis John, house Old County road

Davis John, mariner, house bl Grinnell

Davis John W., [>edlar, house 3 Borden

Davis Joseph, gardener, bds. 102 South Third

Davis Joseph, woodsawyer, house 165 Grinnell

Davis Josej^h T., prop, of South Dartmouth stage line, 5

So. Sixths h. at So. Dartmouth Davis Julia Mrs., house 20 Park Davis Lorenzo D., merchant tailor, and gents' furnishing

goods, 64 William, h. 65 Walden Davis Lorenzo M., civil engineer, house 65 Walden Davis Mahala M., widow, house 1 Asli Davis Nicholas, painter, house 298 Purchase Davis Oliver B., tinman, 45 North Water, h. 74 Kempton Davis Rebecca, widow of G(>orge W.. h. 155 State Davis Rlioda T., widow of Isaac H., house 79 Third Davis Robert F., carpenter, house 103 South Sixth Davis Sarah G., widow of Laroy W., h. 77 South Second Davis Sophia A. Mrs., house Durfee, near Vine Davis Thomas, sexton Rural Cemetery, h. Cemetery lodge Davis Timothy (Davis & Hatch), coifee and spice mills,

59 High, h. 222 County Davis Wendell, boards Mansion House Davis William A., laboi'er N. B. Coi)per Works, house

298 Purchase Davis William E., pedlar, 34 Union, house Parker Davis William G., teamster at Flour Mill, h. 72 Thomas Davis William H., mariner, house 35 Maxfield Davis William J., salesman Geo. M. Eddy & Co., boards

181 Union Davis William L., mariner, house Tarkiln Hill road DAVIS & HATCH (Tiniothy Davis and Thacher C.

Hatch), coffee and spice mills, 59 High Davou Mary Anne, widow, h. So. Front, n. Howland Dawson Benjamin, grocer, 312 Purchase, house do. Dawson Margaret Mrs., h. Mt. Pleasant, n.the Reservoir Day Alfred, baker and confectioner, 52 Third, corner

Walnut, house do. Day George W., photograjiher, 64^2 Purchase, b. 52 Third Dayton Luther M., assistant City marshal, h.58 Summer Deacon John, ropemaker, house Ash, corner Morgan Deacon Joseph (Wilbur & Deacon), produce commission

merchant, 59 Union, house 36 Cedar


Deacon William, plumber, 32 William, bds. 36 Cedar Dean Aaron, mastermariner, house 176>2 County Dean Alice K., widow, house 39 Kempton Dean Charles F., carriagepainter, boards 59 Elm Dean Henry N., ironwork manufacturer, head No. Water.

house 128 Purchase DeanHoratio G., janitor Temple Club, 23 N. Second, h. do. Dean John H., carriagemaker, house 72 Fifth Dean John P., house 7 Willis Dean Joseph G. (Dean & Driggs), shipsinlth, Merrill's

wharf, house 59 Elm Dean Joseph H., mariner, house 59 Elm Dean Moses, blacksmith, boards 128 Purchase Dean Puella, widow, boards 241 Purchase Dean Reuben, shoemaker, house 51 Kempton Dean Thomas, laborer, house 77 Fifth Dean & Driggs (Joseph G. Dean and James D. Driggs),

shipsmiths, Merrill's wharf Dearborn Charles A., sewing machine agent, 15 Purchase,

boards Mansion House Dearden Jonathan, loomfixer, house 12 Austin court DeCosta Marion, fishermnn, house 75 North Second DeCourcy Timothy, currier, h. at Oak Grove Cemetery Dedrick Chas. M., carpenter, house 128 Summer Dedrick Henry Y., house 162 Kempton Deegan John, carder Potomska Mills, h. 262 So. Second DeForrest Rebecca C, widow of Eben, h. 21 Morgan's

lane Defreese Anthony S., cooper, house 38 South Second Dehoney Daniel, laborer, house South, cor. South First Dehoney Joseph II., carpenter, house 48 South Delaney Thomas H., machinist, 24 V/illiam, h. Purchase,

corner Franklin Delano Arvilla K., widow of Ezra, house 189 Middle Delano Charles, mariner, house rear 94 North Second Delano Charles E. P., machinist, house 189 Middle Delano Francis G., currier N. B. Tanning Co., boards

Fish Island Delano George (Geo. Delano & Co.) oil and candle man-

uficturer, office South Second, cor. South, boards 35

Eighth DELANO GEORGE & CO. (Geo. Delano, New Bedford,

F. L. B. Mayhew, and James A. Fussel, N. Y.), oil

and candle manufs., office South Second, cor. South Delano Gustavus, stucco worker, 6 Fifth, h. 74 Kempton Delano Harrison, ganger and inspector of oil, 17 Middle,

house 70 North Delano Henry E., currier, house Fish Island Delano Isaac D., house Plainville


_ .

Delano John A., mastenuariner, house 81 South Delano Joseph C, liouse 20 Hawthorn Dehmo Oirin, conductor F. R. R., house 89 Kempton Delano Flioehe, widow of Abraham, house 51 Hill Delano Ricliard M., wood and coal dealer, 173 County, h,

80 Tliird Delano R. M. Mrs., millinery, 13 Purcliase and 78 Third Delano Safford W., R. R. contractor, h. 89 Kempton Delano Stephen, dry goods, 8 Purchase, house 34 Eighth Delnno S. C. L., clerk Geo. Delano, boards 34 Eighth Delano Walton H., tish dealer, house Plainville Delavan George, laborer, house 236 Middle Demby Jacob H., dyer Excelsior Dye House, house 196

Kempton Demest John, laborer, 185 County Demoranville Daniel H., teamster, house JNJ^t. Pleasant,

near Durfee Demoranville Dennis, hackman, house rear 39 Smith Demoranville Dennis F., teamster, house 50 Bedford Demoranville Stephen E., stoneworker, h. Mt. Pleasant,

near Durfee Dempsey Daniel, laborer, house 17 Oak Deuham Edward (T. M. Denham & Brother), shirt man- ufacturers, 64 William, house 216 Union Denham George B., carpetmaker, house 61 Kempton , Denham James R., letter carrier, h. 106 Soutli Sixth Denham Thomas M. (T. M. Denham & Brother), shirt

manufacturer, 64 William, house 173 Middle Denham Tilson B., house 216 Union

Denham T. M. & Brother (Thomas M, and Edward Den- ham), shirt manufacturers, 64 William Denham William H., baker J. Libby & Co. DENISON BROTHERS (John H. and Henry C. Deui-

son). Eureka Flour Mills, 42 South Water Denison Henry C. (Denison Bros), Eureka Flour Mills,

boards 73 Fourth Denison John H. (Denison Bros.), Eureka Flour Mills,

house 73 Fourth Denney William, Potomska Mills, house 7 Rivet Denneaud Charles F., shipkeeper, house 73 Cypress Dennis Foster S., contractor, house 153 Middle Dennis Henry G., Providence W. W., house 153 Middle Dennis Sarah A. Mrs,, house 8 Emerson Dennis Valariali, widow of Foster S., house 153 Middle Dennis William R., salesman Nathan Lewis, boards 153

Middle Dennison Artson K., weaver Potomska Mills, house 211

South Third Dennison Tristani R., city missionary, h. 8 Ricketson court


DeRose Carrie Mrs., house 33 Pleasant

DeSilva Manuel, weaver, house 198 South Water

Desmond Thomas, tailor, 64 William, boards 8 Bethel

Dever Ellen, widow of John, house 69}4 South Water

Dever Patrick, tailor, 8 nigh, house do.

Devine Margaret, widow of William, h. 230 North Third

Devine Patrick, laborer, house 103 South Front

Devol George B., laborer, house 160 Union

Devoll Amy A. Miss, dressmaker, house 161 North

DevoU Charles H., sailor, boards 161 North

Devoll Daniel P., cooper, house 42 Mill

Devoll Daniel T., salesman Pardon, Devoll & Son, boards

23 Walnut Devoll Eugene H., framemaker, boards 160 Union Devoll George B., laborer, house 160 Union Devoll Gideon, mason, house 100 North Third Devoll James F., clerk, house 22 Griffin Devoll James I., laborer, house 60 Spruce Devoll Jonathan, carpenter, house 161 North, cor. Spruce Devoll Joseph, fishdealer, 100 South Water, h. 22 Griffin Devoll Pardon (Pardon Devoll & Son), boots and shoes,

26 Purchase, house 23 Walnut Devoll Pardon jr. (Pardon Devoll & Son), boots and

shoes, 26 Purchase, house 3 Ricketson court Devoll Pardon & Son (Pardon and Pardon Devoll, jr.),

boots and shoes, 26 Purchase Devoll Thomas E., woodworker G. L. Brownell, boards

22 Griffin Devoll William, mastermariner, house 47 Hillman Devoll William L., clerk Pardon Devoll & Son, boards 23

Walnut Devoll William O., clerk Wamsutta Mills, bds. 47 Hillman DeWan Nichobis, clerk "249 Purchase, house Purchase,

corner Penniman Dewess Nathaniel, weaver, house 16 Hazard court Dewire Edward, weaver, boards 9 Austin court Dewire Ellen Mrs., house 9 Austin court Dewire Mary, widow, house 151 North Third Dewire Patrick, laborer, house Clark

DeWolf Ann Jane Mrs., variety store, 177 Purchase, h. do. DEWOLF CHARLES, carpenter and builder. Mechan- ics lane, near North Sixth, house 9 Court DeWolf Francis, farmer, house foot of Hawthorn DeWolf James, house, ship, and sign painter, 114 Third,

house 112 do. DeWolf William, traveling salesman, house 125 Middle DeWolf William H., painter, 25 Centre, house 119 Allen DeWolf William S., clerk Western Union Telegraph Co,

boards 125 Middle


DeWolfe Charles, clerk 177 Purchase, boards do.

DEW 8 EDWIN, books and stationery, 105 and 107

Union, house 80 Fourtli Dewaon Edward H. (Dewson, Williams & Co.;, prop. N.

B. Tannery, house at Quincy DEWSOX, WILLIAMS & CO. (Edward 11. Dewson,

Stedmaji Williams, and Timothy Reed), props. New

Bedford Tannery, Court Dexter Ainsworth, carpenter, house 48 Willis Dexter Benjamin (Dexter & Ilaskins), watches and jew- elry, 14 Purchase, house 78 Ilillman Dexter B. Frank, tinsmith, 129 Purchase, bds. 78 Ililiman Dexter Gilmore, lionse 13 Maxfield Dexter Henry jM., clergyman, house 277 Comity Dexter Howard N., shoecntter, boards Willis, nr. County Dexter James C, mariner, liouse 59 Spruce Dexter Josiah A., clerk Dexter & Plaskins, h. 82 Purchase Dexter Lureiia K., widow of Lorenzo, h. 107 Sycamore DEXTER THOMAS D., carriagepainter, 51 Elm, house

Sixth, corner Elm Dexter Weston A., painter Hart & Akin, h. 17 So. Third Dexter Wm. A., baggagemaster N. B. R. R., h. l5o State Dexter Wm. R., marblecutter, 6 Williams, bds. G Bethel DEXTER & HASKINS (Benjamin Dexter and Cyre-

nius W. Haskins), watches, jewelry, and silverware,

14 Purchase Dias Charles IL, clerk Simpson Hart, house 158 Union Dias Dryman, house 173 South Second Dias Joseph (Read & Di;is), overall manufacturer, 12 and

14 William, house 158 Union Dias Joseph, mariner, house 8 Rowland Dias Joseph A., mariner, house Arnold, corner Ash Dias Mary, widow of Daniel, house 185 South Second Dias Simeon D., ];)ookkeepcr, boards 158 Union Dickie Hugh, dresser Wamsutta Mills, h. rear 78 Linden Dickie John, house Washburn, near Acushnet avenue Dielle Narbert, laborer, house Brick block. Orange Diette Francis, house 44 Brick block. Orange Dillingham Caroline C. Miss, dressmaker, h. 29 Seventh Dillinaham John, blacksmith, house 33 Pleasant Dillingham N. H., clerk, 103 Third, house 110 Fifth ' Dillon Hannah, widow, house 49 Middle Dillon Patrick, laborer, house 75 South Water Dimmlck Elliot L., painter, 85 Middle, bds. 100 Fourth Dimmick Peter, mariner, house 311 South Water Dimond James C. Mrs., house 190 Elm Dimond John IL, mariner, house 16 Griffin Dix Silas J., laborer, house 19 Hillraan Dixon Sarah, widoWj boards 37 Elm


Doane Edward D., engineer, h. So. Second, c. Blackmore Doane Isaac S., laborer, house 90 Smith Doaue John H. (DoaTie & Co.), merchant taih:)r and sea- men's outfits, 55 Union, boards 150 County Doane Robert N. B., photographer, 30 Purchase, house

84 Ehn Doane Simeon (Doane & Co.), merchant tailor and sea- men's outfits, 55 Union, house 150 County Doane William FT., light keeper at Sow and Pigs Light

Vessel, house 13 Kempton Doane & Co. (Simeon and ,1. H. Doane), merchant tailors

and seamen's outfits, 55 Union Dodds James, weaver, boards 238 South Second Dodge William S., salesman, 58 Purchase, h. 80 Middle Doe George, rollcoverer, house 69 Prospect Doe George F., rollcoverer, 14 William, h. 59 Prospect Doe George F., jr., machinist, house 250 So. Water Doherty James, gardener, house 8 County Doherty Thomas, ropemaker, house Elm, cor. Ash Dolan Freelove, widow, h. New County road, n. Durfee Dollard Edward K., clerk, 125 Purchase, boards Elm, cor.

Water Dollard Garrett, laborer, house 66 Prospect [Water

Dollard John H., marblecutter, 6 William, boards 93 No. Dollard Mark, refiner Thayer & Judd, h. 93 No. Water Dollard PhiUp H., painter, boards 92 North Water Domingo John, steward, house 13 Arnold [field

Donaghy Joseph, laborer Co'xlage Factory, h. 108 Max- Donaghy Thomas, boot and shoe dealer, Union, corner

South Water, house 155 Tliird Donahoe Jeremiah, tailor Gifford & Co., boards Mansion

House Donahue Andrew, works N. B. Cordage Manufactory,

house 95 Washington Donahue John, laborer, house 100 South Front Donahue Robert, ropemaker, h. .Jenney, near Court Donahue Thomas, Warasutta.Mill, h. rear 326 Purchase Donlan Hugh F., clerk at N. B. R. R. freight ofiice, bds.

Mansion House Donnelly Michael, laborer, house South Front, n. South Donnelly Michael, weaver, liouse Hazard, cor. Pleasant Donovan Bridget, widow of Richard, house 39 Middle Donovan Dennis, laborer, house rear 41 Middle Donovan James, laborer, house 172 North Third Donovan Lawrence, laborer, house Hazard, n. Pleasant Donovan Nicholas, laborer, house Hazard, near Pleasant Dooley Michael, laborer, house Eddy's wharf Dootson Isabella Mrs., dry goods, 86 Purchase, house do. Dootson Thomas C, tailor, 92 Purchase, house 86 do.


Doi'an James, m.acliinist, house rear 399 Purchase

Doran Samuel, gardener, house 17 Ash

DOKAN, SHEA & CO. (William Dorau and Henry

Shoa), stonecutters, 26 North Second Doran William (Doran, Shea & Co.), stonecutter, 26 No.

Second, house 21 Ash Dorcaster Edward, carder, house 19 Austin court Dorman Mary E., widow of Daniel, house 154 Pleasant Dorson Alexander, weaver, house 315 Purchase Doten Nathaniel, cooj^er in glass works, h. 84 Washington Doty William P., grocer, 283 Purchase, house 284 do. Dougherty James, laborer, house 6 High Douglas Octavius T., laborer, house 15 Park Douglass Edwin A., blacksmith, house 171 Mill Douglass Francis H., nightwatch, house North Sixth, cor.

Market square Douglass Frank M., clerk, 46 Purchase, house 171 Mill Douglass Keziah Miss, house 165 Kempton Douglass Nancy, widow of Peter, house 6 Cedar Douglass William, plasterer, house 24 North Cedar DouU Alexander, blacksmith E. B. & F. Macy, boards 114

Fourth DouU Eliza L., schoolteacher, boards 114 Fourth Doull James, building materials, and house carpenter and

builder, 2 School, house 201 Purchase Dow David, weaver, house 2 Hazard court Dow George, house 13 West Middle Dow Samuel H., steward, house 15 West Middle Dowden James, mastermariner, house 106 Sycamore Dowden Thomas, laborer, house 106 Fourth Dowling Bartholomew, weaver, house 341 Purchase Dowling Mary Mrs., boarding, 341 Purchase Downey Honora Miss, house 195 Pleasant Downey John, laborer in oil works, Fish Island, house 77

North Second Downey John, laborer Wamsutta Mills, house foot of

Merrimac Downey Margaret, widow, house 5 Seneca Downey Maurice, house 49 Middle

Downey Michael, in gas works, house 152 South Water Downey Patrick, laborer, house 67 South Water Downing C. B., in cotton mill, house 120 North Third Dowty Alexander, blacksmith, house 232 South Water Doxtrant Frederick, pickerhand, house 187 State Doyle James, spinner, house 19 Austin Doyle Terrence Mrs., house Cedar Grove Doyle Walter, weaver, boards Hazard, cor. Pleasant Drake Jonathan E., molder, house 82 Arnold Drake Lewis E., mariner, house 82 Arnold


Drake Matilda M., widow of Wilson, boardinghouse, 11

North Second Drake William H., carriagepainter, house 73 Hillman Drayden James T., mariner, house lO^ears' court Dresscort James A., confectionery, 113 Purchase, house 8

Sears' court Drew Henjamin F., painter E. J. Kempton, h. at Fairhaven Drew Charles J., roofer, house 150 North Drew Francis B., finisher N. B. Copper Works, house

100.1^ Pleasant Drew James N., calker, 120 North Second, house 31 Elm Drew John T., stonecutter, house 15 Spruce Drew Mary E., widow of Joshua, house 150 North Drew Moses C, laborer, house West Willis, near Cedar Drew Phineas F., stonecutter, house Topham, near New

County road Drew Reuben, farmer, house west of New County road,

near Durfee Drew Wanton T., foreman Samuel Leonard & Co., house

100 Third Driggs James D. (Dean & Driggs), shipsmith, Merrill's

wharf, house 61 Kempton Dring Nathaniel, farmer, house 153 Elm Drinkwater Ezra, shoemaker, h. 56 Brick Block, Orange Driscol Stephen G. (Driscol, Church & Hall), grocer, 60

Union, house 35 Eighth Driscol, Church & Hall (S. G. Driscol, Wm. N. Church,

and Gilbert N. Hall), wholesale grocers, 60 Union Driscoll Daniel, laborer, house 41 Middle Driscoll John, cardgrinder, house Brick block, Orange Driscoll John, coachman, house 208 Union Driscoll Mary, house 3 Wamsutta Driscoll Michael, laborer, h. Purchase, cor. Clark Driscoll Patrick, skiver, iDoards 165 Kempton Driscoll Patrick, works in Wamsutta Mills, house in Brick

block, Orange Driscoll Peter M., hairdresser, 136 Union, bds. 42 Fourth Driscoll Robert, grocer, 311 Purchase, house do. Driscoll Timothy, machinist, boards 399 Purchase Driver John, weaver, house 183 State Drody James, clerk, 58 North Water, bds. 63 Summer Drody James C, carpenter, house 63 Summer Drown Wm, F., house 1 Robeson Drummond Mary, widow of Samuel, house 1 Walnut Dubois Alexander, house 161 South Third Duchesney Edward T., teamster, house 6 Elm Duchesney Felix D., laborer, house 83 North Water Duckworth William A., weaver, h. rear 317 Purchase Duddy George, clerk Thomas Donaghy, h. 159>^ Mill


Duddy James, teamster, Front, cor. Merrill's wharf, house

67 Cypress Duddy William, teamster, boards 67 Cypress DutF i)avid, jobwagcjp, 113 North Third, house do. Durt' James 11., cook, liouse 15 ^o Cannon Duffee Jolin, cooper, house 10 Emerson DufHcy John, carder, boards 341 Purchase Dufficy Richard, in copper works, house 334 Purchase Dutt'y Edward, gardener, liouse 13 Ash Duffy John, cooper,- house 10 Emerson [Third

Duffy Patrick, macliinist Wamsutta Mills, house 238 No. Dugan Catherine, widow of Patrick, h. 22 Walnut Dugan David, gardener, 134 County, h. Clinton, n. Cottage Dugan James, teamster, house 22 Walnut Dugan Michael, laborer, house 22 Walnut Dugan Thomas, laborer, h. Washburn, n. Acushnet av. Dugdale John, bootmaker, house 278 South Water Duggan Edward, teamster, house 64 Prospect Dunbar Ann B. Miss, boards 85 Washington Dunbar Ann II., house 80 Bedford Dunbar George H., house 121 William Dunbar Joseph S., laborer, house 85 Washington Dunbar Joshua P., jr., shoemaker, boards 76 Middle Dunbar Wm. A., boot and shoemaker, 32 North Second,

house 82 Middle Duncan Alexander, mason, house 5 Rivet Duncan James, laborer, house 212 North Third Duncan Lydia A., widow of John, house 100 Fourth Dunham Abigail, widow of Henry M. C, h. 54 So. First Dunham Adeline, widow, house 149 North Third Dunham Alfred C.,' stonemason, h. 3 West Maxfield Dunham Charles F., machinist M. T. D. & M. Co., house

24 Dartmouth DUNHAM FRANK H., proprietor City Laundry, 107

North Second, house at Fairhaven [First

Dunham F. A., bootmaker Hathaway & Soule, bds. 54 Dunham George, deputy sheriff, 23 North Water, house

117 Middle Dunham Henry L., machinist, h. County, cor. Hazard Dunham Stephen Y., sailmaker, 122 No. Second, house

79 Poorest Dunham Susan, widow of Benjamin, h. 54 South First Dunham Thomas S., house 18 Griffin Dunham Wm. G., lettercarrier, house 94 Grinnell DUNHAM WM. L., painter, 44 South Water, house 54

Parker Dunlap Agnes J. Miss, teacher Middle street grammar

school, boards 163 County Dunlap Albert F., laborer, boards 65 Linden


Dunlap Benjamin B., buildingmover, h. 65 Linden Dunlap Mary M. Miss, teaclier Middle street grammar

school, boards 163 County Dunlop Henry, laborer, house 28 Cedar Dunn John, laborer, house 40 Middle Dunn John, laborer, house West Middle, n. Emerson Dunn Oliver J., cignrmaker, h. Grinnell, n. Dartmouth Dunning Bradford L., in glassworks, h. 345 So. Water Dunning Henry T., carpenter, house 345 So. Water Dupont Marie, widow, h. South Front, near Blackmore Duree Frederick, saloon, 4 So. V¥ater, h. 47 So. Second Durell Abbie, widow of Daniel, house 100 William Durfee Bradford D., artist, house Emerson Durfee David S. R, blacksmith, house 43 Smith Durfee Edward IVI. ( S. B. Skiif & Co.), blacksmith Me- chanics lane, house 80 Hillman Durfee George L., carpenter, boards 52 Pleasant Durfee Henry M., leatherworker Wamsutta Mills, house

126 Summer Durfee James, fisherman, boards 54 Smith Durfee James, shipsmith, 201 No. Water, h. 114 Middle Durfee Joseph, at 26 Soutli Water, boards do. Durfee Joseph C, blacksmith, boards 71 Third Durfee Margaret, widow, house 54 Smith Durfee Thomas, house 78 Walden Durfee William, architect, house 5 Parker Durfee William, watchman, house 328 South Water Durfee Wm. W., at Pierce & Bushneli's, h. 44 So. Second Durfey Richard T., carpenter, house 123 Middle Dutton Charles L., laborer, house Potomska, n. So. Water Dutton Sarah, widow of David, h. Potomska, n. So. Water Dwelly Andrew, livery stable, 248 Purchase, h. 246|- do. Dwelly David W., hackman, house 74 North Dwelly George, hackman, house 230 North Third Dwight James E., provision dealer, 60 South Second, h.

107 Fourth Dwight Wm. B. (W. B. Dwight & Co.), grocer, 103 Third, house do. [Third

Dwight Wm. B. & Co. (Wm. B. Dwight), grocers, 103 Dwyer James M., rigger, house Ash, near ('linton Dwyer Patrick, laborer, house Seneca Dyer Abraham, mason, house 157 Middle Dyer Christopher E., house 153 North" Second Dyer Deborah B., Avidow of Jesse W., house 13 Cedar Dyer George L., grocer, 85 Smith, house do. Dyer George N., currier, house 137 Summer Dyer George W., mason, house Lindsey, near Court DYER JOHN E., provisions, 86 So. Third, h. 70 County Dyer Margaret A., widow of Henry, house 41 Cove Dyer Wm. H,, fisherman, house South First, near Delano


EAGAX JOHN B., works Wamsutta Mills, h. 6 Willis Eagleton Thomas J., gardener, house 227 South Second Eamos Henry, carpenter, h. Rockland, cor. Orchard Earle Robert, house Acushnet avenue Early Robert W., carpetweaver, 10 Spring, house at

Fairhaveli Ears Lucy M. Mrs., house 201 Kempton Easton Charles F., hairdresser, 156 Purchase, house 131

Kempton Eaton Jairus S., driver Geo. M. Eddy & Co., h. r. 65 Foster Eaton Josiah, jr., musicteacher, Masonic building, 147 j^

Union, house 111 Hillman Eddy Abram T. (George M. Eddy & Co.), dry good, 147

Union, house 181 do. Eddy Allen P., cigar maker, boards 12 Bethel Eddy Elizabeth, widow of Geo. M., house 181 Union Eddy George M., jr. (Geo. M. Eddy & Co.), dry goods,

147 Union, house 188 Middle Eddy George M. & Co. (Abram T. Eddy, and George M.

Jf^fl^b'' J''-)^ ^^^T g"^^^*^ '"^""^^ carpetings, wholesale and

retail, and merchant tailors, 147 Union Eddy Job A. T., sewing machine repairer, 9K Purchase,

house at Fairhaven Eddy Nelson P., Weed's sewing machines, 77 Purchase,

house 63 North Third Edgerton Charles H., clerk, 296 Purchase, bds. do. Edgerton John F., meat and groceries, 296 Purchase,

house do. Edmands Thomas, mulespinner, h. 13 Austin court Edwards Alonzo R., engineer, house 285 Purchase Edwards Charles F., boards 21 Wing Edwards Charles F., framemker, house 63 Smith Edwards Charles H., sailmaker, house 63 Smith Edwards Ehzabeth T., Avidow of Josiah, h. 82 So. Second Edwards Lucy A., widow of Robert K., h. 285 Purchase EDWARDS WILLIAM L., shipcarpenter. Commercial

wharf, house 33 Willis EGGERS SELMAR, gunsmith and locksmith, 6 WilUam,

house 1 Tremont Eilley Hepsabeth, widow of Joseph, h. 2. Rockdale av. Elder William A., cooper W. J. Norton, boards Mansion

House Eldreilge Henry G., commission merchant (Boston),

house 89 Summer Eldridge Abram, 2d, calker, house 14 County Eldridge Albert G., calker, house 31 Allen Eldridge Benjamin R., mariner, house 128 First Eldridge Charles L., at Peirce & Bushnell's, house 97

South Second


Eldridge Eliza J., widow of Lemuel R., h. 139 Fourth Eldridge George T., shoefinisher, h. rear 90 So. Second Eldridge Isadora F. Miss, school teacher, h. 28 Slierraan Eldridge James' S., ropemaker, boards 43 North Sixth Eldridge John, foreman in Cordage Factory, h. 12 Morgan Eldridge John, jr., ovei'seer in Cordage Factory, boards 12

Morgan Eldridge John B., machinist Morse Twist Drill and Ma- chine Co., house 5 North Cottage [Second Eldridge Mary S., widow of William Henry, h. 170 So. Eldridge Reuben S., calker, Eddy's South wharf, h. Gin-

nell, near Dartmouth Eldridge Samuel, watchman, house 19 Sherman Eldridge Simeon B., boatbuilder. Front, corner Hazard's

wharf, house 6>2 Fifth Eldridge Stephen, laborer, house 14 Howland Eldridge Sylvia A., widow of Robert D., h. 28 Sherman Eldridge Varenus, jr., painter, 25 Centre, h. 20 Bonney Eliot Thomas D. Mrs., h. 1 North Orchard, cor. Union Ellenwood George R., ])aperhanger, house 18 Third Ellenwood Theodore W., paperhanger, house 8 Walnut Ellis Albert, driver W. H. Cunningham, house 73 Allen Ellis Alden G., house 31 Seventh

Ellis Alfred, house 31 Seventh [Maxfield

Ellis Benjamin F., fireman N. B. Flour Co., boards 15 Ellis Caleb L., cooper, head of No. 'Front, n. the bridge Ellis Chas. E., clerk, 2h2 No. Second, h. 42 No. Second Ellis Clarissa P., widow of Wilham S., h. 149 Eltn Ellis Elvira E., milliner, boards 122 Pleasant Ellis Fountain, shipkeeper, house 17 Park Ellis Frederick B., shoemaker, house 92 Third Ellis George W., bookkeeper Jonathan Bourne, jr., h.

146 County Ellis George VV., butcher, bds. 266 Kempton Ellis Hannah B., widow of Nathan S., h. 42 No. Water Ellis Heman, canvasser, house 79 Fifth Ellis Horace M., gilder L. B. Ellis, h. 86 Washington Ellis James, laborer, house 11 First Ellis James, carpenter, house 95 Linden Ellis John G., engineer N. B. Floi^- Mills, h. 15 Maxfield Ellis John J., stevedore, house 19 Park Ellis John P., clerk L. B. KUis, house 94 Elm Ellis Jonathan W., insurance agent, 15 So. Water, house

4 Pleasant Ellis Josephus, house 163 Kempton Ellis J. Walter, framewhitener, 72 No. Water, boards

15 Maxfield Ellis Keziah L., widow of Watson, house 33 Pleasant Ellis Leonard B., looking glasses and picture frames, 36

and 40 William, h. 94 Elm


Ellis Nathan B. (Ellis & Collins), patternmaker and wa- ter wheel builder, 90 So. \Vat(M-, h. 11 P'ourth Ellis Nathan L., master mariner, h. 112 Fifth Ellis lit)bert, carpenter, boards 95 Linden Ellis Kosetta II., widow of Thomas, h. 185 Union Ellis Heuben L., boot and shoemaker, 31 Bedford, house

92 Third Ellis Thomas W., gilder, boards 46 William Ellis I'ruman B., shoemaker, 285 Purchase, h. 160 Pleasant Ellis Tiumaji B., jr., spinner, boards 160 Pleasant Ellis T. liervey (48 School, Boston), h. 47 Chestnut Ellis Washington, weaver, bds. Giinnell, cor. Prospect Ellis Watson, jr., house 122 Pleasant Ellis William, cooper, house 64 South Second Ellis William A., cooper, house 99 Fourth ELLIS WILLIAM H., carpet rooms, 115 Purchase, h.

36 Maxfield ELLIS & COLLINS (Nathan B. Ellis and Nelson Col- lins), patternmakers and water wheel builders, 90 South Water Ellison William, watchman, h. rear 316 Purchase Elmwood House, Thomas La])ham, prop., 69 Elm Ely Cornelia S., widow of George E. S., h. 80 Third Ely Marietta G. Miss, millinery,l77 County, h. 80 Third Emeison H. Wilder, bookkeeper Merchants National

Bank, h. 41 Sycamore Emery John JMcCarty, macliinist, house 68 Forest Enas Joseph, house 14)^ Cannon English Michael, boatman, h. 54 Brick block, Orange Ennis Charles T., clerk, house 116 Fourth Ennis George M., molder, house 116 Fourth Eunis Hannah A. Miss, musicteacher and organist, house 161 Grinnell [Grinnell

Ennis John W., molder Grinnell iron foundry, h. 161 Ennis Manuel, farmer, house 110 South Water Ennis Patrick H., tailor, house 56 Chestnut Ennis Stanislaus, laborer, h. 147 South First Ennis Thomas, laborer, house 56 Chestnut Enos An tone, house South Front, n. South Enos George, laborer, house 85 Prospect Enos John, laborer Atlantic wharf, h. 169 So. Second Enos John, city laborer, house 141 South Water Enos JosejJi, maiiner, h. 253 South Water Enos Josejih, l^d)oier, house 174 South Water Enos jNIanuel, laborer, h. near Glass Works Enos Manuel, cooper, house 118 Soutli Water Enos Manuel, laborer, house 279 South Water Enos Valentine, in ])icker room, h. 298 South Water Ensign Charles S., planemaker, 14 William, h. 8 North Epsey George, night watchman, house 2 County

:n^ew bedfoed [P] dieectory. 97

Estes George, teamster, boards 18 Bethel Estes Geortije W,, pedlar, house 303 Purchase Estes William H., engineer N. B. R. R., h. 21 Willis EUREKA FLOUR MILLS, Denison Bros., proprietors,

42 Sonth Water and 10 School EVANS ISAAC, carriagetrimmer and harnessmaker^ 51

Elm, h. 1203^ Union Evans Thomas, spinner, h. 228 South Second Evergreen Trotting Park, Plainville Ewer Louisa G., widow of Paul, house 3 Court Ewing i\lexander, laborer, house 2 Cook

FACEMIRE WILLIAM, mariner, bds. 120>^ Union Fagin Bernard C, glassmaker Mt. Wash. Glass Works Fagin John, glassmaker Mt. Wash. Glass Works, h. 115

South Water Fagin Julian, pickerhand, h. 44 Brick block. Orange Fagin Patrick, glassmaker Mt. Wash. Glass Works, house

216 South Water [178 So. Second

Fagin Patrick IL, glassmaker Mt. Wash. Glass Works, h. Fairbrother Samuel N., carpenter, house 69 Forest Fairbrother Samuel W., machinist, h. Atlantic, c. Arnold Fairweather Edward, hackdriver W. H. Coffin Fairweuther James, laborer, house 24 Chancery Fairweather William H., house 108 Middle Faisueau George E. (James P'isher & Co.), dry goods, 32

Purchase, h. 79 So. Second Fales Giles S., watchmaker, 91 No. Water, h. 52 Mill Fales James, jr., watchmaker, 91 No. Water, h. 42 Hill Fales Peter, painter, 91 No. Water, boards 42 Hill Fall River Railroad, J. A. Beauvais, pres., T. B. Fuller,

treas., 36 No. Water Fallon Ann, widow of Thomas, house 72 Middle Fallon Bridget, widow, house 4 Maxficld Fanning Ellen, widow of John, house 284 County Fanning James, in cotton mill, h. 134 South Water . Farah Alonzo, tin plate worker, Union, cor. Water, h.

8 Cannon Farley Peter, weaver, h. foot of Cedar Grove Farnham (^eorge W., boatbuilder, house 86 Pleasant Farnhani Henry C, laborer, house 25 Cannon Farnsworth J. H. Rev., pastor First Univ. Society Farrell Mary, widow of Cornelius, house 300 County Farron Jacob, weaver, house 306 County Faunce Loum H., carpenter, house 53 Parker Fay James, variety store, 249 South Water, house do. Feldgeu Hermon J., sectionhand weaveroora, h. 7 Hazard Ferguson James, bootmaker Hathaway & Soule, house

147 Elm 7


Ferguson John A., porter, boards Mansion House P''erguson William, laborer, bouse 11 Cedar Ferguson William T., laborer, bouse 165 Elm Fernands Joseph, lal)orer, house 128 South Front Ferreira Justino, boardiiigliouse, 95 South Front Fessenden Chas. B. H., IJ. S. Int. Rev. Collector, over

Mechanics Nat. Bank, also (Fessenden & Baker),

l>riiiter and pub., 92 Union, bds. 35 Eighth FESSENDEN & BAKER (Charles B. H.B^essenden and

Wm. G. Baker), printers and pubs. Daily and Weekly

Mercury, 92 Union Fichtenmayer Peter, blacksmith, house 16 Third FIELD HENRY, Jr., supt. N. B. Copper Works, house

55 State Field Sarah B., teacher Maxfield street primary school Fields Joseph Mrs., house Mill, cor. Cypress Filcome James, laborer, house 132 South Orchard Finlan Dennis, teamster, house 74 First Finn Michael, laborer, house 23 Austin Finnell Margaret, widow of Patrick, h. 16 Hazard court Finnell Mary, widow of Michael, house Purchase, near

Penniman FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Union, cor. South Second Fish Andrew J., tailor M. C. Swift, house Sherman, near

Bonney Fish Ansel F., wholesale pedlar, h. 60 Sycamore Fish Benjamin F., shoemnker, house 13 Chancery Fish David F., machinist Morse Twist Drill Co., house

294 South Water Fish George B., laborer N. B. Flour Mill, h. 59 Sycamore Fish Island Wharf and Marine Railway Co., Horace G.

Howland, agent. Fish Island Fish Leander C, stonecutter, h. 24 Rockdale avenue Fish Loranus C, house 59 Sycamore Fish Mercy A. Mrs., house 46 Maxfield Fish Wm, G., house 1 Durfee

Fish William H., gasfttter, 32 William, bds, at Fairhaven Fisher Alexander, laborer, house 114 Kempton Fisher Charles, clothing, &c., 64 Purchase, bds. Mansion

House Fisher Charles, mariner, house 189 South Water Fisher C. W., in glassworks, house 102 P'ifth Fisher Elisha H., jr., sewing silk, house 77 Third P^isher George T., laborer, house 233 Middle FISHER HENRY H., baker, 134 Purchase, h. 71 Summer Fisher James (James Fisher & Co.), dry goods, 32 Pur- chase, house 45 Hawthorn FISHER JAMES & CO. (James Fisher and George E.

Faisneau), dry goods, 32 Purchase


Fisber John B., laborer, bouse 171 Mill Fisber Mattbew, mastennariner, bouse 71 South Sixth Fisber Morris, clerk, 64 Purchase, bds. Mansion House Fisber Richard A., bouse Willis, near County- Fisher Richard H., fishmarket, Merrimac, bouse 9 do. Fitzgerald James, laborer, h. West Willis, n. Emerson Fitzgerald Mary, widow, house 155 State Fitzgerald William, laborer, house Clark FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, Purchase, cor. Me- chanics lane Flagg Oren H,, veterinary surgeon, 27 Third, house do. Flaherty JVIattbew, glassmaker, bouse 103 South Front Flaherty Michael, skiver, boards 165 Kempton Flaherty Thomas, laborer, house 11 First FLANDERS CYRUS H., fishdealer, 22 Union, boards

10 South Second Flanders Ephraim P., master mariner, house 92 Third Glanders John W., pilot, house 57 Washington Fleetwood Charles, hackman Wm. H. Sherman, house 22

North Cedar Fleming Richard, spinner, bouse 11 Austin court Fletcher David S., hostler, bouse 107 Middle F'letcher George F., hostler, boards 43 Elm Pletcher George F., laborer, b. 114 South Seventh Fletcher James J., horsetrainer, house 41 County Fletcher Thomas, mariner, house 121 South Second Flood George, flagman, house 41 Middle Floyd James, machinist, house 122 Orchard Flynn John, laborer, house Asli, near Morgan Flynn Lucinda A., widow of Edmund, bouse Hazard, n.

Pleasant Flynn Martin, mason, bds. Pearl, cor. North Third Flynn Michael, laborer, bouse Penniman Flynn Peter Y., carpenter, bouse 69 Third Fogerty Edmund, shipcarpenter, h. 182 South Second Fohrenback Emil, machinist, house 8 Ash Folan Margaret Miss, bouse 2 Robeson Foley Edward, machinist Wamsutta Mills, b. Penniman,

near Purchase Foley Joanna Mrs., house 345 Purchase Foley William F., greasecollector, house 345 Purchase Folger Charles F., foreman Pierce & Busbnell, house 45

Hillraan Folger Charles F., carpenter, bouse 45 Hillraan Folger David B. (D. B. Folger & Co.), grocer, 116 Union,

bouse 82 Mill Folger D. B. & Co. (David B. Folger, Wm. T. Smith, and

Wm. O. Brownell, jr.), groceries, 116 and 118 Union Fontain Henry Mrs., house 33 Brick block. Orange


Footman John W, (Footman & Manchester), carriage- smith, 125 North Third, h. 108 So. Second Footman & Manchester ( Jolin W. Footman and William

F. Man(thester), carriagesmiths, 125 North Third Forbes Chailes H., carriagcmanufactory, 33, 34, and 35

Elm, house 37 Ehn Forbes Edward H., clerk R. Holcom, house 69 High FORBES FRANK II., agent and treasurer N. B. and N.

Y. Steamsliip Co., 6 Commercial wharf, h. 87 Fourth Forbes Henry H., house 27 Campbell [Campbell

Forbes James R., carriagemaker C. H. Forbes, boards 27 Forlies Martha, widow of Thomas, h. 1G9 Kempton Forbes Thomas, coaster, house 181 South Second Ford Richard, Wamsutta Mills, house Seneca Fordham Joseph E., clerk, SAH Union, h. 23 So. Second Fortes Mary, confectionery, 42i.< Bedford, house 42 do. Fortter Albert, laborer, house 65 Smith Foster Arthur S., clerk First Nat. Baidc, bds. 48 Parker Foster ICsau, jobber, house 63 Spruce Foster E. Lothrop (Foster & Brown), carpenter, 152 No.

Third, house 217 Purchase Foster Henry A., whitewasher, house 241 Middle Foster Isadore Miss, teacher Merrimac primary school, h.

48 Parker Foster James, house and shipcarpenter, h. 123 Pleasant Foster John M., carpenter and builder, 19 Bethel, house

29 Chestnut Foster Martha B., widow, of Isaiah D., house 48 Parker Foster Walter H., framepolisher, boards 123 Pleasant Foster & Brown (E. Lothrop Foster and Jeremiah Brown),

carpenters, 152 North Third Fowler Mary, widow of Peter, house 13 Jenney Fox Charles A., confectioner J. F. Gray, h. 26 So. Second Francis Abraham, laborer N. B. Copper Works, h. Mt.

Pleasant, near the reservoir Francis Alexander H. Rev., house 2203^ County Francis Antoine, mariner, house 7 Griffin Francis Antone, mariner, house 79 South Water Francis Azubah W,, widow of Howard, h. 176 Pleasant Francis Barnaby H., woodworker George L. Brownell's

carriagcmanufactory, house 130 Kempton Francis Charles, at Wamsutta Mills, h. 191 So, Water Francis Charles, mariner, house 126 South Front Francis Charles H., seaman, boards 12 Crapo Francis Daniel, mariner, house 180 South Water Francis Ellen J., dressmaker, house 107 Hillman Francis Ezra, mason, house 107 Hillman Francis Frank W., cigarmaker, boards 20 School Francis Henry H., house 176 Pleasant


Francis Hiram S., clerk Dexter & Haskins, boards Mount

Pleasant, near the reservoir Francis Isaac P., grocer, Kem]3ton, cor. Rockdale avenue,

Cannonville, house do. [Ashley

Francis James, teamster q,t R. C. Wilson's, Ashlaml, cor. Francis James, carpenter, boards 31 High Francis John, mariner, house 173 South Second Francis John, laborer, house 233 South Second Francis John, manufacturer cigars and tobacco, 122)4

Union, h. 20 School

Francis John H., cigarraaker, 1223^ Union, h. 20 School Francis John II., cigarmaker, boards 20 School Francis John S., baker S. Watson & Son, h. Ash, between

North and Hill man Francis Joseph, mariner, house 127 South Front Francis Joseph, mariner, house 155 Grinnell Francis Joseph, mariner, house 27)^ Howland Francis Joseph, mariner, house 151 South Water Francis Joseph C, laborer N. B. Copper Works, h. 283

Purchase Francis Manuel, 2d, mariner, house 29 South Water Francis Manuel, laborer, house 117 South Water Francis Manuel, laborer, h. So. Front, n. Howland Francis Manuel, laborer, house Howland, n. So. Water Francis Manuel, mariner, house 18 Grape Francis Manuel J., laborer, house 29 South Water Francis Maria M. Mrs., house Mt. Pleasant, near Durfee Francis Samuel E., candlemolder, house 12 Crapo Francis Sylvester G., porter Central Union Association, h.

29 Allen Francis William, carriagemaker G. L. Browneil, h. 100

South Second Franklin Martha, widow, house 129 Orchard Frates Antoine, fishdealer, 208>^ South Water, house

183 South Second Frates Antone, laborer, house 98 South Front Frates Antone M. Rev., clergyman, house 135 Third Frates Manuel, laborer, house Allen, near Dartmouth line Frates Manuel, laborer, house 128 South Front Frazier Antone, mariner, house South First Frazier Joseph, mariner, house 184 South Water Frederick Adolf, weaver, house 5 Hazard court Fredett John, laborer, house 8 Brick block. Orange Fredett Louis, laborer, h. 153 North Tliird Fredett Louis, jr., laborer, boards 153 North Third Freeburn John, machinist, boards 35 School FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, Library building, William Freedom John, waiter, house 207 Middle Freeman Edward P., boots and shoes, 3 Purchase, house

12 County


Freeman E. IT., boardinghouse, 6 First

Freeman Frcflerlck J., foreman stitching room E. B. Tink-

ham, house 78 Middle [avenue

Freeman George H., bds. Mrs. Eliza A. Nye's, Acushnet Freeman ITezekiah, shipwriglit, house 63 Cedar Freeman John C, shoemaker, Sycamore, near County, h.

50 Smith Freeman Laura A., widow of Isaac, house 96 Pleasant Freeman Marcus, soap boiler, house rear 31 Purchase Freeman Patience B., widow of Henry B., h. 61 Spruce Freeman Peter, laborer, house rear Soutli Front French Amos B., yardmaster at R. R., h. 280 Purchase French Anloine D., mariner, house 185 South Water French Jennie Mrs., house 153 Mill French Rodney, house 221 Purchase Frey Charles, tailor, 25 Purchase, house 183 Kempton Friends' Academy, Morgan, n. County [76 Kempton

Frisbie Thomas S., carpenter Doane W. Damon, house Frost Lovell W., bookkeeper N. B. & N. Y. S. S. Co.,

boards J. W. Frost's, Hathaway road Frost Wm., machinist Morse Twist Drill Co., house 53

Dartmouth Fulhan John, weaver Wamsutta Mills, house 13 Austin, Fulhan John, jr., boards 13 Austin

Fuller Benjamin F., works N. B. R. R. Co., h. Fish Island Fuller Charles A., manufacturer boys' clothing, 11 Fourth,

house do. P'uller Hannah H. Mrs., house 32 Wing Fuller James, laboror, house 16 Park Fuller John, seamen's Iwarding house, 12 Cannon Fuller John, house 83 Third Fuller John F., clerk, house. Bush corner First Fuller Jonathan A., watchman, house 10 Grape Fuller Mary A., widow of Benjamin, h. Ash, n. North Fuller Nancy B. Mrs., fancy goods, 97 Third, h. 83 do. FULLER THOS. B. (Beauvais & Co.), stock broker,

cashier Citizens National Bank, and treasurer Fall

River R. R. Co., 36 North Water, house at Fairhaven Fuller William, shoe heeler, house Ash, near North Fuller William L., house painter Barrows, Lawton & Co.,

house 149 Elm Fuller William W,, shoemaker, house Ash, corner North Furber George W., exchange and pawnbroker, 4^^ South

Water, and restaurant, 82 Union, h. 19 So. Second Furlong James E., carriagepainter, h. 178 North Third Furlong Matthew T., engineer, house Washburn, near

Acushnet avenue Furlong Thomas, baggage master N, B. R. R., boards 178

North Third


Fury John, laborer, house 2 Hall's court Fury Thojnas F., clerk, 28 Purchase, bds. 2 Hall's court Fussell James A. (George Delano & Co.), oil and caudle manufr., office South Second, cor. South, h. at N, Y.

GAGE BENJAMIN", calker, 23 Middle, h. 116 Purchase Gage Joseph N., carriagetriranier W. G. White, house 78

Kerapton Gainville John H., blacksmith, house 137 South Orchard Gainville John J., blacksmith, house 137 Orchard Gale Mary J., widow of George FI., h. rear 39^ Middle Gallagher Ann, widow of Tliomas, house 24 Ash Gallagher James, in glassworks, boards 109 So, Front Gallagher Neal, tailor, boards 51 First Gallagher Patrick, glasscntter, house 109 South Front Galligan John, laborer, house 9 Durfee Gallinue Augustus, weaver, house County, n. Linden Galpin Clarissa D., widow of John L., h. 23 Rockdale av. Galpin John, tanner, boards 23 Rockdale avenue Galpin John L., farmer, boards 23 Rockdale avenue Gammons Deborah H., widow of Lemuel, teacher, house

Old County road Gammons Edgar H., clerk, 51 Purchase, h. 2 Grand Gammons George F. W., truckman, 12 Elm, house 15 do. Gammons Gilbert D., teamster, house 52 North Second Gammons Rachel C, widow of Curtis, h. Vine, r. Durfee Gammons Samuel P., copper roller, house 2 Grand Ganson Edwin, section hand, house 14 Austin court Gardiner Ezekiel C, compositor Daily Standard, house 99 Washington [h. do.

Gardner Betsie B. Mrs., dressmaker. Pleasant, c. Union, Gardner Darius P. (Taber, Read & Gardner), h. 51 Third Gardner Edward R. (E. R. Gardner & Co.), oils, 9 Rod- man, h. 78 Spring Gardner Eliza Mrs., house rear 126 Kempton Gardner E. R. & Co. (Edward R. Gardner), oils, 9 Rod- man Gardner George, house 37 Maxfield Gardner George P., rigger, house 118 Kempton Gardner Hannah, widow of Josiali, house 4 Sears court Gardner Herbert B., compositor Mercury office, boards 4

Sears court Gardner James T., junk dealer, h. County, cor. Bedford Gardner Jane M. Miss, teacher Parker street' grammar

school, bds. 30 Campbell Gardner Joseph, baker Libby & Co., bds. 42 Middle Gardner Mattie J. Miss, musicteacher, h. 67 Maxfield Gardner Oliver H., carpenter, boards 66 North Gardner Reuben M., brassfounder Andrew Craigie, house 73 Pleasant


Gardner Samuel B., bread pedlar, house 67 Maxfield

Gardner Tliomas, hostler, ht)use rear 1'26 Keni])toii

Gardner Thomas A., grocer, 204 County, house do.

Gardner Zilplia, widow of P2dward, liouse 30 Campbell

Gartiehl Charles L., carriagesmith, 37 Wing, h. 8 Allen

Garfield PVank, jobber, house 8 Allen

Garland llernard T., bootmaker, h. Kempton, Cannonville

Garlick William A., farmer, house Plainville

Garnett John II., agent for dinger Sewing Machines, 15

Purchase, h. 110 Middle Garraghty Martin, laborer, h. Summer, corner' Smith . Garside Thomas, Wamsutta Mills, h. rear 78 Linden Gartland Peter, master mariner, house 51 Washington Gateley Ellen Mrs., house 155 State Gates Wm. Mrs., house 48 Sycamore Gaudreau Hilaire, laborer, h. 26 Brick block. Orange Gawith John Mrs., prop. Sampson House, 121)^ Union,

house do. Geddes George, laborer, railroad, h. Merrimac, n. Purchase Geddes Henry S., laborer, house rear 324 Purchase Geddes Jose])h, boards Merrimac, near Purchase Geils Gerett, furniture, 150 Purchase, h. 146 do. George Joseph, laborer S, Leonard & Co., h. 85 Wash. George Maria Mrs., house 95 Kempton Geotta Peter, mariner, house 7 Morgans lane Gerrish Ira, works at Chas. Taber & Co.'s, Fairhaven Gibbons Patrick, fireman N. B. Water Works, house Pur- chase, cor. Penniman Gibbs Allen C, hackdriver, house 53 Pleasant Gibbs Charity, widow of Ansel, house 91 Third Gibbs Elisha, salesman N. B. Cordage Co., Kotch's sq., h.

72 South Sixth Gibbs Eliza M., widow of Elijah, house 229 County Gibbs Elizabeth S., widow, house Acushnet avenue Gibbs George W., ropemaker Cordage Factory, house

Emerson, cor. Parker Gibbs Jabez, shipcarpenter, house 83 Pleasant Gibbs Jerusha, widow of Bartlett, h. 42 Third Gibbs John L., carj)enter N. B. R. R,, house 72 State Gibbs Joshua E., master mariner, house 56 Fifth GIBBS LOT H., grocer, 26 Union, h. 67 Fourth Gibbs Mary A., widow of Joshua, house 67 Fourth Gibbs Meltiah T., carpenter, house 58 Cedar Gibbs Nathan S., painter, house 4 Maxfield Gibbs Polly F., widow of Phineas S., house 82 Grinnell Gibbs Preston II., at Twist Drill Co., h. 27 Sherman Gibbs William, carriagemaker George L. Browuell, house

64 Bedford Gibbs William A., carver Pierce & Bushnell, h. 82 Forest


Gibbs William H. H., roperaaker, h. Emerson, c. Parker

Gibson Egnew B., carpenter, house 9 Arch

Gibson George, laborer, house 133 South Orchard

Gibson Henry, waiter Parker House, h. 24 Cedar

Gibson James, carpet weaver, house 11 Hazard court

Gibson John, gardener, house 9 Arch

Gibulo Augustus, laborer, house 197 State

Gidley Abraham M., house wright, h. Willis, n. Cedar

Gidley George F., carpenter, h. 220 Purchase

Gidley William C, laborer, house 7 Bonney

Gilford Abram M., coppersmith Giftbrd& Allen, h. 80 Mill

Gifford Adaline, widow of Samuel F., h. 90 Grinned

Gilford Allen D., teamster, house 2 Maxfield

Gilford Almira, widow of Obed, h. 2 Tarkiln hill road

Gifford Ann, widow of Elihu H., house 39 Smith

Gifford Arthur M., gaslitter T. J. Gifford & Co., house at

North Dartmouth [38 AValnut

Gifford Belle W. Miss, teacher Dartmouth school, house Gifford Charles A., cooper, house Head of the Kiver Gifford Charles A., clerk, 144 Purchase, bds. 72 Walden Gifford Charles C, carpenter, house 153 North Gifford Charles F., bootmaker, h. Campbell, n. Chestnnt Gifford Charles F., laborer, house Arnold, cor. Tremont Gifford Charles G., laborer N. B. R. R., h. 183 Pleasant Gifford Charles H., railroad employee, h. 65 Foster Gifford Charles H. (Gifford & Co.), merchant tailor, 113

Union, house 225 County [Fairhaven

Gifford Charles H., marine painter 40 William, house at Gifford Charles Henry, mason, house 22 Bush Gifford Charles H., merchant, Taber's wharf, h. 25 County Gifford Charles L., hackman, 248 Purchase, h. 70 Walden Gifford Charles M., master mariner, boards 156 Grinnell Gifford Charles T. W., farmer, house New County road,

near Hathaway road Gifford Christopher C, truckman, house 46 Sycamore Gifford Daniel H., clerk. Bush, c. Second, bds. 72 Walden Gifford Daniel T., master mariner, house 71 South Second Gifford David L., carpenter, boards 7 Chestnut Gifford David M., livery stable, 170 Purchase Gifford David R. Mrs., house 25 Bonney Gifford Edward W., laborer, house 35 Allen Gifford Elijah, house 10 West Campbell Gifford Elizabeth A., widow of John, house 72 Walden Gifford Eugene F., gaslitter, 32 William Gifford Frank D., 13 North Second, house rear 67 Fourth Gifford Franklin L., painter H. G. O. Cole, bds. 52 Fifth Gifford Frederick S., wholesale and retail grocer, foreign

and domestic fruits, 3 Ricketson block, Union, house

80 School


Gifford George D., drygoods, 6 Purchase, house 37 Spring Gifford George G. (Gifford & Allen), brass founder and

plumber. No. Front, c. Hazard's wharf, h. 72 Hillniaa GIFFOlil) GEORGE P. diningsaloon, 6 South Water,

house do. Gifford Henrv M., photographer, 72 North Water, house

229 County [h. do.

Gifford Henry T., fruit and confectionery, 106 Purchase, Gifford Howland, carpenter, house 6G Spruce Gifford Humphrey A. jr., clerk, house 38 Walnut Gifford James A., bookkeeper N. B. Flour Co., boards 39

Smith Gifford Jesse (Paulding, Reed & Gifford), boot raanufr.,

14 William, house 45 County Gifford Jireh B., peddler, house Head of the River Gifford Job H., mason, house 37 Smith Gifford Job T., teamster, house 169 Purchase Gifford John, fisherman, house 134 South Third GIFFORD JOHN A., N. B. Machine Shop, 90 South

Water, corner Coffin, house 85 South Second Gifford John F,, teamster Jas. Duddy, bds. 72 Walden Gifford John H., mariner, boards 2 Tarkiln Hill road Gifford John H., baggage master N. B. R. R. depot, house

over 353 Purchase Gifford John W., farmer, house New County road, near

Hathaway road Gifford Jonathan P., house 11 County Gifford Joseph F., oyster dealer, 13 North Second, house

rear 67 Fourth Gifford Joseph H., laborer, house Topham Gifford Lewis, fireman N. B. R. R., house 317 Purchase Gifford Lewis L., laborer, h. Potter, n. New County road Gifford Lorenzo D., shoemaker, house Potter, near New

County road Gifford Lucy A., widow of Shubael H., house Head of the

River Gifford Lysander W. H., master mariner, h. 38 Bedford Gifford Martha Mrs., house 4 Bush Gifford Mary Miss, house 47 South Sixth Gifford Obed F,, mariner, house 2 Tarkiln Hill road GIFFORD OLIVER E., paints, oil and glass, South

Water, corner School, house 95 High Gifford Patience, widow of Paul (93 yrs. old), house Dun- bar's lane, near Dartmouth Gifford Rebecca H., widow of Charles, boards 111 Third Gifford Reuben P., farmer, house Hathaway road, near

Dartmouth line Gifford Rhoda B., widow of Albert, house Cedar, c. Elm Gifford Rhoda T., widow of William, house 15 County


Gifford Richmond A., overseer Potomska Mills, house 21

Wing Gifibrd Robert B., bookkeeper, North, near North Second,

boards Cedar corner Elm Gifford Rufus A., shipcarpenter, honse 39 Smith [road Gifford Rufus W., master mariner, house 2 Tarklin Hill Gifford Ruth A. Mrs,, house Cypress avenue Gifford Samuel (Gifford & Barker), 8 Market Square,

house 336 South Water Gifford Samuel F., clerk Potter's Express, 19 Commercial

Wharf, house 90 Grinnell Gifford Samuel T., tinsmith N. Lewis, h. 7 So. Chancery Gifford Sarah, widow of Braddock, house 51 Summer Gifford Sarah D. Miss, private school, 53 Summer, boards

51 do. Gifford Sophia, widow of Henry, house 22 Emerson Gifford Squire, house 70 Walden Gifford Squire A., teamster, boards 72 Walden Gifford Stephen C, baggage master N. B. Railroad, house

107 Purchase Gifford Sylvanus A., teamster, house rear 77 Linden Gifford Thomas C, mariner, boards 2 Tarklin Hill road Gifford Thomas J. (Thomas J. Gifford & Co.), steam and

gas fitter, and plumber, 32 William, house 81 North

Third GIFFORD THOMAS J. & CO. (Thomas J. Gifford),

steam and gasfitters and plumbers, 32 William, cor.

North Third Gifford T. Merritt, brassfounder and coppersmith Gifford

& Allen, boards 80 Hillman Gifford Willard, laborer, house 7 Cedar Gifford Willard, laborer, boards 2 Maxfield Gifford William, 2d, carpenter, house 7 Chestnut Gifford William A., laborer, house 134 South Third Gifford William A., painter, house 18 Emerson Gifford William C, clerk Central Union Association, h.

Elm, cor. Cedar Gifford William F., clerk, 6 South Water, boards do. Gifford William H., laborer, house 7 Chestnut GIFFORD & ALLEN (George G. Gifford and Edward

H. Allen), brassfounclers and plumbers, North Front,

cor. Hazard's wharf GIFFORD & BARKER (Samuel Gifford and John W.

Barker), provisions, 8 Market square Gifford & Co. (Charles H. Gifford and Eugene F. Brown),

merchanttailors, clothing, hats, caps, and gent's fur- nishing goods, etc., etc., 113 Union Gilbert Edgar S., painter, house 33 Seventh Gilbert Emily F.,«widow of Jacob A., house 84 Walden


Gilbert James, weaver Potoraska Mills, boards 291 South

Second Gilbert Jolin IT., clerk, house 33 Seventh Gilbert Nathaniel, house 33 Seventh Gillespie Catherine, widow, house 336 Purchase Gillick Peter, grocer, 105 South Water, house do. Gilligan Arthur E., secondhand Wamsutta Mills, house

299 Purchase Gillis Alexander, laborer, house Clark Gillis Catherine, widow of William, h. 134 South Water Gillis James, at J. H. Cornell's Acushnet avenue Gillis John H., blacksmith G. L. Brownell, house 15>^

Cannon Gilraan Charles, teamster James Duddy, h. 41 Middle Gilman Francis L., insurance agent, 43 North Water, h. 8

Ricketson court Gilman Solomon, hostler, boards 22 Cedar Gilmore J. E. Miss, teacher Middle street school, h. Third,

corner School Gird wood Mary H., widow of John, house 165 Union Glasse John, gardener, house 79 School Glasse Walter R., harnessmaker, house 6 Bethel Gleason Dennis, laborer Eureka Flour Mills, house 39

Middle Gleason Ellen, widow of Andrew, house 234 County Gleason James, spinner Potomska Mills, house So. Front,

corner Rivet Glennon John, laborer Gosnold Mills, house 3 Seneca Glover John, builder, house Washburn ">-< Gluck Frank P., house 22 Maxfield

Goddard Wilham, engineer, house 19 Cedar [Bethel

Go<lii'ey Seth W., carriagemaker H. G. O. Cole, house 17 Goff Ciiarles H., carpenter, house 11 Emerson Goff Hiram H., overseer spinningroom Wamsutta Mills,

house 22 Pope Goff Maurice, weaver, house 1 Austin court Goggin Richard, laborer Eureka Flour Mill, house 115

South Water Goggin William, laborer, house 139 North Third Goinos John, house 111 William GoUey George, hairdresser, 326 Purchase, house do. Gonu's Antone P., mariner, house 1 Rowland Gonsalves Sufrino, laborer, house 9 Howland Good Elizabeth, widow, boards 5 Borden Gooding Alanson, house 24 South Sixth Gooding George, graniteworker, house 61 Cedar Gooding Robert A., carpenter, bds. 61 Cedar Goodnow Sarah L., widow, house 113 South Second Goodspeed Wm. F., cai'penter, boards 56 First


Goodspeed Wm. R., shipcarpenler, house 56 First Goodwin Charles, shoemaker, boards 13 Maxfield Goodwill Hialmer O., spinner Potomska Mills, boards 283

South Second Gordan Emma Miss, house rear 39 Smith Gordan Emory, farmer, house Plainville Gordon Helen M., teaclier Parker street grammar school Gordon Mary E., widow of Wm. G., house 13 Eighth Gordon Robert, tailor, 31 North Water, boards Mansion

House Gordon William, house 85 Fifth

Gordon William, jr. (Taber, Gordon & Co.), com. merch- ant, Central wharf, cor. Front, house 90 Fourth Gordon Wm. A., physician, 41 North Second, house do. Gorham Hannah, widow of James, h. 24 Sycamore Gorhain Henry J., electroplater, 133 North Water Gorham Jabez A., gardener, house 5 Greene Gorham Thomas G., mastermariner, h. 83 Washington Gorman William, house 126 South Water [Elm

Gormley Alexander, jobwagon. First, cor. Union, h. 196 Gormley James J., polisher Peirce & Bushnell, boards at

Mansion House Gormley John A., teamster, boards 11 Liberty Gormley Sarah A. Miss, dressmaker, house 196 Elm Gosaph Joseph, currier Job Wade, h. White block Gosnold Mills, George Wilson, treas., office 134 No. Third Goular Joseph, carder, house 177 State Goulat Joseph, carder, boards 208 Pleasant Goulat Julian, farmer, house 208 Pleasant Gould John L., house 33 Chestnut Goulding Daniel, works Gosnold Mills, house Wall, near

North Third Gouldthrop Alexander, mulespinner, h. 8 Austin court Govein Peter, carder, house 21 Brick block. Orange Gracia Manuel, mariner, house 41 Middle Graflfura Isaiah W., trader in oil, h. 26 Chestnut Graham Elizabeth, wid. of Benj., h. State, cor. Hazard Graham John T., shoemaker 763^ County, h. 12 Court Graham Mary J. Miss, teacher Grove school, h. 12 Court Graham Wm. H., carriagesmith G. L. Brownell, boards

Mrs. E. Graham's, State Grant Lafayette R., quarryman, h. Hathaway road, near

Rockdale avenue Grant Philip, mason, h. Hathaway road, n. Rockdale av. Graves Charles, porter Tucker & Cummings, h. 105 Elm Gravy Charles, confectioner J. F. Gray, h. South Second Gray Archibald, laborer, house 7 Rivet Gray Asa, teamster, house 151 North Second Gray Caroline, widow of Cornelius, h. 25 Kempton


Gray Charles A. (Charles A. Gray & Co.), teamster, and supt. New Bedford and Fairhaven street railway, h. Old County road Gray Charles A. & Co. (Chas. A. Gray and Henry C.

Pierce), teamsters, office N. B. Railroad depot Gray Dajiiel, weaver, boards 7 Rivet Gray George F., stonecutter G. Vogel, house 1(}}4 Cedar Gray George R., clerk 7 Middle, boards 25 Willis Gray Henry A., hairdresser 92 Third, h. 209 So. Second GRAY JAMES F., confectionery and ice cream rooms,

66 Purchase, near Elm, house 147 Middle Gray Nathaniel P., master mariner, house 93 Summer Gray Prudence, widow of Willard, house 165 Kempton Gray Sarnh, widow of Gilbert C, house 25 Willis Gray Winslow, house 47 So. Second Greely Henry, hostler, house 17 Ash, north of Arnold Green Daniel, horsedealer, house 6 W alnut Green Herbert, clerk D. B. Folger & Co., boards N. H.

Greene's, County Green John, 2d, harnessmaker W. H. Willis, bds. 6 Bethel Green Theron R., pastor M. E. Church, h. 22 Sycamore Greene Alfred, carpenter, foot of Cannon, h. 83 Third Greene Amos, trader, house 17 Fifth Greene Andrew, laborer, boards 63 First Greene Augustus A. (Greene & Wood), lumber dealer,

Leonard's wharf, house 63 Third Greene l-Jenj. F., confectioner, bds. 85 North Second Greene Benjamin, coopei', house 85 North Second Greene Clark, horsetrader, h. 8 Old Market square Greene David R. (D. R. Greene & Co.), commission mer- chant, 19 Hamilton, h. 56 South Sixth Greene D. R. & Co. (David R., and Robert B. Greene),

com. merchants, 19 Hamilton Greene Francis B., lawyer 36>2 North Water, house 56

South Sixth Greene Francis H., hat and bonnet bleachery, 22 North

Second, house do. Greene John, farmer, house 8 Old Market square Greene Leander, shoemaker, bds. 85 North Second Greene Luther J., clerk J. S. Cook, h. 110 Middle Greene Lydia, wid. of Daniel B., house 24 Pearl Greene Lydia M., widow of Thomas A., h. 220 Union Greene Marshall S , mason, house 14 Allen Greene Nathaniel H., mason, h. County, near Rivet Greene Neal, job wagon, house 228 South Second Greene Robert, laborer, house 2 Ash Greene Robert B. (D, R, Greene & Co.), com. merchant,

house County, cor. School Greene Simon P., baker, house 238 Middle


GREENE & WOOD (Augustus A. Greene, Henry T.,

and Wm. G. Wood), lumber dealers and planing

mill, Leonard's wharf Greenman Josiah, shipcarpenter, h. 35 Willis Greenwood Andrew, loomfixer, house Durfee, near New

County road Greenwood James, weaver, house 210 Pleasant Greenwood James, billiard saloon, 32>^ William, house

45 Foster Greenwood James, weaver, Wamsutta Mills, h. 117 State Greenwood John, weaver, house 210 Pleasant Greenwood Joseph, weaver, h. 210 Pleasant Greenwood Levi, at Wamsutta Mills, house North Third,

corner Wall Greenwood Thomas, overseer No. 4 weave-room, Wam- sutta Mills, h. 1 Locust [Middle Greer Geo., ropemaker N. B. Cordage Co., house 248 Gregory Humphrey, weaver, house 203 Pleasant Grehem Daniel, weaver, house 193 Pleasant Grew Charles M., ftirmer, house New County road, near

Hathaway road [ty road

Grew David, former, house Hathaway road, n. New Coun- Grew David, jr., farmer, house Hathaway road Grew John F., farmer, house Hathaway road, near New

County road [way road

Grew Salem T., teamster, h. New County rd., u. Hatha- Grieve John, niulespinner, house 25 Austin Griffin Richard, waiter Parker House, boards do. Griffin William, laborer, house 126 Kempton Grimes James, laborer, boards 250 Purchase Grimshaw Frank G., waiter, 67 William, bds. 55 Smith Grimshaw Lydia, widow of James, house 55 Smith Grimshaw William, fireman, house Washburn ."S, Grinnell Abram, carpenter, house 6 Spruce Grinnell Andrew B., former, house 4 Tarkiln Hill road Grinnell Andrew B., jr., farmer, bds. 4 Tarkiln Hill road GRINNELL EDMUND, New Bedford Iron Foundry,

90 and 92 South Water, h. 122 Washington, corner

So. Orchard Grinnell Henry, boards Sampson House GRINNELL JOSEPH, president First National Bank

and Wamsutta Mills, office over Merchant's National

Bank, house 97 County Grinnell Joseph G. Mrs., house 39 Hawthorn GRINNELL LAWRENCE, insurance agent, 22 No.

Water, and treas. N. B. R. R., office over Merchants

National Bank, h. 42 South Cottage Groat James, shipcarpenter, house 32 Fi-anklia Groves Perry G., house rear 154 Kempton


Groves Henry, shipkceper, house 108 Fifth Groves Susan B. Mrs., house 170 Kempton Grudchos Anna C. Mrs., dry and fancy goods, 309 Pur- chase, h. 234 do. Grundy James, glassworks, h. Vli South First Gudson Chiirlt's, laborer, house 46 Brick block. Orange Guellow Hannah Mrs., house 13 Cedar Gnnil)leton Edmund, laborer, house Wall Gunning Pollen, widow, house 196 State Gurl Francis, in Copjier Works, house Penninian Gurl Henry, in Copper Works, house Penninian Gurl Michael, weaver, house 21 Austin Gustin George A., musician, 9 Fourth, h. 35 South Second Gwinn Isaac, laborer, house 102 Smith

HABICHT FPtANK A , printer Mercury job office, bds.

40 County Habicht Henry, machinist, boards 40 County Habicht John 13., saloon, 8 Third Habicht Philip, tailor, house 40 County Hackett James, carpenter, boards 299 Purchase Hackett Mary A., widow, house 176 South Second Hackett Thomas, glassmaker Mt. Wash. Glass Works Hadley A, W., dry goods, 20 Purchase, h. 72 So. Second Hadley Eugene J., civil engineer, 107 Pleasant, h. do. Hadlev Frank R. (James E. Blake & Co,), apothecary, 64

No. Second, h. 107 Pleasant Hadley George T., house 107 Pleasant Hadley Jacob B., merchant, house 107 Pleasant Hadley John D., printer, boards 107 Pleasant Haffards Sophia E. Miss, house 82 Elm Hatibrd Benjamin, compositor Standard office, house 8

Maxfii'ld HafFord Charles A., engineer for Sturtevant & Sherman,

house 21 Hillman Hafford Joseph, painter, house 21 Hillman Hafford Rebecca K., widow of Wm. A., h. 1 Bedford Haiford Stephen, day watchman, house 8 Maxfield Hafford Stephen, jr., carriagetrimmer C. H. Forbes, bds.

8 Maxfield Haggerty John, laborer Wamsutta Mills, h. ft. Washburn Haines Eva C. Mrs, house 9 Sears court Halenan William B., house 13 Merrimac Haley Patrick, tailor, house 52 Parker Haley Patrick, saloon, 8 Pearl, h. 198 North Third Hall Ann M., widow of Joseph D., h. 28 Campbell Hall Anthony D., bookkeeper Wood, Brightman & Co.,

h. 71 Walden Hall Gardner, house 71 Walden


Hall Georsje, salesman, 117 Union, h. Arch, n. Union Hall Gilbw-t N. (Driscoll, Church & Hall), grocer, 60 Un- ion, h. Ill County Hall Henry, saloon, Purchase, opp. Howlanrl Chapel, h. do. Hall Hiram E., butcher, house 28 Campbell Hall John, weaver, house 5 Hazird Hall John, muletixer, house 3 Blackmore Hall J(»hn G., teamster, house Wall Hall John M., mariner, house 5 Morgan's lane Hall Sylvanus M., house 161 Pleasant Hall William, ropemaker, house 26 Sycamore Hall William, weaver, boards 332 Purchase Hall Wm. H., laborer, house 23 Chancery Hallett Bangs, U. S. Shipping Commissioner, IS^a South

Water, h. at Yarmouth Port, Mass. Hamblin Otis F., master mariner, house 56 Foster Hamblin Tliacher, glassmaker, house 217 South Water Hamblin William, flagman, house 12 Chancery Hamblin William, mason, house 12 Chancery Hamel Mitchell, laborer, liouse 17 Brick block, Orange Hamer Mary E., dressmaker, boards 9 KJm Hamer Sarah A., widow of Samuel, h. rear 126 Kempton Hamer Susan J. Mrs., house 9 Elm

Hamer William, stevedore, house 4S Middle [do.

Hamilton Augustus, i)rovisi()ns, 154 North, c. Cypress, h. Hamilton James, sailmaker Simpson Hart, bds. 14 School Hamlinton Margaret, widow, house 34 Franklin Hammond Albert, bootmaker Hathaway & Soule, boards

at Fairhaven Hammond Amitia, milk dealer, house 179 Pleasant Hammond Andrew ,J., teamster, h. Cedar, near Locust Hammond Caleb, architect, 129 No. Water, h. 66 North Hammond Charles, spinner, boards Grinnell, cor. Prospect Hammond Charles W., fish dealer, 168^^ Kempton, h. do. Hammond Edgar B., civil engineer, 127 North Water,.

boards 66 North Hammond Francis W., carpenter, 150 No. Water, house

70 North Hammond George A., ofiicer House of Correction, house

37 Kempton Hammond George W., bootmaker, bds. 37 Kempton Hammond Henry, laborer, bds. Job. E. Hammond's, Old

County road Hammond Henry F., carpenter, boards 66 North Hammond Henry W., at 90 So. Water, h. at Fairhaven Hammond Herbert L., laborer, house 3 Jenney Hammond Job. E., laborer, house Old County road Hammond John R., farmer, house Old County road Hammond Joseph, cooper, h. Tremont, near Arnold


Hanitnond Thomas H., accountant, bds, 96 Elm

Hammond William, house 25 Chestnut

Hammond William 13., j)astor First Cong, church, Head

of the liiver, house at Acushuet Hammond Wdliam H., laborer, bds. Job E. Hammond's,

Old County road Hani])son William, weaver, house 249 First Handley Ann S., widow, restaurant, 1 Commercial wharf,

house do. Handy Almira Miss, house Park, near Kempton Handy Caleb, truckman and cane chair re seater, h. 135

South Orchard Handy George S., carpenter, house 15 Emerson Handy Gilbert N., bookkeeper, 13 So. Second, boards 87

Keni])ton Handy Jolin T., carpenter, house 136 South Orchard Handy Jonathan, clerk, 13 Centre, house 55 No. Sixth Handy Nye, provision dealer, lOlJi Purchase, house 87

Kempton Handy Phoebe Miss, house 63 Kempton Handy Samuel, cane cliair re-seater, h. 135 So. Kempton Handy Sophia Mrs., house Bonney, near Allen Ilankinson, James, gardener, house 18 Emerson Hanlon Mary, widow of Matthew, house 12 JMerrimac HANN ANTHONY W., proprietor Commercial House,

South Water, house do. Hannan Henry, carriagetrimmer, boards 49 Middle Hannan James, pressman M. C. Swift, house 49 Middle Hannan John, clerk, 51 Union, bds 49 Middle Hannan Richard, clerk, 51 Union, boards 49 Middle Hanrahan David, house 9 Cedar

Hanson Alphonso, hairdresser, 99 Union, bds. 3 Sullivan Hanson Chi'istina, widow, house 129 North Third HARDING CHARLES P., Excelsior Dye House, 41

William, house do. Harding James G., shipcarpenter, h. 99 North Second Harding John G., tree dealer and city forester, house 99

North Second Harding Milborn, teamster, 125 North Water, house

North, corner Purchase Harding Thomas, coachman at 110 County Harding William, clerk, 131 Union, bds. 126 Purchase Hardwick George T., clerk New Bedford Tannery, house

59 Cypress Hardy Eliza, widow, house 42 Foster Hardy Martin, laborer, boards 345 Purchase Hanly Ruth M. Mrs., house 45 Third Hardy Sarah Mrs., house 111 Fifth Hardy William B., works Gosnold Mills, li. 135 Kempton


Hardy William D., salesman, 131 Union, boards 126

Purchase Harford Almeda W., widow "of Hiram A., house 285

Purchase Harkins John, ropemaker, house Elm, corner Ash Harlow George A., baker S. P. Richmond & Co., house

39 Hillman Harlow Mary W. Mrs., house 69 High Harlow Otis, tailor, 81 Union, and boardiiighouse, 8 Bethel Harmus Charles L., house South Water, cor. Division Harney Charles, house 230 South Water Harper James I., night watchman, house 4 Maxfield Harper William W., driver Hatch & Co., boards High,

corner North Third Harps Lydia C, widow of William, nurse, house 42

Kem])ton Harps William W., carpenter, house 12 Emerson Harril Amos, laboi'er, house 53 South Water Harrington Augustus P., farmer, h. Head of the River Harrington Cornelius, carpenter, house 300 County Harrington Cornelius, stonecutter, 26 North Second, bds.

227 North Third Harrington Cornelius, laborer, house rear 78 Linden Harrington Daniel, laborer, house 4 Austin Harrington Dennis, laborer, house 139 North Third Harrington Francis H. W., painter, h. 144 No. Second HARPJNGTON HENRY F., supt. of public schools,

office basement City Hall, h. Court, cor. No. Orchard Harrington James, laborer, house 130 South First Harrington Jeremiah, boot and shoemaner, 192 Nortli

Third, house Merrimac, near North Third Harrington Jeremiah, laborer, house Penniman Harrington Jeremiah, in Copper Works, h. Washburn Harrington John, laborer, house 77 South Water Harrington John, laborer, h. 4 Turner's court Harrington John, laborer, house 7 Willis Harrington John, jr., house 5 Campbell Harrington Margaret, house 4 Wamsutta Harrington Mary, widow of Patrick, house Seneca Harrington Timothy, laborer, house 16 Franklin Harrington Timothy, laborer, house 116 Hillman Harris Charles H., laborer, h. Ash, near Kempton Harris Frederick T., bookbinder Collins & Allen, boards

Mansion House Harris John, laborer, house 187 Elm

Harris Mary A. Mrs., house 187 Elm [Middle

Harrison Margaret R., widow of William H., house 210 Harrison Thomas, headmachinist Potomska Mills, house

291 South Second


Harrison Thomas R., shipsmith, h. 92 South Second

Harrison William H., laborer, house rear 19 First

Harrisson Francis, painter, house 72 Washington

Hart David, stevedore, house 107 Tliird

Hart Deborah P., widow of Geoige, h. 66 Bedford

Hart Edward M., painter, boards 21 Bedford

Hart George S., boards 66 Bedford

Hart Jane Mrs., boards Ash, opp. Maple

Hart John C, ]»ainter, house 27 Cove

Hart Lewis, boatman, house head of Court

HART Si\MUEL C , chief engineer fire dej)artment, and

(Hart & Akin), painter and jiainters' su]tplies, 58 So.

VVater and 9 North Water, and coal dealer, foot ot

Coffin, house 107 Third Hart Simpson, sailmaker, 33 Com'l wharf, h. 37 Fourth Hart Thomas M., clerk Simpson Hart, h. 75 Washinoton HART & AKIN (Samuel C. Hart and Francis T. Akin),

painters and ])ainters' supplies, 58 South Water, and

9 North Water, and coal dealers, foot of Coffin Hartley Henry, weaver Potomska Mills, bds. 309 So. First Harvey Frederick A., boottreer, boards Campbell^ corner

Chestnut Harwood Charles, Cordage Works, house 15 Ash Harwood John, gardener at S. G. Morgan's, h. 61 South

Sixth HASKELL CHARLES M., hats, caps, and furs, 138

Union, house 77 Third Haskell Edward, dry goods, 42, 44, and 46 Purchase, h.

