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Curated research library of TV news clips regarding the NSA, its oversight and privacy issues, 2009-2014

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Primary curation & research: Robin Chin, Internet Archive TV News Researcher; using Internet Archive TV News service.


Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama: So I'm tasking this independent group to step back and review our capabilities, particularly our surveillance technologies and they’ll consider how we can maintain the trust of the people, how we can make sure that there is absolutely no abuse in terms of how these surveillance technologies are used. Ask how surveillance impacts our foreign-policy particularly in an age when more and more information is becoming public, and they will provide an interim report in 60 days and a final report by the end of this year so we can move forward
Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama: with a better understanding of how these programs impact our security, our privacy, and our foreign- policy. All these steps are designed to ensure that the American people can trust that our efforts are in line with our interests and our values. And to others around the world, i want to make clear once again that America is not interested in spying on ordinary people. Our intelligence is focused above all on finding the information necessary to protect our people and, in many cases, detect our allies.
Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama: Let me close with one additional thought. The men and women of our intelligence community work every single day to keep us safe because they love this country and believe in our values. They are patriots. And i believe that those who have lawfully raised their voices on the behalf of privacy and civil liberties are also patriots who love our country and want to live up to our highest ideals. so this is how we will resolve our differences in the united states, through vigorous public debate,
Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama: No, i don't think Mr.. Snowden was a patriot. As i said in my opening remarks, i called for a thorough review of our surveillance operations before Mr.. Snowden made these leaks. My preference and I think the American people's preference -- would have been for a lawful, orderly examination of these laws. A thoughtful
Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama continued: fact-based debate that would then lead us to a better place. Because i never made claims that all the surveillance technologies that have developed since the time some of these laws had been put in place somehow didn't require potentially some additional reforms. That is exactly what i called for.
Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama: So the fact is Mr.. Snowden has been charged with three felonies. If in fact he believes that what he did was right, then like every American citizen, he can come here and appear before the court with a lawyer and make his case. If the concern was that somehow this was the only way to get this information out to the public, i signed
Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama continued: an executive order well before Mr.. Snowden leaked this information that provided whistleblower protection to the intelligence community for the first time. So there were other avenues available for someone whose conscience was stirred and thought that they needed to question government actions. But having said that, once the leaks have happened, what we’ve seen is information come out in drips and in drags,
Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama: a general impression has taken hold not only among the American public, but also around the world, that somehow we are out there willy- nilly just sucking in information on everybody and doing what we please with it. Now that’s not the case our laws specifically prohibit us from surveilling US persons without a warrant and there are a whole range of safeguards that are put in place to make sure that that basic principle is abided by
Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama: instinctive bias but intelligence community to keep everything close. And probably, what’s a fair criticism, is my assumption that, if we had checks and balances from the courts and Congress, that that traditional system of checks balances would be enough to give people assurances that these programs will run properly. That assumption i think proved to be undermined
Barack Obama
CSPAN 08/09/2013
Pres. Obama: i think it is important for us to go ahead and answer these questions. What i will be pushing the IC to do is, rather than have a trunk come out here and a leg come out here and a tale come out there, let's just put the whole elephant out there so people know exactly what they are looking at. Let's examine what is working, what is not. Are there additional protections that can be put in place and let’s move forward.
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