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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
CSPAN2 06/30/2013
The Executive branch simply hasn't shown anything close to an adequate justification for this massive dragnet surveillance that has compromised the civil liberties of millions of Americans. I'm not sure they ever could but I'm confident that I haven't seen it as yet.
Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
MSNBCW 06/30/2013
Senators and house members, regardless of political philosophy, are seeing that the FISA court process is one of the most one-sided approaches in American government. I know of no other court that doesn't have some kind of adversarial discussion where there are two points of view.
Ron Wyden
U.S. Senator (D-Oregon), Member of Select Committee on Intelligence
MSNBCW 06/30/2013
Also we had a big development last Friday when General Clapper, the head of the intelligence agencies admitted that the community had violated these court orders on bulk phone record collection and I'll tell your viewers that those violations are significantly more troubling than the government has stated.
James Clapper
Director of National Intelligence
MSNBCW 07/03/2013
Mitchell: Can you explain what you meant when you said there was not data collection on millions of Americans? Clapper: well, the -- first, as I said, I have great respect for senator Wyden. I thought in retrospect, I was asked when are you going to stop beating your wife kind of question, which is meaning not answerable necessarily by a simple yes or no. So I responded in what I thought was the most truthful or least untruthful manner by saying no.
Barack Obama
CSPAN 07/07/2013
With respect to the internet and e-mails, this does not apply to US citizens and it does not apply to people living in the United States. And again, in this instance, not only is Congress fully apprised of it but what is also true, the FISA court has to authorize it.”
Glenn Greenwald
Reporter for The Guardian
MSNBCW 07/12/2013
The Silicon Valley companies have continuously said they only do the bare minimum the law requires to work with the NSA. This shows constant collaboration and collusion on the part of Microsoft to build systems to allow all sorts of access to Skype, Outlook, these cloud systems way beyond what the law requires. The idea that they need a warrant in each individual case is untrue. They only need a warrant when they're targeting American citizens. Not when they're -- scooping up communications including ones involving Americans.
Carl Levin
Senator D-Michigan, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services
CSPAN2 07/16/2013
Reporter Anna: Senator, James Clapper has been accused of lying to congress in his testimony. do you feel he's been held suitably accountable? Levin: that he's been Reporter Anna: held suitably accountable to lying to congress? Levin: I'm troubled by that testimony, obviously, and I don't know how he's tried to wiggle out from it. But I'm troubled by it, so how do you, how do you hold him accountable? I guess the only way to do that would be for the president to somehow or other fire him. and I, I think he's made it clear that he regrets saying what he said, and I don't want to call on the president to fire him, although I'm troubled by it, so I’ll leave it at that.
Carl Levin
Senator D-Michigan, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services
CSPAN2 07/16/2013
Levin: This technology has a greater potential to invade our privacy. Period. they can't look at the substance of my conversations, but they can find out a heck of a lot about me by what phone calls i make. and that capability that technology is something which we all have to think through because there's pluses to it in terms of catching bad guys, and there's some minuses to it in terms of abuses. J. Edgar Hoover, if this technology were in the hands of J. Edgar Hoover, would I feel comfortable? no. but on the other hand, I wasn't comfortable with J. Edgar Hoover with his technology. laugh after -- [laughter]
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, D-Michigan, Judiciary Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Conyers: But I maintain that the fourth amendment to be free from unreasonable search and seizure means that this metadata collected in such a super aggregated fashion can result in a fourth amendment violation before you do anything (else)
John Conyers
U.S. Representative, Judiciary Ranking Member
CSPAN 07/17/2013
Conyers: You've already violated the law as far as I am concerned. That is in my view the problem. Why didn't we just tell everybody about it is because the American people would be totally outraged as they are getting now as they become familiar (with this)
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