219 Union Haskell Edward P., coalmerchant, office North Front, foot

of Middle, house 85 Bush Haskell Edward P., jr., student, boards 85 Bush Haskell Eli, laborer, house 55 Smith Haskell Elisha, house head of the River Haskell B'rederick, laborer, house 186 North Third Haskell George M., clerk, Wamsutta Mills, office over

Merchants National Bank, liouse 65 Third Haskell Hiram, house 65 Third Haskell Lydia M. Miss, house 65 Third Haskell Sarah J. H., milliner, boards 21 Bedford Haskins B. Frank, printer Mercery office, liouse 18 Third Haskins Charles R., conductor N.'B. R. R., h. 70 Thomas Haskins Cyrenius W, (Dexter & Haskins), watches and

jewelry, 14 Purchase, house 199 County Haskins Eliphalet, mariner, h. Rivet, cor. South Front Hawkins Elizabetli P., widow of Amos, h. 109 William Haskins Elmore P., carpenter, bds. 45 Chestnut Haskins Fi'ank, laborer, house 59 Spruce Haskins George S., mason, h. 25 Rockdale avenue


Ilaskins Gifforcl B., variety store, 167 South Water, house

63 Prospect Haskins Herbert K., carpenter, house 45 Chestnut Haskins Joseph C, carpenter, foot of Hilhuan, house 26

Chestnut Haskins Lavina, widow, house 152 South Water Haskins Mary E. Mrs.^ house 120 South First [nut

Haskins Orville, carpenter, foot of Hillman, h. 45 Chest- Haskins Reuben M., peddler, h. Kempton, Cannonville Hastings George (Hastings & Co.), manufacturer of sperm

and wliale oils, foot of Grinnell, h. 58 Purchase Hastings John (Hastings & Co.), manuficturer of sperm and whale oils, foot of Grinnell, h. 221 Union, corner Cottage Hastings Waitstill (Hastings & Co.), manufacturer of sperm and whale oils, foot of Grinnell, h. at Brook- lyn, N. Y. HASTINGS & CO. (\¥aitstill, George, and Jolin Hast- ings), manufacturers of sperm and whale oils, foot of Grinnell Haswell Amos K., cigar mnfr. and tobacco dealer, 103

and 105 Union, house 97 Fourth Hatch Albert D. (Hatch & Co.), express, 5 Ricketson

block, house 85 Fifth Hatch George C. (Hatch & Co., and Davenport, Mason &

Co.), express, 5 Ricketson block, h, 203 Purchase Hatch George E., tinplate and sheetiron worker, 158 Pur- chase, house 37 Kempton Hatch Henry F., photographer, h. High, cor. No. Third Hatch John F., clerk 5 Ricketson block, bds. 203 Purchase Hatch Joseph W., tinplateworker G. E. Hatch, boards 37

Kempton Hatch Mary K., widow of Abiel, h. 10 Bonney HATCH MOSES E., treas. N. B. Ice Co., 9 Fourth,

boards 115 Pleasant Hatch Philip S., roperaaker N. B. Cordage Co., h. First

corner Bush Hatch Rowland L. A., painter, 85 Middle, bds. 10 Bonney Hatch Seth, refiner Thayer & Judd, h. 48 xMiddle Hatch Thatcher C. (Davis & Hatch), colFeee and spice mills, 59 High, house 115 Pleasant [Bush

Hatch Wm. W., laborer N. B. R. R., freight house, h. 4 HATCH & CO. (Albert D. and George C. Hatch, Cal- vin Raymond and Wm. II. Thing), Boston, New Bedford, Martha's Vineyard, and Providence Express, 5 Ricketson block Hatfield William, weaver, house Cedar grove Hathaway Albert G., bootmaker, bds. Rockdale avenue Hathaway Albert M., carder Wamsutta Mills, bds. 3 Willis


Hathaway Andrew B., gardener, h. Ilath iway road, west

from Rockdale avenue Ilatliaway Andrew E., prop. "Head of River" Omnibus

Line, and city billposter, Purchase, cor. North, h, do. Hathaway Annie G., widow, house 56 State Hathaway Annie INI., clerk, 88 Purchase, bds. 71 Middle Hathaway Annie M., widow of Seili, house 16 Mill Hathaway Benj;iniin F., coal dealer 154 Noith Third, h.

286 Purchase Hathaway Benjamin F., jr., weigher, 154 No. Third,' h.

286 County Hathaway Bradford, shipcarpenter, house 108 Third Hathaway Braddock I)., toolmaker 114 North Third, h.

117 do. Hathaway Charles, farmer, house Hathaway road, corner

Old County road Hathaway Charles H., painter, h. 19 Howland Hathaway Charles H., sawyer in mill, h. Old County road Plathaway Charles M., job wagon, P^irst, cor. Union, h.

3 Maxfield Hathaway Charles R., laborer N. B. Flour Co., boards 243

Purchase Hathaway David L. (Hathaway & Bowman), house and

ship joiner 20 Elm, h. 117 Hillman Hathaway Dudley E. (Tripp & Hathaway), boot and

shoe mnfrs., Pleasant, cor. Mechanics lane, house at

Fairhaven Hathaway Eben R., blacksmith, boards 8 Bethel Hathaway Elias H. C, hostler, h. Arnold, cor. Ash Hatliaway Eliza Miss, house 44 School Hathaway Elizabeth, widow of James, h. Hathaway road Hathaway Emma Mrs., house 6 Cannon Hathaway P>ank H., engineer W. F. Wheaton, house 60

Hillman Hathaway Frank L., carpenter, house 51 First Hathaway Frederick A., truckman, h. 339 So. Water Hathaway Frederick A., sailmaker, house 66 Mill Hathaway Freeman R., groceiies and provisions, 243

Purchase, house do. Hathaway George B., bookkeeper First National Bank,

house Hathaway road, opp. Rockdale av. Hathaway George L., laborer, house Plainville road Hathaway George W., teamster, house 30 South Hathaway Henry C, asst. City Marshal, h. 242 County Hnthaway Henry M., shipcarpenter, house 7 North Hathaway Henry W., farmer, house Hathaway road Hathaway Horace, stonecutter, bds. Wm. K. Stewart's,

Purchase Hathaway Horace M., carpenter, boards 61 Waldeu


Hathaway Horatio, merchant, Rodman, cor. North Front,

house 103 County Hathaway Isaac T, Mrs., house Hathaway road Hathaway Isaac T., cutter GltFord & Co., h. 68 Elm Hathaway Jabez S., master mariner, liouse Bellville Hathaway James C, shipwright, h. 61 Wahlen Hathaway James H., butcher, h. Head of the River Hathaway James H., clerk City Treasurer's Office, Libra-

brary building, h. 70 Kempton Hathaway James S., carriagemaker C. H. Forbes, house

Willis, near Cedar Hathaway James S., shipcarpenter, h. 60 Mechanics lane Hathaway Job, fiarmer, house Old County I'oad Hathaway John W., mason, house 29 Cypress Hathaway Joseph D., teamster, h. 5 Howland Hathaway Leonard J., carriage maker W. G. White, near

William, boards 71 Middle Hathaway Lewis, carpenter. Bethel, h. 41 Kerapton Hathaway Louisa, widow of Anthony, h. 37 No. Sixth Hathaway liovey D. Mrs., house Head of the River Hathaway Lucy B., widow of Warren, h. 60 Hillnian Hathaway Martin L., foreman job department. Standard

office, house 3 Locust Hathaway Mary, widow of William A., h. Hathaway rd.,

near New County road Hathaway Mary Miss, house 44 School Hathaway Mary G., widow, house Plead of the River Hathaway Mary H., widow, house 167 Union Hathaway Mary L., at Peirce & Bushnell's, h. 71 Middle Hathaway Meletiah, farmer, h. Hathaway road, west from

Rockdale avenue Hathaway Nathan C, clerk Mechanics National Bank,

boards 128 Middle Hathaway Paul E., soapchandler M. F. Whittemore, h.

71 Middle Hathaway Phebe S., widow of Alexander, h. 53 Walnut Hathaway Reuben, house 13 Fourth Hathaway Richmond B., tool maker B. D. Hathaway,

boards 117 North Thin] Hathaway Rodman, farmer, house 9 Rockdale avenue Hathaway Sarah W., at Peirce & Bushnell's, boards 71

Middle HATHAWAY SAVORY, agent Union Boot and Shoe

Co., 71 and 75 William, house 9 North Cottage Hathaway Savory C. (Hathaway & Soule), boot and shoe

manufacturer, house 98 State Hathaway Stephen, shipwright, house 22 North Hathaway Susan, widow, house 399 Purchase Hathaway Susan M. Miss, milliner, 60 Hillnian


Hathaway Thomas B., master mariner, li. 348 So. Water Hatliawav Thomas II., house South Orchard, cor. Arnold HATHAWAY THOMAS S., presideut Union Mutual

Marine Insurance Co., 33 North Water, and National

Bank of Commerce, house 43 Elm Hathaway Walter T., clerk, 243 Purchase, boards do. Hathaway William jr., merchant, foot of Walnut, house

South Orchard, corner Arnold Hathaway William A., farmer, house Mt. Pleasant, near

Nash road Hathaway William F., clerk, 243 Purchase, boards do. Hathaway William H., ship carpenter, h. 82 South Second Hathaway Wm. H., currier, house Jenney, near Kem])ton Hathaway Wm. H., grocer. Spring cor. Third, h. 204^ Third .Hathaway Zephaniah, ship carpenter, house 33 North Hathaway & Bowman (David L. Hathaway and Henry T.

Bowman), house and shij) joiners, 20 Elm HATHAWAY & SOULE, (Savory C. Hathaway and

Rufus A. Soule), boot and shoe manufacturers. North,

corner North Second Haughey John, laborer, house Parker, near Emerson Hawes Benjamin P., laborer, h. 1 Rockland Hawes Charles E., merchant, head of Richmond & Wil- cox's wharf, boards Parker House Hawes Elnathan, h. Dunbar's lane, near Dartmouth line Hawes George W., teamster, house Head of the River Hawes Jonathan, musician, house 125 Purchase Hawes Jonathan C, master mariner, h. Acushnet avenue,

Head of the River Hawes Levi, confectionery, 17 Purchase, h. 7 Ricketson

court Hawes Levi, farmer, house 7 Tarklin Hill road Hawes Simeon, icedealer. Head of the River, house do. Hawes William, Avoiks Chas. Taber & Co., h. 69 Walden Hawes William T., master mariner, house 225 Purchase Hawkins Charles, house 14 Dartmouth Hawkins Jackson, laborer, house 39 Emerson Hayden John D., driver D. A. Snell, house rear 63 Smith Hayden Lucretia, widow of John, house 100 Washington HAYDEN WILLIAM G., tin plate and sheet iron

worker, and crockery and glassware, 101 Third, house

10 Bedford Hayes Andrew G. (Hayes & Co.), stave dresser, 147 No.

Water, house 18 Hillman Hayes Emily M., widow of Benjamin T., house 59 Hill Hayes Joanna K., teacher Miss Baker's school, boards 59

Hill Hayes Lemuel W. (Hayes & Co.), stavedresser and scroll

sawing, 145 North Water, boards 18 Hillraan


Hayes Loring G., at Peirce & Bushnell's, h. 75 Sycamore Hayes Maria E., teacher Merriinac primary school, boards

59 Hill Hayes Stephen W., physician, 45 Purchase, bds. Mansion

House Hayes William, laborer, house 255 South Water Hayes & Co. (Andrew G. and Lemuel W, Hayes), stave

dressers, scroll sawing, &c., 147 No. Water Hayhurst James, weaver Potomska Mills, h. 51 Blackmore Haynes James H., laborer, house 147 South Water Haynes William H., laborer, house 25 Middle Hayward Iram, laborer, house 142 Kempton Hayward John J., frame polisher, bds. 151 North Third Hazard Ella F. Miss, teacher Cannonville school Hazard Harriet N. Mrs., house 149 Elm Hazard Henry C, carpenter, house 68 North Hazard Ichabod T., teamster, house 86 Walden Hazard James S., mariner, house Kempton, Cannonville Hazard Otis L., currier N, B. Tannery, house 9 Chancery Hazeltine Andrew A., dentist, 104 Purchase, house do. Hazeltine Charles, piano dealer, repairer, and tuner, 65

William, house do. Hazzard James B. (Hazzard & Weaver), carriagepainter,

83 Middle, house 86 Walden Hazzard Washington, stonecutter, house Kempton, Can- nonville [Walden Hazzard William H., carriagepainter, 83 Middle, house 86 HAZZARD & WEAVER (James B. Hazzard), (New Bedford carriage manfy.), carriage painters, 83 Middle Head Benjamin T., mason, house 117 Hillman Head James T., teamster, house Chestnut, near Smith Healey Charles H., shoemaker, boards 57 Washington Healey John, blockmaker, house 57 Washington Healey William F., carriagetrimmer, boards 115 South

Water Healy Edwin, foreman John A. Gilford, house 14 County Healy Thomas F., harnessmaker Jesse Allen, boards 155

Purchase Heath Louise S. Miss, teacher Cedar street primary school,

house 97 Hillman Heath Nathaniel H., sailmaker, house 49 North Second Pleath Sophronia P., widow of Benj. F., h. 97 Hillman Heath William H., master mariner, house 98 Fourth Heath Wm. H. jr., salesman A. E. Lucas, house 57 Elm Hemenway Martha A. Mrs., teacher Parker street gram- mar school, bds, 37 North Sixth Henderson Abel, bonrds rear 8 Campbell Henderson Elizabeth, widow of William, h. 286 Middle Henderson Susanna Mrs., house 226 Middle


Hendrickson Charles E., clerk (Fall River), h. 82 Elm Henkersoii James, coachman, 263 County, h. 18 Emerson Henley Kuby, widow of Samuel, house 137 Purchase Hennessy Timothy, laborer, house 6 Ilit^h Henries James E., laborer, house 11 Fii'st Henry EHzabeth II., widow of Jas. L., house 92 State Henry George, clothescleaning and repairing, 153 Pur- chase, house rear 59 Summer Henry George Wasliiiigton, h. 230 Middle Henry Jerusha, widow of Gilman, h. 122 Orchard Hensley Augustus, house rear 10 Wing Henson Cornelius, fancy goods, 171 Kempton, h. do. Henson Isaac, laborer, h. West Wall, rear Court Henson Mary A., house 100 Smith Henson Thomas, clergyman, h, Sullivan, n. Middle Plerlihy Jeremiah, h. Hazard, n. County Hernon John, molder, house 96 South Second Hernon Petei', laborer, house 96 South Second Heron J. Thomas, shoenailer, house 2 Willis Heron Patrick, weaver, h. Hazard, near Pleasant Hersey Charles, house 27 Hawthorn Hersey Elizabeth Mrs., house 27 Hawthorn Hersey Jacob Mrs., teacher of drawing and painting, h.

158 Union Hersey William A., carriagemaker, Head of the River, h. Tai'klin Hill road [Purchase

Hersey William S., carinspector N. B. R. R., house 171 Hersom Thomas, soapmanufacturer, 104 North Water Hervey Ebenezer, house 210 County HERVEY E. WILLIAMS, cashier Mechanics National

Bank, house 142 County Hervey James W., assistant cashier Mechanics National Bank, house 226 Purchase [ington

Hested William, sailmaker Simpson Hart, h. 92 Wash- HEWINS LUTHER G., ticketmaster New Bedford Rail- road, h. Merrimac, n. County Hewins Luther G., jr., clerk superintendent's office. New

Bedford Railroad, h. 287 Purchase Hewins Sarah H., teacher Merrimac street primary school,

bds. L. G. Hewins', Merrimac Hibbard Edward, spinner, h. Purchase, n. Hazard Hickey John, laborer, house East Delano Hickey Michael A., junkdealer, h. east of Delano, near

South Front Hicks Alexander, shipcarpenter, h. 78 Sycamore Hicks Andrew, sliipagent, Merrill's whf., h, at Westport Hicks Anna R. Mrs., house 116 Third Hicks Edward, painter, 8 William, h. 116 Third Hicks George, jr., stevedore, h. Rural, n. Allen


Hicks James, H,, cityteainster, h. 163 North Third Hicks John, merchant, Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron

•Co.'s wliarf, h. 68 Wahiut Hicks Joseph P., boot and slioecntter, bds. 116 Third Hicks Samuel, restaurant, Pope's Island, house do. Hicks William, teamster, house 50 South Second Hicks William, coachman J. Grinnell, h. Ash, opp. Maple Hicks William H., house 163 North Third Higgins Alva M., physician, 84 Mill, house do. Higgins Thomas, laborer, h. W^est Willis, n. Emerson Higgins W-^illiam T., machinist, house 2,}4 Austin Higham Hiram, gardener, h. 302 County Higham Hiram, jr., weaver, house 302 County Higham James, mulespinner, house r^^ar Linden Higham Samuel, in roUingmill, h. 165 Pleasant Highlands Mary, widow of Andrew, h. 195 Elm Hill Abigail Miss, house 21 South W^ater Hill Dulcenia, widow of Robert, h, 13 Jenney Hill Emily, widow, house 75 Second Hill Frank, laborer, house rear 130 Kempton Hill George, leader New Bedford Brass Band, 6 Liberty

Hall building, h. 52 No. Second Hill George M., saloon, 154 So. Water, h. 13 Cannon Hill James N., clerk, 82 Union, bds. do. Hill John, weaver, house 178 State Hill Mary, widow of David, h. Merrimac, n. State Hill Phebe Miss, house 21 South Water Hill Phebe A., widow of Jeremiah, h. 108 Fifth Hill Ralph, weaver, house 71 Prospect Hill Robert R., mariner, house 15 School Hill Tliompson, blacksmith S. B. Skiff & Co., house 109

William Hill William T., clerk, 47 Purchase, bds. 108 Fifth Hiller Eben R., painter, 25 Centre, h. 50 Smith Hillman Alexander, cutter Taber, Read & Gardner, house

216 Purchase Hillman Alexander, jr., lettercarrier, bds. 216 Purchase Hillman Benjamin, painter, h. 51 Maxfield Hillman Charles B. (SuUings, Kingman & Co.), hardware

and cutlery, 123 Union, h. 118 Fourth Hillman George W., carpenter, h. 96 No. Third Hillman Jethro, carpenter, h. 79 No. Third Hillman John D., shipcarpenter, bds. 87 No. Third Hillman Robert, brakeman N. B . R. R., h. 46 Maxfield Hillman Thomas R., bookkeeper'New Bedford Institution

for Savings h., 292 Purchase Hilton Samuel, mulespinner, house rear 316 Purchase Himes Charles H., housepainter, house 23 Oak Himes Daniel B., laborer, house 89 Washington


Hinics Mnry D. Mrs., house 25 Bonney Hinies S. Henry, hackdriver, house 144 North Second Hinckley Amelia S., widow of George, h. 88 So. Sixth Hinckley Benjamin F., pressman Standard oflice, boards

88 South Sixth Hinckley Braddock, house 105 High Hinckley E. T., machinist Morse Twist Drill, boards 96

Fourth Hinckley Lucy B. Mrs., dressmaker, house 160 Union Hinckley Mary R. Miss, schoolteacher, h.ouse 105 High Hinckley Seth, glassaiaker, house 63 Pi'ospect Hindle Joseph, framepolisher, house 151 North Third Hindle William, clerk, house 157 North Third Hindle William, supt. N. B. Co-operative Society, house

1 Willis Hines Charles, laborer, house Ash, near Burgess lane Hines James, laborer, house 185 State Hiscocx Clara C, widow of John, house 2 Hickory Hisea Christian H., mason, house 225 Middle Hitch Alfred G., clerk, boards Purchase, corner Union HITCH ANSEL S., newspapers, stationery and periodi- cals, 77 Purchase, h. 94 do. Hitch Charles, boards 65 Elm

Hitch Charles, jr., carriagetrimmer, bds. Purchase, c. Union HITCH EDWARD E., furniture-dealer and upholsterer,

147|- Union, h. 35 Kempton Hitch James C, clerk Custom House, h. 135 Summer Hitch Joshua C, sailmaker, Taber's wharf, corner North

Front, h. 162 County Hitch Otis L. (Almy & Hitch), awning mnfr., 58>2 Fur- chase, h. 77 So. Second Hoard Seth, farmer, house Old County road Hodgdon William C, carder, house 298 County Hodges Alice, widow, house rear 126 Kempton Hodges Joseph F., house 22 Parker Hoefert Charles, blacksmith Geo. L. Brownell, house 31

Sherman Hoffman George, weaver, h. Washburn, n. Acushnet av. Hoffman Michael, weaver, boards 177 State Hoffman William, baker H. H, Fisher, house 6 Spring Hofle Peter, shoemaker, house Willis, corner Pleasant Hogan Jeremiah, works N. B. Cordage Co., h. 24 Ash Hogan Thomas, cardstripper, bds. 289 South Second Holcomb Henry (Henry Holcomb & Son), groceries and

provisions, 71 Bush, c. So. Second, h. do. Holcomb Henry & Son (Henry and Henry A. Holcomb), grocers, 71 Bush [Third

Holcomb Henry A. (Henry Holcomb & Son), house 56


Holcomb Monroe, groceries and provisions, 201 South Water, house do. [Second

HOLCOMB ROLAND, moat market, 32 School, h. 32 Holdden George W., weaver, house 191 Pleasant Holland- Jeremiah, marbleworker, h. 122 South Front Hollaway J. Thomas, laborer, house 111 North Third Holmes Albert W., clerk, Atlantic wharf, Ixls. 63 Fifth Holmes Atwood, cooper, 14 First, h. 32 North Sixth Holmes Catherine T., widow of Lyman, house 4 Borden Holmes David VV., mason, house 23 Sycamore Holmes Drusilla Miss, house 9 Busli [213 do.

Holmes Ezra, druggist. and apothecary, 160 Purchase, h. Holmes George C, painter, boards 15 West Middle Holmes Henry, hairdresser, 63 Union, bds. 77 Smith Holmes Henry W., commercial agent, house 32 Hillman Holmes John, laborer, h. 77 Smith Holmes John J., watchman, house 134 Washington Holmes John P. (Holmes & Watson), tishdealer, Eddy's wharf, house 157 South Water [63 Fifth

HOLMES JOSIAH., Jr., coal dealer, Atlantic' wharf, h. Holmes Thomas J., mariner, house 140 South Water Holmes William, spinner, boards 283 South Second Holmes William J., gilder, 72 North Water, boards 77

Smith Holmes William W., foreman, 105 Union, h. 134 Wash. Holmes & Watson (John P. Holmes and David Watson),

fishmarket, Eddy's wharf Holroyd Joshua, mulespiuner, house 5 Blackmore Holt Eliza A., widow of Edward P., h. 17 Morgan's lane Holt Frank, sewing machine agent, 15 Purchase, boards

110 Middle Holt Mercy A., widow of John R., house 57 Elm Homer Daniel, house 142 County Homer Frederick A., office 23 Centre, boards 28 High Homer George, house 28 High [28 High

Homer George S., mnfr. sperm whale oil, 23 Centre, bds. Hook Orlando, weaver, boards 1 Hazard court Hooper Frederick H., physician and surgeon, office Park- er House, bds. do. Hope Sarah, widow of Geo. H., variety store, 277 South

Water, h. do. Hopkins Bradford S., shoemaker, house 40 Parker Hopkins H. D., blacksmith, boards 115 North Third Hopkins John, music, musical instruments, and fancy

goods, 2 Purchase, h. 2 Lincoln Horan .John, master mariner, house 104 Arnold Home Delilah B., widow of Elijah, house 97 Middle Home Mary A. Miss, dressmaker, h. 97 Middle Horr Cynthia, dressmaker, 37 Seventh, boards do.


Hon- Hannah, widow of Elijah, house 37 Seventli Horton Isaac W., stonocutter, house Smith, cor. County Horton James K., clerk, 67 William, h. 97 No. Second Horton Oscar I)., stonecutter, boards Smith, cor. County HOUGH GEORGE T., physician, 95 Elm, house do. Houghton Frank, harness cleaner S. F. Perry & Son Howard Almira, widoAV of Peter, house 45 South Water Howard Azel, house 142 Mill Howard Benjamin (Jacob Howard & Bro.), shoemaker,

and linen goods, 183 Purchase, h. 13 Rockdale av. Howard Charles B., gas fitter, T. J. Giffbrd & Co., boards

atTairhaven Howard Charles F., boards 307 3'2 Purchase Howard Elijah, cooper, house 120 Pleasant Howard George F., laborer, house 22 P^irst Howard Hannah A., widow of Ammi N., h. Bellville rd.,

Head of the River Howard Henrv, sui)t. Gosnold Mills, office 134 No. Third,

house 88 Walden Howard Jacob (Jacob Howard & Bro.), shoemaker and

linen goods, 183 Purchase, house 6 Campbell Howard Jacob & Bro. (Jacob and Benjamin Howard),

boot and shoemakers, and linen goods, 183 Purchase Howard James, laborer, h. 13 Rockdale avenue Howard Mary K., widow of George, h. 146 No. Second Howard Mary S. Miss, school teacher, h. Bellville road,

Head of the River Howard William G., florist, house 34 Arnold Howard William M., florist, house 34 Arnold Howarth James, loomflxer, house 191 Pleasant Howarth William, confectionery and cigais, 117 Purchase,

liouse 75 North Water Howe Moses Rev., house 109 Middle Howe Roswell, teamster, house 133 North Second Howe William, bookbinder, 30 Purchase, h. 12 Cypress Howes Clarinda Miss, dressmaker, house 39 Foster Howes Daniel H., mariner, boards 126 Purchase Howes Deborah, widow of Lot, boards 126 Purchase Howland Abner A., mariner, boards 36 Elm HOW LAND ABRAHAM H., Jr., mayor, office 1

Library building, house 104 County Howland Abram H., broommaker, house Plainville Howland Almira W., widow of Joseph, house 56 North Howland Austin T., framemaker Pierce & Taber, house

8 Walnut Howland Barker C, physician, 89 William, boards do, Howland Benjamin F., house 134 Third Howland B. Franklin, house 115 Third Howland Catherine Miss, teacher private school, Eighth,

boards 190 Union


Howland Charles A., laborer, house 13 Morgan's lane How'land Charles E., teamster, house Bellville road, Head

of the River Howland Charles F,, mastermariner, house 80 Fourth Howland Charles H., grocer, County, cor. Allen, house 70

South Howland Charles H., student, boards 115 Third Howland Charles S., house 183 Allen Howland Cyrus A. (W. A. Robinson & Co.), oil dealers,

50 South Water, h. at Providence, R. I. Howland David W., carriagesniith George L. Brownell,

house 13 Bonney Howland Daniel W., tailor 45 William, h. Burgess lane,

near Cedar Howland Edward S., hostler City stables, bds. 157 Middle Howland Edward W., merchant, 38 South Sixth Howland Edward W., student, bds. 115 Third Howland Eliza W., widow of John A,, h. 5 Ricketson ct. Howland Emily, widow of Isaac C, h. 23 Maxfield Howland Ezra, farmer, house 190 Union Howland Ezra F., sparmaker Smith & Allen, h. 116 Third Howland Frank H., bookkeeper Hastings & Co., house

152 Grinnell Howland George, farmer, house 190 Union Howland George, jr., merchant. North, near Xorth Sec- ond, h. 37 "South Sixth 'Howland George H., jeweler, h. 43 North Sixth Howland Harriet C, widow of Cornelius, h. 98 County Howland Harriet E., widow of William, h. 57 Fifth Howland Harriet S., widow, house 76 Grinnell Howland Hattie E., widow of Abram H., h. 104 County Howland Henry T., laborer, house 28 North Cedar Howland Hester A., widow of George W., house Acush-

net avenue Howland Holder, mason, h. Plainville Howland Holder, house 68 Third Howland Horace G., agent City and Fish Island Marine

Railway, h. 104 County Howland Isaac, overseer picker room Wamsutta Mills, h.

58 Cedar Howland Jacob A., master mariner, h. 175 County Howland James H., merchant, h. 42 South Sixth Howland James H., framemaker, bds. 98 State Howland James I., master mariner, h. Cove, cor. Water Howland John J., clerk, house 178 County HOWLAND JOHN W., ship builder and repairer. City

.wharf, h. County, near Delano Howland Jonathan, master mariner, h. 54 Russell Howland Jonathan, jr., mariner, house 18 Bush


Howlatifl Joseph, stevedore, h. 24 School

HowliUid Jo.sepli !>., h. Allen, ii. D.utinoiUh line

HowImikI Lloyd, house 244 County

Howl.-uid Lucieciii Ix, widow of James, h. 32 Eighth

Howiand Lucy, widow ol'Rutus, h. 91 So. Second

Rowland Lycur, carpenter, bds. Mrs. Stewart's, Purchase,

near Clark Howiand Lydia T., widow of Paul, h. 190 Union Howiand Lydia W. Mrs., bread and confectionery, 115

Kein])ton, house do. Howiand Lysander, house 91 South Second Howiand .Martha F., widow, bds. Parker House Howiand Mary A,, widow of Nichols, h. 116 Pleasant Howiand Mary H,, widow of James H., dressmaker, house

152 North Howiand Matthew, merchant. North, near North Second,

house 37 Hawthorn Howiand Mercy G., widow of Edward W., dressmaker,

boards 40 North Howiand Morris, boards 37 Hawthorn Howiand Nicholas E., house 93 Grinnell Howiand Paul, mason, house 94 State HOWLAND P. C, cashier Merchants National Bank, h.

Anthony, cor. Grove Howiand Rebecca, widow, house 94 Third Howhmd Reuben, restaurant, 117 Kempton, h. 115 do. Howiand Reuben R., bookkeeper Hastings & Co., house

17 Wing Howiand Sally W., widow of Rodney, h. 108 So. Seventh Howiand Sarah, widow of John, house South Orchard,

cor. Hawthoi'n Howiand Sai-ah H, widow of Joseph, house 17 Allen Howiand Susan B., widow of Abner D., h. 36 Elm Howiand Thomas, shipsmith, house 1 Ash Howiand Thomas A., carpenter, h, 35 Smith Howiand Timothy, house 91 South Second Howiand Weston, mnfr. petroleum, office Fish Island, h.

at Fairhaven Howiand William U., house 37 Hawthorn Howiand William F., clerk, boards 94 Third Howiand William G., shi[)carpenter, h. Campbell, corner

Cedar Howiand William H., laborer, house 35 Allen Howiand William H., clerk J. E. Dwight, h. 76 Grinnell Howiand & Coggeshall (Nicholas Howiand and Bradford

H. Coggeshall), coopers, r. 147 North Water Hoxie Gideon C, watchman, house 28 Oak Hoyt George S., telegra])h operator Western Union Tele- graph Co., 26 No. Water, h. 72 Bedfonl


Hubbavd Charles F., carpenter, boai-ds 3 Tremont

Hubbard Frank, carpenter, lioards 3 Tremont

Hubbard Herbert F., franieengraver, 72 North Water,

bds. 52 Pleasant Hubbard Joseph N., calker, house 3 Tremont Hubbard William H., stevedore, h. 52 Pleasant Huddy Geo. G., harnessmaker Wm. H. Willis, house 88

North Third Huddy John T., laborer, house 72 Walden Huddy William, carpenter, house 75 Maxfield Hudetzka Julius, weaver, house 296 County Hudson Eliphalet H., asst. drawtender, Fairhaven bridge Hudson Frank E., telegraphoperator, N. B. R. R. Co.'s

office, house 17 Mill Hudson William, drawtender, house Fish Island Hudson William D., conductor N, B. & F. R. Co., house

17 anil

Hudson Wm. D., house Cedar, cor. Burgess lane

Hughes Mary, widow of Thomas, house 250 Purchase

Hughes Michael, roller Gosnold Mills, h. 148 No. Second

Humphrey Charles B. (C. B. Humphrey & Co.), produce, 2>2 North Second, bds. 25 Sycamore

Humphrey Chas. B. & Co. (Chas. B. and Jas. L. Humph- rey), com. produce, 2^4 North Second

Humphrey Dana B. (Humphrey, Kirby & Co.), paint and color manufacturer. Wall, house 40 Walnut

Humphrey James L. (C. B. Humphrey & Co.), produce, 2^^ North Second, house 25 Sycamore

Humphrey, Kirby & Co. (Dana B. Humphrey and George Kirby, jr.), paint and color manufacturers, Wall, n. North Third [Durfee

Hunt Jeremiah L., stonecutter, h. New County road, n.

Htint Jolin A., carriagesmith, boards Jeremiah L. Hunt's, New County road

Hunt Josiah, fancy goods, 22 Purchase, h. 70 So. Sixth

Hunt Leander W. (Allen & Hunt), merchanttailor, 96 Union, house 4 Foster

Hunt Sarah G. Mrs., house 16 Mill

Hunter Jeannette Miss, teacher Parker street grammar school, boards 55 North Sixth

Hunter Nellie Miss, dressmaker, 55 North Sixth, h. do.

Hurl John, laborer, house Clark

Hurley Patrick, laborer Gosnold Mills, h. 6 Merrimac

Hurley William, laborer Gosnold Mills, house Seneca

Hurleyhee Patrick, stonecutter, h. Acushnet avenue, near Cedar Grove

Hurll Chas. W., watches, jewelry and silverware^ 23 Pur- chase, house 106 Washington

Hursell John, pilot, house 40 South Second 9


Hurst Henry, farmer, house Plainville

Husscy Frederick, mariner, boards 56 State

Hussey Joiin B., oflice Rodman's building, boards Parker

House Hussey Thomas, bootmaker, house 55 Third Hutchins Ann M., widow, house 146 Middle Hutclunson John, weaver Potomska Mills, h. 343 South

Water Hutchinson Sylvander, books and stationery, 142 Union,

house Bonney, corner Washington Hyde Caroline Miss, house 89 Smith

Hylan Patrick, laborer N. B. Cojoper Works, house Pleas- ant, near County Hynes John, laborer, house 22 Ash

INGALLS SETPI H., architect, house 152 County Ingalls Seth H. 2d, salesman, 115 Purchase, h. 9 Morgan Ingidls William, mason, house 9 Morgan Ingraham Andrew, teacher Friends' Academy, h. Clinton,

near Ash [73 North

Ingraham Robert C, librarian Free Public Library, house Ireson Samuel, loomfixer, house 253 First Irving John, painter, house Wall, near Ray Irish Benjamin, wharfinger, 3 Commercial wharf" house

114 Pleasant [Washington

Irish Joseph, boatbuilder William II. Smith, house 130 Irison Thomas, h. 291 South Second Irwin Henry, laborer, house Washburn Isherwood Arthur, section hand Wamsutta Mills, house

Ashland, corner Ashley Isherwood Ralph, works Wamsutta Mills, house Ashland,

corner Ashley Ivers Samuel, merchant, house 52 School

JACINTH ANTOINE, laborer, house 126 South First

Jack Alexander, carpenter, house 98 Third

Jack, Irene R. Mrs., millinery, Bedford, cor. Fourth, house

98 Third Jackson Caroline E., widow of William S., h. 20 Chancery Jackson Edgar, hairdressei', 89 Union, boards 110 Smith Jackson Edgar M., house 116 Smith Jackson Edward, hairdresser, 62 Union, house 60 Cedar Jackson Elizabeth Mrs., house 238 Middle Jackson Enoch S., hairdresser, 62 Union, house 60 Cedar Jackson Francis C, shipkeeper, house Court, near James Jackson George, laborer, house 11 Fii'st Jackson George S., in gas works, house 238 South Second Jackson Janies T., hostler, house Middle, near Ash Jackson Jathe)ine, widow, house 80 Sixth


Jackson Joseph, hairdresser, house 230 South Water

Jackson Lydia K. Mrs., house 42 Third

Jackson Manuel, mariner, house 36 Howland

Jackson Mary A., widow of Anthony, h. 230 So. Water

Jackson Mary E. Miss, tailoress, house 230 South Water

Jackson Richard, mulespinner, house South Linden

Jackson Sarah A., widow, house 127 Smith

Jackson Thomas, laborer, house South Linden

Jackson Thomas W., hairdresser, 184 County, h. 60 Cedar

Jackson Wiley, waiter Parker House, boards do

Jackson William, nurse. City Almhouse, house do.

Jackson William Rev., (Providence), house 116 Smith

James Adaline J, Miss, house 136 Kempton

James Arthur, framepolisher, 21 School, boards 39 Elm

James Daniel M., mason, house 136 Kempton

James Edith, widow, boards 11 Emerson

James George, cooper W. J. Norton, house at Acushnet

James Henry B., carpenter, house 7 Arch

James Nancy Mrs., house 136 Kempton

James Richard W., painter, 21 Union, boards German

Hotel James Robert, mariner, boards 154 North Second JAMES THOMAS M., insurance agent, 40 No. Water,

house 106 Arnold James William, cooper Hayes & Co., house 76 Middle James William F., cooper Allan & Whitney, 17 Hamilton,

house 14 Rockdale avenue James William H. Mrs., widow, house 154 North Second Janell Carl F., boot and shoe maker, 7 William, house do. Jarvis William, laborer, house 180 Kempton Jason Alonzo V., clerk 14 So. Third, bds. 29 So. Water Jason Anthony, in fishmarket, 8 and 10 South Water,

house 29 South Water Jay Charles F., hostler, house 168 North Jay Charles G., farmer, house 14 Lindsay Jay Charles M., mariner, house 177 County Jay James A., hack stable, 13 South Second Jenifer John H., janitor Courthouse, h. Court, n. Jenney JENKINS BENJAMIN S., house and sign painter, 93

Middle, house 163 Kempton Jenkins Elmir A., painter, 93 Middle, bds. 163 Kempton Jenkins Henry D., gasiitter Jireh C. Sherman, boards 24)^

William Jenkins John, laborer, house Cedar, corner Court Jenks Daniel, laborer, house 105 Allen Jenks George E., blacksmith, boards 105 Allen Jenks Joseph, house 105 Allen Jenney Abbie F. Miss, teacher Merimac street school, h.

13 Pope


Jenney Benjamin F., house 47 School

Jennev Brothers (Henry P. and Nathaniel H.), grocers,

297 Purchnse Jenney Caleb T.. carpenter, house 63 High Jenney Charles W., sole leather cutter Hathaway & Soule,

house 91 Walden Jenney Clarence T., clerk 75 Union, h. 105 North Water Jenney Deborah B,, widow of Edward A., house 90 Mill Jenney Ebenezer, mason, house 18 Pope Jenney Edmund, cooper, house 67 Kempton Jenney Edmund G., clerk, 122 Union, h. 63 Mechanics

lane Jenney Edmund R., carriagemaker, boards 32 South Jenney Ezra T., supt. gas works (Phila.), h. 57 Chestnut Jenney Francis, shoemaker, 115 So. Front, h. 29 South Jenney Frederick P., machinist, h. Campbell, c. Emerson Jenney Gideon A., carriagesmith H. G. O. Cole, house

92 Grinnell [den

Jenney Harry C, foreman Hathaway & Soule, h. 91 Wal- Jenney Henry P. (Jenney Bros.), grocer, 297 Purchase,

house do. Jenney Herbert A., clerk, house 46 Hillman Jenney Irving H., assistant foreman Morse Twist Drill

and Machine Co., h. 72 County Jenney Isaiah E., shipcarpenter, house 2 North Oak Jenney Jeptha F., roller N. B. Copper Works, house 398

Purchase Jenney John P., carpenter, house 11 Spruce Jenney Joshua M., carriagesmith Brownell, Ashley &

Co., h. 25 Third Jenney Leonard, surveyor of lumber, h. 88 So. Sixth Jenney Lyman L., mechanic, house 32 Sycamore Jenney Nathaniel, carpenter, house 38 Willis Jenney Nathaniel H. (Jenney Bros.), grocer, 297 Purchase,

house 38 Willis Jenney Orlin W., painter Geo. L. Brownell, h. 30 South Jenney Perry P., machinist, house 63 High Jenney Ruth T., widow of Franklin, house 75 North . Jenney Weston, house Acushnet avenue Jenney Wm. B., mason, house 175 Grinnell Jenney Wm. II., supt. burial grounds, house 107 Purchase Jennings Adbnirain, stonecutter, house 96 Smith Jennings Andrew J., laborer, house 03 Grinnell Jennings Benjamin F., carpenter, bds. Second, n. Division Jennings Benjamin R., foreman gas works, Potoraska Mill,

house 132 Third Jennings Charles E., oil merchant, house 86 Mill Jennings Charles F., carpenter, house 21 Grape . Jennings Clark H., carpenter, house 10 West Campbell


Jennings David H., mason, house 116 High Jennings Edmund E., master mariner, house 125 Maxfield Jennings Edward R., Laborer, l^ouse rear Division Jennings Frank E., clerk Dexter & Haskins, boards 125

Maxfield Jennings Frederick W"., polisher, 72 North Water, boards

rear of Division Jennings George L., in Candle Works, house 76 Grinnell Jennings Geo. W., foreman Geo. Delano & Co., house 108

Grinnell Jennings Gideon, farmer, house Lewis Jennings Gilbert M., icecart driver, house 8 Emerson Jennings Jireh, sy)armaker, house 21 Grape Jennings Joseph D., sparmaker Johnson & Kirby, house

at Dartmouth Jennings Joseph I., engraver, 14 Purchase, house 19 Allen Jennings J. Henry, physician and surgeon, 50 William,

house 185 County Jennings Lazarus, blacksmith, liouse rear Division Jennings Lewis S., laborer, house 59 Washington Jennings Stephen W., clerk, house 13 Lincoln Jennings Wm. C, laborer, house 19 North Cedar Jennings William H., blacksmith, house 63 Foster Jennings Wm. H. H., laborer, house 177 Pleasant JensDn William, horsetrainer, boards 8 Old Market Square Jessey John, laborer, house South First lane Jette Ettene, driller, house Penniman Jewett Nelson E., machinist, house 33 County Jewett Thomas L., clerk 86 South Third, house 111 South

Second Jezues Amele, laborer, house 48 Middle John George, proprietor China Tea Co., 80)^ Purchase,

boards 101 Middle Johnson Chas., mariner, house 7 Oak Johnson Chas. J. (Johnson & Kirby), & (Coggeshall &

Co.), sparmaker, Front, south of Ferry slip, house

120 Third [h. 172 Kempton

Johnson Edward, secondhand clothing, 25 South Water, Johnson Elizabeth Mrs., house 20 Park Johnson Henry, physician, house and office, 14 So. Sixth Johnson Henry J. Rev., house 16 Cedar Johnson Henry L., gilder, boards 120 Third Johnson James, house 145 North Third Johnson James Mrs., millinery and iancy goods, 140 Pur- chase, house 145 North Third Johnson Jane, widow, house 68 Kempton Johnson John, tailor, house 40 Middle Johnson Joseph, 167 Middle '

Johnson Joseph S., sailmaker, house 4 Ward


Johnson Josiah Mrs., house 13 Spruce

Johnson Josiah E., liouse 13 Spruce

Johnson Maria J., widow of Henry, house 100 Smith

Johnson Nathan, house 21 Seventh

Johnson Nathan T,, sailmaker, house 4 Ward

Johnson Nathaniel, saihnaker, house 107)^ Third

Johnson Fliilip, master mariner, house 51 County

Johnson Samuel, shoemaker Union Boot and Shoe Co.,

house 59 Mechanics lane Johnson Silas, laborer, house 207 Middle Johnson William, hostler, house 95 F'irst Johnson Wm. E., laborer, h. rear 182 Kempton Johnson Wm. H., laborer, house 122 Smith Johnson Wra. H., lawyer, house 7 First Johnson & Kirby (Charles J. Johnson and Tillinghast

Kirby), sparmakers. Front, south of Ferry slip Jones Alexander C, shoemaker, 228 Middle, house do. Jones Arthur H., shoemaker, boards 93 Maxfield Jones Benjamin, painter, house 55 South Water Jones Charles W., shoemaker, boards 93 Maxfield Jones Edward C, merchant, 2 Central whf., h. 110 County Jones Edwin, spinner, house 196 State Jones Elizabeth Mrs., house 7 Spruce Jones Ellen, widow of Chas. B., h. 94 North Second Jones Emily S. Mrs., house 6 Cedar Jones Frederick W., peddler, house 79 Arnold Jones Isaac M., watchman, house 93 Maxfield Jones Jeremiah M., house 89 Smith

Jones John E., sailmaker, h. Mill, n. Kempton, Cannonville Jones John H., laborer, house 228 Middle Jones Maggie E., widow of George A., h. 162 Purchase Jones Samuel, works Wamsutta Mills, h. Ashley, near

Ashland Jones Thomas, laborer, house 12 Spruce Jones Thomas E., house 107 North Third Jones Thomas H., lecturer, house 19 Cedar Jones William B., house 228 Middle Jones William F., peddler, house 79 Arnold Jordan Cornelius, teamster, 104 North Water, house 147

North Third Jordan Daniel, in rollingmill, boards 127 North Third JORDAN FREDERICK J., watchmaker, 31 William, h.

62 Mechanics lane Jordan Lawrence, currier, boards 147 North Third Jordan Mary Miss, clerk, 214 Purchase, boards 127 North

Third Jordan Patrick, grocer, 198 North Third, house do, Jordan Stephen D., watchmaker, 4^^ South Water, house

160 Union


Jordan William, contractor, house 127 North Third

Joselyn Eliza E., widow, boards 18 Maxfield

Josenunes Manuel, cigarmaker, house 62 Grinnell

Joseph Antone, house 28 Wing

Joseph Betsey, widow of Manuel, house 38 Cedar

Joseph Elizabeth, widow, house 32 Union

Joseph Enos F., carriagemaker C. H. Forbes, house at

Fairhaven Joseph Francis, mariner, house 61 Grinnell Joseph Frank, 1st, cooper, house 164 South Water Joseph Frank R., laborer, house 33 Smith Joseph Frederick, shipkeeper, house 271 South Water Joseph Jason, fireman, house 257 South Water Joseph John, laborer, house 145 South Water Joseph John, N. B. steamer, house 172 South Second Joseph John, mariner, house 3 Cannon Joseph John, laborer, house 33 Smith Joseph John, laborer, house 106 South Front Joseph John, laborer, house 253 South First Joseph John, shoemaker, boards 28 Wing Joseph Laurano Mrs., house 286 South Second Joseph Manuel, cigarmaker, house 62 Grinnell Joseph Mary, widow, house 1\'2H South Water Joseph Mary Mrs., house rear 82 North Second Joseph Susan E., widow of Wm. H., house 109 High Joseph William, clerk, 22 Union, bds. at Fairhaven Jourdain Annie, widow of Anthony, house 128 Third Jourdain Anthony G., hairdresser and wigmaker, 63 Union,

house 80 Union Jouvet Betsey, widow of Thomas, house 111 So. Second Jubeare Joseph, laborer, house 19 Austin court Jubeare Joseph, jr., laborer, house 19 Austin court Judd Lewis S. (Thayer &Judd),paiTaffinecandles,Rotch's

wharf, house at Fairhaven Judge James, laborer, house 69 Smith Judson John H,, harnessmaker, house 127 Grinnell Jukes Thomas J., in glass works, h. 126 South First Julien F. M. Rev., pastor Trinitarian church, bds. Parker


KANE CHARLES H., grocer, bds. Ash, n. Arnold

Kane Dennis, laborer, house 127 Grinnell

Kane George B., house 210 North Third

Kane Felix, laborer, house 67 Mechanics lane

Kane James, bookbinder, house 127 Grinnell

Kane James, N. B. Copper Works, house 154 Pleasant

Kane James E., bookbinder Collins & Allen, boards 127

Grinnell Kane Michael, in Glass Works, house South Third


Kane Michael, in Copper Works, boards 345 Purchase

Kane Patrick, ijarilener, house 127 Grinuoll

Kane Patrick, 2d, ghisscutter, house 41 Wing

Kane Sarali Mrs., house Arch, corner Aruohl

Kane Thomas E., private watchman Thayer & Judd, h.

Lindsay, near Kempton Kaney John, hxborer, lionsc Delano Karcher Frederick, citywatchman, h. 22 Dartmouth Karcher Herman, housepainter Oliver E. Gifford, boards

22 Dartmouth Kargan Sarah Miss, house 116 Kempton Kasmirc Charles P., carriagetrimmer George L. Brownell,

h. 81 Cdunty Kavanaugh Edward, house 37 County Kavanangh Edward, jr., clerk, bds, 37 County Keach Thomas R., spinner, house 3 Grand Kealy Ann, widow of John, house 83 North Second Keane iNIichael J., glasscutter Mount Wasliington Glass

Works, house 135 Third Keating John C, laborer, house 246 South Water Keay Caroline, widow of John, house 38 Cedar Keen Allen, shoemaker, 211 Middle, house do. Keen Ebenezer S., compositor Standard office, house 221

County Keen Hainman, weaver, house 7 Austin court Keen Josej^h H,, mason, house 266 Kempton Keen Joseph W., mason, house 121 Maxfield Keen Juliette M., widow of Chas. W., h. Cedar, n, Parker Keen Mary Jane, widow of Ebenezer, house 224 County Keen Obadiah, mason, house 121 Maxfield Keen Washington, nurseryman and florist, house head of

Maxfield Keenan Thomas, works Wamsutta Mills, h. 4 Hazard ct. Keenan William, in Copper Works, house 182 Pleasant Keirnan James, house 180 North Third Keirnau John, gasmaker, house 208 South Water Kelleher Daniel, clerk 19 North P^ront, h. 186 Purchase Keller Frederick J., engineer, house 146 North Second Kelley Amasa, house 76 Third Kelley Andrew, weaver, boards 19 Hazard court Kelley Ann H., widow of Henry C, house 74 Third Kelley Asa H., cooper, house 80 Hillman [bell

Kelley A. Lilly, pressman. Standard Office, bds. 8 Camp- Kelley Caleb R., master mariner, house 209 Purchase Kelley Charles, ]ucture dealer, house 27 Third Kelley Charles H., shoemaker, house 22 Wing Kelley Charles S, (S. P. Burt & Co.), banker au'l broker,

43 North Water, house 74 Third Kelley Cyrenius, shipwright, house 81 Third


Kelley David S., painter, house 61 ISTorth Third Kelley, Edmund Rev., house Cedar, corner Middle Kelley Eleazer, laborer, house Harrison, near Oak Kelley Elihu C, master mariner, house 112 Grinnell Kelley Ezra, watch oil manufacturer, house Mt. Pleasant,

corner Mt. Vernon Kelley George S., watchmaker and jeweler, 102 Union,

house 66 Third Kelley Gustavus, clerk, 22 Union, boards 26 Kempton Kelley Henry W., in gas works, h. Rockland, n. Fourth Kelley James, weaver, boards 19 Hazard court Kelley James S., watchmaker, 83 Union, house 11 Lincoln Kelley John, cooper, house 173 South Water Kelley Lawrence, in Glass Works Kelley Mary J., house 68 Mill Kelley Rebecca, widow, house 6 Maxfield Kelley Sarah H. Miss, teacher Plainville school, boards D.

G. Wilson's, Plainville Kelley Sarah W., widow, house 69 Mill Kelley Wilbur, master mariner, house 18 County Kelley Wm. B., clerk, 83 Union, boards 11 Lincoln Kelley William H., master mariner, house 92 Washington Kelley Wm. L.,jeweler, 106 Union, house 36 Fourth Kelly Peter, servant, house 41 North Sixtli Kempton Alfred, merchant, house 193 County Kempton Caleb, fn-mer, house 77 Walnut Kempton David B., house 63 Fourth KEMPTON EBENEZER J., house and ship painter, foot

of Middle, house 49 Chestnut Kempton Frank H., house 12 Bush Kempton Horatio A., house 194 County Kempton John W. S., mari)»er, boards 69 Elm Kempton Manasseh, house 51 North Second Kempton Thomas C, house 144^ Union Kempton Mercy, widow of Elisha, house 144f^ Union Kendrick Clarence H., carriagesmith Brownell, Ashley &

Co., house Old County road Kendrick Solomon P., teamster, house 63 Mechanics lane Kenealy Bartholomew, laborer. Eureka Mills, h. 37 Water Kenerson Samuel, switchman, N. B. R. R., house 105

Sycamore Kennedy Charles D., clerk, 296 Pm-chase, boards do. Kennedy John, spinner, house 5 Austin Kennedy John, glassmaker, boards 222 South Water Kennedy John C., clerk, Mt. Washington Glass Works,

boards 149 South First [Second

Kennedy Mathew, clerk 5 South Water, house 187 South Kennedy Michael F., cooper Hastings & Co., house 149

South* First


Kennedy Patrick J., cooper, house 6 Borrlen

Kennedy Thomas, coachman, liouse 197 Elm

Kenney Aclisah, widow of Phineas II., li. 70 Pleasant

Kenney Daniel, tailor, 38 Union, house 24 School

Kenney Edward, laborer, h. New County road, n. Potter

Kenney Frank, machinist, house 93 Linden

Kenney John, mariner, house 125 South First

Kent Chancellor, farmer, h. Mt. Pleasant, n. Nash Road

Kent Hiram, mason, house rear 397 Purchase

Kent James D. T., upholsterer Caleb Maxfield, house 99

Purchase Kent Sophrona W., widow of Joseph C, h. 99 Purchase Kenyon Benjamin L., overseer, carding room Wamsutta

Mills, house Acushnet avenue, near Cedar Grove Kenyon Henry W., butcher, house Tarklin Hill road Kern Albert H., glasscutter, boards 115 South Water Kern Henry A., glassmaker, Mt, Wash. Glass Works, house

138 Washington Kern William E., glassmaker Mt. Washington Glass

Works, house 138 Washington Kerns Michael, boot and shoemaker, h. rear 68 William Kerns Simon, spinner, house rear 178 State Kershaw Nancy Mrs., house 185 State Ketcham Herman W., milliner and millinery goods, 50

Purchase, boards Parker House Keyes Sai-ah A. Mrs., house 178 Kempton Kilburn Edward, agent Wamsutta Mills, h. 265 County Kilburn Frank J., machinist, boards 283 South Second Kilburn Frederick S., machinist, boards 283 South Second Kilburn George, machinist, house 72 South Kilburn Hiram, supt. Potomska Mills, house 141 Third Kilburn William J,, house 280 County Kiley MathcAV, laborer, boards 184 State Kiley Patrick, jobber in card room, house 1 Austin court Killiorew Daniel, boot and shoe maker, 15 Fourth, house

76 North Third Kilpatrick Robert, mariner, house 58 Grinnell Kimball Emily F. Mrs., house 177 County Kimball Horatio N., Deputy Sheriff, 42;^ North Water,

house 39 South Second Kimball James A. Mrs., house 239 Middle Kimball William, calker, house 185 Elm Kincade Robert, junkdealer, North Water, near Elm, h,

6 Elm King Alexander B., fisherman, house 86 No. Second King Alfred C, machinist, house 32 Sycamore King Amanda, newspapers and periodicals, 125^^ Pur- chase, h, 86 No. Second King Ambrose, stonecutter, house 127 Third


King Andrew C, laborer, house 9 Cypress

King Annie L,, widow of Matthew C, h. No. Third, near

Acnshnet av. King Antone, fisherman, h. South Front, near South King Antone, laborer, house 126 South Front King Benjamin F., farmer, h. Mt. Pleasant, opp. Nash rd. King Benjamin F., supt. Feirce & Biishnell, 74 North

Water, bds. 163 Mill King Benjamin F., jr., blacksmith, house 138 Purchase King Benjamin T., house Mt. Pleasant, opp. Nash road King Brayton W., laborer, house 10,^^ Cedar King Bridget, widow of David, house 95 Cedar King Charles E., laborer, house 230 County King Charles H., undertaker, h. Cedar, cor. North King Cyrus H., baker, house rear 8 Campbell King Edward A., master mariner, house Mt. Pleasant, n.

Nash road King Geo. W., blacksmith H. G. O. Cole, h. 230 County King Gilman A., hairdresser, 47 William, h. 188 Kempton King Heni-y L., passapartout maker Peii'ce & Bushnell,

h. 49 No. Second [County

King Henry W., upholsterer Caleb Maxfield, boards 230 King Horace E., carriagemaker George L. Brownell, h.

128 South Second KING ISAAC (I. King & Son), horseshoer,r. 85 Middle,

house 6 Emerson KING ISAAC & SON (Isaac and Wm. F. King),horse-

shoers and blacksmiths, r. 85 Middle King Isaiah, laborer, house 188 Kempton King James C, clerk, 4 Purchase, bds. Parker House King Joseph, hairdresser, 127,12 Union, h. 184 So. Water King Joseph, fishdealer, house 141 South Water King Joseph F., house 136)2 South Water King J. Lindsay, in glassworks, house 207 So. Water King Manuel, mariner, h. Howland, n. South Water King Mary A., widow of Ellery, house 8 Campbell King Michael, boardinghouse, 170 South Water King Phili|) H., hackman, h. 6 Spring [Third

King Robert, foreman Mt. Wash. Glass Works, house 109 King Reuben T,, carriagemaker Franklin Shaw, boards

92 South Cottage King Sarah, widow, house 178 Kempton King Simeon F\, farmer, house Plainville road King Stephen S., engineer Wamsutta Mills, h. 60 Cypress King Thomas, in Glass Works [av.

King William B., laborer, house 230 (bounty KING WILLIAM F. (I. King & Son), horseshoer, rear

85 Middle, h. 89 High King W. Henry, canvasser, h. North Third, u Acnshnet


King William II., mariner, house 188 Kempton

King Willium IT., laborer, h. Kempton, ojip, Rockdale av.

King William II. jr., laborer, li, Kempton, opp. Rockdale

avenue King William T., varuisher Caleb Maxfield, h. Thomas,

rear Sycamore Kingman George F. (Sailings, Kingman & Co.), hardware

and cutler}'^, 123 Union, li. 5 So, Cottage Kingman Gilbert D., clerk, 123 Union, bds. 5 So. Cottage Kingsley Nelson, carpenter, house 13 Sears court Kirby Charles L., messenger Potter & Co.'s Express, bds.

42 Fifth Kirby David G., groceries, etc., 281 So. Water, h. South

Front, n. Grove schoolhouse Kirby Edward A., mason, house Ash, corner Union Kirby George, jr. (Humphrey, Kirby & Co.), paint and

color mnh'.. Wall, n. No. Third, h. 77 Fourth KIRBY HUMPHREY S., shipchandhuy and hardware,

8 Commercial Avhf., c. Front, h. 42 Fifth Kirby Judith E., widow of Abner, h. 85 Walden Kirby Mary C, widow of Avery C, house 111 Arnold Kirby Nicholas, master mariner, house 219 Purchase Kirby Tillinghast (Johnson & Kirby), and (Coggeshall &

Co.), sparmaker. Front, n. Ferry slip, h. 99 Arnold Kirby William A., carpenter, 91 Middle, h. Ill Arnold Kirby William P., machinist (Fairhaven), h, 29 Countjr Kirk Benjamin, spinner, house rear 78 Linden Kirk George, house South Linden [Franklin

Kirk John, flour, grain and meal, 224 Purchase, house 27 Kirk John, 2d, spinner, house 11 Durfee Kirk John F., clerk, 224 Purchase, h. 27 Franklin Kirk Samuel, spinner, house 283 Purchase Kirschbaum Edward T., foreman T. M. Denham & Bro.,

boards 19 Walnut [Middle

Kirschbaum Jacob, shoemaker, 61 No. Sixth, boards 44 Kirschbaum Julius, boot and shoemaker Pardon Devoll,

house 19 Walnut [19 Walnut

Kirschbaum William G., compositor Standard office, bds. Kirshman John, weaver, house 13 Hazard court Kirwiii Edward J., mariner, h. 101 South Sixth Kirwin Edward J., gasfitter T. J. Giflbrd, boards 165

Kempton Kirwin James, cooper, house 101 South Sixth Kirwin Patrick, ropemaker, house 165 Kempton Kittredge Braddock R., harnessmaker, 63 William, house

36 North Kneally B., laborer Eureka Flour Mills, h. 37 So. Water Kneeland Hannah, widow of 3Iark, h. rear 90 Linden Knight Nathan J., laborer, h. Asliland, cor. Linden


Knights Edwarcl, clerk Parker Hoyse, boards do.

Knights Sarali H., widow, boards 26 Walnut

Knights William, house 79 South Second

Knobb William, house Summit, near Rockdale avenue

Knott James E., weaver, house rear 78 Linden

Knowles Arthur, boards 192 County

Knowles Daniel, tailor, 97>2 South Water, house do.

Knowles Daniel M., tinman, Union, cor. Water, house 172

Middle Knowles John P. (Thomas Knowles & Co.), merchant, 24

Union, house 198 County Knowles John P., 2d, merchant, Front, cor. Comraen-ial

wharfi house 174 Union Knowles John P., jr. (Thomas Knowles & Co.), merchant,

24 Union, house 54 Cypress Knowles Joseph (Thomas Knowles & Co.), merchant, 24

Union, h. 192 County [Walden

Knowles Joseph C, photographer, 8)2 Purchase, h. 81 Knowles J. Frank, boards 192 County Knowles Thomas (Thomas Knowles & Co.), merchant, 24

Union, house Eighth, corner William Knowles Thomas H. (Thomas Knowles & Co.), merchant,

24 Union, house 10 Lincoln Knowles Thomas & Co. (Thomas, John P., Joseph,

Thomas PI., and John P. Knowles, jr.), merchants, 24

Union and 5 Front [h. 13 Court

Knowlton Hosea M., counselor at law, 17)^ North Water, Knox Andrew, plumber Gilford & Allen, h. 826 Purchase Knox Elijah, carpenter, house 9 Emerson Kollock Lemuel, house 74 Fourth

Kollock Lemuel M., coaldealer, and agent for New Bed- ford Coal Co., foot of Walnut, h. 68 Russell Krasemann George, laborer, house Washbm-n Kusick James, laborer, house 21 Hazard court

LADD GEO. M., clerk (Providence), bds. 315 Purchase LADD WARREN, supt. New Bedford Railroad, office

Purchase, cor. Pearl, house 315 Purchase Lahey John, ropemaker N. B. Cordage Co., h. Elm, near

Chancery [Lahey's, Elm

Lahey John H., ropemaker N. B. Cordage Co., bds. John Lahey Thomas, shoemakor, h. Elm, cor. Emerson Lake Heflin, laborer, house 228 South Water Lamb Edward R., boards 1213^ Union LAMB JAMES H., agent New Bedford Tool Co., 14

William, house 43 North Second [Second

Lamb William G., engineer, 14 William, boards 43 North Landers Andrew V., bootmaker, liouse 17 Maxfield Landers Ansel, shipcarpenter, house 103 Hillman


Landers Benjamin, sparmaker, boards 52 Fifth Landers Joseph E., artist, boards 103 Hillman Landers Mary J., widow of Joseph N., dressmaker, house

57 North Sixtli [Parker

Landress Ephraim A., carpenter N. B. Railroad, liouse 42 Lanergan James, laborer, Fisli Island, h. 93 So. Water Lanigan James, laborer, house 40 Middle Lanigan John, laborer, boards 20 Middle Langgath Elianbeth, widow, house 18 Purchase Langley Alice, widow of John, house Clark Langley Plerbert E., machinist, boards 96 Fourth Lapham Calvin E., house Hazlewood, Clark's Point Lapham George A., currier, h. Kempton, n. Jenney Lapham Henry K. (Brooklyn Navy, N. Y,), house Hazle- wood, Clark's Point Lapham Richard (Brownell & Lapham), provisions. Sixth,

cor. Market square, house at South Dartmouth Lapham Thomas, prop. Elmwood House, 69 Elm, h. do. Laplant Delia, widow, h. 38 Brick block. Orange Laporte Joseph, carder, h. 18 Brick block. Orange Lark Charles, laborer, house 129 South Orchard Larkin Edward J., framepolisher, boards James Larkin's,

Penniman Larkin James, gasworks, h. Penniman, corner State Latter James, tanner, boards 7 Liberty Laubinger Gustave A., at 90 South Water, h. Delano Laughton Serene M., widow of Eben O., h. 63 Cedar Lavers David L., teamster, boards 8 Chancery Law George P., shirtcutter T. M. Denham & Co., house

Summit, near Kempton Law Peter Geo., weaver, house 201 Pleasant Law William, carpenter, house 80 Cedar Lawless Robert, spinner, house 12 Hazard court Lawrence Albert M., brickmaker, house Old County road Lawrence Alden, farmer, house Old County road Lawrence Charles E., painter, bds. 94 Fourth Lawrence Cornelius G., carpenter, h. Old County road Lawrence Cyrus T., clerk, house 8 Emerson Lawrence Edward P., peddler, house 150 North Lawrence Elihu, house Old County road LAWRENCE EPHRAIM, 2d, painter, 85 Middle, house

100 Fourth Lawrence George W., mariner, house Old County road Lawrence Henry, painter Wamsutta Mills, bds. Mrs. M.

S. Leonard's, Merrimac Lawrence Henry C, foi-nier, h. Old County road Lawrence James A., carpenter, h. 4 Bralyville road Lawrence James W., carriagetrimmer Geo. L. Brownell,

house 242 County


Lawrence Josei^h H., laborer, h. Head of the River Lawrence Manuel, job wagon, h. 162 South Water Lawrence Paul, grocer 71 Maxfiekl, h. do. Lawrence Philip, laborer, house 198 South Water Lawrence Philip, jr., news depot, 196 So. Water, h. 198 do. Lawrence Thomas W., clerk, house 60 Parker Lawrence William P., house 182 Grinnell Lawrey Joseph, farmer, house Bellville road Lawson John, currier Job Wade, bds. 129 No. Third Lawson Robert, laborer, house 23 Sherman Lawton Benjamin, sailmaker, h. 28 Chestnut Lawton Charles A., jr., mason, h. 69 Prospect Lawton Charles F., student, bds. 121 Pleasant Lawton Charles H. (C. H. & II. A. Lawton), apothecary and druggist, 1 Purchase, and 91 Union, house 80 Kempton Lawton C. H. & H. A. (Charles H. Lawton and Horace A. Lawton), apothecaries and druggists, 1 Purchase and 91 Union Lawton Horace A. (C. H. & H. A, Lawton), apothecary and druggist, 1 Purchase and 91 Union, house 80 Kempton Lawton James M., house 121 Pleasant Lawton James M., jr., house 90 Grinnell Lawton Joseph M. (Barrows, Lawton & Co.), painter,

Hazard's wharf, house 71 Cypress Lawton Mary, widow of Frederick A., h. 129 Allen Lawton Mary, widow of William, h. 207 South Water Lawton Nancy F., widow of Peter, house 80 Kempton Lawton Robert S., grocer, 185 Purchase, house Maxfield,

corner Purchase Lawton Russell S., clerk, h. Dartmouth, cor. Fruit Lawton Wm., clerk W. W. Wordell, h. 71 North Lawton Wm. P., clerk 106 Union, h. 6 Ricketson ct. Lawton William C, submaster High school, boards 121 Pleasant [First

Laycock Robertson, weaver Potomska Mills, h. 309 South Leach Charles H., carpenter, Leonard's whf , h. 52 Russell Leach Harry J., carpenter, house 91 Maxfield Leach James, weaver, h. 199 Pleasant Leach Joseph, weaver, house Cedar Grove Leach Orriu M., salesman Caleb Maxfield. h. 55 Maxfield Leach William H. H., clerk N. B. Flour Co., house 75

Sycamore Leahy David, laborer, boards 72 Middle LEAMING PHILIP S., physician, 56 Purchase, house

41 North Leary Cornelius, laborer, house 127 No. Third Leary Daniel, laborer, house 121 South Front


Leary Dennis, ];iborer, liouse 65}^ Prospect

Leary Edward, ])ainter, h. C5)^ Prospect

Leary Elizabetli, widow of Daniel, h. 74 First

Leary Hannah Mrs., liouse 7 Willis

Leavitt Charles C, truckman, l)ds. Hillman, c. No. Second

Leavitt Clark, truckman, h. Hillman, cor. No. Second

Leavitt Frank H., shoecuttei', bds. Hillman, c. No. Second

LeBaron William E., machinist John A. GifFord, house 85

Kempton Lee Allen L., at M. F. Whittemore's, house Campbell, n.

Emerson Lee Bessie, house 14)2 Cannon Lee Ezra W., mason, house 75 Mill Lee George (Lee & Staples), blacksmith, 400 Purchase,

house 178 Pleasant Lee George H., whitewasher, house 155 Elm Lee James, weaver, boards 177 State Lee James J. Rev., pastor Salem Ba])tist Society, house

83 South Water Lee John A., Supt. of Streets, house 60 State Lee John C, soapmaker M. F. Whittemore, h. 29 First Lee Michael, hairdresser 244 Purchase, house 311 do. Lee Patrick, laborer, house 220 North Third Lee Thomas, stonemason, house 304 County Lee Thomas, hairdresser, 244 Purchase, bds, 220 North

Third Lee William, mason, house Cedar, cor. North Lee & Staples (George Lee and James S. Staples), black- smiths, 400 Purchase Leicester Muel E. Miss, teacher Cannonville school, liouse

34 Eiglith Lemos Joseph A., mariner, h. 210 South Water Lemunyon Frederick C, baker H. H.Fisher, h. Cypress av. Lemunyon Susan, widow, h. 91 Third Leonard Elisha C, LT. S. Deputy Collector Internal Ke venue, office over Mechanics National Bank, b. 180 Union Leonard George, law student, bonrds 180 Union Leonard Henry A., shoemaker, bonrds Purchase below

William LEONARD HENRY T., City Clerk, office Public Li- brary building, house 156 Third Leonard John H., tish store, 25 Union, h. 171 No. Third Leonard Mercy S., widow, dressmaker h. 10 Merrimac Leonard Peter, mason, h. rear 397 Pui'chase Leonard Samuel (Samuel Leonard & Co.), oil and can- dle mnfrs., Leonard, h. 28 Fifth LEONARD SAMUEL & CO. (Samuel Leonard and Al- exander R. Barker), oil and candle mnfrs., Leonard


Leonard Samuel N"., boards 180 Union Leonard Thomas, laborer, house 22 Bonney Leonard Thomas N., house rear Delano, near County Leverett Eugene U., photographer, 72 No. Water, house

98 No. Second Leverett William, carriagetrimmer Geo. L. Brownell,bds.

30 Hill " [Water, h. do.

Levy Leon, cigar manufacturer, a!id clothing, 131 So, Lewin Charles, weaver Wainsutta Mills, bds. r. 78 Linden Lewin Hannah, widow of Charles, h. rear 78 Linden. Lewis Alice S., widow of Joseph H., house 44 Kerapton Lewis Benjamin F., painter, house 3 North Oak Lewis Charles B., rigger, house 31 Allen Lewis Daniel P., officer House of Correction, h. 15 Cedar Lewis D. Robert, weaver, house 191 State Lewis Edmund, laborer, house 22 First Lewis Eraeline, widow of Henry, house 38 Pleasant Lewis Francis, dry goods, 167 So. Water, h. 82 Grinnell Lewis Francis V., ship keeper, house 4 Bethel Lewis George C, boatbuilder, house 58 Spruce Lewis George S., clerk C. M. Haskell, boards 38 Pleasant Lewis John, rigger, house 31 Allen Lewis .Joseph, sailmaker, house 2 Rural Lewis Joseph H., at Giffbrd & Allen's, boards 4 Bethel Lewis Joseph S., foreman Union Boiler Co., house .70 So.

Second Lewis Joseph S. (Cal.), house 9 Howland [State

Lewis Joshua, weaver Wamsutta Mills, h. Hazard, cor. Jjewis Lothrop, painter E. J. Kempton, h. at Fairhaven Lewis Manuel, saloon, 155 So. Water, house do. Lewis Nathan, stoves, tinware, and kitchen furnishing

store, 127 Union, bds. 178)2 County LEWIS OBED B., Novelty market, 78 Purchase, house

Acushnet avenue Lewis William, merchant, Taber's wharf, h. 99 Elm Leymunion Constant, hackdriver. house 53 School Lial John, baker D. A. Snell, house 118 So. Water Libby John (J. Libby & Co.), baker, 251 and 253 Pur- chase, house 251 )< do. LIBBY J. ife CO. (John Libby and Eben C. Milliken),

bakery, 251 and 253 Purchase Lightfoot Charles, laborer, house Elm, cor. Cedar Lima Joseph F., clothing, 89 So. Water, house do. Lincoln Andrew J., shoemaker, h. Vine, north of Durfee Lincoln Ai'ba F., truckman, house County, near Rivet Lincoln Ella Miss, teacher Merrimac primary school, bds.

91 Walden Lincoln Henry A., shoemaker, h. Purchase, below William. Lincoln John, laborer N. B. Flour Co., h. 100 Summer 10


Lincoln Plui'be J. Mrs., lioiisc 3 JNJaxfi M

Lincoln Susan, widow, h. Bellville rond. Head of tlie River

Lincoln Susan R. Miss, dressmaker, house Bellville

Lincoln William, farmer, house 5 County

Lindsey Benjamin, house 105 Elm

Lindsey John, laborer, house Mill, near Ash

Lindsey Maria M. Miss, liouse 63 Fonrth

Lindsey Revere G., pressman Mercury office, h. 4 Walnut

Lindsey Susnn M., widow of Henry, house 65 Fourth

Lingreen Anthony C, shoemaker, boards 14 School

Linton John R., carnage mufr., 156 Purchase, house 21

Sycamore Linton Joseph D., can-iagesmith, house 21 Sycamore Linton William, overseer Cordage Factory, h. 5 Cedar Lisbon Costa, tailor, 81 So. Water, house do. Little Abbie H., house 91 Summer Little Amos, civil engineer, house Head of the River Little Francis, mariner, house 250 So. Water Little Hannah Mrs., house 136 Orchard Little John, weaver, house Washburn, n. Acushnet av. Little John E., trader and boarding house, Acushnet av.,

Head of the River, house do. Little Preserved, laborer, house 15 Grape Little Samuel, hostler, house 6 First

Little Sylvester, laborer, house 85 Forest [Island

Lloyd George, conductor N. B. & F. H. R. R., h. P^ish Lloyd John F. clergyman, house Kempton, cor. Liberty Lobdell Charles H., clerk in post office, h. 1 Rockland Lobdell Mary A. D., widow of Charles H., house Rock- land, near County Lobo .Joseph, mariner, house 28 Allen Lombard David J., mariner, house 185 So. Second Lombard Hiram, in Blue Works, boards 208 Purchase Lombard Hugh H., shipwright, Commercial whf, corner

Front, h. 71 Smith Lombard Solomon S., painter, house 185 South Second Lompre Lewis, carder, lujuse 10 Austin court Long John, laborer, house 11 Bush Long Nancy H., widow of George, h. 33 South Water Long Valentine C, mai'iner, house 160 Mill Lonofield Joseph, at Wood, Brightman & Co.'s, bds. Mrs.

'E. Smith's, N( rth Third Look John W. (Briggs & Look), shipjoiner, 129i.^ North

Watei-, h. 61 Hill Lord Joseph, weaver, house 198 State Lotlier Katie, widow, house 2 Ash

Lothrop Asa, boots and shoes, 83 Purchase, h. 81 Kempton Jjothrop Mary F., musicteacher, house 81 Kempton Loud Joseph, hostler, 24 South Second, h. 77 No. Second


Loud William J., hostler, 24 So. Second, h. 77 No Second

Loughlan James, laborer, boards 3 Jenney

Low Harriet M. Mrs., house 86 Elm

Low John, mulespinner, house 5 Rivet

Lowden S. B. Mrs., millinery and fancy goods, 143 Union,

h. 45 Spring Lowe James, gardener, h. 2 Ash, corner Clinton Lowe John, house east side Acushnet avenue Lowe John H., house Acushnet avenue Lowe John J., machinist, house 175 State Lowe Samuel, gardener, house 62 Arnold Lowe Thomas, house 119 Smith Lowe William, gardener, house 15 Ash Lowell Clarence, trimmer N. B. Carriage Manufactory,

boards 133 So. Third Lowney Dennis, laborer, house Clark [Grove

Lowney John, secondiiand Wamsutta Mills, house Cedar Lucas Augustus E., boot and shoe dealer, and gents'

clothing, 129 Union, h. 1 Court Lucas Corbin B., blacksmith, house 127 Pleasant Lucas Deborah, widow of Allen, h. 72 South Second Lucas Henry H., leathercutter, boards 127 Pleasant Lucas Henry K. W., grocer, 120 Wash., house Fair, near

Dartmouth Lucas Lydia H., widow of Chai-les, h. 48 South Second Lucas Robert E., hairdresser, house 95 Sixth Lucas Willis, boot and shoemaker, Walnut, near South

Water, h. 27 School [Mill

Luce Abram C, salesman Geo. M. Eddy & Co., boards 67 Luce Ambrose E., salesman, 176 County, h. 93 Cedar Luce Ambrose E., jr., news depot, 186 County, bds. 93

Cedar Luce Barzilla C, cooper, house 233 County Luce Edward D., teamster, house 92 Cedar Luce Edward M., clerk, 43 North Water, bds. 62 Smith Luce Freeman C, house 231 County Luce Hepsa, widow of Matthew, house 30 Seventh Luce Hervey E., master mariner, house 55 Maxfield Luce Jeremiah L., blacksmith. Mechanics lane, house 76

Kempton Luce John E., mariner, house 164 Grinnell Luce Joseph R., carpenter, house 92 Cedar Luce Mary, widow of William, house 135 Kempton Luce Thomas, cooper, City wharf, house 62 Smith Luce Thomas R., polisher N. B. Electro Plating Co., h.

3 Court _ [Cedar

Luce William T., provision dealer, 176 County, house 100 Luce & West, props. Vineyard Haven Ex., 5 Ricketson



Luckadoe Eleanor, widow of James, house 19 Spruce Lumbard Josoph W., weigher E. P. Ilaskell, bds. Man- sion House Lund Parknian ^L, house 104 Pleasant [av.

Lund llebecca A. E., widow of Jonatlian P., h. Acuslinet Luscoinb Ann, widow of S.umiel IL, h. 108 Maxfield Luscomb Caleb B., cooper, bead of Front, h. 51 Maxfield Luscoinb Edward FI., cooper, boards '211 Middle Luscomb George, mariner, boards 18 Third Luscomb Horace A., carpenter, boar^ls 84 Walden Luscomb Isabella, schoolteacher, house 130 Summer Luscomb Leonard, cooper, h. Old County road Luscomb Richard, cooper, Hillraan, n. North Water, h.

8 North Luscomb Robert, grocer, 170 County, liouse 90 Elm Luscomb Robert H., carpenter, house 90 Elm Luscomb Simeon P., cooper, house 130 Summer Luscomb William, cooper, house 211 Middle Luscomb Ziba B., house 84 Walden Luscombe Abram R., grocer, Pleasant, cor. Kempton, h.

31 Plensant Luscombe George, cooper, house 75 Maxfield Luscombe James, cooper, house 50 Mill LUTHER HAILE R., grocer, 144 Purchase, h. 284 do. Lynch Edward, laborer, house 115 Fifth Lynch James, laborer, house 130 South Second Lynch John, painter, house 250 Purchase Lynch Peter, horseshoer Brownell, Ashley & Co., house

90 South Second Lynch -Thomas E., carpenter, boards 115 Fifth Lyng Frederick, laborer, house 4 Bush Lyng Mary Mrs., house 75 South Water Lyons James, liquordealer, house 4 School Lyons James M., merchant, hard ware, h. Acushnet av, Lyons Jnnies P., compositor, 92 Union, h. Acushnet av. Lyons John, baker, house 118 South Water

MACK JOHN N., baker H. H. Fisher, h. at Fairhaven Mackey Louisa, widow of Thomas, house 92 So. Second Maekie Adam, lawyer, 104 Union, house 8 Spring Mackie James (W. H. Cook & Co.), junkdealer, 9 North

Front, house 25 School Mackie John H., physician and surgeon, 39 Purchase, h.

112 Middle Mackie Margaret, widow, house 117 North Third Macomber Alden B., currier, boards 299 Kempton MACOMBER BROTHERS (James P. and Pardon A.

Macomber), grain and flour, 6 Union Macomber Charles, driver Libby & Co., house Parker


Macomber Chas. E., ropemaker, boards 4 Maxfield Macomber Chas, H., passepartout maker, 72 North "Water,

boards 82 Kempton Macomber Chas, W., confectioner, house 40 Parker Macomber Edward C, ro])emaker, house 61 Spruce Macomber Emma A., widow of John A., house 51 Seventh Macomber Enoch, laborer, h. So. Front, n, Potomska Mill Macomber Eunice M, Mrs., house 19 Walnut Macomber Frank S., carriages mith, 83 Middle, boards 82

Hill man MACOMBER GEORGE B., groceries and provisions,

305 and 307 Purchase, house do. Macomber Geo, P,, clerk, 305 Purchase, house 5 Franklin Macomber Helen B, Miss, house 51 Seventh Macomber Henry B., policeman, house 4 Crapo Macomber James F., tin plate and sheet iron worker,

Warasutta Mills, house 166 North Pleasant Macomber James P. (Macomber Brothers), grain and

flour, 6 Union, house 99 Pleasant Macomber Job A,, shoemaker, house 62 Summer Macomber John, mason, house Be]lville Macomber John, watchman, N. B. Copper Works, house

70 North MACOMBER JOHN W., supt. New Bedford Cordage

Factory, house 179 Union Macomber Judith S., teacher Cedar street primary school,

boards 132 Summer Macomber Lizzie J, Miss, house 51 Seventh Macomber Lucy C. Miss, house 51 Seventh Macomber Margaret J., widow of Elisha, house 1 Bedford Macomber Melvin J., clerk, Parker House, h. 197 County Macomber Pardon A. (Macomber Brothers), grain and

flour, 6 Union, house 81 Kempton Macomber Phebe, widow of Cyrus, h. 197 County Macomber Richard E., grocer, Second near Kempton,

house 82 Middle Macomber Thomas B., mariner, boards 1 Bedford IMACOMBER THOMAS W., flour, 16 South Water, h.

Mill corner Purchase Macomber William B., house 197 County Macomber Wm. E., night watchman, ho\ise 29 County Macy Arthur W., clerk 106 Union, boards 55 Bedford Macy Charles, cooper, house 19 Bonney Macy Edwin B, (E. B. & F. Macy), shipsmith, house 64

Third Macy Ella B. Miss, dressmaker, h. Orchard n. Washington Macy E. B, & F. (Edwin B, and Frederick Macy), ship- smiths, 22 South Front Macy Frank E., clerk, 51 South Water, boards 85 South



Macv Frederick (E. B. & F. Macy), sbipsmitb, house 72

Tliird Macy Geo. l^.j master mariner, lionso 16 Crapo Macy Josiah, jr., blacksmith E. B. & F. Macy, house 85

South Second Macy Mary A. Miss, teacher Fifth street Grammar school,

boards 19 Bt)iiney Macy Peleg S., secretary of the board overseers of the

poor, office basement City Hall, house 55 Bedford Macy Roland, carriagemaker Mosher & Brownell, house

124 Fourth Macy Tbomas H., master mariner, h. Orchard n. Wash- ington Macy William H., awnings (N. Y.), h. 45 South Cottage Macy Wra, J., fancy goods, &c., 68 Purchase, h. 35 County Macy Zaccheus, cooper, house 16 Crapo Madden Edward, carriagewasher, boards 11 North Second Maddan John, tailor, 98 South Water, house do. IMadden Richard, laborer, h. Washburn, n. Acushnet av Llagarry Patrick, bricklayer, house 6 Merrimac Magee Andrew, house Acushnet avenue Magill John J., laborer, Atlantic wharf, h. 106 So. Front Magnett Benjamin, mason, h. rear 65 Smith Mague Frank A., Wamsutta Mills, bds. 299 Purchase Mahoney James, tinplateworker, 101 Third, bds. 3 Bush ]\[ahoney Jeremiab, furnaceman N. B. Copper Works, h.

