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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


John Brennan
Director of the CIA
CSPAN 03/11/2014
Brennan: As far as the allegations of you know, CIA hacking into senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth. We wouldn't do that. I mean that's, that is just beyond the, scope of reason in terms of what we would do.
John Brennan
Director of the CIA
CSPAN 03/11/2014
Mitchell: She (Feinstein) says that there are potentially illegal and unconstitutional breaches by CIA. Brennan: Well there are appropriate authorities right now both inside of CIA as well as outside of CIA – Mitchell: Justice Department. Brennan: are looking at what CIA officers as well as SSCI staff members did. And I defer to them to determine whether or not there was any violation of law or principle. And I referred the matter myself to the CIA inspector general to make sure that he was able to look honestly and objective at what CIA did there. When the facts come out on this I think a lot of people who are claiming that there has been this tremendous, sort of spying and monitoring and hacking will be proved wrong.
John Brennan
Director of the CIA
CSPAN 03/11/2014
Mitchell: You said in your confirmation hearing you wanted to restore the trust between CIA and the overseers in the senate. This is a pretty major gulf. If it is proved that, that the CIA did do this, would you feel that you had to step down? Brennan: I am confident that the authorities will review this appropriately and I will deal with the facts as uncovered in the appropriate manner. I would just encourage some members of the senate to take their time to make sure that they don't overstate what they claim and what they probably believe to be the truth.
John Brennan
Director of the CIA
CSPAN 03/11/2014
Brennan: These are some complicated matters. we have worked with the committee over the course of many years. This review that was done by the committee was done at a facility where CIA had responsibility to make sure that they had the computer where with all in order to carry out their responsibilities. And so if there was any inappropriate actions that were taken related to that review either by CIA or by the SSCI staff I will be the first one to say that we need to get to the bottom of this. And if I did something wrong I will go to the President and I will explain to him exactly what I did and what the findings were and he is the one who can ask me to stay or to go.
Edward Snowden
MSNBCW 03/11/2014
Farrow: (Edward Snowden's latest comments which are just coming in) right after Senator Feinstein's statements. He weighed in saying, quote (Snowden): “It's equally if not more concerning that we're seeing another Merkel effect where an elected official does not care at all that the rights of millions of ordinary citizens are violated by our spies but suddenly it's a scandal when a politician finds out the same thing is happening to them” Farrow: Quite the allegation.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 03/11/2014
Feinstein: on December 6, 2007, a
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 03/11/2014
Feinstein: Director Hayden briefed the Senate Intelligence Committee. He assured us that this was not destruction of evidence as detailed records of the interrogations existed on paper in the form of C.I.A. operational cables describing the detention conditions and the day-to-day C.I.A. interrogations. The C.I.A. Director stated that these cables were -- quote --
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 03/11/2014
Feinstein: The resulting staff report was chilling. the interrogations and the conditions of confinement at the C.I.A. detention sites were far different and far more harsh than the way the C.I.A. had described them to us. as a result of the staff's initial report, I proposed and then Vice Chairman Bond agreed and the committee overwhelmingly approved that the committee conduct an expansive and full review of the C.I.A.'s detention and interrogation program. On march 5, 2009, the committee voted 14-1 to initiate a comprehensive review of the C.I.A. detention and interrogation program.
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 03/11/2014
Feinstein:(in 2009, then-Vice Chairman Bond, then-Director Panetta, and I agreed in an exchange of letters that) the C.I.A. was to provide a -- quote --
Dianne Feinstein
U.S. Senator (D-CA), Chairman of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 03/11/2014
Feinstein: The C.I.A. started making documents available electronically to the committee staff at the C.I.A. leased facility in mid 2009. The number of pages ran quickly to the thousands, tens of thousands, the hundreds of thousands, and then into the millions. The documents that were provided came without any index, without any organizational structure. It was a true document dump that our committee staff had to go through and make sense of.
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