Purchase, near Penniman Mahoney Jeremiah, laborer, house 4 Bush Mahoney Michael, laborer, h. Washburn, n. Acushnet av. Mahoney Timothy E., plumber GifFord & Allen, boards

Daniel Sullivan's, Penniman Makepeace James W., laborer, h. Dartmouth, n. Weaver Maker George W., sailmaker Simpson Hart, h. 48 Maxfield Maley Edward, in Glass Works Malmedie Charles H., machinist Morse Twist Drill and

Machine Co., house 16 Chestnut Malone William, spinner, house 289 South Second Maloney Thomas, laborer, house 51 Smith Maloney William, ])lumber Wamsutta Mills, h. 35 Austin Maloy Margaret, widow of Patrick, h. 124 South First Maloy Martin, mastermariner, h. 171 Pleasant Manchester Adoniram B., stevedore, house New County

road, near Durfee [Acushnet station

Manchester Asa, watchman N. B. Railroad station, house Manchester Asa P., painter, 70 South Water, house 35

Kempton IManchester Benjamin, mariner, house 101 Cedar Manchester Catherine W., widow, h. 194 South Second Manchester Charles II., farmer, bds. Acushnet station


Manchester Daniel D,, laborer, h. 20 Rockdale av. Manchester Ellery, 2d, branchpilot, house 17 Emerson Manchester Ellery L., mariner, house 183 Kerapton Manchester Frank W., teamster, bds. 68 Foster Manchester Hannah, widow of Edward, h. 148 Kempton Manchester Harriet W,, widow of Alexander, h. 84 Linden Manchester Hezekiah A., stevedore, h. 20 South Cedar Manchester Isaac H., teamster, house Highland Manchester James L., engineer, h. Durfee, opp. Vine Mancliester John B., laborer, house 201 Middle Manchester John W., teamster, house 68 Foster Manchester Joseph D., laborer, h. rear 148 Kempton Manchester Lewis G., stevedore, house 1 Mt. Pleasant Manchester Nathaniel D., stevedore, house New County

road, near Durfee [37 Chestnut

MANCHESTER OTIS, granite worker, 40 Chestnut, h. Manchester Patience, widow of Otis, house 48 High Manchester Patience O., dressmaker, 48 High, house do. Manchester Philander F., clerk Sullings, Kingman & Co.,

house 30 Cypress Manchester Phineas B., shoemaker, h. 123 Middle Manchester Saloam, widow, house 94 Smith Manchester Samuel C, laborer, house Kempton, corner

Jenny Lind Manchester Stephen F., farmer E. G. Turner, Acushnet

station, boards do. Manchester Stephen G., stevedore, h. Linden, n. Durfee Manchester Theodore N., stevedore, h. 6 Emerson Manchester Thomas H., stevedore, boards 94 Smith Manchester Wm. F. (Footman & Manchester), carriage- smith, 125 North Third, bds. 19 Chestnut Mandell A. G., mariner, house 82 Walden Mandell Edward D. (Charles R. Tucker & Co.), merchant,

29 North Front, house 49 Fourth Manley George, shoemaker, boards 26 Kempton Manley George T., in shoe factory, bds. 26 Kempton Manley John A. Mrs., grocer, 197 Kempton, house do. Manley Nelson C, mason, house 21 Griffin Manley Thomas T. (Ban-ows, Lawton & Co.), painter,

Hazard's wharf, h. 26 Kemptort Mann Elizabeth, widow of Thomas, h. 120 So. Orchard MANN HENRY E., dentist, 85 Purchase, h. 126 do. Mann Henry S., sewingmachine dealer and repairer, 81

Purchase, house 85 do. MANN MARY E. MRS., agent for « Seven Barks," 81

Purchase, house 85 do. Manning James, spinner N. B. Cordage Factory, h. Elm,

corner Chancery Mansion House, Lewis Boutell, proprietor, 87 Union


Manuel F'rank, teamster, house rear 63 Smith

Mara James C, rlentist, 25 Pleasant, house at Fairhaven

Maras Manuel M., laborer, house 241 South Water

Marble Abbie S., <lressmaker, house 93 Grinnell

Marble John, carpenter, Elm, n. North Second, house

Sycamore, cor. Ash Marble Lovce, widow of Silvester, house 42 Third Marble Mary, widow of Allen, h. 93 Grimiell Mariners' Home, H. G. O. Nye, supt., 15 Bethel Mariners' Readingroom, 15 Bethel Markey James, h. Washburn, n. Acushnet av. Marley John, in Glass Works Marlor Thomas, weaver, house 165 North Third Marney Andrew, servant Parker House, boards do. Maroney Michael, machinist, house Washburn Marr William J., harnessmaker, 204 Purchase, h. 206 do. Marra John, mariner, house 59 Grinnell Marra Joseph, mariner, house 59 Grinnell Mars Michael H., mariner, house 46 Wing Marsh Geo. W., glassmaker, boards 53 School Marsden John, weaver, house 12 Hazard court Marshall Antone, boot and shoemaker, 145 South Water,

house 126 First Marshall Isaac N., freightagent N. B. R. R., h. 282 Pur- chase Marshall Joseph, cooper, house 120 South P"'irst Mai'shall Manuel, slioemaker, 108 So. Water, house do. Marshall IManuel, laborer, house 116 South Water Marshall Michael, shoemaker, 149 So. Water, h. 151 do. Marshall Munroe, cooper, house 173 South Water Marston & Crapo (Geo. Marston, William W. Crapo,

W^endell H. Cobb, and Chas. W. Clifford), lawyers,

35 North Water Marston Geo. (Marston & Crapo), lawyer, 35 North

Water, house 226 Union Martin Artliur W., clerk, 13 Centre, boards 3 Maple Martin Edward II., compositor Standard office, house 62

South Second Martin George A., pressman Standard office, bds. 13 Pope Martin Harriet T. Mrs., boardinghouse, 8 Griffin Martin Henry F., laborer, house 229 Middle Martin Maria, widow of John, house 68 Grinnell Martin Mary, widow of Lewis, house 83 Forest Martin I'eter, laborer, house 9 Griffin Martin Robei't T., shipkeeper, house 91 South Water Martin Thomas, maiiner, house 54 School Marts Andrew JM., McKay machine operator Hathaway &

Soule, boards 7 Fifth Martyn Martin, miller Eureka Flour Mills, h. 71 Fourth


Mashow John, shipcarpenter, Eddy's wharf, house at

Dartmouth Mason Dorotliy W., widow of Willard, house 1-44 Third Mason Jolm, mason, house 75 Mill [Second

Mason Joseph T., foreman D. A. Suell, house 17>2 North Mason Mercy Mrs., house 65 Spruce Mason Wm. E. (Custom House, Boston), h. 75 Third Mather John, saloon, 184 North Third, house do. Mathews Barak E., carpenter, house 114 Grinuell Mathews Charles, carpenter, house 11 Spruce Mathews John, rigger, Parker's wharf, h. 95 William Mathews Thomas H., house 57 Allen MATHEWS WM. H., treas. New Bedford Copper Co.,

Rodman, house 95 William Matthes G. Felix, physician, 17 South Sixth, house do. Matthews Asn, laborer, h. Pearl, cor. North Third Matthews A. J., carpenter, house 120 Kempton Matthews Edwin, master mariner, house 110 Third Matthews James, fisherman, house 8 Spring Matthews Mary F.,. house 23 Seventh Matthews Willard S., fishmarket, 55 County, house at

South Dartmouth Matts Antoine, laborer, house 116 South Water Maxfield Abram R., packer Flour Mill, h. 114 Kempton MAXFIELD CALEB, furniture and upholsterer, 130

Union, house 99 Hillman Maxfield Chas. H., salesman Gifford & Co., h. 147 Mill Maxfield Charles P., tinsmith Toby & Coggeshall, boards

at P^iirhaven Maxfield David B., bookkeeper C. Maxfield, h. 51 Foster Maxfield Edmund, merchant, office North Water, corner

North, house 81 State Maxfield Edmund F., marine engineer, boards 81 State Maxfield Elizabeth Mrs., h. South Front, n. Howland Maxfield Frank H., carpenter, boards 99 Hillman Maxfield Frederick T., clerk, 25 Centre, li. 71 Summer Maxfield George F., tinplate worker, 45 North Water, h.

57 Sherman Maxfield Jonathan, laborer, house Ash, cor. Union Maxfield Mercy S. Miss, dressmaker, h. Ash, cor. Union Maxfield Nathan D., carpenter, h. 97 South Second Maxfield Russell, merchant, house 80 Maxfield Maxfield Russell, jr., boards 80 Maxfield Maxfield William C, pressman, bds. 11 North Second MAXFIELD WILLIAM, painter, 25 Centre, house 76

South Second [Second

Maxfield William H., painter, 25 Centre, house 80 South Maxim Mary Mrs., house 40 Grape Maxim Orilla P., widow of David, h. rear 39 Smith


Maxim William, farmer, house 40 Grape

May Jane C. Mrs., nurse, house 45 Pleasant

Mayhew Allen G., mariner, house 156 Mill

Mayhew Dorotliy B., widow of Jeremiah, h, 156 Mill

Mayhew F. L. B. (Geo. Delano & Co.), oil and candle

mnfr., office South Second, cor. South, h. at N. Y. Mayhew Isaac P\, medical student, hds. 38 Foster Mayhew Isabella II., widow of J. S., house 49 School Mayhew John, Edgartown express, 5 Kicketson block, h.

at E<lgarto\vn Mayhew Leander, master mariner, house 118 Purchase Mayhew Lizzie A. Miss, boards 47 School Mayhew Thaddeus, house Acushnet avenue Mays Ann, widow, house 39 Middle Mays Benjamin, mariner, boards 39 Middle McAfee James, teamster James Duddy, h. 51 Court McAFEE JOHN, nursery, Dartmouth street, and foreign

and domestic fruits, 75 Union, h. 42 School McAfee John K., salesman, house 42 School McAndrew Sarah Miss, fancy goods, 261 So. Water, h. do. McAvoy James, spinner, h. rear 90 Linden McBay Robert, laborer Wamsutta Mills, h. Washburn, n.

Acushnet avenue McBride Charles, shoemaker, bds. 75 North Second IMcBride Henry, shoecutter, bds, 75 North Second McCabe Benjaniin F.j at Morse Twist Drill Works, house

73 South Sixth McCabe John, heater Gosnold Mills, house Seneca McCafferty Ann, widow, house Washburn McCann George, laborer, house 7 High McCarty Daniel, laborer, house Penniman McCarty John, laborer N. B. R. R., h. Penniman, c. State McCarthy Joanna, widow, house Penniman McCarthy Mary, widow, house 39 Middle McCarthy Michael, laborer Wamsutta Mills, h. Cedar Grove McCaithy Mortimer, laborer, house 7 Durfee [sutta

McCarthy Timothy, weaver Wamsutta Mills, h. 4 Wam- McCarty Daniel, laborer, bds. Penniman, near State McCarty Daniel, laborer, house Washburn McCarty John, weaver, house 189 State McCauley John B., spinner, house 231 South Water McCauley John J., harnessraaker W. H. Willis, house 42

Summer McCluskey Henry, ropemaker, house 221 Middle McCluskey John J., laborer, boards 221 Middle McCoen Betsey Miss, house 87 Walden ]\IcCollum Grace, widow of James, house Washburn, near

Acushnet avenue ^

McCormack John, laborer, house 14 Lindsay


McCosker James, laborer, house 8 Third McCrearey Alexander, clerk, h. 186 North Third McCreasy Alexander F., clerk 311 Purchase, house 198

North Third McCreve Robert, weaver, bds. Pearl, cor. North Third McCue John, stonecutter O. Manchester, h. 197 Elm McCue John J., glasscutter, house 111 Fifth McCiilloch Robert, watchman Wamsutta Mills, house 164

Pleasant McCulloch William, carpenter, house 56 First McCollough John, junkdealer, 19 North Front, house 186

Purchase McCullough Michael F., clerk 19 No. Front, h. 219 County McCuUough Patrick, junkstore, 17 and 19 Front, house

14 Bethel [lane

McDermott Catherine, widow of James, h. 21 Morgan's McDermott John, in glass works, h. 21 Morgan's lane McUerinott John, painter, boards 341 Purchase McDermott Michael, laborer, house 11 Allen McDermott Thomas, glassworks, h. 21 Morgan's lane McDermott Thomas E., glasscutter Mount Wash._ Glass

Works McDonald Annie E. Miss, h. 56 Summer McDonald Collin McK., house 285 Purchase McDonald Evan C, shoefitter, boards 285 Purchase McDonahl Hugh, laborer, house Eddy's wharf McDonald Hugh, jr., blacksmith, house 27 Union McDonald Jolin, in Gosnold Mills, h. 186 No. Third McDonald John, laborer, h. South First, n. Delano McDonald John, shoecutter, house 106 Hillman McDonald John J., cooper, house 145 South First McDonald Patrick, teamster Eureka Flour Mills, house

Morgan's lane McDonald Thomas, laborer, house Eddy's wharf McDonald Thomas, gardener John McAfee, McDonald Thomas A., miller, h. 285 Purchase McDonald Thomas F., blacksmith bds. 207 So. Water McEleny Bridget, widow, house 198 Elm McEleny Corraack, varnisher, h. 116 Maxfield McEleny Thomas R., tanner, boards 198 Elm McElhoue Mary Miss, h. Parker, n. New County road McFarlaud Albert B., boatman, bds. 184 Purchase McFarland Seth, shipcarpenter, foot of North McFarlaud Seth D., shipcarpenter, house 48 Middle McFarlane Archibald, blacksmith, h. 263 So. Water McFarlin Alexander B., carpenter, house Willis, corner

Summer McFarlin James, job wagon, First, cor. Union, h. 67 Smith McFarlin Stephen W., grocer 150 Kempton, h. 152 do.


McFarlin Willinm J., clerk, h. 150 Kcnipton

McGoe Ivobert L., ropeinaker, bouse 181 North

McGee Thomas, horse shoer Brownell, Ashley & Co., h.

South Clianery, near Court

McGill Mrs., house rear 22G Middle

McGinnis Thomas, hostler S. F. Perry & Son McGlinn John, laborer, liouse Seneca McGowen Peter, weaver, boards 304 Purchase McGrath Catherine, widow, house 1 Austin court McGrath John, laborer, boards 1 Austin court McGratli Lawrence, merchant tailor, and gents' furnishing

goods, 66 Purchase, h. 58 Summer McGrath Michael, weaver, boards 1 Austin court McGregor Elizabeth Miss, house 255 First McGregor Hugh, weaver, house 279 South Water McGuire James, blacksmith, house 47 First McHugh Hugh, gilder 72 No. Water, h. 10 Bethel Mclntire Mark H., cutter J. Richmond & Son, 31 North

Water, h. 21 Chestnut Mclvor James, trader, house 8 Spring McKee Hugh, sailmaker. Front, c. Union, bds. 8 Bethel McKenna James, in Glass Works McKenna John, glassmaker, h. rear 63 First McKenna Patrick, works Wamsutta Mills, house r. 316

Purchase McKenney Daniel, baker D. T. Snell, bds. 1 Paul's court McKenney James, laborer, house 206 South Second McKenney James, jr., glassmaker, bds, 206 So. Second McKenney James F., sexton Catholic Church, house 124

Maxfield ]VIcKenney Sarah, widow of Patrick, house 1 Hall court McKenzie Robert, tailor A. H. W. Carpenter, h. 100 Fifth McKenzie Samuel, harnessmaker Luther Brownell, house

188 Elm McKim William, laborer, house 156 Elm McKim William H., jewelryman, bds. 156 Elm McLane John H., boards 65)^ Prospect McLane Malcolm, farmer, house 65^2 Prospect McLane Nathan, house 8 Spruce McLane Rhoda, widow of Wm. H., house 71 Foster McLaughlin James, baker D. A. Snell, house 3 Jenney McLeod Eugene V., dentist, 5 Cummings' bldg., house 5

Lincoln McLeod Norman, servant, house Bonney, n. Allen McLystee John, saloon, 64)^ Union, house do. McMahon Lawrence S. Rev., pastor St. Mary's Church,

Fifth, h. 96 Hillman McMahon Owen, currier, bds. Patrick Carroll's, head of



McMahon Kose A. Miss, house 96 Hillman

McIManas James, laborer, house 154 State

McManas John L., glasscutter, house 31 Sherman

McManas Owen, glassworks, house 59 South Second

McNamara Stephen, laborer, house Wall

McNeil George, private watchman N. B. Flour Mill, h.

90 Smith McNeil Michael, rigger, h. South Second, c. Division McNulty Ann, widow of Peter, house 128 First McNulty Francis, in Glass Works, boards 128 So. First McNulty James C, cigarmaker, 64 Union, h. 12 Bethel McNulty Patrick, in Glass Works, boards 128 First McNulty Thomas, in Ghiss Works, boards 128 First McNutt Jacob, shoemaker, house 2 Spruce McNutt Nancy A. Mrs., dressmaker, 88 No. Second, h. do. McNutt Samuel, sparmaker Wm. Beetle, h. 88 No. Second McQueenie Adam, weaver, house 20 Hazard court McQuestian Simeon, med. compounder, h.2o3 County McWhinie John, laborer, house 2 Hazard court Mead Morris, laborer, house Morgan lane Meader M. T. Mrs., millinery, 155 Union, h. 164 Union Meagher Joanna, widow of Patrick, house 13 Merriraac Meagher John, painter O. E. Gilford, h. 57 So. Second Meagher William T., salesman, 70 William, bds. 57 So.

Second MECHANICS NATIONAL BANK, North Water, foot

of William Meehan Daniel, polisher, bds. 102 South Third Meigs Henry R., hostler, boards 9 Bethel Meigs Josiah, grocer, Middle, cor. No. Sixth, h. 9 Bethel Melling Ann, dressmaker and milliner, 287 Purchase, h.

Merrimac, n. State Melling John, laborer, house Merrimac, n. State Melling Margaret, widow of William, h. 202 No. Third Mellis John, rigger, house Maxfield, cor. Summer Mellons Mary, widow, house 10 High Mellor John, niulespinner, house 243 South Water Menage Henry G., clerk, house 42 Third Mendall Phoebe H., widow, house 37 Seventh Mendell Catherine A., widow of Ellis, h. 187 Middle Mendell Charles W., boards 82 Pleasant Mendell Ellis, student (Yale College), bds. 187 Middle Mendell Lydia H., widow of James H., h. 82 Pleasant Mendell Mary S. Miss, teacher High school, boards 187

Middle Meney Thomas J., city watchman, h. Third, n. Delano Merchants' Exchange Reading Room, North Second, cor,




foot of William Mcrcliant Sobiah, house Dunbnrs lane Merchant William, glassraaker, house 179 South Water Merrick John P., upholsterer Caleb Maxfielcl, house 94

North Third Merrick William, shipcarpenter, house Plainville Merrihew Edmund, house 144 North Second Merrihew James, painter, 9 No. Water, h. at Fairhaven Merrill Edward, merchant, house 43 Seventh Merritt Haskell Z., tinpedlar, h. Hathaway rd., west from

Mount Pleasant Meyer George, hackdriver, boards 38 Parker Meyer Sophia, widow of Herman, house 38 Parker Mickell Charles F., boards 28 County av. Mickell Frederick A., block and pumpmaker Jos. Taber,

h. 28 County av. Middleton Diana, widow, lionse 180 Kempton Mideiros Antonio J., carpenter J. M. Foster, h. 121 So.

First Mideiros John, laborer, house South First lane Mio^uel John Joseph, laborer, house 106 South Front Mikolas Albert E., dealer in chromos. Sears ct., rear 25

Purchase, h. 22 Maxfield Milan Annie E. Miss, house 40 Third Millard Clarissa C, widow of Leonard, h. Plainville Miller Charles E., sheetiron worker, 84 Pux'chase, boards

53 Hill Miller C. T., weaver, house 53 Hill Miller Henry A., weaver, house 337 Purchase Miller James, mulespinner, house 253 First Miller Josejih, mariner, house 187 South Water Miller Lucy P., widow, house 97 Hillraan Miller Mary A. Mrs., honse 249 B'irst jMiller Peter H., ropemaker in Cordage Factory, house 66

Arnold ;Miller Wilhemina, widow of C. T., house 337 Purchase Miller William, junkdealer, house 165 South Front Milliken Eben C. (J. Libby & Co.), baker, 251 and 253

Purchase, house 241 do. Milliken Edward (E. Milliken & Son), grocer, 159 Pur- chase, house 242 do. Milliken Edward R., paymaster, Wamsutta Mills, house

125 Pleasant Milliken E. & Son (Edward and Lewis E. Milliken), gro- cers, 159 Purchase Milliken Frank A., lawyer, boards 242 Purchase Milliken Lewis E. (E. Milliken & Son), 159 Purchase,

house 242 Purchase


Mills James, provisions, Central Market, 9 North Sixth,

house 34 North Sixth Mills John M., clerk. Central Union Asso., h. 9 Arch Mills iVlarshall T., clerk, Central Market, 9 North Sixth,

house 34 North Sixth Mills Samuel, weaver, house Ashley, corner County Mills VVm. H., clerk Central Marker, 9 North Sixth, bds.

34 North Sixth Milton David, house 16 Park Mindo Joseph, boardingliouse, 33 Rowland Minier Deborah, widow, house 60 South Second Miskiil John, laborer, house 130 South Second Mitchell Ann E. Miss, house 1 19 Allen Mitchell Augustus S., watchman Wanisutta Mills, house

Locust near Cedar Mitchell Belle M. Mrs., ladies' hair dresssing rooms, 148

Union, house do. Mitchell Charles E., mariner, house 199 Kempton Mitchell Daniel D., boards 86 North Third Mitchell David, laborer, 7 South Orchard Mitchell Edmond, in Warasutta Mills, bouse North Third,

near Washburn Mitchell Eliza B., widow of John R., house 47 So. Sixth Mitchell George A., overseer in Cordage Factory, house

Cedar, near Parker Mitchell George F., boards 6 Emerson Mitchell George H., hairdresser, house 148 Union Mitchell Jacob M. Rev. (Washington), house 130 Smith Mitchell James, laborer, house 8 Chancery Mitchell James A., laborer, house 130 Smith Mitchell John N., fireman, 125 North Water, house 142

North Second Mitchell Joseph P., bootmaker, house 199 Kempton Mitchell Lavelia V., milliner, boards 6 Maxfield Mitchell Mary, widow of Charles, house l^aw County road,

near Hathaway road Mitchell Robert, gardener, house 186 Elm Mitchell Samuel H,, boatbuilder, house 9 South Second Mitchell Susan E., widow, house 86 North Third Mitchell William FI., master mariner, house 6 Maxfleld Moise William H., laborer, house rear 57 Summer Monaghan Ellen M., widow of Martin D., house 216 South

Water Moncrieif David, grocer, 2 State, house 182 State Moncrieff John, weaver, house Washburn Monroe Augustus W., shoemaker, 198^2 Kempton, house

200 do. Monroe P'rederick S., clerk, boards 200 Kempton Monroe, see also Munroe


Montngue Electa W. Miss, house 158 Kempton Montague Fannie II., widow of Daniel, li. 148 Kempton Montee Frank, picker, house 204 Pleasant JNIontee Frank jr., oiler, boards 204 Pleasant Monyar Bridget, widow, house rear 250 Purchase Moody Tliomas, overseer, Wnnisutta Mills, house Ashland,

near Linden Moore Albert W., weaver, house 212 South Third Moore Alexander, agent N. E. Marble and Granite Works,

Fourth, corner Spring, house 84 Arnold Moore Catherine, widow of William, h. rear 8 Camjjbell JMooie Isaac B., shoemaker, boards 01 KemjUon Moore James, laborer, house P^merson, near Arnold Moore James E., hairdresser M. Costello, house 8 Griffin Moore James F., machinist at glassworks, h 130 So, Third Moore James P\, in Glass Works, house 128 First Moore John, in Glass Woi'ks, house South First st. lane Moore J. H., hairdresser, under Parker House, h. 8 Griffin Moore JNIargaret, widow, house South First St. lane Moore Martha, widow of Abram, house 237 Middle Moore Moses, shoemaker, house 3 Cedar Moore Priscilla Mrs., house 218 Middle Moore Robert J., shoemaker, 32 North Second, house 75

Arnold Moore San.uel C, farmer, house 4 Cedar Moore Sarah, widow, house 55 Middle Moore William, laborer, Fish Island, h. Asli, c. Clinton Moore William E., laborer, boards 55 Middle Moores Ellis, weaver, house 165 Pleasant Moran Francis, laborer, house 83 Maxfield Moran Jeremiah, in flour mill, house 12 Walnut Moran Michael J., clerk Peirce & Bushnell, boards 12

Walnut Morey Daniel, cook, house 26 Oak Morey George, laborer, house 63 Mill Morey Mary L., Avidovv of Joseph B., house 26 Cedar Morgan Charles Rev., house 27 Allen Morgan Elias T., laborer, house 26 North Cedar Morgan Sarah R., widow of Charles W., house 149 County Morgan S. Griffitts, merchant, house 61 South Sixth Morgridge Charles H., house Atlantic, cor. Arnold Moriarty Josej)!!, painter, 9 No. Water, h. 107 So. Front Moriarty Thomas, laborer, house 107 So. Front Moriarty Timothy, laborer, house 107 So. Front Morren Charles, hsherman, h. 33 Brick block. Orange MORIMLL LUCIUS H., machine and repair shop, 87

Middle, house 75 Middle Morris Frank J., cooper T. Ilersom, liouse 116 First Morris James, mariner, house 116 First


Morris James, weaver, house Washburn

Morris James, mariner, house 105 So. E"'ront

Morrissey William, pressman Allen & Hunt, house 36 So,

Second Morrison James S., carriagetrimmer, house 113 Elm Morse Alford K., hostler 14 Fourth, house 63 First Morse Ansel C, at Peirce & Bushnell's, house 20 South

Third Morse Asa T., woolen mnfr., 25 Park, h. 37 No. Sixth Morse Caroline Mrs., matron House ,of Correction, boards

C. D. Burt's, Court Morse Clinton, grocer, 151 Ketnpton, house 152 Mill Morse Frederick (F. Morse & Co.), grocer, 239 Middle,

house 73 Allen MORSE F. & CO. (Frederick and Henry Morse), grocers,

239 Middle Morse George, mason, house 30 Cedar Morse Henry (F. Morse & Co.), grocer, 239 Middle, house

30 Cedar Morse Leonard H., clerk, house 6 Spruce Morse Martha, widow of Theodore, house Durfee, n. New

County road Morse Sarah A. Mrs., house 17 Park

Morse Twist Drill and Machine Co., Geo. R. Stetson, su- perintendent, Fourth, cor. Bedford Morton David, fisherman, h. Allen, n. Dartmouth line Morton Elbridge G., jr., machinist, house 35 So. Second Morton Elias, carpenter, house 35 Cove Morton James, machinist, house 292 So. Water Morton James A., machinist, house 188 Middle Morton Seth, sailmaker, house 6 Skiff's avenue Morton Thomas, sailmaker, house 81 Walden Moseby Frances, house North Sixth, cor. Market square Mosher Allen, mariner, house rear 63 South First Mosher Allen, jr., mariner, house Rural, near Allen Mosher Alvin, gardener, house 92 South Cottage Mosher Charles A., carpenter, house 7 Borden Mosher Charles E. E., teacher Parker st. gx-amraar school,

house 92 High Mosher Charles H., icecart driver, house Hathaway road,

near New County road Mosher David A., laborer, house Rural, near Allen Mosher Elizabeth B., widow of Rodolphus, h. 56 Summer Mosher Frederick P., pressman Thayer & Judd, house 10

Liberty Mosher Frederick W., carriage builder G. L. Brownell, h.

128 So. Third Mosher George F., butcher, house 25 Rockdale av. Mosher George S., house 270 County 11


Moshcr Henry C. W., teller Merchants National Bank,

house 92 High '

Mosher Henry M., engineer Morse Twist Drill and Ma- chine Co., house 154 Grinnell Mosher Isaac P., laborer, house 25 Rockdale avenue Mosher John E., mariner, house 29 Clinton Mosher Josepli K., laborer, house f<9 Smith Mosher Loring N., boot treer, boards 21 Oak Moslier Obadiah, blacksmith, house Flainville Moshcr William J., gilder, house 25 Rockdale avenue Mosher William S. (Mosher & Brownell), sash and blind manufacturer, Atlantic wharf, h. County, cor. Delano Mosher & Brownell (William S. Mosher and Leander

Brownell), sash and blind mnfrs., Atlantic wharf Moss Daniel, mulespinner, house 5 Blackmore MouUon Augustus G., bookkeeper J. & W. R. Wing, h,

46 Hill man Moulton Edward F., mason, boards 39 Elm Moulton Frederick M., at Hathaway & Soule's, boards 85

Smith Moulton Nathaniel, teamster. Hill, n. North, h. 61 Hill Moynan Robert, teamster J.Duddy, bds. 169 Kempton Mt, Washington Etcljinu" Works, 90 South Water MT. WASHINGTON GI^SS WORKS, Prospect st. Mudge Antone, fisherman, house 214 So. Water Muldoon Christopher, laborer, house 16 Cannon Muliins Dennis, Gosnold Mill, house Merrimac Mulroy Ann Miss, house rear 326 Purchase Mulroy James, spinner, house 193 State Munro Anna C, widow of Edward, house 76 Walnut Munroe Charles C, quarryman, boards 58 Spruce Munroe Elislia, car])entcr, house 75 Prospect Munroe Frederick F., clerk 142 Union, bdsr 200 Kempton Munroe James (J. Munroe & Son), chronometers and

watches, 98 Union, house 37 Eighth Munroe James & Son (James and Russell Munroe),

chronometers and watches, 98 Union Munroe John, boarding, 107 Middle MUNROE JOSEPH P. G., stonecutter, 4 West Camp- bell, house 58 Spruce Munroe Russell (J. Munroe & Son), chronometers and

watches, 98 Union, house at Boston Munroe, see also Monroe Murdoch James A., machinist Morse Twist Drill Co.,

house 92 Grinnell Murdocii John, janitor Public Library, h. 125 Purchase Murpliy Cornelius H., laborer, h. 177 South Second Murj)hy Cornelius J., hackdrivcr, 24 South Second, house 16 Cannon


Murphy Daniel C, laborer, house 16 Austin court Murphy Dennis, spinner, house 161 North Third Murphy Dennis F., framepolisher, bds. Dennis Murphy's Murphy Edward, slippermaker, rear 139 North Third,

house do. Murphy Francis, laborer N. B. Copper Works, h. County Murphy James, laborer Hastings & Co., h. 4 Harrison Murphy James, laborer, house rear 250 Purchase Murphy Jeremiah, shoemaker, bds. 182 Pleasant Murphy John, laborer, house Cedar Grove Murphy John, laborer, house 10 High Murphy John E., carpenter, house 182 Pleasant Murphy John H., blacksmith G. L. Brovvnell, boards 42

South Second Murphy John J., carriagesmith Geo. L. Brownell, house

117 Arnold Murj^hy Martin J., plumber, 32 William, boards North

Third, near William Murphy Mathew, laborer, boards 19 Austin Murphy Michael, saloon, house 249 Purchase Murphy Michael, gardener, house 35 Sherman JNIurphy Michael, laborer, house 117 Arnold Murphy Michael J., upholsterer, 149 Purchase, bds. 398 do. Murphy Michael J., hostler, house 35 Sherman Murphy Robert, weaver Warasutta Mills, h. 78 Linden Murphy Thomas, laborer, house 196 South Second Murphy Thomas, laborer, h. North Third, n. William Murphy Thomas, weaver, boards 291 South Second Murphy Timothy, laborer, ho\ise 133 North Third Murphy Timothy F., horseshoer, house 75 Grinnell Murphy Timothy J., glassmaker, h. 104 South Second Murphy Timothy J., undertaker, 149 Purchase, h. 398 do. Murphy Wm. B., commercial traveler Hathaway & Soule,

house 159 State Murray John, mariner, house rear South Front Murray John W., cooper, iiouse 118 South Water Murray Larnard W., truckman, house Jenney, corner

Kempton Murray William C, cooper, 99 South Water, house 67

Prospect Murtagh Mary, widow, house 19 Austin Muspratt Annie J. Miss, tailoress, bds. 87 South Sixth Muspratt George, cooper, house 87 South Sixth Myrick Alexander G., cooper, 115 North Water, house 13

Eighth Myrick Edwin, clerk Wm. O. Brownell, h. 118 Purchase Myrick Mary, widow of Adoniram, house 20 Spring Myrick Sumner, student, boards 13 Eighth Myrick Walter, clerk, boards 13 Eighth


NANSETT ISAAC, boardinghouse, 104 South Water

Nansett Peter, boardinglioiise, 159 South Water

Nash Abbie B. Miss, teacher Merritnac primary school, h.

xVcushnet avenue Nash Elizabeth B., widow of William A., h, 56 Nortli

Sixth Nash Simeon, carriagebuilder II. G. O. Cole, bds, 73 Ehn Nash Thankful Y., widow of Simeon, h. 73 Elm Nasli Tlionias N., farmer, house Acushnet avenue, corner

Nash road NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, 35 North Water Naughton Patrick, laborer, house Turner's court Neagle Mary, widow, house 92 Mill Neagus Alexander, laborer, house 6 Emerson Neagus Charles H., tanner, house 220 Kempton Neagus Charles R., laborer, house 19 Grape Neagus Edward C, teamster, house 72 Walden Neagus George B. T., driller, house Allen, near Dart- mouth line Neagus William, farmer, house 20 Grape Neagus William Henry, laborer, house Allen, near Dart- mouth line Neal William, carriagepainter, house 170 Gi'innell Negus Elizabeth, widow, house 42 South Second Negus Ellery, cooper, house 80 Kempton Negus Ira S., machinist, house 8 West Campbell Negus Lewis D. F., boards 42 South vSecond Neil Joseph C, in oil works, house 230 Second Neild James, picker, house 175 State Nelson Elizabeth Mrs., house 17 Austin Nelson Geo., mason, 200 South Second Nelson Mary A., widow ot Thomas, house 159 Elm Nelson Peter, rio-ger, house 67 South Second Nelson Rachel M. Mrs., house 23 Maxfield Nelson Walter H., boards 200 South Second Nelson Wm. H., laborer. Fish Island, li. 10 Cedar Nesbett Frederick B., dentist, 66 Purchase, h. 66 Purchase Netcher Geo. F., house 49 Mechanics lane New Bedford Brass Band, 21 Hamilton NEW BEDFORD CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY,

83 Middle New Bedford Coal Co., foot of Walnut New Bedford Coffee and Spice Mills, Allen & Wing, pro- prietors, 23 Union New Bedford Co-operative Society, Ashland, cor. Linden NEW BEDFORD COPPER CO., Orange, office Rod- man, corner North Front NEW BEDFORD CORDAGE CO., office Rotch's sq ., Factory, Court St.



office 92 Union New Bedford Electro Platino- Co., 9 Rodman NEW BEDFORD FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK,

Purchase, corner Mechanics lane NEW BEDFORD FLOUR CO., head of Nortlv Water,

John N. Bullard, superijitendent and treasurer New Bedford Gas Lisrht Co., office 70 South Water NEW BEDFORD ICE CO., office and depot 9 Fourth NEW BEDFORD IRON FOUNDRY, Edmund Grin-

nell, proprietor, 90 and 92 South Water NEW BEDFORD INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS,

William, corner North Second NEW BEDFORD R. R. CO., depot Pearl, between

Purchase and North Third, office. Railroad block,

North Third New Bedford Reform and Relief Association, Merrimac,

corner Pleasant New Bedford Tannery, Dewson, Williams & Co., proprie- tors, Court NEW BEDFORD TOOL CO., mechanics' tools, 14

William New Bedford, Vineyard & Nantucket Steamboat Co.,

office over Merchants National Bank New Bedford and Fairhaven Horse Railroad Company,

office. Purchase, corner Pearl NEW BEDFORD AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP

CO., office 6 Commercial wharf Newell Norvill, machinist Morse Twist Drill, h. 84 Elm New England Marble and Granite Works, A. Moore, agt.,

P^ourth, corner Spring Nichols Andrew J., shoemaker, h. Vine, near Durfee Nichols George M., agent Tripe Factory, house Bellville Nichols John J., laborer, house Middle, corner Cedar Nichols John P. (Wood, Brightman & Co.), tinplate and

sheetiron worker, 45 North Water, house 33 Mill Nichols Leander P., clerk, 129 Union, house 59 Foster Nichols Sarah M., widow of William, h. 7 Sears Court Nicholson John B. laborer, house IGO Mill Nicholson William W. J., mariner, house 18 First Nickerson Alexander G., mariner, h. Wilhs, near County Nickerson Elijah, laborer, boards 1 Potter Nickerson Freeman, blacksmith, house 17 School Nickerson George Y., dealer in shells and marine curiosi- ties, 150 Union, house 54 Pleasant Nickerson John F., carpenter, house Bellville Nickerson John W., Deputy sheriff and City marshal, 23

North Water, and at Central Police Station, h. 226



Nickerson John W. jr., in Morse Twist Drill Works, bds,

2'26 Purcliase Nickerson Thomas, drill grinder, boards 167 Mill Nickerson Thomas, turnkey, House of Correction, boards

Chas. D. Burts, Court Noble Clark William, tVaniemaker Peirce & Taber, boards

Purchase, corner Middle Noia Joseph C., laborer, house 308 South Water Nolan Thomas F., grocer, 336 Purchase, house do. Noland Jose])h. carder, house 20 Brick block. Orange Nbland Philip,house 116 South Third Nooning Addie A. (H. H. Nooning ifc Co.), millinery, &c.,

4 Purchase, house 79 Kerapton Noouing Hannah H., widow of William B., h. 79 Kempton Nooning Hannah H., (H, H. Nooning & Co.), millinery,

etc., 4 Purchase, house 79 Kempton Noonino; H. H. & Co. (Hannah H. and Addie A, Nooning),

millinery and fancy dry goods, 2)2 '"ind 4 Purchase Nooning Johanna M., house 8 Hazard court Normandin Antoine, house 2 rear Purchase Normandin Canville, laborer, house Brick block. Orange Normandin Isaiah, carder, house Brick block. Orange Normandy William, shoemaker, boards 14 Mill Norris Elizabeth, widow of Geo. W., house 63 First Norris John, weaver, house 259 South Water Norris Patrick, Aveaver, boards 23 Austin Norton Andrew J., engineer mechanical bakery, 1 Wil- liam, house at Fairhaven Norton Augusta E., widow of Hiram, house 93 Fourth Norton Charles F., cooper, boards 69 Cypress Norton Chauncey J. (E. N. Russell & Co.), painter, 34

Mill, house 84 Middle Norton Geoi-ge W., cooper, house 69 Cypress Norton Micajah W., mariner, house 99,^^ Purchase Norton Patrick, laborer, house 215 Kempton Norton Thomas J., laborer, house 51 Smith Norton William J., cooper, No. Water, n. Wilcox & Rich- mond's whf, h. Chestnut, cor. Smith Norton William J., jr., assistant city marshal, house 58 North Sixth [Allen

Norton William O., painter Barrows, Lawton & Co., h. 14 Norton William T., carpenter, bds. 29 Clinton Notter John, grocer, 182 County, house do. Noyes Manuel J., laborer, house 128 So. Front Nye Ann M., widow of Silas F., house 92 Linden Nye Anna, widow of Nathan, house 99 No. Second Nye Asa R., porter 121 Union, house 88 High Nye Charles G., house 223 County Nye Charles H., boards 25 Middle


Nye Clark D,, painter, 21 Union, house 37 School

Nye Eben, salesman Tucker & Cunimings, h, 36 Walnut

Nye Ebenezer F,, master mariner, house 160 County

Nye Edward C, clerk, boards 36 Walnut

Nye Elliza A., widow of Wiilard, h. Acushnet avenue,

liiverside ,

Nye Franklin K. S., house 74 Hillman Nye Harrison G. O., painter Oliver E. GifFord, h. Mari-

nei'S Home, 15 Bethel Nye Harrison G. O., jr., machinist, house 35 School Nye Louisa J. Mrs., niillinery, 20 Pleasant, house 21 do. Nye Lucy A. Miss, house 14 Cypress Nye Margaret S., widow of Jonathan, h. 190 Middle Nye Mary V. B., widow of Asa li., house 171 Middle Nye Mei-ibah W., widow of Franklin, house 80 Fifth Nye Nathaniel, house 74 Sycamore Nye Obed C. (Bliss & Nye), crockery, 121 Union, house

67 Bedford Nye Pardon, carpenter, house Old County road Nye Ruth Jane, widow of Lsaiah, house 105 High Nye Sally S., widow of Nathaniel H., house 228 County Nye Susan S., widow of Clement D., house 67 Bedford NYE SYLVANUS G., commission merchant, 35 Union,

house 82 School Nye Thomas, jr., house 263 County Nye Wiilard, bds. Mrs. E. A. Nye's, Acushnet avenue Nye William B., house 190 Middle Nye William F., sewing machine oil, 5 and 7 Walnut st.

wharf, house 200 Main, Fairhaven Nye William H., photographer, house Acushnet av.. Head

of the River

OAKLEY JAMES M., dining room, 65 Union, house 6

Bethel Oatfield Mrs., house 17 Cannon O'Brien Ann, widow, house 6 Cannon O'Brien Bernard, glasscutter, house 230 So. Second O'Brien Bridget Mrs., house 7 Willis O'Brien Daniel, laborer, house 67 South Water O'Brien James, blacksmith, boards 304 Purchase O'Brien John, laborer, house 4 Wall O'Brien John, laborer N. B. Copper Works, h. Purchase,

near Penniman O'Brien Michael, harnessmaker, bds. 14 South Third O'Brien Owen, gardener, h. Chancery, near Court O'Brien Patrick, laborer, boards 165 Kempton O'Brien Timothy, laborer, house Washburn O'Brien Thomas, shoemaker, h. 41 Middle O'Conuell John, in Potomska Mills, h. 238 So. Second


O'Conncll Jolin, copper wovka, house 2 Wamsutta O'Connell Peter, weaver in Potoinska Mills, h. 192 First O'Connell William, laborer, house 334 Purchase O'Conner Catherine, widow of Thomas, h. 129 Grinnell O'Connor Frank, traveling salesman, house 43 County O'Connor Frank, 2d, pressman Standard office, boards

Mansion House O'Connor James, bread driver, boards 129 Grinnell O'Connor John, baker, boards 129 Grinnell 0'J3onnell Mary Miss, house 186 State OESTING CHARLES A. W., cigar manufr. and dealer

48 Purcliase, house 202 Kempton Oesting Wm., upholstei'er Wni. Knights, h. 11 Liberty Offley Charles, laborer, house Rockdale avenue Offley Greensbury W., farmer, house 1 Rockdale avenue O'Garra Patrick, tailor Eagar F. Ryder, house No. Front,

near the bridge Ogden William, Aveaver Potomska Mills, house 262

South Second O'Flara Ellen, widow, house Turner's court O'Hara John, spinner, house 15 Austin court O'Hara Mary Mrs., house Washburn, corner Orange O'Hara Owen, molder, house 145 First O'Hara Thomas, spinner, house Turner's court O'Leary Patrick, laborer at Mrs. Nye's, Acushnet av. Oliver Aberdeen, city watchman, house Kempton, near

Watson Oliver Hannah C. Mrs., house 90 Maxfield Oliver Horatio G., stevedore, h. Rockdale av., cor. Mill Oliver John, shipcarpenter, house 188 Kempton Oliver Joseph, clothing, 145 South Water, house do. Oliver Joseph E., laborer, h. Kempton, near Watson Oliver Lydia M., widow of Ingraham, house 49 Bradford Oliver Nathan A., clerk, house Kempton, near Watson Oliver Richard W., hairdresser, house 247 Middle Olives John, laborer, house 206 South Water Olives John B., laborer, house 132 First Olmsted Henry M., machinist, boards 69 Elm Olstein John L., rigger, house 203 Middle O'Malia Ellen, widow of Owen, h. 68 South Second O'Malley Patrick, spinner Wamsutta Mills, h. 190 State Oman Andrew, cabinetmaker, 86 Elm, house do. Oman Elias, pump and block maker, h. 54 No. Second O'Mara James, laborer, house 55 Middle , O'Meara Morgan, Avaiter, house rear 146 Middle O'Neil Cornelius, currier, boards rear 8 Campbell O'Neil David, miller N. B. Flour Co., boards 13 Mill O'Neil Henry J., carriagetrimmer, boards 304 Purchase


O'Neil James, laborer, house &7 North Water

O'Neil James, laborer, 3 and 4 Commercial wharf, house

35 Middle O'Neil James, laborer, house 195 State O'Neil John, fireman Wamsutta Mills, house 195 State O'Neil John, laborer Chemical Works, house 9 Atlantic O'Neil John, laborer, house South First, corner Delano O'Neil John, laborer, house 5 Chancery O'Neil ]\[argaret, widow of Henry, house 304 Purchase O'Neil Margaret, widow of John, house 42 So. Second O'Neil Patrick, laborer, house rear 35 Smith O'Neil Patrick J., revenue cutter, h. Emerson, n. Parker O'Neil Peter, weaver, house 399 Purchase O'Neil Thomas F., shoemaker Tripp & Hathaway, boards

Emerson, near Parker O'Neil William, laborer, house 35 Middle Oniey Charles H., tailor, 58>.^ Purchase, house 87 Smith Onley Henry (Nevada), house 87 Smith Onley Martha Mrs., house 87 Smith Openshaw Mary Mrs,, house Robeson, near Ashland Ormerod James, weaver, bds. Richard Ormerod's, Wash- burn Ormerod Richard, weaver, house Washburn Ormond Ellen, widow of Maurice, house rear 41 Middle Ormond John, laborer, house 8 High Ormond Maurice, boards rear 41 Middle Ormbee Lucy A., widow of Caleb, house 4 Sears court Orphans' Home, Clark's Point road, corner Cove Orpin Rebecca Mrs., seamstress, house 57 Summer Orr Samuel B., carriagepainter Geo. L. Brownell, house

15 Griffin Osgood Abram G., tanner, house 9 Chancery Osgood Christopher A., mate New York and Stonington

steamboat, house 10 Park Osgood Edward A., house 9 Chancery Osgood William S., currier, house 299 Kempton Osseo William, cook Parker House, boards do. Otheman Bartholomew, jr., dispensary, 24 Pleasant, house

Sears, near Washington Otis Abbie Miss, dressmaker, 84 Mill, boards do. Otis Edmund G., clerk Thomas Otis, boards 10 Eighth Otis Thomas, apothecary. Union, cor. Pleasant, house

10 Eighth Ottiwell Sarah D. Miss, teacher High School, h. 85 Elm Otto Frederick, watchman, house 188 Elm Outlaw Walton, waiter Parker House, boards do. Overton Charles H., hairdresser, under Parker House,

house 74^ Purchase Owen Alfred, weaver, house 5 Hazard


Owen Elizabeth, widow, honse Robeson, near Ashland Owen Joseph, weaver, house 97 Linden

PACKARD ARTHUR W., clerk E. Packard, boards 3


Packard Eliphalet, clothing dealer. North Second, oppo- site j)Ostoffice, house 3 County

Packard George \V., laborer, house 6 Pearl

Packard Lydia II. Mrs., millinery, 11 Pleasant, house 44 School

Packer A. L., carpenter, house 208 South Third

Paddack George R., watches, clocks, and jewelry, 1G5 Purchase, house Summer, corner Campbell

Paddock John L., blacksmith Morse Twist Drill and Ma- chine Co., house 73 South Sixth

Paddock William C, seacaptain, house 159 Middle

Paige George, tinpedlar, boards T. P. Terry's, Head of the River

Paige James H., junk dealer, boards T. P. Terry's, Head of the River

Paine Benoni R., manager Western Union Telegraph of- fice, 26 North Water, house 159 South Third

Paine Charles D. L., mail carrier, house 101 Summer

Paine Charles L., clerk N. B, Five Cent Savings Bank, house 101 Summer

Paine George W. (S. S. Paine & Brother), lime, bricks, and cement. North Front, corner Hazard's wharf, house 105 Summer

Paine Henry F., telegraph operator Western Union Co., Parker House, boards do.

Paine Henry J., laborer, house 1 Burgess lane

Paine Nathan L., ticket master Fairhaven depot, 28 Wil- liam, house 101 Summer

Paine Olin S., clerk S. S. Paine & Bro., boards 94 North Third

Paine Samuel S. (S. S. Paine & Brother), lime, bricks, and cement. North Front, corner Hazard's wharf, honse 94 North Third

Paine S. S. & Brother (S. S. and George W. Paine), lime, bricks, and cement, No. Front, cor. Hazard's wharf

Paisler Charles S., clerk estate of C. M. Peirce, jr., boards 146 Kempton

Paisler Henry, mariner, boards 146 Kempton

Paisley William, loomfixer, boards Purchase, cor. Clark

Palfrey Cornelia E. Mrs., house Acushnet avenue

Palmer Andrew R., boots and shoes, 131 Union, boards Parker House

Palmer Gilman, laborer, house 7 High



Palmer Henry F., carriagepainter Geo. L. Brownell, li. 45

Wing Palmer John, currier Job Wade, house 66 State Palmer ]Mark S., mnfr. of fishing tackle, h. 80 Bedford Palmer William R., salesman, 131 Union, h. 82 Middle Parault Joseph, peddler, house Brick block, Orange Parker Charles, cooper, house 2 Walnut Parker Charles, gilder, boards 6 South Second Parker Chas. L,, painter, house 348 South Water Parker Charles W., mariner, boards 50 Spring Parker Daniel H., farmer, h. Bellville road, head of the

River Parker David L., boards 83 Fourth Parker Edward W., house 83 Fourth PARKER FREDERICK, confectionery and fruit, also

powder dealer, 9 Purchase, h. 94 So. Second Parker George H., machinist, boards 42 Parker Parker George W., bookkeeper Tucker & Cumraings, h.

County avenue Parker George W., shipcarpenter, house 88 No. Second Parker George W., rollturner Gosnold Iron Foundry, h.

12 Bethel Parker Hattie E, Miss, teacher Hill school, bds. 78 Mill Parker Hayden, machinist, boards 50 Spring Parker Henry W. (Potter & Parker), apothecary, 73

Purchase, h. 83 Fourth Parker House, Holder M. Brownell, propr,, Purchase, c.

Middle Parker Isaac C, decorator, boards Mansion House Parker Jacob S., billiardsaloon, lll>2 Union, house 50

Spring Parker James, tinsmith, house 50 Court Parker James N., clerk, 185 Purchase, h. 98 Pleasant Parker Jonathan, farmer, house Old County road Parker Joseph A., carpenter and shipjoiner, h. 65 Cypres8 Parker Lawrence H., house 83 P'ourth Parker Lucy Miss, boardinghouse, 35 Third Parker Obadiah S., roller Gosnold Mills, house 218 Ray Parker Paretta L. Miss, house 82 Elm Parker Stephen E., shipcarpenter, house 63 Cypress Parker Ward M., vice president Commercial Insurance

Co., 33 No. Water, h. 83 Fourth Parker Warren W. (Parker & Sherman), tin and sheet

ironworker. Union, c. Water, h. 54 School Parker William, farmer, house Skiffs avenue Parker William C. painter, 31 Union, h. 78 Mill Parker William C, jr., lawstudent, bds, 78 Mill Pai'ker William, Wamsutta Mills, house Merrimac Parker William E., address Mrs. F. A. Willis, Bellville


PARKER & SHERMAN (Warren W. Parker and

James H. Sherman), tin and sheetiron workers, Wa- ter, cor. Union Parkinson Josepli, operative, h. 157 North Third Parkinson Thomas, weaver, house Washburn Parkinson William, weaver, house 2 Austin court Parks Henry, glassmaker, house 176 South Second Parlow George F., photographer, 5 Purchase, house 110

William Parlow Isaiah Mrs., widow, h. Bellville road, head of the

River Parlow James M., roadraaster N. B. R. R., h. Cedar, cor.

Parker Parlow Loring T., foreman Job Wade, Wall, h. 2 Pope Parlow Wilmot L., carriagetrimmer, bds. 14 Franklin Parr James, machinist, 90 South Water, bds. 35 School Parsons Charles H., musicstore, 9)4 Purchase, house 57

Kempton Parsons Israel F., note and stockbroker, 5 Liberty Hall

bldg., h. 129 Elm Parsons James, shoemaker, house 17 Spruce Parsons Parmenas, house 57 Kempton Parsons Sarah L. Mrs., house 49 North Second Parsons Thomas L., stockbroker, 5 Liberty Hall, house

45 Hillman Pasell Francis IL, gardener, house Highland Patenaude Edmond, carder, h. 16 Brick block. Orange Patterson David G., jr., clerk, 34 Union, bds. 25 Cannon Patterson Thomas, gardener, h. Elm, cor. Ash Paul Frank, grocer, 161 So. Water, h. 186 So. Third Paul John C, worsteds and trimmings, 27 Purchase, h. do. Paul Joseph, confectionery, 157>2 So. Water, house 136

Third Paul Sylvester, carriagesmith G. L. Brownell, house 66

Forest Paul Sylvester, jr., carriagesmith G. L. Brownell, h. 66

Forest Paulding Herbert R., shoecutter, h. 69 Third Paulding John B. (Paulding, Reed & Gifford), boot

mnfr., 14 William, h. 17(5 Grinnell Paulding, Reed & Gifford (John B. Paulding, Gustavus L.

Reed, and J. Gifford), boot ninfs., 12 and 14 William Paulding Wm. A., bookkeeper 14 William, h. 38 Bush Paulding William C, foreman Paulding, Reed & Gifford,

house 80 Fifth Pauline Frank, laborer. Eureka Flour Mills, h. 16 Wing Peabody Charles, boards 40 Elm Pearman Charles A., sailmaker, Front, cor. Union, house

82 Mill


PEASE JAMES H., furniture, 214 Purchase, house 44

Sycamore Pease Madeline R., widow of Manuel, h. 66 So. Second Pease Pelesj, medicines and variety store, 74 Grinnell, h.

142 So\ith First

Pease William, machinist, house 166 Grinnell

Pease William A,, apothecary, 183 County, h. 167 do.

Peck Albert F., shoemaker, house 78 Elm

Peck Arthur L., clerk 116 and 118 Union, bds. 17 Bethel

Peck James N., painter, house 206 So. Third

Peck Jemima, h. Clark's point road, cor. Middle road

Peck Jennie M. Mrs., dressmaker, 78 Elm, house do.

Peck Willard S., farmer, house Clark's point road, corner

Middle road Peck William B., mariner, house Clark's point road, cor.

Middle road Peckham Annie, widow of Isaac E., house 86 So. Sixth Peckham Benjamin, mason, house Peckham's avenue, n.

Old County road Peckham Caleb C, baker S. Watson & Son, h, 49 County Peckham Carrie F. Miss, teacher North school. Old County

road Peckham Elisha N., cooper, house 102 South Fi'ont Peckham Emily, widow of Leonard S., house Bellville Peckham Frederick D., hackman Andrew Dwelley, house

143 Third

Peckham George W., peddler, h. So. Front, c. Blackmore Peckham John B., farmer, house Fair, near County Peckham Martin V. B., baker H, H. Fisher, boards 49

County Peckham Nathaniel B., carpenter, h. 81 No. Second Peckham Reuben B., farmer, house Old County road Peckham Richard T., baker J. Libby & Co., house 253

Purchase Peckham Robert, clerk .J. Davis, 2d, house do. Peckham Samuel G., laborer, house 13 School Peckham Samuel W., laborer, boards 14 Sherman Peckham Stephen, gardener, house 14 Sherman Peckham Thomas H. B., shoefinisher E. B. Tinkham, h.

10 Bonney Peckham William R., engineer Thayer &Judd, house 101

Cedar Pedro Antonio, laborer, house 252 South Water Pedro Frank, laborer, house Allen, n. Dartmouth line Pedro John H., clerk, 28 Howland, house do. Pedro Joseph H., variety store, 28 Howland, house do. Pedroya Manuel A., clerk 111 Union, bds. 79 So. Water Peed Thomas J., shoemaker, 123^ Purchase, house 262

So. Water


Peeliiiof ]\[arthn, widow of Joseph, house 32 Cedar Peets Benjamin II„ hiborer, house 105 Sycamore Peets Charles II., fireman N. 1>. Copper VVorks, 1». 4 Grand Peets Henry, blacksmith N. B. Copper Works, house New

County road, near Durfee Peets William F., mason, liouse 233 County Peirce Asa C. (Peirce & Bushnell), store 58 No. Water,

and factory 72, 74, and 76 No. Water, h. 9 Bush Peirce Amanda M., widow of James L., house 215 South

Water Peirce Amy Mrs., house 32 Hill man

Peirce Benjamin W. (Peirce & Taber), pictures and pic- ture framer, house 144?^ Union PEIRCE CHARLES H., treasurer New Bedford Insti- tution for Savings, William, corner North Second, h. 17 Seventh Peirce Charles M., master mason, house 75 Elm Peirce Charles M., jr., house 273 County Peirce Charles W., florist William Peirce, boards Clinton,

corner Ash Peirce David B., painter, house 47 Sycamore Peirce David R., carpenter, house 83 Maxfield Peirce Ebenezer H., boatbuilder, house 147 Mill Peirce Eliza, widow, house 81 Pleasant Peirce EUery, grocer, house 122 Maxfield Peirce Frank, mariner, house 89 Sixth Peirce Frank C, clerk (Boston), boards 273 County PEIRCE GEORGE, pianoforte tuner, 10 Pleasant, near

City Hall, house 94 County Peirce Herbert S., clerk, house 215 So. Water Peirce James, 2d, grocer, 59 and 61 North Second, house

71 Pleasant Peirce Joanna L., widow of Otis 11., house 86 Mill PEIRCE JOHN W., cooper, and iron dealer, 99 South

Water, house 44 Fifth Peirce Julia A., widow of William C, house 34 Seventh Peirce Lavello I., carriageworker, house 140 Third Peirce Lloyd N., coojier, liouse 140 Third Peirce Lowell D., bookkeeper, house 140 Third Peirce Martin L.. mason, liouse 84 Mill Peirce Mary R., widow of J^orenzo, house Acushnet av. Peirce Simeon, farmer, house 4 SkifiT 's avenue [av.

Peirce Sydney F., bds. Mrs. Mary R. Peirce's, Acushnet Peirce Thomas R., cooper, house 24 Bedford Peirce Warren G., mason, boards 75 Elm Peirce William, house 53 Pleasant

PEIRCE WILLIAM, florist, Elm, cor. Cottage, ofiice 10 Pleasant, h. Clinton, cor. Ash


Peirce & Bushnell (A. C. Peirce and L. Bushnell), pic-

tureframes and photographs, passepartouts, etc., store

58 North Water, factory 72, 74, and 76 North Water PEIRCE & TABER (Benjamin W. Peirce and Robert

Taber), pictures and pictureframers, 144 and 146

Union Peirce, see also Pierce

Pell George, caterer, house Middle, cor. Cedar Pender William, coachman, 62 Fifth Pendlebury James, agent South Water street Co-operative

Company, house do. Pendlebury Mary Miss, house 182 State Penney Edward B., city watchman, h. 6 Liberty Penney Edward F., tinsmith, house 18 Wing Penniman Bethuel, jr., merchant, bds. 21 South Sixth Percy Thomas, driver jobwagon, house 15 Cedar Perkins Andrew W., wood and coal, Cedar, cor. Hillman,

house Hillman, cor. Cedar Perkins Charles M., hairdresser, 83 Union, h. 19 Cedar Perkins Jabez, watchman N. B. Copper VVorks, house 44

Hillman Perkins Jabez B., boards 44 Hillman Perona Gozena, mariner, h. 147 South Water Perry Abram H., laborer, h. rear A. Oliver's, Kempton Perry Antoine J., laborer, house Kempton, near Jenney Perry Benjamin G., cutter E. S, Perry, bds. 5 North Perry Charles D., carriagepainter, house 78 Forest Perry Charles H., clerk, 51 Purchase, boards Purchase,

cor. Franklin Perry Constance Mrs., house 147 South Water Perry Daniel, groceries and provisions, 66 Smith, house

125 Maxfield Perry Duncan I., house Acushnet av., east side Perry Eben, merchant, North, near North Second, house

137 County Perry Ebenezer S., merchant tailor, 4 Ricketson block,

Union, house 107 Maxfield Perry Edward M., student, boards 137 County PERRY ELLIS, coal dealer, foot of Hillman, house 78

Thomas Perry Ellis B., cutter E. S. Perry, house 77 North Perry Frank, house 225 South Water Perry Franklin E., mariner, house 67 Allen Perry Frank J., cigarmaker, h. 183 South Second Perry Frank J., carriagepainter G. L. Brownell, house 120

South Front Perry George, house 161 Mill Perry George W. (Perry & Washburn), carpenter, 149

North Water, house 70 Spruce


Perry Hannah Miss, house 194 Purchase

Perry Henry, carriagepainter G. L. Brownell, house 126

Sontli First Perry Henry C, macliinist, bds. 41 Third Perry Henry J., carriagepainter, h. 120 South Front Perry Jabez W., master mariner, liouse 36 Maxfiekl Periy James H., marine)', house 114 Grinnell Perry Jolin S. (S. F. Perry & Son), livery and hoarding

stable, 50 Elm, bds. 17 do. Perry Joseph, laborer, house 231 South Second Perry Joseph, laborer, house 299 Purchase Perry Joseph, mariner, h. North, cor. North Third Perry Julia, widow of Joseph, h. 120 South Front Perry Manuel, laborer, house 167 South Water Perry Manuel, mariner, house South F'ront Perry JNIanuel, house 229 South Second Perry Manuel, mariner, house 225 South Water Perry Mannel J., laborer, house 177 South Water Perry Maria W., widow of Edwin A., house 69 Mill Perry Nelson, clerk, 305 Purchase, house 16 Brick block,

Orange Perry Orren G., currier, house 9 Chancery Perry Salmon F. (S. F. Perry & Son), livery and board- ing stable, 50 Elm, h. 17 do. Perry Samnel C, house Purchase, cor. Hillman Perry Samuel S., provisions, 100 Purchase, house 105

Summer Perry Solomon T., master mariner, h. 77 North Perry Stephen D., mailcontractor, bds. 116 Kempton Perry S. F. & Son (Salmon F. and John S. Perry), livery

stable, 50 Elm Perry Thaddeus M., farmer, house Acushnet avenue Perry William A., engineer, house 70 Parker Perry William D., teamster, house Bellville Perry William H., shoemaker Hathaway & Soule, house

33 High Perry William P. P., physician, h. 10 Market square Perry & Washburn (G. W. Perry and William H. Wash- burn), carpenters and builders, 149 North Water Peters Peter J., laborer, house iiellville Peterson Louis, currier Job Wade, bds. Mrs. Stewart's,

Purchase Petterson Charles A,, boards 70 Hillman Pettigrew John, laborer, house 8 First Peugh John A., laborer, house 92 Sullivan Phillips Alexander, weaver, house Linden Phillips Allen, boards 184 Purchase [Hillman

PhiHij)S Charles F., compositor Standard office, boards 56 Phillips Charles S., in N. B. Flour Mills, h. 56 Hillman


Phillips George A., weaver, house 198 State

Phillips George R. (Win. Philli])s & Sun), corauiission

merchant, 7 Middle, house 97 Elm Phillips Henry T., framemaker, h. 94 Smith Phillips Jonah, weaver, house Washburn Phillijis Joseph, laborer, house South Front, near Front Phillips Oretta, house 11 Morgan lane Phillips William (William Phillips & Son), commission

merchant, h. 190 County Phillips William & Son (William and Geo. R. Phillips),

commission merchants, 7 Middle Phinney Charles H., expressman Hatch & Co. express, h.

31 Cedar Phinney Nathan, mason, house SI Pleasant Phinney Nathan D., clerk Union Boot and Shoe Co., h.

50 North Phinney Otis B., clerk J. H. Perry & Co., h. 74 Hillman Pickens George, grocer, 353 Purchase, house do. Pickup Thomas, weaver, house 191 Pleasant Pierce Andrew, butcher, house 26 Kempton Pierce Andrew G., treasurer Wamsutta Mills, agent New Bedford, Vineyard and Nantucket Steamboat Co., and president and treasurer New Bedfoi'd and Fair- haven Street Railway Co., office over Merchants National Bank, North Water, house 89 Spring Pierce Anthony, jr., house 294 Purchase Pierce Asa B., mason, house 147 Elm Pierce Austin, glasscutter, house 220 South Water Pierce A. Martin, physician, 1 Ricketson blk., h. 1 Spruce Pierce Betsey, widow of Martin, house 159 Middle Pierce Bradford S., cement, soil and drain pipe manufac- tory, 9 Bedford, house 43 School Pierce Charles C, painter, house 24 Cypress Pierce Charles E., foreman press department Standard

"office, boards 27 Elm Pierce Charles H., laborer, house 173 South Water Pierce Charles W., mason, boards 159 Middle Pierce Crawford S., mason, house 9 Bedford I*ierce Ebel, master mariner, boards Sampson House Pierce Eben, bomb lances, 6 William, bds. Sampson House Pierce Eben H,, boatbuilder, house 147 Mill Pierce Edward T., clerk Wamsutta Mills, over Merchants

National Bank, bds. 89 Spring Pierce Eliznbeth H. Mrs., liouse 211 Soulh Water Pierce Erskine, traveling salesman, house 71 Summer Pierce Frank C, lather, house 1 Spruce Pierce B'redei'ick H., shoemaker, house 172 Kemptoa Pierce Geo. L., mason, boards 159 Middle Pierce Gost, mariner, house 166 Soirth Water 12


Pierce Henry, servant, 32 Eighth, boards do.

Pierce Henry C. (Chas. A. -Gray & Co.), teamster, N. B.

R. R. depot, house 247 Purchase Pierce Herbert S., clerk, 68 Purcliase, bds. 215 So. Water Pierce H. P., niusicteacher, house 65 Fourth Pierce John A., coacliman, 137 County Pierce Latham C, mason, boards 43 School Pierce L. I., wheelwright, r. 150 So. Water, 1). 140 Third Pierce Maria A. Miss, millinery and fancy goods. County,

corner Wing, house do. [cor. Hunter

Pierce Mary A., widow of Harvey D., house Kempton, Pierce Mary P., widow of Clark, house 14 Cypress Pierce Otis, mason, house 1 Spruce Pierce Otis N., bookkeeper Wamsutta Mills, office over

Merchants National Bank, house 11 Cottage Pierce Philip A., lawyer, 26 North Water Pierce Susan, Avidow, house 112 South Water Pierce Thomas H., sash and blindmaker, h. 181 Purchase Pierce William G., coachman, house 71 Forest Pierce, see also Peirce

Pike Andrew J., butcher, h. Kempton, near Jenny Lind Pillings John, works Wamsutta Mills, house 9 Austin Pinkham Mrs., house 153 State

Piper Alexzine S. V., widow of Robert H., h. 80 Sixth Piper Augustus D., hairdresser, under Parker House, h.

74)^ Purchase [boards do.

Piper Edward I., tin and sheetiron worker, 206 Purchase, Piper William H., agent, house 80 Sixth Pitman Benjamin, silverware manufacturer, 80 Union, h.

25 South Cottage Pitman Deborah, widow of Samuel, house 29 Bedford Pitman George N., driver Hatch & Co. express, boards

28 Chestnut Pitman George W., carpenter, house 28 Chestnut Pitman Henry Lee, marine reporter Standard office, house

123 Fifth [Maple, cor. Ash

Pitman Robert C, Judge of the Superior Court, house Pitman Samuel P., carpenter, h. Hazard, near County Pitman William F., slasher tender Potomska Mills, house

210 Third Pitman William H., clerk New Bedford Institution for

Savings, boards 28 Chestnut Pitslau Lewis, weaver, house 318 Purchase Pitts E. C. Miss, 'dressmaker, 9,^2 Purchase, house do. Pittsley Howard, teamster, house 3 Tarkiln Hill road Pittsley Reuben M., farmer, house 2 Braleyville road Pittsley William, 2d. firmer, house Old County road Place Hannah E., widow of Henry, house rear 39 Smith Place Thomas, laborei-, house 151 North Second


Place William J., hackclriver, 13 South Second, house r*

35 Smith Plant John, card grinder, house Clark, near Purchase Plant John, shoemaker, house 1 Austin Plant Nicholas, shoemaker, Hathaway & Soule, house So.

Front, near Blackmore Piatt William, weaver, house 119 South First Pluramer Charles W., house Hawth' jrn, near Page Plummer Frederick A., furniture painter Caleb Maxfield

house 156 State Plummer Horace M., confectioner, house 29 Willis PLUMMER LEANDER A., treasurer N. B. Cordage

Co., office Rutch's square, h. Hawthorn, cor. Page Polk Mary, widow, house 108 Kempton Pollard Andrew C, house 114 Pleasant PoUay Jacob, rigger, house 33 Oak Pollock Albert H., mariner, boards 162 Grinnell POLLOCK DANIEL F., fruit and confectionery, 173

Purchase, boards 162 Grinnell Pollock Daniel G., house 162 Grinnell Pollock Frederick, cigarmaker, boards 12 Bethel Pollock George H., foreman Grinnell's Iron Foundry, bds.

Simon S. Pollock's, Washington [Bethel

Pollock John, boot and shoemaker, 80 Jo Union, house 12 Pollock John H., boot and shoemaker, boards 12 Bethel Pollock Nelson G., molder, boards 99 Washington Pollock Samuel H. (A. G. Stanton & Co.), grocer and

provision dealer, 137 Third, house 14 Craj)0 Pollock Simon S., house Washington, corner Grapo Pomeroy Henry G., machinist, house 127 Purchase Pomfret Richard, weaver, house 286 South Second POND ELMON D., restaurant, 67 and 69 William, house

47 Mechanics lane Pool Arthur T.; teamster, house Plainville Pool George A., cooper, house 82 Third Pool Philip S., laborer, house Plainville Pope Abner P., carpenter C. DeWolf, boards 35 Third Pope Frank L., passepartout maker, boards 27 Walnut Pope John G. W. (Pope & Wood), liquors, 4 Pleasant,

near Union, house 27 Walnut Pope Lewis S., contractor, house Old County road Pope Samuel P., refiner Thayer & Judd, h. Pope's Island Pope Thomas jr., house Acushnet avenue Pope William G. E., merchant, 29 North Water, h. 110

South Sixth Pope & Wood (J. G. W. Pope and E. B. Wood), liquors,

4 Pleasant, near Union Popple Benjamin F., oilpresser W. A. Robinson & Co., h

County, near Rockland


Popplcstone Alfred M., miller N. B. Flour Co., h. 66 South

Third Popplcstone Susan, widow of Wm., house 71 Fourth Post Coritiuc II. Miss, boards 118 Washington Post Francis, decorator in glass works, house 17 Bonney Post Nancv, widow of Richard G., house 118 Washington POST OFFICE, North Second, c. William, E. Anthony,

postmaster Post Ruth, widow of Francis, house 17 Bonney Post William C, shoefitter, house 168 Gi'innell Potomska Mills, South Water, between South and Rivet,

treasurer's office, 50 South Water Potter Almira Miss, house 90 Linden, Mt. Ple.asant Potter Andrew H., (Potter & Co.), New York Express,

19 Commercial wharf, house Kempton, cor. County Potter Asa, laborer, house 66 Cypress Potter Charles W., butcher, house 266 Kempton Potter Charles W. II., carpenter, house 23 Chestnut Potter Cynthia H., widow of Jonathan, h. 120 Kempton Potter Edward, carringetrimmer, house 22 Maxfield Potter Edwin A., mariner, boar Is 66 Cypress Potter Elizabeth D., widow of Stephen N., h. 161 County Potter Fanny (Potter & Woodward), dressmakers, 142

Purchase, house 64 State Potter Frank E , mariner, boards 66 Cypress Potter Fred S., clerk, 40 No. Water, boards Parker House Potter Frederick P., gardener, house New County road,

near Darfce [avenue

Potter George A., firmer, h. Hathaway road, n. Rockdale Potter George P., farmer, house 2 Logan Potter George F., shoemaker, boards 64 State Potter Geo. H., painter O. Giifords, boards Mrs. Smith's,

North Third Potter Hannah, widow of Peleg, house 63 Mill Potter Isaiah H., calker, house 55 Hill Potter James C, carriagetrimmer Geo. L. Brownell, house

168 Kempton, near Cedar Potter James W., painter, house Delano, cor. South First Potter John W., i)assepartout maker, 72 North Water,

boards 2 Atlantic Potter Joshua W., farmer, house Hathaway road Potter Lewis, laborer, house Washburn Potter Loring, cooj^er, house 2 Atlantic Potter Lydia A., widow, house North, cor Cypress Potter Peleg, house 124 Middle Potter Philip, laborer, house 108 South Front Potter Simeon, house New County road, near Durfee Potter Sophia, widow of Pardon, house 22 Maxfield Potter Southward 2d, accountant, 104 Union, house 25



^ \ \ \ 1^



V. Successors to E. H. CHISHOLM


73 Pvrehase Street, eor. Middle, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.


Nursery and Toilet Articles


Also, a Full Line of Homoeopathic Remedies,



N. B. Having recently purchased the above-named store, we are prepared to furnish any article usually found in any drug store, such as Toilet Articles of all kinds, together with a good stock of


As Good as can be Found in the City.

Our prescriptions are prepared by a careful man, and Particular Atten- tion will be given to them. We would respectfully invite the people of New Bedford to favor us with a call, as we flatter ourselves we can satisfy the most fastidious.


73 Purchase Street,



Potter Stephen R., house 161 County Potter Thomas N. (Potter & Parker), apothecary, 73 Pur- chase, house 42 Nortli Sixth > Potter Thomas P., carpenter and bulkier, Bellville road,

Head of the River, house do. [nut

Potter Warren S., carpenter, 45 No. Water, h. 23 Chest- Potter William, carpenter, house 82 North Third Potter William F. (William F. Potter & Co), wholesale

Q;Tocer, Union, cor. No. Front, bds. 35 Eighth POTTER WILLIAM F. & CO. (William F. Potter),

wholesale grocers. Union, corner North Front Potter William J. Rev., pastor Unitarian Church, house

223 Union, near Lincoln POTTER & PARKER (Thomas N. Potter & Henry

W. Parker), apothecaries, 73 Purchase Potter & Woodward Misses (Fanny Potter, Mrs. Emma

Woodward), dressmakers, 142 Purchase Potter & Co.'s New York Express (Andrew H. Potter,

proprietor), 19 Commercial wharf Power James, carder, house 287 South Second Power Michael, house 20 Austin court Power Michael E., machinist, house 2 Robeson Powers James, laborer, house 29 Austin Powers James, weaver, house No. Third, near Washburn Powers James F., machinist, house 29 Austin Powers Mary K., widow of Edmund, house Robeson Powers Nicholas, house 180 North Third Powers Walter, weaver, house 232 North Third Powler Jeremiah, currier Job Wade, bds. r. 8 Campbell Powlin Fi'ank, laborer, house 16 Wing Pratt Enos, fowl and dog dealer, Pearl, c. Third, h. do. Pratt George C. (Pratt & Alley), Boston branch store,

97 Purchase, bds. Mrs. E. H. Smith, No. Third Pratt Lydia Miss, house 46 Sycaniore Pratt Thomas B., paint manufacturer, bds. 126 Purchase Pratt & Alley (G. C. Pratt and A. G. Alley, jr.), Boston

branch store, 97 Purchase Pray Sarah A. C, teacher Grove school, bds. 41 So. Water Pray Wm. H. H., boardinghouse, 14 School Prentice Sarah V., dressmaker 2 Fifth, h. do. Prescott Charles D., physician, 120 William, corner

Eighth, house do. Prescott Oliver, lawyer, 26 No. Water, h. 117 County Preston James, weaver, house 199 State Prevost Austin, laborer, house 153 North Third Price Charles R., clerk E. C. Jones, 2 Central wharf, bds.

102 Pleasant Price Deborah, widow of Simeon, h. 200 Purchase Price George H., mariner, boards 200 Purchase


Price Keziah R., widow of Benjamin, house 102 Pleasant

Price Mary A. Mrs,, house 15 Emerson

Price William F., suj>t*. Jay's stable, 13 South Second, h.

200 Purchase Priest M. L., botanic ]>hysician, house 9 Parker Prime Mary, widow, liouse 8 Cyrpess Prior James P., cooj^er, house 50 North Prynn William, laborer N". B. Flour Co., h. 222 Couuty Purington Charles E., painter, house G9 Smith Purington Charles F., seaman, house 76 Hillman Purington Charles G., laborer, bds. 155 Purchase Purington Clarence L., laborer N. B. Copper Works, bds.

307^^ Purchase Purington Elias, carpenter, house 3073^ Purchase Purington Frank H., printer, boards 76 Hillman Purington Frank M., painter, boards 46 Hill Purington Henry A., carpenter, house 85 Walden Purington Hiram S.,boards 307>^ Purchase Purington John A., shipjoiner, house 46 Hill Purington John G., tinsmith, boards 46 Hill Purington Phillip B. ( Purington & Brown), house fur

nishing goods, 55 Purchase, h. 153 North, cor. Cypress Purington Wm. S., roller N. B. Copper Works, house

307M Purchase Purington & Brown (Philip B. Purington and Oliver F.

Brown), crockery, house furnishing goods, and paper

hangings, 55 Purchase, Liberty Hall building Putrau A., laborer, h. 14 Brick block, Orange Puttz Gustave, boot and shoe maker, 84 Middle, h. do. Pye James, weaver, h. Washburn, n. Acushnet avenue

QUINLAN ALICE MRS., house 195 Pleasant

Quinn James, laborer Eureka Flour Mills, house South

First, cor. Delano Quinn Lawrence, laborer N. B. Copper Works, house r.

90 Linden Quinnan John, mule spinner, h. Hazard, cor. State Quinnan Thomas, mule spinner, house 197 State Quinnan William, sjtinner Waiusutta Mills, h, 193 State Quirk Patrick, laborer, house 4 Tremont

RABE HENRY, baker J. Libby & Co,, bds. 42 Middle Rabe Ludwig, saloon 42 Middle, house do. Radford Samuel, weaver, h. 291 South Second Ratferty William, ]ieddler, h. 65 South Water Rafferty William H., boards 65 South Water Ragan Michael, N. B. Copper Works, house 2 Wamsutta Rainey Wm. R., tailor 31 No, Water, bds. 11 No. Second Ramsbottom George, weavar, house 8 Austin court


Rand Hiram, farmer, house Acushnet avenue

Randall Charles G., painter, house 1"28>2 Third

Randall Charles S., merchant, Rodman, cor. No. Front, h.

21 Hawthorn, corner Irving court Randall Cynthia Mrs., dressmaker, house 63 Kempton Randall David E., harness blacking, 120 Middle, h. do. Randall Eraily Mrs., house 5 Spruce Randall George A., machinist, bds. 84 South Second Randall Lydia, widow of Fred. H., h. 8 Cypress Randall Mary H., widow of David, house 120 Middle Randall Ransom, house 6 Pearl

Randall Rufus, cooper, 16 and 18 Coffin, h. 84 So. Second Randall Susan Miss, house 130 Kempton Rathbun Elisha, carpenter, house 32 Franklin Rau Gustavis, machinist, house 69>2 South Water Ray Edwin H., salesman 6 Purchase, bds. at Dartmouth Ray Elizabeth Mrs., house foot of Cannon Ray Isaiah C, lawyer, 146 Purchase, h. 113 Hillman Raymond Allen, city watchman, bds. Sampson House Raymond Bradford P. Rev., house 182 Grinnell Raymond B. Frank, clerk 155 Purchase, bds. 36 Elm Raymond Calvin (Hatch & Co.), express, 5 Ricketson blk.

h. Cypress, cor. Sycamore RAYMOND EBEN P., publisher and proprietor Whale- man's Shipping List, 21 Hamilton, h. 17 So. Second Raymond Josiah K., messenger Hatch & Co.'s express,

bds. southeast cor. Cypress and Sycamore Raymond Mary, widow of Samuel, house 36 Elm Raymond Micajah K., messenger Hatch & Co. express, h.

81 Elm [Summer

Read Abby N., widow of Frederick A., h. Sycamore, cor. Read Charles W. (Read & Dias), overall mnfr., 12 and

14 William, h. 8 Eighth Read Frederick, mariner, h. Sycamore, cor. Cypress Read George P., carpenter F, A. Soule, h. 77 Thomas Read Joseph R. (Taber, Read & Gardner), 117 Union,

house 8 Eighth Read Mary M. Mrs., house 34 Cedar Read Rebecca, widow of Joseph, house 197 County Read Wm. Alexander, house County, cor. Parker Read Wm. F., clerk Taber, Read & Gardner, h. 8 Eighth Read William H., lather, boards 77 Thomas Read & Dias (Chas. W. Read and Joseph Dias), overall

mnfrs., 12 and 14 William Reardon Patrick, laborer, house 184 State Reaves Ethaniel L., printer, house 103 Middle Records EUery, shipcarpenter, house 96 Maxfield Records John C., machinist, boards 96 Maxfield Records William, teamster Jas. Duddy, bds. Union


Reed Abraham, laborer, house Plainville

Reed Achsah Miss, h. Bartlett pi., Rockdale av.

Reed Albert B., house 217 South Water

Reed Bcujamiti, loomfixer, house 17 Austin court

Reed Benjaniiu F. II., reporter Standard office and clerk

city library, h, lOo Sycamore Reed Caroline P., widow of Josiah V., h. 103 Sycamore Reed Charles A., teatnster, house 194 South Second Reed Edwin J., mariner, boards 28 Pearl Reed Eli W., tanner, house Old County road Reed Frederick R., poultrydealer, house 40 Grape Reed Gustavus L. (Pauldino-, Ree<l & Gifford),bout mnfr.,

14 William, h. 25 Third Reed Isaac, farmer, house Plainville Reed Jepthn, laborer, house 14 Bethel Reed Joseph, works Wamsutta Mills, h. 69 Spruce Reed Lyman K., stonecutter, house 223 County Reed Nathan, laborer, house 35 Third Reed Patrick, in oil mauufoctory, h. 194 Nortli Third Reed Richarxl A., mariner, house 252 South First Reed Robert G., student, house 09 S2:)ruce Reed Rose Mrs., house 19 Chancery Reed Sarah, widow of John, house 148 North Second Reed Timothy (Dewson, Williams & Co.), prop. N. B.

Tannery, h. at Boston Reeks Mary, widow of William, h. 84 South Third Reeve Nathaniel L., clerk, 85 Union, h. 103 Middle Reid Betsey W., widow of Erastus B., h. 100 William Reid Isabella, teacher Fifth street grammar school, boards

100 William Remington Emma A. Miss, house 18 Bush Remington Holden B., depotmaster N. B. R. R., house

86" North Third [Jesseville

Remington John G., at N. B. R. R. depot, h. 69 Linden, Remington Joseph Mrs., widow, house 72 Elm Remington Lucy J., teacher IMill school, bds. 72 Elm Remington Rosetta, widow of Thomas, house 7 County Remington Thcmias, cai-jienter, h. 78 Forest REPUBLICAN STANDARD, E. Anthony & Sous,

pubs., 67 Union Reymond William, boardinghouse, 63 North Second Reynard William H., master mariner, house 142 Third Reynard William II., jr., mariner, house 142 Third Reynolds Asa R., laborer, h. Bellville rd., h'd of the River Reynolds Benjamin, molder N, B. Copper Works, house

11 Durfee Reynolds Charles B., laborer, h. New County road, near

Durfee Reynolds Charles D., farmer, h. Old County road


Reynolds Clara R. Miss (C. R. Reynolds & Co.), 13 Pleas- ant, house do. Reynolds Clara R. & Co. (Misses Clara R. and Phebe

Reynolds), millinery goods, 13 Pleasant Reynolds Elisha, farmer, h. Old County road Reynolds George F., driver, house Bellville road Reynolds George F., brickmaker, h. G Braleyville road Reynolds Isaac, farmer, house Old County road Reynolds Isaac, laborer, house 201 Kemptou Reynolds James F., farmer, house Old County road Reynolds James R., laborer, h. 55 South Water Reynolds John, boot and shoemaker, Wamsutta, near R.

R., house do. Reynolds Joseph B., blacksmith N. B. Copper Works,

bds. Parker, c. Cedar Reynolds Luther, boardinghouse, 1 Logan Reynolds Mary Miss, dressmaker, h. 57 Summer Reynolds Noah, jr., farmer, h. 1 Braleyville road Reynolds Phebe Miss (C. R. Reynolds & Co.), 13 Pleas- ant, boards do. Reynolds Phineas, farmer, h. 5 Braleyville road Reynolds Sampson S., woodsawyer, h. 12 Cedar Reynolds Thomas, tailor, 66 Purchase, bds. 44 Middle Reynolds Warren, shoemaker, h. Durfee, beyond Vine Reynolds Wike, grocer, 185 So. Water, house do. Reynolds William, spinner, h. 5 Austin court Reynolds Willie F., shoemaker, house New County road,

near Durfee Reynolds Wm. F., laborer D. K. Tripp, h. 219 Middle Rhodes Amos H., engineer, house 330 Purchase Rhodes Henry W., painter, boards 330 Purchas Rhodes William C, engineer, boards 330 Purchase Rice Adoniram J., bread driver, house 52 Arnold Rice Albert, weaver, house Turner's court Rice Simeon, grocer, 52 Arnold, house 50 do. Rich .James, carpenter, house 7 Spruce Richards Alfred, proprietor Little Compton, Fall River, Marion and Westport point stage line, office 5 South Sixth, house 74 Walden Richards Edward R., proprietor Whitcomb House, 152

Union Richards George (Richards & Winslow), dining room, 34

William, house at Dartmouth Richards George D., clerk N. B. R. R., boards 53 Elm Richards Henry, weaver, house 5 Hazard court Richards James, weaver, boards 5 Hazard court Richards John H., shoemaker, house 8 Bethel Richards Julia P., widow of John, house 245 Middle Richards William D., livery stable, 20 South Second, h. 53 Elm


Richards & Winslow (Geo. Richards and Hohnes Wins- low), dininj? room, 84 William Ridiardson Albert, laborer, h. South Water, cor. Walnut Richardson Alfred, laborer, house 1 Walnut Richardson Geo. W., stonecutter, house Mt. Vernon, cor.

New County road Richardson Jesse, lamplighter, house 111 North Third Richardson John, weaver Potomska Mills, house Fair, n.

Dartmouth Richardson Jol)n T,, dry goods, 18 So. Water, h. 64 School Richardson Lewis, tinsmith, 45 North Water, boards 184

County Richardson Marcus O., sole leather cutter, house New

County road, near Durfee Richardson Marcus O., jr., shoemaker, house 3 Durfee Richardson Sarah, widow, house 75 North Richmond Abby P., widow of Cyrus A., h. 2 Fourth Richmond Charles N., civil engineer, boards 34 High RICHMOND GEORGE B., office North Water, corner

North, house 34 High Richmond George W., laborer, house 43 Wing Richmond Henry (S. P. Richmond ^& Co.), baker, 173

Union, house 43 Wing Richmond Joshua (J. Richmond & Son), merchant tailor,

31 North Water, house 96 County Richmond Josiah, light keeper Hen and Chickens Ijight

Vessel, house 3 Ricketson court Richmond James H. C. (J. Richmond & Son), merchant

tailor, 31 North Water, house Irving court Richmond J. & Son (Joshua and Jas. H. C. Richmond),

merchant tailors, 31 North Water Richmond Mary, widow of Edward, h. 54 North Second Richmond Phebe Mrs., widow of Anthony, h. 169 County Richmond Samuel P. (S. P. Richmond & Co.), domestic

bakery, 173 Union, house 37 School Richmond S. P. & Co. (Samuel P. and Henry Richmond),

bakers, 173 Union Ricker Alonzo W., cigarmaker, house Beach, Cannonville Ricker Charles B., shoemaker, boards 93 Summer Ricker George B., foreman Hathaway & Soule, house 93

Summer Rickers Alexander, cook, house 18 Park Ricketson Abner K., stevedore, h. 247 South Water RICKETSON BARTON, Jr., treas. N. B. Five Cents

Savings Bank, Purchase, house 19 Seventh Ricketson Benjamin T,, merchant, house 61 Fifth Ricketson Cecile C, widow of Barton, h. 63 Bedford Ricketson Charles W., clerk Merchants National Bank,

house 17 Allen


Ricketson Daniel^ house 109 Elm

Ricketson Daniel H., boatman, h. 232 South Water

Ricketson Daniel L., mariner, house 354 So. Water

Ricketson Elias M., boatman, house 33 Delano

Ricketson Geo. B., cutter, 89 Fifth

Ricketson George P., mariner, house 308 So. Water

Ricketson Frederick, fisherman, h. County, cor. Delano

Ricketson Henrietta B. Miss, teacher private school, h.

63 Bedford Ricketson Henry G., house 37 Mill Ricketson James R., accountant, house 57 Fifth Ricketson John H., master mariner, h. 78 Washington Ricketson John S., foreman H. H. Fisher, h.l42 Purchase Ricketson Joseph, 2d, merchant Commercial wharf, house

Clark's point Ricketson Levi, mariner, house 33 Delano Ricketson Orrin, printer W. F. Wheaton Ricketson Robert H., farmer, house 75 Smith Ricketson Walton, artist, 142|^ Union, boards 109 Elm Ricketson William L., clerk Parker House, bds. 61 Fifth Ricketson Wm. P., bookkeeper J. Ricketson, 2d, house

Clark's point Rider Benjamin, carpenter, boards 63 Mill Ridley Clark, house 3 Potter

Riedell J. H., boot and shoe finisher, boards 14 Mill Eigby James, spinner, house 283 South Water Riley Catherine, widow of James, h. 178 So. Second Riley Charles H., mariner, boards 5 Hillman Riley Connor, spinner, house 304 County Riley Dennis, railroad employee, house 334 Purchase Riley James, waiter, house 215 Kempton Riley James, machinist, house 180 North Third Riley James H., laborer, boards 3 Wamsutta Riley James J., laborer, house 3 Wamsutta Riley James Stevens, mariner, boards 5 Hillman Riley John S., roapmaker, h. Chancery, north from Court Riley John W., gardener, house 6 Ash Riley Michael, Gosnold Mill, house Wall Riley Michael, laborer Chas. M. Pierce, house 5 Hillman Riley Michael, spinner, house 9 Austin Court Riley Patrick, mariner, boards 3 Wamsutta Riley Owen, weaver, house 304 County Riley Philip, shoemaker A. E. Lucas, house 9 Bethel Riley Robert, gardener, house rear 105 Allen Riley Thomas, fisherman, h. West Campbell, c. Emerson Riley Thomas, fireman, house 10 Hazard Ripner George M., cooper, house 152 North Second Ritchie David, hostler, house Cedai-, near Locust Ritter John Wesley, laborer, house Bellville


Roach Edward R., horscshoer Mechanics lane, h. 207 So.

Water Roach Eliza, widow, house 188 County Robbins Abram R., tinsmith Parker & Sherman, h. 68 Mill Robbins Albert L., painter, house Mt. Pleasant Robbins Augustus, granular fuel. Court, next Cordage

Factrry, house 10 Cedar Robbins Charles H., master mariner, h. 69 Pleasant Robbins Daniel, carpenter, house 90 High Robbins Edmund M., niachinist, boards 66 Mill Robbins Eliphalet II., house 69 Elm Robbins Elisha K., laborer, house. 52 Parker Robbins Hepsey R. Mrs., house 663^ Mill Robbins John H., upholsterer Caleb Maxfield, h. 43 Smith Robbins Melinda, widow of Kimball, jr., h. 106 High Robbins Samuel, mariner, house Summer, cor. Smith Robbins Thomas C, carriagesmith, house 663^ Mill Robbins William S., traveling agent E. R. Gardner & Co.,

house 228 County Robert Pierce, Inborer, house 13 Austin court Roberts Joseph E., variety store and boardinghouse, 179

South Water Roberts J. J). (W. D. Andrews and J. D.Roberts), photo- grapher, 52 Purchase, h. 179 South Water Roberts Nathaniel, printer W. F. Wheaton Roberts Oliver A, Rev., pastor North Christian church,

house 85 Fourth Roberts William, farmer, house Thompson's lane Robertson James W., varnisher, boards 6 Park Robertson Joseph W., clerk, 5 Pleasant, near Union, h.

65 Maxfield Robertson William, shipjoiner, house 6 Park Robeson Emily P., widow of Andrew, h. 134 County Robier Peter, house 187 State

Robinson Adoniram J., butcher, h. Old County road Robinson Antone, cigar manufacturer, 153 South Water,

house 65 Prospect Robinson Daniel, weaver, house 3 Austin court Robinson David, calker, house Swamp, near Cedar Robinson Edgar F., house 351 South Water Robinson Edward H. (W. A. Robinson & Co.), oil and

candle manufacturer, 50 So. Water, h. at Providence Robinson Elizabeth A., house 242 Middle Robinson Ellis, shipcarpenter, h. 178>^ County Robinson Emma Mrs., house Swamp, near (^edar Robinson George F., farmer, bds. Mrs. Stewart's, Purchase Robinson Hannah B. Miss, teacher Fifth street grammar

school Robinson Isabel, dressmaker, 80 Middle, house do.


Robinson James, carpenter and builder, 20 South Water,

boards Sheridan House Robinson James M. (Allen & Robinson), carpenter and

builder, Leonard's wharf, h. 351 South Water Robinson John, weaver, boards 306 County Robinson John, weaver, house vVashburn Robinson John A., porter, 45 North Water, h. 7 Swamp Robinson Jones, farmer and auctioneer, h. Bellville Robinson Mary A., widow of Rev. Abraham, house 230

Middle [cor. Water

Robinson Robbins, shoemaker, 90 Middle, h. Rowland, Robinson Robert, mason, bds. Pearl, cor. North Third Robinson Reuben, peddler, house 164 South Water Rolinson Stephen D., teamster, h. 207 South Second Robinson William, mulespinner, house 191 State Robinson William, shipcarpenter, house Summit, near

Rockdale avenue, Cannonville Robinson William A. (W. A. Robinson & Co.), oil and

candle manufacturer, 50 So. Water, h. 39 Fifth Robinson W. A. & Co. (Edward H. and William A.

Robinson and Cyrus A. Howland), oil and candle

mnfrs., 50 South Water Rock James, grocer, 265 South Water, house do. Roderick Frank M., mariner, house 6 Ash, near Arnold Rodman Benjamin, farmer, house Woodlawn, entrance on

Linden Rodman Edmund, artist, house 92 Spring Rodman Samuel, manufacturer cotton, office North Water,

cor. North, house 92 Spring Rodman Thomas R., clerk S. Rodman, bds. 92 Spring Rody James, in Copper Works, bds. 304 Purchase Roger Antone C, passepartoute maker, bds. 8 Pleasant Rogers Abiathar, stonecutter, house New County road,

corner Grand Rogers Charles, shoemaker, bds. 98 Purchase Rogers Hannah W., widow of George, h. 100 Pleasant Rogers Henry, harnessmaker, h. County, n. Linden Rogers Job M., painter, 21 Union, house 5 Borden Rogers John A,, clerk 224 Purchase, boards County, near

Linden Rogers Joseph, mariner, h, 256 South Water Rogers Manuel, grocer, 138 So. Water, h. 8 Griffin Rogers Michael, shoemaker, house County, n. Linden Rogers Michael C, teacher Middle street school, h. 5 Arch Rogers Morrill D., shoemaker, boards 32 Hill man Rogers Sarah, widow of Joel P., h. 8 Rockdale av. Rogers Sullivan W., carpenter. No. Second, near Water,

boards at Fairhaven Rogers Sulley, at Chas. Taber & Co., boards 8 Pleasant,

near Union


Rogers Thomas A., shipcarpenter, h. Rockdale avenue Rogers Walter S., painter, 21 Union, h. 5 Borden Rollins Wm., laborer, house 95 South Sixth Rooks Henry, glassmaker, in Mt. Washington Glass

Works Rooks John, glassmaker, in Mt. Wash, Glass Works Rooks John, jr., glassmaker, in Mt. Wash. Glass Works Rooms of the Union for Good Works, 61 Purchase Root Elizabeth P., widow of Marshall, boardinghouse,

Purchase, cor Union Rooth Benjamin S., organist, tuner, and repairer, house

83 Walden Rooth Harriet E. Miss, teacher of music, h. 83 Walden Rooth Henry, pianofortedealer, repairer, and tuner, 83

Walden, house do. Roscoe William, glasscutter Mount Washington Glass

Works, house 2 Hickory Rose Albert J., currier Job Wade, boards Pearl, corner

North Third Rose Ann, widow of Caton, h, rear 253 South Water Rose Antoine, laborer, house 118 Third Rose Antone, mariner, house 181 South Water Rose Daniel D., currier, house 59 Sycamore Rose David, fisherman, house 55 Howland Rose Francis F., currier, house 59 Sycamore Rose Frank, laborer, house 177 South Second Rose Frank, laborer, house 179 South Second Rose James, farmer, house Bellville Rose Joseph, laborer, house 271 South Water Rose Manuel, laborer, house Delano Rose Manuel, laborer, house 251 South Water Rose Simon M., leather manufacturer, h. 59 Sycamore Roshur Charles A., laborer, bds. 46 Bedford Roshur Frank, hairdresser, bds. 46 Bedford Roshur Sarah A., widow of William P., h. 46 Bedford Ross David, mulespinner, h. 139 North Third Ross Ellen, widow of Henry, h. Orange, n. Washburn Ross Geo. H., ropemaker Cordage Factory, house West

Middle, near Emerson Ross James M., laborer, house rear 130 Kempton Ross Manuel, laborer, house 77 Cedar Ross Oliver, laborer, house 11 First Ross William F., seaman, house 3 Durfee Rotch Morgan, clerk N. B. Cordage Co., Rotch's wdiarf,

boards 133 County Rotch Wharf Co., office Rotch's square ROTCH WILLIAM J., president N. B. Cordage Co.,

office Rotch's square, h. 133 County Rounds John, farmer, house Kempton, Cannonville


Rounds John H., Ibremau N. B. Tannery, house Jenney,

near Kempton Rounesville William H., laborer, house 25 Middle Rourke Andrew, lather, house 175 Mill Rourke Edward T., butcher, boards 175 Mill Rourke John, shoemaker, house 14 Hazard court Rourke Patrick Mrs., house 175 Mill Rowe John J,, machinist, house 9 Bethel Rowe John T., hostler W. H. Sherman, h. 208 Purchase Rowe Matthew B., stonecutter, bds. 9 South Second Rowe Thomas B., teamster, h. 9 South Second Rowland Edmond Rev., rector Grace Episcopal church,

house 92 County Royce Thomas D., physician, 124 Middle, house do. Ruberg Maria, wi(iow of Charles, h. 45 Foster Rudge John H., fVanepolisher, bds. 107 North Third Rugg Charles P., principal High school, h. 87 Spring Ruggles John A., carpenter, house 107 Summer Ruggles John A., jr., salesman, 46 Purchase, boards 107

Summer Ruggles Mary T. Miss, dressmaker, house 69 Foster Rulon Samuel H., brassfinisher Gilford & Allen, house 1

Howland Runnels Warren H., laborer, house 15 Cannon Russell Abram, house 91 County Russell Allen, farmer, house Old County road Russell Andrew, machinist Morse Twist Drill Works, bds.

106 Fourth Russell Benjamin, artist, house 86 Elm Russell Catherine B., widow of William O., h. 6 Liberty Russell Chancey, curtain upholsterer, 104 So. Sixt'i, h. do. Russell David, cabinetmaker, bds. 129 North Second Russell Clarissa S., house 99 Hillman Russell Edmund N. (E. N. Russell & Co.), painter, 34

Mill, house Cedar, near Hillman Russell Edward, bookkeeper, Rodman, corner Front, bds.

91 County Russell Edward S., framepolisher, bds. 6 Liberty Russell Elihu, master mariner, house 50 County Russell Elihu O., drillmaker Morse Twist Drill and Ma- chine Co., house 22 Allen Russell Elisha E., master mariner, house 39 Third Russell Elizabeth H., widow of Thomas, h. 222 Union RUSSELL E. N. & CO. (E. N. Russell and C. J. Nor- ton), painters, 34 Mill Russell BVederick, weaver, h. Rivet, n. So. Water Russell Frederick T., mariner, bds. 30 Cypress Russell George, jr., teacher Acushnet school, house at Acushnet


Rnssell George B., engineer, liouse 42 Summer llussoll George W., stevedore, h. 74 Nortli Second liusscll Henry C, hackdriver, house C Liberty Russell Henry T., piemaker, house 13 Maxfiehl Russell Humphrey, carpenter, h. 108 Cedar Russell James A., compositor Standard office, house 103>^

Purchase Russell James B., expressman Hatch & Co., h. 73 Elm Russell James H., foreman G. S. Homer, h. 12 County Russell John A,, farmer, bds. Old County road Russell John C, tinnlate woi'ker, 16 No. Water, house at

Smith's Mills Russell Joseph, slasher, h. Rivet, n. So. Water Russell Judith Miss, h. Hawthorn, n. Page ■Russell Lydia, widow of John, house 65 VValnut Russell Jjydia Miss, house Hawthorn, n. Page Russell Martha Miss, private scliool, Arnold, n. County,

h. Walnut, c. Sixth Russell Nancy, widow of Job, h. 80 Fifth Russell Nathaniel D., driver J. Libby & Co., house Pleas- ant, c. Linden Russell Olive, widow of Isaac, house 39 Third Russell Pardon, laborer, h. Hathaway rd., west of Rock- dale avenue Russell Pardon, jr., carriagemaker, bds. Hathaway road Russell Peter, laborer, h. 1 Brick block, Orange Russell Philip, glassmaker, house 100 South Second Russell Roland T. G. (Russell & Wady), house and sign- painter, 3 Fifth, h. Sixth, n. Wash. sq. Russell Ruth Mrs., house 132 Union Russell Sally Miss, house Hawthorn, n. Page Russell Thomas, laborer, house 7 High Russell William A., purser str. Wamsutta, h. 77 State Russell & Wady (Roland T. G. Russell and A. B. Wady),

house and signpainters, 3 Fifth Ryan Edward, cai-penter J. M Foster, bds. 11 No. Second Ryan Edward, weaver, house rear 1 Purchase Ryan James P., boards 304 Purchase Ryan Joanna, widow, house Turners court Ryan John, fireman in Chemical Works, h. Clinton, cor.

Emerson Ryan John, Gosnold Mill, house 4 Wall Ryan John, jr., ropemaker, bds. J. Ryan's, Clinton Ryan Michael, laborer, house 83 North Water Ryan Rosanna, widow of Thomas, h. 2 Hazard ct. Ryan Tiiomas, shoemaker, bds. J. Ryan's, Clinton Ryan Thomas, laborer, h. Parker, n. Emerson Ryan Thomas, laborer, house rear 1 Purchase Ryan William P., cooper, house 215 South Water


Ryder Benjamin W., carpenter F. A, Soule, bds. 63 Mill Ryder Charles F., baker, 173 Union, bds. George G. Ry- der's, Rockland [Union Ryder Edgar F., tailor, 68 Purchase, c. Elm, boards 15'2- Ryder Ebenezer fRyder & Smith), sparmaker, 152 No.

Water, h. 45 Sycamore Ryder Frank, teamster Jas. Duddy, bds. 72 Walden Ryder George, porter Parker House, bds. do. Ryder George (J., stonecutter, h. Rockland, near Thomp- son's farm Ryder Holder M., laborer, h. So. Front, n. Blackmore Ryder Jane, widow of Wm. S., h. 103 Middle RYDER LINUS, box mnfr., 9 Pine, h. at Fairhaven Ryder William J. James, shoemaker, h. 3 Rockland Ryder & Smith (Ebenezer Ryder and Arvin Smith), spar- makers, 152 No. Water

SABENS CALEB gardener, h. New County road, near

Mt. Vernon Sabens Weston G., teamster, house 1 Cannon Sabins Holder, blacksmith, house 11 Park Sadler John, nurse, house Grand Sadler John N., watchman, house 17 Rockdale av. Sadler Mary Mrs., house 11 Rockdale avenue Sadler Wm. J., laborer, house 216 Kempton Sagassa Inhirs, spinner, h. 8 Brick block. Orange Salisbury Levi, butcher, house 27 Mill Salmon John, house 101 State

Samplin Eliza, widow of Parker S., h. Willis, n. Cedar Sampson Benj. F., blacksmith, h. 154 No. Second Sampson Charles C, boards 154 North Second Sampson Elias, house 40 Pleasant Sampson Elias Smith, stonesplitter, h. Durfee, cor. New

County road [h. 82 Kempton

Sampson Elisha P. P., passapartout maker, 72 No. Water, Sampson Frederick, icedriver, house 79 Arnold Sampson Frederick H., house 8 Market sq. Sampson House, Mrs. John Gawith, prop., 1213^ Union Sampson Seth J., clerk, 58 No. Water, h. 83 Walden Sampson S nith, laborer, bds. Pearl, cor. No. Third Sampson Warren W., overseer in shoe shop, House of

Correction, h. 14 Spruce [Middle

Sandberg Jacob, ropemaker Cordage Factory, house 248 Sanborn William, house 35 South Water Sanders Edward, stonecutter, 228 North Third Sanders Henry V., clerk Wm. Sanders, h. 68 North Sanders Martha B., widow of Henry^ h. 68 North Sanders William, mariner, house 29 Chancery Sanders William, clothing, 108 and 112 Union, h. 218 do. 13


Sanderson Chas. C, painter, boards 167 Kempton Sanderson Samuel S., secondhand Wamsutta Mill, house

27 Austin Sanderson William A. (Sanderson & Smith), grocer, 60

Spruce, h. Willis, n. County Sanderson Wm. B., liandlemaker, house 167 Kempton Sanford Abraham T., cooper, house 34 South Sanford Betsey, widow of Benj. T., h. 42 Mill Sanford Betsey, widow of Squire, house 51 Kempton Sanford Charles H., bookkeeper Charles Taber & Co., and clerk of 3rd District Court, bds. Wash., c. Dartmouth Sanford Eliza H. Miss, teacher Bush St. school Sanford Frank H., hostler, boards 102 High Sanford Gardner T. (S. P. Burt & Co.), banker and broker,

43 North Water, house Morgan, corner Cottage Sanford Giles, coojjcr, house 6 Ward Sanford Henry, clerk. Union, c. No. Front, h. 72 County Sanford Isaac, cooper Wm. J. Norton, house 64 Spruce Sanford Isaac T., foreman Charles Tuber & Co., house 15

Cedar Sanford Sylvia, Avidow of Benj. F., house 102 High Sanford Thomas, n])holsterer, house 19 Third Sanna Manuel, laborer, house 145 South Water Sargent Morris, house 49 Ilillman

Sapington Alfred, coaldriver, h. Dartmouth near Weaver Sarvent George W., house 20 North Cedar Sarvent Lucy A., widow of John, house 20 North Cedar Savage John, junkcollector, house 125 Allen Savoi-y Charles W., carpenter, house Bellville SAWIN ALBION K. P., teamster and hay dealer, 7

Merrill's wharf, house 148 Tliird Sawin Geo. F., clerk, boards 148 Third Sawin Lewis L., baker Libby & Co., house 68 Pleasant Sawtelle Isaac F., master mariner, house 151 Pleasant Sawyer Frederick T., teamster, house Ash, near North Sawyer Gideon T., mason, house 48 North Sawyer John A., shipsmith, 25 North Front, house Rock- dale avenue, corner Parker Sawyer John J., shipsmith J. Durfee, boards Rockdale

avenue, corner Parker Sawyer Mellville, laborer, house 201 Kempton Sawyer Orrin, laborer, house Head of tlie River SAWYER STEPHEN P., stoves and tinware, 82 Pur- chase, house 48 North Sawyer William W., shipsmith, 25 North Front, boards J.-

A. Sawyer's, Rockdale avenue, corner Parker . Saxby John, second hand Wamsutta Mills, boards 322

Purchase Saxon Elias E., carriagepainter, boards 522 Purchase


Saxon James, spinner, house 322 Purchase

Sayer Charles C., Register of Deeds, Southern District of

Bristol County, office Court House, house 57 Fourth Sayer Edward A,, copyist, house 72 Third Sayer Wni. L. reporter Daily Mercury, house 72 Third Scammon George H., laborer, house 11 Third Scarborough Henry A., hairdresser, 163 Purchase, house 7

Spruce Schneider Philip, tailor, 29 School, house do. Schofield John C, tanner, house 180 Allen Schofield Richard, weaver, house 324 Purchase Schuler Joseph, shoemaker boards, 98 Purchase Schuler George, bootmaker Hathaway & Soule, boards 98

Purchase Schuler Jacob, shoemaker, boards 98 Purchase Schultz Charles N,, teaser Mt. Washington Glass Works,

house 41 Cove Schwall George, varnisher Caleb Maxfield, h. 11 Bonney Schwall James B., drug clerk C. H. & H. A. Lawton, 91

Union, boards 11 Bonney Scott Hagar, widow, house 126 Kempton Scott Henry, jobwagon, 22 South Water, h, 29 Sherman Scott Jacob H. N. Mrs., house 189 Elm Scott James, jobber, house 18 Cedar Scott Joseph M., hairdresser, 124 Union, h. 7 Emerson SEABURY ALEXANDER H., president Mt. Washing- ton Glass Works, house 31 Eighth Seabury Catharine B. Miss, house 97 Hillman Seabury Charles P., master mariner, house 47 Fifth Seabury Edward W., house 26 Walnut Seabury Humphrey W., master mariner, house 124 County Seabury Julia A. Miss, house 50 Fifth Seabury Oliver H., botanic physician, house 117 Fifth SEABURY OTIS, president New Bedford & New York

Steamship Co., office 6 Commercial wharf, house 44

Fourth Seabury Pardon G. Mrs,, house 227 County Seal Amos, brakeman, house Merrimac Seals Harrison, porter SuUings, Kingman & Co., house

210 Middle Seals Spencer, laborer, house Sullivan, near Middle Searell Charles, rigger, Merrill's wharf" house Chestnut,

corner Campbell Searell Charles T., carpenter, house 13 Kempton Searell Wm, A., supt. Masonic Hall, h. 54 Summer Searles Mortimer, machinist, boards 98 South Third Sears Anthony F,, quartermaster revenue cutter, house 18

Sherman Sears Drusilla W., teacher Parker street Grammar school,

boards 75 Hillman


Sears Edward, painter, 93 Middle, h. Purchase, c. North

Sears Hannali 11., widow of Prince, house 28 Ehn

Sears Isaiali, liog trader, house 21 Griffin

Sears James IF., carpenter, house 172 Purchase

Sears Jolm P., house Dartmouth, near Weaver

Sears Joseph W,, framemaker, boards 17 Third

Sears Marshal G., corpenter, house 90 Grinnell

Sears Nathan, boatbuilder, house 17 Third

Sears Sarah E., teacher Bush street primary school, bds.

21 Griffin Sears Willard, house 31 Purchase Sequiera Victoi-, gilder Peirce & Bushnell, xboards 124

Middle Setchell James, sailmaker, house 9 Walnut Severance Betsey, widow, house Head of the River Shanks James, shoemaker, boards 98 Purchase Shannon Mary, widow of William, house 73 Pleasant Sharpies James, weaver, h. Hazard, near Purchase Sharpies Jane, widow of John F., house 183 State Sharpies John, weaver, h. Hathaway road, n.Mt. Pleasant Sharpies Joseph, weavei", house 4 Austin Sharpies Thomas, house 190 North Third Sharpies Thomas, jr., Wamsutta Mill, h. 190 No. Third Shaw Albert, cabinetmaker, house 72 High Shaw Charles, laborer, h. Mt. Pleasant, near reservoir SHAW FRANKLIN, carriage manufacturer, 51 Elm, h

at Fairhaven Shaw Frederick P., house 235 Purchase Shaw George, telegraph line repairer, house 111 Fifth Shaw Harriet Mrs., house 59 North Sixth Shaw James, weaver Potomska Mills, boards 40 Rivet Shaw Job Mrs., widow, house 129 North Second Shaw Job L., house 106 Pleasant Shaw John W., boards 35 Eighth Shaw Joseph, house 40 Rivet Shaw Samuel, house 82 State

Shaw Thomas W. B., slasher Potomska Mills, bds. 40 Rivet Shay Bridget Miss, house 253 South Water Shea Daniel, in candle works, house 186 South First Shea Daniel, jr., in candle works, h. 186 South First Shea Dennis, laborer, house 119 Third Shea Hannah, widow, house 139 North Third Shea Henry (Doran, Shea & Co.), stone cutter, 26 North

Second, house 186 South First Shea Jeremiah, laborer, house 5 Campbell Shea Johana L., upholsteress Caleb Maxfield, h.43 Middle Shea John, cardgrinder, boards 186 South First Shea John, boot and shoemaker, 97 So. Second, h. do. Shea John T,, laborer, house 9 Campbell


Shea John T,, jr., laborer, house 9 Campbell

Shea Margaret A., upholstrcss Caleb Maxfield, house 43

Middle Shea Mary, widow of John, house Cedar Grove Shea Michael J., junk dealer, 130 South First, bds. 126 do. Shea Patrick, laborer, house 126 South First Shea Timothy, in Water Works, h. 134 South Water Shearmon Samson, superintendent City and Fish Island

Railway, house Fish Island Sheehan Daniel, laborer, house Clark Sheehan Daniel, card stripper, hou§e 209 Pleasant Sheehan Mary, widow of Timothy, house Clark Sheehan Owen, spinner N. B. Cordage Co., h. 219 Middle Sheehan Patrick, laborer, house Turner's court Sheehan Timothy, laborer, house 8 County Sheehy Michael, fruit and confectionery, 146 Purchase,

house do. Sheldon F. P., draughtsman Wamsutta Mills, boards

Kempton, corner Purchase Shepard Caleb G., house 61 Walden Shepard Charles W., carpenter, house 168 Kempton Shepard Charles H., painter, house 28 Bedfoi-d Shepard Frank, driver Hatch & Co. express, boards rear

65 Smith Shepard Mary, widow of Isaac, house rear 65 Smith Shepherd Bryce, house 37 North Sixth Shepherd Caleb, house 91 High Shepherd David J., painter, house 22 Crapo Shepherd Eliza J. D., teacher Park street grammar

school, boards 37 North Sixth Shepherd Elizabeth, widow, house rear 90 Linden Shepherd John B., drug clerk, 91 Union, bds. 67 Third Shepherd Margaret, widow of Moses, h, 165 Elm Shepherd Nathaniel, watchmaker, 94 Union, h. 82 Maxfield Shepherd Philip H., compositor Mercury office, house 5

Fifth Shepherd Stephen H, (A. S. Anthony & Co.), publisher

Seaside Gazette, and foreman newspaper department

Standard office, house 74 North Third Sheridan House, Gustavus ^hite, jr., proprietor, 7 and 9

North Second Sherlock Mary, widow, house rear 41 Middle Sherman Abner (Sturtevant & Sherman), carpenter, 132'

North Water, house 87 Walden Sherman Abram, carriagemaker, house 93 Linden Sherman Albert G., house 13 Mill Sherman Arthur, clerk, 1 Market square, boards at South

Dartmouth Sherman Asa J., planer, house 99 Fourth


Sherman Asa R., pressman Standard office,h. 112 Purchase Sherman Avis, calker, 120 Nortli Second, h. at P'^airhaven Slierman A, K. Mrs., widow of Seth, h. 129 No. Second Sherman Benjatniti F., operative, 1). 104'^ Purchase Slierman Catharine, widow, house 31 William Sherman Charles A, S., salesman T. J. Gilford & Co., bds.

35 William Sherman Charles II., carpenter, house 180 Grinnell Sherman Charles IT., 2d, house 33 County Sherman Charles H., 3d, carpenter, house Kerapton, cor.

Jenney SHERMAN CIIAS. R., mathematical, nautical, and

optical instruments, 49 North Water, h. 35 William Sherman Chas. T., machinist (Fairhaven), bds. 3 Greene Sherman Chas. W., clerk C. H. & H. A. Lawton, boards

3 Kempton Sherman Clarence R. (R. A. Sherman & Son,) carpenter,

Leonard's wharf, house 20 County Sherman Clarinda T., widow of Bra<lford, h. 44 Sycamore Sherman Cynthia Mrs., house 14 Morgan Sherman David W., farmer, house old County road Sherman Edward T., clerk, boards 1 Arch Sherman Frank, clerk, boards 145 Middle Sherman Frederick W., compositor Mercury office, bds.

3 Kempton Sherman George C., carriagepaintcr, h. 57 Summer Sherman Gideon, carpenter, house 159}^ Mill Sherman Henry F., Govt. Light Boat, bds. 38 WiUis Sherman Isaac C, groceries and provisions, Fourth, cor.

Bedford, house 26 Bedford Sherman Isaac E., at Oil Works, house 3 Greene Sherman James H. (Parker & Sherman), tin andsheetiron

worker. Union, cor. Water, house 10 Eighth Sherman James L., clerk Sturtevant & Sherman, house

74 South Second Sherman Ja^nes O., laborer, house Old County road Sherman Jesse T., mariner, house 123 Fifth Sherman Jireh C, gas and steam fitter, 24 William, house

at Fairhaven Sherman Jireh S., teamster, h. Kempton, cor. Hunter Sherman Job B., grocer, Foster, corner North, boards 67

Kempton •Sherman Julia E. Mrs., dressmaker, 35 William, h. do. Sherman Lucy T., widow of Obed, house 67 Kempton Sherman Marcus M., provisions. North Sixth, cor. Elm,

house 145 Middle [4 Chestnut

Sherman Mary E., widow of Paul W., dressmaker, house Sherman M. Mrs., widow, boards 29 Mill Sherman N. Willis, mason, house 129 North Second


Sherman Otis T., carpenter J. M. Foster, h. at Rochester Sherman Feleg A., overseer spinningroom, Cordage Fac- tory, house 14 Morgan Sherman Philip S., clerk E. Perry, house 38 Willis Sherman Pliny B., foreman Mercury job office, 92 Union,

hoase 3 Kempton Sherman Robert A. (R. A. Sherman & Son), carpenter,

Leonard's wharf, h. 20 County, cor. South Sherman Robert A. & Son (Robert A. and Clarence R.),

carpenters, Leonard's wharf Sherman Robert R., machinist, house 170 Middle Sherman Rufus, house 5 Ricketson court Sherman Rufus, master mariner, house 264 County Sherman Silas C, ])ilot, house 163 Mill Sherman Simeon K., clerk, house 163 Mill Sherman Stephen, shipcarpenter, house 69 Prospect Sherman Theodore, carpenter, boards 29 Mill Sherman Uriel, house 79 Fifth Sherman William B. (Briggs & Sherman), civil and

hydraulic engineer, 45 Purchase, h. 87 Walden Sherman Wm. D., blacksmith, 150 South Water, house

119 Fifth SHERMAN WILLIAM H., hack, livery, and boarding

stable, 24 Fourth, house 57 School Sherman William J., treas. Union Boot and Shoe Co., h.

5 Ricketson court Sherman William R., clerk, 49 No. Water, bds. 35 William Sherman William W., house 69 Prospect [School

Sherman Zephaniah T., gilder, 72 North Water, h. 53 Sherrett Lawrence, slasher, house 343 Purchase Sherrett Lewis H., weaver, boards 343 Purchase Sherry James, boots, etc., 57 Purchase, h. 95 Grinnell Shields Chas. M,, plumber Hastings & Co., h. County,

cor. Rockland Shields Daniel, laborer, house 62 Arnold Shields Mary, widow, house 208 Middle Shields William, hairdresser, bds. 86 North Second Shiels James, laborer, hou^ Emerson, near Arnold Shirley Frederick S., agent Mt. Washington Glass Works,

house 70 Washington [House

Shiverick Henry G., painter, 25 Centre, bds. Whitcomb Shockley Joseph, house 28 Elm

Shockley Sarali D. H., widow of William, h. 40 Spring Shore Isaac, weaver, house 5 Rivet Shore Sarah, widow of Matthew, house 45 Foster Short Dennis, musician, house 4 Cannon Shove Mary, widow of David (92 years), h. 29 Walnut Shurtleif Israel H., clerk, 64 North Second, house 77

South Second


Shurtleff John K. (Chapman & ShurtlefF), saihnaker,

Union, COY. Front, house 39 Third Silva AngeHne, widow, house 127 Third Silva Antone, hiborer, liouse 66 Grinnell Silva Antone, saloon, 107 South Water, house do. Silva Antone, laborer, house 127 Orchard Silva Domingo, laborer, house 183 South Second Silva Eliza, widow of Enos, liouse 127 Third Silva Francis M., bowling saloon, 57 Rowland, h. do. Silva Francisco, mariner, house 87 South Water Silva Frank, mariner, house 225 South First Silva Frank, mariner, house 122 South First Silva Frank, shoemaker, house 124 South First Silva John, mariner, house 186 South Water Silva John, laborer, house 127 South Front Silva John A., laborer, house 278 South Water Silva John D., mariner, house Clinton, near Ash Silva Joseph D., master mariner, liouse 81 Washington Silva J. L. Mrs., house 125 Summer Silva Manuel, laborer, house 177 South Second Silva Manuel, mariner, house rear Division Silva Manuel, mariner, house 248 South Water Silva Manuel, mariner, house 121 South First Silva Manuel, mariner, house 186>2 South Water Silva Manuel A., seaman, house 31 South Silva Manuel J., boot and shoemaker, h. 189 So. Second Silva William, fireman N. B. Cordage Co., h. 24 Ash Silvester Charles H., clerk, 2 School, bds. Ill Middle Silvester David, billiardroom, North Second, corner Wil- liam, house 145 Middle Silvester Frederick B., clerk Standard office, h. 50 Rusaell Silvester John C, mariner, house 85 Elm Silvester William R. N. (Silvester & Wing), dry goods,

etc., 28 Purchase, house 95 Third Silvester & Wing fWm. K. N. Silvester and Chas. F.

Wing), dry goods and carpets, 28 Purchase Silvester, see also Sylvester Silvia John, shoemaker, north end of Acushnet avenue,

house at Belville Silvia Manuel, 90 So. Water, boards 71 Third Silvia Thomas H., mill operative, house 60 Spruce Silvina John, carpenter J. M. Foster Simmons Alexander W., tailor, 147^ Union (up stairs),

house 21 Seventh Simmons Allen S., carriagemaker Pine, h. 108 Fourth Simmons Anna, widow, h. rear 253 South Water Simmons Charles Mrs., house 205 Middle Simmons Charles C, clerk Hatch & Co.'s Express, boards

91 North Third


Simmons Chas. H., boards 270 County- Simmons Emma A. M. Miss, teacher Dartmouth street primary school, bds. 91 North Third [Allen

Simmons Geo. W., carringepainter G. L. Brownell, h. 73 Simmons James M., building mover, house 316 Purchase Simmons Jeremiah, teamster, h. 118 North Third Simmons Philip, house 91 North Third Simmons Sarah L., widow of Arphaxad, h. 70 Hillman Simmons Stephen, laborer, house 159 Elm Simon Nathan, fancy dry goods, 62 Purchase, house do. Simpson Andrew J., baggagemaster N. B. Railroad, h.

53 Hillman Simpson James, weaver Wamsutta Mills, b. No. Third Simpson Orton S., in glass works, h. Fair, n. Dartmouth Simpson Susan, widow of Edward, h. rear 208 Middle Simpson Thomas O., in glass works, h. Fair, n. Dartmouth Simister Henry, weaver, h. 18 Hazard court Sinclair James G., master mariner, h. 113 So. Second Sisson Daniel W., gunsmith, 22 So. Water, h. 22 Bedford Sisson Daniel W., jr., clerk 104 North Water, house Old County road [h. do.

Sisson Edward R., homoeopathic physician, 15 Eighth, Sisson Frank W., trav. salesman, house 186 Elm Sisson George W., mariner, house 17 Morgan's lane Sisson Gideon, carpenter, house 19 Chestnut Sisson James F., teamster, bds. Cypress avenue SISSON JAMES E., saloon 40 So. Water, house do. Sisson Job, cooper, house 17 Morgan's lane Sisson Job, jr., mariner, house 17 Morgan's lane Sisson Joseph L., fisherman, h. 22 Bedford Sisson Leonard, carpenter, bds. 19 Chestnut Sisson Lydia M., widow of Wra. H., h. Rockdale avenue,

near Kempton Sisson Mary J. Miss, tailoress, house 160 North Sisson Otis A., h. 105 North Water Sisson Sarah Mrs., house 94 Linden Sisson William, cooper, h. 17 Morgan's lane Sisson William Mrs., widow, house 70 Elm Skelding Hannah Mrs., boardinghouse, Pond, opposite

Copper Works Skelley Bridget, widow of Barnard^ h. 62 Arnold Skiff Andrew J., shipcarpenter, h. Old County road Skiff Charles, farmer, house 8 Skiff's avenue Skiff Samuel E., laborer, house 20 Oak Skiff Stephen B. (S. B. Skiff & Co.), blacksmith, Me- chanics lane, house 76 Pleasant Skiff S. B. & Co. (Stephen B. Skiff and Edward M. Dur- fee), carriagesmiths and blacksmiths, Mechanics lane Skiff Thomas, farmer, house 5 Skiff's avenue


Skiff WilHara E., mariner, boards 20 Oak

Skinner Alfred E., stove mounter, h. 164 Pleasant

Slack Robert, architect, Kicketson blk., h. at Boston

Slater James, clerk, house Hazard, near Purchase

Slocnm Calvin J., shoemaker, boards 74 Middle

Slocuni (Charity C, widow, house 59 P^ifth

Slocum Dulcinea, wid. of John B., house 89 High

Slocum Elizabeth M. Miss, house 59 Fifth

Slocum Ezra C, horse dealer, house 155 Mill

Slocum Holder, dry goods, 154 Union, bds. 98 Purchase

Slocum James D., cooper Geo. Delano, h. 94 Fourth

Slocum James N., laborer, h. 179 Allen, n. Dartmouth line

Slocum Joseph R., master mariner, boards 212 County

Slocum Lovey, widow of Wm., house 102 Fourth

Slocum Peleg, house 16 Fifth

Slocum Philip D., clerk, 55 Union

Slocum Rebecca H., widow of James T., h. 34 Seventh

Slocum Sally, widow, house head of Court

Slocum Stephen P., painter, house 129 Grinned

Slocum Wanton D., candler S. Leonard & Son, house

123 Third Slocum William L., farmer, h. 237 South Water Slocumb Humphrey A., mariner, house 23 South Second SLOSSON HENRY C, dining rooms, 14 South Third,

house do. Small David S., clerk freighthouse N. B. R. R., house 177

Pleasant Small Jesse C, blacksmith, house 154 Grinnell Small Samuel, mariner, house 7 North Smalley John, weaver, house Orange, near Washburn Smalley Orrick, inspector, weigher and gauger, Custom

House, house 89 Third Smalley Orrick jr., in M. T. D. & M. Co. shop, house 71

South Sixth Smith Abbott P., 104 Union, house 7 South Cottage Smith Albert C. (Sanderson & Smith), grocer, h. 9 Cedar Smith Alfred A., laborer, house 218J^ Middle Smith Alfred E., at glassworks, house 3 Pleasant Smith Allen E., carj)enter, boards 126 Purchase Smith Asa C, 91 Union, boards 98 Smith Smith Allen jr., stevedore, house 29 Bedford SMITH ANDREW J., horseshoer. Mechanics lane, h.

78 Mill [h. 72 Kempton

Smitli Arvin (Ryder & Smith), sparmaker, 152 N. Water, Smith Benjamin, house 90 Bedford

Smith Benjamin C. Mrs., house 79 County [chase

Smith Bradford, in N. B. Copper Works, boards 126 Pur- Smith Charles B., dentist, 74 North, house do. Smith Chas N., compositor, Standard office, house 152

North Second


Smith Charles W., coachman at B. Rodman's, Woodlawn

Smith Charlotte Mrs., house 26 Wing

Smith Clarence S., carpenter, boards 133 Grinnell

Smith Daniel B., saloon, 19 Union, house 2 Cannon

Smith David, weaver, boards 177 State

Smith David A., framepolisher, house 152 North Second

Smith Edward, in weavingroom, house 153 State

Smith Elizabeth, widow of Henry H., house 131 Smith

Smith Elizabeth, widow, house 187 Elm

Smith Elizabeth A., widow of John, house 131 Orchard

Smith Elizabeth H., widow of Alvin C, house No. Third,

near High Smith Ella G. Miss, teacher Bush street primary school,

boards S. G. Smith's, Bellville Smith P'erdinand, servant, 98 State, boards do. Smith Francis C, breaddriver, house Clark's Point road Smith Frank C , planeraaker, 14 William, boards Thomas

C Smith's, Weaver Smith Frederick, fruit and confectionery, 69 Union, bds.

84 Elm Smith George, boarding house, 160 South Water Smith George, carpenter, house 133 Grinnell Smith George, laborer, house Clark Smith George A., traveling agent, house 63 Thomas Smith George E., stonecutter, house Clark, near State Smith George F., currier Job Wade, boards 100 Fifth Smith Gorham B., clerk R. S. Lawton, bds. 126 Purchase Smith Hannah, widow of Richard, house 131 Third Smith Harry A., decorator Mt. Washington Glass Works,

house 66 South Third Smith Henry, stevedore, house 15 First Smith Henry, carriagesmith Geo. L. Brownell, house 67

South Second Smith Henry C, blacksmith, boards Sheridan House Smith Henry H., spinner Potomska Mills, b. 133 Grinnell Smith Henry W. (Smith & Allen), sparmaker, foot of

Walnut, house 84 Kempton Smith Henry W. (M. & H. W. Smith), photographer,

134 1.< Union, house 27 Seventh Smith Humprey, laborer, house 111 South Seventh Smith Irving, driver H. Wheaton, boards 72 Kempton Smith Israel, musician and leader of Brass Band, house

102 High Smith James, house 332 Purchase Smith James, mariner, house 238 Middle Smith James B., shipping clerk Morse Twist Drill Co., h.

91 Washington Smith James R., house 6 West Willis [18 Bonney

Smith James T., telegraph operator, 26 North Water, h.


Smith John, laborer, house Merrimac, near North Third

Smith John, weaver, house 9 Hazard court

Smith John, farmer at J. B. Covell's, Acuslinet avenue

Smith John II., hairdresser, li. rear 63 Smith

Smith Jolm J., hiborer, h. West Campbell, n. Emerson

Smith John W., planemaker, 14 William, house 5. West

W^iUis Smith Jonathan, house 124 Summer Smith Joseph, laborer, house 171 Grinnell Smith Joseph, weaver, house rear 317 Purchase [ant

Smitli Joseph B., overseer Wamsutta Mills, h. 116 Pleas- Smith Joseph C. (Cota & Smith), grocer, Cedar, corner

Middle, house 76 Cedar Smith Joseph H., laborer, house 98 Smith Smith Joseph W., clerk. 111 Union, house 30 Bedford Smith Josephine, widow of Thornton, house 7 Spring Smith Juliana B. Mrs., house 161 County Smith Katy, widow of Lemuel R., h. Delano n. So. Water Smith Llewellyn T. (Ashley and Smith), drygoods and

groceries, 347 Purchase Smith Lizzie Miss, teacher Grove school, house 208 North

Third Smith Lizzie, dressmaker, 2 Cannon, boards do. Smith Lydia A. Mrs., house 2 Austin court Smith Lydia M., widow of Jona., house 155 Kempton Smith Maria, widow of Mathew, house 208 Purchase Smith Mary A. Mrs., house 121 South Second Smith Mary T,, widow of Cornelius, house 17 Wing Smith Mercy B., nurse, house 34 South Smith Morris (M. & H. W. Smith), photographer, 134}^

Union, house at Fairhaven Smith M. & H. W. (Morris and Henry W.), photograph- ers, 134>o Union Smith Nancy Miss, house 95 South Sixth Smith Patrick, laborer, house 319 Purchase Smith JNIargaret Mrs., house 198 North Third Smith Paul, ropemaker, house 6 Chancery Smith Philip, laborer, house Clark Smith Ralph, weaver, house 9 Rivet Smith Richard, weaver, house 332 Purchase Smith Robert G., mariner, house 333 South Water Smith Robert G., jr., laborer, h. 333 South Water Smith Ruth L., widow of Henry, house 7 Cottage Smith Samuel D., carriagemaker, house Bellville Smith Samuel G., mariner, house Bellville Smith Samuel J., decorator Mt. Wash. Glass Works, h.

104 Fifth [Purchase

Smith Sarah D., widow of Alphonso, boardinghouse, 126 Smith Shubael Mrs., house 60 State


Smith ShubaelD., jr., clerk Central Union Association,

house 81 Third Smith Sidney, engineer, house 14 Franklin Smith Susan E., widow of Abraham, h. Head of the River Smith Sylvia R., widow of James, h. 57 Washington Smith Syria B., trader, house Old County road Smith Thomas, weaver, house 292 South Water Smith Thomas A,, blacksmith, house Dartmouth, below

Weaver Smith Thomas C, blacksmith, h. Weaver, c. Dartmouth Smith Thomas G., icedealer, house 153 Middle Smith Thomas J., saloon, 254 Purchase, house do. Smith Thomas J., hairdresser, 89 Union, h. 207 Middle Smith Washington P., laborer, house 8 Dartmouth Smith Willard N., stonecutter, h. Allen, n. Dartmouth line Smith William, laborer, boards 2 Austin court Smith William, ropemaker in Cordage Factory, house

62 Arnold Smith William, soapmaker, house 208 North Third Smith William, loomfixer in Wamsutta Mills, house 290

County Smith William A., weaver, house 1 Hazard court Smith William B., hairdresser, 124 Union, bds. 8 Dart- mouth Smith Wm. G., saloon, 4 Pearl, house do. Smith William H,, boatbuilder, foot of Cannon, house

70 Forest Smith William H., farmer, house 22 Oak Smith William H., mariner, boards 90 South Sixth Smith William H., jr., boatbuilder W. H. Smith, house

81 Forest Smith William J., painter, house 110 Maxfield Smith William T. (D. B. Folger & Co.), 116 Union, and

agent William O. Brownell, h. 79 North Smith Zeno, laborer, house 63 Mill

Smith & Allen (H. W. Smith and John S. Allen), spar- makers, foot of Walnut S my the George F., currier, boards 100 Fifth Snaillam Moses W., machinist, house 205 Pleasant Snape Thomas, weaver, house 17 Austin court Snell David A., mechanical bakery, 1 William, house Mt.

Pleasant, next the reservoir Snell Thomas, carpenter, house Rockdale av. Snow Abbie, \\ idow, house 44 Sycamore Snow Abner W., farmer, h. north end Acushnet av. Snow Abner W., jr., engraver, boards A. W. Snow's,

Acushnet av. Snow Andrew, master mariner, house 172 Middle Snow Andrew, jr., clerk in Glass Works, bds. 172 Middle


Snow Charles H., clerk, h. County, cor. Wing

Snow David S., h. County, cor. Wing

Snow Elisha F., cari^enter, house 20 Emerson

Snow Frederick P., upholsterer, h. No. Third, near cor.

North Second [ty, h. 175 Middle

Snow George, hack, livery and boardingstable, 188 Coun- Snow Helen F. Miss, house 25 Bonney Snow Hiram M., painter, 9 No. Water, h. 41 Third Snow James L., carpenter, house 107 Smith Snow James M., shipsraith. North Front, n. Middle, house

31 Chestnut Snow John, carriagewasher S. F. Perry & Son Snow J. Proctor, accountant, house 151 Middle Snow Loum Mrs., house 153 County Snow Loum, jr. (Loum Snow & Son), merchant, 29 North

Front, h. 9 South Cottage [Front

Snow Loum & Son (Loum Snow, jr.), merchants, 29 No. Snow Nancy, widow, house Head of the River Snow Rebecca T., widow of Mark, h. Head of the River Snow Robert, clerk, 29 North Front, bds. 153 County Snow Rosanna H., widow of Knowles, li. 83 Wash. Snow Sylvester, groceries and provisions, County, corner

Wing, house do, Soule Albert, clerk, house 116 South Front Soule Edwin P., mariner, h. 57 Mechanics lane Soule Isaac, bouse 59 North Sixth Soule' Rufus A. (Hathaway & Soule), boot and shoe mnfr.,

North, c. North Second, h. 18 Campbell Soule Stephen, laborer, house 116 South Front Soule Thomas H., shipwright, h. 117 Middle Soule Thomas H., 2d (Soule & Cranston), carpetuphols-

terer, 9}2 Purchase, h, 13 Lincoln Soule Thomas H., jr., house 117 Middle Soule William P., driver Steamer 2, h. 9 Bethel Soule William T., dry and fancy goods, 58 Purchase, h.

120 Pleasant Soule & Cranston (Thomas H. Soule, 2d, and Orville W,

Cranston), carpetupholsterers, 9)^ Purcliase Soule, see also Sowle

South Water Co-operative Co., 158 South Water Southwick Elizabeth P., widow of George F., house 101

Summer Southwick Henry T., blacksmith, h. 98 North Second Southwick Martha A., widow of Henry W., house 98

North Second Southwick William A., carriagesmith, h. 98 No. Second Southworth Doctor, weaver, house 31 Austin Souza Frank J., laborer, house Washburn Sowle Albert, fisherman, house 116 South Front

TNI yiliU iiiEif

No. 134 Purchase, cor. North Street, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.


HENRY H. FISHER, . Proprietor.

Cakes, Pies, and Bread, of

every description, made of the

very best stock. Crackers of all the various kinds. Fruit and Confectionery of

of tlie nicest quality. Pork and Jieans, Srotvn

Bi'ead and Puddings , every

Sunday morning. Family Dishes coolced at any

hour in the best manner. Luxuries. Fairs, Picnics, Balls.

Dinner and Evening Parties,

furnished with every kind of

Table Luxury at short notice. Ornamented Cake constantly

on hand ; and Cake Frosted for

Families ou liberal terms.




DINING^Si'R 0 0 M ,

No. 21 COURT STREET, A few doors from Washington Street, IBOSTOIifl"-

CORK ImIFE PRBSICRVBRS. XI.. :0£3]E:ox3:i3>a'o^ eb oo..



Cork Tiife Preservers, Cork Soles, Fenders for Ships, Yachts, &e. Solid

Cork Iiife Jtuoys. Cork Shnvitigs for Mattresses, Cushions, &c.

Cork Chips for Kindlings.


Oyer Blackstone Market, 13^>S'X*^>Z^.

Dealer in and Manufartitrer of



Window Frames, Door Fraiues, Well Curbs, Refrigerators, &c., &c.



Black Walnut, Pine, and Marble Shelves,

TVe also carry a large stock of


White Lead, Window Glass, Putty, Oil, Ladders, &c., Ac.




Our stock is the largest to be found this side of Boston. Any one building will find it to t their advantage to give me a call.

Manufactory, 8 and 10 Ehn Street, STORE, 8 & 10 WILLIAM, COR. BETHEL ST.,


Goods delivered free. F. A. SOWLE.


Sowle Albert W., clerk, 91 So. Third, bds. 116 So. Front Sowle Ann T., widow of Matthew M., dressmaker, house

69 Forest SoAvle Benj. F., boatbuilder, house 9 South Second Sowle Benj. F., teamster, house 156 North Second Sowle Benj., jr., carpenter, house 229 County Sowle Bradford, mariner, house 67 Prospect Sowle Edward A., painter, house 95 North Second SOWLE FRED. A., doors, sashes, blinds and wooden

ware, 8 and 10 William, cor. Bethel, h. 75 Middle Sowle Frederick L., clerk, 120 Union, bds. 75 Middle Sowle Peleg T., truckman, bds. 156 North Second Sowle William A., carpenter, 132 North Water, h. Mt.

Pleasant, near Durfee Spade Mary, widow of David, house 83 Forest Spare John, physician, house 158 Mill Spare John V., dry goods, 178 County, h. 158 Mill Spare Sarah L. Miss, teacher Parker street school, house

158 Mill Spare Susan F. M., teacher Rockdale school, boards Mrs.

Terry's, Rockdale avenue Spare S. Flora Miss, teacher Rockdale school, h. 158 Mill Sparrow Hartley A., grocer, Dartmouth, cor. Fair, h. do. Sparrow Grin L., bread cart driver, h. 164 Union SPENCER ALBERT E., hatter, 222>^ Union, house

120M do. SPENCER CHARLES L., surgeon and physician, 68

Purchase, cor. Elm (up-stairs), house 59 Pleasant Spencer George, weaver, house Purchase, north of Linden Spencer James W., carj)enter, house 46 William Spencer John, dresser Wamsutta Mills, house Austin, cor.

County Spicer Benj. F., machinist, house 21 Ash Spicer Edward, carpenter, house 101 Smith Spicer Samuel, laborer,' boards 101 Smith Spiller Henry, upholsterer, 147|- Union, boards Mansion

House Spooner Abiah C, widow of Allen, h. Old County road Spooner Abisha, house Old County road Spooner Andrew J., waiter, 51 Union, boards 8 Spring Spooner Benj. F., shipcarpenter, house 67 Mill Spooner B(!tsey, widow of Caleb, house Acushnet av. Spooner Caleb, mariner, house 4 West Willis Spooner Charles F., farmer, house Old County road Spooner Chas. H., heater in Iron Works, h. New County

road, near Durfee Spooner Charles H., jr., currier, boards New County road,

near Durfee Spooner Chas. L., clerk Sheridan House, h. 25 So. Second


Spooner Chas. S., beltraaker Wamsutta Mills, house 230

County Spooner Charles W., mariner, house rear 154 Kempton Spooner Charles W., roapmaker, liouse 15 Park Spooner Daniel, shipcari)enter, house Old County road Spooner Edward C, teamster, William, cor. Betliel Spooner Edward O., provision dealer, 117 Purchase, h.

Kem])ton, Cannonville Spooner Elizabeth P. Mrs., teacher Hill school, boards

107 Hill man . Spooner Ellen Mrs., house Hazard, near Pleasant Spooner Fred. S., frame polisher, bds. 5 So. Chancery Spooner Frederick P., watchman Gosnold Mills, h. New

County road, near Durfee Spooner Gideon B., master mariner, house 40 North Spooner Henry, teamster, house 70 South Second Spooner James, former, house Old County road Spooner James L., teamster, 125 North Water, house 31

Pleasant Spooner Jeduthan, farmer, house Old County road Spooner John A., farmer, house Old County road Spooner John A., laborer, house Old County road Spooner Joseph S., farmer, house Head of the River Spooner Joseph W., clerk Macomber Brothers, boards A.

Chase's, Second Spooner Lewis G., farmer, house Old County road Spooner Lucy, widow of Cornelius, h. 5 Chancery Spooner Lydia Miss, teacher Park street grammar school,

boards 4 West Willis Spooner Lydia H. Mrs., house 18 Seventh Spooner Mary Miss, house Old County road Spooner Mary B, Mrs., nurse, house 10}4 Cedar Spooner Micah, peddler, house Old County road Spooner Rosweli, farmer, house Old County road Spooner Samuel K., carpenter, house 164 Kempton Spooner Sarah, nurse, house 74 Middle Spooner Siloam G. Mrs., house 29 Seventh Spooner Sylvester C, tailor, 96 Purchase, h. 101 North

Third Spooler Walter F., currier Job Wade, h. New County

road, near Durfee [nonville

Spooner Walter W., cabinetmaker, house Kempton, Can- Spooner Wm. B., painter A. P. Manchester, h. Delano, n

County Spooner Wm. R., clerk Morse Twist Drill and Machine

Co., boards 67 Mill Spooner Zachery, milkman, house Head of the River Springer Andrew R., blacksmith, 149 Kempton, house 10



Springer Cornelius A., master mariner, h. 155 Grinnell Springer Cornelius H., master mariner, house Borden's

lane, Clark's point Springer Geo. W., stevedore, house 13 Emerson Springer James F,, master mariner, house 10 Cedar Springer John, farmer, house 220 Kempton Springer VVm., clerk Clark & Bartlett, h. 124 Maxfield Squinn Lydia Miss, house 41 Maxfield Stacy Frederick R., laborer, boards 34 Rowland Stacy Sidney, laborer, boards 34 Howland Stacy Stephen D., carpenter, house 34 Howland Staiford James C, sea captain, house 73 North Staftbrd Stephen, weaver, house 289 South Second Standish Davis T., molder, house 20 Third Standish John A. Mrs., widow, house 20 South Sixth Stanton Albert G. (A. G. Stanton & Co.), grocer, 187

Third, house 173 Grinnell STANTON A. G. & CO. (Albert G. Stanton and Samuel

H. Pollock), grocers and provision dealers, 137 Third Stanton Charity C., widow, house 20 Ash Stanton James, seacaptain, house 49 North Stanton John, house Cedar, cor. Durfee Stanton John E., mariner, h. Durfee, cor. Cedar Stanton Susan F., widow of David B., h. 13 West Middle Staples Charles, machinist Morse Twist Drill Works, h.

39 South Second Staples Clara S. Miss, teacher, bds. 91 Maxfield Staples Clarissa R., widow of Calvin, h. 91 Maxfield Staples Elias, shoemaker, house 77 North Third Staples James S. (Lee & Staples), blacksmith, bds. Pur- chase, cor. Linden Stapleton Bartholomew, laborer, h. 247 South Water Stapleton Michael, clerk M. Holcomb, bds 247 So. Water Stearns George T., house 20 South Sixth Stearns George W., physician, house 107 William Steil Frank, boot and shoemaker, 68 Union, house do. Steinen Augustus, Morse Twist Drill Co., h. 35 Sherman Stephenson Richard, machinist, h. 236 North Third Stephenson Thomas, machinist, house 201 Pleasant Stephenson Thomas, jr., printer, house 201 Pleasant Stephenson Thomas C., foreman W. F. Wheaton, house

201 Pleasant Stetson Charles F., engineer Thomas W. Cook & Co., h.

First, corner Bush Stetson Edward, dentist, 24 Purchase, house 18 do. Stetson George R., superintendent Morse Twist Drill and

Machine Co., house 76 Washington [haven

Stetson Henry D., boatbuilder W. H. Smith, h. at Fair- Stetson Nathaniel, cooper, house 25 Campbell 14


Stetson Silas, house Bellville road, Head of the River Stetson Thojnas M., hiwyer, 3Q}4 North Water, house 39

South Cottage Stevens Dennis, laborer, house rear 27 Allen Stevens Eihvard, mariner, boards 8 First Stevens George, laborer, house 8 First Stevens Geo. II., machinist, 90 So. Water, h. at Fairhaven Stevens Henry, laboi-er, house 76 Bedford Stevens Henry, tinsmith. Union, cor. Water, h. 7 Bonney Stevens Lorenzo D., diningrooms, 51 and 53 Union, h. do. Stevens Michael, gardener, boards 102 South Third Stevens Thomas, laborer, house 180 Pleasant Stevens William O., ropemaker, boards 19 Liberty Stevens William R., laborer, house 19 Liberty Steves Shejiherd W., carpenter, house 1 Ward Stewart Anna, widow of Henry, h. 9 Emerson Stewart William H., grocer, 194 Kempton, house do. Stewart Wm. K. Mrs., boardingliouse, Purchase, n. Clark Stickney Chas, D., physician, 148^2 Union, li.,96 ^Villiam Stimjjson Francis C, blacksmith, house 94 County Stimpson Nancy H., widow of George, h. 94 County Stirrett John, ropemaker, house 33 Cedar St. James Joseph, oiler, h. 5 Brick block, Orange St. James Narsisse, watchman, h. 50 Brick block, Orange St. Joseph's Hospital, Campbell, cor. Pleasant St. Lawrence Brass Band, 21 Hamilton Stockford James, laborer, house 33 Austin Stoddard Justin J., cooper R. Randall, h. 151 Grinnell Stoddard Mary T., widow of Allen, house 74 County Stoddard Sarah E. Miss, teacher Fifth street grammar

school, boards 74 County Stone Elizabeth H., widow of Joshua, h. 41 So. Cottage Stone Henry B., bookkeeper N. B. Iron Foundry, boards

41 South Cottage Stone Moses S., calker, 120 North Second, h. at P'airhaven Stone Natlianiel H., house 41 South Cottage Stowe Sarah E. Miss, teacher Kempton street school, bds.

163 County [Kempton

Stowell Alexander T., shoelaster, h. Rockdale av., corner Stowell Benjamin, calker, 120 No. Second, h. at Fairhaven Stowell Charles H., butcher, house 5 Ash Stowell Hephzibah, widow of Daniel, house Dartmouth,

near Dartmouth line Stowell Mary T., widow of George W., house 31 High Stowell Nancy R., widow of Columbus, house Kempton,

near Jenny Lind Stowell Richard P., farmer, house Kempton, n. Watson Strain John, laborer, house Wall Stranburg Caroline B., widow of Francis E., h. 88 County


Stratton Stephen J., nightwatchman Wamsutta Mills, h

149 State Stratton Charles S., machinist, boards 149 State Stratton Julian Mrs., house 104 Maxfield Stringer Geoige, coachman, h. Hawthorne, n. Page Sti'inger John, mulespinner, house Hnzard, near State Strother William, carpenter, house 247 Middle Stubbs Charles M., janitor Custom House, h. 69 Hillman Studley Alfred, Twist Drill Works, h. 72 Kempton Sturtevant Levi H. (Sturtevant & Sherman), carpenter,

132 North Water, house 36 North Sturtevant William B., mariner, boards 95 South Second Sturtevant William F., painter E. J. Kempton Sturtevant Zachariah, house 95 South Second STURTEVANT & SHERMAN (Levi H. Sturtevant

and Abner Sherman), carpenters, 132 No. Water SufFern William J., weaver, house rear 326 Purchase Sullavou Emanuel, lawyer, over First National Bank, Un- ion, house 194 Kempton Sullavou Francis N., boards 194 Kempton Sullings David W., boards 168 County Sullings John V/. (Sullings, Kingman & Co.), hardware

and cutlery, 123 Union, h. 168 County SULLINGS, KINGMAN & CO. (John W. Sullings, Geo. F. Kingman, and Charles B. Hillman), hardware, stoves, house furnishing goods, and agricultural im- plements, 123 Union Sullivan Abbie B. Miss, teacher Parker street school, h.

10 County Sullivan Catharine, widow, of Jolin, h. Merrimac Sullivan Catharine, widow, house Seneca Sullivan Cornelius, laborer, house 318 Purchase Sullivan Daniel, laborer, liouse 118 North Third Sullivan Daniel, jeweler, house 10 County Sullivan Daniel, laborer, house Harrison, near Hickory Sullivan Daniel, laborer, house Penniman Sullivan Daniel, laborer, house 51 Middle Sullivan Daniel, mason, h. North Second, cor. High Sullivan Daniel P., city works, house Wall Sullivan Dennis, laborer, house 5 Merrimac Sullivan Dennis, laborer, house 10 County Sullivan Dennis, laborer, house 96 South Second Sullivan Dennis, laborer, house 149 North Third Sullivan Dennis J., laborer, house rear 39 Smith Sullivan Ellen, widow of Patrick, house 195 State Sullivan Eugene, laborer, h. Merrimac, near North Third Sullivan Eugene, laborer, house Wall Sullivan Honora, widow of Stephen, house 184 Pleasant Sullivan James, laborer, boards 133 North Third


Sullivan Jeremiah, spinner, house 194 State Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, boards 51 Middle Sullivan Jeremiah, currier Job Wade, boards 4 Wall Sullivan Jeremiah, gardener at J. II. Cliiford's, 87 South

Orchard, house Ash, cor. Clinton Sullivan Jeremiah, laborer, house Turner's court Sullivan Joanna, widow of James, house 7 Willis Sullivan John, laborer, house 51 Middle Sullivan John, laborer, house Clark, near Purchase Sullivan John, laborer, house Brick block. Orange Sullivan Joim, laborer, house Penniman, near Purchase Sullivan John, laborer, house 139 North Third Sullivan John, laborer, house Merrimac Sullivan John C, laborer, house 12 Wing Sullivan Margaret, widow of Patrick, house Clark Sullivan Mary, widow, house 100 Allen Sullivan Mary, widow of Jeremiah, house 194 Slate Sullivan Mary, widow of Timothy, h. 184 State Sullivan Michael E., second hand Wamsutta Mills, boards

D. Sullivan's, Penniman Sullivan Michael, laborer, house 151 North Third Sullivan Michael laborer, house Clark Sullivan Patrick, blacksmith, h. 133 North Third Sullivan Patrick, laborer, h. north end of Purchase Sullivan Patrick, laborer, house rear 65 Smith Sullivan Patrick, railroad employee, h. 232 No. Third Sullivan Patrick F., coffin trimmer, house 195 State Sullivan Patrick F., in Wamsutta Mills, h. Washburn Sullivan Patrick II., painter, bds. D. Sullivan's, Penniman Sullivan Patrick H., laborer, house 4>^ Austin Sullivan Sarah, wi<low of Daniel, house 218 Middle Sullivan Thomas Mrs, house 7 Morgan Sullivan Thomas H., grocer 57 Middle, bds. 55 do. Sullivan Timoth}'^, cardgriiider, house 153 State Sullivan Timothy, laborer, boards 51 Middle Sullivan Timothy, laborer, house Washburn Sullivan Timothy, laborer, house 128 South Front Sullivan Timothy, works in Wamsutta Mills, house Brick

block. Orange Sumner A. M. Miss, millinery, 21 Purchase, h. atFoxboro' Supadus Benjamin, farmer, house 98 South Water Sutherland Waldo A., salesman, 131 Union, h. 38 Kemptou Sutton Benjamin, laborer, house 71 Prospect Sutton Benj. O., hostler W. H. Coffin Sutton Harrison, laborer, h. Spring, near Seventh Swain Ann, widow of Frank J)., h. Ash, near Arnold Swain Esias II., currier, house 180 Allen Swain Henry 11., clerk, 119 North Water, boards Ann

Swain's, Ash


Swain Oliver, house 70 Fouvtli

Swain Sarah Mrs., boardinghouse 35 Eighth

Swan Edith A., widow of Alfred, house 19 Spruce

Swan Walter D., pump and blocktnaker, 20 South Front,

house 43 South Second Swanton William, gardener, house 83 Hillman Swasey Charles J., laborer, house 2 Spruce Swasey Charles L., port physician, 93>^ Middle, boards

Parker House Swasey Matthew J., laborer, house 95 South Water Swazey Alexander, painter, house 117 North Third Swazer Manuel J., laborer, house r. 300 So. Water Sweeney Daniel, laborer, house foot of Prospect Sweeney Daniel, laborer, liouse South Front, n. South Sweeney Joanna, widow of Dennis, h. 8 Hazard Sweeney John, grocer, 112 South W^ater, house do. Sweeney Miles, liouse South Front, n. Potomska Mills Sweet Albert, overseer weaving room Wamsutta Mills, h.

158 Pleasant Sweet Daniel A., house 26 Seventh Sweet Elizabeth P., widow of Jonathan, h. 73 Summer Sweet George, lather, h. 198 North Third Sweet Job (Job Sweet & Son), bone setter, 119 Kemp- ton, house 121 do. [119 Kempton Sweet Job & Son (Job and John H. Sweet), bone setters, Sweet John H. (Job Sweet & Sou), 119 Kempton, boards

121 do. Sweet Julien A., rollcoverer, boards 158 Pleasant Sweet Leon E., clerk, boards 158 Pleasant Sweet Ruthven E., boards 158 Pleasant Sweet Thomas, lather, boards 198 North Third Swift Anderson H., carriagemaker G. L. Brownell, house

Foui'th, corner South Swift Andrew M., house 17 Willis

Swift Ann, widow of Bartholomew, h. rear 316 Purchase Swift Arthur D., lettercarrier, boards 150 Pleasant Swift Augustus, foreman in foundry, Fairhaven, house 75

North Swift Bros. (William C. N. and Rhodolphus N. Swift),

merchants, North, near North Second Swift Edward B., house 242 Purchase Swift Eliza W. Mrs., dressmaker, house 109 High Swift Ezra J., confectionery peddler, house 241 Purchase Swift Francis H., grocer, Spring, cor. Third, h. 31 Third Swift Frank E., house 17 Willis

Swift Franklin K. Mrs., widow, house 12 South Sixth Swift Frederick, clerk, North, near North Second, house

Orchard, cor. Bedford Swift George B., clerk M. C. Swift, house 100)^ Pleasant


Swift George D., blacksmith, Kempton, near Ash, house

South Sixth, corner County Swift Henry VV., ])!unter, 9 North Water, house 54 North Swift Jireh (Swift & Allen), niercliant, Taber's wharf, h.

Bush, between County and Orchard Swift John F., bookkeeper Swift & Allen, h. 207 Purchase Swift John P., boards 150 Pleasant [90 Pleasant

Swift Leander H., cutter Taber, Read & Gardner, house Swift Mary H., widow of Charles D., house 150 Pleasant Swift Moses C, merchant tailor, clothing and gents' fur-

nisliing goods, 1'28}< Union, house 35 Spring- Swift Nathaniel H., boards John E. Little's, Head of the

River Swift Obed N., clerk, 17 North Water, house 56 Fifth Swift Orville V., box manufacturer, h. 7 Chancery Swift Philander R., cai'penter, house 43 Chestnut Swift Philip P., turner, 17 North Front, bds. 60 Thomas Swift Reuben E., clerk 26 and 28 Union, bds. 56 Fifth Swift Rhodolphus N. (Swift Bros.), merchant, North, near

North Second, house at Acushnet [Fifth

Swift Rhodolphus W., clerk, 26 and 28 Union, boards 56 Swift Robert, house 238 County Swift Thomas VV., block and pumpraaker, 17 North Front,

house 60 Thomas Swift William C. N. (Swift Bros.), merchant. North, near

North Second, house Orchard, corner Bedford Swift William E., pump and block maker, 17 No. Front,

boards 60 Thomas Swift William J., clerk, 73 Purchase, boards 150 Pleasant SWIFT & ALLEN (Jireh Swift and Frederick S. Al- len), merchants, Taber's block, Taber's wharf Swords Bridget, widow, house 5 High Swords John, carpenter, house 53 Middle Sykes William H., weaver Wamsutta Mills, h. 33 Austin Sylvester John C, mariner, house 85 Elm Sylvester Winslow C, merchant tailor, 17 North Second,

house at Fairhaven Sylvestei-, see also Silvester

Sylvia Ann C, widow of Frank, house 120^2 Union Sylvia Ann M., widow, house 173 South Water Sylvia Antone L., clothing, 159 So. Water, house 123 do. Sylvia George, farmer, house 19 Howland Sylvia John, laborer, house 184;^ South Second Sylvia John, laborer, house Grinnell Sylvia John, laborer, house 136 South Water Sylvia John, N. B. Flour Mill, house 177 South Water Sylvia John P., mariner, house 23 Howland Sylvia John P., mariner, house 71 Allen Sylvia Mary, widow, house 19 Howland


Sylvia Mary A,, widow, house 75 Grinnell [Allen

Sylvia Mary F. Miss, teacher, Head of the River, house 71 Sylvia, see also Silva

TABELE AUGUSTUS, house 57 Walnut Taber Abby, widow of Jonathan, house Mill, near Kerap- ton, Cannonville [ville

Taber Abram F., mariner, bds. Mill, n. Summit, Cannou- Taber Albert M., carpenter, house 65 Cypress Taber Caroline L., Avidow of Thomas, house 84 Bedford Taber Charles (Charles Taber & Co.), 6 North Water, h.

9 Eighth Taber Charles & Co. (Charles Taber), pictures and pic- ture frames, passepartouts, etc., 6 North Water Taber Charles G., N. B. Twist Drill, bds. 23 Sycamore Taber Charles H., mason, house 157 Middle Taber Charles H., laborer, house rear 69 Linden Taber Charles H., master mariner, house 172^ Purchase Taber Charles M., clerk Charles Taber & Co., boards 9 Eighth [122 Pleasant

Taber Christopher C, baggagemaster N. B. Railroad, h. Taber Cornelius G., marine diver, h. 80 Prospect Taber Cynthia, widow of John M., house 96 Elm Taber Cyrus, bookkeeper, 24 William, house 19 Third Taber Daniel O., machinist, house 62 Summer Taber David, house Head of Maxtield Taber David H., laborer, house 114 South Sixth Taber Edward C. (E. C. Taber & Co.), grocer, Acushnet

avenue. Head of the River, house at Acushnet Taber Edward S., ti'easurer Morse Twist Drill and Ma- chine Co., house 1-3 South Cottage Taber Edward T. (Taber, Read & Gardner), 117 Union,

house 5 Morgan Taber Elizabeth, widow of Stephen, h. 146 County Taber Elizabeth M., widow of Samuel H., h. 11 Emerson Taber E. Kempton,|clerk Taber, Gordon & Co., boards

189 County Taber Frederick, clerk, 6 North Water, bds. 9 Eighth Taber Freeman, carpenter, house 1 Tarklin Hill road Taber Gamaliel, coffin maker, 48 No. Second, h. 7 North Taber George, master mariner, house 258 So. Water Taber George B., house 19 Rockdale avenue Taber George L., second hand Wamsutta Mills, h. Cedar,

near Parker Taber George R., machinist N, B. Copper Works, house

6 Emerson Taber Gibbs, mason, house 74 Mill Taber Gideon L., cooper, house 82 Waldenj


Taber, Gordon & Co. (William G. Taber and William

Gordon, jr.), commission merchants, Central wharf,

corner P"'i-ont Taber Harry W., carrinGi:etrimmer G. L. Brovvnell, boards

Court, corner Orchard [Orchard

Tabor Henry, merchant, office Central wharf, house 9 So. Taber Henry, 2d, inspector of petrolium oil, office base- ment City Hall building, house 93 Hillman Taber Henry C., clerk E. B. Whiting, boards 36 Elm Taber Henry G., carpenter, house 14 Mill Taber Henry P., seacapttiin, house 53 Hill Taber Jncob, master mariner, house 166 County Taber James H., machinist, house 106 Cedar Taber James H., tinman, 45 North Water, bds. 25 South

Second Taber John B., sailmaker, house 92 Washington Taber John C, machinist, boards 157 Middle Taber John D., trader, house 21 Chancery Taber John G., saloon, 179 Kerapton, house Jenney, near

Kempton Taber John H., rigger, house 24 North Taber Joseph, block and pump maker, 13 North Front, h.

81 Fourth Taber Joseph A., compositor Standard office, bds. 62 So.

Second Taber Joseph R., jr., painter, 31 Union, boards 78 Mill Taber Lemuel W., porter Peirce & Bushnell, h. 76 Middle Taber Lemuel, driller, house 7 Campbell Taber Leonard S., carriagemaker,G. L. Brownell, house

at Fairhaven Taber Lyman G., painter, 85 Middle, house 72 State Taber IMarcus W., house Ashland, near Linden Taber Mary Mrs., tailoress, boards 86 South Third Taber Moses H., sailmaker C. Hitch & Son., h. Chancery,

near Court Taber Noel W., stevedore, h. Kempton, coi'ner Jenney Taber N. S., sailmaker, 120 North Second, h. 66 Centre,

Fairhaven Taber Oliver R., grocery peddler, house 15 Chancery Taber Philip, mason, boards 75 North Taber, Read & Gardner (Edward T. Taber, Jos. R. Read,

and Darius P. Gardener), clothing, hats, caps, etc.,

117 L^nion, corner North Third Taber Rebecca, widow of George, house 73 Cedar Taber Reuben, clerk, 35 Union, bds. 95 Hillman Taber Richard S., house 84 Bedford Taber Richmond, carpenter, house 57 North Taber Robert (Pierce & Taber), pictures and picture

frames, 144 Union, house 9 South Orchard


Taber Robert A., mason, house 70 Elm

Taber Robert B., clerk N. B. Gas Light Co., h. 165 Union

Taber Robert W., clerk, 107 Union, h. 84 So. Second

Taber Sarah W., widow of Stephen W.,h. Ill Fifth

Taber Silas, cooper, house 64 Pleasant

Taber Silas S., clerk in post office, bds. 64 Pleasant

Taber Sylvia, widow of Jethro, h. 142 Purchase

Taber Vinna Miss, music teacher, house 93 Hilhnan

TABER WILLIAM C, president N. B. Institution for

Savings, and N. B. Gas Co., house 50 Fourth Taber Wm. C, jr., pictures and passepartouts, 6 North

Water, boards 26 Seventh Taber AVm. II., teamster, house Kempton, near Jenny Taber Win. G. (Taber, Gordon & Co.), commission mer- chant, Central wharf, corner Front, h. 189 County Taber Wm. H., clerk, 56 Purchase, house 44 High Taber Wm. R., salesman, 153 Union, boards North Third Tabor Moses H., stonecutter, house 170 Kempton Tabor William H., provisions, house 10 Cedar Tackney Philip, Gosnold Mills, h. 210 North Third Taft Daniel F., house 64 State Taft Thomas J,, bootmaker Hathaway & Soule, house

New County road Talbot William, weaver, house Blake's lane, n. Linden Taliaferro John, hairdresser, 231 Middle, house Sullivan,

corner Middle Taliaferro Lawrence A., baker, bds. Sullivan, cor. 'Middle Tallier Joseph, carder, house 21 Brick block Tallier O. Mrs., house 40 Brick block Tallman Catherine G. Miss, house 33 Fifth Tallman Chas. S., variety store, 172 County, house do. Tallman Edwin S., laborer, house rear 316 Purchase Tallman James H., teller National Bank of Commerce, 35

North Water, boards 128 Middle Tallman Mary B., house 33 Fifth

Tallman William, airgun gallery, 72 William, h. 114 High Tallman William jr., city assessor, office 4 Library build- ing, house 57 State TALLMAN WILLIAM K, stable, 60 and 62 Elm, bds.

Parker House Tappan Francis W., special justice and real estate, 25

North Water, house at Fairhaven Tarnan Jull, cardstrippei-, house 187 State Taryar Narcisse, in picker room, house 17 Hazard court Tate Robert, N. B. Copper Works, house 5 Senica Tatler William, weaver, boards 5 Hazard Taylor Ann, widow of John H., house 12 Park Taylor Ashworth, weaver, boards 5 Hazard Taylor Atwell C, house 29 Chancery


Taylor Bartlott A., clerk boards 160 Grinnell

Taylor Benjamin F., tailor, 149 Union, house 162 County

Taylor Edward, weaver, house 15 Austin

Taylor George, cooper, house 160 Grinnell

Taylor George A., watchman, house 19 Sherman

Taylor George H., coaster, boards 224 South Water

Taylor Gorham, rigger, house 31 High

Taylor Henry J,, china, crockery, glassware and jsaper

hangings, 41 Purchase, house 116 Middle Taylor Henry W., clerk H. J. Taylor, boards 116 Middle Taylor James, deputy collector of customs, Custom House

building, house 3 North Cottage Taylor James jr., section hand in weave room Wamsutta

Mills, house rear 78 Linden Taylor James H., mariner, boards 156 North Second Taylor James P., clerk, 99 Third, boards 63 Dartmouth Taylor John, blacksmith, house 12 Park Tavlor John Alexander, blacksmith, boards 12 Park TAYLOR JOHN" P., druggist, 99 Third, h. 63 Dartmouth Tavlor John W., machinist Morse Tvvist Drill Co., house

92 Bedford Taylor IMargaret, widow, house County, corner Bedford Taylor Mary, widow of Rowland, house 31 High Taylor Mary A. Miss, house 6 Market square Taylor Nathan, laborer, house 156 North Second Taylor Richard F., hairdresser, house 47 Smith Taylor Samuel, laborer, house 224 South Water Taylor Theodore, laborer, house 117 Smith Taylor Thomas, weaver, house 186 State Taylor Thomas J., carpenter, house 30 Elui Taylor Virginia, house 55 Sherman Taylor William, laborer, house 220 South Water Taylor Wm. A., machinist, house 63 Kempton Taylor William H., medical student, house 3 Cottage Taylor Wm. H., pres. Ocean Mutual Ins. Co., 40 North

Water, house Washington, corner Dartmouth Taylor Wm. T., clerk H. J. Taylor, boards 116 Middle Teachman Abram L., farmer, house Bellville Teaifo John F., plumber, N. B. Water Works, boards N.

W. corner School and South Water Teamer Grace, widow, house 159 Kempton Temple Lewis, hairdresser, 72 Union, house 166 Kempton Temple Mary, Avidow of Lewis, house 3 Walnut Temus John, mariner, house 178 South Water Terry Alice, widow of Benj., house 22 Rockdale avenue Ten-y Betsey, widow of Eben, house 88 Smith Terry Chas. A. V., clerk, house 21 Rockdale avenue Terry Elias, assistant supt. of streets, house Hathaway

road, corner Rockdale avenue


Terry Francis C, blacksmith, head of the River, house do. Terry Killey E. (Western Lumber Co.), lumber, office 16

Fourth, house Clark's Point Terry Job M., grocer, County, opp. Smith, house do. Terry Lemuel T., bookkeeper Mechanics National Bank,

house 105 Maxfield Terry Thomas P., house Mill, head of the River Terwilegar Anna Mrs., house Robeson, near Ashland Tetlow John jr., principal Friends Academy, house 7

North Cottage Tew Joseph C, cooper, house Plainville road Thacher Albert D., paper stock dealei". North Front, cor.

Centre, house 32 Maxfield Thacher Henry E., at Tabers, house Cedar, near Locust Thacher Isaac W., tinplate worker, 158 Purchase, house

at Fairhaven Thatcher Thomas N., tinman Sullings, Kingman & Co.,

house at Fairhaven Thatcher Geo. L., paperhanger, house Emerson, corner

West Willis Thatcher William R., shoemaker, h. Parker, corner Cedar Thayer Charles H., boot and shoemaker, 593^ South Sec- ond, house 51 First Thayer Edwin S. (Thayer & Judd), paraffine candles,

house 3 Lincoln THAYER & JUDD (Edwin S. Thayer and Lewis S.

Judd), mnfrs. paraffine wax and patent paraffine can- dles, Rotch's wharf THAYER & JUDD PARAFFINE COMPANY, office

Rotch's square Thing William H. (Hatch & Co.), express, 5 Ricketsoa

block, h. 2 Tremont Thomas Antone, laborer, house 16 Griffin Thomas Antone, seamen's clothing and boardinghouse,

111 South Water Thomas Antone jr., at Peirce & Bushnell's, bds. Ill So.

Water Thomas Araminta D., widow of James, h. 114 High Thomas Caleb A., laborer, house 100 Fifth Thomas Charles, laborer, house 8 Cedar Thomas Edward, whitewasher, h. Ash, cor. Sycamore Thomas Edward J., blacksmith N. B. R. R., house Mt.

Pleasant, north of Reservoir Thomas Geo. F., painter Peirce & Bushnell, h. 54 North Thomas Hannah, widow of Charles, h. 176 Kempton Thomas Henry F., pres. New Bedford Copper Co., office

Rodman, c. No. Front, h. 270 County Thomas Isaac S., carpenter, house 99 Cedar Thomas Isaac W., carpenter, house 99 Cedar


Thomas I. Loring, mokler Joseph Grinnell's foundry, h.

9G Fouith Thomas James, laborer, house 161 Elm Thomas Jane F., widow of Francis, h. 136 Orchard Thomas John A., inspector Custom House (Boston), h.

84 Kempton Thomas Joseph, fruit, etc., 154 Purchase, h. do. Thomas Joseph, fisherman, house 133 South Front Thomas Mary Jane Miss, dressmaker, h. 8 Emerson Thomas Mary J. Mrs., dressmaker, house 54 School Thomas William J., mariner, house 208 Middle Thomas William W., master mariner, h. 84 Kempton Thompson Adelaide Miss, dressmaker, h. 114 So. Seventh Thompson Almira, widow of Edwin, h. 116 So. Front Thompson Catherine, widow of William, h. 75 Smith Thompson Catherine, widow of Charles H., house r. 316

Purchase Thompson Catherine L., widow, h. 14 Mill Thompson Charles, painter E. J. Kempton, house rear

146 Middle Thompson David, spinner, house 292 County Thom])Son Edwin A., works Homer's oil manufactory,

h. 97 So. Second Thompson Elizabeth G., widow of Mitchell, house rear

317 Purchase Thompson Frank P., decorator N. E. Glass Works (E.

Cambridge), h. 7 Allen Thompson Geo. W., mariner, house 63 Cedar Thompson Plenry, waiter Parker House, boards do. Thompson James, watchman New Bedford Cordage Co.,

house 13 Spruce [192 Union

Thompson James D., merchant, office 88 Union, house Thompson James O., clerk, 134 Purchase, h. 65 Walden Thompson James W., fireman N. B. R. R., house 283

Purchase Thompson Jane C, widow of Ezra, teacher, Clark's Point,

h. 116 Fourth Thompson John A., carriagetrimmer George L. Brownell,

house Plainville [75 Arnold

Thompson John R., laborer N. B, Cordage Factory, h Thom])son Joseph, mariner, house 10 Emerson Thompson Joseph, watchman Parker House, bds. do. Thompson Margaret, house 23 Seventh Thompson Orlando J., at City Planing Mill, h. 26 Bush Thompson Samuel, teamster, house 169 Mill Thompson Thomas J., foreman N. E. Marble Works, bds.

rear 317 Purchase Thompson William, shipcarpenter, house 46 Wing Thomson John H., clerk E. P. Haskell, h. 10 South Sixth


Tliornton Elisha, jr., house 32 South Cottage Thornton John H., flagman N. B. R. R. Co., boards 29 Union [18 Seventh

Thornton John R., merchant, 6 Commercial whf., house Thornton Sarah, widow, house 29 Union Thornton Walter S., boards 18 Seventh Thoroughgood Ellen, widow, house 126 Kempton Thorp Thomas, paperstainer, house 151 North Second Thorpe James, teamster, h New County, road, n. Parker Thorup Mary W., widow of Andreas T., h. 29 Franklin Thorup William M., bookkeeper Peirce & Bushnell, bds.

29 B'ranklin TifFanv James, shoddyworker, house 82 Arnold Tilden Andrew (Tiklen & Co.), confectionery and ice

cream, 60 Purchase, h. 187 Middle Tilden Horace (Tilden & Co.), confectionery and ice

cream, 60 Purchase, h. 64 Mechanics lane Tilden John L., clerk J. M. Terry's, house 88 Smith TILDEN NILES, cigar manufacture!', 28 North Second,

h. 64 Mechanics lane TILDEN & CO. (Horace and Andrew Tilden), confec- tionery, ice cream, toys, &c., 60 Purchase Tilghman Charles, hostler S. F. Perry & Son, house 109

William 'Tilghman Hiram I., hostler Wm. Sherman, h. 109 William Tilghman John W., hairdresser, bds. 224 Middle Tilghman Samuel I., mariner, house 97 South Water Tilghman Thomas, mariner, house 224 Middle Tilghman Walter S., mariner, bds. 97 South Water Tilison Noah T., laborer, house 55 Sherman Tillinghast Albert G., house 68 Fifth Tillinghast Charles E., house 68 Fifth TiRinghast Christopher W., bds. 68 Fifth Tillinohast Edward T., salesman 108 and 112 Union, bds.

97 Fifth Tillinghast Hutchinson C, house 112 Fifth Tillinghast John T., clerk, 44 North Water, h. 49 Allen TILLINGHAST JOSEPH, 44 North Water, h. Wil- liams block, 2 Pleasant, near Union TILLINGHAST JOSEPH S., agent for fire insurance companies, 44 North Water, h. Anthony, c. Bedford Tillinghast Lillebridge B., carpet weaver, 204 Purchase,

boards do. Tillinghast Theodore, house 156 County Tillinghast William A., house 156 County, cor. Elm Tillman John, hairdresser, boards 224 Middle Tilison Henry H. (E. S. Cannon & Co.), hats, caps, and

furs, 43 Purchase, house 110 Washington Tilton Edwin M., gardener, house 236 Purchase


Tilton Francis W. carpenter, liouse 119 Smith Tilton Susan E., widow of Bcnj. W., house 41 Fourth Timmins John, coacliman, house rear 28 Pearl Timperley George, spinner Potomska Mill, house 260 So.

Second Tinkham Allan W., carpenter, boards 66 North Tinkham Elisha B., boot and shoe manufacturer, Mechan- ics lane, boards 67 Fourth Tinkham, Geoige, boards 67 Fourth Tinkham George B., in shoe factory, house 67 Fourth Tinkham George W., shoemaker, h. Mt. Pleasant, near

Reservoir Tinkham John, hostler S. F. Perry & Son Tirrell Joseph G., photographer, 6 North Water, house

rear 105 Allen Tirrieu Hiliare, house 206 Pleasant Titus George L., officer House Correction, h. 44 Arnold Tobey Charles R., tinplate and sheet iron worker, house

2 Foster Tobey E. M. Mrs., house 166 Union, cor. Sixth Tobey Franklin (Tobey & Coggeshall), stoves and tin

ware, 18 William, house 124 Middle Tobey Franklin, jr., gas fitter New Bedford Gas Light

Co., boards 124 Middle Tobey George, master mariner, house 36 Fourth Tobey George B., traveling agent, house 9 No. Cottage Tobey Henry A., house 73 Summer Tobey John B., carpenter, boards 124 Middle Tobey Joseph T., watchmaker, 23 Purchase, h. 81 Thomas Tobey Maria P., widow of Charles, house 2 Foster TOBEY ROBERT G., treasurer Mt. Washington Glass

Works, boards 165 Union Tobey Sarali E., widow of Lemuel T., h. 67 Maxfield Tobey Stephen, painter, Purchase, foot of Linden, house

New County road, north of Durfee's corner Tobey Warren P., compositor Standard office, house 3

Locust Tobey & Coggeshall (Franklin Tobey and Charles W.

Coggeshall), stoves and tinware, and plumbers, 18

William Tobin William A., musician, house 184 Pleasant Todd Henry H., stationery and periodicals, 212 Purchase,

house 5 Maple Todd James A., brassfinisher Gifford & Allen, bds. 8 Bethel Todd JMary Miss, dressmaker, 332 Purchase Tompkins Eliza, widow of Andrew, house 69 Hillman Tompkins Isaac B., officer House of Correction, house 24

Cypress [Foster

Tompkins Isaac B., jr., bookkeeper, [60 Union, house 57


Tompkins Susan M., teacher Arnold street school, boards

29 Seventh Tompkins Tillinghast P., house 76 Mill Toole James A., laborer, house 26 P^irst Toomey John, laborer, house rear 316 Purchase Topham Abbie I., widow of William, house Mt. Pleasant,

Luchu [Pleasant

Topham George W., moulder GifFord & Allen, house 69 Topham James C., clerk 20 Griffin, house 7 Cedar, c. JMill TOPHAM ROBERT C, lumber dealer, 2 Griffin, house

89 South Second Topham William B., bookkeeper, house 89 South Second Topliff Henry, machinist, house Plainville Torrey Theodore A., clerk J. W. Braley, bds. 225 County Totten Benjamin J., commodore (U. S. N.), boards 35

Eighth Tower John, house 30 Cedar Townsend George E., boilermaker Union Boiler Co., h

70 South Second Townsend George E., house rear 322 Purchase Townsend Henry, shoemaker, house Cedar, near Parker Townsend Lewis H., mariner, house 75 North Second Townsend Robert H. Mrs., house 205 Middle Townsend Stephen, stevedore, house 2 Maxfield Tozier Seth P., carpenter, house 73 Mill Tracey Daniel B., mariner, boards 120 Middle Trafton John, laborer, house 64 South Second [Point Tripp Abner S., candlemaker, house Middle road, Clark's Tripp Abram W., icecart driver, house 13 West Middle Tripp Adoniram D., machinist Cordage Factory, house

110 Cedar Tripp Albert C, shoemaker, boards E. P. Tripp's, Orange Tripp Alden W., painter G. L. Brownell, h. 86 Grinnell Tripp Alexander R., laborer, house County, opp. Rivet Tripp Alexina, widow of Charles W., h. 82 South Second Tripp Allen S., boatman. Front, corner Shepherd's lane,

house 47 Bedford Tripp Almanza, stonecutter, house 2 Potter Tripp Almadus G. W., molder, house 5 County Tripp Alonzo B., carriagemaker, h. Kempton, cor. Lindsey Tripp Alvin B., teamster, house 168 Kempton Tripp Ambrose H., molder Jos. Grinnell's foundry, house

117 Fifth Tripp Andrew W., shoemaker, boards Durfee, cor. Vine Tripp Arthur M„ frame polisher, house 94 South Second Tripp Augustus C, clerk, Ashland, corner Linden, house

Vine, near Durfee Tripp Barjona D., carriagemaker George L, Brownell, house 94 Fourth


Tripp TJarjona ]^., farmer, boarrls 84 Linden

Tripp In'MJamin, carpenter, house 80 Fifth

Trijip Benjamin C, carpenter, house 6 Rockdale avenue

Triji]) JJenjamin E., carpenter, liouse 93 Smitli

Tripp IJeiijamin F., teamster, liouse 54 Cedar

Tripp IJenjamin F., blacksmith, house rear 102 State

Trip] I Charles A., mariner, boards 77 Cedar

Tripp Charles E. (Tripp & Hathaway), boot and shoe

ranfr.. Pleasant, corner Mechanics lane, house Ash- land, near Linden Tripp Charles F., carder Potomska mills, h. 233 So. Water Tripp Charles F., stoneworker, house Ashland, n. Linden Trip]) Cliarles F,, woodworker G. L. Brownell, house 205

Purchase [Arnold

Tripp Charles H., machinist Cordage Factory, house 111 Trijjp Charles II., blacksmith, 202 Purchase, house 181

Pleasant Trijij) Charles H., farmer B. Rodman, boards Acushnet

avenue, near Purchase Tripp Charles M., salesman E. Haskell, 42 Purchase, bds.

149 Middle Tripp Charles R., brakeman, boards 181 Pleasant Trijtp Charlotte B., widow of Oliver, house 17 Walnut Tripp Christopher B., blacksmith, house 92 Fourth Tripp Cornelius B., truckman, house 47 South Trijip Daniel, blacksmith, house Purchase, corner Hillman TRIPP DAVID K., lumber dealer and planing mills, 125

North Water, house 48 Hillman Tripp Edgar F., house 4 Pond Trijip Edgar W., shoemaker, boards 67 South Tripj) Edward S., salesman, 21 North Water, h. 117 Fifth Tripp Edwin, farmer, house Kempton, near Watson Tripp Eliphalet A., fishmarket, 161 Purchase, h. 149 State Tripp Eliza, widow of James A., house 47 Allen Tripp Elizabeth M., widow of Leander, h. Acushnet av. Tripp Emeline Mrs., house 77 Cedar Tripp Ephraim J. H., cai-penter, house 105 Cedar Tripp Eunice, widow of Henry, house 105 Cedar Tripp Everett W., blacksmitli, boards 67 South Tripp Francis, stonesplitter, boards O. Manchester's,

Chestnut [near Washington

Tripp_ Francis H., mason and photographer, house Sears, Tripp Frank A., mason, house 4 Rockdale avenue Tripp Frank C, bookkeeper, 111 Union, boards Durfee Tripp Frank G., clerk, boards Purchase, corner Linden Trij)]) Frederick P., laborer N. B. Copper Works, house

Pond, opposite Copper Works Tripp George, laborer, house 17 Grape Tripp George A., laborer, house 104 South Front


Tripp George A., works D. K. Tripp's planing mill, house

72 Thomas Tripp George F., carriagemaker, 83 Middle, h. 150 Mill Tripp George H. W., driver steam fire engine No. 4, house

68 Poorest Tripp Henry W,, carpenter, house 68 Arnold Tripp Hiram C, mason, house 116 High Tripp Holder R., teamster, 18 South Water, house 298 do. Tripp Horatio W., wlieelwright, boards 40 Cedar Tripp Isaac S., shipcarpenter, house 55 South Water Tripp James C.. clerk (Boston), boards 58 Fifth Tripp James E., laborer, boards Durfee, corner Vine Tripp James F., letter carrier, house 63 Summer Tripp James F., in N. B. Copper Works, house 3 Oak Tripp James, house rear 322 Purchase Tripp James H., boards 47 Allen Tripp James M., carriagesmith, 32 South Pleasant, near

Elm, house 149 Middle Tripp James M., carjjenter, house 87 Third Tripp James S., housepainter, h. Rockdale av., opp. Parker Tripp John, house 3 Greene

Tripp John J. A., carpenter, boards 185 Kempton Tripp Jolin M., stonemason, house 150 Mill Tripp Joseph, laborer, house 352 South Water Tripp Joseph, jr., laborer, house 7 South Tripp Joseph F., framepolisher, bds. 55 South Water Tripp Joseph H., fisherman, house 77 Cedar Tripp Joseph M., house Cottage, cor. Bedford Tripp Lot, shipcarpenter, house 66 State Tripp Lydia P., widow of Robert, h. 94 South Second Trijip Maria, widow of John W., house 113 Elm Tri))p Mary D. Mrs., nurse, house 9 Arch [Weaver

Tripp Mary D., widow of Daniel J., h. Dartmouth, near Tripp Nathaniel C. & Co., grocer, Arnold, cor. Ash, h. do. Tripp Noah, icedealer, house Rodman's farm, Purchase,

cor. Linden Tripp Peleg, teamster, boards 18 Bethel Tripp Philip C., farmer, house Ashland, opp. Durfee Tripp Philip M., jobwagon. First, cor. Union, h. 56 North Tripp Philip S., laborer, house North Third Tripp Rebecca P., widow of Jeremiah, h. 40 Cedar Tripp Rhoda, widow of Harvey, h. Durfee, near Vine Tripp Richmond J., carpenter C. Hammond, h. 170 Middle Tripp Stephen, farmer, house 121 Maxfield Tripp Stephen A., tinplate and sheetiron worker, 16 and

18 North Water, house 58 Filth Tripp Thomas, machinist, h. Hazard, n. County Tripp Thomas B., house 47 Allen Tripp Thomas G. C. Mrs., h. Emerson, n. Parker 15


Tripp Warren, mason, house 13 West Middle Trip]) Warren, mason, house Cedar, near Locust Trijtp Washington B., carpenter, 183 Kenipton, h. 185 do. Trij)]) William, laborer, h. Kempton, opp. Rockdale av. Trip)) William J., teamster, h. rear 90 South Second TRIPP & HATHAWAY (Charles E. Tripp and Dudley

C. Hathaway), boot and shoe manufacturers, Pleasant, cor. Mechanics lane

Trochie Noll, house 11 Austin

Troy William, mariner, h. Grand, n. New County road

Trull Charles F., shoemaker, house 166 North

Truman Thomas, works Wamsutta Mills, house rear Ash- land, near Linden

Truworthy Daniel, carpenter, house North Third

Tubbs Eliza Miss, house 82 Maxfield

Tucker Abner R. (Tucker & Cummings), 66 and 68 William, house 77 Spring

Tucker Carrie B. Mrs., dressmaker, house 49 Mill

Tucker Charles, shipngent, 21 North Water, h. at South Dartmouth

TUCKER CHARLES R. (Charles R. Tucker & Co.), merchant, 29 North Front, and president Merchants National Bank, house Acushnet avenue

Tucker Charles R., jr.. Secretary Commercial Insurance Co., 3P> North Water, house 9 Lincoln

Tucker Charles R. & Co. (Charles R. Tucker and Edward

D. Mandell), merchants, 29 North Front Tucker Edward T., pliysician, 142)-^ Union, house do. Tucker Francis S., mariner, house 40 Elm

Tucker Geo, F., lawstudent, 35 North Water, boards

Acushnet avenue [Cottage

Tucker John F., merchant, 29 North Front, house 8 North Tucker Lydia, widow of Abner, house 81 Third Tucker Ruth B,, widow of Daniel, h. 52 Russell Tucker William A., bookkeeper Citizens National Bank,

36 North Water Tucker William H., painter, house 49 Mill [Union

Tucker Wm., jr., dry goods, 21 North Water, boards 165 Tucker & Cummings (Abner R. Tucker and Charles S.

Cummings), wholesale and retail grocei-s, 66 and 68

William^ Tuckerman Robert, master mariner, house 113 Middle Tuckerman Thomas H., tinman, 45 North Water, house

81 Walden Tuckwell Geo., carriagemaker, house 92 Linden Tuell Charles A., bookkeeper, h. 336 South Water Tuell Charles D., painter, h. 350 South Water [Water Tuell Frank P. P., clerk Gifford & Barker, bds. 350 South Tuell Joseph B. C, house 350 South Water


Turner Andrew R., blacksmith, house 4 Emerson

Turner Calvin K., house New County road, cor. Durfee

Turner Calvin K., 2d, house 51 Summer

Turner Catherine A., widow of James A., h, 159 Elm

Turner Elbridge G., house Plaiuville road

Turner Elisha, whitewasher, house Willis, near Cedar

Turner Isabella, widow of James, house 10 Emerson

Turner James H., laborer, h. Tremont, near Court

Turner Jane, widow, house rear 43 Middle

Turner John B., weaver Wamsutta Mills, house Acushnet

avenue, near Cedar Grove Turner Jonathan, sectionhand Wamsutta Mills, h. 165

Pleasant Turner Joseph, weaver, house 255 Second Turner Julia A., widow of Samuel M., h. 12 Emerson Turner Phebe A., widow of John C, h. 107 Purchase Turner Thomas, weaver, house 397 Purchase Turner William, laborer, house 194 Kempton Turner Wilson, laborer, house 39 Emerson Tyler Charles E., bookbinder, 105 Union, bds. 69 Elm Tynon John P., gardener, house 195 Elm

UNDERHILL ANNIE E. MISS, house 220 Union Underbill Mary M., widow of Walter, boards 220 Union Underwood Charles H., mason, house 1 North Underwood Charles F., carriage washer, bds. 1 North Underwood Charles W., painter, 25 Centre Underwood Geo. H., painter, boards 75 Hill man Underwood Geo. P., conductor N. B. Railroad, house 75

Hillman Underwood John A., mason, house 48 Sycamore Underwood Lyman F., clerk Mansion House, bds. do. Underwood Thomas C, teamster, 147>o Union, house 84

Middle Underwood William R., engineer, house 35 Pleasant UNION BOILER CO., James C. Bradford, agent, 27

Front Union Boot & Shoe Co., Savory Hathaway, agent, boots

and shoes, 71 and 75 William Union Mutual Marine Insurance Co., 33 North Water Union Treadle Co., 149 North Water Upham Canie Mrs., house 75 South Water Upham Freeman, shoemaker, h. Division, n. South Water Upham John H., laborer, house South Second, c. Black- more lane Upham William O. T., laborer, h. 269 South Water Upjohn James, cooper A. J. Myrick, h. 81 North Second Upjohn James, jr., in City Laundry, bds. 81 No. Second Urquhart Drusilla Mrs., boardinghouse, 27>2 South Water


VALENTINE JOHN, Ju., officer House of Correction,

h. Court, n. County jail [Union

Van Civinpen Eugene L., clerk, 17 North Water, bds. 170 VAN CAMPEN HIRAM, insurance agent, office 17 No.

Water, h. 170 Union [lane

Vance Walter R., clerk, 32H William, h. 62 Mechanics Vandine Fanny S., widow of David, house 14 Cedar Varlev Henry, foreman O. A. Sisson, h. 124 North Third VarneV Albert N., clerk N. B. R. R., bds. 282 Purchase Vassells James K., hairdresser, 99 Union, up-stairs, h.

166 Mill Vaughan Fred. J. (J. D. Vaughan & Son), upholsterer,

^92 North Third, h. do. Vauahan James D. (J. D. Vaughan & Son), upholsterer,

"92 North Third, h. do. Vaughan Joseph I., upholsterer, house 97 Smith Vaughan J. D. & Son (James D. and Fred. J. Vaughan),

ui)holsterers, 92 North Third Vera Frank, boardinghouse and clotliing store, 113 South

Water, house do. Vera Joseph, house 48 South Sixth Vera Manuel, laborer, house 122 Orchard Vera Manuel, mariner, house 65 Piospect Vermyne John J. B., physician, h. and office 174 Union Viall S. T., butcher, house 45 Cove

Vicars Margaret C, dressmaker, 83 North Water, h. do. Viereck Louis, hairdresser, 136 Union, h. 72 Fourth Vinal Charles W., clerk, 95 Third, boards 72 Bedford Vinal Frederick H., mason, house 72 Bedford Vinal Frederick W., carpenter, boards 72 Bedford Vinal Lavinia A. T., widow of Wm. H., h. 50 Pleasant Vinal William L., clerk, 144 Purchase, bds. 50 Pleasant Vincent Albert, house carpenter, h. 13 Cedar VINCENT AMBROSE, shipchandlery, hardware and

cutlery, stoves, etc., 120 Union, c. Third, house 185

Middle Vincent Bridget, widow', house 39 Middle Vincent Claffaus, blacksmith Geo. L. Brownell's carriage

manufactory, h. 75 No. Second Vincent Mark T., clerk, 120 Union, bds. 185 Middle Vincent Peter M., mason, h. Parker, n. Emerson Vogel George, granitecntter, house 5 Cedar Vose Charles, teamster, house 180 Pleasant

WADE FRANK D., painter, bds. 243^ William WADE JOB, leather mnfr.. Wall, n. North Third, house

81 North Wade Joseph B., currier J. Wade, h. 58 Sycamore Wade Joseph H., carriagetriraraer Geo. L. Brownell, h.

157 Grinnell


Wade William L., carpenter, house 66 Mill Wadsworth Lawrer\ce, shipcarpenter, house 64 State Wadsworth Louisa, widow of John, h. 163 Elm Wady Arnold B. (Russell & Wady), painter, 3 Fifth, bds.

10 Bethel Wady George H., boards 37 Mill Wady James, laborer, house 5 Howland Wagner Mary R; Mrs., dressmaker, 3>^ Pleasant, near Union, house do. [Wash.

Waight A. E. machinist Morse Twist Drill Co., h. 95 Wainel Thomas J., flxrmer, h, Rockland, n. County Waite Benjamin H., dry goods and carpetings, 38 Pur- chase, h. 15 South Cottage Waite Charles, mariner, boards 20 Spring Waite Charles H., clerk, 229 Purchase, h. 15 Campbell Waite Crary B., salesman B. H, Waite, h, 15 Campbell Waite Edward W., rigger, house 31 High Waite Elbertson, house 112 High Waite Mary Miss, house 39 Hillman

Waite Stephen, salesman, 38 Purchase, h. 129 Kempton Waldron Charles D., printer, 21 Hamilton, h. atFairhaven Waldron John, stairbuilder, house 73 Summer Waldron Lydia A,, widow, h. Pearl, c. North Third Waldron William R., engineer, house 94 State Walker Charles H., jobwagon. First, c. Union, h. 30 Elm Walker Gilbert D., conductor N. B. R. R., h. 46 Hill Walker John W., carpenter and boxmakei', h. 53 Smith Walker Mary F. Miss, house 67 Maxfield Walker Mary S. Miss, widow, house 46 Hill Walker M. Alma, widow of Henry, house 67 Maxfield Walker Thomas, brakeraan, N. B. R, R., house 5 Seneca Walker William, carpenter, Hillman, near North Water,

house 107 Maxfield Walker William H., carpenter, house North, corner North

Third Wall Alexander, boatbuilder, boards 167 Kempton Wall Thomas H., currier, house 3 Jenney Wall Wm. A., artist, house 169 Middle Wallace Frederick H. B., farmer at H. K. Lapham's, Clark's

Point road Wallace James, saloon, 202 South Water, house do. Wallace James, spinner, house 60 Rivet Walley Brittania Mrs., house 38 Foster Walley William H., sailmaker, house 87 Kempton Walmesley Cornelius, weaver, house 205 Pleasant Walsh Dennis, baker, house 164 Union Walsh John, shoemaker, house Hazard, near County Walsh Mary Mrs., house 99 Smith Walsh Thomas, tailor, house 162 South Water


Wanisutta Mills, North Second, cor. Wamsatta, A. G.

Pierce, treasurer, office over Merchants National Bank AVard Archibald, coffinmaker, 48 North Second, house, 4

North Sixth Ward Benjamin C, clothing and furnishing goods, 70

Union, house 90 Elm Ward Bros, (Frank E. and David P. Ward), dentists,

159 Union Ward David P. (Ward Bros.), dentist, 159 Union, h. do. AVard Ezekiel G., dentist, 148)^ Union, h. at Falmouth Ward Frank, weaver, boards Washburn, n. Acushnet av. Ward Frank E. (Ward Bros), dentist, 159 Union, house

166 Union Ward .John, laborer, house Washburn Ward Peter, weaver, boards Washburn, n. Acushnet av. Ward Thomas E., Morse Twist Drill, house 24 Allen Wardell Ann Mrs., house 299 Purchase Wardell Benjamin F., clerk Hathaway & Soule, boards 28

County avenue Wardell Hiram, shipcarpenter, house Rockdale avenue Wardell Hope H. Miss, dressmaker, 75 Middle, house do. Wardell Minerva Miss, dressmaker, 75 Middle, house do. Wardell Phebe W., widow of Joshua, house Bellville Wardell William, boards 223 South Water Ware Cyrus, boot and shoemaker, house 83 Maxfield Warfield James H., laborer, house 212 Middle Warfield John, mariner, house 182 Kempton Warner Jesse A., furniture repairer, 84 Purchase, house at

Fairhaven Warner William S., farmer, house Plainville Warren Angle Miss, variety store, 106 South Third, bds.

10 Bedford Warren Benjamin C, carpenter, house 355 South Water Warren Frank, in Saw Mill, house 28 South Second Warren James, currier Job Wade, bds. 117 North Water Warren J. Murray, carpenter, house 32 South Warren Nellie, widow of James, house 117 North Water "Warren Thomas H., cigarmaker, house 49 Maxfield Washburn Arthur J., carrier Job Wade, bds. Wm. Case Washburn Francis P., sawyer, house Old County road WASHBURN Pl^EDERIC A., assistant treasurer N. B.

Institution for Savings, house 54 Fifth Washburn Frederick A., bookkeeper, 123 Union, house

76 Fifth Washburn Geo. E., clerk, house Tobey road Washburn Lettice R., carpenter, house 31 Cypress WashlKirn Lemuel A., peddler, house Old County road Washburn Reuben, grocer. Head of the River, h. Tobey



Washburn Sarah E., widow, house 1 Skiff's avenue Washburn Wm. F., saihnaker, house 146 Summer Washburn Wm. H. (Perry & Washburn), carpenter, 149

North Water, house 294 Purchase Wasliburn William R., millhand, house Old County road Washington George, porter, house 246 Middle Washington John, laborer, boards 108 Middle Washington Priscilla C. Mrs., house 10 Wing Waterman Frank D., freight conductor, N. B. R. R., bds.

High, corner North Third Waterman Nehemiah, carpets, oil cloths, &c., 1 Ricketson

block. Union, and auctioneer and commission mer- chant, 59 Purchase, house 212 Union Waterman Wm. H., clerk. Union, corner Fourth, house

212 Union Watkius Betsey D. Miss, house 85 Fourth Watkins Charles F., shoemaker, Tripp & Hathaway, bds.

13 Cedar Watkins Emma F., milliner, house 20 Allen Watkins Eugene, shoelaster, boards 17 Spruce Watkins James B., trader, 73 Union, h. 20 Allen Watkins Mary D. Miss, house 85 Fourth Watkins Susan, widow of Wm., house rear 57 Summer Watkins Susan P., widow of Joseph, house 54 Smith Watkins Taylor, carriage washer, 8 P'ourth, h. 166 Kemj^ton Watkins William, iron merchant and ship chandler, 13

Centre, house 189 Union Watkins Wm. H., City Messenger, office Public Library

building, house 4 Emerson Watkins Wm. L., peddler, house 54 Smith Watson Benj. R. (S. Watson & Son), ship bread baker,

18 Centre, house 55 Walnut Watson David (Holmes & Watson), fishmarket, Eddy's

wharf, house 125 South Water Watson Henry, weaver, house rear 326 Purchase Watson James, gilder, house 41 North Sixth Watson Paul, weaver, house 166 Pleasant Watson Samuel (S. Watson & Son), baker 18 Centre,

house 55 Walnut Watson Samuel 2d, bookkeeper, 103 South Third, house

Fifth, corner Walnut Watson S. & Son (Samuel and Benjamin R. Watson),

ship bread bakers, l!S Centre Watson Thomas, weaver, house 222 North Third Watson Wm. E. (New York), house 37 Fifth Watts Daniel A. Rev., house Court near Jenney Wayland John, laborer, house 35 Austin Weaver Alfred, teamster, house 20 Rockdale avenue Weaver Eliza, widow of John, house 1".47 Middle


Weaver Frances C, widow of Edward, house 21 Emerson

Weaver George, boards 9 Merrimac

Weaver George, bootmaker Union Boot and Shoe Co., h.

Rockdale avenue, near Parker Weaver Geo. S., sliipsmitli, house 9 Merrimac Weaver Hannah D,, widow of John, house Weaver Weaver Stephen, faruKM-, liouse Hathaway road Weaver Stejihen V. (Hazzard & Weaver), carriagepainter,

83 aiiddle, house 152 North WEAVER THOMAS H., carpenter, 150 North Water,

house 152 State Weaver William H., farmer and butcher, house Weaver Webb Elizabeth, widow of Elisha, house 124 Smith Webb Hezekiah, hxborer, boards 124 Smith WEBB HIRAM, city auditor, office 3 Library building,

and accountant, office over First National Bank,

Union, house 89 Elm Webb Isaac B., master mariner, house 64 Mill Webb James, house Acushnet avenue, Head of the River Webb Martha B. Mrs., house 157 Elm Webster Arabella, widow of Geo. W., house 5 Elm Webster Cornelius Mrs., boardinghouse, 52 Fifth Webster Horatio G., butcher, house Vine, rear Durfee Webster Joseph, physician, house Acushnet avenue Webster Joseph W., physician, house Acushnet avenue Weed Fitch, slipper manuf icturer, h. 194 South Second Weeden Charles H. L., mariner, house 224 County Weeden George F., machinist, house 134 Washington Weeden Henry M., clerk, 40 Water^ bds. 25 So. Second Weeden Joseph W., clerk Allen & Wing, 23 Union, h.

134 Third Weeden William A., painter, house rear 57 Summer Weeden William W., clerk, house 4 Crapo WEEKES HENRY T. (Reuben Weekes & Son),calker,

city wharf, house at Dartmouth WEEKES REUBEN (Reuben Weekes & Son), calker,

citv wharf, house at Dartmouth WEEKES REUBEN & SON (Reuben and Henry T.

Weekes), calkers, city wharf Weeks Eben, jr., calker (Cal.), house 156 Grinnell Weeks Henry G., carpenter, house 240 County Weeks Mary A., widow of Reuben B., h. 8 Market sq. Weeks William, master mariner, house 97 State Weik Michael, lager beer saloon, 22 School, house do. Welch David, billj)oster, bds. First, opp. Mariners Home Welch David M., laborer, house 15 Oak Welch Dennis, baker D. A. Snell, house 164 Union Welch Edward, laborer, house 35 Middle Welch James, laborer, liouse 12 Walnut


Welch James, packer in Glass Works

Welch Margaret, widow, house 39 Middle

Welch John, laborer, house 63 South Second

Welch John, laborer, house 10 High

Welch John, jr., saloon, 69f South Water, house 10 High

Welch Patrick, weaver, house 14 Hazard court

Welch Patrick, foreman Eureka Flour Mills, h. 116 Fifth

Welch William, boilerniaker Union Boiler Co., house 37

South Water Weldon Samuel C, passepartout maker, 72 North Water,

house Fourth Welsh Arthur, tailor, 149 Union, h. Tremont, n. Arnold Wentworth Hiram W. (J. & W. R. Wing & Co.), Ill

Union, house 68 Third Wentworth Lucy F., widow of Hiram D., house 74 Mill West Addie Miss, teacher Merrimac primary school, h.

90 Plaasant West Amos A., ship carpenter, house Willis, c. Summer West Brothers (David B. and Leonard E. West), 6

Cypress West Clement C, hostler, house 116 Kempton West David B. (West Brothers), tinjjeddler, h. 6 Cypress West Fanny E., widow of Augustus L., house 65 Elm West Henry C, master mariner, house 33 Kempton West Henrv N., law student, boards 24 Seventh West H. S.'(T. A. Codd & Co.), shipbroker, 18 So. Water,

house Mill, cor. Purchase West Isaiah, house 24 Seventh

West James M., steamfitter, 24 William, house 22 do. West John E., hairdresser, 89 Union, h. 235 So. Water West John H., printer Mercury office, bds. 8 Bethel West John H. W., mariner, house 19 Maxfield West John P., farmer, h. Mt. Pleasant, c. Hathaway road West John P., jr., carriagetrimmer, boards Mt. Pleasant,

cor. Hathaway road West Joseph, stave dresser, house 92 North Second West Leonard E. (West Bros.), tin peddler, h. 6 Cypress West Mary B., widow of Isaac M., house 48 Maxfield West Rebecca B. Mrs., millinery and dressmaking, 23

Pleasant, house 22 do. West Samuel, mariner, house 154 South Water West Simeon N., merchant, 104 Union, house 221 County West Thomas, master mariner, house 90 Pleasant West Thomas, salesman, 38 Purchase, bds. 90 Pleasant West William, boatman, house 53 First West William F., painter, 25 Centre, house New County

road, near Durfee West William S., painter, house 14 Hillman Western Lumber Co. (Killey E. Terrey and J. Augustus

Brownell), lumber dealers, 16 Fourth



Water Westgate Abiel N., cnrpenter, house Old County road Westgate Charles II., salesman Geo. M. Eddy & Co., h.

15 Spruce Westgate Jonathan, carpenter, house Old County road Westgate Sylvanus, fisherman, house 161 First Westgate William IT., fisherman, house 161 First Westley William, hatfinislier, house 186 Pleasant Weston George H., at Davis K. Trip))'8, h. 35 Union Weston Julia, widow of James, boards 78 Elm Weston Samuel, farmer, house Bellville road, Head of the

River Weston Timothy M., mason, house 22 Rockland avenue WHALEMAN'S SHIPPING LIST & MERCHANTS

TRANSCRIPT, Eben P. Raymond, publisher, 21

Hamilton Whalen Patrick N., laborer, house 243 South Water VVhalen William, laborer, house 1 Hall's court Wheaton Charles E., mason, boards 57 Hill Wheaton Ernest A., printer W. F. Wheaton, h. 97 North WHEATON HIRAM, manufacturer of mineral and

soda water, 61 and 53 South Water, h. 97 North Wheaton Horatio C, mason, boards 57 Hill Wheaton Lydia, widow of James, house 57 Hill Wheaton Nathan, mason, boards 97 North Wheaton Walter F., printer, 18 William, h. 97 North Wheeler Charles W., clerk, 6 Commercial wharf, boards

37 Smith Wheeler Francis A., laborer, house 172 Kempton Wheeler George B., civil engineer, office basement City

Hall building, h. Mt. Vernon, cor. Mount Pleasant Wheeler George W., mariner, house 181 South Second Wheeler Hiram L., carpenter, house 37 Smith Wheeler Joseph II., shoe manufacturer, house 94 Smith Wheeler Martin, building mover, house 30 Allen Wheeler Walter, carpenter, boards 299 Purchase Whelan Nicholas, teamster, boards 215 South Water Whelden Alexander, master mariner, h. 12 So. Water Whelden Cyrus A., bookkeeper, 32 WilUam, boards 82

Kem])ton Whelden Joseph, painter, boards 100 Fourth Whelden Samuel C, fraraemaker, house Fourth, near

Rockland Whitcomb Frederick R., ladies' furnishing goods, 150

Union, corner Fifth, h. North, cor. North Second Whitcomb House, Edward R. Richards, proprietor,

Union, corner Fifth Whitcomb OUver R. (Boston), house 42 North Sixth


White Annie F. Miss, tailoress, house Tobey road White A. J. M., packer Hathaway & Soule, h. 81 Thomas White Clarissa, widow of Sherman, house Maple Grove,

Acushnet avenue White George A., shoe trimmer, house 56 North White George E., foreman in Glass Works, h. 109 Third White Gustavus A., jr., proprietor Sheridan House, 9

North Second White Henry L., mason, house 189 Elm White Isabella, widow of Solomon, house 9 Sears court White John P., stoves and tinware, 155 and 157 Pur- chase, house 49 Maxfield White Jonathan P., tinsmith, house 49 Maxfield White Joseph, in Glass Works White Margaret, widow, house 19 Hillman White Martha C. Mrs., cloak maker, 124>^ Union, boards

27 Third White Martha Jane, widow of Peter, house 185 North White Mary B. Miss, teacher Maxfjeld street primary

school, boards 210 County White Nathaniel, carpenter, house 172Kempton WHITE PHINEAS, Jr., plumber, 24 William, house

91 Kempton White Rufus W., farmer, house Old County road White Sampson, barber, house 115 Smith White Samuel, gardener, house 6 Chancery White Sarah A. Mrs., house 94 Smith White Thomas E. M., view photographei", 142>2 Union,

house do. White William G., carriage manufacturer. Pleasant, cor.

Mechanics lane, house 111 Middle White William S., farmer, h Maple Grove, Acushnet av. White William T. M., carriagepainter W. G. White, h.

113 Middle Whiteside James, servant, house Head of the River Whiteside John, roapmaker, house 6 Park Whiteside Stephen, ropemaker, boards 2 Ash Whiteside Thomas, overseer in Cordage Factory, house

Middle, corner Ash Whitehead Judith, widow of Washington, h. 68 South

Second Whiting Benjamin, variety store, 49 So. Watei", h. do. Whiting Edward B., dry goods, 10 Purchase, house 17

Lincoln Whiting Mary, widow of William, house 16 Mill Whiting Thomas B., traveling agent T. Cook, house 72

South Sixth Whitmore H. Samuel, farmer, house Bartlett place, Rock- dale avenue


Whitmore Sabon L., farmer, house Bartlett place, Rock- dale avenue "VVhitniore William I., blacksmith, house Bartlett place,

Rockdale avenue Whitney Alonzo ( Allen & Whitney), cooper, 71 Hamil- ton, house 6 Foster Whitney Amasn, cooper, 28 First, house 68 Fourth Whitney Charles H., bookkeeper Edward C. Jones, 2

Central wharf, boards 78 Walden Whitney Edward M., student, boards 6 Foster Whitney Eliza C, widow of Ivory S., house 78 Walden Whitney Jacob C, clerk Hiram Wheaton, boards 175

Kempton Whitney Sarah A., widow of Joel W., h. Bellville road,

Head of the River Whitney Thomas, weaver, boards 283 South Second Whittaker Edwin, at Wamsutta Mills, h. 332 Purchase Whittaker Edwin Mrs., fancy goods, 332 Purchase, h. do. Whittaker Henry, spinner, boards 177 State WHITTEMORE MARY F., widow of Zenas, soap and

candle manufacturer, 14 South Second, house 12 do. Whitton Ada H. Miss, teacher Parker street grammar

school boards 8 Ricketson court Whitton Emma E. Miss, forewoman Peirce & Bushnell's.

boards 8 Ricketson court Whitton Levi H., confectioner, house 151 North Wickes Amy A., widow, dressmaker, h. 33 So. Second Wickson James A., laborer, house Clarks Point road Widdowes Levi, house 2 Bethel Wiggins Jane Miss, dressmaker 332 Purchase, house 177

Pleasant Wilber Charles A., shoemaker, bds. 51 Kempton Wilber James, farmer, house Head of the River Wilber James, jr., tinpedlar, house Head of the River Wilber James L., carpenter, bds. 56 State Wilber Louisa M., widow of Barton, house 14 Allen WILBOR ALFRED G., watches, clocks, and jewelry,

94i< Third, also Flour dealer, 95 Third, h. 76 do. Wilbor George B., clerk E. S. Cannon & Co., h. 35 Seventh Wilbor William, mason, h. Mt. Pleasant, near Durfee Wilbour Eliza J. Mrs., dressmaker, house 10 Emerson Wilbur Leander D., clothing dealer (Fall River), house

Acushnet av., head of the River Wilbur Lemuel C. (Wilbur & Deacon), produce commis- sion merchant, 59 Union, house 24 High Wilbur N. H., millman, house north end Acushnet av. Wilbur William, farmer, house Plainville Wilbur & Deacon (Lemuel C. AVilbur and Joseph Dea- con), commission merchant, 59 Union


Wilcox Abbie A. Miss, house 289 Purchase

Wilcox Alexander, mason, boards 96 Smith

Wilcox Allen B,, carpenter, house 96 North Third

Wilcox Ann Eliza Miss, house 78 Fifth

Wilcox Benjamin, 2d, laborer Parker & Sherman, Union,

cor. Water, h. 93 South Water Wilcox Benjamin S., laborer, house 30 Oak Wilcox Benjamin S., laborer, h. 93 South Water Wilcox Betsey T,, widow of Charles, house 96 Smith Wilcox Charles, painter G. L. Brownell, bds. 285 Purchase Wilcox Charles A., carpenter, h. Cedar, cor, Parker Wilcox Charles H., calker, house 28 Pearl Wilcox Edward F., compositor Mercury office, house 5

Walnut Wilcox Frank H. M., boards 289 Purchase Wilcox Frederick T., carpenter, house 30 Eliu Wilcox Gideon R., painter, boards 24 High Wilcox Henry H., plumber 24 William, bds. at Fairhaven Wilcox Henry R., shipwright, h. 96 No. Third Wilcox Isaiah H., painter Barrows, Lawton & Co., boards

96 North Third Wilcox Joseph, jr., house 174 Middle Wilcox Kezia S., widow of Phillip, h. 289 Purchase Wilcox JVIarcus M., h. 289 Purchase Wilcox Martha J., widow of William, h. 73 MaxiBeld Wilcox Peleg, house carpenter, h. Dartmouth, n. Weaver Wilcox Richmond, boards 284 Purchase Wilcox Robert L., painter, house 24 High Wilcox Samuel P., clerk Hatch & Co., bds. 96 No. Third Wilcox Sarah B,, widow of Adley, house 30 Elm Wilcox Thomas, house 164 Middle Wilcox Thomas B., house 214 Union Wilcox Thomas B., jr., clerk 83 Union, bds. 214 Union Wilcox William F.,. teamster, house 5 Walnut Wilcox William T., laborer, h. 92 North Third Wilcox Willis R., carriagepainter W. G. White, boards

96 Smith Wilcox, see also Willcox WILDE JAMES P., dry goods, William, corner North

Sixth, house 17 Chestnut Wilde Samuel, house 22 Cypress Wilde William S., clerk (B.), h. 57 Summer Wilds Hiram F., engineer Eureka Flour Mills, house 151

Fairhaven Wiley James, weaver, house 224 North Third Wilkinson Arthur, weaver, house 251 First Wilkinson Samuel H. Mrs., h. 43 North Sixth Wilkinson Stephen, weaver, house 200 State Wilkinson William, loomfixer, house Mt. Pleasant, near



Wilkinson Win. H., weaver, boards 200 State

Willcox David B., chairman Board of Assessors, office 4

Library building, liouse 158 JMiddle Willcox Henry T., house 73 North Third Willcox Lemuel T., counsellor at law. North Water, cor.

Centre, boards 35 Eighth Willcox, see also Wilcox Williams Alexander, mariner, house 24 First Williams Alfred, porter, h. Acushnet avenue Williams Augustine J., overseer Wamsutta Mills, house

Ashley, near County Williams Charles A., teamster, boards 121 Hillman Williams Charles F,, apothecary clerk, 183 County, house

147 Elm Williams Eliza A , widow of John, house 102 Fourth Williams Emily Miss, house 4 Ash Williams Emma, widow, house 182 Kempton Williams George, officer Revenue Marine Service, house

30 South Cottage Williams Henry, watchman N. B. Cordage Co., house 127

Middle Williams James, carpenter J. M. Foster, h. 123 Pleasant Williams John, house 236 North Third Williams John, boardinghouse, 35 Howland Williams John, chestmaker, 193 South Water, h. '195 do. Williams John, farmer, house 20 Chancery Williams John H., porter Parker House, bds. do. Williams John N., carpenter J. M. Foster, h. r. Second Williams John W., laborer, house 146 Mill Williams Joseph R., laborer, house 177 South Water Williams Manuel S., house 188 South Water Williams Maria Miss, house 30 South Cottage Williams Stedman (Dewson, Williams & Co.j, proprietor

N. B. Tannery, house at Qnincy '

Williams Theodore D., merchant, house 80 South Second Williams Thomas, house Ash, corner Elm Williamson Elizabeth Mrs., house 208 Middle Willis Charles L. W., mariner, house 46 Spring Willis Frederick A., house Belleville [North Sixth

Willis Henry P., clerk E. S. Cannon & Co., boards 42 Willis Samuel, laborer, house 126 Kempton Willis William H., harness manufacturer, and trunks and

valises, 126 and 128 Union, house 46 Spring Williston Alanson, carpenter, house 72 South Williston Hiram, laborer Gosn(^ld Mills, h. 146 No. Second Williston Leander A., fish market, 91 Third, h. 72 South Wilmot James H. Mrs., house 245 Middle Wilinot John, laborer, house 128 Orchard Wilsou Alfred, assistant postmaster, house 193 Middie


Wilson Benjamin, weaver, house 3 Austin WILSON BENJAMIN G., undertaker and coffin ware- rooms, 74 William, liouse 46 North Second Wilson David G., farmer, house Plainville Wilson D. W., engineer N. B. S. S. Co., h. 19 So. Second Wilson Edward T., undertaker, 74 William, house 111 do. Wilson George, treasurer Gosnold Mills, h. 65 So. Second Wilson Hattie J. Miss, dressmaker, house 161 Grinnell Wilson James, gardener, house Ash, corner Elm Wilson James, laborer Gosnold Mills, h. 218 North Third Wilson James, laborer N. B. Flour Co., h. Ash, c. Arnold Wilson James, teamster, house 180 South Second Wilson James G., hairdresser, 47 William, h. 119 Hillman Wilson John, rigger, house 100 Allen Wilson John B., mariner, house 112 South Water Wilson John C, tin plate worker, house 212 County Wilson Mary, widow of Joseph, house 277 South Water Wilson Richard C, granite dealer, h. Ashland, c. Ashley Wilson Samuel H., hairdresser, under Parker House, house

119 Hilhnan Wilson William, painter, house 179 Pleasant Wilson William,* carpenter, bds. D. G. Wilson's, Plainville Wilson William D., engraver, house 193 Middle Winchester George D., bookkeeper C. R. Tucker & Co.,

bds. 116 Pleasant, corner Willis Winchester Smith, seaman, house rear 142 Kerapton Windsor Walter P., secretary Union Mutual Marine Ins.

Co., 33 Water, house at Fairhaven Winegar Ruth C, widow of Samuel P., house 167 Mill Winegar Samuel P., Morse Twist Drill Co., h. 167 Mill Wing (/harles F. (Sylvester & Wing), dry goods and car- pets, 28 Purchase, house 124 Fourth Wing Charles F., house 124 F'ourth Wing Charles S., clerk F. S. Giflford, boards 54 Bedford Wing Christiana A., widow of William, h. 100 Wash'ton Wing Deboia H., widow, house 81 Maxfield Wing Edward, house 104 William Wing Ezra, carpenter, house 162 Purchase Wing Henry K., laborer, house County, corner Bedford Wing Jashub, sparmaker, house 128 Purchase Wing John, shoemaker, house 54 Bedford Wing John, merchant, h. Mt. Pleasant, cor. Mt. Vernon Wing John (J. & W. R. Wing & Co.), merchant tailor,

111 Union, house 53 Third Wing Joseph (J. & W. R. Wing & Co., and J. & W. R.

Wing), 111 Union, house 27 South Sixth Wing Joseph, painter, boards 94 Fourth Wing J. & W. R. (Joseph Wing and Wm. R. Wing), merchants, office 111 Union


Wing J. & W. R. & Co. (.Joseph Wing and William R. Wing, John VVing, and Ilirara W. Wentwoith) mer- chant tiiilors, 111 Union Wing Leniira L., house 76 Thomas Wing Lyman, master mariner, house 70 Third Wing Paul W., clerk, 59 Union, bonrds 54 Bedford Wing Peleg S., master mariner, bds. Union, cor. Purchase Wing Thos. G. (Allen & Wing), coftee and spices, 23

Union, house 27 South Sixth Wing William 11., painter, 9.3 Middle, boards 32 Hillman Wing William R. (J. & W. R. Wing & Co., and J. & W.

R. Wing\ 111 Union, house 31 Walnut Winn Daniel D. Rev., pastor First Baptist Church, Wil- liam street, house Page, corner Hawthorn Winslow George W., traveling agent N. B. Flour Mills,

honse 72 Sycamore Winslow Holmes (Richards & Winslow), dining room,

34 William, house 45 North

Winslow Isaac, carpenter, boards 292 County Winslow James, currier, house 83 Pleasant Winslow John, carpenter, boards 292 County W^inslow Jonathan, laborer, house Kempton, Cannonville Winslow Joshua B., house 62 Forest Winslow Mary S., widow of Simeon A., h. 72 Sycamore Winslow William B., rigger, house 53 County WINSOR WALTER P., secretary Union Mutual Ma- rine Insurance Co., 33 North Water, and cashier First National Bank, house at Fairhaven Wise Ellen, widow, house 182 South Second Winters F. & Co., masons, 128 South First Winterson Patrick, laborer, house 122 South First Wixon Betsey M., widow of Orick H., dressmaker, 29

Union, house do. Wodell Alfred, teamster, house 72 School Wodell Edward M., teamster, boards 72 School Wodell Humphrey B., clerk, boards 72 School Wodell, see also Wordell

Wolfe Leopold, confectioner, house 57 Mechanics lane Wolfenden James, laborer Wamsutta Mills, h. Washburn Womens Christian Association, 18 Pleasant Wood Abram R., carpenter Moses II. Bliss, h. 55 Foster Wood Albert, house 53 Walnut Wood Albert T., cooper, boards 98 Purchase Wood Allen F., master Fifth street grammar school, bds.

35 Eighth [106 Fourth Wood Augustus A., shoetrcer Hathaway & Soule, boards Wood Benjamin F., laborer N. B. R. R. freighthouse, h.

8 Campbell Wood Betsey P., widow of Thomas, house 26 County


Wood Bradford, stevedore, house 215 South Water

WOOD, BRIGHTMAN & CO. (Isaiah Wood, Nathan

P. Brightrnan, Oliver P. Brightman, and John P.

Nichols), tinplate and sheetiron workers and plunil)-

ers, 45 North Water [Third

Wood Caileton B., clerk, 37 North Water, bds. 80 North

Woo'l Ciiarles, works for Chas. Taber & Co,

Wood Chas. H., engineer steam fire engine Progress, No.

2, and boardinghouse, 98 Purcliase Wood Cliarles J., clerk A. Bartlett, boards rear 29 First Wood Chai-les L., merchant, office 36 North Water, house

198 Union Wood Chas. N., driver .J. Libby & Co., h. 24 Bedford Wood Charles K., passepartoutinaker, h. 215 South Water Wood Christiana, widow of William J., house 7 Jenney Wood Cynthia M. Mrs., nurse, house 82 Forest Wood Darnel D., master mariner, house 21 South Sixth Wood David, clerk R. C. Topham, house 110 Third Wood David S., clerk, 50 South Watei-, h. 55 Third Wood Dennis, shipagent, 6 Commercial wliarf, house 11

Fifth, corner Spiing Wood Edward B. (Pope & Wood), liquors, 4 Pleasant,

near Union, house 18 Fifth Wood Elihu, jr., grocer. Cedar, liouse 67 Smith Wood Elizabeth B. Miss, house 5 Lincoln Wood Elizabeth C, widow of Lineas, h. 247 Countv Wood Frank E., clerk J. W. Braley's, bds. 220 County Wood Frank L., shoecutter, house 187 North Second Wood Frank T., machinist, boards 106 Fourth Wood Frederick P., laborer, h. 65 Linden, Je.sseville Wood Frederick W., teamster D. T. Snell, house First,

corner Bush Wood George, cooper Amasa Whitney, h. 46 Foster Wood George A., painter, boards 46 Foster Wood George H., house 37 South Sixth Wood George M., clerk B. G. W^ilson, h. 51 Mechanics lane WOOD GEORGE P., assistant agent Acushnet Co oper- ative Association, 85 Third, house 86 Fifth Wood George R., tinsmith Parker & Sherman, house 56

North Sixth Wood Geo. T., liostler, boards 22 Wing Wood Gideon, superintemlent N. B. Gaslight Co., 70

South Water, house 29 Walnut Wood Greenleaf, boot and shoemaker, bds. 75 Third Wood Henr}', bootmaker, boards 31 Cypress Wood Henry T. (Greene & Woodj, lumberdealei", Leon- ard's wharf, house 26 County Wood Horace, clerk Nat. Bank of Commerce, h.4 Cottage 16


Wood Isaiah (Wood, Bri<rhtnian & Co.), tinplate and

sheetiron worker, 45 Nortli Water, li. 224 Union Wood James A., tnacliiiiisl, boards 98 Purchase Wood John, jr., gasfitter N. B. Gaslight Co., boards 57

Tliird Wood John A. (J. A. Wood & Co.), produce commission

merchant, 34 Union, house 196 County Wood Joseph, wntchman, house 7 West Campbell Wood Josiah, confectionery peddler, house 84 Allen Wood J. Augustus, carriagemaker, h. 137 North Second WOOD J. A. & C:0. (John A. and Lorenzo D. Wood),

produce commission merchnnts, 34 Union Wood Lemuel C, clerk, h. 124 Kempton Wood Lorenzo D. (J. A. Woo'l & Co.), produce commis- sion merchnnt, 34 Union, house 220 County Wood Love F., widow of Samuel J., house rear 29 First Wood Martin A., framemaker Fierce & Taber, house 80

North Third Wood Mary, widow of James, h. 137 South Second Wood Mary, widow of John, house 43 Middle Wood Mary M., widow of Steplien, house 59 Third AVood Nellie, cigarmaker, boards 43 Mi<1dle [Fifth

Wood Nelson, passepartoutmaker, 6 North Water, h. 76 Wood Patrick F., boilermakcr, bds. 43 Middle Wood Randolf, weaver, house 190 State Wood Rebecca, widow of Charles, h. 91 South Second Wood Ilichmond B., carpenter, house 59 Foster Wood Sarali A., widow of Daniel H., h. 80 School Wood Sarah B., widow of Abiel, h. Dartmouth, c. Fruit Wood Sarah D., widow of Tillson, h. 106 Fourth Wood Sar^h IL, widow of Elihu, house 67 Smith Wood Thomas, pliotoijraidier Chas. Taber & Co., boards

224 South Water^ Wood Thomas F., gasfitter, 45 North Water, h. Bonney,

near Washington Wood Walter, cleik Greene & Wood, h. 26 County Wood William, shoemaker, h. Purchase, cor. Clark Wood William G. (Greene & Wood), lumberdealer, Leon- ard's wharf, house 111 Washington Wood Win IL, master mariner, house 185 Union Wood William IL, boards 18 Fifth Wood William IL, bookkeeper, 34 Union, boards 196

County Wood Wifliani T., carpenter, house 80 North Third Woodard Addison, cooper, and elder of County St. M. E.

church, h. 62 North Woodard Frank, railroad employee, house Wall Woodard John W., sailmaker, boards 62 North


Woodard William B., mason, h. 109 North Second Woodbridge Isaiah T,, carpenter, h. 79 Kempton Woodbridge Wni. H., carpenter, house 38 Bush Woodlin Solomon, hostler for C. L. Spencer, boards 9

Sears court Woodman William O., dry goods, 12 Purchase, house 190

Union Woodruff John, painter, boards West Middle Woods John H., mariner, house 72 Wash. Wood us Sarah A. Miss, house 226 Middle Woodward Emma Mrs. (Pattee & Woodward), dress-

kers, 142 Purchase, h. do. W^oodward William, teamster, house 61 Grinnell Woodward Wm. H., teamster O. A. Sisson, house Grin- nell, c. North Third Wordell Abram, horseshoer, r. 83 Middle, bds. 6 Emerson Wordell Alden, clothing, 61 William, house 59 Fifth Wordell Alfred, jr., clerk, 18 North Water, h. 65 High Wordell Brayton B., house 82 Arnold Wordell Charles Mrs., house 55 Middle Wordell Frank M. (Boston), house 59 Fifth Wordell Isaac, clei-k Brownell & Lapham, h, 39 Third Wordell John H., bookkeeper George M. Eddy & Co., h.

57 P^ourth Wordell Lewis, house 67 Mill Wordell Rebecca Mrs., house 45 South Cottage Wordell Silas, laborer, house 67 Foster Wordell Wilson W., provision dealer. North Sixth, cor.

JNInrket sq., h. 1 liicketson court Wordell, see also Wodell Wormwell Charles, farmer, house Plainville Worth Benjamin, clerk, 99 Union, house 28 Bush Wright Asel, hackman, house 75 Middle Wrigiit Charles E. \V., messenger Hatch & Co.'s Exi)ress,

house at Boston Wright Ebenezer S., carpenter, house 30 Chestnut Wright Ella L. F. Miss, dressmaker, 15 Pleasant, h. do. Wright F. Nelson, carpenter, bds, 114 Kempton Wright George H., soleleather cutter Hathaway & Soule,

bds. 88 North Second Wright Gideon B., clerk. Merchants National Baidv, bds

30 Chestnut Wright Hannah L., widow, nurse, house 181 Pleasant Wright John, clerk, house 23 Ash Wright John L,, laborer, house 30 Chancery Wright John S., clerk, 2 Purchase, house 23 Ash Wright William, carpenter, house 112 Chestnut Wrightington Americus V,, engineer Gosnold Mills, house

232 Purchase


Wriirhlincrton Cliarles D. (Snmuer R. Bowee & Co), Mt.

Wasliiiigtoii Etching Works, 90 Soutli Water, liouse

at Fniihaven Wriglitirigton Joliii, l)oatl)uil(ler, 86 North Tliird Writrlitino'ton Susan Miss, lioiise OM County road Wrightint;ton Tlieodore H., conductor N. B. R. R., house

^2 North Oak Wrightington William II., liouse 87 Summer Wyatt Joseph, chainmaker, house 129 North Third Wyatt Joseph, chainmaker, boai'ds 129 North Tliird W^yman A. F.,^ dentist, 5 Cummings building, boards 96


YANCY MOTIN, engineer N. B. Tannery, h. 9 Emerson York James H., laborer N. B. Railroad Co., house 308

Purchase York James L., engineer N. B. R. R., bds. 308 Purchase York Johu P., waiter Mansion House, h. 28 Emerson Young A. James, clei'k James I. Church, h. Third, cor.

Spring- Young Francis A., meat market, house 92 Third Young Frank, niu!esj)ii)ner Wamsutta jNIills, h. 200 State Young Henry, peddler, house Orange block Young Henry H., mariner, house 7 Grape Young James C., florist, h. 20 North Emerson Young John K., at Potomska Mills, house 58 Rivet Young Lucinda, widow of William, house 79 Arnold Young Men's Christian Association, 5)^ Purchase Young Victor, assistant janitor. Temple Club, 23 North

Second, boards do.

ZETTICK JOHN J. P., painter, house Durfee, n. Vine

Safe Deposit s Trust

o o 3VJ: A. KT "S",

Post-Office Sq., Cor. Milk and Congress Sts.,

CAPITAL, ... $400,000


Ani Secirities M Valnaliles Slorei for Saft Keepiiii,


Interest Collected and Remitted.

By special Act of the degislature this Company is empowered to re- ceive and hold ITIoiieys or Property in Trust or on Deposit from any Court of Kiaw or of Equity, or from Executors, Administrators, As- signees, Ouardians, Trustees, Corporations or Individuals; and such deposits or transfers of property in trust shall be taken to be a la^vful investment and deposition thereof.






Charles F. Adam?, jr., George W. Bond, Nathaniel J. Bradlee, Benjamin F. Brooks, Samuel C. Cobb, John Cunimings, Oliver Ditson, Richard S. Fay, Francis M. Jolinson, Frederic W. Lincoln, James Longley, William Mixter, Henry L. Pierce, Royal M. Pulsifer, William E. Putnam, M. Denmaii Ross, David N. Skillings, Benjamin F. Stevens, Thomas Talbot, John H. Thorndike.

Manaoer Safe Deposit Dbpaktment, Tkeasureb,


Patent Swing Crib,





J'atented May 2, 1871.

The attention of the trade, and the pnblic generally, is called to the above g^oods.

f^ We also Invite tlie attention of the public to our very large aud choice stock of strictly



Which we specially commend to the notice of parties intending to furnish apartments or residences. Particular attention given to the manufacture of

Mirrors, Cornices, Draperies, etc.,

Which, in connection with a full lino of


Enables us to offer special inducements to parties desiring Interior Decorations.







A Clacisified Licit of all Traders, ProfoHiiiioiia, mid Piii'Nnit'^ in the City of IVew BedCovfl, for the Vears 1873 and 1S70, arranged Alpha- betically for each Trade, thus exhibiting at a glance the full addreti!ii and Special Ousiue«M of her Citizens.


(See also Private Schools.) Friends Academy, Morgan, near County


Bryant John, 69 Walden Potter Sonthward, 2d, 104 Union Eicketson James E.. :>1 Fifth WEBB HIRAM, office over First

National Bank, Union (see adv.

dept., p. 17)

Adjuster of Averages.

Taylor W. H., 40 North Water

Agricultural Implements.


H. Lamb, supt., 14 William (see

adv. dept., p. 1.5) SULLINGS, KINGMAN & CO., 123

Union (see adv. dept., p. 15) VINCENT AMBROSE, 120 Union

(see adv. dei)t., p. 39)

Apothecaries and Druggists.

Blake James E. & Co., 64 North

Second Bunker Elihu, 56 Purchase Cadwell William P. S.,49 Purchase CHURCH CHARLES PL, 74 Pur- chase, cor. Middle (see adv. dept., P- 6) Holmes Ezra, 160 Purchase Otis Thomas, Union, cor. Pleasant Lawton C. H. & H. A., 1 Purchase

and 91 Union Pease William A.. 183 County POTTER & PARKER, 73 Purchase

(see insert opp. p. 181) SOUTH END DRUG STORE, Tay- lor J. P.. prop.. Third, c. Bedford (see adv. dept., p. 24)


Durfee William, 5 Parker Hammond Caleb, 129 North Water Ingnlls Seth H., 152 County Slack R., Ricketson block




Gifford Charles H. (marine painter),

40 William Kicketson A., 142^ Union Kussell Benj., 80 Elm Wall AVilliaiu A., lOU Middle

Artists' Materials.

Allen John C, 47 riuchase

Ellis Leonard B., 38 and 40 William

PIERCE & TABER, 144 and 140

Union (see advt. opp. index to



Bayhes J. B., Ot) and 101 Union BOURNE GEORGE A., 1;1 and '21 North Water (see adv. dept., p. 25) Waterman N., 5y Purchase

Automatic Heat Governor.

PARKER & SHERMAN, Union, c. Water (see advt. inside front cover)

Awning Frame Mnfrs.

GIFFORD T. J. & CO., 32 William, cor. North Third (see advt. out- side front cover)

Awnings, Italian Window Shades, &,c.

ALMY & HITCH, .38^ Purchase (see adv. dept. p. 23)


Day Alfred, 52 Third

FISHER HENRY" H., 134 Purchase

(see insert opp. p. 200) LIBBY J. & CO., 251 and 253 Pur.T

chase (see bottom lines outside

front cover) Richmond Samuel P. & Co., 173

Union Snell David A., 1 William Watson S. & Son (ship bread), 18



New Bedford Brass Band, Geo. Hill, leader and conductor, office 0 Lib- erty Hall building

St. Lawrence Temperance Band, 21 Hamilton

Union Cornet Band, G. Rau, leader, Bush, corner Water

Bankers and Brokers.

BUHT S. P. ct CO., 10 and 43 No. Water (see marginal lines on out- side front cover}


{See also Savin f/s liankfi.)

CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, 36 North Water, corner Centre (see advt. miscel. dept.)

FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Union, corner South Second (see advt. miscel. dept.)

MECHANICS NATIONAL BANK, North Water, foot of William (see advt. miscel. dept.)

MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK, North Water, foot of Wil- liam (see advt. miscel. dept.)

NATIONAL BANK OF COM- MERCE, 35 North Water (see advt. miscel. dept. )

Barrel Dealer.

SAWIN ALBION K. P., Merrill's wharf (see adv. dept. p. 25)

Bell Hangers.

GIFFORD THOS. J. & CO., 32 Wil- liam, cor. North Third (see advt. on outside front cover)

Beer Manufacturers.

WHEATON HIRAM, 51 and .53 South Water (see advt. front col- ored page)

Bill Posters.

Hathaway tt Welch, Purchase, cor. North

Billiard Saloons.

Greenwood James, 32i William Parker Jacob S., lllj Union Silvester David, North Second, cor. William


{See also Horse Slioers; also Ship Sniitlts; also Carriwje Sjniths.)

Bennett George W., head of- the


(see adv. dent. p. 12) Garfield Chas^ L., ,37 Wing KING I. & SON, rear 83 Middle

(see adv. dept. p. 18) Lee & Staples, 400 Purchase Luce J. L., Mechanics lane Macy E. B. & F., 22 South Front



Moslier Obadiah, Plainville Sherman William D., 150 So. Water Skiffs. B. & Co., Mechanics lane Springer Andrew R., 149 Kempton Swift George D., Kempton, n. Ash Terry F. C, Head of the River Tripp Chas. IT., 202 Purchase Tripp James M., 32 Pleasant, n. Elm

Blank Book Mnfrs.

Collins & Allen, 73 Union DEWS EDWIN, 105 and 107 Union (see advt. on front cover)

Block and Pump Makers.

Coggeshall & Co., Merrill's wharf Swan Walter D., 20 South Front Swift Thomas W., 17 North Front Taber Joseph, 13 North Front

Boarding Houses.

Acushnet House, 158 Purchase Betz Thaddeus, 44 Middle Blake Thomas P., 1 Turner's court Booth Nathaniel, 102 South Third. Bowie Samuel R., 71 Third Carter Domingo, 57 South Water Castle William, Old Market square Chase George, 5 School Cleavland Sarah L., 8 Pleasant, near

Union Daniels Helen, rear South Front Davenport Patience A., 97 Fourth Dowling Mary Mrs., 341 Purchase Drake M. M. Mrs., 11 North Second Freeman E. H., 6 First Fuller John (seamans), 12 Cannon Gibbs Mary A. Mrs., 67 Fourth Harlow O., 8 Bethel King Michael, 170 South Water Little John E., head of the River Mansion House, Lewis Boutell, 87

Union Mariners Home, 15 Bethel Milliken L. E., Pond, opp. Copper

Woi'ks Munroe John, 107 Middle Nencette Isaac, 104 South Water NyeH. G. O., 15 Bethel O'Neil Margaret, 304 Purchase Potter George P., 2 Logan Pray W. H. H., 14 School Reynolds Luther (Wamsutta Mills),

Logan Richards Edward R., 152 Union Rigby Celina Mrs., 283 South Water Roberts Joseph E., 179 South Water Root Elizabeth P. Mrs., Union, cor.

Purchase Smith Sarah D. Mrs., 126 Purchase

Stewart Wm. K. Mrs., Purchase, n.

Clark Swain Sarah Mrs., 35 Eighth Thomas Antone (seamans), 111 So.

AVater Urquhart Drusilla, 21i South Water Vera Frank, 113 South Water Webster Cornelius Mrs., 52 Fifth Whitcomb House, Richards Edward

R., 152 Union, cor. Fifth Wood C. H., 98 Purchase

Boat Builders- Allen Bartlett, City wharf Allen Thomas N., North Water, n.

North BEETLE JAMES, Eddy's whf. (see

adv. dept., p. 23) Butler William F., Willis Point Cranston John, Fish Island Cranston J. Miller, Fish Island Eldridge Simeon B., Front, corner

Hazard's wharf Smith William H., foot of Cannon

Boat Men.

Gray G. R., foot of North Tripp Allen S., Front, cor. Shep- herd's lane

Boiler Manufacturers.

UNION BOILER CO., J. C. Brad- ford, agent, 27 Front (see adv. dept., p. 28)

Bomb Lances.

Pierce Eben, 6 William

Bone Setters.

Sweet Job. 119 Kempton Sweet John H., 119 Kempton

Book Binders.

DEWS EDWIN, 105 and 107 Union

(see advt. on front cover) Howe William, 30 Purchase

Books and Stationery.

(See also Periodicals and Newapa-

pers.) Allen John C, 47 Purchase Collins & Allen, 73 Union DEWS EDWIN, 105 and 107 Union

(see advt. on front cover) HITCH A. S., 77 Purchase Hutchinson Sylvander, 142 Union SHERMAN C. R. & CO. (nautical),

49 No. Water (see advt. opp. index

to advts.J



Boot and Shoe Dealers.

ASHLEY & SMITH, 347 Purchase

(see adv. tlept., p. 2) Bowes John H., VM South Water Chandler W. C, 2 lUcketson hlk. CIIUKGH JAMES I., ST Purchase

(see insert opp. p. ISO) Devoll Pardon it Son, 26 Purchase Donnf::fhy Thomas, Union, c. South

Water Freeman E. P., 3 Purchase Howard Jacob «.t Bro., 1S3 Purchase Lothrop Asa. S3 Purchase Lucas A. E.. 120 Union Pahner Andrew R., 131 Union Peed Thomas J., 1231 Purchase Sherry James, 57 Purchase UNION BOOT AND SHOE CO.,

Savory Hathaway, agent,71 and 75

WilHam (see adv. dept., p. 30)

Boot and Shoe Makers.

Adams Eben C, 215 County Blackie Chas. F., 3 Bedford Bourne Nelson, 112 Kempton Brown Jacob, 21 Centre Burbank Thomas. 127 Purchase Cairns ]\[ichael, 48 William Cunha Joseph A., 172^ South Water Danzell Christopher S., 165 Pur- chase Davis Benjamin, 27 Cannon Davis Jacob J., 237 South Water Dugdale John, 278 South Water Dunbar William A., 32 No. Second Ellis Reuben L. , 31 Bedford, near

Sixth Ellis Truman B., 285 Purchase Fish Benjamin F., 186 Kempton Freeman John C, 123 Summer Graham John T., 76^ County Harrington Jeremiah, 192 No. Third Howard Jacob & Bro., 183 Purchase Janell Carl F., 7 William Jeuney Francis, 115 South Front Jones Alex C., 228 Middle Joseph John. 34 Wing Keen Allen, 211 Middle Killigrtw Daniel, 15 Fourth Lucas Willis, Walnut, near South

Water Marshal Michael, 149 South Water Monroe Augustus W., 198i Kempton Pollock John, SUi LTnion Puttz Gustave, 84 Middle Reynolds John, Wamsutta, n. Rail- road Robinson R., 99 Middle Rourke John, 14 Hazard court Shea John, 97 South Second Silvia John, Head of the River Steil Frank, 68 Union Thatcher Wm. R., Parker, n. West

Cedar Thayer Chas. H., 59i.3-rrtth Second Walsh Michael, 319 Purchase

Boot and Shoe Mnfrs.


Second, cor. North (see adv. dept.,

P- 12) Paulding,Reed & Gifford, 14 William Tinkham Elisha B., Mechanics lane TRIPP & HATHAWAY, Pleasant,

corner Mechanics lane (see adv.

dept., p. 12)

Box Manufacturer.

{See also Paper Box Maker). RYDEPt L., 9 Pine (see adv. dept., p. 40)

Bowling Saloon.

Silva Francis M., 57 Howland


PEIRCE & TABER, 144 and 146 Union (see advt. opp. index to advertisements)

VINCENT AMBROSE, (shelf), 120 Union (see adv. dept., p. 39)

Brass Founders.


Water (see advt. front colored

pa-e) GIFFORD & ALLEN, North Front,

corner Hazard's wharf (see advt.

front colored page)

Bread and Confectionery.

(See also Bakers.) Howland Lydia W. Mrs., 115 Kemp- ton

Brokers, Exchange.

Furber George W., 4i South Water

Brokers, Pawn.

(See Pawn_Brokers.)

Brokers, Ship.

Cleveland Abram L., 23 Centre Codd Thomas A. & Co., 18 South Water (up-stairs)

Brokers, Stock.

(See also Bankers and Brokers.) Baker E. L., 40 North Water, and 46

South Sixth BE AUVAIS & CO., 36 North Water BOURNE GEORGE A., 27 North

Water (see adv. dept., p. 25) Burt Daniel C, 19 North Water



BURT S. P. & CO., 43 North Water

(see marginal lines on outside

front cover) Parsons Israel F., 5 Liberty Hall

buildin<Ti; Parsons Thomas L., 5 Liberty Hall


Broom Mnfrs.

Bowen George S., 104 Third Howland Abram H., Plainville

Brush Mnfrs.

Cook Thomas W. & Co., Front, cor. School

Brush Dealers.

^TIRBY H. S., 8 Commercial wharf

(see adv. dept., p. 27) SULLINGS, KINGMAN & CO., 123

Union (see adv. dept., p. 15)

Builders' Hardware.


Building Mover.

Wheeler Martin, 30 Allen


Austin James, Kempton, Cannon-

ville Cornell Pardon, head Watson, Gan-

nonville Hathaway James H , Plead of the

River Kenyon Henry W., Tarkiln Hill rd.

Buttons and Trimmings.

( See Dry Good^i; Fauci/ Dry Goods; Trimminya.)

Cabinet Makers.

, (6'ee also Furniture.)

Dantsizen C, 191 Kim MAXFIELD CALEB, 130 Union

(see adv. dept., p. 27) Oman Andrew, So Elm


Cannon George, ]4 South Front Drew James N., 120 North Second Elbridge Reuben S., Eddy's South

w^harf Gage Benjamin, 23 Middle WEEKES R. & SON, City wharf (see

adv. dept. p. 21)

Candle Manufacturers.

[See also Oil and Candle Manufac- turers; also Soap Manufnclurers.) DELANO GEO. & CO. (sperm and

patent), South Second, coi". South

(see adv. dept., p. 8) HASTINGS & CO., foot of Grinnell

(sperm) (see adv. dept., page 9) LEONARD SAMUEL & CO., Leon- ard (sperm and patent) (see adv.

dept., p. 9) Robinson W. A. & Co., 50 South

Water (sperm and patent) THAYER & JUDD PARAFEINE

CO. (paraffine), Rotch's sq. (see

adv. dept., p. (3) WHITTEMORE M. F., 14 South

Second (see adv. dept., p. 20)

Candy Maker.

Bowerman Nathan, 58 Parker

Carpenters and Builders.

Alien A. W., rear 125 North Water Baker Lorenzo, City wharf Bates F. M., 4()2Puichase Bates William, 2d, 23 North Bliss Moses H., 38 Russell BOSWORTH WM. & SON, 92 and

93 Front, 125 Hazard's whf., and

83 No. Water (see advt. p. 32 front) BOSWORTH & BAKER, 24 Spring

(see advt. opp. preface) Bowen Wm. J.. Atlantic wharf BRIGGS & LOOK, 129i North

Water (see adv. dept., p. 11) Brightman Jacob, 129 North Water Brownell Charles H., 23 North Brown ell Geo., Ash, near North Chadwick Solomon, Leonard's whf. Clark Ezra, No. Second, c. Hillman Cook Timothy D., 19 North Water Gushing John K., Maxfield, near

Purcliase DeWOLF CHARLES, Mechanics

lane, n. No. Sixth (see adv. dept.,

p. 11) DOULL JAMES, 2 School Foster & Brown, 152 North Third Foster John M., 19 Bethel Greene Alfred, foot of Cannon Hammond Caleb, 129 North Water Hammond Francis W., 150 North

Water Haskins J. C, Hillman, n. North

Water Haskins O., Hillman, n. No. Water Hathaway Lewis, Bethel near Wil- liam Hathaway & Bowman, 20 Elm Kirby William A., 91 Middle Leach Charles H., Leonard's wharf Perry & Washburn, 149 No. Water Robinson James, 20 South Water



Carpenters and Builders- Continued.

Sherman R. A. ct yon, Leonard's


No. Water (see adv. dept., p. HI) Tripp Ephraim J. H., 105 No. Cedar Tripp AV. B., 18:i Kempton Walker John W.. .53 Smith Walker Wm., llillman, near North

Water WEAVER T. H., 150 North Water

(see adv. dept., p. 24)

Carpet Maker.

Denham George B., 01 Kemi)ton

Carpet Weavers.

Brawley James, 131 South Second Earley Robert W., 10 Spring Tillinghast L. B., 204 Purchase

Carpets and Oil Cloths.

Eddy George M. ct Co., 147 Union ELLIS W. H., 115 Purchase (see

adv. dept., p. 19) PEASE JAMES H., 214 Purchase

(see advt. p. 32, front) Silvester & Wing, 28 Purchase Waite Benjamin II., 38 Purchase Waterman N., 1 Ricketsou block,


Carriage Manufacturers.

(See also Wheelwrights.) Bennett Geo. W., head of the River BROWXELL, ASHLEY & CO., 10,

20 and 22 Fourth BROWNELL GEORGE L., Third,

cor. Cannon (see advt. on back

cover) COLE H. G. O., 44 Third (see advt.

opp. streets, courts, etc.) Cory Isaac C, 12 Rockdale av. Footman & Manchester, 125 North

Third Forbes C. H., 33, .34 and 35 Elm Hersey William A., head of the River Linton J. R., 150 Purchase NEW BEDFORD CARRIAGE

MANUFACTORY, 83 Middle (see

advt. front col. page) SIIAW FRANKLIN, 51 Elm (see

adv. dept., p. 25) Tripp Alonzo B., 149 Kempton Tuckwell Geo., 92 Linden White William G., Pleasant, corner

Mechanics lane

Carriage Painter.

DEXTER T. D., 51 Elm (see advt. front colored page)

Carriage Repositories.

BROWNELL GEO. L., Third, cor.

Cannon (see advt. on back cover) COLE H. G. O., 44 Third (see advt.

opp. streets, courts, etc.) Forbes C. H., 33, 34 and 35 Elm


(.See also Blacksmiths.) CASWELL BROS., 8 Pine (see adv.

dept., p. 12) COLE II. G. O., 44 Third (see advt.

opp. streets, etc. ) Colwell John J., Kempton, c. Ash Garfield Chas. L., 37 Wing KING L & SON, 83 Middle (see adv.

dept., p. 18) Luce J. L., Mechanics lane Tripp James M., 32 South Pleasant,

near Elm

Carriage Stocks and Hoops.

Hayes & Co., 147 North Water

Carriage Trimmers.

EVANS ISAAC, 51 Elm (see adv.

dept. p. 23) Lawrence James W., 193 Purchase LOWELL CLARENCE, (New Bed- f(^id Carriage Manufactory), 83 Middle (see advt. front col. page)


Pell Geo., Middle, corner Cedar .

Chains, Anchors, &>c.

BROWNELL AVM. O., North Front, corner Central wharf (see adv. dept. p. 27)

Chair Re-seater.

Handy Caleb, 135 South Orchard


Delano R. M., 173 County,

HART & AKIN, 58 South Water, 9

North Water and foot of Coffin

(see advt. opp. contents)

Charts and Nautical Station- ery.

Kelley James S., 83 Union SHERMAN C. R., 49 North Water (see advt. opp. index to advts.)

Chemist, Manufacturing.

Davis H. v., Court, cor. Chancery, office 40 North Water



Chest Makers.

(See Seamen's Chest Makers.)

Chromos and Engravings.

Ellis Leonard B., 38 and 40 William Mikolas A. E., Sears" court, rear 25

Purchase PIERCE & TABER, 144 Union (see

advt. opp. index to N. B. advts.)

Chronometer Mnfrs. and Dealers.

Kelley James S., 8o Union Munroe James, 98 Union

Cigar Mnfrs.

Caswell I. C, 85^ Purchase Francis John, 122i Union Haswell A. K., 103 Union McXulty J. C, 64 Union OESTING CHARLES A. W., 48

Purchase, (see adv. dept. p. 28) Robinson Antone. 153 South Water Snow John H., 188 County TILDEN XILES, 28 North Second

(see adv. dept. p. 30)

Cigars and Tobacco.


(see adv. dept. p. "^6) Caswell I. C, 85| Purchase Chapman E. T. & Co., 64 Purchase CUNHA JOSEPH, 95 Union Francis John, 122 Union Haswell A. K., 103 Union OESTING CHARLES A. W., 48

Purchase (see adv. dept. p. 28) PARKER FREDERICK, 9 Purchase

(see adv. dept. p. 37) POLLOCK D. F., 173 Purchase (see

adv. dept. p. 18) Snow John H., 188 County TILDEN NILES, 28 North Second

(see adv. dept. p. 30)

Circular and Scroll Sawing.

Hayes & Co., 147 North Water

Circulating Libraries.

Allen John C, 47 Purchase Hutchinson Sylvander, 142 Union

Civil Engineers and Survey- ors.

Briggs R. E., 2 Cummings building Briggs Geo. A., 45 Purchase BRIGGS & SHERMAN, 45 Purchase

(see adv. dept. p. 17) Durfee William, 5 Parker

Hammond Caleb, 129 North Water Hammond E. B., 127 North Water Ingalls Seth H., 152 County AVheeler Geo. B., office basement City Hall


Bagwell John B. (Baptist). 107 Mid- dle Batchelor Benjamin S. (Middle St.

Christian), 167 North Burleigh Chas. F. (Christian), 63 Cy- press Butler Jas. D., chaplain N. B. Port Society, office at Seamen's Bethe.l, Bethel Cobb Solon (Cong.), 65 Elm Coe Isaac S. (South Christian Bap.),

112 Washington Crafts Wilbur F. (Meth. Epis.),98

Elm Dennison Tristram R. (City Mis- sionary), 5 Lincoln Farnsworth J. H. (Universalist) Frates Antone M., 135 Third Green T. R. (Methodist), Pleasant,

cor. Sycamore Hammond Wm. B. (Cong.), Head of

the River Higgins A. M. (Advent), 100 High Higgins WiUiam ( Cath. ), 96 Hillmau How Moses, 109 Middle Julien M. C. (Cong.), Parker House Lee James H. (Baptist), 83 South

Water McMahon Lawrence S. (Catholic),

96 Hill man Mitchell Silas A. (Meth.), 137 South

Orchard Morgan Chas. (Meth.), 27 Allen Page George (Catholic), 96 Hillman Potter William J. (First Cong.), 223

Union Raymond Bradford P. (Methodist,

182 Grinnell Roberts Oliver A. (North Christian),

85 Fourth Rowland Edmund (Epis. ),92 County Stearns George W., 107 William WilHams E. T. (Methodist) Winn Daniel D. (First Bap.), Page, cor. Hawthorn

Cloak Mnfr.

Waite Benjamin H., 38 Purchase

Cloak Maker.

(-See also Dressmakers.) White Martha C. Mrs., 124^ Union


(See also Watches, Clocks, and Jew- elry.) Waterman N., 1 Ricketson block



Clothes Wringers.

SOWLE F. A., 8 and 10 William

(see insert opp. p. 207) VINCENT AMBROSE, 120 Union

(see adv. dept. , p. 39)

Clothing Stores.

(See also Tailors, Merchant; also

Seatneii's Clothhic/. ) Bach George, 10(5 South Water DeWolf Ann J. Mrs., 177 Purchase Doane & Co., .55 Union Fisher Charles, M Purchase Gift'ord it Co.. llo Union Lama J. F.. 89 South Water Lucas A. E., 129 Union Packard E., North Second, opposite

Post-office Sanders Wm.. lOS and 112 Union Swift yi. C, 12SA Union Sylvia Antono L., I'j9 South Water Taber, Read & Gardner, 117 Union Vera Frank, 113 South Water Ward Beniamin C, 70 Union Wing J. it W. R. & Co., Ill Union Wordell Alden, 61 William

Clothes Cleaners and Re- pairers.

Bach George, 100 South Water HARDING CHAS. P. (Excelsior

DyeHouse), 41 WiUiam (see adv.

dept., p. 31) Henry George, 153 Purchase Onlay C. H., 87j Purchase

Coal Dealers.

Delano R. M., 173 County

HART & AKIN, 58 South Water. 9

North Water, and foot of Coffin

(see advt. opp. contents) Haskell Edward P., North Front,

foot of Middle Hathaway B. F., 154 North Third HOLMES JOS [AH, Jr., Atlantic

wharf (see adv. dept., p. 7) Kollock L. M., New Bedford Coal,

Co., foot of Walnut PERRY ELLIS, foot of Ilillman

(see advt. opp. preface)

Coal Oil Manufacturer.

{See also Oil and Candles; also Petroleum Oil.)

Howland W., Fish Island Coffee and Spice Mills.

ACUSIINET COFFEE AND SPICE MILLS, Davis & Hatch, proprie- tors, .59 High (see adv. dept., p. 3)

Allen & Wing, 23 Union

Coffin Warerooms.

COGGESIIALL & CO., 20 and 22 William (see advt. on back cover)

WILSON B. G.. 74 William (see adv. dept., p. 36)

Commissioners to Qualify Civil Officers.


Water (see advt. opp. title page) Taylor William H., 37 North Water

Commissioners for Other States.

Borden Alanson (Pennsylvania), 42

North Water Cobb Wendell H. (New York and

Michigan). 35 North Water Crapo' AVilliam W. (Michigan), 35

North Water Prescott Oliver (Miphigan), 26 North

Water Stetson Thomas M. (New York and

Vermont), 38* North Water Taylor William H. (Rhode Island,

California, &c.), 37 North Water

Commissioner of Wrecks.

Alray Job, 11 Parker's blk., Middle

Commission Merchants.

AUeii Gideon & Son, 74 No. Water Barrows John N., 30 Union Bartlett I. H. & Sons, Taber's whf. Baylies J. B., 99 and 101 Union BAYLIES & CANNON, 3 and 4 Un- ion (see adv. dept., p. 29) BROWXELL WM. O., North Front,

cor. Central whf. (see adv. dept.,

page 27) BOURNE GEORGE A., 28 North

Water (see adv. dept., p. 25) Cleaveland A. L., 23 Centre Codd Thos. A., 18 South Water Cunningham W. H.,30 and 32 Union Greene D. R. & Co., 19 Hamilton HART & AIKEN, 58 South Water,

9 North Water and foot of Coffin

(see advt. opp. contents) Humphrey C. B. & Co., 2i North

Second Knowles Thos. &: Co.. 24 Union MACOxMBER BROTHERS, 6 Union

(see adv. dept.. p. 40) McAFFEE JOHN, 75 Union (see

adv. dept, p. 32) NYE SYLVANUS G., 35 Union

(see adv. dept., p. 32) PHILLIPS WILLIAM & SON, 7

Middle POTTER WM. F. iS: CO., Union, c.

Front (see adv. dept., p. 21) SWIFT & ALLEN, Taber's wharf

(see adv. dept., p. 7)



Taber, Gordon & Co., Central whf.,

cor. Front Tucker fJlias. R. & Co., 29 No. Front Waterman N., 1 Ricketson block WILBOR ALFRED G., 95 Third

(see adv. dept., p. 29) Wilbur & Deacon, .59 Union WOOD J. A. & Co., 34 Union (see

adv. dept., p. 38)

Compass Manufacturers.

SHERMAN C. R., 49 North Water (see advt. opp. index to advts. )

Confectioners, Manufactur- ing.

Bates Wra. M., 1.5* and 16 Pleasant

Day Alfred, 52 Third

GRAY J. F., 6(3 Purchase, n. Elm

(see advt. front colored page) TILDEN & CO., 60 Purchase (see

advt. front col'd p.)

Confectionery and Fruit.

Andrews C, 2 South Second Baldwin H. W., 75 Purciiase Bates Wm. M., 15^ and 10 Pleasant Branaivtlichard H., 76 Purchase Brook Charles H., 54 Purchase Carter Martha Miss, 244 Purchase Drescott J. A., 113 Purchase Fortes Mary Mrs., 42^ Bedford- Gilford Henry T., 1U6 Purchase GRAY J. F., 66 Purchase, n. Elm

(see advt. front col'd p. ) Hawes Levi, 17 Purchase LIBBY J. ct CO., 251 and 2.53 Pur- chase (s«e bottom lines outside front cover) PARKER FREDERICK, 9 Purchase

(see adv. dept., p. 37) POLLOCK D. F., 173 Purchase (see

adv. dept., p. 18) TILDEN cfe CO., 60 Purchase (see

advt. front col'd p.) Todd Henry H., 212 Purchase Warren Angle, 106 South Third


Adams Nathaniel, Front, c. Middle Allan t& Whitney, 17 Hamilton Baker Benj., jr., 18 South Front Churchill .silvanus, 9 Cannon Ellis Caleb L., head of North Front,

u. bridge Holmes Atwood, 14 First Howland & Coggeslmll, rear 147

North Water Luce Thomas, City wharf Luscomb Richard, Hillman, near

North Water My rick Alexander G., 115 No. Water

Norton Wm. J., North Water, near Wilcox & Richmond's wharf

PIERCE JOHN VV., 99 South Water (see adv. dept., p. 11)

Randall Rufus, 16 and IS Coffin

Whitney Amasa, 28 First

Copper Manufs.

NEW BEDFORD COPPER CO , Wm. H. Mathews, treas.. Orange, office Rodman, cor. North Frout (see adv. front col'd p.)


CRAIGIE ANDREW, 103 North Water (see advt. front col'd p.)

GIFFORD & ALLEN, North Front, cor.. Hazard's wharf (see advt. front col'd p. )

Cordage Manufacturers.

NEW BEDFORD CORDAGE COM- PANY, office Rotch's sq., ractory Court (see adv. dept., p. 21)


COGGESHALL H. W., 20 William

(see advt. on back cover) Kimball Horatio N., 42^ No. Water


Chace George W., 16 Purchase Nooning H. H. & Co., 2^ and 4 Pur- chase Woodman Wm. O., 12 Purchase

Cotton Goods Mnfrs.

Potomska Mills (print cloths), South Water, between South and Rivet, Horatio Hathaway, Treas., office 50 South Water

Wamsutta Mills, Wamsutta St., Ed- ward Kilburn, agent, Andrew G. Pierce, treasurer, office over Mer- chants National Bank, No. Water

Country Produce, Whole- sale- Humphrey C. B. & Co., 2^ North Second

Country Store.

Allen Abram A., Allen's corner, Plain villa



Crockery, China and Glass Ware.

Baylies J. B., 9!) and 101 Union Bennett Samuel, 14 William Bliss ct Nye, 121 Union HAYDKN WM. G. & CO., 101 Third

(see adv. dopt. p. 20) LUT1IP:H H. K., 144 Purchase (see

adv. dept. p. 29) Purington ct Brown, 5,5 Purchase Taylor Henry J., 41 Purchase


WADE JOB, Wall, near North Third (see adv. dept. p. o9)


KIRBY H. S.,8 Commercial wharf

(see adv. dept. p. 27) NEW BEDFORD TOOL CO., 14

William (see adv. dept. p. 15) SULLINGS, KINGMAN & CO., 123

Union (see adv. dept. p. 1.5) VINCENT AMBROSE, 120 Union

(see adv. dept. p. 39)


Channin^ij WilUam H., 139 Union Davis Charles G., 1 Brick block,

Cheapside, corner Union Hazeltine A. A., lo4 Purchase MANN HENRY E., 85 Purchase

(see adv. dept. p. 3) Mara J. C. 25 Pleasant McLeod E. V., 5 Cummings building Nesbett Frederick B., 6(J Purchase Smith Charles B., 74 North Stetson Edward, 24 Purchase Ward Bros., 159 Union Ward E. G., 148^ Union

Diamond Broker,

Rowland G. II., 43 North Sixth

Dining Rooms.

Oakley James M., 65 Union POND E. D., 07 and 69 William (see

advt. on map) Richards <& Winslow, .34 William SLOSSON H. C, 14 South Third

(see adv. dept. p. 18) Stevens L. D., 51 and 53 Union

Drain Pipe, H^'draulic Sub- soil. Pierce Bradford S., 9 Bedford


Aikin Annie L. Mrs., 5^ Pleasant,

near Union Allen Eliza, M. Miss, 49 County Allen J. G. Miss, 30 Purchase , Andrews Susan A. Mrs., 29 Mill Baxter Cynthia A. Mrs., 136 Kemp- ton Boone Eliza C, 114 Fourth Borden Anna B. Mrs., 4 Ward Bradford Caroline C, 139 Union BRAY WOOD A. M. MRS., 191 Pur- chase (see advt. p. 32 Front) Bryant L. A. Mrs., 8^ Purchase Bushnell I. S. Mrs., 43 No. Second Castle Julia Mrs., 2 South Pleasant Chaney Emma E. Miss, 81 Thomas Chapman John H. Jr. Mrs., 26

Pleasant CHASE E. B., 5 Pleasant (see adv.

dept. p. 16) Chase M. A. Miss, 42 Kempton Childs H. A. Mrs., 25 'Jannon Clark Eliza W., rear 148 Kempton Clapp Abbie S. Mrs., 25 So. Second Coleman Betsey R., 167 Union Cook Evie M. Miss, rear 105 Allen Crafts Sarah F. Mrs.. 56 So. Second. Crapo Abbie I. Mrs., 64 Dartmouth Devoll Amy A. Miss, 161 North Dillingham Caroline C. Miss, 29 Sev- enth Francis Ellen J. Miss, 107 Hillman Gardner Belsie B., Pleasant, corner

Union Gormley Sarah A. Miss, 198 Elm Grudchos Anna C. Mrs., 309 Pur-

Henderson Sarah F.,Miss, 236 Mid- dle Hinckley Lucy B. Mrs., 160 Union Home Mary A. Miss, 97 Middle Horr Cynthia, 37 Seventh Howes Clariuda Miss, 39 Foster Howland IMercy G., 40 North Landers Mary J., 57 North Sixth Leonard Mercy S., 10 Merrimac Lincoln Susan R. Miss, Bellville Macomber Margaret J. Mrs., 1 Bed- ford Manchester P. O. Miss, 48 High McNutt N. A. Mrs., 88 No. Second Melling Ann, 287 Purchase Otis Abbie, 84 Mill Peck J. M. Mrs. , 78 Elm Pitts E. e. Miss, 9^ Purchase Potter & Woodward, 142 Purchase Prentice Sarah V., 2 Fifth Randall Cynthia Mrs., 63 Kempton Reynolds Mary Miss, 57 Summer ' Robinson Isabel Mrs., 80 Middle Ruggles Mary T., 69 Foster Sherman Julia E. Mrs., 35 William Smith Lizzie, 9 Cannon Soule Anna T., 69 Forest Swift Eliza W. Mrs., 4 Chestnut Thomas Mary J. Mrs., 8 Emerson



Thomas Mary J. .Mrs., 54 School Thompson Adelaide Miss, 114 South

Seventh Tucker Carrie B. Mrs., 49 Mill Turner Phebe A., 107 Purchase Vicars Margaret C, 83 North Water Vassals Elizabeth Mrs., 166 Mill Wagner Mary K., Si Pleasant, near

Union Warden Misses, 75 Middle West K. B. Mrs., 2:3 Pleasant Wicks Amy A. Mrs , 33 So. Second Wilbour Eliza J., 10 Emerson Wixon Betsey M., 29 Union Wright Ella L. F., 15 Pleasant

Dress Trimmings.

{See also Buttons and Trinanings.) Case E. C. Miss, 40 Purchase Cottle H. B., 11 Purchase

Drills (Twist.)

Morse Twist Drill and Machine Co,, Bedford, cor. Fourth

Dry Goods, Retail.

Brightman L. & Co., 15 South

Water Brownell O. G., 51 Purchase CHASE E. B., 5 Pleasant (see adv.

dept., p. 16) COMEY C. M., 103. Purchase (see

advt. inside back cover) Cook David, 240 Purchase Delano Stephen, 8 Purchase DeWolf A. J. Mrs., 177 Purchase Dootson Isabella, 86 Purchase Eddy George M. & Co., 147 Union FISHER JAMES & CO.,32 Purchase

(see adv. dept., p. 23) Giftbrd George D., 6 Purchase Hadley A. W., 20 Purchase Haskell E., 42, 44 and 46 Purchase Lewis Francis, 167 South Water Melling Ann, 287 Purchase Richardson John T., 18 So. AYater Silvester & Wing, 28 Purchase Slocum H., 1.54 Union Slocum P. & Co., 15 South Water Soule W. T., 58 Purchase Spare John V., 178 County Tucker Wm., jr., 21 North Water Waite Benjamin H., 38 Purchase Whiting E. B., 10 Purchase WILDE J. P., WilHam, cor. North

Sixth (see adv. dept., p. 24) Woodman William O., 12 Purchase

Dry Goods, Fancy, Retail.

Chace Geo. W., 16 Purchase COMEY C. M., 103 Purchase (see advt. inside back cover)

Drudchos Anna C. Mrs., 309 Pur- chase

FISHER JAMES & CO., 32 Pur- chase (see adv. dept., p. 23)

Nooning H. H. & Co., 2^ and 4 Pur- chase

Simon Nathan, 62 Purchase

Slocum H., 1.54 Union

Soule W. T., 58 Purchase

Woodman Wm. O., 12 Purchase

Dry Goods, Wholesale.

Eddy George M. & Co., 147 Union

Duck, Wholesale.

Hart Simpson, 33 Commeicial whf.


HARDING CHAS. P. (Excelsior Dye House), 41 William (see adv. dept., p. 31)

Dye House Agents.

Waite Benjamin H. (Lewando's), 38

Purchase Woodman William O., 12 Purchase

Eating Houses.

(See also Restaur ants.) Allen Thos. L., 26 South Water Giftbrd Geo. P., 6 South Water Handley A. S., 1 Commercial wharf Hicks Samuel, Pope's Island Howland Reuben, 117 Kempton Oakley James M., 65 Union POND E. D., 67 and 69 William (see

advt. on map) Richards & Winslow, ,34 William SLOSSON H, C, 14 South Third

(see adv. dept., p. 18) Smith D. B., 19 Union

Electro Platers.

New Bedford Electro Plating Co., 133 No. Water

Engineers (Hydraulic.)

BRIGGS & SHERMAN, 45 Pur- chase (see adv. dept., p. 17)


Almy ,L T., 1.56 Union


Ellis L. B., 40 William



Etching on Glass.

Mt. Wnshiii'^ton Etcliiii-; Works, 90 So. Wntor

European Steamer Agency.

Dx\YENl'()RT. ^lASOX & CO., r, Ricketsoii block (ace advt. opp. dedication)


BOSTON EX iniES.S, Hatch ife Co., props., 5 Hicketson blk. (see advt. opp. dedication)

Edgarton Express, John Mayhew, prop., 5 Ricketson block

MARTHA'S VINEYARD EX- PRESS, Hatch & Co., props., 5 Ricketson block (see advt. opp. dedication)

NEW YORK SOUTHERN AND WESTERN EXPRESS, Daven- port, Mason & Co., 5 Ricketson blk. (see advt. opp. dedication)

Potters & Co.'s New York Express, 19 Com'l wharf

PROVIDENCE EXPRESS, Hatch & Co., props., 5 Ricketson block (see advt. opp. dedication)

Vineyard Haven Express, Luce & West, props., 5 Ricketson block


DAVIS & HATCH, 59 High (see adv. dept.,p. 3)

Fancy Goods.

Allen C. N., 153 Union

Bates A. E. Mrs., 14 Pleasant, near

City Hall Brownell A. P., 94 Union BuUard Amasa, 9 Pleasant, n. City

Hall ^ ^

Carr Esther Mrs., 107 Cedar DEXTER & HASKINS, 14 Purchase

(see adv. dept., p. 20) Fuller Nancy B., 97 Third Hanson CorneliU'^, 171 Kempton Haskell Edward, 42, 44 and 40 Pur- chase Hopkins John, 2 Purdiase Hunt Josiah, 22 Purchase Johnson J. Mrs., 140 Purchase Lowden S. B. Mrs., 143 Union Macy William J., 08 Purchase McAndrew, 201 South Water Nooning H. H. & Co., 2| and 4 Pur- chase Pease Peleg, 74 Gnnnell TILDEN & CO., 00 Purchase (see - front coVd page) ' Whitcomb F. R., 150 Union, corner Fifth Whiltaker E. Mrs., 332 Purchase Woodman Wm. O., 12 Purchase

Fancy Soaps.

ELLIS W. II., 115 Purchase (see adv. dept., p. 19)


MAXFIELD CALEB, 130 Union (see adv. dept., p. i:7)


Paine S. S. & Brother, No. Fiont, c. Hazard's whf.

Fish, Pickled and Dried.

FLANDERS C. H., 22 Union (see

adv. dept., p. 32) Leonard John H., 25 Union

Fish Dealers.

BARTLETT A., 9 North Sixth (see

adv. dept., p. 30) Bassett William A. & Co., foot of

Middle, and 125 Purchase Bishop R. H., Merrimac, near Pur- chase Butler Thos. A.. 91 Third Childs Josiah G., 31 So. Second Clark & Bartlett, 8 and 10 South

Water and 9 Market Crapo Thomas, 09 South Water "Devorl Joseph, 100 South Water Fisher R. H., Merrimac FLANDERS C. IL, 22 Union (see

adv. dept., p. 32) Frates Antoine, 208^ South Water Gittbrd Jos. F., 13 North Second Hanmioud Chas. AV., 168^ Kempton Holmes & Watson, Eddy's wharf, Leonard John H. (salt). 25 Union Matthews Willard S., 55 County Tripp E. A., 101 Williston L. A., 91 South Third

Fishing Tackle and Sporting Apparatus.

EGGERS SELMAR, 0 William (see

adv. dept., p. 30) Fales James, jr., 91 North Water KIRBY H. S., 8 Com'l wharf (see

adv. dept., p. 27) MORRILL L. IL, 87 Middle (see

adv. dept., p. 7) Palmer xMark S., 80 Bedford

Flag Stones.

ALLEN JOSEPH, Jr. & CO., 20 No. Water (see line outside front cover)




(See also Nurserymen.) Howard Wm. M., 34 Arnold Keen Washington, Maxlield, above

Cedar PEIRCE WILLIAM. Elm, cor. Cot- tage, office 10 Pleasant (see adv. dept.. p. 6) Young James C, Parker, cor. New County road

Flour Mills.

EUREKA FLOUR MILLS, Denison Brothers, proprietors, 42 South Water and 10 School (see adv. dept., p. 10)

NEW BEDFORD FLOUR CO., North Water, foot of Ililmau (see adv. dept., p. 13)

Flour and Grain.


Union (see adv. dept., p. 29) CENTRAL UNION ASSOCIA- TION, B. F. Brownell, treas., 5

North Sixth (see adv. dept,, p. 30) DENISON BROS., 42 South Water

and 10 School (see adv. dept., p.


Water (see adv. dept., p. 10) GIBBS L. H., 26 and 28 Union (see

adv. dept., p. 31) Kirk John, 224 Purchase LUTHER H. R., 144 Purchase (see

adv. dept., p. 2d) MACOMBER BROS,, G Union (see

adv. dept., p. 40) MACOMBER T. W., IG So. Water

(see adv. dept., p. 17) NEW BEDFORD FLOUR CO.

North Water, foot of Ilillman (see

adv. dept., p. 13) WILBOR ALFRED G., 95 Third

(see adv. dept., p. 29)

Fruits, Foreign and Domes- tic.

Andrews Christopher, 2 So. Second Brook dias. H., 54 Purchase BROWNELL & LAPHAM, Market

sq., cor. Sixth (see adv. dept., p.

22) Cunningham W. H., 30 & 32 Union McAFEE JOHN, 75 Union (see

adv. dept., p. 32) WOOD J. A. & CO., 34 Union (see

adv. dept, p. 38)


Fruit and Confectionery.

(See also Confectionery and Fruit.) Baldwin H. W., 75 Purchase Bates Wm. M., 15^ and 16 Pleasant Bi'aiian Richard IL, 76 Purchase FISHER H. H., 134 Purchase (see

insert opp. p. 206) Giftord H. T., 106 Purchase Howarth William, 117 Purchase Leehy M.. 246 Purchase Luce Ambrose E., jr., 186 County McAFEE JOHN, 75 Union (see

adv. dept, p. 32) PARKER FREDERICK, 9 Purchase

(see adv. dept, p. 37) POLLOCK D. F., 173 Purchase (see

adv. dept, p. 18) Smith Frederick, 69 Union Thomas J., 154 Purchase WOOD J. A. & CO., 34 Union (see

adv. dept, p. 38)

Fruit and Ornamental Trees.

McAFEE JOHN, 75 Union (see adv. dept, p. 32)

PEIRCE WILLIAM, Elm, cor. Cot- tage (see adv. dept, p. 6)

Fur Dealer.

HASKELL C. M., 138 Union (see adv. dept, p. 23)

Furnaces, Hot Air.

HAYDEN W. G. & CO., 101 Third (see adv. de^jt, p. 20)

PARKER & SHERMAN, Union, cor. Water (see advt. inside front cover)

SAWYER STEPHEN P., 82 Pur- chase (see advt. front col'd page)

Tobey & Coggeshall, IS William

Tiipp Stephen A., 16 and 18 North Water

WOOD, BRIGHTMAN & CO., 45 North Water (see advt opp. in- side front cover)

Furniture, New and Second Hand.

Baylies J. B., 99 and 101 Union

Furniture Dealers.

( .See also Cabinet Makers. ) DeWolfe A. J., 177 Purchase Ellis W. H., 11.5 Purchase Geils Geretf, 150 Purchase HITCH E. E., 147 i Union (see adv.

dept, p. 19) MAXFIELD CALEB, 130 Union

(see adv. dept. p. 27) PEASE JAMES H., 214 Purchase

(see advt., p. 32 front)



Furniture Repairers.

Dantsizeu C, li)l Elm

Hircil E. E., 147i Union (see adv.

dept., p. l!t) Oman Andrew. 86 Elm PEASE .JAMES H., 214 Purchase

(see advt., p. 32 front) Warner Jesse A., 82 I'urchase

Galvanized Goods.

KIRBY H. S., 8 Commercial wharf (see adv. dept., p. 27)


Brownell Frederick, 1.5 No. Cottage Doran Samuel, 17 Ash Duffy Edwaid, 13 Ash Eagleton Thomas J., 227 So. Second Gibson John, 9 Arch Gorham Jabez A., r> Green Hankinson James, 18 Emerson Hathaway Andrevt' B., Hathaway

road Lowe James, 2 Ash Murphy Michael, 35 Sherman Peckham Stephen, 14 Sherman PEIRCE WM., Elm, cor. Cottage,

office 10 Pleasant (see adv. dept.,

p. 6) Riley Robert, 105 Allen Tyuon John F., 195 Elm

Gas Light Co.

New Bedford Gas Light Co., Gideon Wood, supt., 70 South Water

Gas and Steam Fitters.

GIFFORD THOS. J. & Co., 32 Wil- liam, corner North Third (see advt. on outside front cover)

GIFFORD & ALLEN, Front, cor. Hazard's wharf (see advt. front col. page)

Sherman J. C, 24 William

WOOD, BRIQHTMAN & Co., 45 North Water (see advt. front col. page)

Gas Fixtures.

GIFFORD THOS. J. & CO., 32 Wil- liam (see advt. on outside front cover)

Sherman J. C, 34 William

WOOD, BRIGHTMAN & CO., 45 North Water (see advt. front col. page)

Gaugers and Inspectors.

Delano Abraham (oils), 17 Middle Delano H. (oils), 17 Middle

Gents' Furnishing Goods.

Brownell E F. A., 19 Purchase Brownell O. G., 51 Purchase Davis Lorenzo D., 64 William Cannon E. S. & (-o., 43 Purchase Fisher Chas., 64 Purchase Gifford & Co.. 11.3 Union HASKELL C. M., 138 Union (see

adv. dept. p. 23) Lucas A. E., 129 Union McGRATH LAWRENCE, 66 Pur- chase Packard E., North Second, opp,

Post Office Sanders Wm., 108 and 112 Union Swift Moses C, 128^ Union Taber, Read & Gardner, 117 Union Wing J. & W. R. & Co., Ill Union WILDE J. P., William, cor. Sixth (see adv. dept. p. 24)


Ellis Leonard B., 36 and 40 William RUSSELL E. N. & Co., 34 Mill (see adv. dept. p. 26)

Glass Manufacturers.

MOUNT WASHINGTON GLASS WORKS, Prospect, A. H. Seabury president (see advt. front colored page)

Granite Yards.

DORAN, SHEA & CO., 26 North

Second (see adv. dept. p. 22) ]MANC HESTER OTIS, 40 Chestnut

(see advt. p. 32 front) MUNROE JOSEPH P. G., 4 West

Campbell (see adv. dept. p. 7) N. E. .Marble and (xranite Works,

Fourth, corner Spring

Granular Fuel.

Robbins Augustus, Court, next Cor- dage Factory

Grindstone Dealers.

KIRBY H. S., 8 Commercial wharf (see adv, dept. p. 27)

Grocers, Wholesale.

Driscol, Church & Hall, 60 Union GIBBS LOT H., 26 and 28 Union

(see adv. dejit. p. 31) Gifford Fred S., 3 Ricketson Block,

Union Knowles John P. 2d, Front, corner

Commercial wharf Knowles Thos. & Co., 24 Union



LUTHER H. R., 144 Purchase (see

adv. dept. p. 29) NYE SYLVANUS G., 35 Union (see

adv. dept. p. 32) POTTER WILLIAM F. & CO.,

Union, corner North Front (see

adv. dept. 21) Taber, Gordon & Co., Central wh'f.,

corner Front Tucker & Cummings, C6 and 68


Grocers, Retail.

ACUSHNET CO-OPERATIVE AS- SOCIATION, 85 Third, cor. Rus sell (see adv. dept. p. 28) Allen Abram, Plainville Almy A. A., Hillman, corner Cedar Andrews Christopher, 2 So. Second ASHLEY & SMITH, 347 Purchase

(see adv. dept. p. 2) Batt>s Lot B., Ashland, cor. Linden Bliss Frank C., South Sixth, corner

Grinnell BOARDMAN THOMAS, 238 North

Third (see adv. dept. p. 26) Bonney Charles A. & Co., Ill Pur- chase Boston Branch Store, 97 Purchase Braley J. W., 214 County Brown Lloyd B., 175 Kempton Brownell A. F., New County road,

corner Durfee BROWNELL WM. O., North Front, cor. Central whf. (see adv. dept. p. 27) CEXTRAL UNION ASSOCIA- TION, B. F. Brownell, treas., No. Sixth (see adv. dept. p. 30) Chappell William H., 229 Purchase Chase A. H., Brayley Station Clare John, 221 South Water Codding Seth, 180 County Cook David, 240 Purchase Cota & Smith, Cedar, corner Middle Couling Isham, 184 Kempton Dammon Frederick A. & Co., 81

Smith Dawson Benjamin, 312 Purchase Davis James, 2d, North Third, cor.

Acushnet av. Doty William P., 283 Purchase DriscoU Robert. 311 Purchase D wight James E., 60 South Second Dwiglit WiUiam B. & Co., 103 Third Dyer George L., 85 Smith Edgerton J. F., 296 Purchase Folger D. B.& Co., 116 and 118 Union Francis Isaac P., Kempton, corner

Rockdale av., Canuonville Gardner Thomas A., 204 County GIBBS LOT H., 26 and 28 Union

(see adv. dept., p. 31) Giflford Fred. S., 3 Ricketson block,

Union Hathaway Freeman E.,243 Purchase

Holcomb Henry <fc Sou, 71 Bush,

cor. South Second Holcomb Monroe, 201 South Water HOLCOMB ROLAND, 32 School

(see advt. front colored page) Howland Chas. H.. County, c. Allen Jenney Bros., 297 Purchase Johnson Henry J., 14 Cedar Jordan Patrick, 198 North Third Kirby David G., 281 South Water Knowles Thomas & Co., 24 Union Lawrence Paul, 71 Maxfield Lawton R. S. , 185 Purchase Lucas Henry K. W., 120 Washington Luscomb Robert, 170 County Luscombe A. R., Pleasant, corner

Kempton LUTHER H. R., 144 Purchase (see

adv. dept., p. 29) MACOMBER GEORGE B., 305

Purchase (see adv. dept., p. 2) Macomber Richard E., Second, near

Kempton Mauley John A. Mrs., 197 Kempton Meigs Josiah, Middle, corner North

Sixth McFarlin Stephen W., 150 Kempton Milliken E. & Son, 159 Purchase Moncrieff David, 2 State Morse Clinton, 151 Kempton MORSE F. & CO., 239 Middle (see

adv. dept., p. 36) Nolan Thomas F., 336 Purchase Notter John, 182 County Paul Frank & Co., 161 South Water Peirce James, 2d, 59 and 61 North

Second Perry Daniel, 66 Smith Pickens George, 353 Purchase Reynolds Wike, 185 South Water Rice Simeon, .52 Arnold Rock James, 265 South Water Sanderson & Smith, 60 Spruce Sherman Isaac C, Bedford, corner

Fourth Sherman Marcus N., North Sixth,

cor. Elm Sherman Job B., Foster, cor. North Snow Sylvester, County, cor. Wing South Water Street Co-operative

Co., 158 South Water Sparrow Hartley A., Dartmouth,

cor. Fair STANTON A. G. & CO., 137 Third

(see adv. dei)t.. p. 30) Stewart William 11., 194 Kempton Sullivan Thomas H., .57 Middle Sweeney John, 112 South Water Swift F. II., Third, cor. Spring Taber E. C. & Co., Acushnet, Head

of River Terry Job M., County, opp. Smith Tripp N. C. & Co., Arnold, c. Arch Tucker & Cummings, 66 and 68

William Washburn Reuben, Acushnet av. Wood Elihu, jr., Cedar, cor. Smith




EGGERS SELM.VU (Hazard's), 6 William (see adv. de))t., p. ;3())

PARKER FREDEKICK (Dupont's), 9 Purchase (see adv. dept., p. 31)

Gun Smiths.

EGGERS SELMAR, G William (see

adv. dept., p. S(>) Fales James, jr., 91 North Water Sissou Daniel W., 22 South Water

Hack Stands.

(.See also Stables.) Coffin W. H., 128 Union Dwelley Andreve, 248 Purchase Dwelley David, Parker House Jay James A., V6 South Second SHERMAN W. H., 24 Fourth (see

adv. dept., p. 17) Snow Geo., 188 County

Hairdressers, Ladies'.

Butler Katie Miss, 46 Bedford Carter Robert H. Mrs., 60 Purchase Mitchell Belle M. Mrs., 148 Union Taliaferro Helen S., 2;J1 Middle


Apsey Georj^e N., 32 South

Ashley Daniel C, 02 Purchase

Costello M., 7 Liberty Hall building

Cypress R. W., 160 Purchase

Easton C. F., 1.56 Purchase

Golley George, ;:526 Purchase

Gray H. A., 92 Third

Jackson Edward, 62 Union

Jackson T. W., 184 County

Jourdain A. G., (io Union

King Joseph, 127* Union

Lee Michael. 244 Purchase

Mitchell G. H., 148 Union

Perkins Charles M., 83 Union

Piper Augustus D., under Parker House

Scarborough Henry A., 103 Pur- chase

Scott J. M., 124 Union

Taliaferro John, 231 Middle

Taylor Richard, 47 Smith

Temple Lewis, 72 Union

Vassells James H., 99 Union (up- stairs

Yiereck Louis, 1.36 Union

West John E., 89 Union

Wilson & King, 47 William

Hair, Human.

BRAYWOOD A. M. MRS., 191 Pur- chase (see advt. p. 32 Froftt) Carter Robert H. Mrs., 66 Purchase '

Chace George W., 16 Purchase Mitchell Belle M. Mrs., 148 Union Nooning H, R. & Co., 2^ and 4 Pur- chase

Handle Maker.

Sanderson William B., 107 Kempton

Hardware and Cutlery.

BROWNELL WM. O., North Front, cor. Central whf. (see adv. dept., page 27)

Foster A Brown, 1.52 North Third

KIRBY HUMPHREY S., 8 Com'l whf., cor. Front (see adv. dept., page 27)

NEW BEDFORD TOOL CO., James H. Lamb, supt., 14 William (see adv. dept., p. 1.5)

SAWYER STEPHEN P., 82 Pur- chase (see advt. front col'd p. )

SOWLE F. A. (house trimmings and brackets), 8 and 10 William, cor. Bethel (see insert opp. p. 207)

SULLINGS, KINGMAN ct CO., 123 Union (see adv. dept., p. 15)

VINCENT AMBROSE, 120 Union (see adv. dept., p. 39)

Harness Manufacturers.

Allen Jesse, 7 Purchase

BROWNELL GEO. L., Third, cor. Cannon (see advt. on back cover)

B)-ownell Luther, 29 Purchase

Cronin Wm., 54 Elm

EVANS ISAAC, 51 Elm (see adv. dept.. p. 23)

Kittredge B. R., 63 William

Marr W. J., 204 Purchase

Willis William H., 126 and 128 Un- ion

Hat and Bonnet Bleacher.

Greene Francis H., 22 North Second Hat Manufacturers, Silk.

Covell J. L. Mrs., 127 A Union SPENCER A. E., 122^ Union (see advt front col'd p.)

Hats and Caps.

ASHLEY & SMITH, 347 Purchase (see adv. dept., p. 2)

Brownell E. F. A., 19 Purchase

C^annon E. S. &■ Co., 43 Purchase

Fisher Chas., 64 Purchase

Gilford & Co., 113 Union

HASKELL CHARLES M., 1.38 Un- ion (see adv. dept., p. 23)

Lucas A. E., 129 Union

Packard P]., North Second, opp. Post Office

Swift M. C.,128H^nion

Taber, Read & Gardner, 117 Union

Wing J. & W. R. & Co., Ill Union



Hay and Straw.


(see adv. dept., p. 40) SAWIN A. K. P., MerriU's wharf

(see adv. dept., p. 25)

Hoop Iron.

PEIRCE J. W., 99 Soutli Water (see adv. dept., p. 11)

Hoop Skirt Mnfr.

Chace George W., 16 Purchase

Horse Shoers.

(See also Blacksmiths.) Brownell, Ashley & Co., 16, 20 aud

22 Fourth CASWELL BROS., 6 Pine (see adv.

dept., p. 12) KING I. & SON, r. 85 Middle (see

advt. dept., p. 18) Lee & Staples, 400. Purchase SMITH ANDREW J., Mechanics

lane (see adv. dept., p. 18)


McAfee JOHX, Dartmouth, office

75 Uniou (see adv. dept., p. 32)



Hann, prop, (see adv. dept., p. 12) Elmv?ood House, T. Lapham, prop.,

69.Elm Fearing House, Potomska Mill Co.,

props., So. Second, cor. Rivet German Hotel, Leopold Bartel,

prop., 4 Hall's court Mansion House, Lewis Boutell,

prop., 87 Union, cor. No. Second Parker House, H. M. Brownell,

prop.. Purchase, between Middle

and Elm Sampson House, Mrs. John Gawith,

prop., 121^ Union Sheridan House, Gustavus White,

jr., 7 and 9 North Second Whitcomb House, Edward R. Rich- ards, prop., 152 Union

House Furnishing Goods.

(See also Kitchen Famishing Goods.) Bennett Samuel, 44 William BUss & Nye, 121 Union HATDEN W. G. & CO., 101 Third

(see adv. dept., p. 20) Lewis Nathan, 127 Union NEW BEDFORD TOOL CO., 14

William (see adv. dept., p, 15)

PARKER & SHERMAN, Union, cor. Water (see advt. inside front cover

SULLINGS, KINGMAN & CO., 123 Union (see adv. dept., p. 15)

SAWYER STEPHEN P., 82 Pur- chase (see advt. front col'd page)

VINCENT AMBROSE, 120 Union (see adv. dept., p. 39)

Ice Cream Saloons.

Bates William M., 1.5^ and 10 Pleas- ant

GRAY J. F., 66 Purchase (see advt. front colored page)

POND ELMON D., 67 and 69 Wil Ham (see advt. on map)

TILDEN & CO., 60 Purchase (see advt. front colored page)

Ice Cream, Wholesale.

Bates William M., loi and 16 Pleas- ant, opp. Market sq.

GRAY J. F., 66 Purchase (see advt. front colored page)

Ico Dealers.

NEW BEDFORD ICE CO., R. G. Tobey, treas., office and depot 9 Fourth (see adv. dept., p. 10)

Indelible Ink Marker.

Bourne Ellen M. Miss, 19 Pleasant

Inspector of Petroleum Oil.

Taher Henry, 2d, office basement City Hall building

Insurance Agents.

Alray Chas.. 20 North Water COOK SAMUEL H., 37 No. Water

(see advt. on outside front cover) CORNISH IVORY S., 27 North

Water (see adv. dept., p. 47) Ellis J., 15 South Water Oilman Francis L.. 43 North Water GRINNELL L., 22 North Water (see

advt, front colored page) JAMES THOMAS M., 40 No. Water

(see advt. opp. map) Taylor William H., 40 North AVater Tillinghast Joseph, 44 North Water TILLINGHAST JOSEPH S., 44

North Water (see adv. dept., pp.

4 and 5) VAN CAMPEN HIRAM, 17 North

Water (see advt. outside front




Insurance Companies, Fire and Marine.

BRISTOL COUNTY MUTUAL FIRE IXSUUAXCE CO.. .Joseph S. Tillintrhiist. secretary and treas- urer, ofTice 44 Noith \Vater (see adv. dept.. p. 5)

C0MME11CL\L MUTU.VL MA- RINE INSURANCE CO., Charles R. Tucker, president. Samuel II. Cook, Secretary, ;57 Nortii Water (see advt. on outside front cover)

OCEAN MUTUAL IXSUUANCE CO., Wm. H. Taylor, president. Samuel H. Cook, secretary, 37 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

Union Mutual Marine Insurance Co., Thomas S. Hathaway, presi- dent. W. P. Winsor, secretary, 33 North Water

Insurance Companies hav- ing Agencies in New Bedford.

^TNA INSURANCE CO., of Hart- ford, Joseph S. Tillinghast, aoent, 44 North Water (see adv. dept, p. 4)

^tna Life Insurance Co. of Hart- ford. Conn.. I. S. Cornish, agent, 27 North Water

AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO. of Philadelphia, H. Van Cam- pen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover

ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO. of Brooklyn, L. I., Thomas M. James, agent, 40 North Water (see advt. opp. map)

ATLANTIC INSURANCE CO. of Providence, R. I., J. S. Tilling- hast, agent, 44 North Water (see adv. dept., p. 4)

BRITISH AMERICAN ASSUR- ANCE CO., L. Grinnell, agent, 22 North Water (see advt. front col- ored page)

Citizen Insurance Co., of Brighton, I. S. Cornish, agent. 27 No. Water

CLAY FIRE AND MARINE INS. CO., of Newport. Ky., H. Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water {see advt. on outside front cover)

COMxMERCIAL UNION ASSUR- ANCE CO., London, Eng., H. Van Campen. agent. 17 No. Water, (see advt. outside front cover

CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Thomas M. James, agent, 40 No. Water (see advt. opp. map.)

CONNECTICUT FIRE INS CO., of Hartford, J. S. Tillinghast, agent, 44 No. AVater (see adv. dept. p. 4)

CONTINENTAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO., of New York, Jos. S. Tillinghast, agent, 44 No. Water (see adv. dept. p. 4) DORfTiESTER MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Dorchester, Hiram Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover) DWELLIN(; HOUSE INS. CO., of Boston, Samuel H. Cook, agent, 37 No. Water (see advt. on outside front cover) EQUITABLE FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO., of Providence, Joseph S. Tillinghast, agent, 44 No. Water (see adv. dept. p. 4) EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE Society of the United States, Wm. Cook, gen. agent, office First Na- tional building. Union, cor. South Second, and Samuel H. Cook, special agent, 37 North Water (see advt. outside front cover) FAIRFIELD . FIRE INS. CO., of South Norwalk, Conn., H. Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see afdvt. outside front cover) FIRE ASSOCIATION of Phila.,H. Van Campen, agent, 17 No. W^ater (see advt. outside front cover) FIREMEN'S FUND INSURANCE CO., of California, Jos. S. Tilling- hast, agent, 44 North Water (see adv. dept. p. 4) FIRST NATIONAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE CO., of Worcester, Mass., Hiram Van Campen, agent, 17 North AVater (see advt. outside front cover) FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Phila., Samuel H. Cook, agent. 37 North Water (see advt. on outside front cover) GERMAN AMERICAN INS. CO., of New York, J. S. Tillinghast, agt., 44 North Water (see adv. dept. p. 4) GERMANIA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York, Hiram Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover) GERMANIA INSURANCE CO., of Newark, N. J., T. M. James, agt., 40 No. Water (see advt. opp. map) Gloucester Fire Insurance Co., of Gloucester, I. S. Cornish, agent, 27 North Water GUARANTY FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York, Joseph S. Til- linghast, agent, 44 North Water (see adv. dept. p. 4) HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York, Joseph S. Til- linghast, agent, 44 North Water (see adv. dept. p. 4)



HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Joseph S. Til- linghast, agent, 44 North Water (see adv. dept. p. 4)

HINGHAM MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO., of Hingham, Mass., Samuel H. Cook, agent, 37 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

HOFFMAN INSURANCE CO., of New York, J. S. Tillinghast, agt., 44 North Water (see adv. dept p. 4)

HOLYOKE MUTUAL FIRE IN- SURANCE CO., of Salem, Hiram Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

HOME INSURANCE CO., New York, Joseph S. TilUnghast, agt., 44 North Water (see adv. dept. p. 4)

HOMCEOPATHIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., of New York, Hiram Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

HUMBOLDT FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Newark, N. J., Hiram Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. on outside front cover)

LANCASHIRE INSURANCE CO., of London, Eng., H. Van Cam- pen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

LIVERPOOL, LONDON & GLOBE INS. CO. of Liverpool, Eng.. L. Grinnell. agent, 22 North Water (see advt. front col. page)

LONDON ASSURANCE CORPO- RATION of London, Eng., H. Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

LORILLARD INSURANCE CO., of New York, J. S. Tillinghast, agt., 44 North Water (see adv. dept. p. 4)

MANHATTAN LIFE INS. CO. of New York, Hiram Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover )

MANHATTAN FIRE INS. CO. of New York, H. Van Campen, agt., 17 No. Water (see advt. outside front cover)

MANUFACTURERS INS. CO. of Newark, N. J., T. M. James, agt., 40 No. Water (see advt. opp. map)

MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL IN- SURANCE CO. of Boston, L S. Cornish, agt., 27 No. Water (see adv. dept.. p. 47)

MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. of Springfield, Hiram Van Campen, agt., 17 No. Water (see advt. outside front cover)

MERCANTILE MUTUAL INS. CO. of New York, L. Grinnell, agt., 22 No. Water (see advt. front col'd p.)

MERCHANTS' INS. CO. of Provi- dence, Josephs. Tillinghast, agt., 44 North Water (see adv. dept., page 4)

MERCHANTS' AND FARMERS' JMUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. of Worcester, Mass., Thomas M. James, agt., 40 North Water (see advt. opp. map)

MERIDEN FIRE INSURANCE CO. of Meriden, Conn., Jos. S. Tilling- hast, agt., 44 No. Water (see adv. dept., p. 4)

MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. of New York, Lawrence Grinnell, agt., 22 No. Water (see advt. front col'd page)

NATIONAL FIRE INS. CO. of Hartford, Conn., J. S. Tillinghast, agt., 44 North Water (see adv. dept., p. 4)

NIAGARA INS. CO. of New York, J. S. Tillinghast, agent, 44 North Water (see adv. dept., p. 4)

NORTH BRITISH AND MER- CANTILE INS. CO. of London and Edinburgh. Jos. S. Tilling- hast, agt, 44 North Water (see adv. dept., p. 4)

ORIENT INSURANCE CO. of Hartford, Conn., H. Van Cam- pen, agt., 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)-

ORIENT MUTUAL INS. CO. of New York, S. H. Cook, agent, 37 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INS. CO. of Phila., S. H. Cook, agent, 37 North Water (see advt. outside

_ front cover)

i"eople's Fire Insurance Co. of New- ark, N. J., I. S. Cornish, agt., 27 > orth Water

PHtNIX INS. CO. of Brooklyn, N Y., S. H. Cook, agent, 37 No. Water (see advt. outside front cover)

PHENIX INS. CO. of Hartford, Conn., S. H. Cook, agent, 37 No. Water (see advt. outside front cover)

PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INS. CO. of Providence, J. S. Tillinghast, agent, 44 North Wa- ter (see adv. dept., p. 4)

QUEEN INS. CO. of Liverpool, Eng., J. S. Tillinghast, agent, 44 North Water (see adv. dept., p. 4)

QUINCY MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. of Quincy, Hiram Van Cam- pen, agt., 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)



Ins. Cos. having Agencies in N. B.— Continued.

ROGER WII.LIA-MS LWS. CO. of Providence, K. I., J. S. Tilling- liast, agent, 44 North Water (see adv. dept., p. 4)

ROYAL CAiNADIAN INS. CO. of Montreal, (^a., S. 11. Cook, agent, 37 Nortli Water (seeadvt. outside front cover)

ROYAL INS. CO. of Liverpool, L. Grinnell, agent, 22 NortJi Water (see advt. i'rout col'd p.)

SCOTTISH COMMERCIAL of Scotland, J. S. Tillinghast, agent, 44 No. Water (see adv. dept., p. 4)

SHOE AND LEATHER INS. CO. of Boston, S. H. Cook, agent, 37 No. Water (seeadvt. outside front cover)

SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MA- RINE INS. CO. of Springfield, Joseph S. Tillinghast, agent, 44 No. Water (see adv. dept, p. 4)

STATE MUTUAL LIFE ASSUR- ANCE CO. of Worcester, Mass., Samuel H. Cook, agent, 37 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

TRADERS' AND MECHANICS' INS. CO. of Lowell, H. Van Cam- l)en, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

TRADERS' AND MECHANICS' INS. CO. (Mut.) of Lowell, Mass., II. Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover) ,

TRAVELLERS' INS. CO. of Hart- ford, Hiram Van Campen, agent, 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

WATERTOWN FIRE INS. CO. of Watertown, N. Y., Hiram Van Campen, agent, 17 No. "Water (see. advt. outside front cover)

WEYMOUTH AND BRAINTREE MUTUAL FIRE INS. CO. of Weymouth, H. Van Campen, agt., 17 North Water (see advt. outside front cover)

WILLI AMSBURGH CITY FIRE INS. CO., of New York, J. S. Tillinghast, agt., 44 North Water (see adv. dept., p. 4)

Iron Fence Mnfrs.

Durfee James. 2ol Nortii Water GIFFORD JOHN A., 1)0 So. Water (see adv. dept, p. 14)

Iron Foundry.

NEW BEDFORD IRON FOUN- DRY, E. Grinnell, prop., 00 and 92 South Water (see advt. front colored page)

Iron Hoops.

PEIRCE JOHN W., 99 South Water (see adv. dept, p. 11)

Iron Manufacturers.

Gosnold .Mills, office 134 No. Third NEW BEDFORD IRON FOUN- DRY, E. Grinnell, prop., 90 and 92 South Water (see advt. front colored page)

Iron Work Mnfr.

Dean Henry N., head North Water

Iron and Steel.

Watkins William, 13 Centre


{See also Watches and Jewelry.)

Almy J. T., LiH Union

JORDAN FREDERICK J., 31 Wil- liam ( see advt. front colored pat^e)

WILBOR A. G., 95 Third (see adv. dept, p. 29)

Job Wagons.

Brown Andrew J., First, cor. Union Brownell John A., Union, cor. First Corson T. S., Bethel, near William Duff David, 113 North Third Gammons G. F. W., 12 Elm Gormley Alexander, First, corner

LTnion Greene Neal, 228 South Second Hathaway Chas. M., First, corner

LTnion Lawrence M., 162 South Water McFarlin James, First, cor. Union SAWIN A. K. P., Merrill's wharf

(see adv. dept., p. 25) Scott Henry, 22 South Water, near

Union Thompson Samuel, Union, corner

Fir.-t Tripp Holder R., 18 South Water Tripp Philip M., First cor. Union Walker Chas. II., First, cor. Union

Junk Dealers.

BROWNELL WILLIAM O., 4. Oand 8 Central wharf and North Front, cor. Central wharf (see adv. dept., p. 27) Carroll John, 09 South Water COOK WILLIAM H. & CO., 9 and 15 North Front (see adv. dept, p. 38) Gardner J. T., County, cor. Bedford Kincacle John, North Water, n. Elm



McCullougli John, 19 North Front McCullough Patrick, 17 and 19 So.

Front Miller Wm., 165 South Front Paige Jas. H., Head of the River Shea Michael J., 180 South First Thacher Albert D., Centi-e, corner

North Front

Justices of the Peace.

ISe^ Counlij Officers.)

Ketchup Mnfr.

Burgess William H., 70 William

Kindling Wood.

HART & AKIN, 58 South Water, 9 North Water, and foot of Coffin (see advt. opp. contents)

Robbins Augustus, Court

Ladders, Steps, 86c.

SOWLE F. A., 8 and 10 William (see insert, opp. p. 207)


CITY LAUNDRY, Frank H. Dun- ham, prop., 107 North Second (see advt. top line front cover)


Barney Edwin L., 17^ North Water Bonney Charles T., 42^ No. Water Borden Alanson, 42 North Water Brown George XL, 17j North Water Clarke Albert E., 42i North Water Chfford Charles W., 35 No. Water Cobb Wendell H., 35 North Water Crapo Wm. W., .35 North Water Greene Francis B., oiU North Water Knowlton H. M., Ilk North Water Mackie Adam, 104 Union Marston George, 35 North Water Marston & Crapo, 35 North Water Milliken Frank A., 35 North Water Pierce Philip A., 26 North Water Prescott Oliver, 26 North Water Ray Isaiah C, 146 Purchase Sullavou Manuel, over Fii'st Nat'l

Bank, Union Stetson Thomas M., mi No. Water Tappan Francis W., 25 North Water Willcox Lemuel T., North Water,

cor. Centre

Leather Mnfr. WADE JOB, Wall, near No. Third (see adv. dept., p. 39)

Lime, Brick and Cement.


Paine S. S. & Bro., North Front, cor.

Hazard's wharf Peirce Charles M., jr., estate of, 119

North Water


Pope & Wood, 4 Pleasant, n. Union


EGGERS SELMAR, 6 William (see

adv. dept., p. 36) GIFP^ORD THOMAS J. & CO., 32

William (see advt. on outside

front cover) MORRILL L. H., 87 Middle (see

adv. dept., p. 7)

Lumber Dealers.


Front, cor. Hazard's wharf (see

adv. dept, p. .32) nOULL JAMES, 2 School GREENE & WOOD, Leonard's whf.

(see adv. dept., p. 38) TOPHAM ROBERT C, 1, 3 and 5,

2 and 4 Griffin (see adv. dept., p. 8) TRIPP DAVID K., 125 No. Water

(see adv. dept., p. 35) Western Lumber Co., 16 Fourth


MORRILL L. H. (repair shop), 87 Middle (see adv. dept., p. 7)

NEW BEDFORD MACHINE SHOP, John A. Gififord, proprietor, 90 South Water, cor. Coffin (see adv. dept., p. 14)

Machinists' Tools.

KIRBY H. S., 8 Commercial wharf

(see adv. dept., p. 27) Morse Twist Drill and Machine Co.,

Bedford, cor. Fourth

Machine Stitching.

CHASE E. B., 2 Pleasant, u. Union (see adv. dept., p. 16)

Manufacturing Chemist.

Davis Henry V., 40 North Water Maps, Charts, 8cc.

SHERMAN CHARLES R., 49 North Water (see advt. opp. index to advertisements)



Marble Shelves and Brackets

WOWLE F. A., Saml 10 William, cor. Bethel (see insert opp. page 207)

Marble Workers.

ALLEX JOSEPH, Jk., & CO., 20

North Second (see marginal line

outside front cover) Cole Theodore W., 6 William, cor.

Bethel New England Marble and Granite

Works, A. Moore, agent, Fourth,

cor. Spring

Marine Diver.

Taber Cornelius G., 80 Prospect

Marine Painter.

Gifford Charles H., 40 William

Marine Railway Companies.

City Wharf and Railway, Horace G. Howland, agent, office 1 City whf.

Fish Island Wharf and Marine Rail- way Co., Horace G. Howland, agent, office 1 City wharf


Brownell Benjamin S., New County

road, near Durfee Davis F. B., 165 Grinnell Dunham Alfred C. (stone), 3 West

Maxfield Francis Ezra, 107 Hillman Howland Paul, 94 State Ingalls William, 9 Morgan Jenney Wm. B., 175 Grinnell Lee E. W., 75 Mill Nelson George, 200 South Second Peirce Charles M., 75 Elm Peirce Martin L., 84 Mill Pierce Asa B., 147 Elm Sawyer Gideon T., 48 North Taber Charles H., 157 Middle Taber Gibbs, 74 Mill Vinal F. H., 72 Bedford Wheaton Horatio C, 57 Hill Winters F. & Co., 128 South First

Master in Chancery.

Barney Edwin L., 17i North Water

Mast and Spar Makers.

(See also Spar Makers.) Beetle Rodolphus, 130 North Water Johnson & Kirby, Front, South of

Ferry slip Ryder & Smith, 152 North Water Smith & Allen, foot of Walnut

Mathematical, Nautical and Optical Instruments.

SHERMAN C. R., 49 North Water (.see advt. opp. index to advts.)

Mechanics' Tools Dealers.

KIRIjY' H. S., 8 Commercial wharf

(see adv. dept. p. 27) NEW BEDFORD TOOL CO., Jas.

H. Lamb, supt., 14 William (see

adv. dept. p. 15) VINCENT' AMBROSE, 120 Union

(see adv. dept., p. 39)


(See also ApofJiecnries and Drug- gists; also Patent Medicines.)

MANN M. E. MRS. (seven barks), 81 Purchase (see adv. dept. p. 11) Otheman B. jr., 24 Pleasant Pease Peleg, 74 Grinnell


{See also Ship Merchants.) Bartlett I. H. & Sons, Taber's whf. Bourne Jonathan jr., 3 Merrill's

wharf BROWNELL WILLIAM O., 4,0 and

8 Central wharf, and No. Front,

cor. Central wharf (see adv. dept.

p. 27) Crocker O. & G. O., 7 Commercial

wharf Cummings Benj. T., Taber's wharf Gifford Charles H., Taber's wharf Haskell Edward P., North Front,

foot of Middle Hathaway Horatio, Rodman, corner

North Front Hathaway Thomas S., Rodman, cor.

North Front Hicks John, Philadelphia and Read- ing Coal and Iron Co.'s wharf Howland Geo. jr.. North, near North

Second Howland Mathew, North, near North

Second Jones Edward C, 2 Central wharf Knowles John P. 2d, Front, corner

Commercial wharf Knowles Thomas & Co., 24 Union

and 5 Front Lewis William. Taber's wharf Perry Eben, North, near North

Second Randall Charles S., Rodman, corner

North Front Ricketson Joseph 2d, 3 Commercial

wharf Snow Loum & Son, 29 North Front SWIFT & ALLEN, Taber's block,

Taber's wharf (see adv. dept. p. 7)



Swift Bros., North, n. North Second Swift Wm. C. N., North, near North

Second Taber Henry, Central wharf, corner

Front Taber, Gordon & Co., Central whf.,

corner Front Thompson James D., 88 Union Tucker Charles R. & Co., 29 North

Fiout Tucker John F., 2 Commercial whf., Watkins Wm., 13 Centre AVest Simeon N., 104 Union Wing J. & W. R., Ill Union


ALLEN MYRA MRS., 126 Purchase Bates Myra L. Miss, 31 Elm Brown Mary A. Miss, 118 Kempton Church Lucy A., 6 Pleasant, near

Union Church Lydia C. Mrs., 6 Pleasant,

near Union Cushman D. P. Mrs., 143 Purchase Delano R. M. Mrs., 78 South Third

and 13 Purchase Ely Marietta G. Miss, 177 County Hathaway Susan M. Miss, 60 Hill- man Jack Irene R. Mrs., Bedford, corner

Fourth Johnson J. Mrs., 140 Purchase Ketcham Herman W., 50 Purchase Lowden S. B. Mrs., 143 Union Meader M. T. Mrs., 155 Union Melling Ann, 287 Purchase Nooning H. H. & Co., 2i and 4 Pur- chase Nye L. J. Mrs., 20 Pleasant Packard L. H. Mrs , 11 Pleasant Pierce Maria A., County, cor. Wing Reynolds C. R. & Co. Misses, 13

Pleasant Snow Helen F. Miss., 25 Bonney Sumner A. M. Miss, 21 Purchase West R. B. Mrs., 23 Pleasant

Mill Machinery.

ELLIS & COLLINS, 90 So. Water

(see adv. dept., p. 16) GIFFORD JOHN A., 90 So. Water

(see adv. dept., p. 14)

Mill Wrights.

ELLIS & COLLINS, 90 So. Water (see adv. dept, p. 16)

Mincing Machine Manuf.

GIFFORD JOHN A., 90 So. Water (see adv. dept., p. 14)

Mouldings and Window Frames.

TOPHAM R. C, 1, 3, 5, 2 and 4 Griffin (see adv. dept., p. 8)

Music and Musical Instru- ments.

(See also Piano-fortes.) Boden E., jr., 45 Purchase Church Charles L., 7 Pleasant Hazeltine Chas., 65 William Hopkins John, 2 Pnrchase Parsons Chas. H., 9\ Purchase

Music Teachers.

Aiken Nancy C, 140 Third Alden J. C, jr., 45 Purchase Allen Emily Miss, 25 Bush Allen N. H., 117 Elm Bennett Ada O. Miss, 178 Grinnell Bourne Ellen M. Miss, 86 Pleasant Church Chas. L., 7 Pleasant Couierford Mary Miss, 232 County Crowell Lizzie N. Miss, 21 So. Sixth Eaton Josiah, jr., 147i Union Ennis Hannah A. Miss, 146 Grinnell Gardner Mattie J., 67 Maxfleld Hill George, 6 Liberty Hall bldg, Lothrop Mary F., 81 Kempton Pierce H. P., 65 Fourth Booth Harriet E. Miss, 83 Walden Smith Israel, 102 High Taber Yinna Miss, 93 Hillman

Nautical Instruments.

Munroe James & Son, 98 Union SHERMAN C. R., 49 North Water (see advt. opp. index to advts.)

Newspapers and Publishers.

DAILY MERCURY, Fessenden & Baker, props., 92 Union (see advt. page 33)

EVENING STANDARD, E. Antho- ny & Sons, pubs., 67 Union (see advt. p. .33)

NEW BEDFORD WEEKLY MER- CURY, Fessenden & Bakei', pro- prietors, 92 Union (see advt. p. 33)

REPUBLICAN STANDARD (weekly), E. Anthony & Sons, pubs., 67 Union (see advt. p. 33)

SEASIDE GAZETTE, A. S. Antho- ny & Co., props., 67 Union

WHALEMAN'S SHIPPING LIST & MERCHANTS TRANSCRIPT, Eben P. Raymond, pub. and prop., 21 Hamilton (see adv. dept., p. 31)

Notaries Public.

(See County OtJicers)




Allen Lydia D.. 8") South Second Backus Mary E. Mrs., Allen, corner

County Barber Ed%vard, 180 Kempton Calioon Maxamelia Mrs., 81 North

Thiid Center Charlotte M., 88 No. Third Harps Lydia C, 42 Kempton May Jane C. Mrs., 48 Chestnut Sadler John, Grand Smith Mercy B., ;]4 South Spooner Mary B., 1(U Cedar Spooner Sarah A., 74 Middle Tripp Mary D. Mrs., 9 Arch Wood Cynthia M. Mrs., 82 Forest Wright Hannah L. Mrs., 181 Pleas- ant


(.See also Florlst>i.)

Covell Benjamin B., Acushnet av.

Keen ^Yashington, Maxfield, above Cedar

McAfee JOHN, Dartmouth, office 75 Union (see adv. dept., p. 32)

PEIRCE WILLIAM, Elm, cor. Cot- tage, office 10 Pleasant (see adv. dept., p. G)

Oakum, Tar, Pitch, &,c.

WEEKES REUBEN & SON, City whf. (see adv. dept., p. 21)


KIRBY H. S., 8 Com'l wharf (see adv. dept. , p. 27 )

Oat, Straw, and Bean Poles.

Morse F. & C, 239 Middle

Oculist and Aurist.

SPENCERCHAS. L.,68 Purchase (see adv. dept., p. 3)

Oil Clothing Mnfr.

CARTER J. F., (iloucester, Cape Ann, Mass. (see adv. dept, p. 41)

Oil Paintings and Engrav- ings.

Ellis Leonard B., 40 William PEIRCE & TAPER, 144 Union (see advt. opp. index to advts.)

Oil Dealers.

Bullock A., llowland

Gardner E. R. Si Co., 9 Rodman

Ilersom Thomas, 104 and lOfi North

Water, and 24, 2(i, and 28 Middle Nye William F. (lubricating), 5

Walnut street wharf POTTER WM. F. & CO., Union,

cor. Front (see adv. dept., p. 21)

Oil Manufacturer.

Homer George S.. Prospect, corner South, and 23 Centre

Oil and Candle Mnfrs.

DELANO GEORGE & CO., South Second, c. South (see adv. dept., p. 8) . .

HASTINGS & CO., foot of Grinnell (see adv. dept., p. 9)

LEONARD SAMUEL & CO., Leon- ard (see adv. dept., p. 9)

Robinson W. A. Co., 50 So. Water

THAYER & JUDD PARAFFINE CO., Rotch's whf. (see adv. dept., p. 6)

Old Ships, Dealers in

COOK W. H. & CO , 9 and 15 No.

Front (see adv. dept., p. .88) McCulIough John, 19 North Front

Omnibus Line.

{See also Stage Lines.) Head of the River, Andrew E. Hath- away, prop., 75 William


DEXTER & HASKINS, 14 Purchase (see adv. dept., p. 20)

Ornamental Black Walnut Carving.

PEIRCE & TAPER, 144 and 140 Union (see advt. opp. index to advts.)

Overall Mnfrs.

Read & Dias, 12 and 14 William Oyster Dealers.

{Ser also Fish Dealers.) BARTLETT A., 9 North Sixth (see

adv. dept., p. 30) Giliord Joseph F., 13 North Second



Paint Manufacturers.

Cook Thomas W. & Co., Front, cor.

School HART & AKIN, 58 South Water

(see aclvt. opp. contents) Humphrey, Kirby & Co., Wall, near

North Third

Paint Can Mnfrs.

PARKER & SHERMAN, Water, cor. Union (upstairs) (see advt. inside front cover)

Painters, House, Ship, and Sign.

Babcock S., 38 School

BARROWS, LAWTON & CO., Haz- ard's wharf, west of North Front (see adv. dept., p. 84)

Bowen Geo. S., 104 Third

Caswell Wm. H., 21 Union, c. Front

DEXTER THOMAS D., .51 Elm (see advt. front colored page)

DeWolf James, 114 Tliird

DUNHAM WM. L., 44 South Water (see adv. dept., p. 26)

GIFFORD OLIVER E., So. Water, cor. School (see adv. dept., p. 84)

HART & AKIN, 58 South Water and 9 North Water (see advt. opp. contents)

HAZZARD & WEAVER (New Bed- ford Carriage Manufactory), 88 Middle (see advt. front col. page)

JENKINS BENJ. S., 93 Middle (see adv. dept., p. 35)

KEMPTUN EBENEZER J., foot of Middle (see adv. dept., p. 35)

LAWRENCE EPHRAIM, 2d, 85 Middle (see adv. dept., p. 35)

Manchester Asa P., 70 South Water

MAXFIELD WM., 25 Centre (see adv. dept, p. 84)

Parker Wm. C, 31 Union

RUSSELL E. N. & CO., 34 Mill (see adv. dept., p. 26)

Pvussell & Wady, 3 Fifth

Paints, Oils, and Glass.

BARROWS, LAWTON & CO., Haz- ard's wharf, west of North Front (see adv. dept., p. 34)

Caswell Wm. H., 21 Union, corner Front

DUNHAM WILLIAM L., 44 South Water (see adv. dept., p. 26)

GIFFORD OLIVER E., So. Water, c. School (see adv. dept., p. 34)

HART & AKIN, 58 South Water and 9 North Water (see advt. opp, contents)

Humphrey, Kirby & Co., Wall, near No. Third

JENKINS BENJ. S., 93 Middle (see

adv. dept., p. 35) KEMPTON EBENEZER J., foot of

Middle (see adv. dept., p. 35) LAWRENCE EPHRAIM, 2d, 85

Middle (see adv. dept., p. 35) MAXFIELD WILLIAM, 25 Centre

(see adv. dept., p. 34) Parker Wm. C, 31 Union RUSSELL E. N. & CO., 34 Mill

(see adv. dept., p. 26) SOWLE F. A., 8 and 10 William

(see insert opp. p. 207)

Paper Box Maker.

COFFIN FREDERICK, 110 Union (see adv. dept., p. 12)

Paper and Paper Bags.

DEWS EDWIN, 105 and 107 Union (see advt. on front cover)

Paper Hangers.

(See also Painters) BARROWS, LAWTON & CO.,

Hazard's whf. (see adv. dept, p.

34) Caswell W. H., 21 Union DUNHAM WM. L., 44 So. Water

(see adv. dejit, p. 26) Ellenwood George R., 18 Third GIFFORD O. E., South Water, cor.

School (see adv. dept, p. 34) HART & AKIN, 58 South Water

and 9 No. Water (see advt. opp.

contents) JENKINS BENJ. S., 93 Middle (see

adv. dept, p. 35) KEMPTON EBENEZER J., foot

of Middle (see adv. dept, p. 35) LAWRENCE EPHRAIM, 2d, 85

Middle (see adv. dept, p. 35) MAXFIELD WM., 25 Centre (see

adv. dept., p. 34) Parker Wm. C., 81 Union RUSSELL E. N. & CO,, 84 Mill (see

adv. dept. p. 26) Russell & Wady, 8 Fifth Thatcher Geo. L., Emerson, c. W.


Paper Hangings.

Bliss & Nye, 121 Union Purrington & Brown, 55 Purchase Taylor Henry J., 41 Purchase



Paper Stock Dealers.

(See (tlso Junk Dealers.) BROWNELL WM. O., North Front,

cor. Central wliarf, and 4, 6 and

8 Central wharf (see adv. dept., p.

27) COOK WM. IT. & CO., 9 and 1.5

No. Front (sec adv. dept., p. 38) McCnllough John, 19 No. Front Thacher Alberto., Front, c. Centre

Paraffine Wax.

THAYER & .JUDD PARAFFINE CO., Rotch's whf. (see adv. dept., page 6)


Peirce & Bushnell, 72, 74 and 76 N.

Water Taber Charles & Co., 6 No. Water

Patent Medicines.

(See also Medicines; also Apothe- caries. )

CENTRAL UNION ASSOCIA- TION, B. F. Brownell, treas., 5 No. Sixth (see adv. dept., p. 30)

Pattern Makers.

ELLIS &■ COLLINS, 90 So. Water (see adv. dept, p. 16)

Pawn Brokers.

Cunningham John, 76 Union Furber George W., 4^ South Water

Periodicals and Newspa- pers.

Allen John C, 47 Purchase Bullard Amasa, 9 Pleasant, n. City

Hall DEWS EDWIN. 10.5 and 107 Union

(see advt. on front cover) HITCH A. S., 77 Purchase Hutchinson Sylvander, 142 Union King Amanda, 12.5f Purchase Lawrence Philip, jr., 196 So. Water Luce Ambrose E., jr., 186 County Todd Henry H., 212 Purchase

Petroleum Oil.

(See alsi) Oil and Candles.) Howland W., Fish Island POTTER W. F. & Co.. No. Front, cor. Union (see adv. dept., p. 21)


Adams S. F. , MO Purchase Andrews Frcd'k W., 60^ Purchase Andrews & Roberts, 52 Purchase Day George W., 64^ Purchase Doane Robert N. H., 30 Purchase Knowles J. C, 8| Purchase Parlow George F., 5 Purchase Smith M. & 11. W., 134^ Union White Thos. E. M., 142^ Union up- stairs)

Physicians and Surgeons.

(Those marked with a * are Mem- Ijers of the Mass. Medical Society.) *Abbe Edward P., room 1, Eicket-

son block Babcock Daniel A., 181 Union Brooks John (Indian), 45 Purchase

(up stairs) Channing Rhoda Miss (eclectic), 40

Third Clarke Henry B., 181 Union Conant A., 85 Purchase *Cornish A.. 64 Russell, cor. Sixth *Gordon William A., 41 No. Second *Hayes Stephen W., 45 Purchase, 4

Cummings building Higgins Alva M., 100 High *Hooper Frederick H., office Parker

House *HOUGH GEORGE T., 95 Elm (see

advt. front colored page) Howland B. C. (homo3pathic), 89

William *Jennings J. Henry, .50 William *Johnson Henry, 14 South Sixth LEAMING PHILIP S. (eclectic), 56

Purchase (see adv. dept. p. 3) *Mackie John H. .39 Purchase Matihes G.Felix (homoeo.), 17 South

Sixth Perry W. P. P. (homceo.), 10 Market

square *Pierce A. M., 1 Ricketson block *Prescott Chns. D., 120 William Priest M. L. (botanic), 9 Parker Royce Thomas D., 124 Middle Seabury Oliver H. (hot), 117 Fifth Sisson Edward R. (homoeo.), 15

Eighth *Spare.Tohn, 1.58 Mill SPENCER « HARLES L., 68 Pur- chase, cor. Elm (see adv. dept. p,

3) Stearns George W., 107 William *Stickney Charles D.. 148* Union *Swasey Charles L. 93^ Middle Sweet job & Son (bone setters), 119

Kempton *Tucker E. T., 142 J Union *Vevmyne J. J. B., residence and

office 174 Union Webster Joseph. Acushnet avenue AVebster Joseph W. Acushnet av.



Pianos and Melodeons.

Boden E. jr., 45 Purchase

Church Charles L., 7 Pleasant, near

Union Hazeltine Charles L., 65 William Hopkins John, 2 Purchase Eooth Benj. S., 83 Walden

Piano Tuners'and Repairers.

Hazeltine Charles, 65 William PEIRCE GEORGE, 10 Pleasant, n.

City Hall (see adv. dept. p. 16) Rootii Benj. S., 83 Walden

Picture Frame Mnfrs.

Arnold Benj. H., 49 Parker

Ellis Leonard B., 36 and 40 William

PEIRCE & TABER, 144 and 146

Union (see advt. opp. index to

advts.) Taber Charles & Co., 6 North Water

Pictures and Picture Frames.

Ellis Leonard B., 36 and 40 William Peirce & Bushiiell, 72, 74 and 76

North Water, office 58 do. PEIRCE & TABER, 144 and 146

Union (see advt. opp. index to

advts.) Taber Charles & Co., 6 North Water Plane Manufacturers.

NEW BEDFORD TOOL CO., 12 and 14 William (see adv. dept. p. 15)

Planing Mills.


Wood, agents, Leonard's wharf

(see adv. dept. p. 38) RYDER LINUS, 9 Pine (see adv.

dept. p. 40) TRIPP DAVID K, 125 No. Water

(see adv. dept. p. 35)


CRAIGIE ANDREW, 103 North Water (see advt. front col'd page)

GIFFORD & ALLEN, North Front, cor. Hazard's wharf (see advt. front colored page)

GIFFORD THOS. J. & CO. 32 Wil- liam, cor. North Third (see advt. on outside front cover)

HAYDEN W. G. & CO., 101 Third see adv. dept., p. 20)

Sherman Jireh E., 24 William

Tobey & Coggeshall, 18 William

WHITE PHINEAS. Jr., 24 William (see advt. on back cover)

WOOD, BRIGHTMAN & CO., 45 North Water (see advt. opp. in- side front cover)

Powder Dealers.

EGGERS SELMAR (Hazard's), 6

William (see adv. dept.. p. 36) PARKER FREDEPJCK (Dupont's), . 9 Purchase (see adv, dept, p. 37)

Printers, Book and Job.

ANTHONY E. & SONS, 67 Union

(see adv. dept., p. 33) Damnion H. F. (card), 139 Purchase FESSENDEN & BAKER, 92 Union

(see adv. dept., p. 33) Wheaton Walter F., 18 William

Private Schools.

{See also Academies.) Aim-well School, North, n. Foster Allen Joseph, jr., Mrs., 25 Bush Gifford Sarah D. Miss, 53 Summer Russell Martha Miss, Arnold, near County

Produce Dealers.

Barrows J. N., 30 and 32 Union Cunningham W. H., 30 Union FLANDERS C. H., 22 Union (see

adv. dept., p. 32) GIBBS LOT H., 26 and 28 Union

(see adv. dept., p. 31) Humphrey C. B. & Co., 2^ North

Second McAFEE JOHN, 75 Union (see adv.

dept., p. 32) POTTER WM. F. & CO., Union,

cor. Front (see adv. dept., p. 21) Wilbur & Deacon. .59 Union WOOD J. A. & CO., 34 Union (see

adv. dept., p. 38)

Provision and Meat Markets.

ACUSHNET CO-OPERATIVE AS- SOCIATION, 85 Third, corner Russell (see adv. dept., p. 28)

Almy A. A., Hillman, cor. Cedar

ASHLEY & SMITH, 347 Purchase (see adv. dept , p. 2)

BAYLIES & CANNON, 3 and 4 Union (see adv. dept., p. 29)

Bliss Frank C, South Sixth, corner Grin n ell

BOARDMAN THOMAS, 238 North Third (see adv. dept., p. 26)

BROWNELL & LAPHAM, Sixth, cor. Market sq. (see adv. dept., p. 22)

Bryant & Pierce, 174 County

Burgess J. H., 70 William

CENTRAL UNION ASSOCIA- TION, 5 No. Sixth, B. F. Brown- ell, treas. (see adv. dept., p. 30)

Clare John, 221 South Water

Clark L., Purchase, cor. Willis



Provision and Meat Markets —Continued.

Cook Charles E., 1 New Market sq. Cota it Smith, Cedar, cor. iMiddle Dwiizlit James E., 6(1 Soutli Second DYER JOHN E., 86 South Third

(see adv. dept., p. 25) FLANDERS C. II., 22 Union (see

adv. dept.. p. 32) GIBBS LOT H., 26 and 28 Union

(see adv. dept., p. 31) GIFFORD cfe BARKER, 8 Market

square (see adv. dept., p. 38) Hamilton Augustus, North, corner

Cypress Handy Xye, 101 i Purchase Hathaway Freeman R., 243 Purchase Holcomb Henry & Son, 71 Bush,

cor. South Second Holcomb Monroe, 201 South Water HOLCOMB ROLAND, 32 School,

cor. South Second (see advt. front

colored page) Howland & Smith, Market, corner

"p 1 p ji c n 11 1

Kirby David G., 281 South Water LEWIS OBED B., 78 Purchase (see

adv. dept., p. 39) Luce William T., 176 County LUTHER H. R., 144 Purchase (see

adv. dept., p. 29) MACOMBER GEORGE B., 305 Pur- chase (see adv. dept., p. 2) Mills James, Central Market, 9 No.

Sixth MORSE F. & CO., 239 Middle (see

adv. dept., p. 36) NOVELTY MARKET, 78 Purchase

(see adv. dept., p. 39) Perry Samuel S., 100 Purchase POTTER WM. F. & CO., Union, cor.

North Front (see adv. dept., p. 21) Sherman I. C, Bedford, cur. Fourth Snow Sylvester, County, cor. Wing Spooner Edward O., 117 Purchase STANTON A. G. & CO., 137 Third

(see adv. dept., p. 30) Swift F. II., Third, cor. Spring Wordell W. W., 12 Market Young Francis A., 93 Third

Prussiate of Potash, Cyan- uret of Potassium, and Prussian Blue Manutr'y.

Davis Henry V., Factory, Court, office 40 North Water

Public Administrators.

Barney E. L., 17U North Water Bonney Charles T., 42^ >To. Water Crapo William W., 35 North AVater

Pump and Block Makers.

Coggeshall iV- Co., Front, near Fair- haven depot Swan Walter D., 20 South Front Swift Thomas W., 17 North Front Taber Joseph, 13 North Front

Quilts and Comforters.

Chase D. K., 89 Middle

Railroad Companies.

Fall River Raiht)ad, J. A. Beauvais, pi-esident, T. B. Fuller, treasurer, office 36 North Water

New Bedford and Fairhaven Street Railway, A. G. Pierce, treas. and pres., office over Merchants Nat. Bank, North Water

NEW BEDFORD RAILROAD, Warren Ladd, supt, office Pur- chase, corner Pearl. President's, Cashiers and Gen. Manager's office at Boston, and treasurer's office over Merchants National Bajik, North Water (^ee advt. in- side back cover)

Reading Rooms.


Marine Free Reading Room

seamen), Bethel street Merchants Exchange Reading

Room, North Second, southeast

corner William

Real Estate Agents.


Water (see adv. dept. p. 23) Cook Timothy D., 19 North Water Tappan Francis W., 25 North Water

Refreshment Saloons.

(See also Eating IIou>ies.) Chapman Benjamin H., head of No.

Front Green Daniel, 32 South Water Hall Henry, Purchase, opposite the

Chapel SISSON J. E., 40 South Water (see

adv. dept. p. 24) Taber Joliu G., 179 Kempton


BOSWORTII W. & SON, 92 and 93 Front, 125 Hazard's wharf and 83 No. Water (see advt. p. 32, front)

SO WLE F. A., 8 William, cor. Bethel (see insert opp. p. 207)



Register in Bankruptcy.

Knowlton Hosea M., Hi No. Water.


(See also Eating Houses.) COMMERCIAL HOUSE, 9 South

Water (see adv. dept. p. 12) Furber G. W., 82 Union Habichtl B., 8 Third Haley Patrick, 8 Pearl Hall Henry, 321 Purchase Murphy M., 249 Purchase POND E. D., 67 and 69 William (see

advt. on map) SLOSSON HENRY C,. 14 So. Third

(see advt. dept. p. 17) Smith Thomas J., 2.54 Purchase Smith W. G., 4 Pearl Weik Michael, 22 School


Cannon & Curtis, Commercial whf. Mathews John, Parker's wharf Searell Charles, foot of Walnut

Roofers, Tin.

Tobey and Coggeshall, 18 William

Roll Coverer.

DOE GEORGE F., 14 William

Rolling Mills.

Gosnold Mills, 134 North Third, Geo. Wilson, treasurer

Rope Manufacturers.

NEW BEDFORD CORDAGE CO., Court street, office Rotch's square (see adv. dept. p. 21)

Safe Dealers and Repairers.

GIFFORD THOS. J. & CO., 32 Wil- liam (see advt. ou outside front cover)

Sail Makers.

Almy Job, 11 Parker's block, Middle Chapman & Shurtleflf, Union, cor.

Front CHAPMAN JOHN H., 122 North

Second (see adv. dept, p. 38) Hart Simpson, 33 Commercial whf. Hitch Joshua C, Taber's whf., cor.

North Front 18

Sashes, Doors and Blinds.

BOSWORTH & BAKER, 24 Spring (see advt. opp. preface)

Croacher Thos. W., Leonard's whf.

Doull James, 2 School

Mosher & Brownell (manfs.), At- lantic wharf

SOWLE F. A., 8 and 10 William, c. Bethel (see insert opp. p. 207)

STURTEVANT & SHERMAN, 132 No, Water (see adv. dept., p. 37)

Savings Banks.

(See also Banks.)

NEW BEDFORD FIVE CENTS SAVINGS BANK, Purchase, cor. Mechanics lane (see advt. miscel- laneous dept.)

NEW BEDFORD INSTITUTION FOR SAVINGS, North Second, cor. William (see advt. miscella- neous dept.)

Saw Filer.

MORRILL L. H., 87 Middle adv. dept, p. 7)

Saw Mill.

Hayes & Co., 147 North Water

Seaman's Chest Manfrs.

Munroe Fhsha, 8 South Williams John, 193 South Water

Seamen's Clothing Dealers.

(iSee also Clothing Dealers) Doane & Co., 55 Union Thomas Antone, 111 South Water Wing J. & W. R. & Co., Ill Union

Sewer^ Well, Water and Drain Pipe Manfr.

Pierce Bradford S., 9 Bedford

Sewing Machines.

CHASE E. B., (Remington Sewing Machines), 5 Pleasant, n. Union (see adv. dept., p. 16) Eddy N. P. (Weed's), 77 Purchase Garnett John H., 1.5 Purchase Mann H. S., 81 Purchase Union Treadle Co., 149 North Water REMINGTON SEWING MA- CHINE, E. B. Chase, agent, 5 Pleasant, n. Union (see adv. dept., page 16)



Sewing Machine Findings.

CHASE E. B., 5 Pleasant, n. Union (see adv. dept., p. 1(3)

Sewing Machine Repairers.

CHASE E. B., 5 Pleasant, n. Union

(see adv. dept., p. IG) Eddy Job A. T., 9i Purchase Mann II. S., 81 Purchase MOKKILL L. H., 87 Middle (see

adv. dept., p. 7)

Sheathing Metal.

Greene D. R. & Co., 19 Hamilton

Shells and Marine Curi- osities.

Nickerson George Y., 150 Union

Sheriffs, Deputy.

( See also County Officers. ) Kimball Horatio N., 42i No. Water Nickerson John W., 29 No. Water

Ship Agents.

{See also Merchants.) Blackler William G., 7 Ricketson

block. Union Hitch Joshua C, Taber's wharf Jones Edward C, 2 Central wharf Taber, Read & Co., 117 Union Thompson James D., 88 Union Tucker Charles, 21 North Water Wood Dennis, (3 Commercial whf.

Ship Builder.

HOWLAND JOHN W., City wharf (see adv. dept., p. 37)

Ship Carpenters.

Brown Benjamin C, head of Geo.

Ilowland's whf. Dammon Samuel, North Water, c.

North EDWARDS W. L., Com'l wharf

(see adv. dept., p. 14) HOWLAND JOHN W., City wharf

(see adv. dept., p. .37) Mashow John, Eddy's wharf

Ship Chandlers.

BROWNELL WM. O., 4, G and 8 Central wharf and North Front, cor. Central wharf (see adv. dept., page 27)


whf., cor. Front (see adv. dept.,

pape 27) SULLINGS, KINGMAN & CO., 123

Union (see adv. dept., p. 1.5) Taber, Gordon &. Co., Central whf.,

corner Front VINCENT AMBROSE, 120 Union

(see advt. dept., p. 89) Watkins William, 13 Centre

Ship Joiners.

BRIGGS & LOOK, 129i No. Water

(see adv. dept., p. 11) Brown Benjamin C.,head of George

Howland's wharf Damon Doane W., Shepherd's lane

Ship Smiths.

Barton James, City wharf Dean Henry N., head of No. Water Dean & Driggs, Merrill's wharf Durfee James, 201 North Water Macy E. B. & F., 22 South Water Sawyer J. A., 25 North Front Snow James M., North Front, near Middle

Ship Stores.

FLANDERS C. H., 22 Union (see

adv. dept., p. 32) GIBBS LOT H., 26 Union (see adv.

dept., p. 31) NYE S. G., 31 Union (see adv. dept.,

p. 32)


EDWARDS WM. L., Commercial wharf (see adv. dept.. p 14)

HOWLAND JOHN W., City wharf (see adv. dept., p. 37)

Lombard H. H., Commercial wharf, cor. Front

Shirt Manuf. (Linen Bosom.)

Denham Thomas M. & Bro.,04 Wil- liam

Shocks and Tanks.

PEIRCE JOHN W., 99 So. Water

(see adv. dept, p. 11) RYDER LINUS, 9 Pine (see adv.

dept., p. 40)

Silver & Silver-Plated Ware.

Bennett Samuel, 44 William DEXTER & HASKINS, 14 Purchase

(see adv. dept., p. 20) Hurll Charles W., 23 Purchase Taylor Henry J., 41 Purchase



Silver Ware Mnfr.

Pitman Benjamin, 80 Union

Slipper Mnfrs.

Murphy Edward, rear 139 No. Third WeedF., 14 WilHam

Small Wares.

COMEY C. M., 103 Purchase (see

advt. inside back cover) WILDE J. P., WiUiarii, cor. Sixth

(see adv. dept., p. 24)

Smokers' Articles.

Caswell I. C, 85J Purchase

Cunha Josepli, 95 Union

Haswell A. K., 103 Union

OESTING CHAS. A. W., 48 Pur- chase (see adv. depfc., p. 28)

POLLOCK D. F., 173 Purchase (see adv. dept., p, IS)

Soap Mnfrs.

Hersom Thomas, 104 and 106 North Water, and 24; 26, and 28 Middle

WHITTEMORE M. F., 14 So. Sec- ond (.see adv. dept., p. 20)

Soap Stone.

ALLEN JOSEPH, JR., & CO., 20 No. Second (see marginal lines outside front cover)

Soda and Mineral Water Manufacturer.

WHEATON HIRAM, 51 and 53 So. Water (see advt. front col'd page)

Spar Manufacturers.

(See also Mast and Spar Makers.) Beetle Rodolphus, 130 No. Water Johnson & Kirby, Front, south of

Ferry slip Ryder & Smith, 152 No. Water Smith & Allen, foot of Walnut

Sperm Candles and Oil Soap Manufacturers.

(See also Oil and Candles.) DELANO GEORGE & CO., South

Second, cor. South (see adv. dept.,

p. 8) HASTINGS & CO., foot of Grinnell

(see adv. dept, p. 9)

Homer Geo. S., Prospect, c. South, and 23 Centre

LEONARD SAMUEL & CO., Leon- ard (see adv. dept, p. 9)

Robinson William A. & Co., 50 So. Water

Stables, Livery, Boarding & Sale.

Bliss Samuel S., 28 Bedford Brown Henry G., Park, n. Kempton Brown J. Q. A., 14 So. Second Brownell Perry, 24 So. Second Coffin William Henry, First, corner

School Cook John S., 12 and 14 Fourth Cornell Robert S., Grinnell, n. Wash- ington square Dwelley Andrew, 248 Purchase Gifford David M., 170 Purchase Green A., 8 Old Market square Jay James A., 13 South Second Meyers George. 38 Parker Perry S. F. & Son, 50 Elm Richards W. D., 20 South Second SHERMAN WM. H., 24 Fourth (see

adv. dept, p. 17) Snow Geo., 188 County TaUman Wm. K., 60, 62 and 64 Elm

Stage Lines.

(See also Omnibus Lines.) Fall River, A. Richards, proprietor,

5 South Sixth Little Compton, Alfred Richards,

prop., 5 South Sixth Marion, A. Richard, proprietor, 5

South Sixth South Dartmouth, Joseph T. Davis,

proprietor, 5 South Sixth Westport Point, Alfred Richards,

prop., 5 South Sixth

Stationery, Wholesale and Retail.

(See also Books and Stationery.) Allen John C, 47 Purchase DEWS EDWIN, 105 and 107 Union

(see advt. on front cover) Hutchinson S., 142 Union

Stave Dealers.

Luce Thomas, City wharf NYE S. G., 35 Union (see adv. dept., p. 32)

Stave Dressers.

Hayes & Co., 145 North Water



Steam Engine Mnfrs.

NEWBEUFOHDMACIIIXESFIOP, John A. Giflbrd. prop., 5)0 South Water (.see adv. dept., p. 14)

Steam Pumps.

UNION BOILER CO., 27 Front (see adv. dept., p. 28)

Steam and Gas Fitters.

GIFFORD TII08. J. & CO., 32 Wil- liam (see advt. on outside front cover)

Sherman Jireh C, 24 William

WHITE PHINEAS, Jr., 24 William (see advt. on back cover)

WOOD, BRIGHTMAN & CO., 45 North Water (see advt. opp. in- side front cover)

Steamship Companies.

EUROPEAN STEAMERS, Daven- port, Mason & Co., agents, .5 Rick- etson block. Union (see advt. opp. dedication)

New Bedford, Vineyard and Nan- tucket Steamboat Co., office over Merchants National Bank, North Water

NEW BEDFORD AND NEW YORK STEAMSHIP CO., 6 Commercial wharf (see adv. dept., p. 37)


Hazeltine Charles, (35 William


Hart David, 107 Third

Ricketson Abner K., 247 So. Water

Stone Cutters.

(See alto Marble Workers.) DORAN, SHEA & CO., 26 North

Second (see adv. dept., p. 22) MANCHESTER OTIS, Chestnut, between Maxfield and Sycamore (see advt. p. .32 front) Munroe Joseph P. G., 4 West Camp- bell

Stoves and Ranges.

Caswell John P., 84 Purchase Clifton J. W., 206 Purchase Cobb Geo. A., Head of the River Hatch George E., 158 Purchase HAYDEN WILLIAM G., 101 Third (see adv. dept., p. 20)

Lewis Nathan, 127 Union PARKER & SHERMAN, Union,

cor. Water (see advt. inside front

cover) SAWYER STEPHEN P., 82 Pur- chase (see advt. front col. page) SULLINGS, KINGMAN & CO., 123

Union (see adv. dept. p. lo) Tobey & Coggeshall, 18 William Tripp Stephen A., 16 and 18 North

Water VINCENT AMBROSE, 120 Union

(see adv. dept. p. 30) White J. P., 1.55 and 157 Purchase WOOD, BRIGHTMAN & CO., 45

No. Water (see advt. opp. inside

of front cover)

Stucco Worker.

Delano G., 6 Fifth


Besseleu Louisa Mrs., 42 Bedford Sisson Mary J. Miss, 160 North White Annie F. Miss, h. Tobey road

Tailors, Merchant.

(See also Clothing Dealers. J Albiston R. W., 25 Purchase Allen & Hunt, 96 Union Bach George, 106 South Water Carpenter A. H. W., 141 Union Davis L. D., 64 William Dever Patrick, 8 High Doane & Co., 55 Union Dootson T. C, 92 Purchase Eddy George M. & Co., 147 Union Gifford & Co., 113 Union Harlow Otis, 81 Union Howland Daniel W., 45 William Kenuey Daniel, .38 Union Madden John, 93 South Water McGrath Lawrence, 66 Purchase Perry E. S., 4 Ricketson block,

Union Richmond J. & Son, 31 North Water Ryder Edgar F. , 68 Purchase, corner

Elm Simmons A. W., 147^ Union, up

stairs Schneider Philip, 20 School Spooner Sylvester C, 96 Purchase Swift M. C, 128J Union Sylvester Winslow C, 17 No. Second Taylor B. F., 149 Union Wing J. & W. R. & Co., Ill Union

Tallow, Grease, &c.

WHITTEMORE M. F., 14 South Second (see adv. dept. p. 20)




New Bedford Tannery, Court, be- yond the jail, Dewson, Williams & Co., proprietors

Teacher of Dancing.

Gustin Geo. A., 35 South Second

Teacher of Drawing and Painting.

Hersey Jacob Mrs., 158 Union


(See also Job Wagons )

Caldwell S. C, 185 Pleasant Gray Charles A. & Co., New Bed- ford R. R. depot Hathaway Frederick A., 339 South

Water Moulton Nathaniel, Hill, n. North SAWIN A. K. P., Merrill's wharf

(see adv. dept. p. 25) Tripp Holder R., 18 South Water Tripp Alvin B., 168 Kempton Weaver Alfred, 20 Rockdale avenue

Teas Coffees and Spices.

{See also Grocers.)

Barrett & Carroll, 299 Purchase China Tea Co., 80^ Purchase DAVIS & HATCH, 59 High (see

adv. dept. p. 3) LUTHER H. R., 144 Purchase (see

adv. dept. p. 29)

Telegraph Company.

Western Union Telegraph Com- pany, B. R. Paine, manager, 26 North Water and Parker House

Tents and Flags.

ALMY & HITCH, 58i Purchase (see adv. dept. p. 23)

Tin Plate and Sheet Iron Workers.

Caswell John P., 84 Purchase Cobb George A., Acushnet avenue,

Head of the River Dexter B. F., 129 Purchase Hatch George E., 158 Purchase HAYDEN WILLIAM G., 101 Third

(see adv. dept. p. 20) Lewis Nathan, 127 Union PARKER & SHERMAN, Union.cor.

Water (up stairs) (see adv. inside

front cover)

SAWYER STEPHEN P., 82 Pur- chase (see advt. front col. page)

SULLINGS, KINGMAN & CO., 123 Union (see adv. dept. p. 15)

Tobey & Coggeshall, 18 William

Tripp Stephen A., 16 and 18 North Water

WOOD, BRIGHTMAN & CO., 45 North Water (see advt. opp. inside front cover)

Tobacco and Snuff.

(See also Cigars and Tobacco.) CUNHA JOSEPH, 95 Union LUTHER H. R., 144 Purchase (see

adv. dept. p. 29) OESTING CHARLES A. W., 48

Purchase (see adv. dept. p. 28) POLLOCK D. F.; 173 Purchase (see

adv. dept. p. 18) TILDEN NILES, 28 North Second

(see adv. dept. p. 30)

Tool Manufacturers.

Dean H. N. (cast steel), head of No.

Water Hathaway B. D., 114 North Third NEW BEDFORD TOOL CO., 12

and 14 William (see adv. dept., p.


Tow Boats.

NEW BEDFORD TOW BOAT CO., S. C. Hart, agent, 58 South Water


(See also Fancy Goods.) Allen John C, 47 Purchase Bates A. E. Mrs., 14 Pleasant Bullard Amasa, 9 Pleasant, n. City

Hall Hawes Levi, 17 Purchase Macy William J., 68 Pleasant TILDEN & CO., 60 Purchase (see

advt. front colored page)


Greene Amos, 17 Fifth

Trimmings, Ladies'.

(See also Buttons and Trimmings;

also Dress Trimmings.) Cottle H. B. Miss, 11 Purchase Haskell Edward, 42 Purchase Hunt Josiah, 22 Purchase Paul John C, 27 Purchase



Trotting Park.

Evergreen Trottin<f Pai'k, D. A. Siiell, prop., Plainville road


{See also Teamsters.)

Corson Temple S., Bethel, n. Wil- liam Gray Chas. A. & Co., office New

Bedford R. R. depot Gammons G. F. W., 12 Elm Hathaway Fred'k A., oOO So. Water SAWIN A. K. P., Merrill's wharf (see adv. dept., p. 25)

Trunks, Traveling Bags and Valises.

Brownell L., 29 Purchase Gifford & Co., 11.3 Union Kittredse B. R., 63 William Swift Moses C, 12Sh Union Taber, Read & Co., 117 Union Waterman N., 1 Ricketson block,

Union, cor. Fourth Willis William H., 126 and 128 Union


Cad well William P. S., 49 Purchase Lawton C. H. & H. A., 91 Union and 1 Purchase

Turbine Water Wheels.

ELLIS & COLLINS, 90 So. Water (see adv. dept., p. 16)


DEWS EDWIN, 105 and 107 Union (see advt. on front cover)

Twist Drill Mnfrs.

Morse Twist Drill and Machine Co., Fourth, cor. Bedford

Umbrellas and Parasols.

Cannon E. S. & Co., 43 Purchase HASKELL C. M., 138 Union (see

adv. dept., p. 23) Hopkins John, 2 Purchase

Umbrella Repairer.

MORRILL L. H.,87 Middle (see adv. dept., p. 7)


COGGESHALL & CO., 20 and 22 William (see advt. on back cover) Murphy T. J., 149 Purchase WILSON BENJAMIN G., 74 Wil- liam (see adv. dept., p, 36)


ALMY & HITCH (carpet), 58i Pur- chase (see adv. dept., p. 23)

Dantsizen C, 191 Elm, cor. Cedar

HITCH E. E., Uli Union (see adv. dept, p. 19)

Lawrence James W., 193 Purchase

MAXFIELD CALEB, 1.30 Union (see adv. dept., p. 27)

Soule & Cranston, 9^ Purchase (carpet)

Vaupjhan J. D. & Son, 92 North Third

Upholsterers' Goods.

MAXFIELD CALEB, 130 Union (see adv. dept, p. 27)

U. S. Deputy Collector Inter- nal Revenue.

Leonard E. C, over Mechanics National Bank, North Water

U. S. Commissioner.

Clifford Charles W., 35 No. Water

U. S. Deputy Marshal.

Cobb William S., 29 North Water

Variety Stores.

(See also . Toys ; also Fancy Goods.) Bennett Mary V. Mrs., 156 Mill Blackley M., 210 North Third Brawley John W., 131 So. Second Chase D. K., 89 Middle Fay James, 249 South Water Haskins Giftbrd B., 167 Sq. Water Hope Sarah Mrs., 277 South Water Pease Pelej?, 74 Grinnell Pedro Joseph H., 28 Howland Roberts Joseph E., 179 So. Water Tallman Charles S., 172 County Warren Angie Mrs. , 106 Third Whiting Benj., 49 South Water

Varnish Manufacturers.

Cook Thomas W. & Co., Front, c. School

Veterinary Surgeon.

Flagg Oren H., 27 Third



Watches, Clocks and Jew- elry.

Almy Jas. T., 156 Union Booth I. C, 140 North Second Brownell A. P., 94 Union Childs S., 3"3 Purchase DEXTER & HASKINS, 14 Purchase

(see adv. dept., p. 20) Hurll Charles W., 23 Purchase JORDAN F. J., 31 William (see

advt. front col'd p.) Kelley Geo. S., 102 Union Kelley James S., 83 Union Kelley Wm. L., 106 Union Munroe James & Son, 98 Union Paddack G. R., 165 Purchase WILBOR ALFRED G., 94i Third

(see adv. dept, p. 29)


Fales James, jr., 91 North Water JORDAN F. J., 31 William (see

advt. front col'd p.) Jordan Stephen D., ii South Water Kelley James S., 83 Union Shepherd N., 94 Union WILBOR ALFRED G., 94i Third

(see adv. dept., p. 29)

Watch Case Mnfrs.

M ARGOT BROS., 23 Water, Boston (see advt. opp. inside back cover)

Watches and Chronometers.

Munroe James, 98 Union

Watch and Clock Oil Manuf.

Kelley Ezra, Mt. Pleasant, cor. Mt. Veinon

Water Wheel Builders.

ELLIS & COLLINS, 90 So. Water (see adv. dept, p. 16)

Webb's Adder.

MACOMBER GEORGE B., agent, 305 Purchase (see advt dept., p. 2)

Well Curbs.

SOWLE F. A., 8 William, c. Bethel (see insert opp. p. 207)

Wheelwrights and Wagon Makers.

(See also Carriage Manfrs.J Allen Jesse K., Plainville Collins Otis K., r. 125 North Third NEW BEDFORD CARRIAGE

MANUFACTORY, r. 83 Middle

(see advt. front col'd p.) Pierce L. I., r. 150 South Water Simmons Allen S., Pine

Wig Maker.

Jourdain A. G., 63 Union

Window Shades 8c Fixtures.

ALMY & HITCH (Italian) 58^ Pur- chase (see adv. dept, p. 23)

ELLIS WILLIAM H., 115 Purchase (see adv. dept, p. 19)

MAXFIELD CALEB, 130 Union (see adv. dept, p. 27)

Wines and Liquors.

SISSON J. E., 40 South Water (see adv. dept., p. 24)

Wood Turning.

Allen Abner W., r. 125 No. Water Hayes & Co., 147 North Water

Wood and Coal.

fSee also Goal Dealers. J Booth Nathaniel G., 102 Third Delano Richard M., 173 County HART & AKIN, 58 South Water

and foot of Coffin (see advt. opp.

contents) Perkins Andrew W., Cedar, corner

Hillman Pickens George, 353 Purchase Robbius Augustus (Granular Fuel)

Court, next Cordage Factory

Wooden Ware.

HAYDEN WM. G. & CO., Bedford,

cor. Third (see adv. dept, p. 20) SOWLE F. A., 8 and 10 William, c.

Bethel (see insert opp. p. 207) SULLINGS, KINGMAN & Co., 123

Union (see adv. dept, p. 15) VINCENT AMBROSE, 120 Union

(see adv. dept., p. 39)

Woolen Stock.

Morse Asa T., 25 Park

Worsteds and Patterns.

Case E. C. Miss, 40 Purchase Cottle H. B. Miss, 11 Purchase Paul John C, 27 Purchase

Yeast Powder.

DAVIS & HATCH, 59 High (see adv. dept, p. 3)

Yellow and Patent Bronze Metal Sheathing.

NEW BEDFORD COPPER CO., Wm. H. Mathews, treas., Front, cor. Rodman (see advt. front col'd page)







ABRAM H. ROWLAND, Jr., Office No. 1 Library Building.


Ward 1 William J. Norton. Ward 2— William T. Soule. Ward 3 J. Augustus Brownell. Ward 4 James U. Thompson. Ward 5 John B. Baylies. Ward 6 George R. Stetson.



President— EDWm DEWS.


Haile R. Luther, William H. Pitman,

George H. Freeman, Freeman R. Hathaway,

James A. GifFord. William T. Hawes. Rufus A. Soule,


Augustus Swift, William A. Beard,

John H. Rounds, Stephen W. Hayes,

Henry W. Briggs, John G. Dean,

Charles W. Coggeshall. John H. J. Doane.


Edwin Dews, William J. Bowen,

Jonathan Howland, jr., John P. Taylor,

Henry Holcotnb, George Nelson,

Antone L. Sylvia. Leander A. Williston.

Citj/ Clerk Henry T. Leonard, office No. 5 Library Building.

Treasurer and Collector of Taxes James B. Cong- don, office No. 2 Library Building.

Auditor Hiram Webb, office No. 3 Library Building.

Clerk of the Common Co ?^?ici7^ William A. Church.

City Messenger William H. Watkins.


On Police The Mayor, and Aldermen Norton and Soule.

On Laying out, Widening, and Repairing Streets The Mayor, and Aldermen Brownell and Thompson.

On Enrollment Aldermen Soule, Baylies, and Stetson

071 Licenses Aldermen Baylies, Norton, and Brownell

On Burial Grounds Aldermen Thompson, Stetson, and Baylies.


On Finance The Mayor, President of the Common Council, and Couucilmen Giffiard, Soule, Rounds, Beard, and Taylor.

On Accounts Alderman Baylies and Soule, and Coun- cilmen Freeman, Pitman, and Howland.


On Public Property Aldermen Brownell and Norton, and Councilmen Nelson, Taylor, and Bowen.

On Public Instruction Aldermen Baylies and Stet- son, and Councilmen Hayes, Luther, and Hawes.

On Lighting Streets Aldermen Soule and Brownell, and Councilmen Luther, Dean, and Biiggs.

On Poads, Bridges. Main, Prains, and Common Sew- ers— Aldermen Thompson and Norton, and Councilmen Nelson, Coggeshall, and Holcomb,

On Fire Pepartment Aldermen Stetson and Baylies, and Councilmen Williston, Hathaway, and Doane.

On Alms-Honse and Poor Aldermen Norton and Baylies, and Councilmen Holcomb, Sylvia, and Swift.

On Wooden Buildings in the Fire Pistrict Alder- men Norton and Thompson, and Councilmen Bowen, Dean, and Briggs.

On Armories and Military Property Aldermen Soule and Thompson, and l^Councilmen Gifford, Pitman, and Doane.

On Water Worhs Aldermen Thompson and Stetson, and Councilmen Beard, Soule, and Freeman.

On Printing Aldermen Stetson, and Councilmen Hayes and Howland.

On Fuel The Mayor, and Councilmen Williston, Syl- via, and Hawes.


On Elections and Returns Councilmen Beard, Tay- lor, and Hathaway.

On Bills in Second Beading Councilmen Luther, Dean, and Rounds.

On Enrolled Ordinances and Besolutions Council- men Howland, Freeman, and Swift.


David B. Wilcox, Chairman, William Tallman, Silas Alden. Office, No. 4 Library Building.


Ward 1 Jones Robinson. Ward 2 John Brown. Ward 3 Amasa Bullard. Ward 4 Francis S. Tucker. Ward 5— Ward 6 Charles H. Howland,



Office in City Hall Building.

His Hon. Abraham H. Howland, jr., Mayor, ex-officio (Chairman.

Peleg S. Macy, Secretary. Ward 1— David A. Snell. Ward 2— Henry R. Wilcox. Ward 3— Job B. Sherman. Ward 4— Abner R. Tucker. Ward 5— Peleg S. Macy. Ward 6— Simon S. Pollock. '


Ward 1 Benjamin H, Arnold. Ward 2 Robert S. Lawton. Ward 3— Henry B. Almy. Ward 4 William Sanders. Ward 5 David B. Kempton. Ward 6— Peter Gartland.


Ward 1 Ira S. Negus. Ward 2— John L. Gibbs, 2d. Ward 3 Augustus G. Moulton. Ward 4— PhiUp D. Slocum. Ward 5 George W. Parker. Ward 6 Pelear Pease.


Ward One. Ward Four.

George Macomber, William F. Read,

William A. Davis, Joseph Dias,

Robert G. Read. George D. GifFord.

Ward Two. Ward Five.

David W. Holmes, Frederick B. Silvester,

Stephen F. Adams, John F. Fuller,

Lewis E. Milliken. William L. Kelley.

Ward Three. Ward Six.

James D. Allen, Frank Q'Conner,

James A. Russell, William W. Bonney, Philander F. Manchester. Charles H. Sherman.



Office in City Hall Building.

His Honor, Abraham H. Rowland, Jr., Mayor, ex-officio President.

Edwin Dews, Pros, of the Common Council, ex-officio.

George Howland, Jr.

William W. Crapo.

Frederick S. Allen.

/Sic2)erintendent and Engineer George B. Wheeler. Office in City Hall Building.

Clerk and Water Registrar James B. Congdon. Of- fice in Library Building.


On Mains The President, Messrs. Crapo and Allen. Services Messrs. Crapo and Dews. Supplies The President, and Messrs. Howland and Dews.

Engine and Engine House Lot The President, and Messrs. Howland and Allen.


Board of Health Mayor and Aldermen. Health Officer John W. Nickerson. Office Central Police Station.

Quarantine Physician and Physician to the Board of Health— Charles L. Swasey. Office 93>^ Middle Street.

City Solicitor Edwin L. Barney.

Super intetident of Streets John A. Lee.

Superintendent of Street Lamps George H. Mitchell.

Superintendent of Burial Grounds Wm. H. Jenney.

Sealer of Weights and Measures Lucius H. Morrill.

Sealer of Coal Baskets Lucius H. Morrill.

Superintendent of City Clock William L. Kelley.

City Bell Ringer Thomas T. Allen.

City Crier Benjamin Chapman.

Surveyor of Land Israel C. Cornish.

Measurers of Wood and Bark Edward S. Burgess, John A. Coggeshall, George B. Macomber, Augustus Rob- bins, Isaac C. Sherman, Elihu Wood, jr., Ira M. Chase, George A. Cobb, IsaaS P. Francis, George Pickens^ Hart- ley E. Sparrow, Isaac B. Tompkins.


City Weighers John Bryant, George A. Cobb, James M. Dwyer, Isaac P. Francis, Albert W. Hohnes, Henry Howard, Humplirey S. Kirby, Peleg S. Macy, Philip S. Sherman, Charles P. Seabury, jr., Ira M. Chase, E. P. Chase, Michael Dugan, Humphrey A. GifFord, jr., Benj. F. Hathaway, jr., Joseph W. Lurabard, Salmon F. Perry, Charles S. Spooner, Eber Simmons.

Coal Weighers John Bryant, Ira M. Chase, Albert W. Holmes, Joseph W". Liunbard, Otis R. Phinney, Philip S. Sherman, Arthur Baylies, Humphrey A. GifFord, jr., Benjamin F. Hathaway, jr., Peleg S. Macy, Ellis Perry, Charles P. 'Seabury.

Surveyors of Lmnher Charles Briggs, Aaron Davis, Leonai'd Jenney.

Survey or s\of Timber and Planh Chas. Briggs, Aaron Davis, Abraham Chase, Leonard Jenney.

Field Drivers Members of the Night Watch and Sub- stitutes, and Thomas Davis, John Sadler, S. T. Viall.

Pound Keeper William P. Doty.

Measurers of Grain Ira M. Chase, William Prynn, Charles S. Phillips.

Inspector of Petroleum Henry Taber, 2d. Office City

Hall Building.


City Marshal John W. Nickerson. Office, Central Police Station, South Second Street.

Assistant Marshals Luther M. Dayton, John Corey, Henry W. Bumpus, Henry C. Hathaway, William J. Nor- ton, jr., Patrick Cannavan.

Constahles City Marshal and Assistants, as above.

Officers to have care of Neglected Children Isaac H. Coe and Henry F. Harrington, Supt. of Public Schools. Truant Officers Isaac H. Coe, Luther M. Dayton. Keeper of the Lock-up John W. Nickerson.

City Watch Lemuel D. Adams, Robert Arnett, Chas. W. Borden, Felix Kane, William Castle, Frederick Kar- cher, Francis H. Douglass, John J. Holmes, William Loud, Russell Maxfield, William E. Macomber, Aberdeen Oliver, Elisha E. Russell, Frank M. Sylvia, John Tower, George Apsey, Charles F. Bright man, James F. Crafts, William


F. Cotter, Cornelius Cronin, Thomas H. Damon, Joseph

B. Howland, Isaac M. Jones, Thomas J. Meaney, James A. Mitchell, Patrick 11. Naiij^hton, Patrick Quirk, Henry Stevens, John N. Sadler, Josiah S. Wood.

Officer of the Watch Henry C. Hathaway.

Substitutes for Watchmen Peter C. Clark, William H. Durfee, jr., Dennis Finlan, James I. Harper, James McGuire, Giles Sanford, James Wilson, John Carroll, Pat- rick Fagan, Charles H. Himes, Robert L. Magee, John L. Olstein, Allen Raymond, Washington B. Smith.

Police Officers The members of the Night Watch and Substitutes, and Bartlett Allen, Thomas T. Allen, Rufus M. Ashley, William S. Anthony, Jeremiah H. Bennett, Anthony Baker, Robert T. Barker, John P. Brennan, Eb- enezer A. Butts, Scipio Blackwell, Squire W. Butts, Michael L. Brennan, John H. Cook, Henry H. Clark, Da- vid Carr, Frederick S. Case, Charles F. Cornell, E. P. Chase, James Downer, William Duffy^ James M. Dwyer, Thomas Davis, Michael Dugan, Stephen Y. Dunham, Manuel Enos, William Ellison, Samuel Eldridge, Henry Field, Richmond A. Gifford, Joseph H. Gilford, Patrick Gibbons, Oliver E. Gifford, Henry Howard, John D. Hay- den, James S. Hathaway, Daniel P. Lewis, Cyrus Law- rence, George W. Lapham, John McAfee, George B. Ma- comber, Henry B. Macomber, John Murdock, Henry ¥. Martin, James W. ]Make|)eace, Frederick A. Plummer, Ozias P. Proctor, Josiah Richmond, Holder B. Reming- ton, William Roberts, Allen Raymond, James A. Russell, William H. Smith, jr., Michael Stevens, James H. Saxon, Charles S. Spooner, Stephen J. Stratton, Sampson Sher- man, James B. Slooum, William A. Searell, Alfred A. Smith, Eber Simmons, Elias Staples, John H. Thomson, Isaac B. Tompkins, Caleb A. Thomas, Theodore Taylor, Alonzo B. Tripp, William W. Thomas, John Valentine, jr., Wm. H. Watkins, George O. Wentworth, John Welch, John P. West.

Members of the Protecting Society to serve at Fires and Alarms of Fires *Gilbt'rt Allen, *Edward H. Al- len, *Gideon Allen, jr., William H. II. Allen, Francis T. Akin, *Charles Almy, Samuel P. Burt, *George L. Brown- ell, William H. Bartlett, Joseph Buckminster, William P. S. Caldwell, Charles S. Cummings, *N. S. Cannon, Wen- dell II. Cobb, *Samuel II. Cook>Charles A. Case, Henry

C. Denison, L. B. Ellis, C. B. H. Fessenden, *Edward R. Gardner, *1I. A. Gifford, jr., Charles II. Gifford, *George

D. Gifibrd, *F. L. Gilman, *Williara Howe, *Jo8hua C.

*Qualified as Police Officers.


Hitch, Charles B. Hilhnan, *Charles M. Haskell, *Jonathan Handy, *Ebenezer Hervey, Ezra Holmes, Cyrus W. Has- kins, *A. W. Hadley, Edward Knight, *"Humphrey S. Kirby,*Charles S. Kelley, *George F. Kingman, * John P. Knowles, 2d, Joseph Knowles, *L. M. KoUock, *Charles H. Lawton. Edward D. Mandell. John W. Macoraber, *GeQrge R. Phillips, Andrew G. Pierce, * William F. Pot- ter, B. Penniman, jr., George F. Parlow, Otis N. Pierce, *Edward Russell, *james H. C. Richmond, *James Rob- inson, Abram Russell, *Williain A. Robinson, *Wni. R. N. Sylvester, William T. Smith, *Obed N. Swift, *Gard- ner T. Sanford, Charles Taber, *William C. Taber, jr., *Henry J. Taylor, *Joseph Tillinghast, E. Kempton Taber, Dennis W^ood, *Alden Wordell,* William H. Willis, *A1- fi-ed G. Wilbor, William G. Wood, *Aifred Wilson, *Wil- liara O. Woodman.


Office, Old Town Hall, South Second st., near Union.

Alanson Borden, Justice. William W. Crapo and Francis W. Tappan, Special Jicstices. Chas. H. Sanford, Clerk. John W. Nickerson, Officer of the Court.

The Court is held on the mornings of every day, Sun- days, public days, and holidays excepted.

Regular term days for the trial of civil cases, Mondays at 10 o'clock, A. M.


As organized December 31st, 1874.

Chief Engineer, Samuel C. Hart, residence 107 Third street.

First Assistant Engineer, Alfred M. Chapman, resi- dence 53 Elm street.

Second Assistant Engineer, Charles H. Taber, resi- dence 157 Middle street.

Third Assistant Engineer, Loring T. Parlow, residence 2 Pope street.

Fourth Assistant Engineer, Michael F. Keimedy, res- idence 149 South First street.

Clerk of the Board of Engineers, Charles S. Paisler, residence 146 Kempton street. Office, City Hall. Hours from lyi to 9 p. m.



House on Purchase street, foot of Franklin street'.

William J. iMarr, Foreman^ George F, Brown, 1st Assist- ant, Charles F. Stetson, M Assistant, Eben C. Milliken, Clerk, Sylvester A. Colyar, Philip H. Dolhird, Edgar B. HanimoncI, Irving Smith, Julian A. Sweet, Allen W. Tinkham, Chas. R. Hathway, Edward Kavanagh, jr., Jlosemen, George II. P;irker, Engineer, Charles S. Strat- ton, StoJi:er, James L. Bryant, Hostler, B. F. Hathaway, jr., Reel Driver, William W. Durfee, Chauncy Russell, Torchbearers.


House corner of Purchase street and Mechanics lane.

Henry T. Southwick, Foreman, Samuel H. Mitchell, 1st Assistant, James D. Allen, 2d Assistant, Charles S. Paisler, Clerk, John Downey, James G. Harding, Edward C. Spooner, Eugene R. Leverett, Lemuel W. Hayes, Henry A. Sherman, Chas. F. Dean, Griffin T. Cornell, Ilosemen, Chas. H. Wood, Engineer, Adoniram J. Negus, /S^oA-er, William P. Sowle, Hostler, Wm. E, Macomber, Reel Driver, John H. DoUard, H. J. D. Gushing, Torch- bearers.


House corner of South Sixth and Bedford streets.

John Murdock, Foreman, Hugh McDonald, 1st Assist- ant, Joseph B. Wing, 2d Assistant, Giles G. Barker, Clerk, James M. Tripp, William A. Gibbs, John B. Peckham, Henry A. Barker, Augustus A. Wood, John Gillis, Daniel L. Brownell, James A. Murdock, Hosemen, Daniel D. Briggs, Engineer, George H. W. Tripp, Hostler, Sylvester Paul, Stoker, Chas. W. Borden, Reel Driver, Chas. S. Wing, Arthur Baylies, Torchbearers,


House corner of County and Hillraan streets.

Joseph H. Wheeler, Foreman, Horace M. Plummer, 1st Assistant, Luther W. Chaloner, 2d Assistant, Chas. W. Wheeler, Clerk, Henry M. Gilford, Joseph Halfords, William T. King, Isaiah H. Wilcox, Orando F. Bly, Geo. W. Parker, Martin J. Murphy, Abram R. Robbins,


Hosemen, Martin J. Blanchard, Engineer, Benj. F. King, jr., Hostler, Chas. L. Davis, Stoker, Eflwarcl M. Gilford, Eugene F. Gilford, Torchhearers, , Beel Driver.


House corner of Purcliase street and Mechanics lane.

Pliny B. Sherman, Foreman, Clarfaus Vansant, 1st Assistant, Joseph W. Spooner, 2d Assistant, James S. Hathaway, Clerk, Herbert B. Gardner, Peter Nelson, David W. Howland, .Andrew J. Spooner, Hosemen.


House corner of Purchase street and Mechanics lane.

Philip M. Tripp, Foreman, John H. Judson, 1st As- sistant, Lysander W, Davis, 2d Assistant, Charles E. Peirce, Clerk, James W. Baldwin, Driver.


House located at head of the River.

Reuben Washburn, Foreman, Seth Hoard, 1st Assist- ant, Charles E. Howland, 2d Assistant, George A. Cobb, Clerk.


Sitperintendent, Samuel C. Hart, Chief Engineer. As- sistant Superintendent, Daniel D. Briggs, residence. En- gine House, north-west corner of Bedford and South Sixth streets. Office, City Hall.


No. •5. On store northeast cor. Linden and Ashland streets.

6. On house northeast cor. Hazard and State streets.

7. On engine-house. Purchase st., n. foot Franklin st.

8. On pole southeast cor. County and Pearl streets.

14. On store northwest cor. Purchase and Willis sts.

15. On pole northeast corner Smith and Cedar streets.

16. On engine-house N. W. cor. County and Hillman sts.

17. On house southwest cor. Maxfield and No. Third sts.

18. On bakery southeast cor. North and Purchase sts.

24. On pole northwest cor. Cedar and Kempton sts.

25. On store southeast cor. County and Kempton sts.



26. On factory southeast cor. Water and Middle sts.

27. On engine-liouse northwest cor. of Purchase street

and jNIechanics lane.

28. On pole northeast corner of Court and Cedar sts. 32. On Unitarian church, N. W. c. Union and Eighth sts.

34. On building northwest cor. Union and Water sts.

35. On Trinitarian church, S.W. c. School and Fourth sts.

36. On paint mill, S. E. c. Walnut and So. Water sts.

37. On pole northeast cor. Bush and Orchard streets. 3!S. On engine-house, N.W. c. Bedford and So. Sixth sts. 39. On carnage inanuf 'y, S. E. c. Third and Cannon sts.

45. On pole southwest cor. Bonney and Allen streets.

46. On IMission chapel, N.E. c. Leonard and So. Water sts.

47. On pole at junction of County and So. Sixth sts.

48. On liouse northeast cor. South and So. Water sts. 56. On pole northwest cor. South Water and Rivet sts.


Allen street, southeast corner of Bonney. Ash street, southwest corner of Moigan. Double. " northwest coi-ner of Middle.

" northwest corner of Maple.

" northwest corner of Ai'nold.

Ashland street, west side, head of Linden, Arnold street, southwest corner of Eniei'son.

" southeast corner of Atlantic

Arch street, west side, south of Union, 212 feet. Bedford street, southwest corner of Fifth. " southeast corner of County.

" southeast corner of Orchard.

Bonney street, northwest corner Grinuell. Bush street, southwest corner of First. Campbell street, south side, east of Emerson, 205 feet. Cannon street, east of Second, 104 feet. Cedar street, northwest corner of Elm. Double. " southwest corner of Kempton.

" west side, north of Mill, 75 feet.

" southwest corner of Hillman.

" northwest corner of Sycamore

" southwest corner of Camjibell.

" southwest corner of Parker.

Centre street, east side of Water, 85 feet. Chancery street, southwest corner of Hillman. Chestnut street, southwest corner of North.

" west side, north of Campbell, 96 feet.

Clark street, southwest corner of State.


Cottage street, northwest corner of Bedford.

" northwest corner of Hawthorn.

" southwest corner of Arnold.

" southwest corner of Union.

" northwest corner of Allen.

County street, northwest corner of Locust. " northwest corner of Parker.

" southwest corner of Smith.

" southwest corner of Maxfield.

" southwest corner of North.

" southwest corner of Middle. Double

" southwest corner of Morgan.

" northwest corner of Union.

" west side, head of School.

" northwest corner of Bush.

" southwest corner of Hawthorn.

" northwest corner of Allen.

" southwest corner of Grinnell. Double.

" west side, head of South.

" northwest corner of Rivet.

" southwest corner of Thompson's lane.

" northwest corner of Rockland.

Court street, southwest corner of Orchard. " south side, head of Cedar.

" south side, head of Emerson.

" south side, front of the Tannery.

Cove street, south side of Water, 487 feet. Crapo street, west side, south of Washington, 343 feet. Cypress street, northwest corner of Hillman.

" northwest corner of Sycamore.

Dartmouth street, south side, south of Hickory, 125 feet. Durfee street, southwest corner of Cedar. Double. Elm street, south side, east of Purchase, 210 feet.

" southwest corner of Pleasant.

Emerson street, southwest corner of Willis. " southwest corner of Parker.

First street, west side, south of Union, 220 feet. " west side, south of School, 109 feet.

" west side, south of Howland, 185 feet.

" west side, south of South, 255 feet.

Fifth street, west side, south of Bush, 245 feet.

" northwest corner of Grinnell.

Forest street, south side, west of County, 248 feet. Foster street, southwest corner of Maxfield.

" northwest corner of High.

Fourth street, west side, north of School, 106 feet. " west side, south of Bush, 210 feet.

" northwest corner of Timothy.

Franklin street, southwest corner of Pleasant.


Front street, west side, south of Commercial, 96 feet.

" northwest corner of hme head Merrill's whf.

" southwest corner of Centre.

" southwest corner of Elm.

Grinnell street, south side, east of Crapo, 103 feet. Grove street, southwest corner of Anthony, Hazard street, south side, west of State, 140 feet.

" southwest corner of Pleasant.

Hawthorn street, southeast corner of Page. High street, south side, west of Second, 1.52 feet. " south side, east of County, 177 feet.

Hillraan street, southwest corner of Second.

" southeast corner of Hill.

Howland street, soutlieast corner of Second. Irving court, north end of court. Kempton street, south side, head of Pleasant " soutli side, head of Hill.

" southwest coiner of Summer.

" south side, head of Cypress. Double.

" southwest corner of Emerson.

" southwest corner of Park.

" southwest corner of Liberty.

Lincoln street, west side, south of Union, 171 feet. Maxfield street, southeast corner of Chestnut.

" southeast corner of Spruce.

Mechanics lane, north side, east of Eighth, 206 feet. Middle street, southeast corner of Second.

" southeast corner of Sixth. Double.

" south side, east of Cedar, 371 feet.

Mill street, south side, west of Hill, 191 feet. Morgan street, southwest corner of Cottage, [ervoir.

Mt. Pleasant street, southeast corner of Distributing Res- " west side, north of Durfee, 572 feet.

" northwest corner of Durfee.

Mt. Vernon street, south side, 359 feet west of Mount

Pleasant. New Point road, west side, south of Cove road, 14 feet. North street, southwest corner of North Third.

" southeast corner of Foster,

North Third street, northwest corner of Kempton. " northwest corner of Maxfield.

" west side, south of Campbell, 179 ft.

" northwest corner of Willis.

" southeast corner of Pope.

" west side, south of Warasutta, 255 ft."

" Avest side, north of Wamsutta, 514 ft.

Double. Old Point road, west side, east of New Point road, 650 ft. Orchard street, west side, head of Bush.


Parker street, southwest corner of Summer. Penniman street, south side, west of State, 220 feet. Pine street, northwest corner of Cross. Pleasant street, southwest corner of Willis.

" southwest corner of Sycamore.

" northwest corner of Hillman.

" southwest corner of Market.

Pope street, south side, opp. North Oak. "Prospect street, northwest corner of Grinnell.

" west side, north of Grinnell, 382 feet.

Purchase street, near pumping engine-house. " east side, foot of Clark.

" west side, foot of Logan.

" northwest corner of Austin.

" northwest corner of Merriraac. Double.

'' northwest corner of Pope.

" southwest corner of Pearl. Double.

" southwest corner of Campbell.

" west side north of Maxfield,343ft. Double.

" southwest corner of Hillman. Double.

" southwest corner of Mill.

" northwest corner of Middle.

" west side, north of Mechanics lane, 13 ft.

Double. " northwest corner of Union.

Ricketson court south side, west of Sixth, 306 feet. Rivet street, southwest corner of Second. Robeson street, southwest corner County. Russell street, south side, east of Fifth, 92 feet. Second, street, northwest corner of Mill,

" west side, south of Spring, 74 feet.

" northwest corner of Coffin,

" west side, north of Grinnell, 61 feet.

Seventh street, west side, north of Bush, 50 feet. Sherman street, south side, west of County, 314 feet. Sixth street, southwest corner of William. " southwest corner of School.

" northwest corner of Bush,

" southwest corner of Russell.

" northwest corner of Wing.

" west side, north of Grinnell, 194 feet.

Smith street, southwest corner of Chestnut, Double. " southeast corner of Spruce, Double.

" southeast corner of Emerson.

" south side, west of Emerson, 404 feet.

South street, southwest corner of Third. " southwest corner of Second.

" southwest corner of Prospect.


Spring street, southwest corner of Seventh.

" southeast corner of Fifth.

State street, northwest corner of Sycamore. " southwest corner of Pearl.

" southwest corner of Franklin.

" northwest corner of Merriniac.

Summer street, northwest coiner of Hillman. " northwest corner of North.

" southwest corner of Willis.

Sycamore street, southwest corner of Thomas. " southwest corner of Summea*.

Third street, northwest corner of School. " northwest corner of Bush.

" northwest corner ol Russell.

" northwest corner of Bedford.

" M'est side, head of Howdand.

" southwest corner of Timothy.

" west side, south of Rivet, 109 feet.

Thomas street, northwest corner of Hillman. Tremont street, west side, south of Arnold, 287 feet. Union street, southwest corner of Water. Double. " southeast corner of Second.

" southwest corner of Third. Double.

" southwest corner of Sixth. Double.

Walnut street, southwest corner of Second.

" southeast corner of Fourth. Double.

" southwest corner of Seventh.

Walden street, southwest corner of Maxfield. Washington street, southwest corner of Orchard.

" southeast corner of Dartmouth.

Water street, southwest corner of Hillman.

" west side, south of North, 258 feet.

" northwest corner of Middle. Double.

" "west side, north of Centre, 46 feet.

" west side, north of Scliool, 22 feet.

" northwest corner of Walnut.

" northeast corner ot City wharf.

" northwest corner of Coffin.

" west side, head of Leonard. Double.

" northwest corner of Howland.

" northwest corner of Grinnell.

" northwest corner of South.

" west side, south of South, 638 feet.

" northwest corner of Rivet.

" southwest corner of Blackmore.

" southwest coi'ner of Delano.

" west side, south of Division, 285 feet.

" southwest corner of Cove.


Wamsutta street, south side, east of Ray, 285 ft. Double. Washington street, southeast corner of Crapo. William street, southwest corner of Eighth,

" south side, west of Second, 186 feet.

" southwest corner of Bethel.

Willis street, southwest corner of State.

" south side, west of Cedar, 200 feet.

Wing street, southwest corner of Fourth.


Durfee street, southeast corner of New County road.

Linden street, northeast corner of Ashland.

Franklin street, southwest corner of State.

Purchase street, northwest and southwest corners of Pope.

Willis street, northeast corner of State.

Campbell street, west side of Purchase.

Smith street, southeast corner of Cypress.

Pleasant street, between Maxfield and Sycamore.

County sti'eet, southeast corner of Maxfield.

Hillman street, between Purchase and Pleasant.

Pleasant street, southwest corner of North.

Chestnut street, between Mill and North.

Mill street, southwest corner of Purchase.

Kempton street, between Cypress and Cedar.

High street, near northeast corner of Foster.

Middle street, near northwest corner of Purchase.

Middle street, near southeast corner of Purchase.

Middle street, west of High School.

County street, front of M. E. church.

North second street, northwest corner of William.

City Hall square, west of hall.

Court street, near head of Orchard.

Union street, southwest corner of County.

Union street, southeast corner of Fourth.

South Sixth sti'eet, northwest corner of Spring.

South Sixth street, northwest corner of Walnut.

Third street, southwest corner of Spring.

School street, northwest corner of Fourth.

South Second street, northwest corner of Walnut.

Orchard street, east side, below Hawthorn.

Russell street, between County and South Sixth.

Third street, southeast corner of Cannon.

Bedford street, southeast corner of Fifth.

South Sixth street, southwest corner of Wing.

Howland street, corner of Third.


Dartmouth street, west of Orchard, Third street, southeast corner of Grinnell. Washington street, northeast corner of Crapo. South First street, southwest corner of South.



Abrara H. Rowland, jr., M;iyor, ex-officio, Chairman ; Henry F. Harrington, Secretary.

Sapt. of Public Schools, office, basement City Hall building. Office hours, 8)^ to 9 a. m., 12^ to 1 p. m. Saturdays, 9)^ to 10 A. m.

Ward 1 Geo. W. Chace, Alanson Borden, H. F. Thomas.

Ward 2— Benj. S. Batchelor,!, S, Cornish, C. R. Price.

Ward 3 I, W. Beujaman, Cyrenius W. Haskins, John Spare,

Ward If- George H. Dunbar, Chas. D. Prescott, H. M. Knowlton.

Ward 5 Edmund Rodman, Charles T. Bonney, J. L. Sherman.

Ward 6 Chas. H. Sanford, B. Otheraan, jr., Isaac H. Coe.


On High School Batchelor, Dunbar, Rodman, Borden> Bonney, Prescott, Cornish.

On Oramrnar Schools Bonney, Sanford, Ortheman, Haskins, Knowlton.

On Primary Schools Dunbar, Benjamin, Prescott, Spare, Coe.

On Country Schools Coe, Chace, Rodman, Price* Sherman.

On Farm School Sanford, Sherman.

On Evening Schools Otheman, Spare, Thomas.

On Mill School Chace, Haskins, Price.

On Training School and Examination of Teachers Cornish, Prescott, Coe, Knowlton, Thomas.

On Text Books Spare, Chace, Haskins.


On Expenditures Benjamin, Batchelor, Dunbar, Coe, Thomas, Sherman, Dews.

On Music Prescott, Sanford, Chace.

On Drawing Rodman, Benjamin, Otheman, Knowl- ton. Price.

On Howland Fund Batchelor, Borden, Cornish, Pres- cott, Bonney, Rodman, Dews.



Charles P. Rugg, Principal ; Assistants, W. C. Law- ton, Mary S. Mendell, Sarah D. Ottiwell, Susan B. Cor- nish, Lizzie P. Briggs, Lydia J. Cranston, L. N. Smith, M, E. Austin.


Fifth street A. F. Wood, Principal; Assistants, Hannah B. Robinson, M. R. Hinckley, Sarah A. Carr, Sa- rah E. Stoddard, Charlotte C. Carr, Mary E. Allen, Mary A. Codding, Isabel M. Reid, M. A. Macy, E. J. Ashley.

Middle street M. C. Rodgers, Principal ; Assistants, Annie R. Commerford, Clarissa S. Staples, Catherine Coraraerford, Jane E. Finkill, Mary A. Kane, Sarah L. Spare, H. C. Arey, M. M. Dunlap, Agnes J. Dunlap.

Parker street Chas. E. E. Mosher, Principal ; Assist- ants, Jane M. Gardner, Jeannette Hunter, Eliza J. D. Shepherd, Martha M. Hemenway, Helen M. Gordon, Drusilla W. Sears, Ada F. Whitton, Matilda J. Smith, Lillie Spooner, Abby F. Sullivan.


mil street Elizabeth P. Spooner, Lucy Leach, H. B. Parker.

3Ierrimac street Sarah H. Hewins, Ella Lincoln, Ma- ria E. Hayes, Abby B. Nash, A. West.

Maxfleld street— M^rj B. White, Sarah B. Field, H, B. S. Wilcox, Mercy H. Bartlett.

Cedar street Annie S. Homer, Judith S. Macomber, Louisa L. Heath, Abby D. Whitney.

ITempton street— Fat'ience K. Almj, Eleanor Commer- ford, Sarah E. Stowe, Amelia Lincoln, A. F. Richmond.

Hush street Sarah H. Cranston, Bessie P. Chapman,


Hannah V. Hathaway, S. E. Sears, Eliza H. Sanford, E. G. Smith.

Dartmouth street Isadore F. Eldredge, S. E. Phillips, E. A. M. Simmons, Belle W. Giffoid.

Sixth street (new) Abby F. Bryant.

Griffin street (branch) S. E. Kerwin, M. J. Gomley.

Arnold street Susan M. Tompkins.

Grove street— S. A. C. Pray, M. J. Graham, S. E. Tuell, L. E. Smith.


Acushnet Geo. Russell, jr., M. F. Sylvia. Rockdale S. F. Spare, M. E. Bonney. Cannonmlle M. E. Leicester, E. F. Hazard. ClarT^s Point Jane C. Thompson. Farm E. P. Bl an ding. North Deborah H. Gammons. JPlainville Sarah H. Kelley. Teacher of Drawing A. Gumming. Teacher of Music Jason White. Supernumerary Jane E. Gilmore.



Morgan street.

Principal John Tetlow, jr.

Assistants Andrew Ingraham, Celia L. Chase, Mary E. Savary

This School for Boys and Girls opens the first week in September, and closes the first week in July. There are four terms of ten weeks each. The regular course, occu- pying six years, comprises all branches of a good school education. In the classical course, boys are fitted for Harvard College


North, near Foster.

Mrs. Wm. H. Knight, Principal; Miss Helena Sawyer Miss Nannie Underwood, Assistants.





Union, above Sixth street.

Rev. Edraund Rowlfind, i^ec^or/ Samuel Leonord, jr., Senior Warden; C. B. H. Fessenden, Junior Warden; E. H. Allen, Treasurer ; Samuel Leonard, jr., Charles D. Stickney, James Munroe, H. Hathaway, T. Donaghey, E. H. Allen, Yestryraen ; E. T. Morgan, Sexton. Sabbath School. Rev. Edmund Rowland, Superintendent.



Union, corner Eighth street.

Rev. William J. Potter, Pastor; John A. Hawes, Clerk ; George A. Bourne, Treasurer ; John R. Thorn- ton, Edward D. Frederick, S. AWqw, Assessors ; Theodore Taylor, Sexton. Sabbath School. Rev. Wm. J. Potter, Supt. ; Wm. G. Baker, Asst. Supt.



Purchase street, corner Elm. -, Pastor ; John Bryant, E. S. Cannon, Z. Stur-

tevant, John Hastings, Edward Haskell, T. C. Hatch, Deacons; J. C. Hitch, Clerk and Treasurer ; Church Committee, the foregoing with Alex. H. Seabury and Samuel P. Burt; Joseph Knowles, Joshua C. Hitch, Thacher C. Hatch, Trustees ; Samuel P. Burt, Siqyt. of Sabbath School ; Isaac Barnes, Sexton.


Fourth, cor. School street.

Rev. M. C. Julien, Pastor; I. N. Barrows, Ezra B. Chase, Eben Nye, Deacons; I. H. Bartlett, jr., Chas. P. Rugg, G. ¥. Kingman, I. C. Sherman, C. T. Bonney Trustees ; G. W. ^EUis, Clerk; I. H. Bartlett, jr.,

Treasurer; , Sexton. Sabbath School. F. A.

Washburn, Superintendent.



Foster, corner Kempton street.

Rev. Solon Cobb, Pastor ; Willijim F. Butler, Samuel Bennett, 1. Cornish, Deacons ,' Geo. F. Burtlett, Bourne Bartlett, John Ruggles, GommiUee on Supphj ; B. F.

Reed, CAorister/ Paine, Sexton. Sabbath School.

Leonard Bushnell, Superintendent.


Acushnet Village, New Bedford.

Wm. B. Hammond, Pastor ; Thomas P. Potter, Gillira Kendrick, Deacons ; Cyrus E. Clark, Clerk and Treas- urer; Joseph S. Spooner, Sexton. Sabbath School. Joseph W. Webster, Superiritendent.



William, above Sixth street.

D. D. Winn, Pastor ; A. T. Eddy, Chairman; O. M. Leach, J. N. Barrows, Wm. A. Beard, Wm. G. White, S. T. Viall, Levi Hawes, Asa P. Manchester, Andrew Russell, Trustees ; Levi Hawes, Treasurer ; S. T. Viall, Clerk of Trustees ; Wm. H. Pitman, Clerk of Society ; Elijah Knox, Sexton. Sabbath School. Geo. B. Rich- mond, Supt. ; Mary H. Girdwood, ^s5i. Supt. ; Thos. M. James, Secretary ; Wm. H. Pitman, Treasurer ; A. T. Eddy, President of Society.


Middle Street.

John B. Bagwell, Pastor; Morton Yancy, Esau F. Foster, James Rich, John D. Hayden, James G. Wilson, Deacons; John D. Hayden, Clerk; W. H. Stewart, Treasurer. Sabbath School. J. G. Wilson, Su2)t.


North Sixth, near Market square.

Rev. James H. Lee, Pastor; Scipio Blackwell, Isaac Gwinn, Edward Jackson, Deacons; Isaac Gwinn, Theo- dore Taylor, Chas. Thomas, Wm. H, Smith, John Lee, Trustees; James Wiggins, Treasurer ; John P. York, Clerk.



County, cor. Merrimac street. -, Pastor ; Augustus A. Greene, Chairman;

Thomas Pope, jr., Geo. C. Hatch, Deacons; Thomas Pope, jr., Luther G. Hewins, Jeremiah Brown, Trustees; George C. Hatch, Treasurer ; Luther G. Hewins, jr., Clerk ; Jeptha F. Jenney, Sexton. Sabbath School. George C. Hatch, Superintendent.



Organized January 25, 1807.

Purchase, corner Middle street.

Oliver A. Roberts, Pastor / William Phillips, James Durfee, Charles M. Peirce, Asa Lothrop, Henry W. Smith, Nathaniel Stetson, Wardens; Lorenzo D.Davis, Clerk; Orrick Smalley, Treasurer; Thomas F. Allen, Sexton; Wm. Phillips, Moses How, James Durfee, Chas. M. Peirce, Nath'l Stetson, Asa Lothrop, Henry W. Smith, Arvin Smith, L. D. Davis, C. C. Taber, Geo. W. Parker, Isaiah Wood, Wm. H. Chappell, Nye Handy, O. Smalley, John S. Allen, James Pierce, 2d, Geo. A. Covell, Church Coin- mittee ; Wm. Phillips, Nathan Chase, Isaiah Wood, James Durfee, Atwood Holmes, L. D. Davis, David S, Bliss, E. D. Mandell, Geo. A. Covell, J. M. Lawton, O. Smalley, Chas. E. Hendrickson, Finance Committee ; James Dur- fee, Henry W.Smith, Charles M, Peirce, sen., Wm. Phillips Nathan Chase, Trustees. . Sabbath School. David S. Bliss, Superintendetit.


Spruce, corner Smith street.

Chas. F. Burleigh, Pastor ; Isaac S. Thomas, Treas- urer and Clerk ; , Sexton. Sabbath School.

Loum H. Faunce, Snpt. ; Joseph Mosher, Asst. Supt.


Middle, end of Sixth street.

Benjamin S. Batchelor, Pastor ; Ambrose E. Luce, Church Committee ; Charles Sherman, Clerk. Sabbath School. Isaac W. Benjamin, Superintendent.



Boiiney, corner Shorrnan street.

Isaac H. Coe, Pastor ; Alvin Mosher, John S. Fran- cis, Deacons ; Wm. D. Sherman, Clerk ; Peleg S. Macy, Treasurer ; W. H. Taylor, J. S. Bonney, I. H. Coe, M. G. Sears, P. T. Flyun, L. R. Ehlridge, L. Jenney, Peleg S. Macy, Trustees ; Charles Macy, Sexton. Sabbath School. I. H. Coe, Superintendent.



County street, corner Elm.

W. F. Crafts, Pastor ; James Taylor, Geo. E. Giffortl, Job Wade, Frederick A. Sovvle, Solomon T. Perry, Leon- ard B. Ellis, Benjamin Anthony, George M. Eddy, jr., S. C. Hathaway, Job Wade, G. G. Gifford, Trustees; Am- brose Vincent, Benjamin Pitman, Zenas L. Adams, Geo. G. Gifford, Edmund Anthony, Sylvanus Bennett, Ellis Perry, Freilerick H. Vinal, Geo. M. Eddy, jr., Stewards ; Wm. Hammond, Addison Woodward, W. J. Sherman, Savory C. Hathaway, Caleb L. Ellis, Josiah Richmond, Benj. C. Ward, James Taylor, S. Hathaway, Class Lead- ers ; Edmund Anthony, Treas. ; Asa H. Kelley, >iSea;^o;?. Sabbath School. Leonard B. Ellis, Superintendent.


Fourth street, 'south of Walnut.

Rev. Charles Morgan, Pastor ; Joseph Brownell, Niles Tihlen, John W. Pierce, J. Augustus Brownell, Charles Gifford, Trustees ; R. C. Topham, Horace Tilden, George A. Poole, Lorenzo Baker, Joseph Brownell, Niles Tilden, Stevmrds ; Robert C. Topham, Treasurer P oar d of Steto- ards ; Joseph Brownell, Treasurer Corporation; Wm. Hested, Sexton. Sabbath School. George Cooper, Su- perifitendent.


Allen, corner Count}'^ street.

Rev. Bradford P. Raymond, Pastor ; Henry M. Allen, Solomon Chadwick, Allen S. Simmons, Chas. E. Cook, Elisha Gibbs, Robert A. Sherman, Simon S. Pollock, Sara-


uel Benson, J. C. Brock, Trustees ; Robert A. Sherman, Clerk; Stephen Y. Dunham, Sexton; R. A. Sherman, H, M. Allen, Allen S. Simmons, George B. Wilbor, Solo- mon Chad wick, Jabez Gorham, John A. Thompson, Ed- ward S. Tripp, Chas. A. Snell, J. C. Brock, Stewards. Sabbath School. J. C. Brock, Superintendent.


Established 1844.

Pleasant, corner Sycamore street. Rev. T. R. Green, Pastor ; S. S. Paine, W. Walker, J L. Humphrey, S. Dammon, N. Tripp, Jno. Kirk, B. Hinck- ley, H. R. Wilcox, R. Allen, Trustees ; R. Allen, Ed- ward JVlilliken, I. B. Tompkins, E. J, Collamore, H. R. Wilcox, Jno. Kirk, S. S. Payne, David W. Holmes, I. B. Tompkins, jr., Steioards ; T, Trueman, J. Scbofield, S. Dammon, G. M. Ripner, Wm. Walker, S. Shepard, S. S. Payne, H. Freeman, D. S. Small, S. C. Caldwell, G. W. Payne, S. S. Perry, B. Hinckley, N. Tripp, Leaders ; S. S. Paine, Clerk and Treasurer; Chas. Wilcox, Sexton; George Paine, Chorister; Church Members, 434; Pro- bationers, 37. Sabbath School. Geo. W. Paine, Su- perintendent. Officers and Teachers, 75 ; Scholars, 600 ; Total, 675 ; Total membership, 748.


Elm, west of County street.

Rev. Silas A. Mitchell, Pastor in charge ; James Thom- as, Henry Gibson, Chas. Offley, John Gainville John

Smith, Trustees ; , Sexton ; Elisha Turner, Clerk.

Sabbath School. Mrs. S. Smith, Superintendent.


Kempton, west of County street.

Rev. E. T. Williams, Pastor ; Noah Tillson, John L. Wright, Henry Carroll, Jackson Hawkins, William H. Coles, Isham Couling, George T. Fisher, Trustees ; Jack- son Hawkins, Clerk ; Francis Aivis, Sexton. Sabbath School. John H. Armstead, '•Superintendent.




William, near Eighth street.

Rev. J. H. Fariiswortli, Pastor ; Hiram Van Campen,

Clerk ; Hosea M. Knowlton, Treasurer ; iSexton ;

Alfred G. Wilbor, Hirain Van Carapen, E. L. Barney, II. M. Knowlton, John M. Foster, Stayiding Comrnittee. Sabbath School. H, M. Knowlton, Superintendent.



County street.

Rev. Lawrence S. McMahon, Pastor; Rev. George Page, Rev. William Y{\gg\\\s, Assistant Pastors; James F. McKenney, Sexton. Sabbath School. John Corish, Superintendent.


Fifth, corner School street. Is used for children's mass, and Sabbath School.


Wing, corner Fifth street. Rev. Antonio M. Freitas, Pastor.



Kempton, near County street.

, Pastor ; E. Church, H. A. Davis, Deacons ;

James Harding, Clerk ; James Ross, Sexton.


100 High street.

Rev. A. Higgins, Pastor; Ellery Records, John C. Freeman, Richard E. Macoraber, Committee of Trustees.



Bethel, between William and Union streets.

James D. Butler, Chaplain. Sabbath School. James G. Harding, Superintendent.


Allen's Corner, Plainville.


Purchase street, north of Merrimac.

Erected in 1871, by Matthew Howland, for a free chapel, and a Sabbath scliool for the population in the vicinity of the Wamsutta Mills. A Sabbath school is held on Sabbath afternoons, and religious services on Sabbath evenings during the year.


Organized March 19, 1873.

^Pastor; Elias Terry, President; George P.

Hathaway, Sec. and ClerJc ; John P. West, Treasurer ; Elias Terry, Meltiah Hathaway, James T. Almy, Trustees.


Ch.urch at Cannonville.

George Huddy, Pastor. Sabbath School. Jacob W- Chase, Sup>t.


Officers. Josiah Holmes, jr., Mrs Rachel S. Howland, 3Iinisters ; Wm. C. Taber, Chas. R. Tucker, Matthew Howland, Seth K. Aiken, Betsey P. Wood, Sarah An- thony, Dorcus F. Tucker, Anna G. Wood, Susan Taber, Elders.

There are two meetings of Friends. The Society known as such from the earliest histoi-y of New Bedford, have a large brick meeting-house on Spring street, between Sixth and Seventh streets. P^riends do not recognize the pas- toral relation as it exists in connection with other Socie- ties.




Tristram R. Dennison, City Missionary.

Tliis (loincstic mission may be considered as firmly es- tablished. Located on South Water, corner Leonard St., T. R. Dennison, Superintendent, 150 scholars. In this chapel, religious service is heht and a Sunday School maintained.


Rev. M. C. Julian, President ; Leonard B. Ellis, Jabez Wood, Vice Presidents ; Rev. Benjamin S. Batchelor, Secretary ; Samuel P. Burt, Treasurer.




Regular Convocations First Wednesday in each month. William W. Arnold, M. E. II. P. : Albert H. W. Car- penter, E. K. ; James L. Sherman, E. S. ; Edward Stet- son, J'reas^^re;-; H. Wilder Emerson, Secretary; Albert E. Waight, C. of II; Eben C. IMilliken, P. S. ; Benjamin S. Jenkins, A'. A C. ; Henry M. Olmsted, M of Sd V. ; James W. Ainett, M. of 2d V. ; Chas. H. Braley, M. of 1st v.; Wanton T. Drew, Ghajjilain ; Edward Boden,jr., Organist; Wm. A. Searell, Sentinel; John B. Baylies, Hall Committee.


Knights Templar, Regular Assembly First Thursday in each montli.

Officers Abraham H. Howland, jr., E. C. ; Gardner T. Sanford, Gen.; Henry Field, jr., Capt. G. ; Wanton T. Drew, Prelate; Jacob B. Hadley, Treas. ; H. Wilder Emerson, jRec. y Gardner T. Sanford, /S. W. ; James Tay- lor, ./. W.; J. H. Bennett, S'ocl B.; Joshua B. Win- . slow, Std. B. ; William T. Soule, War. ; Henry G. Pom- roy, 3d G. ; Benj. S. Jenkins, /^J G. ; Horace G. How- land, 1st G. ; Edward Boden, jr., Organist; Wm. A. Searell, Armorer and Sentinel.



Regular Coinmunication First Monday in each month.

Officers Wm. W. Arnold, T^ M. ; Ezekiel C, Gar- diner,/S. W.; Wm. W. Atwood, j; W. ; Edward Stetson, Treas. ; Jas. C. Hitch, ^Sec. ; Antliony D. Hall, S,. D. ; Theodore W. Cole, J. 1). ; Rev. O. A. Roberts, Chap. ; Wm. Thornp, Mar.; A. M. Popplestone, A'. S. ; J. T. "Richardson, I. S. ; Edward Boden, jr., Organist ; Wm. A. Searell, Tyler ; Edward Stetson, Hall Com.


Regular Communication First Friday in each month.

Officers James L. Sherman, TF. M.; Ansel G. Baker, S. W.; William T. Soule, e/: W. ; Humphrey A. Gifford, jr., Treas. ; Geo. W. Parker, /Sec. ; Wanton T. Drew, Chajy.; Fred. W. Mosher, S. D. ; Albert E. Waight, J. D. ; A. G. Studley, IS. S. ; Geo. E. Bryant, J. S. ; H. M. Mosher, Mar. ; George Pierce, OrganUt ; Wm. A. Sear- ell, Tyler ; John A. Lee, Hall Com.

UNION LODGE No. 7, F. & A. M. (colored.) Regular Communication First Friday in each month.



Meetings Second and fourth Thursday of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall, Hicks' building. Purchase street.

Robert V\^. Baker, C. P. ; James McFarlin, H. P.; Geo. P. Brock, S. W. ; Wm. C. Rhodes, J. W. ; O. Frank Bly, jScribe; Wm. S. Cobb, Treas.


Meetings Every Tuesday evening, at Odd Fellows' Hall, Hicks' building, Purchase, cor. Mechanics' lane.

Stephen W. Booth, JV. G. ; Geo. W. Farnham, V. G. y Geo. F. Weeden, /6'ec./ John W. Nickerson, Treas.


VESTA LODGE, No. 166, I. O. of O. F.

Meotinpjs Every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows' Hall, Waverly building, 9 Fourth street.

Jethro Hillman, iV! G. ; Lemuel T. Terry, V. G. ; O- Frank Bly, iSec. ; E. V. McLeod,. Treas.

POTOMSKA LODGE No. 1518, G. W. O. of O. F.

Meets at Liberty Hall building. Purchase, cor. William, the first and third Friday in each month.

John A. Robinson, N. G.


Organized September, 1871.

Siloam Encampment. Crusaders of Jerusalem.

Meetings Second and Fourth Wednesdays in each month, at Ingall's Hall, Purchase street.

Officers— L. G. Hewins, jr., M. E. G. C. : W. J. Swift, G. S. and T. ; L. W. Playes, V. C. ; G. W. Ham- mond, W.; N. G. Pollock, S. G. ; H. S. Swain, P.; C. S. Paisler, Patriarch.


Meetings Every Friday evening, at Windsor Hall, Market street.

Officers Lemuel W. Hayes, G. 0. ; William J. Swift, G. S. ; William R. Best, G. T. ; William O. Cross, S. V. C; Nelson G. Pollock, J. V. C; Henry H. Bliss, JI. ; Geo. W. Hammond, A. ; Henry S. Swain, /S. G.) James B. Schwall, O. G. ; Chas. A. S. Sherman, Chap- lain; Chas. S. Paisler, William R. Sherman, William O. Cross, Board of Trustees.




Meetings First Friday in every month, at Templars' Hall, in Ricketson block, Union, corner Fourth.

Officers James S. Hathaway, C. of C. ; Chas. F. Al- len, S.ofC; Fred. J. Jordan, J. of G. ; A. VV. Hadley, Bee. of C; Eben. Parson, Treas. ; H. C. W. Mosher, M.; VV. M. Robertson, D.M.; Thos J. Peed, P.; James A. Russell, W. ; Isaac Woo i, Chaplain.


Meetings Thursday night, Templars' Hall, in Ricket- son block. Union, corner Fourth.

Fred. J. Jordan, W. C. T. ; E. B. Chase, W. V. T. ; A. D. Hall, W. K; T. J. Taylor, W. A. H. ; James S. Hathaway, W. F. R. ; H. C. \V. Mosher, W. T. ; Vera- nus Eldridge, W. f/". / Orrick Smalley, jr., W. B. U. ; Isaac Wood, Chaplain ; Thos. J. Peed, JF! G. ; David Carlaw, W. S.

ONWARD LODGE, No. 159, I. O. G. T.

J. B. Parris, TF". G. T. ; Lizzie P. Lawton, W. V. T. ; Hattie A. Manchester, W. S. ; Ella K. Wheelon, W. T. S; Frank S. Davis, W. T. ; N. S. Moore, W. C; Chas. W.Chase, TF. -M / Hannah Flathaway, TFi -/. G.; James B. Chase, W. 0. G. ; M. W. Winchester, W. A. 8. ; Sarah Parker, W. E. S. ; Elizabeth Brownell, TF. L. S.


Meetings Thursday evenings. Orient Hall, Elm, corner Purchase.

Eliza M. Bliss, TF. C. T. ; Hannah Gifford, TF V. T;

Wm. O. Cross, TF 8.; Lydia K. Sears, TF A. S. ; Chas.

Bliss', TF F. 8.; Thomas J. Borden, TF T. ; Abram R.

Cowen, TF G. ; Wm. L. Wade, TF 31. ; Louisa Wade, TF D. M. ; Clara B. Rowe, TF I. G. ; Marshall S. Green, W. O. G. ; Lucy M. Westgate, TF R. H. 8. ; Carrie B.

Tucker, TF L. II. 8.; W. H. Tucker, F. W. G. T.



Meetings Music Hall, Monday night.

Alfred Wilson, D. G. W. C. T. ; Etta F. Martin, TF- C. T. ; Marv A. Bowman, W. V. T. ; George S. Bo wen, TF. S.; Riciinrd T. Durfev, W. F. 8.; Janu's Doull, W. T.; Eliza J. Ashley, W. C. ; Joseph B. Peak, TF M. ; Mary A. Bowen, \V. I. G. ; Benjamin Rooth, TF 0. G. ; Mary A. Leavitt, TF. B. M. ; Minnie B. Lewis, TF A. 8. Anna B. Pierce, TF i^. S. ; Almira C. Booth, TF L. S.!


Meet at A. P. A. Hall, Friday evening of each week.

Obadiah S. I^irker, TF G. T. ; Susan L. Walker, W. V. T.; G. S. P. Bradford, TF IS.; Mary L. Walker, TF. A. jS.; John W. IJrawley, W. F. S. ; Elisha Rathburn, TF T.; Charles H.Goodwin, TF G. ; Ellen M.Vincent, TF M. ; Marv J. Baker, TF D. 31. ; Lizzie Vincent, TF. I. G. ; William Robinson, TF 0. G. ; Mary E. Bradford, TF R. H. S. ; Sarah J. Robinson, TF L. II. S. ; Henry Spiller, P. TF C. T.

REFUGE f)IVISION, No. 36, S. of T.

Meet at Temple of Honor Hall, Union, corner Fourth, Wednesday evening of each week.

Officers. Miss Sarah E. Feayvour, TF. P.; Arthur S.James, W. A. ; James Hathaway, i?. S. ; Mrs. Carrie Tucker, A. P. /S. ; Thomas Borden, P. 8.; William Tucker, T. ; Mrs. Lucy Westgate, Chcqylain; Helen M. Vincent, C. ; Sarah Hope, A. G.; Elisha Rathbnrn, I. K; Simeon B. Eldridge, 0. S.; Josiah G. Childs, i^. TF. P.


Meetings Wednesday evenings, Pleasant, corner New Market square.

Thomas King, TFP.; Thomas Shaw,.TFA; Etta Stacy, E. 8. ; Wm. Spooner, A. P. S. ; John T. Graham, P. S. ; William H.Cook, Treas. ; Stephen D. Stacy, Chaplain; Wm. H. H. Allen, G. ; Miss Emma Miller, A C. ; Mrs. Asa Bowman, I. S. ; Joseph Pendlebury, 0. S ; Wm. Bradburn, P. TF. P.



Meet at Neptune Hall, Monday evenings each week.

Frances A. Dewett, W. P.; J. F. Floyd, W. A.; Georgiana Johnson, R. S. ; John Gainville, A. R. 8.; Annie E. Dewett, 7^. A'./ Edward Johnson, sr., T. ; Chas. L. Ellis, C. ; Edward Johnson, jr., A. C; Allen L. Lee, I. S. ; Mary Cooper, 0. S. ; Wesley Cook, Chcqylain.


Meetings Thursday evenings in North Mission Chapel, corner Pearl and Purchase.

George F. Robinson, W. P. ; Frederick Dawes, W. A. ; Case, R. S. ; Julia E. Brown, A. R. 8. ; John

^ ---7 " ■' --^ ---7 "

Fullen, F, S. ; Mrs Margaret Pillen, T. ; John Singleton, C. ; Lizzie Brown, A. C. ; Sarah A. Stewart, I. S. ; Chas. A. Goodwin, Chaplain; John W. Brawley, P. TFl P.


Meets at Music Hall Tuesday evening of each week.

Eldridge, W. P. ; George Brownell, W. A. ;

George S. Bowen, R. S. ; Anna W. Edwards, A. R. 8. ; Charles D. Tuell, F. 8. ; Ephraim Brownell, T. ; Isaac Barnes, Chaplain; Mrs. Mary Walker, C; Mrs. Del^orah Lucas, I. 8. ; Mrs. Adeline Duffey, A. G. ; Nathan Brooks, P. W.P.; Richard Durfee, 0. 8.


Meetings Every other Sunday evening, held in the chapel. County, cor. Ilillman.

Officers M.F.Kennedy, President ; John Carroll, Vice President ; Michael Sullivan, Ireasurer ; John McCue, Secretary.



Founded 1828. Annual meeting, first Tuesday in May.

Officers. C. P. Rugg, President ; Joseph Buckmins- ter, Henry Willey, Vice-Presidents; Thomas H. Knowles,


Glerh ; George A. Bourne, Treasurer ; James W. Her- vey, George II. Dunbar, Andrew Ingrahani, Committee on Lectures / S. Griffitts Morgan, Jireh Swift, S. Hutchin- son, Trustees.


Officers lion. George Yio-wXnndi^ ]y.^ President ; Jas. B. Congdon, Wm. Phillips, Vice Presidents James Tay- lor, Rec. Secretary ; James D. Butler, Cor. Secretary ; Samuel H. Cook, Treasurer.

Thomas H. Knowles, Wm. H. Taylor, Joseph C. De- lano, Alexander H. Seabury, Joseph Brownell, Oliver Presi'ott, Edward D. Mandell, Edward Haskell, C. B. H. Fessenden, Edmund Rodman, Joseph Knowles, Augus- tus A. Greene, Henry T. Leonard, Jireh Swift, Henry T. Wood, Y. A. Washburn, Mathew Howland. Timothy D. Cook, Edmund Anthony, Geo. R. Phillips, Board of Managers.


Meetings Second Thursday in each month. Annual meeting, second Thursday in January.

Officers Mrs. Joseph Brownell, President ; Mrs. Joseph Grinnell, Vice President ; Mrs. A. D. Hatch, Sec- retary ; Mrs. John Hunt, Treasurer.

The Mariners' Llome, on Bethel street, is conducted under the management of this Society. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. O. Nye in charge.


A free reading room for sailors, containing newspapers and magazines.

Open daily at the Bethel and Mariners Home, Bethel street.


Rooms in Hicks' building, Purchase, cor. Mechanics lane.

The object of members of this Society is " to do good and to grow better."

Organized Oct. 6th, 1870.

Officers S. Griffitts Morgan, President / Hiram Van Campen, James M. Lawton, I. II. Bartlett, jr., Caroline


A. Tucker, Vice Presidents ; Emily H. Bourne, /Secreta- ry ; Isabel JVI. Rotch, Assistant Secretary ; Frederick S. Allen, Treasurer.

The above officers, with William J.Potter, Chas. Chan- dler, constitute the ExecutiveCommittee.


Leonard B. Ellis, President ; E. Tinkham, Vice Pres- ident ; B. F. H. Read, Secretary ; Fred. A. Washburn, Treasurer; B. F. 5 QnwQy., Librarian ; Elisha Tinkham, Miss Mary Matthews, H. Wilder Emerson, Sylvanus Ben- nett, Mrs. B. F. Jenney, Pirectors.

The Officers and Directors constitute the '• Board of Management," who attend to the general and business in- terests of the Society.


Meeting every Monday, 111^ Union.


Meets every alternate Wednesday evening, 7 North Sixth street.


Meet every alternate Tuesday evening, 7 North Sixth street.


Meetings every other Wednesday evening, 27)^ South Water street.

Officers. Neil Gallagher, President ; Miles Sweeney, Vice President ; James Doyle, Secretary ; Patrick Mur- phy, Treasurer.


Officers. Samuel P. Burt, President ; Edward H. Allen, Secretary and Treasurer.

George R, Phillips, Otis N. Pierce, Joshua C. Hitch, George D. GiffiDrd, Jonathan Hardy,' L. M. KoUock, Directors.



Organized January 3, 1831.

Officeks. Mrs. A, D. Hatch, Prmident ; ^l\%.^\\- liam Tallman, Fice Pres'tVfcni ; Mrs. Wrn. A. Dana, *S'ec- retary and Treasurer.

Mrs. Benjamin Pitman, Mrs. Josiah Richmond, Mrs. James Tripp, ]\Irs. John Hunt, Mrs. Robert C. Top- liam, Mrs. Benj. Anthony, Mrs. Loum Snow, Mrs. Wra. Gordon, jr., Sirs. Leonard Crowell, Mrs. Humphrey Kirby, Mrs. Eloise Tobey, Mrs. Prince Sears, Mrs. Wm. J. Norton, Mrs. Lydia Baylies, Mrs Job Wade, Mrs. Thomas Luce, Managers.

Regular meetings are held on the first Wednesdays in each irionth, and the annual meeting in the second week in October.

This is one of onr oldest and most efficient charities.


Officer. E. T. Learned, Fall River, President ; C. D. Stickney, New Bedford, Vice-President ; Charles D. Pres- cott, /Secretary., Treasurer., and Librarian.

W. W. Comstock. Middleboro', J. Dwelly, Fall River, Wm. A. Gordon, George T. Hough, J. H. Mackie, Aaron Cornish, New Bedford, Counselors.

Henry Johnson, Charles D. Prescott, S. W. Hayes, J. J. B. Vermyne, New Bedford, Geo. Atwood, Fairhaven, Censors.

J. B. Whittaker, Fall River, Cormnissioner on Trials.

This Society is subordinate to the Massacliusetts Medi- cal Society, and consist of Fellovvs of that Society resid- ing in this part of the State. Its object is the promotion of medical science, and meetings are held at New Bedford in May and November of each year.


Meets every "Thursday evening, at hall, 117 Union st.

Regular business meeting on the first Thursday of each month.

Henry Todd, President ; , Vice-President ;

Wm. Deacon, Secretary ; John Deacon, Treasurer.



Organized in 1842.

For orphans of both sexes. Clark's Point road, corner Cove.

Miss Celia Brett, Matron ; Miss Sarah Brett, Assistant Matron.

Officers. Mrs. William C. N. Swift, President ; Mrs. Wm. Crapo, Secretary ; Mrs. Mary Gird wood, Treasurer.


The annual meeting of the corporation is held on the first Wednesday of January.

Officers. Mrs. Matthew Rowland, President ; Mrs. Catherine Seabury, Vice-President ; Miss Amelia B. Sears, Clerk ; Mrs. Jose])h Knowles, Treasurer ; Mrs. George B. Richmond, Auditor.

Mrs. John Hastings, Mrs. E. S. Cannon, Mrs. E. Taber, Mrs. J. R. Read, Mrs. C. D. Stickney, Miss L. G. Davenport, Mrs. Wm. Gordon, Mrs. G. B. Hathway, Mrs. H. M. Stowe, Mrs. Pardon Macomber, Mi'S. S. Gogge- shall, Mrs. Cornelius Howland, Mrs. C. P. Rugg, Miss Emily H. Bourne, Miss E. Crowell, Mrs. Thomas Bates, Mi-s. Geo. Marston, Mrs. S. Thomas, Mrs. S. Hutchinson, Mrs. Rhoda Gifford, Mrs. H. H. Sears, Mrs. John B. Baylies, Mrs. Robert Bartlett, Miss E. W. Montague, Mrs. George Homer, Mrs. S. N. Potter, Mrs. William Beard, Mrs. H. Seabury, Mrs. James M. Tripp, Directors.

Messrs. Matthew Howland, E. S. Cannon, Chas. T. Bonney, G. F. Bartlett, James Munroe, Advisory Com- mittee.

T. R. Dennison, City Missionary.


Mrs. Matthew Howland, President ; Mrs. Josiah Rich- mond, Mrs. Thatcher C. Hatch, Mrs. Horatio Hathaway, Vice-Presidents ; Mrs. George Hastings, Corresponding Secretary ; Mrs. h.Ti.Yi'AXs^^., Recording Secretary ; Miss Lizzie N. Crowell, Treasurer ; Mrs. E. M. Tobey, Auditor.

A general representation of the various religious societies aimed at in the selection of managers.

The object of the Association is to surround all women residing in the city with Christian influences'; and such a commendable mission should attract all who love Jesus and his work. The condition of membership is an annual payment of 50 cents, or life rtiembership can be secured for 120.



Merrimac, corner Pleasant street.

Officers. Mrs. Andrew Robeson, President ; Mrs. James Lawton and IMrs. A. D. Hatcli, 'Vice-Presidents ; Mrs. G. E. Morcjan, Secretary ; Mrs. Caroline T. Bumph- rey, Matron ; Mi's. Ilii-am Van Campen, Treasurer ; Mr. Edward Haskell, Auditor.

Mrs. Oliver A. Roberts, Mrs. Benjamin Irish, Mrs. James E. Stanton, Mrs. Charles P. Rngg, Mrs. B. R. Aliny, Mrs. Caleb Anthony, Mrs. Isaac Benjamin, Mrs. Joseph Buckminster, Mrs. Amasa Bnllaid, Mrs. Nicholas Ilowland, Mis. Henry Iluddlestone, Mrs. William Phillips, jMrs. A. Russell, Mrs. Joseph Tillinghast, Mrs. Abner R. Tucker, Mrs. Henry Walker, Mrs. Wm. F. Drown, Mis. Stephen Potter, Mrs. Hannah H. Sears, Mrs. S. G. Morgan, Pirectors.

Mrs. Amasa BuUard, Mrs. James M. Lawton, Mrs. James E. Stanton, Executive (Jommittee.

Meetings first Tuesday of each month. Annual meet- ings third week in April.


Officers. Mrs. Matthew Howland, President ; Mrs. Loum Snow, Yice President ; Mrs. Henry T. Wood, Treas.; Mrs. Oliver Prescott, A^ec. / Charles R. Tucker, Auditor ; Edward W. Howland, Oliver Prescott, Thomas Nye, jr., Joseph Grinnell, Edward D. Mandell, Advisers.

Mrs. Joseph Grinnell, Mrs. Abraham Russell, Mrs. George Howland, jr., Mrs. Wm. G. Baker, Mrs. Caleb Anthony, Mrs. Eben Perry, Mrs. Wm. Phillips, Mrs. Ed- ward Merrill, Mrs. Gird wood, Mrs. Wm. G. Pope, Mrs. Jose])h Reed, Mrs. Charles R. Tucker, Mrs. Edward Mandell, Mrs. Cornelius Howland, Miss Susan Taber, Mrs. B. R. Almy, Mrs. James Fisher, Mrs. William J. Rotch, Mrs. John Hunt, Mrs. James Almy, Miss L. S. Cummings, Mrs. F. S. Gifford, Mrs. Edward C. Jones, Miss Susan S. Snow, Mrs. Prince Sears, Mrs. Chas. P. Stickney, Mrs. Wm. G. Wood, Mrs. Horatio Hathaway, Mrs. Wm. A. Dana, Investigating Committee ; Mrs. Loum Snow, Mrs. Edward W. Howland, Mrs. Chas. R. Tucker, Mrs. Edward Merrill, Mrs. Joseph Reed, Mrs. Win. G, Vo-^Q^ 31anagers. %



George B. Richmond, President ; Abrara T. Eddy, Jo- seph Tillinghast, Charles E. Hendrickson, Yice Presidents ; David S. Wood, Secretary ; Chas. S. Kelley, Treasurer.

Rooms h% Purchase street, second floor.

Rehgious meetings at the Rooms and at Howland Cliapel. Prayer meetings every Sunday evening at six p. M. during the summer months, and at five and a half P.M. durino; the winter. The regular meetings of the association are held on the first Thursday evening of every month, and the regular meeting of the Board of Directors is held on the previous Monday evening.


Matthew Howland, President ; Wm. H. Taylor, Henry T. Wood, Vice Presidents ; Jabez Wood, Secretary ; Jas. W. Hervey, Treasurer ; Rev. A. H. Quint, Rev. B. S. Bachelor, Rev. I. H. Coe, Rev. O. A. Roberts, Rev. M.

C. Julien, Rev. W. T. Worth, Rev. E. Rowland, Rev. J.

D. Butler, Rev. D. D. Winn, Rev. Charles Moigan, Rev. O. C. Cox, Rev. B. P. Raymond, C.T. Bonney, S. Griffitts Morgan, T. R. Dennison, G. W. Paine, H. Van Campen,

E. Rodman, R. C. Pitman, Geo. B. Richmond, E. William Hervey, F. A. Washburn, Wm. Phillips, Geo. B. Wilbor,

F. L. Oilman, A. T. Eddy, I. W. Benjamin, James Taylor, George C. Hatch, Wm. L. Sayer, Wm. F. Butler. De- pository at John C. Allen's, 47 Purchase street.


Campbell, corner Pleasant street.

Under control of the Sisters of Mercy, is now open for the reception of the sick. A Board of experienced Phy- sicians and Surgeons have been selected as ofiicers of the Hospital, and patients will have the kind and attentive care of the Sisters of Mercy. The following gentlemen comprise the Hospital staflT.

Very Rev. L. S. McMahon, V. G., Director.

S. W. Hayes, M. D., Physician in charge.

George Atwood, M. D., Fairhaven, J. H. Mackie, M. D., 112 Middle, E. P. Abbe, M. D., cor.' Clinton and County, Consulting Physicians and Surgeons.

S. W. Hayes, M. D., Mansion House, G. T. Hough, M.' D., 95 Elm, F. H. Hooper, M. D., Parker House, H. John-


son, M. D., 14 So. Sixth street, Visiting Physicians and Surtjeons.

J. J. B. Verniyne, M. D., 167 Union, Ophthalmic Surgeon.

A])ijlications for admission should be made at the Hos- pital between 9 and 10 a. m., daily. In cases of emergen- cy patients admitted at any time.



Trustees. Ex-officio. Terms expii-e January, 1876- Abraham H. Howland, jr.. Mayor of the City; Edwin Dews, President of the Common Council; John B. Bay- lies, .Chairman of the Committee of the City Council on Public Instruction.

Elected by the City Council. Warren Ladd, B. F. H. Reed, term expires January, 1876 ; S. Griffitts Mor- gan, Thomas II. Knowles, term expires January, 1877 ; George Howland, jr., George H. Dunbar, term expires January, 1878.

The iMayor, President of the Board.

B. F. H. Reed, Clerk.

Committees. The Mayor, Messrs. Ladd, Howland, Morgan, and Dunbar, On the Lihrarg.

Messrs. Baylies and Dews, On the Puilding.

Messrs. Knowles and Morgan, On Binding and Blanks.

Messrs. Moi'gan, Reed and Dunbar, On the Museum.

George H. Dunbar, Superintendent of the Library.

Robert C. Ingraham, Librarian.

Josephine A. Merrick, Mary E. Brown, Assistant Li- brarians.


At Clark's Point.

The Farm School and Workhouse are in this building, the whole being under the supervision of the Overseers- of the Poor.

Earl C. Briggs, Supt. ; Mrs. E. C. Briggs, Matron; Rev. G. W. Steams, Chaplain ; William Jackson, Hos- pital StevKird and Nurse ; Lizzie Blanding, Teacher.




Capital, $2,500,000.

Wamsatta street. Office over Merchants National Bank. Incorporated 1847.

Officers Joseph Grinnell, Pres. / Andrew G. Pierce, Treas. ; Edward Kilburn, Resident Ar/ent.

Joseph Grinnell, Edward D. Mandell, David R. Greene, Joseph C. Delano, George O. Crocker, William W. Crapo, William J. Rotch, Chas. L. Wood, Directors.


South Water, between South and Rivet. Office, 50 South Water. Incorporated 1871.

Officers. Horatio Hathawaj^, Pres. and Treas. / Hi- ram Kilburn, Siipt.

William J. Rotch, Horatio Hathaway, Wm. II. Crapo, Andrew G. Pierce, Edward Howland, Wra. Watkins, Henry F. Tlionias, Pirectors.


Manuflxcturers of Iron.

Capital, $100,000.

Number of shares, 1000. Par value, $100.

Officers Joseph H. Cornell, Pres. ; Geo. Wilson Treas.; Henry Howard, ^^iipt. y John A. Bates, Clerk ; Geo. Wilson, J. H. Cornell, Geo. F. Kingman, J. M. Law- ton, Atwood Holmes, Directors.


Office, Rodman, corner North Front street. Works, rear of Wamsutta Mills.

Incorporated 1860. Shares, $100.

Capital, $250,000.

Officers Henry F. Thomas Pres. ; William H. Mathews, Treas.; Henry Field, jr., aS^?/P^. Otis Seabury, Edward D. Mandell, Edward W. Howland, Gilbert Al- len, Henry F. Thomas, Leander A. Plummer, Wm. J. Rotch, James D. Thompson, Directors. (^See advt, front colored page).



Capital, $225,000.

70 South Water street. Incorporated 1850.

Officers Win. C. Taber, Pres. ; James B. Congdoii, T'reas. ; Gideon Woods, ISupt. William C. Taber, Wm. J. liotcli, Jonathan Bourne, jr., Edward C. Jones, .Joseph C. Delano, Ward M. Parker, Chas. Almy, Abram H. How- land, jr., James B. Congdon, Lemuel KoUoch, Directors.


North Water street, foot of Hillman. Incorporated Nov. 10th, 1870. Capital, 1150,000.

Officers George R. Phillips, Pres. ; John N. BuUard, Sxqyt. and Treas. ; James A. Giftbrd, iSec. Benjamin Irish, W. W. Crapo, Rodolphus Beetle, Thomas Wilcox, Wm. R. Wing, James M. Lawton, Z>jrec<ors.

Annual Meeting second Tuesday in April. (See adv. dept., page 13).


Treasurer's office over Merchants National Bank, North Water street.

Incorporated 1872. Capital, $50,000.

Officers Andrew G. Pierce, Pres. and Treas. ; Chas. A. Gray, Supt. Wm. W. Crai)o, George Wilson, War- ren Ladd, S. P. Burt, Andrew G. Pierce, of N. Bedford, W. Ilowland, and Jas. V. Cox, of Fairliaven, Pirectors.

Annual meeting first Wednesday in November,


Office Rotch's square. Incorporated May 1st, 1872.

Capital, $300,000.

Officers Francis 'Flint, Pres. / L. S. Judd, Treas.; E. S. Thayer, Gen. Agent. Francis Flint, E. S. Thayer, L. S. Judd, J. B. Meriain, Wm. Morgan, Directors. (See adv. dept., p. 6.)



Court street. Incorporated 1846. Capital, 175,000. Office, Rotch's square.

Officers Wm. J. Rotch, Pres. ; L. A. Plummer, Treas. and Clerk.

Annual meeting first Monday in March. (See adv. dept., p. 21.)


Oflice, 6 Commercial wharf.

Officers Otis Seabury, Pres. ; Frank H. Fobes, Agent and Treas. for New Bedford. Barling & Davis, Agents^ 46 South street, N. Y. (See adv. dept., p. 37.)


Capital, $1,000,000. Ofiice over Merchants National Bank, North Water.

Officers. S. H. Howe, Bolton, President ; E. P. Car- penter, Foxboro', Vice-President; H. A. Blood, Fitch- burg, j/awa^er / Lawrence Grinnell, New Bedford, Treas- urer ; Warren Ladd, New Bedford, Superintendent; Herbert Ingalls, Boston, Cashier.

Jos. Grinnell, New Bedford, Nathaniel Thayer, Boston, S. H. Howe, Bolton, Lyman Nichols, Boston, W. J. Rotch, New Bedford, E. P. Carpenter, Foxboro', Harrison Bliss, Worcester, Andrew G, Pierce, New Bedford, O. A. Wash- burn, jr., Providence, R. I., Wra. Masou, Taunton, Henry N. Bigelow, Clinton, Geo. A. Torrey, Fitchburg, Wm. W. Crapo, New Bedford, Directors.

Time of election first Monday in February. (See advt. inside back cover.)


Office over Merchants National Bank, North Water street.

Incorporated March 21, 1854. Capital, $70,000.

Officers. Edward D. Mandell, President ; Aiidrew G. Pierce, Treasicrer.

Jos. C. Delano, Edward D. Mandell, Ward M. Parker 21


New Bedford, Matthew Crosby, Nantucket, Daniel Fisher, Edgartown, Samuel P. Burt,' New Bedford, Charles Bradley, Vineyard Haven, Directors.

This Company owns and runs the steamer Martha's Vineyard, 525 tons burthen, steamer River Queen, 515 tons, also steamer Monohansett, 475 tons, steamer Helen Augusta, 90 tons, between New Bedford and Edgartown, Oak Bluifs, Vineyard Highlands, Viuevai-d Haven, and Wood's Hole.


Located on Fourth, corner Bedford street.

Officers. Edward S. Taber, President and Treas.

Nathan Chase, Frederick S. Allen, Thos. Stetson, Gil- bert Allen, Andrew G. Fierce, and Edward S. Taber, Directors.


Located on Prosj^ect street.

Agency in Boston, 141 Milk street, and 20 College Place,

New York. (See adv. front colored page)


Office, Rotch's square.

Officers. William J. Rotcli, President ; Isaac W. Benjamin, Treasurer; Elisha Gibbs, Wharfinger.


27 Front street. James C. Bradford, Agent. (See adv. dept., p. 28)


85 Third, corner Russell.

Sylvanus Bennett, Agent ; Geo. P. Wood, Assistant. (See adv. dept., p. 28)



5 North Sixth street. B, F. Brownell, Treasurer, f See adv. dept., p. 30)



44 North Water street. Incorporated a. d. 1829.

Officers. William H. Taylor, President; Joseph S. Tillinghast, Secretary and Treas. (See adv. dept., p. 5)


Incorporated April 28, 1863. Office 37 No. Water street. Subscribed Capital, exceeding $225,^00.

Officers William H. Taylor, Prest.^ Chas. L. Wood, Vice-Prest.^ Samuel H. Cook, Sec. Annual meeting, second Monday in March.


Incorporated 1851. Charter renewed 1861.

Officers T. S. Hathaway, Prest.^ W. P. Winsor, Sec. Annual meeting, July 23.



Meets Monday evenings.

Armory, Mechanics Hall, William street.

D. A. Butler, Captain^ Wm. Saunders, First Lieut.; R. Hathaway, Second Lieut.; O. F. Bly, Clerk; A. J. M. White, Treas.


Headquarters, Thornton Block, Union street.

James R. Reynolds, Captain; George Dellevan, First

Lieut.; Second Lieut. Jas. H. Warfield, Clerk;

William H. Johnson, Treas.





Capital^ - . . $1^000^000.


THOS, S. HATHAWAY, President.

BENJ. F. COOMliS, Cashier, .TAMES H. TALLMAIf, Teller,


DIRECTORS— Thomas S. Hathaway, William Hathaway, jr., Charles L. Wood, William C. N. Swift, Matthew Howland, William J. Rotch, Henry Taber, Thomas Knowles, Thos. Nye, jr., Leander A. Plummer.

Discount Days, Monday and Thursday. Annual Meeting 2d Tuesday In January.

50 No. Water St., foot of William.

G.A.I>ITA.ILi. - - 31,000,000-

OinmiCERS. CHAS. R. TUCKER, President.

p. C. HOWLAND, Cashier, HENRY C. W. MOSHER, Teller,


DIRECTORS— Charles B. Tucker, David R. Greene, Gideon Allen, Dennis Wood, Jona- than Bourne, jr., Andrew Hicks, George F. Bartlett, William R. Wing, Geo. R. Phillips, George F. Kingman,

Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday.


North Water, foot of William St.

0-A.I»IT.A.Xj, - - - $000,000.

WM. W. CRAPO, President.

E. WILLIAMS HERVEY, Cashier, JAMES W. HERVEY, Asst. Cashier,


DIRECTORS— W. W. Crapo, J. R. Thornton, Jireh Swift, jr., Thomas Wilcox, William Watkins, Edward D. Mandell, Andrew G. Pierce, Horatio Hathaway, Henry F. Thomas, Loum Snow.

Discount Days, Tuesday and Friday.


f list 111 lilAl lAlI,

90 Union St., corner South Second.

OA.I>ITA.L, - - - - Sl,000,000.

WAIjTES. p. WINSOM, Cashier, WM. A. CHURCH, Ass't Cashier,

GEO. B. HATHAWAY, Bookkeeper.

William A. Maokie and A. S. Poster, Clerks.

Directors.— Joseph Griunell, War<l M. Parker, Edward W. Howland, Otis Seabury, Chas. H. (lifford John P. Kiiowles, 2d, A. H. Seabury, James Henry Howland, Lemuel KoUock, Edward C. Jones, Joseph C. Delano, Samuel P. Burt.

Discount Days, Tuesdag and Friday.

ilTIOiiL BiiK




CAPITAIm^ - - $250^000.

J. A.. BEA.TJVj!*.IiS, President.

T. B. FULLER, Cashier, EDWARD S. BROWN, Teller,

WILLIAM A. TUCKER, Bookkeeper.

DiBECTOKS.— J. A. Beauvais, John P. Knowles, Wm. J. Kilburn, Joseph H. Cornell, Chas. Tucker, Lewis S. Judd, John F. Tucker.

Discouut Days, IHouday and Thursday.

TsiTsrsysj" 3B3E3iD:F'on:D

Five CEfffS Sjivi/ilqs Bj{flK,



DENNIS WOOD, FRED. S. ALLEN, Vice Presidents.

CHARLES ALMY, Secretary. BARTON RICKETSON, Jr., Treasurer.

Board of IxvE9TME>fT.— George Howland, jr., Dennis Wood, Lemuel KoUock, Thos. Wilcox, George R. Phillips, A. H. Seabury, Loum Snow.

Trustees. Wm. Phillips, Edward S. Cannon, Joshua Richmond, .Tames Durfee, Frederick S. Allen, William G. Taber, Lemuel Kollock, Edward D. Mandell, Samuel Ivors, Simpson Hart, James Taylor, Thomas Wilcox, William Watkins, Matthew Howland, James H. C. Richmond, Geo. R. Phillips, John P. Knowles, 2d, Charles H. GifEord, E. Williams Hervey, Gilbert Allen, Peleg C. Howland, William C. Taber, jr., Henry J. Tay- lor, James P. Macomber, Wm. V?". Crapo, C. B. H. Fessenden, Loum Snow, jr., Fred. S. Giffiord, Thos. H. Knowles, Beaj. T. Cummiags, N. S. Cannon, Otis N. Peirce, A. H. Sea- bury, Edward H. Allen, Wm. J. Kilburn, Geo. F. Kingman, J. Augustus Brownell.







Office open every day, from 9 to 1 o'clock.

Deposits received in sums from one dollar to one thousand dollars. Dividends payable on the first Mondays of April and October, on sums that have been deposited one month and upwards.















HENRY T. WOOD, Secretary. CHARLES P. PEIRCE, Treasurer, F. A. WASHBURN, Asst. Treasurer.


WM. C. TABER, President. WILLIAM WATKINS, Secretary.





District of Massachusetts. Post No. 1, G. A. R.

Headquarters, Grand Array Hall, 39 Purchase street.

Officers. H.W. Briggs, Commander; Wm. G.Davis, Sen. Vice Commander; S, C. Spooner, Junior Vice Com- mander; F. B. Nesbitt, Surgeon; F. C. Lrce, Chaplain; H. K. Wing, Quartermaster; Thomas J. GiSoTi:(\.,Adjittant.


Edmund Anthony, Postmaster; Thomas Coggeshall and Alfred Wilson, Assistants; C. H. Lobdell, S. S. Ta- ber, Clerks; James F. Tripp, Wm. H. Carney, Arthur D. Swift, Wm. G. Dunham, James R. Denham, Alexander H, Hillman, Letter Carriers; Dora Jenney, Postage Clerk.

Office hours, from 7 o'clock a. m., to 8 o'clock p. m. Saturdays, close at 8.30 p. m. Sundays, from 8 to 9^ o'clock

A. M.

Monet Orders Issued and paid from 8 o'clock a. m. to 7 o'clock p. i:.

Domestic. The fees are for |15 and under, 10 cents; over ^15, and not exceeding $30, 15 cents ; over $30, and not exceeding $40, 20 cents ; over $40, and not exceeding $50, 25 cents.

Orders for Great Britain and Germany are issued at the following rates: On orders not exceeding $10, 25 cents; over $10, and not exceeding $20, 50 cents ; over $20, and not exceeding $30, 75 cents; over $30, and not exceeding $40, $1 ; OT er $40, a: d not exceeding $50, $1.25. Orders for Ge;man'^, roj excreding $5, 15 cents.

Rates of Domestic Postages. On letters, sealed packages (except local or "drop" letters) ; on all printed matter so marked as to convey any other or further infor- mation than is conveyed by the original print, which is so wrapped or secured that it cannot be conveniently exam- ined by the Postmaster, without destroying the wrapper or envelope, 3 cents for each half ounce or fraction thereof weight of packages limited to four pounds.

On local or "drop" letters, at offices where free delivery by carriers is established, 2 cents for each half ounce or fraction thereof.

On books, pamphlets, transient newspapers, magazines, and periodicals, handbills, posters, sheet music, unsealed circulars, 1 cent for each ounce or fraction thereof.

Merchandise not exceeding four pounds, when so wrajj- ped that it can be examined by Postmasters, 1 cent for each ounce.


Valuable letters should be registered. Money should never be enclosed in an ordinary letter. Either procure money order or have the letter registered.

Rates of Foreign Postage. Australia, Austria, As- pinwall, the Azores, Cuba, Denmark, Germany, Great Britain and Ireland, Greece, Holland, Italy, Jamaica, Netherlands, Nicarauga, Norway, Panama, Poland, Porto Rico, Portugal, Russia, Shanghai (via San Francisco), Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, West Indies direct, 5 cents each half ounce ; France, 9 cents ; Canada, New Brunswick, Prince Edwards Islands, 3 cents ; Sandwich Islands and Newfoundland, 6 cents; Chili, 17 cents; China, by British mail, 27 cents ; Mauritius, 23 cents ; Rew Zea- land and New South Wales, 12 cents ; Brazil direct, 15 cents ; St. Helena, 27 cents.

The following articles are excluded from the mails : Liquids, poisons, glass, explosive materials, books, pamph- lets, pictures, and other publications of an obscene or inde- cent character; all letters upon the envelopes of which, and postal cards ujjon which, scui-rilous epithets are written or printed, or engraved, or disloyal devices printed or en- graved ; and all articles which from their form or nature are liable to destroy, deface or injure the contents of mail bags, or the persons of any one engaged in the postal service.

No communication, whether in writing or in print, can be sent with any matter not printed, except upon the sep- arate payment of postage upon each separate matter at the established rates.

To inclose or conceal a letter or other thing (except bills and receipts for subscription), in, or to write or print anything upon any newspaper, pamphlet, magazine, or other printed matter, or upon the cover or wrapper, other than the name and address of the person to whom it is to be sent, subjects such printed matter and the entire j^ackage of which it is a part, to letter postage.

Deliveries are made by carriers daily, 8 to 11, 12 m. to 4 p. M., and partial deliveries at 5 and 6 p. m.

Two collections daily (excepting Sundays), are made from the street boxes, except from the boxes corner of South Water and Soiith streets, corner Linden and Pur- chase streets, and corner of Linden and Ashland streets.


Allen, corner County. Allen, corner Dartmouth. Arnold, comer Cottage.


Bedford, corner Third. Bonney, corner Washington. Bush, corner County. Bush, corner Fourth. Bush, corner Orchard. Bush, corner South Second. Bush, corner South Sixth. Chestnut, cortier North. Cottage, corner Court. County, corner Pope. County, corner Ketupton. County, corner Maxfield. County, corner Russell. Eighth, corner Elm. Fifth, corner Russell. Grinnell, corner County. Grinnell, corner Third. Jesseville, corner Linden. Kenipton, corner Cedar- Linden, corner Purchase. Merrimac, corner Purchase. Middle, corner North Water. Nortli, corner Foster. Pleasant, corner Campbell, Pleasant, corner Kenipton. Purchase, corner Hillman, Purchase, corner Middle. Purchase, corner Pearl. Purchase, between Maxfield and Campbell. School, corner Fourth. School, corner South Water. Seventh, corner Spring. Sixth, corner Middle. Smith, corner County. South Water, corner Griffin. South Water, corner South. Sullivan, corner Middle. Sycamore, corner Cypress. Third, corner Walnut.

Union, corner County.

Union, corner North Water. Union, corner Purchase. Union store, Sixth. Walnut, corner County, Water, corner School. Water, corner Walnut. William, corner Purchase. William, near North Sixth. 22




District of New Bedford.

The Custom House is situated on North Second street, corner of William, and is open every day (Sundays and the Fourth of July excepted), from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m.

Officers J. A. P. Allen, Collector ; James Taylor, Deputy Collector ; James C. Hitch, Clerk ; Orrick Smal- ley, Inspector, Weigher and Ganger ; James V. Cox, Inspector and Boarding Officer ; C. M. Stubbs, Janitor ; Joseph Taber, Inspector^ Fairhaven ; Michael Baker, 3rd, Inspector, Dartmouth ; George F. Sisson, Inspector, Westport; Jonathan H. Holmes, Inspector, Matta])oi- sett; Silas T. Soule, 7}?s/:)ec^o?', Wareham ; Sylvan us W, Hall, Inspector, Marion.

U. S. SHIPPING COMMISSIONER. Bangs Hallett, office, 18K North Water. Residence at Yarmouth Port, Mass.


George Cowie, Palmer's Island ; Amos C. Baker, Clarks Point ; "Geoi'ge H. Kelley, Ned's Point ; Charles A. Clark, Bird Island," Jabez D. Jenney, Assistant; S. Au^^tin Smith, Cuttyhunk; Geo. B. Sistare, Dumpling Rock; W. H. Doane, Sow and Pigs Light Vessel ; Josiah Rich- mond, Hens and Chickens Light Vessel.


C. B. H. Fessenden, U. >S. Int. Rev. Col. ; E. C. Leon- ard, Depict)/ Col. Int. liev. Office over Mechanics Na- tional Bank, North Water street.

William S. Cobb, 23 North Water street, United States Deputy 3Iirshal.

Charles W. Clifford, 35 North Water street, United States Commissioner.


Incorporated June 2, 1685. County Towns Taunton and New Bedford Edmund K. Bennett, Tannton, Judge of Probate ; Wm. E. Fuller, Fall River, Register of Probate ; Sime- on Borden, Fall River, Clerk of Courts ; Joseph E, Wilbar Taunton, Register of Deeds,''Nonh District; South Dis- trict, Charles' C. Sayer, New Bedford ; Geo. F. Pratt, Taunton, County Treas. ; J. D. Thompson, Samuel Watson, New Bedford, Overseers of House of Cor- rection.



George Marston, New Bedford. SHERIFF. William S. Cobb, New Bedford.


Charles D. Burt, New Bedford, Isaac G. Carrier, Taun- ton.


Charles D. Burt, New Bedfoi-d ; Horatio N. Kimball, New Bedford ; John W. Nickerson, New Bedford ; Thos. J. Cobb, New Bedford ; Isaac G. Carrier, Taunton ; Hen- ry F. Cobb, Taunton ; Orrin M. Ingalls, Taunton ; Geo.. II. Babbitt, jr., Taunton; Peter C. Thayer, Taunton; Chauncey G. Washburn, East Taunton ; Francis H. Wix- on. Fall River; Franklin Gray, Fall River; J. B. West- gate, Fall River.

Edwin L. Barney, New Bedford, blaster in Chancery.

Horatio N. Kimball, II. W. Coggeshall, New Bedford, Coroners.



Jury Term. At Taunton, for the County of Bristol, 3d Tuesday of April. At New Bedford, for the County of Bristol, second Tuesday of November.

Law Terms. At Taunton, in the County of Bristol, and at Plymouth, in the County of Plymouth, annually ; at Taunton, for the County of Bristol, on the fourth Tuesday of October, and at Plymouth, for the County of Plymouth, on the Third Tuesday of October.

At Boston, for the Counties of Barnstable and Dukes, on the first Wednesday of January.


At Taunton, for Bristol County, second Mondays of March and Se])tember.

At New Bedford, for Bristol County, second Mondays of June and December.


Edmund H. Bennett, Taunton, Judge ; W. E. Fuller, Taunton, Register.

At Fall River, on the first Friday of January, April, and October, and the Second Friday of July.


At New Bedford, on the first Friday of February, May, Auj^ust and November.

At Taunton, on the first Friday of Marcli, June, Sep- tember, and December.


New Bedford, J. Arthur Benuvais, Charles T. Bonney, S. P. Burt, G. T. Sanford, Ahmson Borden, Albert E. Clarke, Chas. W. Clifford, Sam. 11. Cook, Wendell II. Cobb, Wm. W. Crapo, Francis B. Greene, George C. Hatch, Hosea M. Knowlton, Geo. Marston, Isaiah C. Ray, Gardner T. Sanford, Thomas M. Stetson, James Taylor, Wm. H. Taylor, Frederick A. Washburn, Hiram Webb.


Including Justices of the Peace and Quorum, desig- nated by a *, and Justices throughout the Commonwealth, designated by a t-

tCharles Almy, Edmund Anthony, fEdwin L. Barney, J. Arthur Beauvais, Charles T. Bonney, Josiah S. Bonney, Alanson Borden, George A. Bourne, Charles D. Burt, Samuel P. Burt, William A. Church, Albert E. Clarke, Charles W. Clifford, Wendell H. Cobb, Thomas J. Cobb, William S. Cobb, Sam. H. Cook, fJ-'^mes B. Congdon, Timothy D. Cook, William Cook, tWilliam W. Crapo, John Davis, Tilson B. Denham, Tristram R. Dennison, Simeon Doane, John P^'reedom, fRodney French, Francis L. Gilman, Francis B. Greene, fAlbert D. Hatch, George C. Hatch, Moses E. Hatch, Luther G. Hewins, James C. Hitch, *Joshua C. Hitch, Abraham H. Howland, jr., jGeo. Howland, jr., Thomas M.James, William Henry Johnson, David B. Kempton, Manasseh Kempton, Horatio N. Kim- ball, Hosea M. Knowlton, Warnm Ladd, E. C. Leonard, Henry T. Leonard, Adam Mackie, tGeo. Marston, Wm. H. Matthews, Edward Milliken, John W. Nicivcrson, Wm. C. Parker, jr., Wm. A. Paulding, George R.Phil- lips, William Phillips, Philiji A. Pierce, Southward Pot- ter, 2d, *01iver Prescott, Isaiah C. Ray, Benjamin T. Ricketson, Jones Robinson, Charles H. Sanford, Charles C. Sayer, Otis Seabury, Orrick Smalley, George T. Stearns, Thomas M. Stetson, Emanuel Sullavou, Elias Terry, Hen- ry F. Thomas, James D. Thompson, *John T. Tillinghast, Joseph Tillinghast, *Joseph S. Tillinghast, Charles W. Underwood, Hiram Van Campen, W. H. Watkins, Hiram Webb, Hiram W. Wentworth, Lemuel T. Willcox.



Machine and Pattern Shops,

Manufacturers of







Only the best quality of Iron used.

Orders will receive prompt at- tention by addressing





Choice Gpooenes



No. 347 Fnrcliase Street,

Also, Dealers in


A liberal palrouage is solicited, an vee in- tend to give general cialisfaction.

A. D. Ashley.

L. T. Smith.




At Generous Prices,

305 Purchase Street, New Bedford- Massachusetts Agency of


Only I'mcticnl Adding Macliine in the tvorld.

"Quick as lightning, sure as fate." $8.00 and $10.00. s^


SOLE AGENT FOR MASS., 305 PURCHASE. ST., NEW BEDFORD. ._, . .., , ,.„t ,, ^,,„„, on.^-thinl roal size I


(Successor to Dr. A. H. Tobey,)

No. 85 Parcliase Street, _^^ Up-stairs.] NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

^W'T'^J^^fi^^ Artificial Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver, and Celluloid, yJ/^^^'^-t^^ ^^y in the most approved manner, and warranted to give per- ^^_^S^,,^-^zw^^^^s^ feet satisfaction. Filling in all its branches attended to.



Eclectic PHYS/o/Aff,

(opposite: libertt italz,)

Residence, 41 North St., . . NEW BEDFORD.

OFFICE HOURS.— at 9 A. M., 1 to 3, aud 6 to 9 P. M.

llHSf ami



Can be consulted daily, from 9 to 11 A. M,, and 2 to i P. M. CONSULTING KOOMS, 68 Purchase Street, New Bedford.

Manufacturers and Dealers in



Yeast Powder, Bi. Carb. Soda, Extracts

Jamaica Giiig-er, Lemon, Pep-

permiut, &c., &c.


MEW iiiF®Bi, mmn.




44 North Water Street, New Bedford, The Oldest Fire Insurance Agent in Bristol County,


Is prepared to issue or furnish policies on as favorable terms as any reliable Companies, on all kinds of insurable property, from the following named and other reliable Insurance Companies :

NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANT, Capital (gold), $10,000,000. Of London and Edinburgh. Assets (gold), $!13,700,000.

QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital (gold), $10,000,000. Of Liverpool. Assets, $11,141,287.

SCOTTISH COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital (gold), $10,000,000. Of Glasgovc.

.ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $3,000,000. Of Hartford.

HOME INSURANCE COIMPANY, Capital, $2,000,000. Of Ne\v York.

HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COAIPANY, Capital, $1,000,000. Of Hartford.

CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $1,000,000. Of New York.

GERMAN AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $1,000,000. Of New York. Assets, $1,854,411.

HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $400,000. Of New York. Assets, $1,426,955.

SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $600,000. Of Springfield. Assets, $1,285,458.

NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $500 000. Of Hartford. Assets, $943,353.


FIREMEN'S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital (gold), $300,000. Of San Francisco, Cal.

LORILLARD INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $300,000. Of New York.

HOFFMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Of New York.


MERIDEN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $200,000. Of Meriden, Conn.

EQUITABLE FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $300,000. Of Providence. Assets, $321,980.

PROVIDENCE WASHINGTON INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, $500,000. Of Providence. Assets, $709,007.

All the losses of this agency for the last forty years, amounting to upwards of OTVliJ ^IVIILIjIOTV of 3>OI^XjA.TI.S^, have been promptly paid, without any litigation, and it is the agent's intention to pursue the same course m future.

Assets, $5,197,240. Assets, $6,588,071. Assets, $5,754,215. Assets, $2,942,001. Assets, $2,706,286.

Assets, $774,633. Assets, $667,470. Assets, $416,552. Assets, $412,238. Assets, $355,003. Assets, $325,238.



Mutual Fir


Incorporated in 1839.



The Bristol County Mutual Fire Insurance Company insures against loss and damage by fire on buildings only, not exceeding the amount of three- fourths of the value of said buildings.

The present amount of property insured by this Company is upwards of

Each person or company, by its agent, insured at this office, becomes, ipso facto, a member of the corporation during the time for which he is insured.

The insured is I'equired to give a deposit note for such rate of premium on the amount insured as may be agreed upon, and to pay at the time of receiving his policy five per cent on the amount of said note. The follow- ing case will explain the principle : a policy is made on a dwelling-house for $2,000, for seven years, at a premium of ten per cent, which is $200, for which sum the insured gives his premium note ; he pays cash five per cent on the note, $10. In case losses should exhaust the amount received on the premium notes as afoi'esaid, then the insured will be liable to an as- sessment on said notes.

The cheapness of insurance in this Company is shown by the fact that for the last seven years the cost has been only

9 1-3 CENTS ON $100 PER ANNUMj

which includes all expenses and costs for collecting assessments.

Blank forms for application for insurance may be had at the office.

We have no unadjusted losses.

We desire to caution the public against parties pretending to be traveling agents of the Company. No such agents are employed. Persons desiring reliable infoi'mation concerning our affairs, can always obtain it of the officers of the Company, at our office, No. 44 Norfli Water Street.

The success of the Company in avoiding litigation is worthy of remark^ it never having been a party to a suit.






WM. H. TAYLOR, President. JOSEPH S. TILLINGHAST, Sec. and Treas.



sIp'^flPnTHFnflRY ^


<"M()M, No. 74 Purcliase Street, ^^






Patent Parafflne Wax Candles,


E. S. THATEH, General Agent.

) X. S. JUDD, Treasurer.



Xi^'^^^"^l^ Grower aud Importer of

^.K-v^ .v^>.^ IPlants, Seeds, IBialbs,


Also, Floral Desips for Mim. Funerals, k,

For sale wliolesale and retail at Greenhouses.

Cor. Elm and Cottage Sts., NEW BEDFORD, MASS.




Dealer in all the Choice Varieties of

For Family Use and Manufacturing- Purposes,

Atlantic Wharf, foot of Cannon (formerly Russell Street,) Orders solicited and proinptl7 filled. NEW BEDFORD.

JOSEfff /». q. lUUfl/iOE,


Tombs, Curbings,

And all kinds of BUILDING A- CEM-

ETEItY WOItK furnished at

short notice.


NO. 4 West Campbell Street,



Front Street, head of Taber's Wharf, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.


Sewing Machines and Clothes Wringers Repaired,


Locks and Keys Fitted, Knives Sharpened and Rebladed,

Shears and Scissors Sharpened, Saws Set and Filed,

Umbrellas Repaired. Also,


No. 87 Middle Street, New Bedford.



Successors to Chas. H. Leonard and Lyles Si Folhatnus,





Patent and Plain Sperm Candles,




GEO. DELANO, New Bedford. F L. B. MAYHEW, New York JAS. A. FUSSELL, New York.



Seasoned Eastern and Western

USTos. 1, 3, 5, 2, and 4 Griffin Street, NEW BEDFORD J MASS.

^^ Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, Cherry, Black AValiiut, White Wood, While Onk, Awh, etc., of nil diiuciisioua, and qualities.

Agent for SHEPARD, DAVIS & CO.'S celebrated Moldings, which, for tvorkmanship are not equaled.



Manufacturers of



Hastings Wharf, . . Foot of Grinnell Street,


Office, No. 154 Front Street, New York.


D ^ CO.,


Sperm and Patent Candles, NEW BKDFORD, MASS.


Samtiel Zeonard. Alexander B. Barker.




DENI80N BROTHERS, Proprietors,

Nos. 42 South. Water and 10 School Streets, NEW BEDFORDj MASS.

Wholesale and Jietail Dealers in


Feed, Oats, &c.,



And other Brands of Flour,




Wholesale and Retail Dealers.


Pure Ice delivered Daily to Stores and Residences.

Also, constantly on hand a larffc stock ready for shipment at short notice>





For the following complaiuts :

For Gravel it is a sure cure. For Kidney Complaints it has no equal. The Vinegar of "Seven Barks" is celebrated for Liver Complaints, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Dys- pepsia, Fever and Ague, and Mrs. Mann will gladly call on all who are not able to call on her, free of charge.

N. 15. The subscriber is a living witness, ready to testify to all who will favor her with a call.

REARIT E. ITI/IIVIV, SI nnd 85 Purchase Street, . ViEW BEDFORD.



First Door below Sixth Street,



Manufacturer of


Oil and Water Casks, Shocks and Tanks.



99 South Water Street,


■iiii 1 iMp I®lm©Pip

129 1-2 North Water Street, NEW BEDFORD.

Personal attention giren to








Corner North Second and North Streets,

S. C. Hathaway, i

R. A. SOULE. 1


manufacturers of


Pleasant Street, cor. Mechanics Lane, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

EstahUshed 1S53.





5 *^

(1) C '^

o •♦-<


Q. O


■£ z'


llO XJnion Street,


0 o


vf ^






All kinds of Carriage Work promptly at- tended to with neatness and dispatch. Particular attention given to the shoeing > ing of tender-footed horses, riease give us a call.

8 Pine Street, New Bedford.

A. R. Caswell, N. H. Caawell, O. F. Caswell,





Manufacturers and Dealers in


fKIDDLIfiqS, COI{fl, fllEI[L,


Also, Manufacturers of


Cor. of North Water and Hillman Sts.,


GEO. R. PHILLIPS, President.

JOHN N. BULLARD, Supt. and Treas.





90 South Water Street, New Bedford, Mass.

Manufacturer of


Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Mincing Machines,





JOHN A. GIFFORD Proprietor.



[And Dealer in all hinds of

Ship Stock.

All Orders promptly filled.

Commercial Street, near head of Commercial Wharf,

DEW BiiFOie. mm§.





John "W. Sullings, Geokce F. Kingman, Charles B. Hillman.


S T? O XT E3 S

m (Joois, Apiltiiral Iiiipleiiieiils, &c.

123 Union Street, Sampson's Block,


mw iiifiii TiiL m


14 William St., NEW BEDFORD,

Manufacturers of and Dealers in

Bench Piaoes


Piaio aifl CaMiet Mers' Tools,



Honse FnraisMiij Goofis, etc.,

CAliBB OAilOIOlVD, President,


JAMES H. l.AMJB,8uperinlenden«.




la now acknowleilgod by all to be tlit.' latest and best machine ever manufactured. Hun- dreds of families in New I$edfoid and vicinity are already using tbeni. Even the most skeptical persons are soon convinced of the merits of the New Remington. AH other kinds of machines are being exchanged for them, at

Chase'8 Sewing Machine Agency, No. 5 Pleasant St., formerly Cheapslde, N. BEDFORD.

Meadquarters for all kinds of Machines and Attachments. All Machines

rei>ftirvdand ailjusted. I'rices Lower than ever before.

The best six-cord VVillimantic Cotton 6 cents a spool, or 70 cents per dozen. Brooks' Im- ported Cotton 8 cents a spool, or 85 cents per dozen. Other kinds of Cotton from 20 to 40 cents per dozen. Best Machine Silk at 8 cents per spool. Eureka Button-hole Twist— all sizes and colors. Superior Machine Linen Thread only 16 cents per spool. Genuine Sowing Machine Needles for every kind of a machine over 150 kinds and sizes— only 5 cents each, or 50 cents per dozen. Superior Hand-sewing Needles at lowest prices. Best Refined Oil for Sewing Machines 25 cents per bottle, itreat lieduction in I'rices of all Seivinf/ Machine Attachtnents. The celebrated Goodrich Hemmers in sets, 5 widths, with Binder, for all macliines, at $1. Goodrich Tuckers for all machines $1.50. Also every other Attachment at lowest possible prices. Needles, Attachments, etc., sent by mail to any address on receipt of price. Old machines taken in exchange for new. Old machines repaired and adjusted, at the Sewing Machine Headquarters.

CHASE'S, No. 5 Pleasant St., formerly Cheapside, N. Bedford.






Machinery for Saw, Grist and other Mills' furnished and

put up.

90 South "Water Street,

NEW sEOFOio, mm





10 Pleasant Street, near City Hall, New Bedford, Mass.




45 Purchase Street, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

Sui-veys, Reports and Estimates for Water Works, Railroads, Highways aud Drainage ; Specifications and forms of Contract; Designs for Bridges and Roofs m wood or iron; Measurements of Earthworli and Masonry ; Topographical Surveys and Maps ; Estates laid out into Streets and Lots ; Drafting, Copying and Tracing.

Cotnniwnications by Mail tvill receive prompt attention.


24 FoTirtli Street, NEW BEDFORD.

Carriages and Sacks for Parties and Funerals furnished at short notice,

JV. >J. Horses and Carriages of all descriptions to let.


Accountant and Notary Public,




Booha Posted, Accounts of Voyages made up, Agreements^ Bonds, Convey- ances, and Deeds dratvn. All Business appertaining to Custom, Souse Entries attended to.

REFERENCES.— Col. C. B. H. Fessenden, O. Seabui-y, Esq., H. F. Thomas, Taber, Read & Co., J. S. Bonney, E. C. Jones, Andrew Hicks, W. W. Crapo, Esq., D. B. Kemp- ton, E. Maxfield.













0 Mechanics Lane, NEW BEDFOBD, MISS.


-^. , ,- . f BUT

Foreign and Domestic

Fruit & Coofectiooery,

___^ Cij^ar.s, Tobacco, and ^p^^^p Smokers' Articles, \

D. F. POLLOCK'S, 173 Purchase St., New Bedford.



14 South Third Street, NEW BEDFORD.


Come Right In. ISAAC KIl^G & son,


:irtjf^ Horse Shoeing,


In all its branches.

No. 83 Middle Street, NEW BEDFORD.





Cafpetipg^ apd ^ipdoliv ^hk (jood^.


Also, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in a Choice Line of

115 Purchase Street, NEW BELFOED.



Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of

1411-2 Union street, Masonic BlocL - - HEW BEDFORD, MASS.

^^^Kepairing in all its brancheSt^^H






Silver Ware & Fancy eoods,


New Bedford.

Messrs. Dexter & Haskins will give personal attention to the repairing of Watches and Fine Time Pieces.

Clocks, Jewelry, and Fancy Artifles repaired by competent workmen.

r. WHiTTEiiiei,


IVTo. 14 South Second St.^


Tallow, Grease, Neats Foot Oil, &c. Extra No. 1

Soap, Extra Family Soap, Excelsior Soap,

Soft Soap.

WM, &, mmwMEM ^ r@,


]>e:al.x:k« iiv


Crockery, Glass & Wooden "Ware,


All Tcinds of Plumbing promptly at- tended to. Also, Agents tor

POND'S Plate Iron Eureka FURNACES, Cor. Bedford and Third Sts.,

NEW^ UEr>FOIir>, - MIA.©©.




DSTevT Bedford^ Mass.,


Patent Cordage.


WM. J. ROTCH, Peks't, J. W. MACOMBER, Sup't.

L. A. PLTJMMER, Treas.



, A.ncl DOealers in

IPetroleura Oil, Provisions,


Union Street, cor. Front, New^ Bedford.





All Orders promptly attended to. City Whf., New Bedford





TOMBS, CURSINGS, and all kinds of Building and Cemetery Work furnished at short notice*

Office and Yard, 36 North Second Street,

:BItO"V^Ka"E3ILiIj c*3



And other Varieties of Meats.

Also, Vegetables of all kinds

in their season.

Cor. Market & Sixth Sts.,


Eliiatban C. Brownell, K. Lapham.





Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,



32 Purchase St., New Bedford, Mass.

Ja9. Fisher.

Geo. E. Faisneau.

Carriage Trimmer


No. 51 Elm Street,



3Ianufactiirers and Dealers in



Lawn Tents of every variety.

Carpets made and laid. Trunks and valises covered to order. Cur- taiws hung and Fixtures adjusted. Hassocks of different patterns made to order. Decorations for interior aud exterior of buildings furnished and put up.


Henry B. Almy. Up-stairs, over W. T. Soule'a. Otis L. Hitch.


-dealer in-

Hats, Caps ^ Furs,


Gloves, NecMes, Sc,

138 Union St., cor. Fourth, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.


Boat Builder,

Eddy's Wharf, New Bedford.

Sitecial attention given to speed.





Cor. Third & Bedford Sts.,


All standard Pharmaceutical Preparations, Strictly Officinal, constantly on hand. Proper care and attention always given to the dispensing of Physicians' Prescriptions.

A Full Line of E. R. Squibb's Preparations constantly on hand.

Fancy and Toilet Articles, and Perfumeries in gi-eat variety. Also, a large assortment of Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco for sale.






Gloves, Hosiery & Small Wares,


Corner William and Sixth Sts., NEW BEDFORD.

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in


No. 40 South Water St., NEW BEDFORD. ^tBr^r--



Shop, No. 150 North Water St.,


Residence, No. 163 North State Street.



ir03EX2?a" lEi. 3E>^Sr3ES3a


■:'-=^-— r'^ri


86 South Third Street, NEW BEDFORD.

GS-IiO. A. BOUBini,


©@llMllSI@lf liSE@HAM»^

27 North Water Street, New Bedford, Mass.



No. 51 Elm Street, New Bedford.

Carriages Built to Order at Hhort notice. Personal attention given to repairing.

j^. Ki. F. sj^"V7"iisr,


AiU Dealer in HAY AND STRAW.

All kinds of Barrels bought and sold. MEREILL'S WHAEF, - - NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

Prompt Attention given to all branches of the business.




j^ ,^m:mimmif^;^ . [^

Paper^Sanging and Grainittg dour at short notice. All Work done in the ». best manner and at the L,oivest Prices.

No. 34 Mill Street,






c3 =5^











































•— s



ft- CD











Particttlar attention paid to Filling and Polishing Hard citnitiing Walls in anj/ Color or Tint.






Ship Chandlery


No. 8 Commercial Wharf, corner South Front Street, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.

Oars, Handspikes, Lance and Harpoon Poles, Felt and Tarred Paper for Sheathing, Tar, Rosin, Pitch, Tar Oil, Rigging, Sail and Pump Leather.

3IECHANICS' TOOLS, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Fish Hooks and Lines, Deep Sea and Hand Leads and Lines, Butcher and Fish Knives.

MACHINISTS' BAMMEItS, Top Mauls, Picks, Coal Shovels, Sand and Emery Paper, Emery Cloth, Locks, Latches, Brass and Iron Butts and Hinges, Cut and Wrought Nails and Spikes.

GAIVANIZED GOODS, such as Wrought Spikes, Cut, Boat, Finishing, and Sheathing Nails, Boat Ruffs, Boat Hooks, Boat Anchors, Rowlocks, Hooks and Staples, Hinges, &c., &c. Goods ordered not in stock, will be supplied at lowest rates.


North Front Street, corner Central Wharf, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.,


P*aper Stock, Oakum, Jnnk, NEW AND OLD RIGGING,


Cash Paid for Old Junk, Copper, Vello'vv ITIetal, I^ead^ Rags, Scc>, &c,


Manufacttirer, Upholsterer, and Dealer in

Chairs, Looking Glasses, IViattresses, Featiiers, &c.,




mmn loiLfi ooiopirif

27 Front Street,


JAMES C. BB,ADFOJtJ>, Agent. Manufacturers of


and all kinds of Sheet Iron Work. Agents for JUDSON'S PATENT GOVERNOR, and Patent Steam Pumps of all kinds. Also, Bolts and Lag Screws.



And Family Stores, At 85 THIRD, Cor. EUSSELL ST.,



GEO. F. WOOD, Assistant.


!2j a«=?

H ^


1=3 S=l




a hi

? o





Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

lATestern and St. Louis


TPxxTG lEtJa.C3€L& Isla.zx<:3. ]^eal, ebo.





Wm. Baylies,

N. S. Cannon,

Nos. 3 and 4 Union Street,


dealeb in




^^miMm^==^- '-




mil iiii^fft /: ^v;>r5 i



E!B£i5H| TEAS.

Pure Coffees and Spices

Goods Delivered to any part of the City.



-A.- IBja.R.'TIL.EST'r,

No. 9 North Sixth Street, NEW BEDFORD.


FISH, OYSTERS, CLAMS, LOBSTERS, &c., always on hand.




Flouf, Grain, Patent Medicines, k,


B. F. BROWNELL, - - - Treasurer.

Manufacturer and Dealer in

28 North Second Street, New Bedford, Mass.

The Best Brands of Tobacco constantly on hand.




Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

Family Groceries, Provisiorrs,

Jacob T. Alburger's Philadelphia Family Beef

At Wholesale and JRetail.

Crooda delivered to any part of the city free of charge,

36 and 38 Union Street, NEW BEDFOKD.




Published by EBEN P. RAYMOND,


No. 2i Hamilton Street, NEW BEDFORD>

Price, $S'00 per annum, strictly in advance,

A paper containing a complete list of all vessels engaged in the Whaling business in the United States, with their tonnage, dates of sailing, latest reports of their whereabouts, and oil on board. Also, Iinpoi-ts and Exports of Oils and Bone, a weekly statement of the Oil Market, and an Annual Review of the Whaling business, published as soon after the beginning of the year as circumstances will permit.

The Shipping List has a large circulation in foreign countries.

P~*^S< '*>^^


Dyeing Establishment,



Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments Dyed or Cleansed


HaTing the most extensive establishment of the kind in this riciuity,

the public are assured that no pains Tvill be spared

to merit their patronage.





Fruit and Ornamental Trees,

Flowering Shrubs, Evergreens, Hedge Plants, Rose Bushes,

Currant and Gooseberry Bushes, Grape Vines,

Strawberry Plants, Asparagus and

Rhubarb Roots, &c.

Also, Wholesale and Retail Cotntniaaion Dealer in


Nuts, Country Produce, Melons, Sweet Potatoes, dic, 75 UNION STREETj - NETV BEDFORD.

fi^ d- 3EW "^S?^ 3ES


■^Vliolesale I>ealer in


No. 35 Union Street, NEW BEDPOED, MASS.


Wholesale Dealer in


Halibut Fins, Herrings,

And all kinds of

Dry and Pickled Fish, Ship Stores,

PRODUCE, SWEET POTATOES, &c., Q2 Union Street, Ne^^r Bedford, Mass.


Til iiiLf liiioyif^

(Established in 1831.) I»vi'blisliecl li^very 3i:oriilng "by


A-dvertisements inserted, at the current rates.


(In Quarto Form— Established in 1808.) The Largest Weekly Paiter in Southern Massachtisetts,



Executed with neatness and dispatch, and upon liberal terms.

Office, 92 Union, cor. South Second Street, New Bedford.

Svening Standard^


67.Union Street, Standard Building, NEW BEDFORD.

AT $6.00 A YEAK.

The Evening Standard has a circulation more than double that of any other daily paper in this section of the State, and excelled by only two in the State out of Boston. Adver- tisements inserted on reasonable terms.



Has a very large country circulation. Price, $2.00 A YEAR, strictly in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE INSERTED TO A LIMITED EXTENT.





House, Ship, Sign, and Ornamental



Paints, OilSjVamishes, and Window Glass.

Also, Agent for Wetter stedt's Metallic Composition for Vessel's Bottoms.

Graining and Paper-Hanging executed to order,



House, StfipifSiqiil PA'HTEiif


Wliite Lead, WinJow Bliiifl, aiil Fancy Greens

VERDIGRIS, and COLORS of all kinds.

Also, Dealer in WINDOW AXD PICTURE GLASS, Varnishes, Brushes, Japan, Spirits Turpentine, etc., etc.

South Water St. cor. School, New Bedford, Mass.


Successors to VARDON POTTER,




Hazard's Wharf, NEW BEDFORDj MASS.

George Barrows, Joseph M. Lawton,

Thomas T. Manley.


ffOUSE, Sljip, HflD sigfi pj^lltTE/f,

Dealer in Faints, Oils, Turpentine, Varnislies, Window Glass, &c.

Of all kinds, promptly executed to order. Patronage respectfully solicited.

Foot of Middle Street, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.




Planing", Matching-, and Sawing done to order.

MOLDINOS of all hinds constantly on hand, or made to order at short


125 North Water Street, - - - - NEW BEDFORD, MASS.



?l(]fl t'/llfljtti

No. 85 Mliddle Street, ISTE^W BK3DFOK,D, MIA-SS.

Dealer in PAINTS, OIZ, AND GLASS. Paper Hanging done with neat- ness and dispatch.


Sign Painter,

And Dealer in

'^/ Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Win- dow Glass, Pulty, Ac. Also, Paper Hanging done to order.

93 ^Middle Street,





0pp. Mechanics Hall, No. 74 WILLIAM STREET.

ResWeuce, No. 46 Hortb Second Street, . HEW BEDFORD, MASS.


hetailess of




Nos. 71 and 75 William. Street. NEW BEDFORD J MASS.

Manufacturer and Dealer in I Sporting and Fishing Apparatus,



Guns restocked, and all kinds of Instruments made and repaired at short notice. Also,


Powder of all grades of this manufacture, for Lances. Sporting, Blasting, and Shipping, for sale, wholesale and retail, at the agency.


New Bedford and New York


Boats leave New Bedford from Commercial Wharf daily at 5.3() P. M.

And New York from Pier 39, East River, at 5 P. M.

F. H. FORBES, Agent.



Fruits, Confectionery,

Preserves, Pickles, JAMS AND JELLIES, Alsorthe Best Cigars and Tobacco in the City.


Agent for Diipont's Powder,



Yard and Office at the

Marine Railway, City Wharf,


Of all descriptions of vessels made at the shortest notice.

. Particular Attention paid to Repairing.


Carpenters & Builders,


BLINDS, &c.. No. 132 North Water Street, NEW BEDFORD, MASS.







8 Market Square,


A.lso, Manufacturer of


122 North Second St., NEW BEDFORD.

Orders respeclfiilly solicited and promptly attended to.

Dealers in EASTERN and WESTERN


Southern Pine Heading, Tinfiber, and Ship Plank.



Dealers ia all kinds of



BRASS, COPPER, LEAD, PEW- TER, WHALES' TEETH, WALRUS' TUSKS, &c. Also, Old Ships bought and sold,

Nos. 9 & 15 North Front St.,


Orders solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed.



Also, Wholesale Dealers in

/lpple?,ta?tefp htatoes,


Salt Fish and Provisions. Sweet Potatoes a specialty.

No. 34 Union Street,




Importer and general Dealer in







120 Union, Corner Third Street, - - NEW BEDFORD.

Manufacturer of Imitation of

Glove, Calf, i Goat Skins,


JSplU, Bag, Harness, and Ship



78 Purchase St., New Bedford, Mass.





(Successor to Thos. Caswell.)




(Successors to PERM G. MACOMBER), Dealers In

f Mil, tlMl, Pill,





Planing, ITIatchiug and Sawing done to order.

No. 9 Pine Street, New Bedford, Mass.

==" All orders promptly attended to.



Have Removed to the Z,arge and Elegant Warerootns,

690 Washington Street, a few doors North of Kneeland Street.

The remarkable beauty and purity of sound that modern skill has succeeded in producing, are nowhere better exempli- fied than in the instruments that crowd our warerooms. All the qualities that give superiority, strength of tone, sono- rousness, ability to stand in tune, and ease and flexibility of action, are found there in perfection. These Pianos have long been famous, also, for thorough workmanship, and the durability that characterizes them. After years of ser- vice, the full, mellow tone, so delightlul and satisfying to the ear, is as perfect as at first, and in every detail care and nicety in labor are evident.

At the recent Worcester County Exhibition they were awarded the highest premium. The same was the case at the last great Exhibition and Fair of the Massachusetts Charita- ble Association, held in Boston, of which the late Jonas Chickering was the president, and his pianos took the second prize. They will stand in tune longer than any other piano manufactured, as we make a specialty of that point.

Pianos sold on Installments, Old Pianos taJcen in Exchange for Neto,

Pianos to let. Pedal Pianos. Tuning and Repairing done in the

best manner. liON'T PORGET THE NVMBER,





^ M: E R I C A. ! !

Saving had a large and direct Practical Experience with the wants of

And having devoted my whole time exclusively for years to the manufacture and improvement of


I claim a SUPEBIOItlTT for my goods


and offer them to the trade as the best in the market,

jr» ae-M o jA. 3fl ■gp 3E 3ei. ,

Mannfactnrer M Sole Proprietor,




13 and 15 Tremont Street, BOSTON,



besides a complete assortment of articles Intended for the exclusive use of the Medical and Dental professions, have always in store, at the lowest prices, a great variety of the following articles, suited to the wants of the general public:

A large assortment of best patterns from which to select, to meet the requirements of each case. If convenient, persons reiiuiring Trusses should call at our establishment, where they can have a suitable Truss carefully fitted by a competent and experienced person familiar with the anatomy of hernia. "When a call in person is impracticable, a careful description should be sent, stating whether the rupture is on the right or left side; also the measure around the person, two inches Itelow the top of the hip bone. If the rup- ture is at the naval, the measure should be around the body at the uaval. N. B. Ladies attended by those of their own sex.


For Varicose Veins, Swollen Limbs, and Weak Joints. Of these goods we have several classes of silk and cotton, possessing different degrees of elacticity, the stout silk being usually the most satisfactory. The sizes are full length (of leg), three quarters, half or knee hose, knee caps, and anklets. Unusual sizes made to order. Also,

JSlnstic and Spring Abdominal Supporters , Shoulder JBraces, Suspensory

Sandages, Apparatus for Wenh Ankles, Jittw-Legs, Club-Feet, Etc.

Also, Crutches of various and most improved hinds; Syringes, Jtub-

ber TJrinals, to wear on the person day or night, for Males and

Females; Galvanic Batteries, Bearing Trwinpets, A.uricals

and Conversation Tubes for the Deaf.

Together with many articles for the use of the SICK and INVALIDS. Also, the largest and best assortment of

Atomizers and Nasal Douche,

To be found in the United states. A GOLD MEDAL has lately been awarded us by the Middlesex Mechanics Association, as will be seen from the following report, signed by a leading Kew England Surgeon and Physician:

"1503. CoDJiAN & SnuRTLEFF, Boston, Mass. Oije Case Surgical Instruments and Atomizers.

'The Committee have no hesitation in awarding for this sui)erb exhibition the highest premium. * * * The various other instruments for inhalation of atomized liquids, and ' for Local An.TDSthesia, were all apparently faultless, both in design and workmansliip. The exliibitors are regarded as more especially deserving of the highest token of merit for having produced nothing except their own manufacture. GOLD MEDAL. (Signed), OILMAN KIMBALL, M. D., Chairman."

Liberal Discoiant to tlie Trade.







Cut above represents regular Soiler Feed Pump, Kos, 3 and 4. Showing New Patent Valve Motion, and Hand Power liEVER Attached and



MINING PUMPh (both Double Acting, Plunger, and Piston Patterns), which we

guarantee to run absolutely without shock or jar, on Pump or Pipes, on any lift

from 100 to 1000 feet, at a single lift, a specialty.

Prices aa Iiovt' as any, and TVorknianship and material altogether the B£»$T.





14 and 16 Federal Street, \ and 113 Congress Street, )

92 and 04 liberty Street,





184 & 188 ^T^ ^\.^^^JiO^ ,^ 23&25



Between State Street and Dock Square, BOSTO]Sr.








23 & 25 Commercial Street, opposite Quincy Market, BOSTON.

Francis Rodman.

W. C. Swift.


And Manufacturers of Patent Worked GUTTERS, CONDUCTORS, and JUOLD- I\OS, Wholesale and Retail Kiln-Dried Hard IHne and Sprttce Flooring

constantly on hand. Orders for DRESSED LUMBER filled at short notice.

niilla at IVeponset, Ward 16. Wharrea, IVo. 470 Albany St., foot of Union Park J9t., and at IVeponaet.

Orders received at No. 35 Congress Street, Room 36, BOSTON.


DEfflsof s Patent Shippinb

They are the Cheapest Reliable TAGS in use.







For Dry Goods, Cloths, Clothing', Hardware, Fancy Goods, Jewelry, etc.



Laivyers' and Notarial Seals, Fancy Tickets, etc,






r 19 milk St., Boston, I iiOti Broadway, IVov Vork, J ISO Mouth Clark i!^t., Cbicagro, "S 63>J Chestnut Mt., Philadelphia, !■ 1 4ih & Vine Streets, Cincinnati, f \ no Pine Street, St. liouis.



Manufacturers and Dealers in



220 DeTOisMre Street, aflil 113 FraiUii Street,






i^ffllMi 1 3fe#Q' Nm,

ca eosToH' f?





Tripe, Sausages, Pigs' Feet.


eix:tk.a. l^ie^id oil

21, 23, and 25 Faneuil Hall Market,




John P. Squire,

G. W. Squire,

F. O. Squire.

Slanghtcring ami Curing Ealablishment, Gore St., East Cambridge. RETAIL MARKET, OPPOSITE IVORKS.



C. F. A17STIM & CO.,


' s.,:coMMERCl^L■&"^■ B 0 ST ON^




Superior Pilot Bread, Family Pilot Bread, A. Pilot Bread'

B. Pilot Bread, Navy Bread, Soda Biscuit, Wine Biscuit,

Milk Biscuit, Cream Biscuit, Eg-g- Biscuit, Boston

Crackers, Butter Crackers, Water Crackers, Pic

Nic Crackers, Hard and Soft Crackers, Sugar

Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Graham Crackers.


The above articles are kept constantly on hand for sale, made from carefully-selected Flour, and baked in the most thorough manner; put up in casks, barrels, half-barrels, boxes, tins, or other suitable packages for Shipment or Stores.

Orders Promptly Executed.



lassacliiisetts Mitial lasurance Co.,

39 Court Street, Room No. I BOSTON.

ASSETS, $450,000.

Insurance of Dwellings and Household Furniture only





Wire Workers and Weavers,


Sparker Cloths, Patent Barrel Coal Sieves,

Rat Traps, Corn Poppers, and every description of IrVire Vl^ork made

to order.



Wholesale Dealers in


Dressed Hogs, Pigs' Feet, Tripe, Sausages, Satisage Skins, &c. Also, Manufacturers of Extra Lard Oil and Animal Fertilizer.

Stalls, Nos. 27 and 29 Faneuil Hall Market,

store, Nos. 33 and 34 North Market Street,

LuMAN E. CoNANT. ) 'SS' '^ny (^ m. ^^ V 11 m

Slaughtering and Curing Establishment, Medford St., Somerville.




S^=Particular Attention Paid to COLOR WORK.=^


Seines, Weirs, and Netting,

Of every description, constantly on hand, or made to order in the best manner, at short no- tice, and for sale




Of all kinds, by

H. & G. W. LORD,








ISTo. 45 "^^^est Street,



(Sticcessovs to JOSEPH SARGEXT),

Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

Cook and Cabin Stoves and Funnel.

Also, a General Assortment of



42 k 44 Clinton Street, BOSTON.

Copper Pumps, Coppf r, Britannia, Sheet Iron, Planished, Japanned, and Plain Tin Ware, Sauce Pans, Scouse Kettles, Cooks' Ladles, Forks, Spoons, and every article of Cooking Apparatus used on board vessels, constantly on hand, or made to order with the shortest possible notice.

Geo. W. Sargent, Geo. A. Wild, J. Warren Sargent.

Fire & Marine Ins.

o o ]va: -A. KT "S-,

Olllce, 38 State St., corner of Excliaiige Street,

inrsuRS ON mariivb risks.



JJ?" jL JCm. jSm JtrS. JL 59 jEsL S59 ^


CA.PITA.1L. ^300,000.

j%.©BET© over $700,000.




No. 59 Stat<i street, . . BOSTON.






Dwellings and Furniture Insured for one, three and

five years.

SAMUEL GOULD, President.




62 State Street, . . BOSTON.

This Company, with a Permanent Fund of $350,000, continues to wiite

AT CTTJtnENT RATES, Dwelling Houses and Furniture insured for one to fire years.

Oeo. C. Lord, tToJm S. Farlotv, Osborn Hotves,

J. W, Seaver, Frederick Nicherson, Henry Gardner,

JV. G. Chapiu, Alden Speare, E, H. Salter, Jr.,

Thomas Nicherson, Hartley Lord, Daniel S. Emery ,

Henry Hastings, Charles Carruth, Alpheus H. Hardy,

W. B. Sewall, Isaac Taylor, It. W. Lord,

Francis F, Emery, Edward Sands.

GEORGE C. LORD, President. A. PRESSON, Jr., Secretary.

Fire & Marine Insurance Co.


This Company, with a paid up Casli Capital of $300,000, ia now prepared to

insure against


George F. Osborne, Isaac Thacher, Charles J. Morrill,

Caleb A, Curtis. Edward Page, Wtn. Endicott, Jr.,

Benj. Sewall, Chas. Homer, Caleb Wm. Loring,

Aaron Hobart, Jr., George A, Meyer.

GEO. F. OSBORNE, President. EUGENE B. HINKLEY, Secretary.



Chimney TOPS,

Etc., Etc., >^^P^ Etc., Etc.




Of the Best Quality



Made to order,




We have been awarded THREE MEDALS and TWO DIPLOMAS, for the best wares in New England. We war- rant all our Goods to be iMrERvious to and INDESTRUCTIULE by the most powerful Acids and (iases.


Office and Depot, 400 Federal St., I DnCTnM mTTcC Down Town Office, 50 Kilby St., ) DUO I Ull, ITIAOO.

GEO. C. DUNNE, Gen'l Agent.


Stone Ware, Flower Pots, Sole Tile, <S;c.



Newcastle, Dry & Scotch Glass-Cutters' Stones,


Machinists, Farmers, Cutlers & Carpenters.


Also, Nova Scotia Freestone, for lUiildinff Purposes.

Corner of Atlantic Avenue and Lewis Wliarf, BOSTON.

I^^A largo assortment, rough and finisheil, constantly on Imn.l. Stont-s lut to urdcr.^j^


Watch Case Manufacturers,

Engine Turners, and. Jobbers,


LTp-stairs, a few doors from Washington Street.

Especial attention given to Watch Case Repairing, Springing, Re-Engine Turning,

Engraving, Polishing, etc. Jewelry, Silver Ware, Dyes, etc.. Engine Turned.

Particular attention given to orders from Expresses.


Dealer in

llo|iie?tic & l^apcy

I Hosiery i Gloves.


in Ijineu Goods can always be found tvith us, at

103 Purchase Street,



Office over Merchants National Bank, North Water St.


President, S. H. HOWE, of Bolton, Mass.

Treasurer and Secretary, LAWRENCE GRIN NELL. Cashier, HERBERT INGALLS,

Office 17 U. S, Hotel ItlocJe, Boston.

Manager, H. A. BLOOD, of FItchburg.

Superintendent, WARREN LADD, of New Bedford. General Freight Agent, S. A. WEBBER, of Fitchburg. Freight Agent, I. N. MARSHALL, of New Bedford.

utE'h & hSii, RML ESTATE A&EHT^, 226 (OIJ No. 80 ) Wasliinitoii ^i, &mi^,

utirn of Notes andMorlpiges. Particular attention paid to Care of Ileal Estate and CoUectlo : of Rents.




c=ra ■|=S







&*" cv:j(

c;oe6EsiiAi«i< CO.,


<v* sji* ^;- AND


IL W. COGGESlliLV, Coroiie\ ^^^-^' Nos. 20 & .;?2 VVil/iam Street,


School Street,



"! ^

Manufacturer and Jiealer in




* jU

Heirses, Sleighs, Ham jsses. Robes, &c.

At his Manufactory and Repository,



Oir.,ES ti. BARKE:R, Superintendent.


E. HOWARD & ':0.,

riAlSUFAr ■! ilKKR OF I fOprieiofS.


O F F* I C E ® :

. . i Tre ^c Street, Studio BuiHjng, B?FTON.

EAGE: & TOWER'S OILED CLOTHING. Warranted not to ttick.